Diffraction Gratings Diffraction Gratings • • • • • Reflection Gratings Transmission Gratings Ruled and Holographic Gratings Beamsplitters UV-VIS-NIR For Applications In: Chemistry Physics Life Science Engineering Communications Optometrics Corporation Wavelength Selection Solutions Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 1 Optometrics Corporation Products • Gratings Originals and Replicated, Ruled and Holographic; Grazing Incidence, Echelles, Telecom and Transmission Gratings O ptometrics Corporation has, for more than forty years, designed and manufactured a broad selection of diffraction gratings for a variety of applications in the industrial, educational and research markets. In-house ruling capabilities, along with both production and development holographic laboratories allow our customers to choose the right grating for their application. Standard gratings for spectroscopic instruments include both ruled and holographic replicas. Standard gratings for laser applications include high damage threshold original and replicated gratings for molecular lasers, holographic grazing incidence gratings for dye lasers and echelles. The newest additions to Optometrics’ line of diffraction gratings include Transmission gratings and Reflecting/ Transmitting “Polka-dot” beamsplitters. • Beamsplitters Reflecting/Transmitting Beamsplitters, Transmission Grating Beamsplitters, Beam Dividers/Combiners • Optical Components Mirrors, Lenses, Windows, Flats, Beamsplitters, Prisms • Filters Soft Coated, Near Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared, and Laser Line Filters • Infrared & Laser Products Laser Gratings, Holographic and Ruled Wire Grid Polarizers • Monochromators Mini-Chrom Monochromators Facilities Optometrics’ facility in Ayer, Massachusetts contains space for offices, engineering, R&D and production. Equipment that support our broad range of capabilities includes: • Four metal vacuum coating systems; • Three thin-film soft coated filter vacuum coating systems; • Two Ion-Assisted Deposition hard coat vacuum coating systems; • Three grating ruling engines; • Production holographic laboratory; • R&D holographic laboratory; • Full replication and lamination facilities; • Full assembly, alignment and test facilities; • Full complement of test equipment for spectral testing from the UV to the Far Infrared, for mechanical and flatness testing, for humidity and environmental testing; • Extensive marking, packaging and bar coding equipment and capabilities Page 2 email: sales@optometrics.com • Systems & Accessories Monochromatic Light Modules, Sample Compartments, Detectors, Light Sources, Modular Recording Spectrophotometers • SPF-290S Spectrophotometer for determining Sunscreen Protection Factors Plus specialized packaging, bar coding and Kanban stocking arrangements for all OEM customers. www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Diffraction Gratings Goals Optometrics goal is to provide advanced optical components and systems for use in wavelength selection applications found in: • Analytical Chemistry • Life Sciences • Telecom Applications • Physics • Education • Space Sciences and other applications where high quality optics are key. In order to accomplish this, the Company has assembled state-of-the-art facilities and people to produce: • diffraction gratings, ruled & holographic, original & replicated, reflection and transmission • interference and neutral density filters • optical components • laser gratings & products • monochromators & accessories • spectrophotometers • wire grid polarizers, ruled & holographic, and OEM Services Optometrics caters, in particular, to the needs of its OEM customers by offering special services such as: • Kanban stocking arrangements • Custom packaging programs • Bar coding capabilities • Code names for complete confidentiality • Higher level pre-aligned optical assemblies The company is also proud of its ability to support customers in all phases of the product development cycle. Optometrics Corporation TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Technology Information Background & Technology Information...................4 Products Standard Ruled and Holographic Replica Gratings...............................................10 High Resolution Gratings and Echelles................14 TF and UTF Series Gratings and Echelles For Dye Laser................................... 16 Grazing Incidence Gratings..................................18 ML Series Replicated Gratings.............................19 Transmission Gratings Visible and NIR................................................23 UV....................................................................25 Reflecting/Transmitting “Polka Dot” Beamsplitters................................26 Transmission Grating Beamsplitters.....................28 Ordering Information Terms & Conditions..............................................29 Order form ...........................................................30 Optometrics Corporation 8 Nemco Way Ayer, MA 01432 USA Tel: (978) 772-1700 Fax: (978) 772-0017 E-Mail: sales@optometrics.com URL: www.optometrics.com email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 3 Background and Technology Diffraction Gratings Background and Technology DIFFRACTION GRATINGS A grating consists of a series of equally spaced paralreflective coating deposited on lel grooves formed in a reflective substrate. The distance between adjacent a suitable substrate. grooves and the angle the grooves form with respect to influence both the dispersion and efficiency efficiency the substrate influence of a grating. If the wavelength of the incident radiation is much larger than the groove spacing, diffraction will not occur. If the wavelength is much smaller than the groove spacing, the facets of the groove will act as mirrors and, again, no diffraction will take place. The way in which the grooves are formed separates ruled. gratings into two basic types, holographic and ruled. reflective surface with Physically forming grooves into a reflective a diamond mounted on a “ruling engine” produces ruled gratings. Gratings produced from laser constructed interference patterns and a photolithographic process are known as interference or holographic gratings. Optometrics is one of the few companies that produces both types of gratings in-house and has full replication expertise. Ruled and holographic gratings facilities and expertise. Ruled differ in their optical characteristics and each type has specific applications. advantages for specific GRATING EQUATION The general grating equation is usually written as: nλ = d(sin i + sin i’) Grating Normal Normal to Groove Face Incident Radiation i Diffraction Radiation i' “0” Order Radiation i q Blaze Arrow d GRATING ANGLES AND TERMS Page 4 where n is the order of diffraction, λ is the diffracted wavelength, d is the grating constant (the distance between successive grooves), i is the angle of incidence measured from the normal and i’ is the angle of diffraction measured from the normal. specific diffracted order (n) and angle of incidence For a specific (i), different wavelengths (λ) will have different diffraction angles (i’), separating polychromatic radiation incident on the grating into its constituent wavelengths. THE RULING PROCESS The initial steps in ruling an original or master grating includes the selection of an appropriate substrate, usually glass or copper, polishing the substrate to a high degree flatness, and coating it with a thin layer of aluminum by of flatness, vacuum deposition. The ruling of parallel, equally spaced grooves is a slow process that can require several days of set-up and testing prior to the actual ruling. The ruling engine must be able to retrace the exact path of the diamond forming tool on each stroke and to index (advance) the substrate a predetermined amount after each cut. Both groove parallelism and displacement must be controlled with great