Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Reproduction of material Material in this report may be reproduced and published, provided that it does not purport to be published under government authority and that acknowledgement is made of this source. Citation Ministry of Health and Statistics New Zealand (2009). Longer life, better health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand 1996–2006. Wellington: Statistics New Zealand Published in July 2009 by Statistics New Zealand Tatauranga Aotearoa Wellington, New Zealand _____________________ ISBN 978-0-478-31589-9 (online) Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Foreword Our health system aims, above all else, to improve the health of our population. So to manage this complex system effectively and efficiently, we need to be able to measure population health. Health expectancy – a generalisation of life expectancy to include nonfatal as well as fatal health outcomes – provides just such a metric. Health expectancy, in the form of independent life expectancy (the expectation of life free of functional limitation requiring assistance), has been used by the Ministry of Health as a summary measure of the performance of our health system for some years. Since 2003, this metric has served as the peak health indicator in documents such as the Ministry’s Statement of Intent and its Health and Independence Report, as well as the Ministry of Social Development’s overarching Social Report. Yet opportunities remain for wider application of health expectancy indicators within the health policy space, and methods for constructing these indicators are not yet fully standardised. Accordingly, in 2008 the Ministry of Health and Statistics New Zealand produced a joint discussion paper Health Expectancy: Toward Tier 1 Official Statistic Status, to seek advice on this issue. We are grateful to all those individuals and organisations who responded to this discussion paper with useful suggestions and constructive criticism. Based on this consultation, the Ministry and Statistics NZ have now produced the current report Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006. This report sets out standard definitions and methods for health expectancy indicators, and makes recommendations as to the appropriate indicator for most health policy applications. The report also provides final estimates for health expectancy over the past decade. While it is pleasing to note that all health expectancy indicators have improved, some expansion of morbidity has also occurred. This has clear implications for health policy, especially in the context of an ageing population. This report will now provide a key input into Statistics NZ’s formal process for conferring Tier 1 official statistic status on health expectancy as a headline health indicator. Whatever the outcome of this process, this report will help policy makers, planners, and funders in the health sector make better use of these indicators for the assessment and management of health system performance – and so contribute to better informed health policy, wiser investment decisions, and consequently better health for us all. Stephen McKernan Director-General of Health Geoff Bascand Government Statistician 3 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Acknowledgements This report was written by Martin Tobias, Li-Chia Yeh and Stephen Salzano (Ministry of Health) and Conal Smith, Jade Pinkerton and Barb Lash (Statistics NZ). The authors gratefully acknowledge valuable input from peer reviewers of this report and respondents to the discussion paper this report is based on. 4 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................. 3 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 4 Contents.................................................................................................................................. 5 Executive summary ................................................................................................................. 6 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 6 Data sources and methods ................................................................................................. 6 Findings ............................................................................................................................... 7 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 8 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 9 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 10 Why measure and monitor health expectancy? ................................................................ 10 What to measure? A taxonomy of health expectancies .................................................... 11 Health state expectancies ................................................................................................. 12 Health-adjusted life expectancy ........................................................................................ 13 Data sources and methods ................................................................................................... 16 Mortality ............................................................................................................................. 16 Non-fatal health states ...................................................................................................... 16 Populations........................................................................................................................ 16 Estimation of health expectancies ..................................................................................... 16 Health expectancy in 2006 .................................................................................................... 17 Total population ................................................................................................................. 17 Mäori and non-Mäori comparison ...................................................................................... 19 Trends in health expectancy, 1996–2006 ............................................................................. 23 Evidence for compression or expansion of morbidity ........................................................ 24 Discussion............................................................................................................................. 27 Strengths and limitations of health expectancy as an indicator ......................................... 27 Choice of health expectancy indicator ............................................................................... 29 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 30 References............................................................................................................................ 32 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................ 34 Method for calculating health expectancies using Sullivan’s observed prevalence approach ........................................................................................................................... 34 Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................................ 37 Summary of feedback from consultation on discussion document.................................... 37 5 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Executive summary Introduction To monitor and improve the performance of the health system as a whole, we need a summary measure of population health – one that integrates both fatal (quantity of life) and non-fatal (quality of life) outcomes. Health expectancy – a generalisation of life expectancy to include time lived in different non-fatal health states defined by level of functioning – provides just such a measure. Two types of health expectancy indicators can be distinguished: • health state expectancies • health adjusted life expectancy. Health state expectancies use defined functional limitation thresholds to categorise personyears into different health states. Based on data collected in Statistics NZ’s post-censal disability survey (as well as mortality and population data), three health state expectancies may be defined: • limitation-free life expectancy (LFLE) – the number of years expected to be lived free of any functional limitation • independent life expectancy (ILE) – the number of years expected to be lived free of functional limitation needing assistance • active life expectancy (ALE) – the number of years expected to be lived free of functional limitation needing daily assistance. Health adjusted life expectancy (or healthy life expectancy, HLE) is based on continuous weighting of non-fatal health states relative to full health, rather than categorical functional limitation thresholds. So HLE can be defined as the equivalent number of years of full health that a person can expect to live. Independent life expectancy has been used as the ‘peak’ health indicator in the Ministry of Health’s Statement of Intent and Health and Independence Report, and The Social Report (Ministry of Social Development). However, understanding of these indicators is limited and methods for their calculation have not been fully standardised. This led to a joint project between the Ministry of Health and Statistics NZ to seek advice on these issues. A discussion paper was produced and used as the basis for wide consultation in late 2008. The current report builds on this consultation to: • set out standard definitions and methods for health expectancy indicator construction • provide final estimates for health expectancies in 2006, and trends from 1996 to 2006 • make recommendations for the choice of health expectancy indicators, and the reporting, international benchmarking, and evaluation of the use and usefulness of these indicators • support consideration of Tier 1 official statistic status for the health expectancy metric. Data sources and methods Abridged life tables for 1995–97, 2000–02 and 2005–07 were provided by Statistics NZ. Estimates of the prevalence of non-fatal health states stratified by level of functional limitation, age, sex, and (2006 only) Mäori-non-Māori ethnicity, were extracted from the corresponding post-censal disability surveys fielded by Statistics NZ. 6 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Health expectancies were calculated by the standard method recommended by the International Network for Health Expectancy (REVES). Findings Because ILE is recommended as the health expectancy indicator of choice for most policy purposes (see ‘Recommendations’ below), only findings