Export Convio Group Members

Export Convio Group Members 1. From the Data Management menu, click Reports. 2. Click the Create a New Report button. 3. Step 1, Select Report Type. In the Report Selection box, select Constituent. The Center Members report will be the only one available. Click Next to continue. 4. Step 2, Select Columns. The default columns are Last Name, First Name, Accept Email, and Email. Check the box next to any additional columns you would like to include. (You may wish to include the Hard Bounce column, for example). Then, click Next to continue. 5. Step 3, Order and Rename Columns. If desired, drag and drop column names to change the order, and/or click the rename link to change the name of a column. Then, click Next to continue. 6. Step 4, Select Sort Order. Use the drop‐down menus to select the sort order for your report. For example, you can choose to sort by Last Name in Descending order. 7. Step 5, Configure Filters. a. Click the Edit button next to the first filter, Security Category ID is any of the following. b. Click the more link next to Security Category ID is any of the following. c. Check the box next to your center, e.g., UW Medicine, then click Apply, and then click Save this filter. d. Click the Create filter button. e. On the Additional Information menu, select Groups. f.
Click the more button next to Group Membership is any of the following. g. Check the box next to any groups you wish to include in your report, and then click Apply. To add or remove any groups after clicking Apply, click the more button again. h. Click Add this filter. To add or remove any groups after clicking Add this filter, click the Edit button next to the list of groups. i.
Click Next to continue. 8. Step 6, Identify Report. Enter a name for your report, and then click Next. 9. Step 7, Run Report. To run the report immediately, click Run Report. On the left‐ hand navigation, click Step e, Review Criteria Summary, and then click Run Report. The report will be queued for processing. You will have to refresh the page to update the status, or you can request an email when the report is ready. 10. Once the report has processed, you can view, download, edit, or save the report. Advancement Training Services advhelp@uw.edu 1 Last updated 7/21/2014 