precision. A series of “test” rulings efficiency, groove are made and the grating is checked for efficiency, profile and stray light. After each test, a minor mechanical profile adjustment may have to be made. It can take a week or profile for more of repeated testing to optimize the groove profile specific optical characteristics. After exhaustive testing, an specific original grating is ruled on a large substrate. An original grating is obviously very expensive and, consequently, gratings saw only limited use until after the development of the replication process. THE HOLOGRAPHIC PROCESS first step in the production of a Like a ruled grating, the first holographic grating is the selection of an appropriate polished substrate. The substrate for a holographic grating is, however, coated with a photosensitive (photoresist) reflective coating used in ruled material rather than the reflective gratings. The photoresist is exposed by positioning the coated blank between the intersecting beams of monochromatic and coherent light produced by a laser. The intersecting laser beams generate a series of parallel, (978) 772-1700 to Order email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Corporation Optometrics Background and Technology Diffraction Gratings equally spaced interference fringes whose intensities vary in a sinusoidal pattern. This fringe pattern exposes the resist differentially. Since the solubility of the resist is dependent on its exposure to light, the development process transfers the varying intensities of the interference fringes to the surface of the resist. The substrate is then coated with a reflective material and can be used as is, or replicated by the same process used for ruled originals. tuning applications, but most applications will require some deviation between the incident and diffracted beams. Small deviations from the Littrow mounting seldom have an appreciable effect on grating performance other than to limit the maximum wavelength achievable. Unless otherwise stated, all performance curves in this brochure present blazed first order Littrow data. Since holographic gratings are produced optically, groove form and spacing are perfectly consistent. Holographic gratings are, therefore, free from the periodic and random spacing errors responsibile for “ghosts” and stray light in ruled gratings. The result is that holographic gratings generate much less stray light than ruled gratings. BLAZE ANGLE AND WAVELENGTH EFFICIENCY Grating efficiency is primarily a function of groove shape, angle of incidence, and the reflectance of the coating. The absolute efficiency of a grating is the percentage of incident monochromatic radiation that is diffracted into the desired order. In contrast, relative efficiency compares the energy diffracted into the desired order with that of a plane mirror coated with the same material as the grating. When comparing grating performance curves, it is important to keep this in mind. A relative efficiency curve will always show higher values than an absolute efficiency curve for the same grating. The efficiency curves in this brochure present absolute efficiency data. The grooves of a ruled grating have a sawtooth profile with one side longer than the other. The angle made by a groove’s longer side and the plane of the grating is the “blaze angle.” Changing the blaze angle concentrates diffracted radiation to a specific region of the spectrum, increasing the efficiency of the grating in that region. The wavelength at which maximum efficiency occurs is the “blaze wavelength.” Holographic gratings are generally less efficient than ruled gratings because they cannot be “blazed” in the classical sense. Their sinusoidal shape can, in some instances, be altered to approach the efficiency of a ruled grating. There are also special cases that should be noted, i.e. when the spacing to wavelength ratio is near one, a sinusoidal grating has virtually the same efficiency as a ruled grating. A holographic grating with 1800 g/mm can have the same efficiency at 500 nm as a blazed, ruled grating. In addition, a special process enables Optometrics’ holographic gratings to achieve a true sawtooth profile peaked at 250 nm, an ideal configuration for UV applications requiring good efficiency with low stray light. Angle of incidence plays a role in grating performance. Because of the infinite number of configurations that a grating can be used in, a standard geometry is used in the measurement of the gratings. This is the Littrow (or autocollimation) mounting. In this mounting configuration, the diffracted order and wavelength of interest is directed back along the path of the incident light (i=i’). The blaze angle of a ruled grating is calculated based on this mounting. This mounting is practical and necessary for laser Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 5 Diffraction Gratings Gratings Background Background and Technology Diffraction and Technology RESOLVING POWER POWER RESOLVING dλ = λ dλ = λ di 2 tan i The resolving power of a grating is the product of the di 2 tan i The resolving power of a grating is the product of the diffracted order in which it is used and the number of diffracted order in which it is used and the number of grooves intercepted by the incident radiation. It can grooves intercepted by the incident radiation. It can This formula may be used to determine the angular also be expressed in terms of grating width, groove This formula may be used to determine the angular also be expressed in terms of grating width, groove separation of two spectral lines or the bandwidth that spacing and diffracted angles. The “theoretical resolv- separation of two spectral lines or the bandwidth that spacing and diffracted angles. The “theoretical resolv- will be passed by a slit subtending a given angle at ing power” of a diffraction grating with N grooves is: will be passed by a slit subtending a given angle at ing power” of a diffraction grating with N grooves is: the grating. the grating. λλ = Nn Dλ = Nn Δλ DIFFRACTED ORDERS The actual resolving power of a grating depends on DIFFRACTED ORDERS The actual resolving power of a grating depends on the accuracy of the ruling, with 80-90% of theoretical For a given set of angles (i,i´) and groove spacing, the accuracy of the ruling, with 80-90% of theoretical For a given set of angles (i,i´) and groove spacing, the grating equation is valid at more than one wavebeing typical of a high quality ruling. the grating equation is valid at more than one wavebeing typical of a high quality ruling. length, giving rise to several “orders” of diffracted length, giving rise to several “orders” of diffracted Resolving power is a property of the grating and is radiation. The reinforcement (constructive interferResolving power is a property of the grating and is radiation. The reinforcement (constructive interfernot, like resolution, dependent on the optical and ence) of diffracted radiation from adjacent grooves not, like resolution, dependent on the optical and ence) of diffracted radiation from adjacent grooves mechanical characteristics of the system in which it occurs when a ray is in phase but retarded by a mechanical characteristics of the system in which it occurs when a ray is in phase but retarded by a whole integer. The number of orders produced is is used. whole integer. The number of orders produced is is used. limited by the groove spacing and the angle of incilimited by the groove spacing and the angle of incidence, which obviously cannot exceed 90 degrees. dence, which obviously cannot exceed 90 degrees. At higher orders, efficiency and free spectral range SYSTEM RESOLUTION RESOLUTION At higher orders, efficiency and free spectral range SYSTEM decrease while angular dispersion increases. Order The resolution of an optical system, usually deter- decrease while angular dispersion increases. Order The resolution of an optical system, usually deter- overlap can be compensated for by