for LE and ILE are summarised here. Over the past decade, life expectancy at birth for New Zealand males increased steadily, and at a faster rate than for females, increasing from 74.4 years in 1996 to 78.0 years in 2006 – a gain of 3.6 years. The corresponding increase for females was 2.6 years, from 79.6 years in 1996 to 82.2 years in 2006. So the gender gap in life expectancy decreased from 5.2 years to 4.2 years over the decade. Independent life expectancy at birth increased from 64.8 years to 67.4 years over the decade for males, an increase of 2.6 years. So 72 percent (2.6 / 3.6) of the life years gained by males were lived in good health (ie independently). The corresponding increase for females was 1.7 years, from 67.5 years in 1996 to 69.2 years in 2006. So 65 percent (1.7 / 2.6) of the life years gained by females were lived in good health. While independent life expectancy increased, and at least two thirds of the years of life gained were years of good health, morbidity still expanded (because life expectancy increased even faster). Years lived in poor health (defined as states of dependency) increased by 1.0 years (or 1.3 percent of life expectancy) for males and 0.9 years (or 1.1 percent of life expectancy) for females. The surveys used to estimate prevalence of functional limitation by support need level were insufficiently powered statistically to permit analysis of health expectancy trends by ethnicity. However, estimates were produced for Mäori and non-Māori in 2006. The current gap in life expectancy at birth (pooling genders) is 8.3 years and the corresponding gap in independent life expectancy is 6.5 years. Thus Mäori can expect to live shorter lives and fewer years independently than non-Māori. However, Mäori can also expect to live fewer years dependently (9.7 years versus 11.8 years), and the lifetime proportion lived independently is approximately the same for both ethnic groups (around 86 percent). This analysis of trends and inequalities in health and life expectancy in New Zealand from 1996 to 2006 illustrates the potential value of such information for health policy. That both LE and ILE have increased substantively over the decade indicates good health system performance, although benchmarking internationally would be necessary to contextualise this finding. However, unacceptable inequality remains between Mäori and non-Māori ethnic groups (although this gap narrowed over the decade, at least for life expectancy). Also, while over two thirds of the survival gain experienced by the population as a whole were years of good health, time spent in dependent health states (‘morbidity’) also expanded. This suggests that increased investment in long-term but low fatality conditions may be needed to manage this growing burden. To make such reprioritisation decisions will require drilling down (to the extent possible) from the summary health expectancy indicator to identify the specific health conditions and interventions that will yield the best value for money. Ongoing monitoring of health expectancy will then evaluate the extent to which compression of morbidity has been achieved over the longer term. This is a goal of critical importance for sustainability of the health system as the structural ageing of the population accelerates over the next 20 years. 7 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Discussion Strengths and weaknesses The strengths of the health expectancy metric as a whole-of-system outcome indicator are its robustness, transparency, comprehensiveness, and low cost. Limitations include: • reliance on functional limitation as the measure of non-fatal health states • limited ability to drill down to specific subsystem components or decompose estimates for subnational regions or population groups • difficulties in attribution of changes in these measures to changes in health care subsystem performance • potential confusion between functional limitation as a health outcome and disability as a minority rights issue. Choice of indicator Health state expectancies have two major disadvantages: the health of the population cannot be summarised in a single number (instead, three are required if the indicators discussed here are used), and measurement is susceptible to drift in the threshold used to define the indicators (eg daily versus non-daily dependency). On the other hand, a set of health state expectancies provides more information than a single health-adjusted life expectancy indicator. HLE (as a health-adjusted life expectancy indicator) overcomes these limitations, but introduces new ones – namely, the validity of the preference weights (health state values) for the non-fatal health states, and the more complex interpretation of the indicator as a transformation rather than a decomposition of life expectancy. Also, the preference weights are liable to be misunderstood as valuations of people’s lives. If only a single indicator is to be selected – for reasons of policy focus and ease of use – then ILE may be the best choice. Firstly, ILE does not require valuation of non-fatal health states. Secondly, the functional limitation threshold used in the construction of ILE – dependency – is both stable and meaningful in a policy sense. Finally, as a decomposition rather than a transformation of LE, the LE-ILE difference and the ILE:LE ratio are directly interpretable. Whichever health expectancy indicator (or set of indicators) is chosen, they need to form part of a ‘balanced scorecard’. Summary measures of population health such as health expectancy should be seen as only one input into evidence-informed health policy, and need to be supported by more detailed cause- and service-specific indicators. Nevertheless, this metric can provide a powerful assessment of overall health system performance and may be particularly valuable now, as we enter an era of rapid structural ageing of the population. 8 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Recommendations 1. Health expectancy should continue to be monitored as the ‘peak’ health system outcome indicator, and reported in the Health and Independence Report (Ministry of Health), The Social Report (Ministry of Social Development) and similar publications. 2. Only a single health expectancy indicator should be routinely reported and monitored: independent life expectancy (ILE). 3. This indicator (ILE) should be considered for Tier 1 status1 as part of New Zealand’s official statistics. 4. ILE should be monitored and reported five-yearly, in the second year following each Census of Population and Dwellings. 5. Estimates should be produced (nationally) for both the total New Zealand and Mäori populations. 6. The sources of data should continue to be the official life tables and the post-censal disability survey (or equivalent survey), both provided by Statistics NZ. 7. Production of the ILE estimates from these data, using standard methods (ie those set out in Appendix 1 of this report) as per the requirements for Tier 1 statistics, and the reporting and interpretation of these estimates, should be the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. 8. The Ministry of Health and Statistics NZ and should undertake further joint work to develop methods for producing: • projections of ILE • subnational estimates of ILE (ie regional, ethnic, socio-economic group) • improved ILE estimates and projections for Mäori. 9. Use and usefulness of ILE as a summary measure of population health, to inform the Ministry of Health’s long-term planning as well as broader social policy, should be periodically evaluated. 10. New Zealand, through the Ministry of Health, should participate actively in attempts by the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES) and other international organisations to improve the cross-country comparability and international benchmarking of health expectancy estimates. 1 The intent of introducing the concept of Tier 1 statistics is to ensure that the important statistics that departments use to advise and inform Ministers, and which are of broad public interest, are of a consistently high quality and integrity. 9 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Introduction Why measure and monitor health expectancy? The health policy debate in New Zealand, as in other countries, has traditionally emphasised measures of population health based on mortality (including standardised mortality ratios, years of life lost, and life expectancy). This emphasis has been at the expense of more broadly based population health measures that take into account non-fatal as well as fatal health outcomes. To some extent this situation reflects the longstanding availability of reliable, complete and comparable mortality records. Yet reliance on mortality as the sole population health outcome worthy of measurement can seriously distort public health policy and bias resource allocation in ways that may well be sub-optimal from a societal perspective. Such a limited view of population health is no longer necessary with the availability of valid and reliable survey instruments to measure non-fatal health states (World Health Organization 2002). The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) (World Health Organization 2001) defines non-fatal health states by level of functioning across a range of health domains (including vision, hearing, communication, cognition, affect, pain, mobility and dexterity) and health-related domains (including self-care, instrumental routines, and social functioning). Survey data describing the distribution of the population by level of functioning (ie across a set of non-fatal health states) can be combined with mortality data (in the form of a life table) to produce a summary measure of population health: one that extends the range of our understanding from life expectancy to health expectancy (Murray et al 2002). Health expectancy indicators have the potential to transform the health policy debate in the developed world from a narrow preoccupation with the extension of life to a broader concern with population health gain (World Health Organization 1997, Romieu and Robine 1997). Such measures are particularly useful for monitoring the health of ageing populations and can help guide resource allocation decisions. These measures can also serve to bring equity objectives – whether between generations, genders, social classes, ethnic groups or regions – more sharply into focus. Monitoring population health (in terms of both level and distribution) is essential for assessing the performance