COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES MATHIEU SINN∗ AND KARSTEN KELLER† Abstract. For a zero-mean Gaussian process, the covariances of zero crossings can be expressed as the sum of quadrivariate normal orthant probabilities. In this paper, we demonstrate the evaluation of zero crossing covariances using one-dimensional integrals. Furthermore, we provide asymptotics of zero crossing covariances for large time lags and derive bounds and approximations. Based on these results, we analyze the variance of the empirical zero crossing rate. We illustrate the applications of our results by autoregressive (AR), fractional Gaussian noise and fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average (FARIMA) processes. Key words. zero crossing, binary time series, quadrivariate normal orthant probability, AR(1) process, fractional Gaussian noise, FARIMA(0,d,0) process 1. Introduction. Indicators of zero crossings are widely applied in various fields of engineering and natural science, such as the analysis of vibrations, the detection of signals in presence of noise and the modelling of binary time series. A large number of literature has been contributed to the studies of zero crossing analysis. Dating back to the 1940es, telephony engineers found that replacing the original speech signal with rectangular waves having the same zero crossings retained high intelligibility [5]. Since the beginning of digital processing of speech signals, empirical rates of zero crossings have been used for the detection of pitch frequencies and to distinguish voiced and unvoiced intervals [11, 19]. For a discrete-time stationary Gaussian process or a sampled random sinusoid, the zero crossing rate is related to the first-order autocorrelation and to the dominant spectral frequency. Kedem [14] has developed estimators for autocorrelations and spectral frequencies by higher order zero crossings and shows diverse applications. Ho and Sun [12] have proved that the empirical zero crossing rate is asymptotically normally distributed if the autocorrelations of the Gaussian process decay faster than 1 k − 2 . Coeurjolly [7] has proposed to use zero crossings to estimate the Hurst parameter in fractional Gaussian noise, which generally can be applied to the estimation of monotonic functionals of the first-order autocorrelation. Coeurjolly’s estimator has been used to the analysis of hydrological time series [16] and atmospheric turbulence data [20]. Up to now, no closed-form expression is known for the variance of the empirical zero crossing rate. Basically, covariances of zero crossings are sums and products of four-dimensional normal orthant probabilities which can be evaluated only numerically in general. Abrahamson [1] derives an expression involving two-dimensional integrals for the special case of orthoscheme probabilities and gives a representation of any four-dimensional normal orthant probability as the linear combinations of six orthoscheme probabilities. For some simpler correlation structure, Cheng [6] proposes expressions involving the dilogarithm function. Kedem [14], Damsleth and El-Shaarawi [9] introduce approximations for processes with short memory. Most recent approaches apply Monte Carlo sampling for four dimensions and higher (see [8] for an overview). ∗ Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Mathematik, Wallstr. 40, D-23560 Lübeck, Germany ( † Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Mathematik, Wallstr. 40, D-23560 Lübeck, Germany ( 1 2 M. SINN AND K. KELLER In this paper, we propose a simple formula for the exact numerical evaluation of zero crossing covariances and derive their asymptotics, bounds and approximations. The results are obtained by analyzing partial derivatives of four-dimensional orthant probabilities with respect to correlation coefficients. In Theorem 3.4, we give a representation of zero crossing covariances and four-dimensional normal orthant probabilities by the sum of four one-dimensional integrals. By a Taylor expansion, we derive Theorem 4.1, which gives asymptotics of zero crossing covariances for large time lags. In particular, when the autocorrelation function of the underlying process decreases to 0 with the same order of magnitude as a function f (k), the zero crossing covariances decrease to 0 with the same order of magnitude as (f (k))2 . Theorem 5.3 states sufficient conditions on the autocorrelation structure of the underlying process to obtain lower and upper bounds by setting equal certain correlation coefficients in the orthant probabilities. Approximations of these expressions given by Theorem 5.5. In Theorem 6.1 we establish asymptotics of the variance of the empirical zero crossing rate. Furthermore, we discuss how the previous results can be used for a numerical evaluation of the variance. In Section 7, we apply the results to zero crossings in AR(1) processes, fractional Gaussian noise and FARIMA(0,d,0) models. 