the judicious use mined by examination of closely spaced absorption overlap can be compensated for by the judicious use mined by examination of closely spaced absorption of sources, detectors and filters and is not a major or emission lines for adherence to the Raleigh criteria of sources, detectors and filters and is not a major or emission lines for adherence to the Raleigh criteria problem in gratings used in low orders. (R = λ/∆λ), depends not only on the grating resolving problem in gratings used in low orders. (R = λ/Δλ), depends not only on the grating resolving power but on focal length, slit size, f number, the oppower but on focal length, slit size, f number, the optical quality of all components and system alignment. tical quality of all components and system alignment. Normal to The resolution of an optical system is usually much Surface The resolution of an optical system is usually much less than the resolving power of the grating. less than the resolving power of the grating. Incident Beam 2nd Order 1st Order DISPERSION DISPERSION Angular dispersion of a grating is a product of the Angular dispersion of a grating is a product of the angle of incidence and groove spacing. Angular angle of incidence and groove spacing. Angular dispersion can be increased by increasing the angle dispersion can be increased by increasing the angle of incidence or by decreasing the distance between of incidence or by decreasing the distance between successive grooves. A grating with a large angular successive grooves. A grating with a large angular dispersion can produce good resolution in a compact dispersion can produce good resolution in a compact optical system. optical system. 3rd Order 0th Order -1st Order Angular dispersion is the slope of the curve given Angular dispersion is the slope of the curve given by λ = f(i). In autocollimation, the equation for disby λ = f(i). In autocollimation, the equation for dispersion is given by: persion is given by: Page 6 Page 6 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com (978) 772-1700 to Order Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Diffraction Gratings Gratings Background and Technology Technology Diffraction Background and Technology Background and FREE SPECTRAL RANGE FREE SPECTRAL SPECTRAL RANGE RANGE FREE SIZES SIZES SIZES Free spectral range — /n Free spectral spectral range range == = λλ22 — — λλ11 == = λλ11/n /n Free 2 1 1 SUBSTRATES SUBSTRATES SUBSTRATES n=n= 1 1 Free spectral range is the maximum spectral bandFree spectral spectral range range is is the the maximum maximum spectral spectral bandbandFree width that can be obtained in a specified order width that that can can be be obtained obtained in in aa specified specified order order width without spectral interference (overlap) from adjacent without spectral interference (overlap) from adjacent without spectral interference (overlap) from adjacent orders. As grating spacing decreases, the free specorders. As As grating grating spacing spacing decreases, decreases, the the free free specspecorders. tral range increases. ItIt decreases with higher orders. tral range increases. decreases with higher orders. tral range increases. It decreases with higher orders. If λ , λ are lower and upper limits, respectively, of are lower lower and and upper upper limits, limits, respectively, respectively, of of IfIf λ111,, λ222 are the band of interest, then: the band of interest, then: the band of interest, then: 2 n=2 n= Gratings are available in several standard square and Gratings are are available available in in several several standard standard square square and and Gratings rectangular sizes ranging from 12.5 mm square up rectangular sizes sizes ranging ranging from from 12.5 12.5 mm mm square square up up rectangular to 50mm square. Non-standard sizes are available to 50mm square. Non-standard sizes are available to 50mm square. Non-standard sizes are available upon request. Unless otherwise specified, rectanguupon request. request. Unless Unless otherwise otherwise specified, specified, rectangurectanguupon lar gratings are cut with grooves parallel to the short lar gratings are cut with grooves parallel to the short short lar gratings are cut with grooves parallel to the dimension. dimension. dimension. Replicated gratings of all types can be produced on Replicated gratings gratings of of all all types types can can be be produced produced on on Replicated float glass, Pyrex® or Zerodur®. Optometrics carfloat glass, Pyrex® or Zerodur®. Optometrics carfloat glass, Pyrex® or Zerodur®. Optometrics carries all three types of substrates in stock, in 3mm, ries all all three three types types of of substrates substrates in in stock, stock, in in 3mm, 3mm, ries 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 9.5mm, and 12mm thicknesses. 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 9.5mm, and 12mm thicknesses. 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 9.5mm, and 12mm thicknesses. Other materials and thichnesses are available upon Other materials materials and and thichnesses thicknesses are are available available upon upon Other request. request. request. 3 n=3 n= COATINGS COATINGS COATINGS GHOSTS AND STRAY LIGHT GHOSTS AND AND STRAY STRAY LIGHT LIGHT GHOSTS Ghosts are defined as spurious spectral lines arising Ghosts are are defined defined as as spurious spurious spectral spectral lines lines arising arising Ghosts from periodic errors in groove spacing. Interferometrifrom periodic periodic errors errors in in groove groove spacing. spacing. InterferometriInterferometrifrom cally controlled ruling engines minimize ghosts, while cally controlled ruling engines minimize ghosts, while while cally controlled ruling engines minimize ghosts, the holographic process eliminates them. the holographic holographic process process eliminates eliminates them. them. the On ruled gratings, stray light originates from random On ruled ruled gratings, gratings, stray stray light light originates originates from from random random On errors and irregularities of the reflecting surfaces. errors and irregularities of the reflecting surfaces. errors and irregularities of the reflecting surfaces. Holographic gratings generate less stray light because Holographic gratings gratings generate generate less less stray stray light light because because Holographic the optical process which transfers the interference the optical process which transfers the interference the optical process which transfers the interference pattern to the photoresist is not subject to mechanical pattern to to the the photoresist photoresist is is not not subject subject to to mechanical mechanical pattern irregularities or inconsistencies. irregularities or inconsistencies. irregularities or inconsistencies. Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Reflectance Reflectance HIGHER ORDERS AND FREE SPECTRAL HIGHER ORDERS AND FREE SPECTRAL RANGE RANGE HIGHER ORDERS AND FREE SPECTRAL HIGHER ORDERS AND FREE SPECTRAL RANGE RANGE Gratings used in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared Gratings used used in in the the ultraviolet, ultraviolet, visible visible and and infrared infrared Gratings are normally replicated with an aluminum coating. are normally normally replicated replicated with with an an aluminum aluminum coating. coating. are Aluminum is used rather than silver because it is Aluminum is used rather than silver because is Aluminum is used rather than silver because itit is more resistant to oxidation and has superior reflecmore resistant resistant to to oxidation oxidation and and has has superior superior reflecreflecmore tance in the ultraviolet. Aluminum averages over tance in the ultraviolet. Aluminum averages over tance in the ultraviolet. Aluminum averages over 90% reflectance from 200 nm to the far infrared, 90% reflectance reflectance from from 200 200 nm nm to to the the far far infrared, infrared, 90% except in the 750 to 900 nm region where it drops except in the 750 to 900 nm region where drops except in the 750 to 900 nm region where itit drops to approximately 85%. When maximum reflectance to approximately approximately 85%. 