of the health system. As a summary measure of population health that integrates both fatal and non-fatal health outcomes, health expectancy plays a crucial role in this process by providing an overall outcome measure of system performance. Indeed, the health expectancy metric reflects the performance not only of the health sector itself, but of all sectors whose actions contribute substantively to population health outcomes. Therefore, policymakers, advisors and researchers across the social policy spectrum may find this indicator useful when reflecting on their own contribution – potential or realised – to the achievement of population health gain and the reduction of health inequalities. Given this capability, health expectancy has been accepted by the Ministry of Health as a key whole-of-system outcome indicator, much as has been the case in the US (Molla et al 2001), the European Union (European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit 2007) and (to a lesser extent) the UK (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 2006). Since 2003, the Ministry of Health has reported on health expectancy (in the form of independent life expectancy) as a ‘headline’ health indicator in both the Statement of Intent (Ministry of Health 2003b et seq) and the Health and Independence Report (Ministry of Health 2003a et seq). Also since 2003, independent life expectancy has been reported as the ‘peak’ health 10 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 indicator in the 'Health' chapter of The Social Report (Ministry of Social Development 2003 et seq). These reports employ a pyramidal health indicator framework, with health expectancy forming the peak of the pyramid (figure 1). At the next level, this integrated measure of health is decomposed into its two components – life expectancy and level of functioning, aggregating fatal and non-fatal health outcomes respectively. The following level in turn decomposes each of these major outcome categories into their major direct causes (diseases and injuries). The next level attributes these proximal causes to biological and behavioural risk and protective factors. The foundation of the pyramid is made up of the distal social, cultural and environmental determinants of health. Figure 1 Health Indicator Logic Beyond its use as a key outcome indicator, the health expectancy construct has also been applied, for example, in the long-term forecasting of public health expenditure (Tobias et al 2004, 2009). Research on social inequalities in health expectancy and on compression of morbidity in New Zealand has also been carried out by Davis and colleagues (Davis et al 1999, Graham et al 2004). What to measure? A taxonomy of health expectancies Definition of health expectancies The health expectancies reported in New Zealand are based (along with mortality and population data) on self-reported level of functioning in a range of health and health-related domains. These include the core domains identified in the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning (ICF) (Tobias and Blakey 2007). Population estimates and mortality data are obtained from Statistics NZ’s official statistics system. The data source for level of functioning has been the post-censal disability surveys 11 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 fielded by Statistics NZ in 1996, 2001 and 2006. Respondents in these surveys were asked whether they experienced any difficulty and/or needed any assistance with various dimensions of functioning, or with performing specified everyday activities, because of a long-term condition or health problem. For children under 15 years (reported via proxy), a broader definition was used which also included specific chronic conditions and education support needs. Domains of functioning included in the surveys were: • sensory (hearing, seeing) • communication (speaking, making self understood by others) • cognition (learning, remembering, intellectual functioning) • affect (emotional and psychological functioning) • physical mobility • agility and dexterity • self-care • usual everyday activities (instrumental routines) • socialising (mixing with others). Respondents who indicated that they experienced difficulty or needed help with any of the itemised functions or activities were considered to have a functional limitation. The limitation had to be for a minimum of six months (or be expected to last for that time) and not be eliminated through the use of simple corrective devices like eye glasses. Classification of health expectancies Two types of health expectancy indicators can be constructed from such data: health state expectancies and health-adjusted life expectancy. Health state expectancies Health state expectancies are calculated using defined functional limitation thresholds to categorise individuals into different health states. Three health state expectancies are reported here. To construct these indicators, the threshold for functional limitation was set at dependency: the need for assistance (from another person or a complex assistive device) with everyday routines, either intermittently or continuously. Specifically, participants in the post-censal disability surveys who acknowledged functional limitation(s) were classified into three support need levels: • • • level 1 (low) level 2 (moderate) level 3 (high) no need for assistance assistance needed, but only intermittently assistance needed on a daily basis. Based on this framework, three health state expectancies can be identified: limitation-free life expectancy (LFLE), independent life expectancy (ILE), and active life expectancy (ALE) (box 1 and figure 1). Note that health state expectancies represent a decomposition of life expectancy, so that the sum of the time spent in the different health states equals life expectancy (at birth or any other age). 12 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Box 1 Health State Expectancies Limitation-free life expectancy is the number of years, on average, that a person can expect to live free of any functional limitation. Independent life expectancy is the number of years, on average, that a person can expect to live independently – that is, free of functional limitation needing assistance (whether intermittently or on a daily basis). Active life expectancy is the number of years, on average, that a person can expect to live free of functional limitation needing daily assistance. Figure 2 A Conceptual Model of Health State Expectancies Level of support need No functional limitation Level 1 Functional limitation not requiring assistance Level 2 Functional limitation requiring non-daily assistance Level 3 Limitation-free life expectancy Independent life expectancy Active life expectancy Life expectancy Functional limitation requiring daily assistance Health-adjusted life expectancy Health-adjusted life expectancy (or healthy life expectancy, HLE) is based on continuous weighting of non-fatal health states, rather than on categorical functional limitation thresholds (as in health state expectancies). The health states are weighted relative to the state of ‘full health’ (weight = 1). Therefore, HLE can be seen as a transformation of life expectancy (rather than as a decomposition of it), and has the advantage over health state expectancies that only a single indicator is 13 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 needed to describe the health status of the whole population. HLE may be defined as follows in Box 2. Box 2 Healthy Life Expectancy Healthy life expectancy (or health-adjusted life expectancy) is the equivalent number of years of full health, on average, that a person can expect to live. The health state weights required for construction of HLE can be derived in two ways: • through a health state valuation survey, in which the preferences of the population for time spent in the different component health states (relative to full health) are elicited • by arbitrary assignment of weights. In the absence of New Zealand health state valuation data, the latter method has been used in this report, with equidistant weights of 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25 being assigned to the three levels of functioning defined by the component health state expectancies (figure 3). Figure 3 A Conceptual Model of Healthy Life Expectancy No functional limitation Functional limitation not requiring assistance Functional limitation requiring non-daily assistance Life expectancy Functional limitation requiring daily assistance 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 Health state weights 14 1.00 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Although the weights have been chosen for their mathematical properties rather than to represent New Zealanders’ preferences for different states of health, the rank order of the weights is likely to be the same. Given consistent rank ordering, HLE is not very sensitive to the exact weights used, depending more on their relative sizes. Furthermore, the use of arbitrary weights still allows estimation of trends in HLE, provided the weights are not changed over time. Alternatively, the arbitrary weights could be replaced in future by weights from a New Zealand health state valuation survey, and the historical estimates recalculated using these weights. The weights chosen are reasonably similar to those derived from a Dutch health state valuation exercise (Stouthard et al 1997) and to those employed in the WHO’s Global Burden of Disease Study (Mathers et al 2002). From figures 2 and 3, it can be seen that the relationship between HLE, LE, and the health state expectancies is given by: HLE = LFLE + 0.75(ILE – LFLE) + 0.5 (ALE – ILE) + 0.25 (LE – ALE) The variance of healthy life expectancy is given by: Var(HLE) = 0.0625 x [Var(LFLE) + Var(ILE) + Var(ALE) + Var(LE)] 15 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Data sources and methods Mortality Abridged life tables for 1995–97, 2000–02 and 2005–07 for the total population and the Mäori and non-Māori populations (by sex) were provided by Statistics NZ. Mäori mortality rates for 1995–97 and 2000–02 were corrected for numerator-denominator bias using New Zealand Census Mortality Study adjustors (Blakely et al 2007). Although adjustors are not yet available for 2005–07, these have been close to 1.0 for all age groups since 2000–02, so non-adjustment of the 2005–07 estimates should have little (if any) effect. Non-fatal health states Estimates of the prevalence of different health states, defined by level of functional limitation, by sex, Mäori-non-Māori ethnicity and 10-year age group, were derived from the 1996, 2001 and 2006 post-censal Household Disability Surveys and companion surveys of residential facilities fielded by Statistics NZ. The household and institutional surveys were designed to allow pooling of data so that the distribution of the whole population across the set of health states could be estimated. Populations Population denominators were the respective censal populations. The total ethnic group concept of ethnicity was used. Ethnic analysis had to be restricted to Mäori and non-Māori, because of the small numbers of Pacific and Asian respondents in the surveys. Estimation of health expectancies Abridged life tables incorporating non-fatal health state distributions were constructed for each sex by ethnic group for each period using the observed prevalence method (Sullivan 1971). To do this, the empirical health state prevalence estimates by 10-year age group were first smoothed using kernel smoothing (Wand and Jones 1994) to obtain estimates by five-year age group. Confidence intervals around the health expectancy estimates were calculated using standard formulae (see Appendix 1). HLE was calculated from the component health state expectancies using the formula given on page 15. More detail on the method for calculating health expectancies is provided in the REVES manual (Jagger 2006). 