2. Preliminaries. Let Y = (Yk )k∈Z be a stationary and non-degenerate zeromean Gaussian process on some probability space (Ω, A, P) with autocorrelations ρk = Corr(Y0 , Yk ) for k ∈ Z. For k ∈ Z, let Ck := 1{Yk >0,Yk+1 <0} + 1{Yk <0,Yk+1 >0} be the indicator of a zero crossing at time k. Since Y is stationary, P(Ck = 1) is Pn constant in k, and the empirical zero crossing rate ĉn := n1 k=1 Ck is an unbiased estimator of P(C1 = 1), that is, E(ĉn ) = P(C0 = 1) for all n ∈ N. Denote the covariance of zero crossings by γk := Cov(C0 , Ck ) for k ∈ Z. The variance of ĉn is given by n−1 X 1 Var(ĉn ) = 2 n γ0 + 2 (n − k) γk . n (2.1) k=1 This paper investigates the evaluation of γ0 , γ1 , γ2 , . . . . Next, we give closed-form expressions for γ0 and γ1 based on well-known formulas for the evaluation of bi- and trivariate normal orthant probabilities. 2.1. Orthant probabilities. For a non-singular strictly positive definite and symmetric matrix Σ ∈ Rn×n with n ∈ N, let φ(Σ, ·) denote the Lebesgue density of the n-dimensional normal distribution with zero means and the covariance matrix Σ, that is − 1 1 φ(Σ, x) = (2π)n |Σ| 2 exp{− xT Σ−1 x} 2 for x ∈ Rn , where |Σ| denotes the determinant of Σ. The n-dimensional normal orthant probability with respect to Σ is given by Z Φ(Σ) := φ(Σ, x) dx. [0,∞)n 3 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES If Z = (Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zn ) is a non-degenerate zero-mean Gaussian random vector and Σ = Cov(Z) = (Cov(Zi , Zj ))ni,j=1 is the covariance matrix of Z, then P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0, . . . , Zn > 0) = Φ(Σ). √ √ √ Furthermore, if a1 , a2 , . . . , an > 0 and A = diag( a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is the n × n √ √ √ diagonal matrix with entries a1 , a2 , . . . , an on the main diagonal, then A Σ A √ √ √ is the covariance matrix of A Z = ( a1 Z1 , a2 Z2 , . . . , an Zn ). Consequently, Φ(A Σ A) = Φ(Σ). By choosing a1 = a2 = . . . = an = a and ai = Var(Zi ) for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, respectively, we obtain Φ(Σ) = Φ(a · Σ) and Φ(Corr(Z)) = Φ(Cov(Z)). (2.2) The following closed-form expressions for two- and three-dimensional normal orthant probabilities are well-known (see, e.g., [2]). Lemma 2.1. Let (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ) be a zero-mean non-degenerate Gaussian random vector and ρij = Corr(Zi , Zj ) for i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Then 1 1 + arcsin ρ12 , 4 2π 1 1 1 1 P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0, Z3 > 0) = + arcsin ρ12 + arcsin ρ13 + arcsin ρ23 . 8 4π 4π 4π P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0) = Lemma 2.1 allows to derive a closed-form expression for the probability of a change, namely, P(C0 = 1) = 1 − P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0) − P(Y0 < 0, Y1 < 0) 1 1 = − arcsin ρ1 . 2 π (2.3) Furthermore, γ0 = P(C0 = 1) (1 − P(C0 = 1)) = (1 − 2 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0)) 2 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0) 1 1 = − 2 (arcsin ρ1 )2 4 π (2.4) and γ1 = P(C0 = 1, C1 = 1) − (P(C0 = 1))2 = 2 P(Y0 > 0, −Y1 > 0, Y2 > 0) − (1 − 2 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0))2 1 1 arcsin ρ2 − 2 (arcsin ρ1 )2 . = 2π π (2.5) If k > 1, then γk can be expressed as the sum and product, respectively, of bi- and quadrivariate normal orthant probabilities, γk = Cov(1 − C0 , 1 − Ck ) = 2 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0, Yk > 0, Yk+1 > 0) + 2 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0, −Yk > 0, −Yk+1 > 0) − 4 P(Y0 > 0, Y1 > 0) P(Yk > 0, Yk+1 > 0). (2.6) Note that, in general, no closed-form expression is available for normal orthant probabilities of dimension n ≥ 4. 4 M. SINN AND K. KELLER 2.2. Context of the investigations. We consider the problem of evaluating γk for k > 1 in a more general context. For this, let R denote the set of r = 6 (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ [−1, 1] such that the matrix 1 r 1 r 2 r3 r 1 1 r 4 r5 Σ(r) := r 2 r 4 1 r6 r3 r5 r6 1 is strictly positive definite, that is, xT Σ(r) x > 0 for x ∈ R4 \ {0}. Note that Σ(R) is the set of 4 × 4-correlation matrices of non-degenerate Gaussian random vectors, and r ∈ R implies that all components of r lie within (−1, 1). For h ∈ [−1, 1] consider the diagonal matrix Ih := diag(1, h, h, h, h, 1). If r, s ∈ R, then xT Σ(h · r + (1 − h) · s) x = h xT Σ(r) x + (1 − h) xT Σ(s) x > 0 for all x ∈ R4 \ {0} and h ∈ [0, 1], in other words, R is convex. Furthermore, r ∈ R implies I−1 r ∈ R. This can be seen as follows: If r ∈ R, then there exists a zero-mean nondegenerate Gaussian random vector Z = (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 ) such that Cov(Z) = Σ(r). Since Z0 = (Z10 , Z20 , Z30 , Z40 ) := (Z1 , Z2 , −Z3 , −Z4 ) is also non-degenerate Gaussian, the matrix Cov(Z0 ) = Σ(I−1 r) is strictly positive definite, too, and hence I−1 r ∈ R. Now, since I1 r = r and Ih r = 1−h 1+h I1 r + I−1 r 2 2 for all r ∈ R and h ∈ [−1, 1], the convexity of R implies that Ih r ∈ R for all r ∈ R and h ∈ [−1, 1], a fact we will repeatedly use in the rest of the paper. For r ∈ R, write Φ(r) = Φ(Σ(r)), and define Ψ(r) := 2 Φ(r) + 2 Φ(I−1 r) − 4 Φ(I0 r). (2.7) Note that if Z = (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 ) is a zero-mean non-degenerate Gaussian random vector with covariance matrix Cov(Z) = Σ(r), then Ψ(r) = 2 P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0, Z3 > 0, Z4 > 0) + 2 P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0, −Z3 > 0, −Z4 > 0) − 4 P(Z1 > 0, Z2 > 0) P(Z3 > 0, Z4 > 0). Thus, according to (2.6), γk = Ψ(ρ1 , ρk , ρk+1 , ρk−1 , ρk , ρ1 ) (2.8) for k > 1. The evaluation of Φ and Ψ is the main concern of this paper. In Sec. 3 and Sec. 4, we consider the general problem to evaluate Φ(r) and Ψ(r) for arbitrary r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R. In Sec. 5, we focus on the special case where r1 = r6 and r2 = r5 . 