85%. When When maximum maximum reflectance reflectance to is required in the near infrared, as is the case with is required in the near infrared, as is the case with with is required in the near infrared, as is the case some fiber optic applications, the aluminum coating some fiber fiber optic optic applications, applications, the the aluminum aluminum coating coating some may be overcoated with gold. Though gold is soft, may be overcoated with gold. Though gold is soft, ititit may be overcoated with gold. Though gold is soft, 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 500 500 email: sales@optometrics.com email: sales@optometrics.com sales@optometrics.com email: A1 AL A1 AI Au Au 600 600 700 700 800 900 1000 1100 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) REFLECTANCE VS.VS. WAVELENGTH OF OF REFLECTANCE WAVELENGTH REFLECTANCE VS. (Au) WAVELENGTH OF ALUMINUM (Al) AND COATED OPTICS ALUMINUM ANDGOLD GOLD COATED OPTICS ALUMINUM AND GOLD COATED OPTICS www.optometrics.com www.optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page Page 777 Page Diffraction and Technology Diffraction Gratings Gratings Background Background and Technology isis resistant resistant to to oxidation oxidation and and has has aa reflectance reflectance of of over over CHOOSING CHOOSING A A GRATING GRATING 96% 96% in in the the near near infrared infrared and and over over 98% 98% above above 2.0 2.0 µ. µ. Selection of a standard Optometrics grating requires Selection of a standard Optometrics grating requires The The reflectance reflectance of of gold gold drops drops substantially substantially below below 600 600 consideration of a number of variables related to the consideration of a number of variables related to the nm nm and and isis not not recommended recommended for for use use in in the the visible visible or or grating’s intended use. These are as follows: grating’s intended use. These are as follows: ultraviolet ultraviolet regions. regions. Dielectric Dielectric overcoatings overcoatings such such as as aluminum aluminum magnesium magnesium fluoride fluoride (AlMgF (AlMgF22)) protect protect aluminum aluminum from from oxidation, oxidation, maintaining the original high reflectance of aluminum maintaining the original high reflectance of aluminum in in the the visible visible and and ultraviolet. ultraviolet. Gold Gold overcoatings overcoatings and and aluminum magnesium fluoride dielectric coatings must aluminum magnesium fluoride dielectric coatings must be be specified specified separately separately when when ordering. ordering. While While gold gold overcoating overcoating can can increase increase reflectivity, reflectivity, any any overcoating may reduce the damage threshold by overcoating may reduce the damage threshold by aa factor factor of of two two or or more. more. •• EFFICIENCY: EFFICIENCY: In In general, general, ruled ruled gratings gratings have have aa higher higher efficiency efficiency than than holographic holographic gratings. gratings. AppliApplications cations such such as as fluorescence fluorescence excitation excitation and and other other radiation radiation induced induced reactions reactions may may require require aa ruled ruled grating grating (see (see efficiency efficiency curves curves for for comparison). comparison). As As aa rule rule of of thumb, thumb, the the first first order order efficiency efficiency of of aa ruled ruled grating grating decreases decreases by by 50% 50% at at two two thirds thirds and and three three halves halves of of the the blaze blaze wavelength. wavelength. •• BLAZE BLAZE WAVELENGTH: WAVELENGTH: Ruled Ruled gratings, gratings, due due to to their their “sawtooth” “sawtooth” groove groove profile, profile, have have aa relatively relatively sharp sharp peak peak around around their their blaze blaze wavelength wavelength while while DAMAGE DAMAGE THRESHOLDS THRESHOLDS some some holographic holographic gratings gratings have have aa flatter flatter spectral spectral Any Any standard standard Optometrics Optometrics grating grating is is available available with with response. response. Applications Applications centered centered around around aa narrow narrow either P-type or CW-type replication coatings for either P-type or CW-type replication coatings for wavelength wavelength range range could could benefit benefit from from aa ruled ruled gratgrathigher higher damage damage threshold threshold performance. performance. (For (For more more inining ing blazed blazed at at that that wavelength. wavelength. formation formation see see page page 9). 9). •• WAVELENGTH WAVELENGTH RANGE: RANGE: The The spectral spectral range range covcovered ered by by aa grating grating isis dependent dependent on on groove groove spacing spacing and and isis the the same same for for ruled ruled and and holographic holographic gratings gratings with with the the same same grating grating constant. constant. The The maximum maximum THE THE REPLICATION REPLICATION PROCESS PROCESS Aluminum Coating Epoxy Layer Polished Substrate Ruled Grating Replica Holographic Grating Replica In In the the late late 1940’s, 1940’s, White White and and Frazer Frazer developed developed the the process process for for precision precision replication, replication, allowing allowing numerous numerous “replica” gratings to be produced from a single master, either ruled or holographic. It is a procedure “replica” gratings to be produced from a single master, either ruled or holographic. It is a procedure that that results results in in the the transfer transfer of of the the three three dimensional dimensional topography topography of of aa master master grating grating to to another another substrate, substrate, allowing reproduction of a master in full relief to extremely close tolerances. This process led to allowing reproduction of a master in full relief to extremely close tolerances. This process led to the the comcommercialization mercialization of of gratings gratings and and has has resulted resulted in in the the current current widespread widespread use use of of gratings gratings in in spectrometers. spectrometers. Page Page 88 (978) 772-1700 to Order email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Background and Technology Diffraction Gratings wavelength that a grating can diffract is equal to two times the grating period, and this would be achieved when the incident and diffracted light were at ninety degrees to the grating normal. • STRAY LIGHT: For applications such as Raman spectroscopy, where signal-to-noise is critical, the inherent low stray light of a holographic grating is an advantage. • RESOLVING POWER: There is no difference in resolving power for holographic and ruled gratings with identical groove spacing. Holographic gratings are, however, available with up to 3600 grooves per mm while Optometrics does not normally rule gratings with more than 1200 grooves per mm. TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensional tolerances.................................± 0.5 mm Thickness tolerances.....................................± 0.5 mm Efficiencies: Ruled........................................60 - 80% at blaze λ Holographic.............................. 45 - 65% at peak λ Clear aperture.................................................... 90% Groove parallelism to edge.............................. ±0.5° OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Standard Reflection Gratings............. -50˚C Standard Transmission Grating......... -50˚C UTF-CW Gratings............................... -50˚C ML Gratings........................................ -50˚C to to to to +125˚C +125˚C +200˚C +200˚C HANDLING GRATINGS RECTANGLES / GROOVE DIRECTION Unless otherwise specified, rectangular gratings are cut with grooves parallel to the short dimension. DAMAGE THRESHOLD Any standard Optometrics grating is available with either P-type or CW-type construction or higher damage threshold performance. Damage Thresholds: (no damage threshold minimums apply to gratings with an overcoat) Standard Replica Gratings: Pulsed................... 350 milli-joules/cm2 @ 200 n sec. CW.........................................................40 watts/cm2 P-Type Replica Gratings: (pulsed type) Pulsed .......................... 3.5 joules/cm2 @ 200 n sec. CW.........................................................80 watts/cm2 CW-Type Replica Gratings: (for continuous high power applications) Pulsed........................... 3.5 joules/cm2 @ 200 n sec. CW.......................................................250 watts/cm2 Coatings Regardless of size, the additional cost per piece is: Gold Overcoat (AU-3).......................................... $60.00 Aluminum Magnesium Flouride (ALMG-3).......... $55.00 Note: While a gold overcoat can increase reflectivity, any overcoating may reduce the damage threshold by a factor of two or more. The surface of standard gratings are coated with aluminum or gold and require extreme care when handling. Handling should be done by the edges only. These relatively soft coatings are vulnerable to fingerprints and numerous aerosols. Scratches or other cosmetic defects do not, unless extreme, usually affect optical performance. No attempt to clean a grating should be made without first consulting Optometrics. Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 9 Diffraction Gratings Ruled and Holographic Gratings Standard replicated gratings are produced from ruled and holographic originals and are intended for use in moderate resolution spectrophotometers, spectrometers and monochromators where low cost, high efficiency and low stray light are of primary concern. Since standard gratings are cut from larger replicas, they are ruled over their entire surface. Incident radiation should, however, be restricted to 90% of the ruled area. Standard Series Replicated Ruled Gratings GROOVES BLAZE λ BLAZE DISPERSION 12.7 x 12.7 25 x 25 /MM (nm) ANGLE (nm/mr) x 6 x 6 120 1200046o 3’ 25 x 25 x 9.5 30 x 30 x 9.5 50 x 50 x 9.5 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 25 x 6 x 9.5 25 x 50 x 9.5 5.78 3-4112 3-8112 3-2112 3-3112 3-5112 3-6112 3-1112 3-7112 150 500 2o 8’ 6.66 3-4155 3-8155 3-2155 3-3155 3-5155 3-6155 3-1155 3-7155 300 3002o 34’ 3.33 3-4330 3-8330 3-2330 3-3330 3-5330 3-6330 3-1330 3-7330 300 10008o 36’ 3.30 3-4310 3-8310 3-2310 3-3310 3-5310 3-6310 3-1310 3-7310 2000 17o 27’ 3.18 3-4320 3-8320 3-2320 3-3320 3-5320 3-6320 3-1320 3-7320 300 400036o 52’ 2.67 3-4340 3-8340 3-2340 3-3340 3-5340 3-6340 3-1340 3-7340 600 300 5o 9’ 1.66 3-4630 3-8630 3-2630 3-3630 3-5630 3-6630 3-1630 3-7630 600 4006o 53’ 1.66 3-4640 3-8640 3-2640 3-3640 3-5640 3-6640 3-1640 3-7640 600 5008o 37’ 1.65 3-4650 3-8650 3-2650 3-3650 3-5650 3-6650 3-1650 3-7650 600 750 13o 0’ 1.62 3-4675 3-8675 3-2675 3-3675 3-5675 3-6675 3-1675 3-7675 600 1000 17o 27’ 1.59 3-4610 3-8610 3-2610 3-3610 3-5610 3-6610 3-1610 3-7610 300 600 125022o 1’ 1.55 3-4612 3-8612 3-2612 3-3612 3-5612 3-6612 3-1612 3-7612 600 160028o 41’ 1.46 3-4616 3-8616 3-2616 3-3616 3-5616 3-6616 3-1616 3-7616 830 80019o 23’ 1.14 3-4880 3-8880 3-2880 3-3880 3-5880 3-6880 3-1880 3-7880 1.05 3-4812 3-8812 3-2812 3-3812 3-5812 3-6812 3-1812 3-7812 830 1200 29o 52’ 900 50013o 0’ 1.08 3-4712 3-8712 3-2712 3-3712 3-5712 3-6712 3-1712 3-7712 1200 250 8o 37’ 0.82 3-4125 3-8125 3-2125 3-3125 3-5125 3-6125 3-1125 3-7125 1200 300 10o 22’ 0.82 3-4130 3-8130 3-2130 3-3130 3-5130 3-6130 3-1130 3-7130 1200 400 13o 53’ 0.81 3-4140 3-8140 3-2140 3-3140 3-5140 3-6140 3-1140 3-7140 1200 500 17o 27’ 0.80 3-4150 3-8150 3-2150 3-3150 3-5150 3-6150 3-1150 3-7150 1200 750 26o 44’ 0.74 3-4175 3-8175 3-2175 3-3175 3-5175 3-6175 3-1175 3-7175 1200 1000 36o 52’ 0.67 3-4110 3-8110 3-2110 3-3110 3-5110 3-6110 3-1110 3-7110 1800 240 12o 29’ 0.54 3-4162 3-8162 3-2162 3-3162 3-5162 3-6162 3-1162 3-7162 1800 500 26o 44’ 0.50 3-4185 3-8185 3-2185 3-3185 3-5185 3-6185 3-1185 3-7185 Prices ($) 50.00 85.00 85.00 95.00 150.00 65.00 65.00 109.00 (All dimensions in millimeters) See page 12 for typical efficiency curves. Page 10 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Ruled and Holographic Gratings Diffraction Gratings Standard Series Replicated Holographic Gratings GROOVES OPTIMUM DISPERSION /MM EFFICIENCY (nm/mr) 12.7 x 12.7 25 x 25 25 x 25 x 6 x 6 x 9.5 30 x 30 x 9.5 50 x 50 x 9.5 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 25 25 x 50 x 6 x 9.5 x 9.5 600 UV 1.67 @ 250 NM 3-4021 3-8021 3-2021 3-3021 3-5021 3-6021 3-1021 3-7021 1000 UV 0.99 @ 250 NM 3-4061 3-8061 3-2061 3-3061 3-5061 3-6061 3-1061 3-7061 1200 UV 0.82 @ 250 NM 3-4121 3-8121 3-2121 3-3121 3-5121 3-6121 3-1121 3-7121 1200 VIS 0.79 @ 500 NM 3-4122 3-8122 3-2122 3-3122 3-5122 3-6122 3-1122 3-7122 1800 UV 0.54 @ 250 NM 3-4181 3-8181 3-2181 3-3181 3-5181 3-6181 3-1181 3-7181 1800 VIS 0.50 @ 500 NM 3-4182 3-8182 3-2182 3-3182 3-5182 3-6182 3-1182 3-7182 2400 UV 0.40 @ 250 NM 3-4241 3-8241 3-2241 3-3241 3-5241 3-6241 3-1241 3-7241 2400 VIS 0.33 @ 500 NM 3-4242 3-8242 3-2242 3-3242 3-5242 3-6242 3-1242 3-7252 3600 UV 0.25 @ 250 NM 3-4361 3-8361 3-2361 3-3361 3-5361 3-6361 3-1361 3-7361 Price ($) 59.00 105.00 105.00 135.00 229.00 75.00 75.00 129.00 (All dimensions in millimeters) See page 13 for typical efficiency curves. COATINGS Protective overcoatings that maintain or enhance reflectivity in the UV, Visible and IR regions are available for an additional charge. Gold Overcoat (AU-3) ........ $60.00 each Optometrics Corporation Aluminum Magnesium Fluoride (ALMG-3) ....... $55.00 each email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 11 Diffraction Gratings Typical Efficiency Curves Typical Efficiency Curves - Ruled Gratings Ruled Gratings 600 grooves/mm BLAZED at 300 nm 600 grooves/mm BLAZED at 750 nm 1200 grooves/mm BLAZED at 250 nm 1200 grooves/mm BLAZED at 750 nm These are several of Optometrics grating efficiency efficiency curves. Efficiency Efficiency curves for all Optometrics gratings are available on our website, www.optometrics.com Perpendicular Polarization Parallel Polarization Average Page 12 Efficiency Efficiency Curve Key • All gratings are measured in the Littrow mounting in 1st order • All gratings utilize an aluminum (AI) reflective reflective coat email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com (978) 772-1700 to Order Optometrics Corporation Corporation Optometrics Typical Efficiency Curves - Holographic Gratings Diffraction Gratings Typical Efficiency Curves Holographic Gratings 1200 grooves/mm OPTIMIZED FOR THE VISIBLE 1800 grooves/mm OPTIMIZED FOR THE UV 1800 grooves/mm OPTIMIZED FOR THE VISIBLE 2400 grooves/mm OPTIMIZED FOR THE UV These are several of Optometrics grating efficiency curves. Efficiency curves for all Optometrics gratings are available on our website, www.optometrics.com 2400 grooves/mm OPTIMIZED FOR THE VISIBLE Perpendicular Polarization Parallel Polarization Average Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Efficiency Curve Key • All gratings are measured in the Littrow mounting in 1st order • All gratings utilize an aluminum (AI) reflective coat email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 13 Diffraction Gratings High Resolution Gratings and Echelles High Resolution Ruled Gratings Replicating master gratings on Pyrex®, produces gratings with flatness, λ/4 or better, good thermal stability and resolution equal to 80-90% of the master. High resolution gratings are available in groove spacings from 120 to 1800 g/mm, blazed from 240 nm to 12.0µ. For even better thermal stability, ask for a quotation for gratings replicated on Zerodur®. GROOVES BLAZE λ BLAZE DISPERSION 12.7 x 12.7 25 x 25 /MM (nm) ANGLE (nm/mr) x 6 x 6 120 12000 46o 3’ 25 x 25 x 9.5 30 x 30 x 9.5 50 x 50 x 9.5 