16 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Health expectancy in 2006 Total population Health state expectancies The expectations of life in 2006, with and without different levels of functional limitation, at different ages (selected to represent the beginning of each stage of the lifecycle) are summarised in table 1. Table 1 Expectation of Life With and Without Functional Limitation (Years) By gender, level of functional limitation, and lifecycle stage 2006 Male Female Exact age 0 15 25 45 65 0 15 25 45 65 Limitation-free (LFLE) 61.1 48.2 39.5 22.5 8.9 64.4 51.0 41.8 24.3 10.1 Independent (ILE) 67.4 53.9 44.7 26.6 11.2 69.2 55.3 45.8 27.6 11.9 Active (ALE) 74.8 60.7 51.3 32.5 15.5 78.4 64.1 54.4 35.2 17.5 Limited (LE –LFLE) 16.9 15.5 14.7 12.9 9.0 17.8 16.7 16.1 14.3 10.5 Dependent (LE – ILE) 10.6 9.8 9.5 8.7 6.8 13.0 12.4 12.1 11.0 8.7 (LE – ALE) 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.4 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.1 LE 78.0 63.7 54.2 35.3 18.0 82.2 67.7 58.0 38.6 20.6 LFLE/LE 78.3 75.6 72.8 63.6 49.6 78.4 75.3 72.1 62.9 49.1 ILE/LE 86.4 84.6 82.5 75.4 62.4 84.2 81.6 79.2 71.5 57.9 ALE/LE LE = life expectancy 95.9 95.3 94.6 92.2 86.4 95.5 94.7 93.9 91.3 85.0 Severely dependent Ratios (%) Limitation-free life expectancy Approximately 78 percent of life expectancy at birth in 2006 is expected to be lived free from functional limitation (any level). This is 61.1 out of 78.0 years (78.3 percent) for males and 64.4 out of 82.2 years (78.4 percent) for females. Note that from age 65 onwards, only half the remaining years of life are expected to be spent free of functional limitation – 49.6 percent for males and 49.1 percent for females. Females enjoy a longer life expectancy than males (by 4.2 years in 2006). Females can in fact expect to live 3.3 years longer than males free of any functional limitation, and 0.9 years longer limited. These estimates are consistent with estimates for previous years (1996, 2001), which found that females can expect to live longer than males both limitation-free and limited. 17 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Independent life expectancy About 85 percent of life expectancy at birth is expected to be free from functional limitation requiring assistance (dependency) in 2006. This is 67.4 out of 78.0 years (86.4 percent) for males and 69.2 out of 82.2 years (84.2 percent) for females. Even at age 65, over half of remaining life expectancy will be lived independently (both sexes): 62.4 percent for males and 57.9 percent for females. Females enjoy a longer expectation of independent life than males – 69.2 versus 67.4 years in 2006, a difference of 1.8 years (versus 4.2 years for total life expectancy). However, females can also expect to live longer in a dependent state – 13.0 versus 10.6 years, a difference of 2.4 years. That is, out of the 4.2 year female life expectancy advantage in 2006, 1.8 years (43 percent) are years of good health and 2.4 years (57 percent) are years of poor health. Active life expectancy Over 95 percent of life expectancy at birth in 2006 is expected to be lived free from functional limitation requiring daily assistance – 74.8 out of 78.0 years (95.9 percent) for males and 78.4 out of 82.2 years (95.5 percent) for females. So males can expect, on average, to live for 3.2 years needing daily assistance with self-care, whereas females can expect 3.7 years in this health state. Healthy life expectancy Health adjusted life expectancy at selected ages is tabulated below (table 2). Note that differences between LE and HLE, and the ratio of HLE to LE, are also shown – even though some authorities regard such calculations as inappropriate, seeing that HLE is a transformation, not strictly speaking a decomposition, of LE. Table 2 Healthy Life Expectancy at Selected Ages (Years) By gender 2006 Male Female Exact age 0 15 25 45 65 0 15 25 45 65 HLE 70.3 56.6 47.4 29.2 13.4 73.5 59.5 50.0 31.4 15.1 LE 78.0 63.7 54.2 35.3 18.0 82.2 67.7 58.0 38.6 20.6 Diff 7.7 7.1 6.8 6.1 4.6 8.7 8.2 8.0 7.2 5.5 90.1 88.9 87.5 82.8 74.6 89.5 87.9 86.3 81.4 73.0 % Table 2 shows that in 2006 males could expect to live 70.3 healthy-year equivalents from birth, while females could expect 73.5 – a difference (favouring females) of 3.2 years. This represents a ‘loss’ corresponding to 7.7 and 8.7 life years for males and females respectively, as a result of time spent in states of being other than full health. In both genders this ‘loss’ is equivalent to approximately 10 percent of life expectancy at birth. Interestingly, the health advantage of females as estimated using this metric is 3.2 years of healthy life, exactly one year less than the 4.2-year difference in total life years in 2006. 18 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Note that ‘healthy-year equivalents’ as defined using the HLE metric are not the same as limitation-free years as defined using LFLE. So, for example, males aged 65 years in 2006 can expect 18.0 more years of life (on average), 13.4 more healthy-year equivalents, and 8.9 more years free of any functional limitation. Precision of the estimates The precision of health expectancy estimates is limited mainly by the sampling error in the survey used to estimate the distribution of the population across the set of non-fatal health states included in the metric (table 3). Table 3 Standard Errors and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals (Years) Life and health expectancies 2006 SE LCI UCI male 0.29 60.5 61.7 female 0.29 63.8 65.0 ILEo male female 0.25 0.26 66.9 68.7 67.9 69.7 ALEo male female 0.16 0.17 74.5 78.1 75.1 78.8 HLEo male female 0.11 0.11 70.1 73.3 70.5 73.7 LEo male female 0.08 0.06 77.8 82.1 78.2 82.3 LFLEo Table 3 shows that, given the current survey, the precision is likely to be adequate for most purposes. For example, the width of the confidence interval for health expectancies at birth is generally about one year or less (compared with approximately 0.3 years for life expectancy). This should be sufficient to detect any epidemiologically meaningful change in health expectancy over a five year period. Mäori and non-Mäori comparison Health expectancy estimates for Mäori and non-Mäori were produced in the same way as described above for the total New Zealand population. Only the key results are shown below, for expectancies at birth only (table 4 and figure 4). Note that estimates could not be produced for the ethnic minorities (Pacific and Asian ethnic groups) because of severe imprecision in the age-specific functional limitation rates. That is, the post-censal Disability Survey is not powered sufficiently to produce estimates for these ethnic groups. 19 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Table 4 Life and Health Expectancies at Birth (Years) Mäori and non-Mäori populations 2006 LFLEo %LE ILEo %LE ALEo %LE HLEo LEo Non-Mäori 62.3 (78.9) 68.8 (87.2) 76.1 (96.3) 71.5 79.0 Mäori 56.8 (80.7) 62.0 (88.2) 67.6 (96.1) 64.2 70.4 Difference 5.5 7.3 8.6 Males 6.8 8.5 Females Non-Mäori 65.7 (79.2) 70.4 (84.9) 79.5 (95.8) 74.6 83.0 Mäori 58.7 (78.2) 64.2 (85.6) 72.2 (96.2) 67.6 75.1 Difference 7.0 7.0 7.9 6.2 7.3 Figure 4 Health and Life Expectancies by Sex Mäori and Non-Mäori 2006 90 80 Males Years of life Mäori Non-Mäori 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HLE0 ALE0 ILE0 LFLE0 Life expectancy Note: HLE = healthy life expectancy; ALE = active life expectancy; ILE = independent life expectancy; LFLE = limitation-free life expectancy; LE = life expectancy. 20 LE0 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Females Years of life 90 80 Mäori Non-Mäori 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HLE 0 ALE 0 ILE 0 LFLE 0 LE 0 Life expectancy Note: HLE = healthy life expectancy; ALE = active life expectancy; ILE = independent life expectancy; LFLE = limitation-free life expectancy; LE = life expectancy. Table 4 and figure 4 shows that Mäori life expectancy at birth is now approximately 70.4 years for males and 75.1 years for females, a gender gap of 4.7 years. About 79 percent is lived free of any functional limitation (corresponding to 56.8 years for males and 58.7 years for females), while approximately 87 percent is lived independently (corresponding to 62.0 years for males and 64.2 years for females). At present, Mäori males and females can expect to live 64.2 and 67.6 healthy-year equivalents, respectively. Table 4 also shows that Mäori life expectancy at birth is now approximately 8.3 years less than non-Mäori (pooling genders), reflecting substantial improvement in survival for Mäori in recent years, although the difference remains unacceptably large. Inequalities in health expectancies are generally smaller than those in life expectancy on an absolute scale, but similar on a relative scale. This finding reflects the complex interaction between survival and functional limitation that determines health expectancy. Thus while Mäori health and life expectancies are uniformly lower than non-Māori, the ratios of health to life expectancies for each ethnic group are similar. Note that the confidence intervals for the health expectancy estimates are (unsurprisingly) wider for Mäori than non-Mäori (table 5). They are generally about twice as wide (that is, health expectancy confidence intervals are typically ~2 years for Mäori compared to ~1 year for non-Mäori). This should be borne in mind when interpreting the results. 