MOS Gate Dielectrics Prof. Krishna Saraswat Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 araswat tanford University 1 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Outline •Scaling issues •Technology •Reliability of SiO2 •Nitrided SiO2 •High k dielectrics araswat tanford University 2 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 1 Scaling of MOS Gate Dielectric ID ∝ Charge x velocity ∝ Cox (VGS - VT) x velocity ∝ Cox (VGS - VT) x velocity Cox " ! K thickness (Ref: S. A sai, Microelectronics Engg., Sep t. 1996) Gate SiO2 thickness is approaching < 20 Å to improve device performance • How far can we push MOS gate dielectric thickness? • How will we grow such a thin layer uniformly? • How long will such a thin dielectric live under electrical stress? • How can we improve the endurance of the dielectric? araswat tanford University 3 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Problems in Scaling of Gate Oxide Polysilicon gate electrode Dopant penetration Leakage current gate oxide Reliability due to charge injection Defects and nonuniformity of film Dielectric breakdown Si substrate • Below 20 Å problems with SiO2 – Gate leakage => circuit instability, power dissipation – Performance degradation due to tox(electrical) > tox(physical) • Carrier quantization in the channel and depletion in poly-Si gate – Degradation and breakdown – Dopant penetration through gate oxide – Defects araswat tanford University 4 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 2 Leakage Current Contributions VDD poly gate n+ IG n+ ISUB IGIDL p-well IJ Source: Marcyk, Intel Relative contributions of OFF-state leakage (but magnitude of total leakage getting exponentially worse for deeper submicron nodes) 130nm 100nm 65nm ISUB Subthreshold leakage from source IGIDL Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) IJ Junction reverse-bias leakage IG Gate leakage (direct tunneling) Source: Assenmacher, Infineon (2003) araswat tanford University 5 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Quantum Mechanical Effect under gate oxide Band bending under gate oxide creates a quantum well that splits carrier energy band into subbands The spatial distribution of carriers is modified with the maxima in the semiconductor This results in additional capacitance Carrier Concentration - Classical Electron energy Carrier Concentration - Quantum Mechanical Conduction Band Depth Under Gate Oxide Energy Band Split Cox CQ araswat tanford University CQ : additional capacitance from quantum mechanical effect 6 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 3 Performance degradation due to tox(electrical) > tox(physical) reduced Cox increase EOT ) Electron Concentration (/cm 2.00E+20 3 2.5 nm gate oxide . 1.50E+20 Quantum mechanical Classical 1.00E+20 5.00E+19 Quantum mechanical Classical 0.00E+00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (nm) Ref: Buchanan et al., Proc. ECS Vol. PV 96-1, 1996 Ref: T.-Y. Oh PhD thsis, Stanford Univ. 2004 • The maximum of carrier concentration is located ~ 1nm under the gate oxide • Corresponds > 20% of physical gate oxide thickness of current technology • Effect of quantization is to increase effective tox and thus reduce Cox araswat tanford University 7 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Carrier depletion in poly-Si gate. Gate depletion Reduced Cox increased EOT tox(electrical) tox(phy sical) Gate Oxide Substrate (B uchanan and Lo, Proc. ECS Vol. PV 96-1, 1996) High E - field due to a combination of higher supply voltage and thinner gate oxide causes band bending even in heavily doped poly-Si gate This causes depletion in poly-Si gate, especially for boron doping Effect of depletion is to increase effective t ox and thus reduce Cox araswat tanford University 8 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 4 Combined Effects of Depletion and Quantization Si surface charge centroid few Å’s away from oxide interface Cox = εox / EOT EOT = Equivalent Oxide Thickness Poly-Si Gate poly depletion (band bending) results from nonzero conductivity gate charge centroid few Å’s away from oxide interface n+ poly gate p-well VG Depletion Region CD.R. Gate Dielectric CG.D. Q.M. Thickness CQ.M. Si Substrate gate oxide EOTTOT = EOTD.R. + EOTG.D. + EOTQ.M. • Combined effect of depletion and quantization is to increase effective tox and thus reduce Cox • A reduced Cox implies reduction in gm and thus ID(on) araswat tanford University 9 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Outline •Scaling issues •Technology •Reliability of SiO2 •Nitrided SiO2 •High k dielectrics araswat tanford University 10 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 5 Resistance Heated Furnace (or H20) Si + O2 = SiO2 Si + 2H2O = SiO2 + 2H2 • Batch processing ⇒ low cost • High thermal mass ⇒ long process times. • Ideal for growing thick oxides. • Multiprocessing for nitrided oxides not easy to do. araswat tanford University 11 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Lamp Heated Rapid Thermal Oxidation Control System Shroud Quartz Window Gas out Wafer Gas In Chamber Acoustic Temperature sensor Thermometer • Single wafer processing ⇒ real time measurement and control • Low thermal mass ⇒ short process times. • Ideal for growing ultrathin gate oxides. • Multiprocessing ideal for composite dielectrics, e.g., nitrided oxides. • Rapid thermal CVD of ultrathin Si3 N 4 araswat tanford University 12 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 6 Plasma CVD System RF ~ Plasma Chuck Primarily used in low temperature applications, e.g., TFTs for displays araswat tanford University 13 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Atomic layer CVD (ALCVD) Gas input 1) ZrCl4(g) Showerhead 2) ZrCl4(ad) Wafer 3) ZrCl4(ad) + 2H2O (g) →ZrO2 (ad) + 4HCl (g) Heated Pedestal (>400oC) 4) ZrO2(ad) • Deposition is done one monolayer at a time: excellent control • Being investigated for high-k dielectrics like ZrO2, HfO2 araswat tanford University 14 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 7 Microstructure of SiO2 Amorphous SiO2 Tetrahedra O O O O O Si Si O O O Si O O O O Si O O Si Si O O O Si O O O O O O Si Si Si Si O Si O O Si O O O Si O O O O O Crystalline SiO2 consists of ordered networks of corner-sharing SiO4 tetrahedra In the amorphous SiO2, the basic structural unit is the SiO4 tetrahedron with each Si atom surrounded by four O atoms. The angle of O-Si-O bonds is fixed at 109.5o. However, the Si-O-Si angle is rather flexible. Each O atom bridges two neighboring SiO4 tetrahedrons. The bond is relatively easy to bend, stretch or rotate. The Si-O-Si bonds are capable of accommodating large lattice distortion O Crystalline quartz O araswat tanford University 15 EE311 / Gate Dielectric MOS Gate Dielectrics Outline •Scaling issues •Technology •Reliability of SiO2 •Nitrided SiO2 •High k dielectrics araswat tanford University 16 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 8 Ideal MOS Oxide 3.1 eV Si Si 1.1 eV + 3.8 eV • The microstructure gives rise to a band structure with a large band gap of about 9 eV • Large barriers between Si and SiO2 araswat tanford University 17 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Conduction in Dielectrics: Tunneling Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling Oxides > 5 nm !b Direct Tunneling Vox e Vox !b Oxides < 3 nm e n+ poly n+ poly sub sub (a) J= A= AEo2 xe q3m 8"hm ox # b araswat tanford University (b) $ V 3 ' "B %1" (1" ox ) 2 ( #b ) & 2 J = AE ox exp E ox B " E ox B= 8" 2m o x # b 3 m is the mass of electron in vacuum mox is the average electron mass in the oxide 2 3hq 18 EE311 / Gate Dielectric ! 9 Conduction in Dielectrics: Leakage Trap Assisted Tunneling Traps Traps • Trap assisted tunneling resulting in leakage at low gate voltage • An increase in traps will cause more leakage • Traps are present in as grown dielectric • Traps can be generated by electrical stress araswat tanford University 19 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Conduction in Thin Oxides THIN OXIDE Direct tunneling P.E. THICK OXIDE FN tunneling P.E. Ref: Gup ta, et al., IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. Dec. 1997 Below ~35 Å direct tunneling causes excessive gate current araswat tanford University 20 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 10 Hot Carrier Generation due to High E-field Channel Source Drain • The E-field can be very high in the channel, especially near the drain • The free carriers passing through the high-field can gain sufficient energy araswat tanford University 21 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Hot Electrons and Holes • At high electric fields the carriers are accelerated to high velocities • These energetic carriers are termed as hot carriers araswat tanford University 22 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 11 Hot electron injection Hot electron injection Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling e e (b) (a) • Electrons being injected have to be highly energetic to overcome the barrier • Hot electrons can be produced in drain depletion region • Hot holes behave similarly • Requires sufficient band bending for electrons to tunnel into the conduction band of the oxide araswat tanford University 23 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Hot carrier effects in an MOS transistor • The free carriers passing through the high-field can gain sufficient energy to cause several hot-carrier effects. • This can cause