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 25 x 6 x 9.5 25 x 50 x 9.5 5.78 3-4219 3-8219 3-2219 3-3219 3-5219 3-6219 3-1219 3-7219 150 500 2o 8’ 6.66 3-4559 3-8559 3-2559 3-3559 3-5559 3-6559 3-1559 3-7559 300 3002o 34’ 3.33 3-4339 3-8339 3-2339 3-3339 3-5339 3-6339 3-1339 3-7339 300 1000 8o 36’ 3.30 3-4229 3-8229 3-2229 3-3229 3-5229 3-6229 3-1229 3-7229 2000 17o 27’ 3.18 3-4329 3-8329 3-2329 3-3329 3-5329 3-6329 3-1329 3-7329 300 400036o 52’ 2.67 3-4349 3-8349 3-2349 3-3349 3-5349 3-6349 3-1349 3-7349 600 300 5o 9’ 1.66 3-4639 3-8639 3-2639 3-3639 3-5639 3-6639 3-1639 3-7639 600 4006o 53’ 1.66 3-4649 3-8649 3-2649 3-3649 3-5649 3-6649 3-1649 3-7649 600 5008o 37’ 1.65 3-4659 3-8659 3-2659 3-3659 3-5659 3-6659 3-1659 3-7659 600 750 13o 0’ 1.62 3-4679 3-8679 3-2679 3-3679 3-5679 3-6679 3-1679 3-7679 600 1000 17o 27’ 1.59 3-4619 3-8619 3-2619 3-3619 3-5619 3-6619 3-1619 3-7619 600 125022o 1’ 1.55 3-4609 3-8609 3-2609 3-3609 3-5609 3-6609 3-1609 3-7609 600 160028o 41’ 1.46 3-4669 3-8669 3-2669 3-3669 3-5669 3-6669 3-1669 3-7669 830 80019o 23’ 1.14 3-4889 3-8889 3-2889 3-3889 3-5889 3-6889 3-1889 3-7889 830 120029o 52’ 1.05 3-4819 3-8819 3-2819 3-3819 3-5819 3-6819 3-1819 3-7819 900 50013o 0’ 1.08 3-4719 3-8719 3-2719 3-3719 3-5719 3-6719 3-1719 3-7719 1200 250 8o 37’ 0.82 3-4129 3-8129 3-2129 3-3129 3-5129 3-6129 3-1129 3-7129 1200 300 10o 22’ 0.82 3-4139 3-8139 3-2139 3-3139 3-5139 3-6139 3-1139 3-7139 1200 400 13o 53’ 0.81 3-4149 3-8149 3-2149 3-3149 3-5149 3-6149 3-1149 3-7149 1200 500 17o 27’ 0.80 3-4159 3-8159 3-2159 3-3159 3-5159 3-6159 3-1159 3-7159 1200 750 26o 44’ 0.74 3-4179 3-8179 3-2179 3-3179 3-5179 3-6179 3-1179 3-7179 1200 1000 36o 52’ 0.67 3-4119 3-8119 3-2119 3-3119 3-5119 3-6119 3-1119 3-7119 1800 240 12o 29’ 0.54 3-4169 3-8169 3-2169 3-3169 3-5169 3-6169 3-1169 3-7169 1800 500 26o 44’ 0.50 3-4189 3-8189 3-2189 3-3189 3-5189 3-6189 3-1189 3-7189 Price ($) 55.00 99.00 99.00 105.00 159.00 69.00 69.00 129.00 300 (All dimensions in millimeters) See page 12 for typical efficiency curves. Page 14 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation High Resolution Gratings and Echelles Diffraction Gratings High Resolution Holographic Gratings GROOVES OPTIMUM DISPERSION /MM EFFICIENCY (nm/mr) 12.7 x 12.7 25 x 25 25 x 25 x 6 x 6 x 9.5 30 x 30 x 9.5 50 x 50 x 9.5 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 25 25 x 50 x 6 x 9.5 x 9.5 600 UV 1.67 @ 250 NM 3-4027 3-8027 3-2027 3-3027 3-5027 3-6027 3-1027 3-7027 1000 UV 0.99 @ 250 NM 3-4067 3-8067 3-2067 3-3067 3-5067 3-6067 3-1067 3-7067 1200 UV 0.82 @ 250 NM 3-4127 3-8127 3-2127 3-3127 3-5127 3-6127 3-1127 3-7127 1200 VIS 0.79 @ 500 NM 3-4128 3-8128 3-2128 3-3128 3-5128 3-6128 3-1128 3-7128 1800 UV 0.54 @ 250 NM 3-4187 3-8187 3-2187 3-3187 3-5187 3-6187 3-1187 3-7187 1800 VIS 0.50 @ 500 NM 3-4188 3-8188 3-2188 3-3188 3-5188 3-6188 3-1188 3-7188 2400 UV 0.40 @ 250 NM 3-4247 3-8247 3-2247 3-3247 3-5247 3-6247 3-1247 3-7247 2400 VIS 0.33 @ 500 NM 3-4248 3-8248 3-2248 3-3248 3-5248 3-6248 3-1248 3-7258 3600 UV 0.25 @ 250 NM 3-4367 3-8367 3-2367 3-3367 3-5367 3-6367 3-1367 3-7367 Price ($) 65.00 115.00 115.00 145.00 239.00 79.00 79.00 149.00 (All dimensions in millimeters) See page 13 for typical efficiency curves. COATINGS Protective overcoatings that maintain or enhance reflectivity in the UV, Visible and IR regions are available for an additional charge. Gold Overcoat (AU-3) ........ $60.00 each Optometrics Corporation Aluminum Magnesium Fluoride (ALMG-3) ....... $55.00 each email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 15 Diffraction Gratings TF and UTF Series Gratings TF and UTF Series Gratings and Echelles for Dye Lasers Replica gratings produced by a proprietary process to withstand high incident energies. Damage thresholds as high as 250 watts/cm2 for CW sources are available. (For damage threshold specifications see page 9) TF and UTF Series Gratings DISPERSION GROOVES BLAZE BLAZE λ (nm/mr) PER MM ANGLE (nm) @ 500 nm 12.7 x 12.7 x 6 25 x 25 x 9.5 30 x 30 x 9.5 50 x 50 x 9.5 TF SERIES 1200 10o 22’ 300 0.82 3-4131 3-2131 3-3131 3-5131 1200 17o 26’ 500 0.79 3-4151 3-2151 3-3151 3-5151 1200 26o 45’ 750 0.74 3-4171 3-2171 3-3171 3-5171 1200 36o 52’ 1000 0.67 3-4111 3-2111 3-3111 3-5111 1800 26o 45’ 500 0.50 3-4851 3-2851 3-3851 3-5851 Price ($) 75.00 99.00 105.00 150.00 UTF-P SERIES (Pulsed) 1200 10o 22’ 300 0.82 3-4133 3-2133 3-31333-5133 1200 17o 26’ 500 0.79 3-4153 3-2153 3-3153 3-5153 1200 26o 45’ 750 0.74 3-4173 3-2173 3-3173 3-5173 1200 36o 52’ 1000 0.67 3-4113 3-2113 3-3113 3-5113 1800 26o 45’ 500 0.50 3-4853 3-2853 3-3853 3-5853 Price ($) 95.00 125.00 135.00 195.00 UTF-CW SERIES (Continuous) 1200 10o 22’ 300 0.82 3-4134 3-2134 3-31343-5134 1200 17o 26’ 500 0.79 3-4154 3-2154 3-3154 3-5154 1200 26o 45’ 750 0.74 3-4174 3-2174 3-3174 3-5174 1200 36o 52’ 1000 0.67 3-4114 3-2114 3-3114 3-5114 1800 26o 45’ 500 0.50 3-4854 3-2854 3-3854 3-5854 Price ($) 109.00 149.00 Page 16 159.00 235.00 All dimensions in millimeters. email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation TF and UTF Series Gratings Diffraction Gratings TF and UTF Series Gratings - Echelles DISPERSION GROOVES BLAZE BLAZE λ (nm/mr) PER MM ANGLE (nm) @ 500 nm 12.5 x 25 x 6 12.5 x 25 x 9.5 12.5 x 50 x 9.5 25 x 50 x 9.5 TF Series 31.6 63o Echelle 14.37 3-6311 3-1311 3-9311 3-7311 316 63o Echelle 1.44 3-6362 3-1362 3-9362 3-7362 79 75o Echelle 3.28 3-6771 3-1771 3-9771 3-7771 79 63o Echelle 5.75 3-6731 3-1731 3-9731 3-7731 Price ($) 85.00 85.00 99.00 149.00 UTF-P (Pulsed) 31.6 63o Echelle 14.37 3-6313 3-1313 3-9313 3-7313 316 63o Echelle 1.44 3-6363 3-1363 3-9363 3-7363 79 75o Echelle 3.28 3-6773 3-1773 3-9773 3-7773 79 63o Echelle 5.75 3-6733 3-1733 3-9733 3-7733 Price ($) 105.00 105.00 125.00 190.00 UTF-CW (Continuous) 31.6 63o Echelle 14.37 3-6314 3-1314 3-9314 3-7314 316 63o Echelle 1.44 3-6364 3-1364 3-9364 3-7364 79 75o Echelle 3.28 3-6774 3-1774 3-9774 3-7774 79 63o Echelle 5.75 3-6734 3-1731 3-9734 3-7734 Price ($) 129.00 129.00 149.00 225.00 All dimensions in millimeters. Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 17 Diffraction Gratings Grazing Incidence Gratings Grazing Incidence Gratings Grazing Grazing Incidence Incidence Gratings Gratings Holographic Holographic gratings gratings able able for for use use in in the the (0.5” (0.5” xx 2”) 2”) with with a a typical typical efficiency efficiency of of 24%, 24%, single single pass, pass, and and a a similarly similarly sized sized mirror, mirror, are are suitsuitgrazing incidence configuration. grazing incidence configuration. Grazing Grazing incidence incidence is is a a simple simple and and inexpensive inexpensive optioptical cal configuration, configuration, as as described described in in Applied Applied Optics, Optics, July July 1978, p. 2224, that can tune and increase the resolu1978, p. 2224, that can tune and increase the resolution tion of of a a dye dye laser. laser. A A holographic holographic grating, grating, functioning functioning as an end reflector in a dye laser cavity, is as an end reflector in a dye laser cavity, is positioned positioned so so that that laser laser radiation radiation strikes strikes the the grating grating almost almost perperpendicular to the grating normal. As the angle pendicular to the grating normal. As the angle of of incidence incidence approaches approaches 89 89 degrees, degrees, a a relatively relatively large large area area of of the the grating grating is is illuminated illuminated by by the the laser laser beam, beam, increasing increasing angular angular dispersion dispersion and and resolving resolving power power significantly. significantly. The The sizes sizes of of the the grating grating and and mirror mirror (12.7 (12.7 mm mm xx 50.8 50.8 mm) mm) are are optimized optimized for for grazing grazing incidence incidence and and minimize the cost of the components. The grating minimize the cost of the components. The grating is is fixed fixed and and tuning tuning is is achieved achieved by by rotation rotation of of the the mirror. The laser beam is diffracted twice in grazing mirror. The laser beam is diffracted twice in grazing incidence, incidence, resulting resulting in in a a twofold twofold increase increase in in resolution. resolution. Low grating efficiency is characteristic of the Low grating efficiency is characteristic of the grazing grazing incidence incidence configuration configuration but but is is compensated compensated for for by by the the high gain of the dyes used. high gain of the dyes used. Pump Radiation Fixed Gratings To Output Coupler Mirror Grazing Grazing Incidence Incidence Configuration Configuration SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Grating Grating (replicated (replicated holographic): holographic): .........1200, 1800, Grooves Grooves per per mm mm..........1200, 1800, 2400 2400 or or 3600 3600 Dimensional tolerances .......................... ± 0.5 Dimensional tolerances........................... ± 0.5 mm mm Thickness .................................. 