21 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Table 5 Standard Errors and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals (Years) Life and health expectancies by ethnicity 2006 LFLEo ILEo ALEo Mäori male SE 0.51 LCI 55.8 UCI 57.8 female 0.53 57.7 59.8 Non-Mäori male 0.34 61.7 63.0 female 0.34 65.1 66.4 Mäori male 0.43 61.2 62.9 female 0.47 63.3 65.2 Non-Mäori male 0.28 68.3 69.4 female 0.30 69.8 71.0 Mäori Non-Mäori HLEo Mäori Non-Mäori LEo Mäori Non-Mäori male 0.28 67.1 68.2 female 0.29 71.7 72.8 male 0.17 75.7 76.4 female 0.19 79.1 79.8 male 0.18 63.9 64.6 female 0.19 67.2 67.9 male 0.12 71.3 71.8 female 0.12 74.4 74.9 male 0.11 70.1 70.6 female 0.09 74.9 75.2 male 0.07 78.9 79.1 female 0.06 82.9 83.1 22 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Trends in health expectancy, 1996–2006 In principle, health expectancy estimates for 1996, 2001 and 2006 should be comparable, as all are based on the same data definitions, methods and data sources (Statistics NZ abridged life tables and the post-censal disability survey). However, minor variations in definitions, methods, survey questionnaires and fielding did occur, which have reduced data comparability – especially for the 2006 survey versus the earlier surveys. Also, the uncertainty (imprecision) in the health expectancy estimates needs to be borne in mind when interpreting the trends (95 percent confidence intervals are not shown in the table for clarity, but can be seen on the figure). With these caveats, trends in the key indicators (health expectancies at birth) are shown below (table 6 and figure 5). As we have only three time points, formal statistical tests for trend have not been done. Table 6 Health Expectancies at Birth (Years) By period Male Female Change 1996–2006 1996 2001 2006 1996 2001 2006 Male Female HLE0 67.2 68.1 70.3 70.9 72.0 73.5 3.1 (4.6%) 2.3 (3.2%) ALE0 72.1 73.2 74.8 75.9 77.7 78.4 2.7 (3.7%) 2.5 (3.3%) ILE0 64.7 64.8 67.4 67.5 68.5 69.2 2.7 (4.2%) 1.7 (2.5%) LFLE0 57.8 57.9 61.1 60.5 60.9 64.4 3.3 (5.7%) 3.9 (6.4%) LE0 74.4 76.3 78.0 79.6 81.1 82.2 3.6 (4.8%) 2.6 (3.3%) Notes: HLE = healthy life expectancy; ALE = active life expectancy; ILE = independent life expectancy; LFLE = limitation-free life expectancy; LE = life expectancy. Figure 5 New Zealand Health and Life Expectancies at Birth by Sex 1996, 2001 and 2006 90 80 Males Years of life 1996 2001 2006 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HLE0 ALE0 ILE0 LFLE0 Life expectancy Note: HLE = healthy life expectancy; ALE = active life expectancy; ILE = independent life expectancy; LFLE = limitation-free life expectancy; LE = life expectancy. 23 LE0 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 90 80 Females Years of life 1996 2001 2006 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HLE0 ALE0 ILE0 LFLE0 LE0 Life expectancy Note: HLE = healthy life expectancy; ALE = active life expectancy; ILE = independent life expectancy; LFLE = limitation-free life expectancy; LE = life expectancy. Trends in HLE, ALE and ILE appear consistent over time for females (but less so for males). Among females, LE at birth increased by 1.5 years from 1996 to 2001 and 1.1 years from 2001 to 2006. ILE increased less but in a similar pattern, by 1.0 years from 1996 to 2001 and 0.7 years from 2001 to 2006. By contrast, LFLE was almost stable from 1996 to 2001 (increasing by only 0.5 years), then increased implausibly by 3.5 years from 2001 to 2006. Among males, LE increased faster than among females, by 1.9 years from 1996 to 2001 and 1.7 years from 2001 to 2006. However, both LFLE and ILE show atypical trends among males, remaining stable from 1996 to 2001 while increasing rapidly – by 3.2 and 2.6 years respectively – from 2001 to 2006. These discontinuities in the time series for LFLE (both sexes) and, to a lesser extent, ILE (males only) reflect a similar discontinuity in the disability survey time series. This suggests that a change occurred between 2001 and 2006 in people’s perceptions of, or propensity to report, mild to moderate levels of functional limitation (Statistics NZ has ruled out statistical artefact as a likely explanation). This discontinuity is less evident for level 3 functional limitation – so the other HSE trends, and the HLE trend, are likely to be more robust. Most probably the estimated trends in HSEs and HLE from 2001 to 2006 represent a combination of real change and artefact and these trends should therefore be interpreted cautiously. Note that trends for Mäori are even less reliable, given the wide confidence intervals around the HSE and HLE estimates for Mäori in 1996 and 2001 (arising from the corresponding disability surveys). So trends are presented here for the all-New Zealand population only. Evidence for compression or expansion of morbidity Depending on the relative rates of change in health expectancy and life expectancy, ‘morbidity’ (the burden of non-fatal health outcomes) may become compressed, stay in dynamic equilibrium, or expand. Which trajectory is followed is a question of major health policy significance, especially in the context of an ageing population. The trajectory of population health may be defined on an absolute or relative scale. For example, a decrease in the number of years lived with dependency (ie in health states characterised by level 2 or 3 functional limitation) would constitute evidence of compression in an absolute sense. Similarly, a decrease in the proportion (percentage) of the lifetime spent in such health states would constitute evidence of compression in a relative sense. 24 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 The findings for the past decade are summarised below (figure 6). However, these findings should be interpreted cautiously in view of concerns regarding the comparability of the 2006 survey to the earlier surveys (described above). Figure 6 Years Lived in Different Health States In years and as a percentage of life expectancy 1996 and 2006 Years lived 10 9 1996 10.6% 8 7 6 11.3% 2006 9.9% 9.3% 9.5% 8.8% 8.1% 5.8% 5 4 4.6% 4.5% 4.1% 3 3.1% 2 1 0 level 1 level 2 level 3 level 1 level 2 level 3 Support need level Male Female Note: Y axis shows years lived in each health state; percentage above bars shows proportion of life expectancy lived in each health state. The trajectory varies depending on the non-fatal health states included in the metric. For females, level 1 morbidity (functional limitation) compressed on both absolute and relative scales, while level 2 morbidity expanded and level 3 morbidity remained stable (dynamic equilibrium). For males, level 1 morbidity again compressed, as for females. However, level 2 morbidity remained stable, while level 3 morbidity expanded. Using dependency (ie level 2 + level 3 functional limitation) as the threshold for inclusion of non-fatal health states in the indicator, morbidity expanded for both genders on both absolute and relative scales: by 1.0 years or 1.3 percent of life expectancy for males and 0.9 years or 1.1 percent of life expectancy for females. Although these expansions appear similar, note that the male expansion was comprised of level 3 health states while the female expansion involved mainly level 2 health states. Again, however, the caveat stated above regarding unexplained discontinuities in the post-censal survey time series should be borne in mind. Conclusions Over the past decade, life expectancy at birth for New Zealand males increased steadily, and at a faster rate than for females, increasing from 74.4 years in 1996 to 78.0 years in 2006 – a gain of 3.6 years. The corresponding increase for females was 2.6 years, from 79.6 years in 1996 to 82.2 years in 2006. So the gender gap in life expectancy decreased from 5.2 years to 4.2 years over the decade. Independent life expectancy at birth increased from 64.8 years to 67.4 years over the decade for males, an increase of 2.6 years. So 72 percent (2.6 / 3.6) of the life years gained by males were lived in good health (ie independently). The corresponding increase for females was 1.7 years, from 67.5 years in 1996 to 69.2 years in 2006. So 65 percent (1.7 / 2.6) of the life years gained by females were lived in good health. While independent life expectancy increased, and at least two thirds of the years of life gained were years of good 25 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 health, morbidity still expanded (because life expectancy increased even faster). Years lived in poor health (defined as states of dependency) increased by 1.0 years (or 1.3 percent of life expectancy) for males and 0.9 years (or 1.1 percent of life expectancy) for females. However, the reliability of these estimates is limited, for reasons stated above. The surveys used to estimate prevalence of functional limitation by support need level were insufficiently powered statistically to permit analysis of health expectancy trends by ethnicity. However, estimates were produced for Mäori and non-Māori in 2006. The current gap in life expectancy at birth (pooling genders) is 8.3 years and the corresponding gap in independent life expectancy is 6.5 years. Thus Mäori can expect to live shorter lives and fewer years independently than non-Māori. However, Mäori can also expect to live fewer years dependently (9.7 years versus 11.8 years), and the lifetime proportion lived independently is approximately the same for both ethnic groups (~86 percent). This analysis of trends and inequalities in health and life expectancy in New Zealand from 1996 to 2006 illustrates the potential value of such information for health policy. That both LE and ILE have increased substantively over the decade indicates good health system performance, although benchmarking internationally would be necessary to contextualise this finding. However, unacceptable inequality remains between Mäori and non-Māori ethnic groups (although this gap narrowed over the decade, at least for life expectancy). Also, while over two thirds of the survival gain experienced by the population as a whole were years of good health, time spent in dependent health states (‘morbidity’) also expanded. This suggests that increased investment in mental health and other long-term but low-fatality conditions may be needed to manage this growing burden. To make such reprioritisation decisions will require drilling down (to the extent possible) from the summary health expectancy indicator to identify the specific health conditions and interventions that will yield the best value for money. Ongoing monitoring of health expectancy will then enable us to evaluate the extent to which compression of morbidity has been achieved over the longer term – a goal of critical importance for sustainability of the health system as the structural ageing of the population accelerates over the next 20 years. 