5 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 3. Numerical evaluation. The following lemma establishes basic equations and closed-form expressions for Φ and Ψ in some special cases. Lemma 3.1. For every r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R, Ψ(r) = Ψ(I−1 r) = Ψ(−r1 , −r2 , r3 , r4 , −r5 , −r6 ) = Ψ(−r1 , r2 , −r3 , −r4 , r5 , −r6 ). If r2 = r3 = r4 = r5 = 0, then Ψ(r) = 0 and 1 1 1 1 Φ(r) = + arcsin r1 + arcsin r6 . 4 2π 4 2π (3.1) Proof. The first equation follows by the definition of Ψ and I0 I−1 = I0 . Now, let Z = (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 ) be zero-mean Gaussian with Cov(Z) = Σ(r). Define Z0 = (Z10 , Z20 , Z30 , Z40 ) := (Z1 , −Z2 , −Z3 , Z4 ) and r0 := (−r1 , −r2 , r3 , r4 , −r5 , −r6 ). Since Cov(Z0 ) = Σ(r0 ), the second equation follows because Ψ(r) = Cov(1{Z1 >0,Z2 >0} + 1{Z1 <0,Z2 <0} , 1{Z3 >0,Z4 >0} + 1{Z3 <0,Z4 <0} ) = Cov(1{Z1 >0,−Z2 <0} + 1{Z1 <0,−Z2 >0} , 1{Z3 >0,−Z4 <0} + 1{Z3 <0,−Z4 >0} ) = Ψ(r0 ) , Applying Ψ(r) = Ψ(I−1 r) to r = (−r1 , −r2 , r3 , r4 , −r5 , −r6 ) yields the third equation. Now, assume r2 = r3 = r4 = r5 = 0. Since r = I−1 r = I0 r, we obtain Ψ(r) = 0. Furthermore, if Z = (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 ) is zero-mean non-degenerate Gaussian with Cov(Z) = Σ(r), then (Z1 , Z2 ) and (Z3 , Z4 ) are independent. Thus, (3.1) follows from Lemma 2.1. Note that bounds for Ψ(r) can be obtained by the Berman-inequality, namely, |Ψ(r)| ≤ 5 2 X |rk | √ . π 1 − rk k=2 (see [17]). In the remaining part of this section, we show how to compute Ψ(r) and Φ(r) for any r ∈ R by the numerical evaluation of four one-dimensional integrals. According to a formula first given by David [10], this also allows to evaluate normal orthant probabilities of dimension n = 5. Next, we derive explicit formulas for the partial derivatives of Φ and Ψ with respect to r2 , r3 , r4 and r5 . 0 3.1. Partial derivatives. For r ∈ R and i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, let σij (r) denote −1 the (i, j)-th component of the inverse (Σ(r)) of Σ(r). It is well-known that the inverse and any principal submatrix of a symmetric strictly positive definite matrix is symmetric and strictly positive definite (see [13]). Now, for fixed k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 6}, let {i, j} with i 6= j be the unique subset of {1, 2, 3, 4} such that rk does not lie in the i-th row and j-th column of Σ(r). Using the so-called reduction formula for normal orthant probabilities (see [18], [4]), we obtain the first partial derivative of Φ with respect to rk , 0 −1 0 ∂Φ 1 σii (r) σij (r) p (r) = Φ( ) 0 0 σij (r) σjj (r) ∂rk 2π 1 − r2 k for r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R. Note that the argument of Φ is a principal submatrix of (Σ(r))−1 and thus strictly positive definite. By the first equation in (2.2), 0 0 ∂Φ 1 σii (r) −σij (r) p (r) = Φ( ). 0 0 −σij (r) σjj (r) ∂rk 2π 1 − rk2 6 M. SINN AND K. KELLER 0 0 Now, let σij (r) = −|Σ(r)| σij (r) if i 6= j, and σij (r) = |Σ(r)| σij (r) if i = j for i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}. By the second equation in (2.2) and the formula for two-dimensional normal orthant probabilities in Lemma 2.1, 1 ∂Φ 1 p (r) = ∂r2 2π 1 − r22 4 1 ∂Φ 1 p (r) = ∂r3 2π 1 − r32 4 1 ∂Φ 1 p (r) = ∂r4 2π 1 − r42 4 1 ∂Φ 1 p (r) = ∂r5 2π 1 − r52 4 1 σ24 (r) , arcsin p 2π σ22 (r)σ44 (r) 1 σ23 (r) , + arcsin p 2π ( σ22 (r)σ33 (r) 1 σ14 (r) , + arcsin p 2π σ11 (r)σ44 (r) 1 σ13 (r) + arcsin p 2π σ11 (r)σ33 (r) + (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) (3.5) for r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R. Note that σij (r) is equal to the determinant of the matrix obtained by deleting the ith row and the jth column of Σ(r), multiplied with (−1)i+j+1 if i 6= j (see [13]). We obtain σ11 (r) = 1 − r42 − r52 − r62 + 2r4 r5 r6 , σ22 (r) = 1 − r22 − r32 − r62 + 2r2 r3 r6 , σ33 (r) = 1 − r12 − r32 − r52 + 2r1 r3 r5 , σ44 (r) = 1 − r12 − r22 − r42 + 2r1 r2 r4 , σ13 (r) = r2 − r1 r4 + r3 r4 r5 − r2 r52 − r3 r6 + r1 r5 r6 , σ14 (r) = r3 − r1 r5 + r2 r4 r5 − r3 r42 − r2 r6 + r1 r4 r6 , σ23 (r) = r4 − r1 r2 + r2 r3 r5 − r4 r32 − r5 r6 + r1 r3 r6 , σ24 (r) = r5 − r1 r3 + r2 r3 r4 − r5 r22 − r4 r6 + r1 r2 r6 . (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) (3.10) (3.11) (3.12) (3.13) The following Corollary is an immediate consequence of (3.2)-(3.5) and (3.6)(3.13). Corollary 3.2. For every r ∈ R, the partial derivatives of Φ of any order exist and are continuous at r. The next Lemma gives the partial derivatives of Ψ with respect to ri for i = 2, 3, 4, 5. For r ∈ R, let ψi (r) := ∂Ψ (r). ∂ri Lemma 3.3. For every