Velocity and Acceleration Suppose that an object moves along a curve traced out by the endpoint of the vector valued function rab a ab abb ab ab Then ab is a vector pointing in the direction of motion and the magnitude (speed) of this object is given by l abl Def: The derivative of ab is called the velocity vector. ab ab is the velocity and l abl is the speed. The derivative of the velocity vector ab is the acceleration vector denoted by ab ab ab ab The vector ab gives information about how the velocity is changing. Note that the acceleration can change the velocity in 2 ways- the direction can be changing as well as the speed. For example, we could be going around a circle at a constant speed. Then the acceleration vector is perpendicular to the direction of motion. Thus the acceleration will not change the speed in any way. This will be illustrated in the 2nd example that follows. On the other hand if the acceleration vector is parallel to the velocity vector, then the speed will change, but the direction will not. Example: Find the velocity and acceleration vectors if the position of an object is given by ab a b where Sketch the path of the object. Draw the velocity and acceleration vector when ab a b and ab a b ab a b and ab a b Speed È that speed is increasing as t increases. As time goes on, the direction changes less and less (why?). v = 2i + j y (1,1) a = 2i x The acceleration is a constant Example Say the motion of a particle is given by a b This motion is circular. Note that the speed is constant, but the direction is always changing. Therefore the ab ab a b ll speed È ab a b ab a b ab a b ab a b y v=j (1,0) x a =-i Note that the velocity vector is tangent to the curve. At a b the motion is upward. But the acceleration is directed toward the origin. ab is always tangent to the curve, and ab is always pointing to the center when the motion is circular. Note that in this example, and are always orthogonal. This is not always the case. Theorem: If the speed is constant then the acceleration vector is always perpendicular to the velocity vector. Proof: speed ll a b the angle between and is 90°. We did this proof in the previous section. Example: Find the velocity and position of an object at any time , given that its acceleration is ab a b its initial vector is ab a b and its initial position is ab a b ab ab ab ( ab ( ˆ ‰ a b a b. Note: it's easier to write as a b ab a b a b a b a b Therefore ab a b a b a b ab ( ˆ ‰ a b a b a b ab a b a b Therefore ab a b Example: A baseball is hit from a height of 3 feet with initial speed of 120 feet per second and at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. find a vector valued function describing the position of the ball seconds after it is hit. To be a home run, the ball must clear a wall 385 feet away and 6 feet tall. Determine whether this is a home run. ht = 6 ft 120 30 385 ft ab ° ° a b The acceleration due to gravity is 32 ft/sec ab a b ab ( a b a b a b a b where a b is the initial velocity. ab a b and ab a b ab ( a b ˆ ‰ where now a b is the initial position which i a b , and ab a b a b ab a b To see if it's a home run, see when the i-component is 385. seconds The j-component must be larger than 6 if it's a home run. ab ab ft It just misses being a home run