26 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Discussion Strengths and limitations of health expectancy as an indicator Strengths New Zealand is fortunate in having both high quality vital statistics (based on a five-yearly population census and full registration of deaths) and a population-based, post-censal disability survey (covering people of all ages living in both private dwellings and in residential institutions). Thus the necessary information infrastructure to measure and regularly monitor health expectancy already exists, and the additional cost of combining mortality and functional limitation rates to generate these metrics is negligible. Measurement and monitoring of population health (level and distribution) is an essential ingredient of national health system performance assessment, and health expectancy is perhaps better suited to this task than any other available (or even theoretical) measure (WHO 2000). An international network, the International Health Expectancy Network (known by its French acronym REVES), has been operating for almost quarter of a century. It has achieved some success in standardising definitions and methods so that international comparability of health expectancy estimates is slowly improving. More and more countries and intergovernmental organisations (eg the EU) are using these measures as headline (summary) indicators of health system performance. Yet these indicators are still subject to a number of technical and conceptual challenges as outlined below. Limitations Measurement of non-fatal health states Measurement of non-fatal health states depends on serial surveys of the population, currently the post-censal disability survey fielded by Statistics NZ. Based on a recent consultation on the future of this survey carried out by Statistics NZ, sustainability of the necessary health state data seems assured – either through continuance of this survey or inclusion of suitable items in the General Social Survey. Similar data could also be derived from the New Zealand Health Survey operated by the Ministry of Health. Equivalence of the data that could be collected in these surveys to that collected via the existing post-censal disability survey would need to be demonstrated (especially with regard to health state prevalence estimates disaggregated by support need level). Valuation of health states For estimation of health adjusted life expectancy (HLE), non-fatal health states must not only be described but also valued. The lack of preference weights for New Zealand is clearly a limitation in this regard, forcing us to rely on weights chosen for their mathematical properties (ie equidistant weights) rather than weights reflecting New Zealanders’ preferences for being in different health states. If HLE is to be used as an outcome indicator, a process to generate and regularly (say 10-yearly) update preference-based weights would be needed. This could involve a general population survey or a panel approach (eg focus groups of health workers, patients, family members, and/or politicians) (Stouthard et al 2000). However, whether HLE should be included at all in the indicator set is problematic, as discussed below. 27 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Lack of longitudinal functional limitation data Because we have no source of longitudinal data on non-fatal health states, health expectancies can be estimated only by Sullivan’s observed prevalence method rather than using multi-state life-table methods. Sullivan’s method is poorly responsive to recent changes in population health, because of the inertia inherent in observed prevalence (which is a stock variable and so depends on past as well as current flows). However, Mathers and Robine (1997) have shown that this limitation may not be substantive provided population health status changes only slowly and relatively smoothly, as indeed appears to be the case in a developed country like New Zealand. More recently, Imai and Soneji (2007) have provided for the first time a formal proof of the Sullivan method and confirmed its fitness for purpose. Reliance on self-report (for functional limitation) Self-reports of functional limitation are subject to variation in norms and expectations between cultural groups and over time. This reliance is typically most problematic for mild rather than moderate or severe functional limitation thresholds, as appears to have been the case in the 2006 post-censal survey compared with earlier surveys. Use of calibrators may increase the robustness of self-reported data in future (WHO 2003), but it is unlikely that a fully satisfactory solution to this inherent limitation will ever be found. Substitution of objective tests for self-report is not practical in the context of a regular, relatively large population-based survey. Nor are objective tests available for all health states (eg chronic pain syndromes). Limited ability to ‘drill down’ and undergo additive decomposition The contribution of different causes (diseases, injuries, risk factors) to health expectancy can be quantified by constructing cause-deleted health expectancies (Murray et al 2002), but the contributions so obtained cannot be added across causes (since any death or non-fatal health state is multi-causal). Methods for estimating the contributions of different diseases and risk factors to health expectancy, based on regression modelling, have been developed (Nusselder 2004, Rasulo 2007). However, the causal data collected in the current survey (or any survey) is necessarily limited, so restricting our ability to ‘drill down’ to the level of specific causes or cause groups. This restricted ability to ‘drill down’ from the high-level summary measure to specific causes and interventions (eg specific health services) limits the policy value of the health expectancy metric. Limited decomposability As well as limited ability to drill down by cause, decomposability by region or population subgroup (eg ethnic group or social class) is also limited. In this case, the limitation is imposed by sampling error in the survey component. In particular, ethnic analyses may have to be confined to Mäori and non-Mäori only, with no reliable estimates being possible for Pacific or Asian peoples. One solution might be to estimate partial rather than full health expectancies for these ethnic groups (eg covering the age range from birth to 85 years only – the main limitation is small numbers of Pacific or Asian respondents in older age groups). Small domain estimation techniques could also be used to model the data for smaller ethnic groups or regions, but can never be as robust as empirical estimates. Moreover, decomposability by time period is also necessarily limited, both by the five-yearly frequency of the survey component and by the slowness of possible change in the health status of the population itself. Hence, more frequent updates than five-yearly are not realistically possible, and are also unnecessary. Narrow conceptualisation of health A more fundamental limitation of health expectancy as an indicator of population health is the arguably narrow conceptualisation of non-fatal health states as functional limitations, ignoring other dimensions of wellbeing such as happiness, spirituality and ‘quality of life’. 28 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 This reductionist philosophy – sometimes described as a ‘biomedical model’ – may also be limited in terms of its cross-cultural relevance. Also of cultural relevance is that health expectancy explicitly locates health as an individual attribute, with the population indicator being simply an aggregation of the estimates for atomised individuals. This view contrasts with other cultural perspectives of health, which view health more as a shared attribute of a family or local community, rather than relating solely to individuals. However, no attempt has yet been made to incorporate such views quantitatively into the aggregation method for health expectancy. Attribution A criticism sometimes raised against health expectancy as an outcome measure for the health system is that it casts its net too wide – health expectancy is affected by factors beyond health care. However, the boundaries of the health system extend beyond clinical care. It is generally accepted that an objective of the health system is to improve the level and distribution of population health. This does not mean that, in interpreting trends in health expectancy (or in inequalities between social groups in health expectancy), changes in macroeconomic performance, income distribution, labour market performance and similar social variables should not be taken into account. Health expectancy is a summary measure, reflective of whole-of-system performance. Different indicators are needed to measure outcomes of specific health services (eg cancer survival). Yet simply adding up all these service-specific indicators will not reveal whether the health system as a whole is performing better or worse, or whether gaps between ethnic or income groups are narrowing or widening. Both whole-of-system and service-specific indicators are needed. Ethics Health expectancy is sometimes misunderstood as applying a narrow biomedical model to the construct of disability. This is not the case. These indicators capture non-fatal health states in terms of functional limitation – a concept related to impairment rather than disability. Internationally, this distinction between ‘impairment’ and ‘disability’ is sometimes not drawn, leading to semantic confusion. While impairment often underlies disability, the two constructs are not necessarily closely related. Furthermore, the majority of health states associated with functional limitation involve older people who have developed multiple comorbid chronic diseases. By contrast, the concern with disability as a human rights issue is often related to the social experience of the young disabled, or those disabled from birth. The health expectancy construct is in fact silent on disability as an issue of minority rights. By