Graduate Communication Association 5th Annual Graduate Student

Graduate Communication Association 5th Annual Graduate Student
Research Conference
The Graduate Communication Association (GCA) is an organization of communication scholars whose interdisciplinary study examines all facets
related to the signs and symbols people use when they come together. In keeping with this mission, GCA invites submissions from graduate and
undergraduate scholars that engage issues related to matters of voice, agency, and identity within an increasingly multicultural world. We encourage
presentations from multiple perspectives such as but not limited to critical and cultural studies, media studies, race, gender, sexuality, education,
politics, popular culture, psychology, and sociology.
Works-in-Progress: Abstracts of 250 words
Full Papers: Must be at least 12 pages
Panels: including a brief rationale (250 words) of the panel and a list of the panel participants with all contact information
Conference Dates: Thursday-Friday, April 7-8, 2016; BTSU
If you have any questions, please contact Julia Largent ( or Andrew Donofrio (
Deadline for submissions is EXTENDED to January 29!
Name [Required]
Department/Program [Required]
Email [Required]
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? [Required]
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
- must select a value.
[ ] Undergraduate Student
[ ] Graduate Student
If not at BGSU, what university are you affiliated with?
Type of submission [Required]
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] Paper (of at least 12 pages)
[ ] Abstract (250 words)
[ ] Panel
All submissions must either be a paper (of at least 12 pages), an abstract (of at least 250 words), or a panel proposal (including a brief rationale of the
panel and a list of the panel participants with all contact information).
Cover Page [Required]
The cover page includes the title of the paper, the author’s name, e-mail address, phone number, and department of enrollment, as well as type of submission (paper,
abstract, or panel). If submitting a panel, please include names of all panel members.
Submission Upload [Required]
If you are submitting a paper, the paper should be formatted with 1” top, bottom, right, and left margins and all pages must be numbered (in the top, right-hand corner). The
font size should be 12 point. Also include the title, author, and abstract (approx. 100 words).
Please list any scheduling conflicts for the duration of the Conference or any concerns (please limit to only conflicts that you cannot move). If
submitting a panel, please list all panel member's scheduling conflicts. Dates: April 7-8, 2016 [Required]
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Page 2 of 2 · Graduate Communication Association 5th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference