A REPRODUCIBLE METHOD FOR ONLINE RP/RP 2D nanoLC/MS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF PROTEOMIC SAMPLES James Murphy; Martha Stapels; Keith Fadgen; Scott Geromanos Waters Corporation, Milford, MA INTRODUCTION (A) Intra- and Inter-System Reproducibility: 45% (A) 2D 10 fraction (778) An improved method for performing twodimensional chromatography with mass spectrometry for the analysis of proteomic samples was developed. Peptides were separated by RP chromatography at high pH in the first dimension and low pH in the second dimension1 prior to data-independent analysis with a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Reproducible protein identification and absolute quantitation results were obtained from E. coli samples 1D (365) 21% 2D 5 fraction (695) 17% standard deviation retention time was 28 seconds for the majority of peptides are eluting in only one fraction and at very similar retention times. 11% To asses inter-system reproducibility, replicate 2D-5 fractions studies were performed at Waters Corporation and the Duke Proteomics Core Facility (http://www.genome.duke.edu/ proteomics/). Site to site protein replication was 86% (Figure Eluent A: 0.1% formic acid in water Eluent B: 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile Sample Preparation and Loading: Waters MassPREP™ E. Coli digestion standard was utilized for single dimension (1D) and multi dimension (2D) comparisons. Sample loading for 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 2D-10 fraction was 750 ng, 2.4 µg, and 4.8 µg respectively. In each case, three replicate injections were performed. Peptides Identified peptides to a selected protein show that distribution 7961 three experiments (Figure 6). The intensity and number of peptides increased for the 2D experiments due to the fact that 3874 1D vs. 2D Separations: more material was loaded compared to the 1D analysis. Figure 2 depicts a 2D-5 fraction separation of the E. coli sample. Organic concentrations for each step were selected to ensure nearly equivalent MS intensity for each second 778 695 365 1600000 dimension run. Replicate injections of a 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 1D 1D a 2D-10 fraction study were performed. Protein and peptide 3 injections. 3874 peptides from 265 proteins, 7961 peptides from 695 proteins, and 9415 peptides from 778 proteins were 2D (5) 1400000 2D (10) Figure 3. Protein and peptide counts for the 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 2D-10 fraction experiments. The numbers depicted are for proteins and peptides that replicated in 2 of 3 experiments. organic-containing fractions, an aqueous flow was delivered with the 2nd dimension pump, and mixed with the eluted fraction prior to trapping. respectively (Figure 3). Improved sequence coverage was found for the proteins common to all three analyses (Figure 4). This trend continues for proteins that were observed in the 2D5 and 10 fraction analyses. Comparing identifications from one analysis to another results E MS Data processing : MS data from the individual chromatograms were processed separately and then merged into one file prior to database searching with ProteinLynx Global Server E (PLGS 2.3) with Identity informatics. An E. coli database with an equal number of random sequences concatenated onto it was used for the searches to limit the false positive rate to 4% in a high degree of intersection (Fig. 5A). For example, 97% of protein identifications obtained in the 1D analysis were observed in the 2D studies. Absolute quantitation2 of the identified proteins shows that the 2D strategy samples the less 40 Average Sequence Coverage on the second dimension trap column (Fig. 1B) from the 1 0.1 0.01 35 30 Replicate 2 70% Replicate 3 60% 40% 20% • 0% 1 0 • • 15% • 10% • 5% • 0% 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Stdev Retention Time (sec) 25 Proteins found in 2D (10) analysis Figure 7. (A) Observed peptide splitting for the replicate 2D-5 fraction analyses. (B) Retention time standard deviation for peptides in the 2D—5 fraction analyses. 20 1D 2D (5) 2D (10) Figure 4. Average sequence coverage for the proteins observed in the replicate analyses. Sequence coverage for proteins observed in all three analyses is in red, for proteins observed in the 2D analyses is in green, and proteins only observed in the 2D—10 fraction analysis is in blue. TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS POSTER, VISIT WWW.WATERS.COM/POSTERS 5 20% 0 abundant proteins when compared to 1D alone (Fig. 5B). 2 3 4 Number of Fractions 1000000 600000 1 10 CONCLUSION 30% 25% 800000 0.1 Waters Corporation (ng/µg) Figure 8. (A) Protein intersection for identical 2D-5 fraction studies performed at Waters Corporation and the Duke Proteomics Core Facility (http://www.genome.duke.edu/proteomics/). (B) Absolute quantitation for the proteins that replicated between each site. 50% 1200000 200000 Proteins found in 2D analyses 80% 10% 2D (5) 400000 Proteins found in all three analyses Replicate 1 90% 2D (10) identified for the 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 2D-10 fraction studies, Online Dilution with RP/RP: To maximize sample recovery R2 0.973 0.01 100% of intensity of peptides was relatively consistent across the RESULTS identifications were considered valid if they were found in 2 of 10 9415 Observed Peptides Gradient: 5-40% B for 90 min at 300 nL/min Proteins for all replicating proteins. Observed Peptides Column: 75 µm x 15 cm BEH C18 (1.7 µm) Figure 1. Fluidic layout for the 2D nanoACQUITY for high/low pH RP/RP analysis with online dilution. Two gradient pumps (nanoBSM) are utilized for sample injection and fractionation (A) as well as analytical gradient delivery (B). Figure 5. (A) Protein intersection for 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 2D-10 fraction studies; (B) Absolute quantitation for proteins observed. Peptide Intensity Second Dimension (Fig. 1B): (Figure 8B). The site to site reproducibility is very good. The standard deviation in absolute quantitation was less than 20% C18 (5 µm) Online dilution flow rate: 10 µL/min aqueous at the protein level. 8A). Absolute quantitation of proteins was also evaluated (B) Duke Proteomics Core Facility replicate studies (Figure 7B). For replicate injections, the 14% (B) First Dimension (Fig. 1A): Eluent B: acetonitrile 86% in common was compared for the 2D-5 fraction injections. The median Figure 2. 2D-5 fraction E. coli digest separation. Percentage organic used for each fractional step is shown. Total sample loading was 2.4 µg. Eluent A: 20 mM ammonium formate pH 10.0 Waters Corporation 695 in 2 of 3 replicates RPLC in the first dimension. Elution in the second dimension (B) LC/MS System: 2D nanoACQUITY UPLC®/ SYNAPT™ HDMS™ Gradient formation: discontinuous step gradient at 1 µL/min higher value of ~19%. In either case, greater than 95% of all Duke Proteomics Facility 596 in 2 of 3 replicates peptides were observed in only 1 or 2 fractions. This is a good Retention Time (min) Column: 150 µm x 10 cm XBridge ~13% (Figure 7A). The 2D-10 fraction replicate had a slightly (A) indication of the quality of separation obtained using high pH METHODS ™ Peptide splitting for the replicate 2D-5 fraction analysis was RP/RP provides a high resolution separation in both dimensions Replicate studies reveal peptides are identified in the same fractions at the same retention times Over 90% of proteins identified with 1D were replicated in 2D separations Fractionation provides extended coverage of the proteome Fidelity of absolute concentration is maintained when using 2D strategies Intra- and inter-system reproducibility of the 2D RP/ RP methodology is excellent References 1. M. Gilar, et.al., J Sep Sci 2005, 28, 1694-1703 2. J. Silva, et.al., Mol. Cell Proteomics, 2006, 144-156 Figure 6. Peptide intensity for Aconitate hydratase 2 for 1D, 2D-5 fraction, and 2D-10 fraction analyses. 720002679EN ©2008 Waters Corporation