many serious problems for the device operation, e.g. change in Vt, gm, leakage, junction breakdown araswat tanford University 24 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 12 Non Volatile Memories • Carrier injection is also used beneficially for making non volatile memories • Vt shift due to carrier trapping during program and erase functions araswat tanford University 25 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Dielectric Degradation Mechanisms • Degradation during device operation due to high E field causing current injection • Degradation during fabrication due to charging in plasma processing Electron energy at anode After DiMaria et al. (IBM) e (1) Cathode n(E) (3) 0 e (5) h (2) (6) e (3) (4) Oxide h Anode 5 E (eV) 10 (1) Electron injection (2) Energy released by hot electron (3) Bond breaking - trap generation (4) Hot hole generation (5) Energy released by hot hole - trap generation (6) Hydrogen release - trap generation Dielectric damage and breakdown is due to interface trap generation initiated by the energy loss of injected electrons and holes araswat tanford University 26 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 13 Intrinsic Dielectric Breakdown Damage cluster Damage Cathode SiO2 Anode Damage initiation Damage propagation Breakdown • Damage initiates at anode and cathode interfaces causing degradation. • Eventually it spreads throughout the body of the dielectric causing breakdown. • Degradation can be minimized if damage at the interfaces is prevented araswat tanford University 27 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Extrinsic Breakdown Particle Structural weakness Pinhole Interface roughness SiO2 • Damage initiates at an extrinsic defect present in the oxide • Eventually it spreads throughout the body of the dielectric causing breakdown. • Degradation is minimized by careful processing to reduce process induced defects araswat tanford University 28 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 14 Methods of testing degradation and breakdown in dielectric films gate I v(t) substrate Ramped voltage stress Vg A voltage (or current) stress is applied to a capacitor. The current (or voltage) is monitored till the device breaksdown. Time to breakdown (tbd) and total injected charge to breakdown (Qbd) are then determined Constant current stress Constant voltage stress Voltage BV Vbd electron trapping hole trapping Breakdown Qbd=Jstress x tbd tbd Time araswat tanford University tbd Time 29 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Stress Induced leakage Current Ref: Dumin, et. al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices. May 1993 traps • Electrical stress in SiO2 causes leakage to increase at low gate voltages • Electrical stress generates traps • Leakage is caused by traps assisted tunneling araswat tanford University 30 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 15 Breakdown Statistics 100 80 Intrinsic Breakdown 60 40 Breakdown due to defects 20 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 Charge to breakdown Qbd (C/cm 2) 100.0 • Intrinsic breakdown has higher Qbd • Extrinsic breakdown results in early breakdown • A good set of devices should not have early breakdown araswat tanford University 31 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Qbd vs. Trap Generation Rate≈ Qbd (Coul/cm2) 102 101 Tox = 30 - 250 Å 100 T = 20 - 300°C Jox = 10-2 - 1 A/cm2 10-1 Ref: Apte et. al., J. Electrochem . Soc, March, 1993 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 (Trap Generation Rate)-1 dQinj/dVg (Coul/V-cm2) • Qbd and net trap generation track for different oxide thickness, stress current density and temperature • Higher trap generation rate causes lower Qbd • Dielectric damage and breakdown is due to interface trap generation initiated by the energy loss of injected electrons and holes araswat tanford University 32 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 16 Dependence of tbd on Electric Field 10 ! 4 nm EF log(tbd (90%) (ms)) n+ Si gate n+ b1 E1 e- E1 Q bd1 < E2 ! > Q bd2 EF p+ SiGe gate b2 E2 p+ e- pp- p+ Si gate (b) (a) const I const V on n+Si gate 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 E (MV/cm) Ref: Yang, et. al., IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., July 1999 Energy diagrams for (a) n+ poly-Si and (b) p+ poly-Si gate MOS capacitor on p- substrates. Barrier height is 3.1 eV for n+ gate and 4 eV for p+ gate. Higher barrier height gives larger oxide electric field and therefore lower Qbd at a fixed current density. Higher E field in gate oxide ⇒ higher electron energy at the anode ⇒ lower Tbd araswat tanford University 33 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Effect of Area on tBD Area A1 