Stat 205 Homework 1 (Due: Beginning of class, September 01, 2016, Thursday) Instructor: Yen-Yi Ho Total Points: 100 Submission instruction: Paste the plot from R in a word file, type the other answers, comments etc. in the same file. Put your name on the top line and print the solution to submit it in the class. (EMAIL SUBMISSION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) 1. A Paleontologist measured the width (in mm) of the last upper molar in 36 specimens of the extinct mammal Acropithecus rigidus. The data is posted on the web. Use the following url in R to access the data Code Help: data=read.table("", header=FALSE) width=data[,1] #hist(width, insert other specifications) a. Construct a frequency histogram with molar width (8 bins). (20 points) b. Comment on the shape of the frequency distribution (make at least three plots with different number of bins before you decide the shape, show the plots). (10 points) c. Report five numbers summery of the data. (i.e. Min, 1st quartile or Q1, median, 3rd quartile or Q3, Max), the IQR, and the range. (10 points) Hint: IQR = Q3 - Q1, Range = Max - Min Note that you can obtain Q1 in R as quantile(width,0.25) and Q3 as quantile(width,0.75). You may also use min(width) and max(width). 2. A pharmaceutical company is developing a new drug for helping migraine patients. Patients were studied. The drug was administered when a patient is under severe migraine attack and they were asked to rank the level of pain after one hour. Following is the observed data Pain Level Frequency Percentage Severe 21 ? Moderate 37 ? Mild 59 ? Nonexistent 3 ? (a) What are the observational unit and the variable of the study? (5 points) (b) Make a barplot using R to represent the data with frequency. (15 points) (c) Calculate the percentage for each group and make another barplot showing the percentages of patients in each group. (5 points) 3. Textbook problem section 2.4, page 51 Problem 2.4.2 (all parts). 35 points