i i Activity 3 DIVIDING A LENGTH INTO EQUAL N THS EXACTLY (1) (2) (3) 1/3 P For courses: geometry, precalculus Summary Students are asked to come up with ways to, say, fold the side of a square piece of paper into perfect 3rds or 5ths or some other odd division. The aim here is to develop exact methods, not approximations. After students have tried this for a while, or perhaps in a later class, give them the handout. This shows an origami routine that the students will discover produces a landmark for folding perfect 1/3rds. The students are then asked to generalize this method. Content This activity is mostly geometry, although it’s a problem that can be solved using both synthetic and analytic methods. In fact, if the problem is solved analytically, nothing more than finding equations of lines and their point of intersection is used, making this a nice hands-on activity for a precalculus class. Handouts There are two handouts that take two different approaches to the same task: folding a square piece of paper into perfect thirds. The first one shows students the folding method and challenges them to discover what it is doing. The second one explains what the method is doing and challenges them to prove it. Both of these handouts can be motivated by asking students beforehand to try coming up with their own methods of folding thirds exactly. Time commitment Plan on reserving at least 30 minutes of class time for this activity, which includes folding time, student work time, and discussion afterwards. 27 i i i i HANDOUT What’s This Fold Doing? Below are some origami instructions. Take a square and make creases by folding it in half vertically and folding one diagonal, as shown. Then make a crease that connects the midpoint of the top edge and the bottom right-hand corner. P Question 1: Find the coordinates of the point P, where the diagonal creases meet. (Assume that the lower left corner is the origin and that the square has side length 1.) Question 2: Why is this interesting? What could this be used for? Question 3: How could you generalize this method, say, to make perfect 5ths or nths (for n odd)? i i i i HANDOUT Folding Perfect Thirds It is easy to fold the side of a square into halves, or fourths, or eighths, etc. But folding odd divisions, like thirds, exactly is more difficult. The below procedure is one was to fold thirds. (1) (2) (3) 1/3 P Question 1: Prove that this method actually works. Question 2: How could you generalize this method, say, to make perfect 5ths or nths (for n odd)? i i i i 30 Activity 3 SOLUTION AND PEDAGOGY Since the two handouts are similar, we’ll focus on solutions for the first one. Question 1: Synthetic approach Assume that the square has side length one and consider the labeling in the figure below. Denote the coordinates of P with ( x, x ). Then AE has length x, so EB has length 1 − x. Also, EP has length x. C F P A D E B Then BDC and BEP are similar. Thus |CD |/| PE| = | BD |/| BE|, which becomes 1/2 2 1 = ⇒ 2 − 2x = x ⇒ x = . x 1−x 3 This could also be proven by using the similar triangles ABP and CPF. Question 1: Analytic approach Assume that the square sits in the xy-plane, with A at the origin and B at (1, 0). Then P lies on the intersection of two lines: y = x and y − 1 = −2( x − 1/2). Combining these to find their intersection gives x − 1 = −2x + 1, or 3x = 2, or x = 2/3. Obviously, the answer to Question 2 is that this can be used to fold the square into thirds exactly. Try it! Question 3 The picture below shows how to generalize this method to fold the side of a square into n equal divisions, where n is odd. Instead of using the 1/2 vertical line, make a vertical line at x = (n − 2)/(n − 1) (or 1/(n − 1) away from the right side). 1/(n−1) E i B i i i Dividing a Length into Equal N ths Exactly 31 Finding this line should not be too hard, since n − 1 is an even number (since n is odd). (If n − 1 equals something like 6, then you’d have to find a 1/3 point first and then fold this in half to get a 1/6 mark. So in a sense this method is recursive.) The same approaches to Question 1 will give that the point at which the two diagonal creases in this general case meet is ((n − 1)/n, (n − 1)/n), which can then be used to fold the paper into equal nths. Pedagogy As mentioned previously, students appreciate learning methods of folding perfect thirds a lot more when they’ve spent some time themselves trying to develop them. There are many other methods for doing this kind of thing (some of which will be described at the end of this section), and if students come up with methods of their own then they should be studied and proven. In fact, if someone comes up with the method provided in the handout, then that’s the best context in which to investigate proofs and generalizations. Thus, if the students’ own explorations go well, there may be no need for the handout. The first handout may seem more advanced, but I’ve been surprised at how able some students are at figuring out what the method is doing. Nonetheless, the first handout does set students up for an analytic proof, since finding the coordinates of P is most easily done by finding the equations of the crease lines. The second handout places more emphasis on developing proof-building skills. Most students come up with the similar triangles proof, but the analytic approach can be a very useful one in a variety of geometry problems and uses nothing more than basic precalculus material. In a geometry course students are often delighted to learn that they can solve some problems using such simple techniques. So if all groups develop synthetic geometry proofs, make sure to drop some hints to students who finish early about thinking of the paper as being in the xy-plane, so that equations of the lines can be found. Usually this is all that needs to be told for students to run with this and develop the analytical proof described above. (And note that the second handout gives no hints about an analytic proof, unlike the first handout.) The general method is also easy for students to figure out, if they first try a simple case. Students who are stumped on how to generalize should be encouraged to try an example, like folding 1/5ths. To make 1/5ths with this method requires only using a vertical line at the x = 3/4 position instead of the 1/2 position. This is pretty straightforward for students to figure out and can lead to the complete generalization. Other methods As mentioned previously, there are many other methods for folding 1/3rds, 1/5ths, or general 1/nths. A few will be shown here without proof. Below is shown a way to achieve 1/3rds that follows naturally from one of the methods for folding a 30◦ -60◦ -90◦ triangle (as seen in Activity 1). This does not generalize to other 1/nths, however. i i i i 32 Activity 3 1/3 A different general method, shown below, was invented by Haobin Yu, a student at the 2000 Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics. It uses the premise, again, that divisions of 1/2n should be possible, and from this we get an odd division 1/(2n + 1). It can be proven using similar triangles or the analytic method used previously. 1/(2n) 1/(2n+1) More methods for folding exact divisions can be found via web searches, in particular see [Hat05] and [Lan04-1]. Any of these methods could be assigned for homework exercises or extra projects. i i