NS 1.5*1) Explain ([SODLQZK\DIUDFWLRQDELVHTXLYDOHQWWRDIUDFWLRQQ[DQ[E different interpretations of fractions, for example, parts &&66 E\XVLQJYLVXDOIUDFWLRQPRGHOVZLWKDWWHQWLRQWRKRZWKHQXPEHUDQGVL]HRIWKHSDUWV of a whole, parts of a set, and division by whole numbers; GLIIHUHYHQWKRXJKWKHWZRIUDFWLRQVWKHPVHOYHVDUHWKHVDPHVL]H8VHWKLVSULQFLSOHWR explain equivalent of fractions (see Standards 4.0). UHFRJQL]HDQGJHQHUDWHHTXLYDOHQWIUDFWLRQV UNDERLYING SKILLS AND CONCEPTS: recognize number patterns; find factors; properties of multiplication; fractions equal to 1 Write Fractions in Simplest Form a K ey Ide When the numerator and denominator of a fraction can be divided evenly only by the number 1, the fraction is in simplest form. 1 ! is ! in simplest form. So13 26 2 You can use division to write fractions in simplest form. Divide the numerator and the denominator by the same factor to find an equivalent fraction in a simpler form. E x am p l E 1 ! in simplest form. Write 12 16 Think: What number divides evenly into both 12 and 16? So you can divide each by 4 to find a fraction in simpler form. ! 12 3#4 3#4 3 ! ! ! ! 16 " 4 # 4 . Divide top and bottom by 4: 4 # 4 " 4 E x am p l E 2 ! in simplest form. Write 6 9 Think: What number divides evenly into both 6 and 9? ! 6 and 9 are both multiples of 3. } } So you can divide each by 3 to find a fraction in simpler form. 6 of the marbles 9 2 of the marbles 3 6 2#3 2#3 2 ! ! ! ! 9 " 3 # 3 . Divide top and bottom by 3: 3 # 3 " 3 page 172 Chapter 15 – Lesson 2 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 and 16 are both multiples of 4. 4 is a factor of 12 and 16. Name P RAC T I C E Does the model show a fraction in simplest form? Answer Yes or No. Explain. 1. 2. 3. No No 4. Yes 5. 6. Yes Yes No In the second square, draw the model that represents the equivalent fraction in its simplest form. D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 7. 8. Write the simplest form equivalent fraction. 9. 3 1 2 10. 2 8 1 4 6 11. 3 5 2 12. 1 10 13. 6 2 3 14. 5 1 8 15. 2 3 5 16. 1 5 17. 4 2 3 18. 6 3 4 4 19. 1 4 20. 27 9 10 6 9 6 Math Reasoning 5 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 Number Sense MR 2.2 5 21. Daniel says that 5 out of 30, or , of the days in April are Saturdays. 30 Erica says that she can express this fact more simply. What fraction can Erica use to indicate what part of April are Saturdays? Chapter 15 – Lesson 2 1 6 page 173 MCX94.HW.CL.G4.FM&Lesson.v211 8/2/04 19:16 Page 116 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Does the model show a fraction in simplest form? Answer Yes or No. Explain. 1. 2. 3. No Yes 4. No 5. 6. Yes No Yes In the second square, draw the model that represents the equivalent fraction in its simplest form. 8. Write the simplest form equivalent fraction. 9. 6 2 3 10. 2 6 1 3 6 11. 1 2 3 12. 1 10 13. 4 1 2 14. 4 1 4 15. 1 3 5 16. 1 4 17. 3 1 3 18. 4 2 3 8 19. 1 2 20. 15 1 2 9 8 9 Math Reasoning 4 6 12 12 16 30 20 30 Number Sense MR 2.2 4 21. Ryan says that 4 out of 30, or , of the days in June are Fridays. 30 Melanie says that she can express this fact more simply. What fraction can Melanie use to indicate what part of June are Fridays? page 116 2 15 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 15 Lesson 2 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 7. MCX94TEG4Ch01_32.v8.5.2 2/26/01 19:02 Page 319 Name P RAC T I C E Does the model show a fraction in simplest form? Answer Yes or No. Explain. 1. 2. 3. No No 4. Yes 5. 6. Yes Yes No In the second square, draw the model that represents the equivalent fraction in its simplest form. D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 7. 8. Write the simplest form equivalent fraction. 9. 3 1 2 10. 2 8 1 4 6 11. 3 5 2 12. 1 10 13. 6 2 3 14. 5 1 8 15. 2 3 5 16. 1 5 17. 4 2 3 18. 6 3 4 4 19. 1 4 20. 27 9 10 6 9 6 Math Reasoning 5 8 10 12 16 20 25 30 Number Sense MR 2.2 5 21. Daniel says that 5 out of 30, or , of the days in April are Saturdays. 30 Erica says that she can express this fact more simply. What fraction can Erica use to indicate what part of April are Saturdays? Chapter 15 – Lesson 2 1 6 Student Book Page page 173 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Does the model show a fraction in simplest form? Answer Yes or No. Explain. 1. 2. 3. No Yes 4. No 5. 6. Yes No Yes In the second square, draw the model that represents the equivalent fraction in its simplest form. 8. Write the simplest form equivalent fraction. 9. 6 2 3 10. 2 6 1 3 6 11. 1 2 3 12. 1 10 13. 4 1 2 14. 4 1 4 15. 1 3 5 16. 1 4 17. 3 1 3 18. 4 2 3 8 19. 1 2 20. 15 1 2 9 8 9 Math Reasoning 4 6 12 12 16 30 20 30 Number Sense MR 2.2 4 21. Ryan says that 4 out of 30, or , of the days in June are Fridays. 30 Melanie says that she can express this fact more simply. What fraction can Melanie use to indicate what part of June are Fridays? page 116 2 15 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 15 Lesson 2 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 7.