9.5 Thickness................................... 9.5 mm mm ± ± 0.5 0.5 mm mm ..............................10.0 xx 46.0 Clear Clear aperture aperture...............................10.0 46.0 mm mm Resolution ....................80% to Resolution.....................80% to 90% 90% of of theoretical theoretical Efficiency Efficiency at at grazing grazing incidence: incidence: Single pass Single pass......................................Approx. .....................................Approx. 24% 24% Double pass .....................................Approx. Double pass......................................Approx. 4% 4% Mirror: Mirror: Coating Coating...................................................................Al ..................................................................Al Thickness .................................. 9.5 Thickness................................... 9.5 mm mm ± ± 0.5 0.5 mm mm Any Any standard standard grazing grazing incidence incidence grating grating is is available available with with aa P-type or CW-type replication coating for higher damage P-type or CW-type replication coating for higher damage threshold threshold performance performance (see (see Page Page 9 9 specifications). specifications). Grazing Grazing Incidence Incidence Gratings Gratings And And Mirror Mirror REPLICATED HOLOGRAPHIC REPLICATED HOLOGRAPHIC GRATING GRATING (12.7 (12.7 xx 50.8 50.8 mm) mm) GROOVES/MM GROOVES/MM 1200 1200 1800 1800 2400 2400 3600 3600 Vis Vis Vis Vis Vis Vis UV UV CATALOG CATALOG NO. NO. CATALOG CATALOG NO. NO. BLAZE (nm) BLAZE lλ(nm) NORMAL NORMAL (TF) (TF) 5-2401 5-2401 5-2402 5-2402 5-2403 5-2403 5-2404 5-2404 129.00 129.00 UTF-P UTF-P (pulsed) (pulsed) 5-2406 5-2406 5-2407 5-2407 5-2408 5-2408 5-2409 5-2409 159.00 159.00 UTF-CW UTF-CW (Continuous) (Continuous) 5-2410 5-2410 5-2411 5-2411 5-2412 5-2412 5-2413 5-2413 199.00 199.00 CATALOG CATALOG NO. NO. CATALOG CATALOG NO. NO. PRICE PRICE ($) ($) MIRROR: Used in MIRROR: Used in conjunction conjunction with with grazing grazing incidence incidence gratings gratings (above) (above) for for double double pass pass high high resolution resolution tuning tuning of of dye dye lasers. lasers. 12.7 12.7 xx 50.8 50.8 mm mm 5-2405 5-2405 89.00 89.00 All All dimensions dimensions in in millimeters. millimeters. Page Page 18 18 (978) 772-1700 to Order email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Corporation Optometrics Molecular Diffraction Gratings Gratings Molecular Laser Laser (ML) Gratings Laser (ML) (ML) Gratings Gratings Diffraction ML ML GRATINGS GRATINGS POLARIZATION POLARIZATION ML MLgratings gratingsare areoriginal originalrulings rulingsor orreplicas replicasthat thatare arenormalnormal- Typical Typical efficiency efficiency curves illustrate illustrate that, that, in in all all cases, cases, orioriefficiency curves ly used as end reflectors for tuning molecular lasers. enting the polarization of the E vector (P-Plane) perpenly used as end reflectors enting the polarization of the E vector (P-Plane) perpenreflectors for tuning molecular lasers. dicular dicular to to the the grooves grooves (E⊥) (E⊥) increases increases the the efficiency efficiency over efficiencyover The The output output wavelength wavelength of of aa molecular molecular or or dye dye laser laser can can a specific wavelength region. This should be considered a specific specific wavelength region. This should be considered be be tuned tuned by by rotating rotating aa Littrow Littrow mounted mounted grating grating around around an an when optimizing the figure of merit (Q) of a cavity, parwhen optimizing the figure figure of merit (Q) of a cavity, paraxis axis parallel parallel to to the the grooves. grooves. The The grating grating equation: equation: ticularly when it is polarized ticularly when it is polarizedby byauxiliary auxiliarycomponents componentssuch such as Brewster angle windows. nλ = d(sin i + sin i') as Brewster angle windows. nλ = d(sin i + sin i') The The angle angle of of incidence incidence (i) (i) is is adjusted adjusted to to select select the the output output output wavelength while creating a narrow gain profile. wavelength while creating a narrow gain profile. profile. BLAZE BLAZE ANGLE ANGLE AND AND ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 RELATIVEEFFECIENCY EFFECIENCY RELATIVE where where nn is is the the order order of of diffraction, diffraction, λλ is is the the diffracted diffracted wavelength, d is the grating constant (the distance wavelength, d is the grating constant (the distance bebetween tween successive successive grooves), grooves), ii is is the the angle angle of of incidence incidence measured measured from from the the normal normal and and i'i' is isthe theangle angleof ofdiffraction diffraction measured from the normal, reduces to nλ = measured from the normal, reduces to nλ = 2d 2d sin sin ii for for the Littrow configuration. the Littrow configuration. configuration. E E E E 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WAVELENGTH (microns) WAVELENGTH (microns) Because Because the the ML MLseries series of of gratings gratings are are designed designed for for peak peak POLARIZATION POLARIZATION DEPENDENT DEPENDENTEFFICIENCIES EFFICIENCIES polarized efficiency, the groove angle is not equivalent polarized efficiency, to efficiency, the groove angle is not equivalent to the the Littrow Littrow blaze blaze angle angle of of the the grating. grating. As As aa result, result, when when using a He-Ne laser for preliminary grating alignment, using a He-Ne laser for preliminary grating alignment, the the brightest brightest He-Ne He-Ne order order will will not not correspond correspond to to the the blaze blaze COATING COATING wavelength wavelength of of the the grating. grating. The The grating grating must must be be aligned aligned ML gratings can be overcoated with gold, increasing the ML gratings can be overcoated with gold, increasing the using using the the calculated calculated He-Ne He-Ne order order that that corresponds corresponds to to reflectivity at 10.6 microns by approximately 1%, but reflectivity reflectivity at 10.6 microns by approximately 1%, but the the wavelength wavelength of of interest, interest, regardless regardless of of its its relative relative the damage threshold in high power applications may the damage threshold in high power applications may intensity. intensity. be reduced. be reduced. No No damage damage threshold threshold minimums minimums apply apply for for overcoated gratings. The blaze arrow marked on the side or back of the grating overcoated gratings. The blaze arrow marked on the side or back of the grating should should be be oriented oriented as as shown shown below. below. BLAZED BLAZEDGRATING GRATINGIN INLITTROW LITTROW (AUTOCOLLIMATION) (AUTOCOLLIMATION) To To Cavity Cavity Littrow LittrowAngle Angle == ΟΟ == ii == i'i' Normal Normal Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Optometrics Corporation Also Also available available as as original original gratings, gratings, ruled ruled directly directly into an aluminum or gold coating deposited into an aluminum or gold coating deposited on on aa copper substrate resulting in an inherently higher copper substrate substrate resulting resultingin inan aninherently inherentlyhigher highdamage threshold . They are recommended er damage threshold. Theyare are recommended recommendedfor for damage threshold . They use with high power lasers. use with high power lasers. See Laser Products brochure. See our our Infared and Laser Products brochure. Laser Optics Optics Products brochure. email: email: sales@optometrics.com sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page Page 19 19 Diffraction Gratings Molecular Laser (ML) Gratings SPECIFICATIONS Summary ML Grating Specifications MODEL NO. GROOVES/ MM MIN. POLARIZED ABS. EFFICIENCY OPTIMUM RANGE (µ) (nm/mr) ANGULAR DISPERSION Clear aperture........................................................90% Grooves parallelism to edge.............................