A Survey of Work on Multiple Valued Logic and its Applications David Rine Topics 1-3: Topic 1. "Equivalence and Transformations for Post Multivalued Algebras" Nutter, R.S., Jr. Swartwout, Robert E. ; Rine, David C. Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computers (Volume:C-23 , Issue: 3 ) Page(s): 294 - 300 ISSN : 0018-9340 DOI: 10.1109/T-C.1974.223925 Date of Publication : March 1974 Sponsored by : IEEE Computer Society Publisher: IEEE Abstract. Four commonly used multivalued algebras, the disjoint system of Post algebra developed by Epstein, the monotonic system of algebra called Muehldorf by some authors, the free system of algebra introduced by Braddock and Epstein, and the Herrmann system of algebra generalized here from its original three element algebra, are shown to be isomorphic. Transformations are then developed for transforming from one algebra to another. An example problem is presented to illustrate transforming from any of the above to the disjoint system of Post algebra. INSPEC: NON CONTROLLED INDEXING Disjoint system of algebra, logic simplification, many-valued logic, multiple-valued switching functions, multivalued logic, nonbinary logic, Post algebra. AUTHOR KEYWORDS 1 Disjoint system of algebra, logic simplification, many-valued logic, multiple-valued switching functions, multivalued logic, nonbinary logic, Post algebra. IEEE TERMS Algebra Computer science Logic functions Multivalued logic Registers Switching systems References http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1672518 Showing 1-16 of 16 Results C.M. Allen and D.C. Givone "A minimization technique for multiple-valued logic systems", IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-17, pp.182 -184 1968 Abstract | Full Text: PDF (544KB) R. Braddock , G. Epstein and H. Yamanaka "Multiple-valued logic design and applications in binary computers", Conf. Rec. 1971 Symp. Theory and Applications of Multiple-Valued Logic Design, pp.13 -25 G. Epstein "The lattice theory of Post algebras", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 95, pp.300 -317 1960 [CrossRef] D.D. Givone and R. W. Snelsire Final report of the design of multiple-valued logic system, 1968 V. Hamacher and Z. Vranesic "Multivalued versus binary high speed multipliers", Conf. Rec. 1971 Symp. Theory and Applications of Multiple-Valued Logic Design, pp.42 -53 R.L. Herrmann "Selection and implementation of a ternary switching algebra", 1968 Spring Joint Comput. Conf., AFIPS Conf. Proc., vol. 32, pp.283 -290 2 [CrossRef] C.Y. Lee and W.H. Chen "Several valued combinational switching ing circuits", Trans. Amer. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. 75, pp.278 -283 1956 R.S. Nutter and R.E. Swartwout "A ternary logic minimization technique", Conf. Rec. 1971 Symp. Theory and Applications of Multiple-Valued Logic Design, pp.112 -123 R.S. Nutter Function simplification techniques for Postian multi-valued logic systems, 1971 E.L. Post "Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositions", Amer. J. Math., vol. 43, pp.163 -185 1921 [CrossRef] P.C. Rosenbloom "Post algebras I. postulates and general theory", Amer. J.Math., vol. 64, pp.167 -188 1942 [CrossRef] J.R. Shonfield Mathematical Logic, 1967 :Addison-Wesley T. Traczyk "Axioms and some properties of Post algebras", Coll. Math., vol. 10, pp.193 -209 1963 A.S. Wojcik Relationships between post and boolean algebras with applications to multi-valued switching theory, 1971 C. Ying and A.K. Susskind "Building blocks and synthesis techniques for the realization of M-ary combinational switching functions", Conf. Rec. 1971 Symp. Theory and Applications of ultipleValued Logic Design, pp.183 -205 M. Yoeli and G. Rosenfeld "Logical design of ternary switching circuits", IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput., vol. EC-14, pp.19 -29 1965 Topic 2. D. Rine, "Computer Science and Multiple-Valued Logic Theory and Applications" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780720404067 Computer scientists, computer engineers, applied mathematicians, and physicists are familiar with options in which there are no middle choices between true and false. Statisticians are familiar with the soft logic of probability, and physicists are familiar with the logic of 3 uncertainty. The lack of such choices is inconvenient and critical when trying to determine whether the status of a computer system is go, wait, or no-go. Multiple-valued logic is concerned with these intermediate choices. The major drawback to overcomplicated flowcharts developed by computer programmers is the difficulty with which they are checked, corrected, or modified. This situation suggests a structured design approach, where a structured flowchart or well designed program is built up to an adequate level of detail according to definite rules from a small, simple, and sufficient set of elemental blocks or primitives. Developments in multiple-valued logic as related to computer science include a range of disciplines in which comparisons to multiple-valued logic and computer science are being made, such as neural science and ethology. Topic 3. D. Rine, http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/co/1974/09/020032.pdf "The development of multiple valued logic as related to computer science" IEEE Computer, Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 1974. IEEE Computer Society. DOI Bookmark: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MC.1974.6323304 ABSTRACT Computer scientists are familiar with options in which there are no middle choices between true and false. The lack of such choices is inconvenient — even critical — for example, when determining whether the status of a computer system is go or no-go. Multiple-valued logic is concerned with these intermediate choices. Historic Reference. Nutter, R.S., Jr.; Swartwout, Robert E.; Rine, David C., "Equivalence and Transformations for Post Multivalued Algebras," Computers, IEEE Transactions on , vol.C-23, no.3, pp.294,300, March 1974 doi: 10.1109/T-C.1974.223925 Abstract: Four commonly used multivalued algebras, the disjoint system of Post algebra developed by Epstein, the monotonic system of algebra called Muehldorf by some authors, the free system of algebra introduced by Braddock and Epstein, and the Herrmann system of algebra generalized here from its original three element algebra, are shown to be isomorphic. Transformations are then developed for transforming from one algebra to another. An example problem is presented to illustrate transforming from any of the above to the disjoint system of Post algebra. keywords: {Disjoint system of algebra, logic simplification, many-valued logic, multiple-valued 4 switching functions, multivalued logic, nonbinary logic, Post algebra.;Algebra;Computer science;Logic functions;Multivalued logic;Registers;Switching systems;Disjoint system of algebra, logic simplification, many-valued logic, multiple-valued switching functions, multivalued logic, nonbinary logic, Post algebra.}, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1672518&isnumber=35082 5