r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R, 1 p 1 − r22 1 ψ3 (r) = p π 2 1 − r32 1 ψ4 (r) = p 2 π 1 − r42 1 ψ5 (r) = p 2 π 1 − r52 ψ2 (r) = π2 σ24 (r) arcsin p , σ22 (r)σ44 (r) σ23 (r) arcsin p , σ22 (r)σ33 (r) σ14 (r) arcsin p , σ11 (r)σ44 (r) σ13 (r) arcsin p . σ11 (r)σ33 (r) (3.14) (3.15) (3.16) (3.17) 7 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES Proof. Let i ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}. Here we denote by Ih the mapping r 7→ Ih r from R onto itself. By the definition of Ψ, ∂Φ ∂(Φ ◦ I−1 ) ∂(Φ ◦ I0 ) (3.18) (r) + 2 (r) − 4 (r). ∂ri ∂ri ∂ri 1 1 With (3.1) we obtain (Φ ◦ I0 )(r) = 14 + 2π arcsin r1 14 + 2π arcsin r6 . Thus, r 7→ (Φ ◦ I0 )(r) is constant in ri and, consequently, the last term on the right side of (3.18) −1 is equal to 0. Furthermore, because ∂I ∂ri (r) = −1, the chain rule of differentiation yields ψi (r) = 2 ∂(Φ ◦ I−1 ) ∂Φ (r) = − (I−1 (r)). ∂ri ∂ri According to (3.6)-(3.13), σij (I−1 (r)) = σij (r) if (i, j) ∈ {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}, and σij (I−1 (r)) = −σij (r) if (i, j) ∈ {(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}. Since x 7→ arcsin x is an odd function, inserting I−1 (r) instead of r into (3.2)-(3.5) yields (3.14)-(3.17). 3.2. Integral representation. Next we state the main result of this section. Note that a similar representation of Ψ(r) as in (3.19) is used for the proof of the Berman inequality (see above). Theorem 3.4. For every r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R, Ψ(r) = 5 X Z 1 4 (3.19) ψi (Ih r) dh, 0 i=2 Φ(r) = 1 ri + 5 1 Ψ(r) 1 1 1 X arcsin ri + arcsin r1 + arcsin r6 + , 2π 4 2π 8π i=2 4 5 1 X arcsin ri . 4π i=2 Φ(r) − Φ(I−1 r) = (3.20) (3.21) Proof. Let r ∈ R. Since Ih r ∈ R for all h ∈ [0, 1], the mapping [0, 1] 3 h 7→ u(h) := Ψ(Ih r) is well-defined, being the concatenation of h 7→ Ih r and Ψ. Clearly, u(1) = Ψ(r) and, by Lemma 3.1, u(0) = 0. Since Ψ has continuous partial derivatives (see Lemma 3.3), u is differentiable at h for all h ∈ [0, 1], and hence, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the chain rule of differentiation, Z Ψ(r) = u(0) + 0 1 u0 (h) dh = Z 0 1 5 X i=2 ri Z 1 5 X ∂Ψ (Ih r) dh = ri ψi (Ih r) dh. ∂ri 0 i=2 Analogously, define v(h) := Φ(Ih r) for h ∈ [0, 1]. According to (3.2)-(3.5) and (3.14)(3.17), ∂Φ 1 ψi (r) p (r) = + 2 ∂ri 4 8π 1 − ri 8 M. SINN AND K. KELLER for i = 2, 3, 4, 5. Consequently, Z 1 5 X Z 1 ∂Φ (Ih r) dh ∂r i 0 i=2 Z 1 Z 1 5 5 1 X 1 X 1 p dh + = ri r ψi (Ih r) dh i 8π i=2 4 i=2 1 − ri2 h2 0 0 0 v (h) dh = 0 = ri 5 1 X Ψ(r) arcsin ri + . 8π i=2 4 According to (3.1), v(0) = Φ(I0 r) = 1 4 + 1 1 1 arcsin r1 + arcsin r6 , 2π 4 2π and hence (3.20) follows. (3.21) is an immediate consequence of (3.20), Lemma 3.1 and the fact that x 7→ arcsin x is an odd function. Note that for i = 2, 3, 4, 5, the mappings h 7→ ψi (Ih r) have bounded derivatives on [0, 1]. (The derivatives are easily obtained from (3.14)(3.17).) Moreover for fixed r ∈ R, upper and lower bounds can be given in a closed form which allows to evaluate the integrals in Theorem 3.4 numerically to any desired precision. 4. Asymptotically equivalent expressions. For fixed n ∈ N, let (r(k))k∈N , (s(k))k∈N be sequences of vectors in Rn with r(k) = (r1 (k), r2 (k), . . . , rn (k)) and s(k) = (s1 (k), s2 (k), . . . , sn (k)) for k ∈ N. We write r(k) ∼ s(k) and say that (r(k))k∈N and (s(k))k∈N are asymptotically equivalent iff ri (k) ∼ si (k) 0 for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}, that is, limk→∞ srii (k) (k) = 1 where 0 := 1. The following theorem relates asymptotics of special sequences in R and asymptotics of the corresponding values of Ψ. In Corollary 5.1, this result is used for deriving asymptotics of zero crossing covariances. Theorem 4.1. Let (r(k))k∈N be a sequence in R. If there exist an f : N → R with limk→∞ f (k) = 0 and an α = (α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 , α5 , α6 ) ∈ R6 with |α1 |, |α6 | < 1 such that r(k) ∼ (α1 , α2 f (k), α3 f (k), α4 f (k), α5 f (k), α6 ), then Ψ(r(k)) ∼ (f (k))2 q(α) p + O (f (k))4 , 2 2 2 2π (1 − α1 )(1 − α6 ) P5 where q(α) = α1 α6 i=2 αi2 −2α1 (α2 α3 +α4 α5 )−2α6 (α2 α4 +α3 α5 )+2(α2 α5 +α3 α4 ). Proof. Let r(k) = (r1 (k), r2 (k), r3 (k), r4 (k), r5 (k), r6 (k)) for k ∈ N. According to Corollary 3.2, Taylor’s Theorem asserts for each k ∈ N the existence of h1 (k) ∈ [0, 1] 9 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES and h2 (k) ∈ [−1, 0] such that 5 X 5 ∂Φ 1 X ∂2Φ Φ(r(k)) = Φ(I0 r(k)) + ri (k) (I0 r(k)) + ri (k)rj (k) (I0 r(k)) ∂ri 2 i,j=2 ∂ri ∂rj i=2 5 1 X ∂3Φ + ri (k)rj (k)rl (k) (I0 r(k)) 6 ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl i,j,l=2 + 1 24 5 X ri (k)rj (k)rl (k)rm (k) i,j,l,m=2 ∂4Φ (I0 + h1 (k)(I1 − I0 )) r(k) ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm and, using the fact that I0 I−1 = I0 , Φ(I−1 r(k)) = Φ(I0 r(k)) − 5 X ri (k) i=2 5 ∂Φ 1 X ∂2Φ (I0 r(k)) + ri (k)rj (k) (I0 r(k)) ∂ri 2 i,j=2 ∂ri ∂rj − 5 1 X ∂3Φ ri (k)rj (k)rl (k) (I0 r(k)) 6 ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl i,j,l=2 + 1 24 5 X ri (k)rj (k)rl (k)rm (k) i,j,l,m=2 ∂4Φ (I0 − h2 (k)(I−1 − I0 )) r(k) . ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm Since I0 + h(I1 − I0 ) = Ih and I0 + h(I−1 − I0 ) = I−h for h ∈ [0, 1], 2 Φ(r(k)) + 2 Φ(I−1 r(k)) = 4 Φ(I0 r(k)) + 2 5 X ri (k)rj (k) i,j=2 + + 1 12 1 12 5 X ri (k)rj (k)rl (k)rm (k) ∂4Φ (Ih (k) r(k)) ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm 1 ri (k)rj (k)rl (k)rm (k) ∂4Φ (Ih (k) r(k)). (4.1) ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm 2 i,j,l,m=2 5 X ∂2Φ (I0 r(k)) ∂ri ∂rj i,j,l,m=2 Under the assumptions, ri1 (k) ri2 (k) . . . rin (k) ∼ αi1 αi2 . . . αin (f (k))n for all i1 , i2 , . . . , in ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5} with n ∈ N. According to the definition of Ψ, inserting these asymptotically equivalent expressions into (4.1) yields 5 X 2 Ψ(r(k)) ∼ 2 (f (k)) i,j=2 αi αj ∂2Φ (I0 r(k)) + (f (k))4 R(k) ∂ri ∂rj (4.2) with R(k) = 1 12 5 X αi αj αl αm i,j,l,m=2 ∂4Φ ∂4Φ (Ih1 (k) r(k)) + (Ih2 (k) r(k)) . ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm Note that |α1 |, |α6 | < 1 implies I0 α ∈ R. Furthermore, according to Corollary 3.2, the second derivatives of Φ are continuous in I0 α. Since limk→∞ I0 r(k) = I0 α, we 10 M. SINN AND K. KELLER obtain ∂2Φ ∂2Φ (I0 r(k)) = (I0 α) k→∞ ∂ri ∂rj ∂ri ∂rj lim for all i, j ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}. Inserting (4.3)-(4.6) from Lemma 4.2 below with r = α into (4.2), we obtain Ψ(r(k)) ∼ 2(f (k))2 q(α) p + (f (k))4 R(k), 2 2 2 4π (1 − α1 )(1 − α6 ) with q(α) as given above. In order to prove that (f (k))4 R(k) = O (f (k))4 , we show supk∈N R(k) < ∞. Because limk→∞ r(k) = I0 α = limk→∞ I−1 r(k), the set [ S := {I0 α} ∪ {r(k), I−1 r(k)} k∈N 6 6 is closed in R . Since S ⊂ [−1, 1] , the convex hull of S is compact. Now, because [ S̃ := {Ih r(k) : h ∈ [−1, 1]} k∈N is a subset of the convex hull of S and the fourth partial derivatives of Φ are continuous at every point of R (see Corollary 3.2), sup ∂4Φ (S̃) < ∞ ∂ri ∂rj ∂rl ∂rm for all i, j, l, m ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}, and hence the result follows. Lemma 4.2. For r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R, the second partial derivatives of Φ with respect to r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 at I0 r are given by ∂2Φ r1 r6 p (I0 r) = for i = 2, 3, 4, 5, (4.3) ∂ 2 ri 4π 2 (1 − r12 )(1 − r62 ) ∂2Φ ∂2Φ −r1 p (I0 r) = (I0 r) = , 2 ∂r2 ∂r3 ∂r4 ∂r5 4π (1 − r12 )(1 − r62 ) (4.4) ∂2Φ ∂2Φ −r6 p , (I0 r) = (I0 r) = ∂r2 ∂r4 ∂r3 ∂r5 4π 2 (1 − r12 )(1 − r62 ) (4.5) ∂2Φ ∂2Φ 1 p (I0 r) = (I0 r) = . 2 ∂r2 ∂r5 ∂r3 ∂r4 4π (1 − r12 )(1 − r62 ) (4.6) Proof. Let k ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}. According to (3.2)-(3.5), there exist unique numbers ∂Φ 1 1 i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} such that ∂r (r) = 2π f (r) 14 + 2π g(r) with k 1 1 − rk2 f (r) = p σij (r) . and g(r) = arcsin p σii (r)σjj (r) 2 ∂f Φ Clearly, f (I0 r) = 1 and ∂r (I0 r) = 0 for l = 2, 3, 4, 5, and hence ∂r∂k ∂r (I0 r) = l l 1 ∂g (I r). Since σ (I r) = 0 and the first derivative of arcsin in 0 is 1, we obtain ij 0 4π 2 ∂rl 0 ∂2Φ 1 ∂σij p (I0 r) = (I0 r). 2 ∂rk ∂rl 4π σii (I0 r)σjj (I0 r) ∂rl Now, the result follows by (3.10)-(3.13). COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 11 5. Bounds and approximations. Next, we apply the previous results to vectors r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 , r6 ) ∈ R with r1 = r6 and r2 = r5 . Let π ∗ (r) := (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r2 , r1 ) 4 for r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) ∈ (−1, 1) , and 4 R∗ := {r ∈ (−1, 1) | π ∗ (r) ∈ R}. Clearly, r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) ∈ R∗ if and only 1 r1 ∗ Σ(π (r)) = r2 r3 if r1 1 r4 r2 r2 r4 1 r1 r3 r2 r1 1 is strictly positive definite. Because R∗ ⊂ R and R is convex, r, s ∈ R∗ implies π ∗ ((1 − h) r + h s) ∈ R and hence (1 − h) r + h s ∈ R∗ for all h ∈ [0, 1]. Thus, R∗ is convex. Now, define Ψ∗ (r) := Ψ(π ∗ (r)) for r ∈ R∗ . According to (2.8), γk = Ψ∗ (ρ1 , ρk , ρk+1 , ρk−1 ) (5.1) for k > 1. The following corollary is a special case of Theorem 4.1. Corollary 5.1. Let (r(k))k∈N be a sequence in R∗ and assume f : N → R is a function with limk→∞ f (k) = 0. (i) If r(k) ∼ (α1 , α2 f (k), α3 f (k), α4 f (k)), for some vector α = (α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 ) with |α1 | < 1, then Ψ∗ (r(k)) ∼ (f (k))2 q(α) + O (f (k))4 , 2 2 2π (1 − α1 ) where q(α) = α12 (2α22 + α32 + α42 ) − 4α1 α2 (α3 + α4 ) + 2(α22 + α3 α4 ). (ii) If f (k + 1) ∼ βf (k) for some β 6= 0 and there exists an α with |α| < 1 such that r(k) ∼ (α, f (k), f (k + 1), f (k − 1)), then Ψ∗ (r(k)) ∼ (f (k))2 (2 − α(β + β −1 ))2 + O (f (k))4 . 2 2 2π (1 − α ) (iii) If the assumptions of (ii) hold with β = 1, then Ψ∗ (r(k)) ∼ 2 (f (k))2 (1 − α) + O (f (k))4 . 2 π (1 + α) Proof. (i) follows by Theorem 4.1 and the fact that π ∗ (r(k)) is asymptotically equivalent to (α1 , α2 f (k), α3 f (k), α4 f (k), α2 f (k), α1 ). (ii) is a special case of (i) where r(k) ∼ (α, f (k), β f (k), f (k)/β) and thus q(α, 1, β, 1/β) = α2 (2 + β 2 + β −2 ) − 4α(β + β −1 ) + 4 = (2 − α(β + β −1 ))2 . Now, (iii) is obvious. 12 M. SINN AND K. KELLER 5.1. Lower and upper bounds. Theorem 5.3 below gives sufficient conditions on r ∈ R∗ to obtain lower and upper bounds for Ψ∗ (r) by setting r2 , r3 , r4 equal to r3 and r4 , respectively. We first prove the following lemma. Lemma 5.2. For every r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) ∈ R∗ , ∂Ψ∗ 2 σ13 (π ∗ (r)) p (r) = p arcsin , ∂r2 σ11 (π ∗ (r))σ22 (π ∗ (r)) π 2 1 − r22 σ23 (π ∗ (r)) ∂Ψ∗ 1 arcsin (r) = p , 2 ∂r3 σ22 (π ∗ (r)) π 2 1 − r3 σ14 (π ∗ (r)) 1 ∂Ψ∗ arcsin (r) = p , ∂r4 σ11 (π ∗ (r)) π 2 1 − r42 (5.2) (5.3) (5.4) and σ13 (π ∗ (r)) = r2 − r1 r3 + r2 r3 r4 − r23 − r1 r4 + r2 r12 , σ14 (π ∗ (r)) = r3 − 2r1 r2 + r4 r22 − r3 r42 + r4 r12 , σ23 (π ∗ (r)) = r4 − 2r1 r2 + r3 r22 − r4 r32 + r3 r12 . (5.5) (5.6) (5.7) Proof. The validity of (5.5)-(5.7) directly follows from (3.10)-(3.12). Furthermore, ∂Ψ∗ ∂Ψ ∗ ∂Ψ ∗ ∂Ψ∗ ∂Ψ ∗ (r) = (π (r)) + (π (r)) and (r) = (π (r)) for i = 3, 4. ∂r2 ∂r2 ∂r5 ∂ri ∂ri Since σ11 (π ∗ (r)) = σ44 (π ∗ (r)), σ22 (π ∗ (r)) = σ33 (π ∗ (r)) and σ13 (π ∗ (r)) = σ24 (π ∗ (r)) (compare to (3.6)-(3.9), (3.10) and (3.13)), we obtain (5.2)-(5.4) by equations (3.14)(3.17) in Lemma 3.3. Theorem 5.3. Let r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) ∈ R∗ with r4 , r2 ≥ r3 ≥ 0. For h ∈ [0, 1], define sh := (1 − h) · r + h · (r1 , r3 , r3 , r3 ) and th := (1 − h) · r + h · (r1 , r4 , r4 , r4 ). 1. If 1 + r1 − 2r3 > 0 and σ13 (π ∗ (sh )), σ14 (π ∗ (sh )) ≥ 0 for all h ∈ [0, 1], then Ψ∗ (r) ≥ Ψ∗ (r1 , r3 , r3 , r3 ). (5.8) 2. If 1 + r1 − 2r4 > 0 and σ13 (π ∗ (th )), σ23 (π ∗ (th )) ≥ 0 for all h ∈ [0, 1], then Ψ∗ (r1 , r4 , r4 , r4 ) ≥ Ψ∗ (r). (5.9) Proof. 1. First, note that the set of eigenvalues of Σ(π ∗ (r1 , r3 , r3 , r3 )) is given by {1 − r1 , 1 + r1 − 2r3 , 1 + r1 + 2r3 }. Under the assumptions, each eigenvalue is strictly larger than 0, so (r1 , r3 , r3 , r3 ) ∈ R∗ . Because R∗ is convex, we have sh ∈ R∗ for all h ∈ [0, 1]. Hence, f (h) := Ψ∗ (sh ) is well-defined for all h ∈ [0, 1]. Since f (0) = Ψ∗ (r) and f (1) = Ψ∗ (r1 , r3 , r3 , r3 ), it is sufficient to show that h 7→ f (h) is monotonically decreasing on [0, 1], or, equivalently, f 0 (h) = (r3 − r2 ) ∂Ψ∗ (sh ) ∂Ψ∗ (sh ) + (r3 − r4 ) ≤ 0 ∂r2 ∂r4 for all h ∈ [0, 1]. With the assumptions r3 − r2 ≤ 0 and r3 − r4 ≤ 0, a sufficient condition for this inequality to be satisfied is σ13 (π ∗ (sh )) ≥ 0 and σ14 (π ∗ (sh )) ≥ 0 for all h ∈ [0, 1] (compare to (5.2) and (5.4)). 13 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 2. Analogously, define g(h) := Ψ∗ (th ), and note that a sufficient condition for g 0 (h) = (r4 − r2 ) ∂Ψ(th ) ∂Ψ(th ) + (r4 − r3 ) ≥ 0 ∂r2 ∂r3 is given by σ13 (π ∗ (th )) ≥ 0 and σ23 (π ∗ (th )) ≥ 0 for all h ∈ [0, 1]. As the proof of Theorem 5.3 shows, a sufficient condition for strict inequality in (5.8) is given by r4 > r3 and σ14 (π ∗ (sh )) > 0 for some h ∈ [0, 1], or r2 > r3 and σ13 (π ∗ (sh )) > 0 for some h ∈ [0, 1]. Analogously, a sufficient condition for strict inequality in (5.9) is given by r4 > r3 and σ23 (π ∗ (th )) > 0 for some h ∈ [0, 1], or r4 > r2 and σ13 (π ∗ (th )) > 0 for some h ∈ [0, 1]. The next lemma gives easily verifiable conditions for the assumptions of Theorem 5.3. Lemma 5.4. Let r = (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ) ∈ R∗ with r1 ≤ 0 and r2 , r3 , r4 ≥ 0. Then σ13 (sh ), σ14 (sh ) > 0 and σ13 (th ), σ23 (th ) > 0 for all h ∈ [0, 1]. Proof. For fixed h ∈ [0, 1], let sh = (s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 ). Clearly, s1 ≤ 0 and s2 , s3 , s4 ∈ [0, 1). Because σ13 (π ∗ (sh )) ≥ s2 − s32 and σ14 (π ∗ (sh )) ≥ s3 − s3 s24 , we obtain σ13 (sh ), σ14 (sh ) > 0. Analogously, let th = (t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ), and note that σ23 (π ∗ (th )) ≥ t4 − t4 t23 . 5.2. Approximations of the bounds. Next, we analyze approximations of the lower and upper bounds of Ψ∗ (r) given by Theorem 5.3. Let R∗∗ be the set of 2 r = (r1 , r2 ) ∈ (−1, 1) such that π ∗∗ (r) := (r1 , r2 , r2 , r2 ) ∈ R∗ or, equivalently, 1 r 1 r 2 r2 r 1 1 r 2 r2 Σ(π ∗∗ (r)) = r 2 r 2 1 r1 r 2 r 2 r1 1 is strictly positive definite. Since the set of eigenvalues of Σ(π ∗∗ (r)) is given by {1 − r1 , 1 + r1 + 2r2 , 1 + r1 − 2r2 }, 2 R∗∗ = { (r1 , r2 ) ∈ (−1, 1) | 2 |r2 | < 1 + r1 }. (5.10) For r ∈ R∗∗ , define Φ∗∗ (r) := Φ(π ∗∗ (r)) and Ψ∗∗ (r) := Ψ(π ∗∗ (r)). Note that, σii (π ∗∗ (r)) = (1 − r1 )(1 + r1 − 2r22 ) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and σ13 (π ∗∗ (r)) = σ14 (π ∗∗ (r)) = σ23 (π ∗∗ (r)) = σ24 (π ∗∗ (r)) = r2 (1 − r1 )2 (compare to (3.6)-(3.13)). Hence, according to (3.2)-(3.5), ∂Φ ∗∗ ∂Φ ∗∗ ∂Φ ∗∗ ∂Φ ∗∗ ∂Φ∗∗ (r) = (π (r)) + (π (r)) + (π (r)) + (π (r)) ∂r2 ∂r2 ∂r3 ∂r4 ∂r5 2 1 1 r2 (1 − r1 ) = p + arcsin . 2 1 + r1 − 2r22 π 1 − r2 4 2π By formula (3.19), we obtain the integral representation Z 4r2 1 1 r2 (1 − r1 )h ∗∗ p Ψ (r) = 2 arcsin dh 2 2 π 0 1 + r1 − 2r22 h2 1 − r2 h Z r2 1 (1 − r1 )t 4 √ arcsin dt. = 2 2 π 0 1 + r1 − 2t2 1−t (5.11) 14 M. SINN AND K. KELLER As the following theorem shows, Ψ∗∗ (r) can be approximated monotonically from below by successively adding further terms of the Taylor expansion of Ψ∗∗ (r) in (r1 , 0). Theorem 5.5. For every r = (r1 , r2 ) ∈ R∗∗ , ∂ l Φ∗∗ ((r1 , 0)T ) ≥ 0 for l ∈ N0 , ∂ l r2 ∞ X r22l ∂ 2l Φ∗∗ Ψ∗∗ (r) = 4 (r1 , 0). (2l)! ∂ 2l r2 (5.12) (5.13) l=1 1 Proof. Let r = (r1 , r2 ) ∈ R∗∗ . We define f (x) := 2π arcsin x for x ∈ (−1, 1), and 1 g1 (x) := x(1 − r1 ), g2 (x) := 1+r1 −2x2 , g(x) := g1 (x) · g2 (x) and h(x) := f (g(x)) for 1 1+r1 x ∈ − 1+r . Clearly, Φ∗∗ (r1 , 0) ≥ 0, hence (5.12) is true for l = 0. According 2 , 2 ∂Φ∗∗ 0 0 1 to (5.10), |r2 | < 1+r 2 , so (5.11) yields ∂r2 (r) = f (r2 ) + 4f (r2 )h(r2 ). Applying Leibniz’s rule gives l−1 X ∂ l Φ∗∗ l − 1 (k+1) T (l) ((r1 , 0) ) = f (0) + 4 f (0) h(l−1−k) (0) ∂ l r2 k k=0 l X l − 1 (k) (l) = f (0) + 4 f (0) h(l−k) (0) k−1 k=1 for l ∈ N. Note that arcsin x = P∞ 3·5·...