contrast, by placing functional limitation at the centre of health (along with survival), it recognises such limitation as part of the universal experience of humankind. Similar misunderstandings surround the valuation of health states required to construct HLE. The weights assigned to different health states reflect preferences for time spent in one health state rather than another. They are not valuations of people’s lives. Nevertheless, the ease with which these preference weights are misunderstood is one of the reasons for not using HLE as a health system performance indicator (see below). Choice of health expectancy indicator Despite these limitations, health expectancy measures have two major advantages: they are relatively easy to measure and monitor, and they do integrate both fatal and non-fatal outcomes into a single index or summary measure of health. Furthermore, the construction 29 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 of this composite indicator is reasonably simple and transparent, and the value choices implicit in its design are at least clear. The question still remains as to whether to focus on health state expectancies or health-adjusted life expectancy as the preferred way of summarising the health status of a nation or population. Health state expectancies have two major disadvantages: the health of the population cannot be summarised in a single number (instead, three are required if the indicators discussed here are used), and measurement is susceptible to drift in the threshold used to define the indicators (eg daily versus non-daily dependency). On the other hand, a set of HSEs not surprisingly provides more information than does a single health-adjusted life expectancy indicator. For example, contrasting trends may be found between LFLE and ILE, or between ILE and ALE, which could well be of policy significance. HLE (as a health-adjusted life expectancy indicator) overcomes these limitations, but introduces new ones – namely, the validity of the preference weights (or equidistant weights) for the non-fatal health states, and the more complex interpretation of the indicator as a transformation rather than a decomposition of LE. Also, as stated above, the preference weights are liable to be misunderstood as valuations of people’s lives. If only a single indicator is to be selected – for reasons of policy focus and ease of use – then ILE may be the best choice. Firstly, ILE does not require valuation of non-fatal health states. Secondly, the functional limitation threshold used in the construction of ILE – dependency – is both stable and meaningful in a policy sense. Finally, as a decomposition rather than a transformation of LE, the LE-ILE difference and the ILE:LE ratio are directly interpretable. Whichever health expectancy indicator (or set of indicators) is chosen, they need to form part of a ‘balanced scorecard’. Summary measures of population health such as health expectancy should be seen as only one input into evidence-informed health policy, and need to be supported by more detailed cause- and service-specific indicators. Nevertheless, this metric can provide a powerful assessment of overall health system performance and may be particularly valuable at the present time, as we enter an era of rapid structural ageing of the population. Recommendations The following recommendations are addressed primarily to the Ministry of Health and Statistics NZ. 1. Health expectancy should continue to be monitored as the ‘peak’ health system outcome indicator, and reported in the Health and Independence Report (Ministry of Health), The Social Report (Ministry of Social Development) and similar publications. 2. Only a single health expectancy indicator should be routinely reported and monitored: independent life expectancy (ILE). 3. This indicator (ILE) should be considered for Tier 1 status as part of New Zealand’s official statistics. 4. ILE should be monitored and reported five-yearly, in the second year following each Census of Population and Dwellings. 5. Estimates should be produced (nationally) for both the total New Zealand and Mäori populations. 30 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 6. The sources of data should continue to be the official life tables and the post-censal disability survey (or equivalent survey), both provided by Statistics NZ. 7. Production of the ILE estimates from these data, using standard methods (ie those set out in Appendix 1 of this report) as per the requirements for Tier 1 statistics, and the reporting and interpretation of these estimates, should be the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. 8. The Ministry of Health and Statistics NZ and should undertake further joint work to develop methods for producing: (a) projections of ILE (b) subnational estimates of ILE (ie regional, ethnic, socio-economic group) (c) improved ILE estimates and projections for Mäori. 9. Use and usefulness of ILE as a summary measure of population health, to inform the Ministry of Health’s long-term planning as well as broader social policy, should be periodically evaluated. 10. New Zealand, through the Ministry of Health, should participate actively in attempts by the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES) and other international organisations to improve the cross-country comparability and international benchmarking of health expectancy estimates. 31 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 References Blakely, T, Tobias, M, Atkinson, J et al (2007). Tracking Disparity: Trends in ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in mortality, 1981–2004. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Davis, P, Graham, P, & Pearce, N (1999). Health expectancy in New Zealand 1981–1991: social variations and trends in a period of rapid social and economic change. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 53: 519–27. European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit (2007). Interpreting Health Expectancies. EHEMU Reports. Montpellier: Author. Graham, P, Blakely, T, Davis, P et al (2004). Compression, expansion or dynamic equilibrium? The evolution of health expectancy in New Zealand. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 58: 659–66. Health Funding Authority (1998). Disability in New Zealand. Wellington: Author. Imai, K, Soneji, S (2007). On the estimation of disability-free life expectancy: Sullivan’s method and its extension. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 102: 480 1199– 1211. Jagger, C, Cox, B, & Le Roy, S (2006). Health Expectancy Calculation by the Sullivan Method. Third Edition. Paris: European Union Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit. Mathers, CD & Robine, JM (1997). How good is Sullivan’s method for monitoring changes in population health expectancies? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 51: 80–86. Mathers, CD (2001). Healthy life expectancy in 191 countries. Lancet 357: 1685–91. Ministry of Health (2003a). Health and independence report. Wellington: Author. Ministry of Health (2003b). Statement of Intent. Wellington: Author. Ministry of Health & Statistics New Zealand (2008). Health Expectancy: Toward Tier 1 official statistic status. Wellington: Author. Molla, MT, Wagener, DK & Madans, JH (2001). Summary measures of population health: methods for calculating healthy life expectancy. Healthy People 2010 statistical notes. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Ministry of Social Development (2003). The Social Report 2003. Wellington: Author. Murray, CJL, Salomon, JA, Mathers, CD et al (2002). 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Cross population comparability of evidence for health policy. Discussion Paper 46. Geneva: Author. 33 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Appendix 1 Method for calculating health expectancies using Sullivan’s observed prevalence approach Given smoothed disability prevalence rates by support need level and five-year age group (see Ministry of Health and Statistics New Zealand 2008), the ordinary abridged life table can be converted into a Sullivan observed prevalence life table by inserting these rates into column 10 of the spreadsheet as shown below. Calculation of health expectancy and its SE then follows from the formulae embedded in the spreadsheet for columns 11 to 20. A full explanation for these formulae is provided in the European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit manual (Jagger et al 2006), available at: www.ehemu.eu. An example spreadsheet is shown below. Please note that the numbers used in this example are merely illustrative, they are not the numbers used in the spreadsheets used to produce the actual estimates presented in this report. Explanation of columns in example spreadsheet Column no. Explanation 1 to 9 abridged life table supplied by Statistics NZ 10 disability rates (in this report the smoothed disability prevalence rates from the 2006 post-censal Disability Survey) 13 column 12 / column 2, ie, HEx = ∑[(1-πx)×Lx] / lx 14 total number of participants in the age interval in the 2006 post-censal Disability Survey 15 = [column 10×(1–column 10)] / column 14, ie, S2(πx) = [πx×(1– πx)] / Nx 18 = column 17 / (column 2)2 , ie, S2(HEx) = ∑L2 S2(πx) / (lx)2 19 = square root of column 18, ie, S(HEx) = √S2(HEx) 20 and 21 = column 13 ± 1.96 × column 19 Note: the term ‘disability rate’ is used here as a convenient label for the more correct ‘functional limitation rate’ 34 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Example health expectancy spreadsheet 1 2 3 4 Out of 100,000 people born: Exact age (years) x 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 5 6 Probability that a person who reaches this age: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Proportion of age group x to x+5 surviving another five years Expected number of years of life remaining at age x Proportion of age group with disability Person years lived without disability in interval Total years lived without disability from age x Health expectancy (LFLE, ALE, or ILE) sx 0.99897 … 0.99941 0.99763 0.99547 0.99493 0.99505 0.99467 0.99298 0.98958 0.98439 0.97609 0.96201 0.93864 0.90097 0.83978 0.74359 0.59447 … ex 78.1 77.5 73.6 68.7 63.7 59.0 54.2 49.5 44.7 40.0 35.3 30.7 26.3 22.0 18.0 14.3 10.9 8.0 5.6 πx 0.101249 0.101249 0.103957 0.103227 0.097627 0.092859 0.095236 0.104259 0.118193 0.1394 0.172587 0.219576 0.277406 0.336744 0.390849 0.442037 0.490588 0.529187 0.552611 (1- πx)*Lx 89481.49 357468 445143.8 445245.3 446962.5 447288.7 443856.8 