Breakdown site Area A2 Ref: Degreve, IRPS 1997 • Device with larger area has higher probability of containing a breakdown site ⇒ Larger area devices have lower tBD • Measurements made on larger area capacitors need to be correlated to smaller area transistors araswat tanford University 34 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 17 Effect of Electrical Stress Temperature on Qbd 100 25 C BB 7 nm SiO2 B 10 BB B B Qbd (C/cm2) 100 C J J J J J 1 200 C H J B B B B J J H H H 0.1 H H H H 300 C 0.01 1E-5 F F F F 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 Jox (A/cm2) • Higher stress temperature results in lower Qbd • Important for plasma induced damage araswat tanford University Ref: Apte et. al., J. Electrochem . Soc, March, 1993 35 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Substrate vs. Gate Injection Gate THIN OXIDE: Direct tunneling -Vg P.E. Si THICK OXIDE: FN tunneling Si Gate P.E. +Vg Ref: M. Dep as et al., Electrochem S oc., Vol. PV96-1, p . 352, 1996 Qbd is lower for gate injection of electrons ⇒ Effect of the strained transition layer As gate oxide thickness decreases Qbd is not affected much for substrate injection but decreases for gate injection ⇒ Effect of the strained transition layer For ultrathin oxide direct tunneling dominates resulting in lower energy electrons in the SiO2. Thus damage is reduced and Qbd increases. araswat tanford University 36 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 18 Transition (Strained) Layer at the Substrate Interface THICK OXIDE THIN OXIDE SiO2 Gate SiO2 Transition layer SiOx Substrate Transition Layer • Structural inhomogenity (1-2 monolayers) due to transition from Si to SiO2 • Stress due to volume change during SiO2 formation. • Strained bonds are easier to break resulting in lower Q bd for gate injection of electrons. • For thinner films the transition layer becomes a significant fraction of the total layer. For increased reliability of deep submicron devices, technology must be developed to reduce the impact of the transition layer araswat tanford University 37 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Why is there a stress? During thermal oxidation, +126% volume increase from Si --> SiO2 compressive stress SiO2 Si O SiO2 O ! ! Si Si Si Si Si O ! Si higher stress (less viscous flow) araswat tanford University O ! Si Si Si lower stress (more viscous flow) 38 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 19 Correlation Between Stress and Qbd Tbd 100 e 1000 50% wet O 2 Si 1000°C,30% O2 2% wet O2 ! 100 Si dry O2 10 !’ Si substrate 1 750 Relaxed Si-O-Si bonds in the oxide bulk Tbd (90%) (sec) " tbd (90%) (sec) Gate 800 850 900 950 growth temperature (°C) Stressed Si-O-Si bonds in the transition layer Vg- J= - 300mA/cm2 1000 1050 1000°C,70% O2 800°C,30% O2 10 800°C,70% O2 1 20 40 60 80 Tox (Å) 100 120 Ref: Yang and Saraswat, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., Ap ril 2000 • Thinner SiO2 films are more susceptible to degradation (for FN tunneling) • Degradation is always more for conditions resulting in higher physical stress in SiO2. • Higher temperatures, steam oxidation and longer growth times allow stress relaxation through viscous flow and hence result in SiO2 of better reliability. araswat tanford University 39 EE311 / Gate Dielectric Effect of Gate Electrode 10 4 nm Rough interface Gate oxide Silicon substrate log(tbd (90%) (ms)) Poly-Si gate 1 9 n+ Si gate p+ SiGe gate p+ Si gate const I const V on n+Si gate 10 11 12 13 14 E (MV/cm) • Gate electrode roughness at the oxide/gate interface causing enhanced localized electric field intensity. • Gate electrode workfunction impacts electric field intensity • Higher electric field intensity results in lower reliability araswat tanford University 40 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 20 Effect of Bulk Electron Trapping Constant Current Stress e e Vg e e e e !Vg Time 4.0 3.5 3.0 50 Silane - 600 oC 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 40 TEOS - 1000 oC 30 Dry oxide Silane-1000 oC TEOS-1000 oC 20 Silane - 1000 oC 10 Dry oxide 0 2.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Stress time (sec) Silane-600 oC 2.5 3.0 3.5 Change in |Vg|(V) 4.0 Ref: Bhat, et. al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices., Ap ril 1996 • Degradation by bulk electron trap generation is observed in deposited oxides used as gate dielectrics in applications such as non volatile memories and TFTs for flat panel displays • It can be minimized by a high temperature anneal araswat tanford University 41 EE311 / Gate Dielectric MOS Gate Dielectrics Outline •Scaling issues •Technology •Reliability of SiO2 •Nitrided SiO2 •High k dielectrics araswat tanford University 42 EE311 / Gate Dielectric 21