·(2n−1) 2n+1 , n=0 2·4·...·(2n)·(2n+1) x (l) so f (l) (0) ≥ 0. Therefore, in order to prove (5.12), it is sufficient to show that h (0) ≥ 0 for all l ∈ N. (l) Let g2 (x) = f2 (f1 (x)) with f1 (x) := 1+r1 −2x2 , f2 (x) := x1 . Note that f1 (0) 6= 0 (l) only if l ∈ {0, 2}. For each l ∈ N, we can write g2 (0) = (f2 ◦ f1 )(l) (0) as the sum (k) (i ) (i ) (i ) of terms f2 (f1 (0)) · f1 1 (0) · f1 2 (0) · . . . · f1 k (0) with k, i1 , i2 , . . . , ik ∈ N which satisfy i1 + i2 + . . . + ik = l. Each term can only be non-zero if i1 = i2 = . . . = ik = 2, (l) (l) hence a necessary condition for g2 (0) 6= 0 is that l is even. Moreover, g2 (0) > 0 (k) (2) in this case, since f2 (f1 (0)) = (−1)k k!(1 + r1 )−(k+1) and f1 (0) = −4. Note that (k) (1) (l−1) g1 (0) 6= 0 only if k = 1, consequently, by Leibniz’s rule, g (l) (0) = l·g1 (0)·g2 (0) = (l−1) l · (1 − r1 ) · g2 (0) for all l ∈ N, and hence g (l) (0) ≥ 0 for all l ∈ N. Now, similarly as above, we can write h(l) (0) = (f ◦ g)(l) (0) for each l ∈ N as the sum of products consisting of factors of the form f (k) (g(0)) = f (k) (0) and g (m) (0) with k, m ∈ N, implying h(l) (0) ≥ 0. In order to prove (5.13), first note that g2 and g = g1 g2 have power series expan 1+r1 1+r1 1 sions at 0 with the radius of convergence 1+r , and g( − , ) ⊂ (−1, 1). Since 2 2 2 f has a power series expansion at 0 with the radius of convergence 1, according to ele∗∗ 0 0 mentary properties of power series, the mapping · 7→ ∂Φ ∂r2 (r1 , ·) = f (·) + 4f (·)f (g(·)) 1 has a power series expansion at 0 with the radius of convergence 1+r 2 , and hence it ∗∗ also holds for the mapping · 7→ Φ (r1 , ·). 1 1+r1 Now, note that r2 ∈ − 1+r (see (5.10)). Therefore, according to the 2 , 2 COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 15 definition of Ψ, Ψ∗∗ (r) = 2 Φ∗∗ (r) + 2 Φ∗∗ (r1 , −r2 ) − 4 Φ∗∗ (r1 , 0) ∞ ∞ X X r2l ∂ l Φ∗∗ (−r2 )l ∂ l Φ∗∗ =2 (r , 0) + 2 (r1 , 0) − 4 Φ∗∗ (r1 , 0) 1 l! ∂ l r2 l! ∂ l r2 l=0 l=0 ∞ X r22l ∂ 2l Φ∗∗ =4 (r1 , 0). (2l)! ∂ 2l r2 l=1 The proof is complete. 6. The variance of the empirical zero crossing rate. In this section, we apply the previous results to the analysis of the variance of empirical zero crossing rates. Recall formula (2.1), n−1 X 1 (n − k) γk . Var(ĉn ) = 2 n γ0 + 2 n k=1 In order to evaluate Var(ĉn ) numerically, we can use formulas (2.4) and (2.5) for the computation of γ0 and γ1 . For k > 1, formula (5.1) yields γk = Ψ∗ (ρ1 , ρk , ρk+1 , ρk−1 ) , and the right hand side can be evaluated numerically using the integral representation of Ψ given in (3.19). When n is large, an “exact” numerical evaluation of γk for every k = 0, 1, . . . , n−1 is time-consuming. A quick way for getting approximate values of Var(ĉn ) is to use approximations of γk in terms of the function Ψ∗∗ . If the assumptions of Theorem 5.3 are satisfied, this yields upper and lower bounds for γk . A further speed-up can be achieved by using the finite-order approximations of Ψ∗∗ provided by Theorem 5.5. For instance, when the autocorrelations of Y are not too large, one can use the first-order approximation γϑ (k) ≈ 2(1 − ρϑ (1)) (ρϑ (k))2 . π 2 (1 + ρϑ (1)) An alternative method for computing approximate values of Var(ĉn ) is to use the exact values of γk for k = 2, 3, . . . until the relative error of the approximations falls below a given threshold > 0, and then to use the approximations of γk . If the relative error does not get larger than anymore, then also the relative error of the resulting approximation of Varϑ (ĉn ) is not larger than . For the calculations behind Figures 7.1-7.3, we have used this method with the threshold = 0.001. The following theorem establishes asymptotics of Var(ĉn ). Theorem 6.1. Suppose there exists a mapping f : NP → R such that ρk ∼ f (k). ∞ (i) If |f (k)| = o(k −β ) with β > 12 , then σ 2 := γ0 + 2 k=1 γk < ∞ and Var(ĉn ) ∼ σ 2 n−1 . 1 (ii) If f (k) = αk − 2 for some α ∈ (−1, 1) \ {0}, then Var(ĉn ) ∼ 4 α2 (1 − ρ1 ) ln n . π 2 (1 + ρ1 ) n 16 M. SINN AND K. KELLER (iii) If f (k) = αk −β for some α ∈ (−1, 1) \ {0} and β ∈ (0, 12 ), then Var(ĉn ) ∼ 4 α2 (1 − ρ1 ) n−2β . π 2 (1 + ρ1 )(1 − 2β) 2 Proof. P∞ (i) According to Corollary 5.1 (i), we have γk = O((f (k)) ), which shows that k=1 |γk | < ∞. By the Dominated Convergence Theorem, we obtain ∞ X n − k n−k γk ∼ lim max , 0 γk n→∞ n n n−1 X k=1 k=1 = ∞ X k=1 lim max n→∞ ∞ X n − k , 0 γk = γk . n k=1 Now, with formula (2.1), the result follows. (ii) Note that f (k) ∼ f (k + 1) and thus, according to Corollary 5.1 (iii), γk ∼ Using the fact that Pn−1 k=1 2 α2 (1 − ρ1 ) −1 k . π 2 (1 + ρ1 ) k −1 ∼ ln n, we obtain n−1 X γk ∼ k=1 2 α2 (1 − ρ1 ) ln n . π 2 (1 + ρ1 ) (6.1) Furthermore, we have n−1 X k=1 γk − n−1 X k=1 n−1 Xk n−k γk = γk n n k=1 ∼ n−1 1 X 2 α2 (1 − ρ1 ) = o(ln n), n π 2 (1 + ρ1 ) k=1 which shows that n−1 X γk ∼ k=1 n−1 X k=1 n−k γk . n According to formula (2.1), we obtain Var(ĉn ) ∼ n−1 2 X γk , n k=1 and together with (6.1) the statement follows. Pn−1 (iii) The proof is similar to (ii), using the fact k=1 k −2β ∼ 1 1−2β n1−2β . 