437255.1 428158.9 414926.8 394769.7 366537.2 331260.5 292506.2 252160.2 208098.2 159550.7 109649.8 94110.85 Σ[(1- πx)*Lx] 6164430.892 6074949.399 5717481.42 5272337.613 4827092.305 4380129.806 3932841.073 3488984.276 3051729.205 2623570.263 2208643.491 1813873.745 1447336.507 1116075.998 823569.7939 571409.5832 363311.3706 203760.6949 94110.85054 HEx 61.6 61.1 57.5 53.1 48.6 44.3 40.0 35.6 31.3 27.1 23.0 19.1 15.6 12.4 9.6 7.2 5.2 3.7 2.5 Number alive at exact age Average number alive in the age interval Number dying in the age interval Is alive at end of the age interval Dies in the age interval Central annual death rate for the age interval lx 100,000 99,491 99,388 99,336 99,231 98,861 98,363 97,873 97,384 96,811 95,992 94,776 92,973 90,205 85,895 79,247 69,326 55,278 37,356 Lx 99,562 397,738 496,788 496,497 495,319 493,075 490,578 488,149 485,547 482,136 477,113 469,664 458,433 441,016 413,954 372,961 313,205 232,895 210,356 dx 509 103 51 106 370 498 490 489 573 819 1,216 1,803 2,769 4,310 6,647 9,921 14,048 17,922 37,356 px 0.99491 0.99896 0.99949 0.99893 0.99627 0.99496 0.99502 0.99500 0.99412 0.99154 0.98733 0.98098 0.97022 0.95222 0.92261 0.87480 0.79737 0.67579 0.00000 qx 0.00509 0.00104 0.00051 0.00107 0.00373 0.00504 0.00498 0.00500 0.00588 0.00846 0.01267 0.01902 0.02978 0.04778 0.07739 0.12520 0.20263 0.32421 1.00000 mx 0.00511 0.00026 0.00010 0.00021 0.00075 0.00101 0.00100 0.00100 0.00118 0.00170 0.00255 0.00384 0.00605 0.00979 0.01610 0.02671 0.04510 0.07739 0.40000 Notes: Numbers are for illustration only, the data is not real. The sample spreadsheet continues on the next page. 35 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 14 15 16 17 Number in survey in age interval Nx 120 300 350 345 412 535 458 654 752 851 1024 1125 521 475 532 402 325 216 1254 S2(πx) 0.000758 0.000303 0.000266 0.000268 0.000214 0.000157 0.000188 0.000143 0.000139 0.000141 0.000139 0.000152 0.000385 0.00047 0.000448 0.000614 0.000769 0.001153 0.000197 L2S2(πx) 7516824 47984635 65683502 66144033 52459950 38280139 45278098 34027088 32674632 32769758 31744758 33599918 80858129 91452603 76687680 85342172 75432902 62563872 8724001 ΣL2S2(πx) 969224693 961707870 913723235 848039732 781895699 729435749 691155610 645877513 611850425 579175793 546406035 514661277 481061360 400203230 308750627 232062947 146720775 71287873 8724001 18 19 20 21 Variance of HE Standard error of HE Lower 95% CI of HE Upper 95% CI of HE S(HEx) 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.08 LCI(HEx) 61.0 60.4 56.9 52.5 48.1 43.8 39.5 35.1 30.8 26.6 22.5 18.7 15.1 11.9 9.2 6.8 4.9 3.4 2.4 UCI(HEx) 62.3 61.7 58.1 53.7 49.2 44.8 40.5 36.2 31.8 27.6 23.5 19.6 16.0 12.8 10.0 7.6 5.6 4.0 2.7 2 S (HEx) 0.096922469 0.097157331 0.092501872 0.085940625 0.079406713 0.074634573 0.071435486 0.06742611 0.064516946 0.061796112 0.059298569 0.057296093 0.055652635 0.049184027 0.041848225 0.036951914 0.030528187 0.02332975 0.006251501 Note: Numbers are for illustration only, the data is not real. 36 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Appendix 2 Summary of feedback from consultation on discussion document The consultation process sought comment and feedback from various stakeholders, including experts in the field, central and local governments, health sector organisations and other potential users of health expectancy estimates and projections. The discussion paper Health Expectancy: Toward Tier 1 official statistic status (Ministry of Health and Statistics New Zealand 2008) was widely circulated and the opportunity for stakeholders to comment was invited via a feedback form attached to the end of the report The questions asked in this feedback form were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you favour a single health expectancy indicator, or set of indicators? Should they be Tier 1? How often should they be updated? Should estimates continue to be produced nationally? Where do you think the source data should come from? How do you feel about the proposed method for calculating health expectancy? How should the results be presented? What should health expectancy estimates and projections be used for? Why is it necessary to have this information? 9. Any other comments? The paper was well received by most stakeholders and valuable feedback was provided by some. In addition, three meetings were held to elicit further comment and provide an opportunity for more detailed debate: one with Ministry of Health policy analysts, one with senior Statistics New Zealand advisors, and one with a senior representative of the Office of Disability Issues. A summary of the responses to the discussion paper, both written and oral (ie via the three meetings) is provided in the table below. The feedback obtained through this consultation process has helped shape the current report, including the final recommendations set out in the report, and so will contribute to the future of health expectancy as an outcome measure for health system performance assessment in New Zealand. We are grateful to all those who provided feedback. 37 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Summary of feedback received via the consultation process on the discussion document Note: Although we have tried to accurately reflect stakeholders’ views, this cannot always be guaranteed in a summary table. Question MOH (Public Health ) NZ Nurses Organisation Christchurch City Council Should not yet be Tier 1, until more familiarity Supports Tier 1 Not Tier 1 as it doesn’t meet requirements Preferably one indicator, but no preference as to which Favours a small set of indicators (each giving different information) Recommends publicity/education re. ILE (otherwise use small set). Supports one indicator (not specific as to which one) How often do you think health expectancy indicators should be updated? Supports regular collection for consistent time series Regular updates (after each census). Recommends values survey every 10-20 years to determine health state weights for calculation of HLE Five-yearly updating Five-yearly updating Do health expectancy estimates need to be produced subnationally? Recommends cohort analysis be added Subnational estimates (ethnic/regional) Subnational estimates (especially Mäori and rural) Subnational estimates, especially geographic (TLA), also ethnic and deprivation Uses of health expectancy indicators – policy, workforce planning, programme evaluation, debates on ethical issues, eg quality and end-of-life decision making, resource allocation in relation to population ageing Supports existing data sources Should health expectancy be recognised as a Tier 1 statistic? Do you favour one single health expectancy indicator or a set of indicators? Waikato University (Demography) Should be Tier 1 Other comments 38 Uses of health expectancy indicators should include measuring community progress Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Question Should health expectancy be recognised as a Tier 1 statistic? University of Auckland (Public Health) Supports Tier 1 MOH (Information Directorate) Not Tier 1 – wants international benchmarks established first MOH (Policy group) Supports Tier 1 Do you favour one single health expectancy indicator or a set of indicators? Single indicator - ILE One indicator - ILE One indicator - ILE How often do you think health expectancy indicators should be updated? Five-yearly updates No comment Five-yearly updates Do health expectancy estimates need to be produced subnationally? Subnational estimates (Mäori and non-Mäori) Subnational (Mäori, Pacific and deprivation) Subnational estimates (Mäori, Pacific, Asian, essential - recommends partial (eg 0-85) HE, if full HE (0-100+) not possible for smaller ethnic groups Other comments Uses of health expectancy indicators – research/policy HLE problematic, unless we can get good health state valuations for NZ Non-fatal outcomes not adequately captured – aspects of wellbeing excluded (eg ‘good’ death) 39 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Question Auckland Regional Public Health Service MOH (Mäori, Pacific) Office of Disability Issues Should health expectancy be recognised as a Tier 1 statistic? Supports Tier 1, but with a commitment to stable, long-term measuring Supports Tier 1 – which would help to achieve international comparability of health expectancy indicators Unsure, as it could be subject to change Do you favour one single health expectancy indicator or a set of indicators? Both indicators – ILE and HLE Single indicator - ILE It is essential to make the case as to why we have to move away from current mortality measures of health How often do you think health expectancy indicators should be updated? Five-yearly updates Five-yearly updates No comment Do health expectancy estimates need to be produced subnationally? Producing sub-national estimates have limitations and may not prove useful. Rather, we would like focus to be on those indicators which contribute to the functioning and delivery of public health services Health expectancy estimates (total New Zealand and Mäori populations, Pacific population – suggest small domain estimates and partial health expectancy (0–84 yrs) estimates, Asian population, different age groups, especially children (0–6 yrs)) No comment 40 Longer Life, Better Health? Trends in health expectancy in New Zealand, 1996–2006 Other comments As proposed at a regional level, envisage no uses for the health expectancy indicators. Central agencies may be able to use high level statistics with regard to trends Relative calculations that use the three health state expectancy measures could lead to inaccurate assessments of health disparities between Mäori and non-Mäori. Recommend reporting only one measure Uses of health expectancy indicators – provide understandable and accessible measure of health outcomes/improvements over time, highlighting differences, costs of long-term conditions, and addressing inequalities. To forecast ahead and estimate impact of an ageing population, monitor health system performance, comparison with other countries Ethical issues need to be clarified, including differentiating ‘disability’ from ‘impairment’ (functional limitation), and making clear that health state valuations used in HLE are not valuing people’s lives The key point is that disability depends on the environment - the services available to people with impairments, access to support, structural modifications to the environment etc Non-fatal health outcomes should therefore be defined in terms of impairment or functional limitation, not disability 41