7. Examples. In this section, we apply the previous results to empirical zero crossing rates in AR(1) processes, fractional Gaussian noise and ARFIMA(0,d,0) processes. COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 17 7.1. AR(1) processes. Assume that Y is an AR(1) process with autoregressive coefficient a ∈ (−1, 1), that is, Y is stationary, non-degenerate and zero-mean Gaussian with the autocorrelations ρk = ak for k ∈ N0 (where 00 := 1). According to formula (2.3), P(C0 = 1) = 1 1 − arcsin a, 2 π (7.1) hence the higher the autoregressive coefficient, the lower the probability of a zero crossing. Fig. 7.1. Variance of ĉn in AR(1) processes for a ∈ (−1, 1) and n = 10, 11, . . . , 100. By using the method explained in Sec. 6, we can evaluate the variance of ĉn . Figure 7.1 displays the values of Var(ĉn ) for n = 10, 11, . . . , 100 and a ranging in (−1, 1). For fixed n, the variance of ĉn tends to 0 as a tends to −1 and 1, respectively. According to (7.1), the probability of a zero crossing is equal to 1 and 0 in these limit cases, and thus ĉn is P-almost surely equal to 1 and 0, respectively. For fixed a, the variance of ĉn is decreasing in n. In particular, according to Theorem 6.1 (i), Var(ĉn ) ∼ σ 2 n−1 P∞ where σ 2 := γ0 + 2 k=1 γk < ∞. In the case a = 0, formulas (2.4) and (2.5) yield γ0 = 41 and γ1 = 0. Furthermore, according to Lemma 3.1, γk = Ψ∗ (0, 0, 0, 0) = 0 1 for all k > 1. Therefore, Var(ĉn ) = 4n in this case. Remarkably, Var(ĉn ) is always identical for a and −a. In fact, one can show that γk is identical for a and −a for all k ∈ Z. For k = 0 and k = 1, this is an immediate consequence of formulas (2.4) and (2.5) and the fact that (arcsin a)2 = (arcsin(−a))2 . For k > 1, this is true because, according to Lemma 3.1, Ψ∗ (a, ak , ak+1 , ak−1 ) = Ψ∗ (−a, (−a)k , (−a)k+1 , (−a)k−1 ). 18 M. SINN AND K. KELLER 7.2. Fractional Gaussian noise. Assume that Y is fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) with the Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1), that is, Y is stationary, non-degenerate and zero-mean Gaussian with the autocorrelations ρk = 1 |k + 1|2H − 2|k|2H + |k − 1|2H 2 for k ∈ Z. With ρ1 = 22H−1 − 1, we obtain that the probability of a zero crossing is given by 1 1 − arcsin(22H−1 − 1) 2 π 2 (7.2) = 1 − arcsin 2H−1 , π p where the second equation follows from arcsin x = 2 arcsin (1 + x)/2 − π2 . Thus, the larger the Hurst parameter, the lower the probability of a zero crossing. P(C0 = 1) = Fig. 7.2. Variance of ĉn in fGn for H ∈ (0, 1) and n = 10, 11, . . . , 100. Figure 7.2 displays Var(ĉn ) for n = 10, 11, . . . , 100 and H ranging in (0, 1). For fixed n, the variance tends to 0 as H tends to 1. Note that the probability of a zero crossing is 0 in the limit case (see (7.2)), and thus ĉn is almost surely equal to 0. Next, we derive asymptotics of Var(ĉn ). It is well-known that ρk ∼ H(2H − 1)k 2H−2 as k → ∞ (see [3]). According to Theorem 6.1 (i), we obtain Var(ĉn ) ∼ σ 2 n−1 P∞ for H < 43 , where σ 2 := γ0 + 2 k=1 γk < ∞. In the case H = 12 , where ρk = 0 for all 1 k > 0, we obtain Var(ĉn ) = 4n by the same argument as in the case a = 0 for AR(1) 3 processes. If H = 4 , then Theorem 6.1 (ii) yields √ 9 ( 2 − 1) ln n Var(ĉn ) ∼ 16 π 2 n COVARIANCES OF ZERO CROSSINGS IN GAUSSIAN PROCESSES (in particular, H 2 (2H − 1)2 (22−2H − 1) = then Theorem 6.1 (iii) yields Var(ĉn ) ∼ √ 9 64 ( 19 2 − 1) in this case). Finally, if H > 34 , 4 H 2 (2H − 1)2 (22−2H − 1) 4H−4 n . π 2 (4H − 3) 7.3. ARFIMA(0,d,0) processes. If Yis an ARFIMA(0,d,0) process with the fractional differencing parameter d ∈ − 21 , 12 , then Y is stationary, non-degenerate and zero-mean Gaussian with the autocorrelations ρk = for k ∈ Z. With ρ1 = d 1−d , Γ(1 − d) Γ(k + d) Γ(d) Γ(k + 1 − d) we obtain P(C0 = 1) = 1 1 d − arcsin 2 π 1−d for the probability of a zero crossing. Fig. 7.3. Variance of ĉn in ARFIMA(0,d,0) for d ∈ − 12 , 1 2 and n = 10, 11, . . . , 100. Figure 7.3 displays the variance of ĉn for n = 10, 11, . . . , 100 and d ∈ − 21 , 12 . The picture is very similar to Figure 7.2. In particular, the variance is only slowly decreasing for large parameter values and tends to 0 as d tends to 21 . 2d−1 Next, we derive asymptotics of Var(ĉn ). It is well-known that ρk ∼ Γ(1−d) Γ(d) k as k → ∞ (see [3]). According to Theorem 6.1 (i), we obtain Var(ĉn ) ∼ σ 2 n−1 P∞ for d < 14 , where σ 2 := γ0 + 2 k=1 γk < ∞. In the case d = 0, where ρk = 0 for all 1 k > 0, we obtain Var(ĉn ) = 4n . If d = 14 , then Theorem 6.1 (ii) yields 2 2 Γ( 34 ) ln n Var(ĉn ) ∼ 2 1 n π 2 Γ( ) 4 20 M. SINN AND K. KELLER In the case d > 14 , Theorem 6.1 (iii) yields Var(ĉn ) ∼ 4 (Γ(1 − d))2 (1 − 2d) 4d−2 n . π 2 (Γ(d))2 (4d − 1) REFERENCES [1] Abrahamson, I. G., Orthant probabilities for the quadrivariate normal distribution. Ann. Math. Statist. 35 (1964), 1685-708. [2] Bacon, R. 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