± 0.5° Dimensional tolerances............................... ± 0.5 mm Thickness: Originals...................................... 10 mm ± 0.5 mm Replicas..................................... 9.5 mm ± 0.5 mm Damage threshold: Original gratings: CW laser............................................. 1 KW/cm2 Pulse laser (100 nsec pulse)................ 7 J/cm2 Replicated gratings: CW laser............................................250 W/cm2 Pulsed laser (200 nsec pulse)........... 3.5 J/cm2 ML-301 75 ≥ 88% 9.0 - 11.0 12.3 ML-302 100 ≥ 88% 9.0 - 11.0 8.5 ML-303 150 ≥ 88% 9.0 - 11.0 4.2 ML-304 135 ≥ 88% 9.0 - 11.0 5.2 ML-401 150 ≥ 88% 5.0 - 6.0 6.1 ML-402 300 ≥ 82% 5.0 - 6.0 2.0 ML-501 300 ≥ 80% 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 ML-502 450 ≥ 85% 2.0 - 4.0 1.6 ML-601 300 ≥ 80% 2.5 - 4.0 0.35 *See our website for typical efficiency curves. ML Series Gratings ML (Molecular laser) Series replicated ruled gratings are used primarily to tune the output wavelength of high powered lasers. High peak efficiencies, typically from 92%–96%, are achieved by orientating the polarization of the “E” vector perpendicular to the grooves rather than the unpolarized average. Original MLs are ruled directly into an aluminum coating on a copper substrate, resulting in an inherently high damage threshold. Standard MLs are available in a number of blaze wavelengths (2.8 µ to 16.0 µ) and groove spacings (75 g/mm to 450 g/mm). ML Grating Replicas - Rectangles MODEL NO. 12.5 x 25 mm REPLICA CAT. NO. ML-301 25 x 50mm REPLICA CAT. NO. 5-3810 5-3113 1” x .825” REPLICA CAT. NO. 5-3118 ML-302 5-38205-31235-3128 ML-303 5-38305-31335-3138 ML-304 5-38405-31435-3148 ML-401 5-4810 5-4113 5-4118 ML-402 5-48205-41235-4128 ML-501 5-5810 5-5113 5-5118 ML-502 5-58205-51235-5128 ML-601 5-6810 5-6113 5-6118 120.00 230.00 130.00 Page 20 Prices ($) email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Molecular Laser (ML) Gratings Diffraction Gratings ML Grating Replicas - Squares MODEL NO. 25 x 25 mm REPLICA CAT. NO. 30 x 30 mm REPLICA CAT. NO. 50 x 50 mm REPLICA CAT. NO. 58 x 58 mm REPLICA CAT. NO. ML-301 5-3112 5-3119 5-3115 5-3116 ML-302 5-3122 5-3129 5-3125 5-3126 ML-303 5-3132 5-3139 5-3135 5-3136 ML-304 5-3142 5-3149 5-3145 5-3146 ML-401 5-4112 5-4119 5-4115 5-4116 ML-402 5-4122 5-4129 5-4125 5-4126 ML-501 5-5112 5-5119 5-5115 5-5116 ML-502 5-5122 5-5129 5-5125 5-5126 ML-601 5-6112 5-6119 5-6115 5-6116 180.00 190.00 290.00 350.00 PRICE ($) ML Grating Replicas - Diameters MODEL NO. 25 mm DIA. REPLICA CAT. NO. 38 mm DIA. REPLICA CAT. NO. 50 mm DIA. REPLICA CAT. NO. ML-301 5-3111 5-3117 5-3114 ML-302 5-3121 5-3127 5-3124 ML-303 5-3131 5-3137 5-3134 ML-304 5-3141 5-3147 5-3144 ML-401 5-4111 5-4117 5-4114 ML-402 5-4121 5-4127 5-4124 ML-501 5-5111 5-5117 5-5114 ML-502 5-5121 5-5127 5-5124 ML-601 5-6111 5-6117 5-6114 Price ($) 240.00 365.00 495.00 Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 21 Efficiency Curves-ML Gratings Diffraction Gratings Typical Efficiency 150 g/mm, g/mm, blazed blazed at at 10.6 10.6 μµ (E (E⊥)) 150 Angular dispersion dispersion 2.0 2.0 nm/mr nm/mr Angular 135 g/mm, g/mm, blazed blazed at at 10.6 10.6 μµ (E (E⊥)) 135 Angular dispersion dispersion 2.0 2.0 nm/mr nm/mr Angular COATINGS COATINGS ML gratings gratings can can be be overcoated overcoated with with gold, gold, increasing increasing the the reflectivity reflectivity at at 10.6 10.6 microns microns by by approximately approximately 1%, 1%, but but ML the damage damage threshold threshold in in high high power power applications applications may may be be reduced. reduced. No No damage damage threshold threshold minimums minimums apply apply for for the overcoated gratings. gratings. overcoated Gold Overcoat Overcoat (AU-3) (AU-3) .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... $60.00 $60.00 each each Gold Perpendicular Polarization (S) Perpendicular Polarization Efficiency Curve Curve Key Key Efficiency Parallel Polarization (P) Parallel Polarization All gratings gratings are are measured measured in in the the Littrow Littrow mounting mounting in in 1st 1st order order •• All Average Average All gratings gratings utilize utilize an an aluminum aluminum (AI) (AI) reflective reflective coat coat •• All These are several of Optometrics grating efficiency curves. Efficiency curves for all Optometrics gratings are available on our website, www.optometrics.com These are several of Optometrics grating efficiency curves. Efficiency curves for all Optometrics gratings are available on our website, www.optometrics.com Page 22 22 Page email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com (978) 772-1700 to Order Optometrics Optometrics Corporation Corporation TransmissionGratings Gratings- --Visible Visible&& &NIR NIR Diffraction Transmission DiffractionGratings Gratings Transmission Gratings Visible NIR Transmissiongratings gratingsoffer offera a abasic basic Transmission Transmission gratings offer basic simplicity for optical designs that can simplicity for optical designs that simplicity for optical designs thatcan can bebeneficial beneficialinin infixed fixedgrating gratingapplicaapplicabebe beneficial fixed grating applications such as spectrographs. The tions such as spectrographs. tions such as spectrographs. The The incidentlight lightisis isdispersed dispersedonon onthe theopopincident incident light dispersed the opposite side of the grating at a fixed posite side of the grating at a fixed posite side of the grating at a fixed angle.Transmission Transmissiongratings gratingsare arevery very angle. angle. Transmission gratings are very forgiving for some types of grating forgiving for some types of grating forgiving for some types of grating alignmenterrors. errors. alignment alignment errors. TYPICALSPECIFICATIONS-VISIBLE SPECIFICATIONS-VISIBLE&& &NIR NIR TYPICAL TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS-VISIBLE NIR Substratematerial material ......................................SchottB270 B270 Substrate ......................................Schott Substrate material.......................................Schott B270 Thickness nominal Thickness .................................................3mm Thickness. ..................................................3mm ................................................3mmnominal nominal Dimensional tolerances .................................... ±0.5mm Dimensional tolerances .................................... ±0.5mm Dimensional tolerances..................................... ±0.5mm Thicknesstolerances tolerances....................................... .......................................±0.5mm ±0.5mm Thickness Thickness tolerances........................................ ±0.5mm PerformanceComparison ComparisonVarious VariousVisible VisibleTxTx TxGratings Gratings Performance Performance Comparison Various Visible Gratings Performance Comparison Various Gratings Performance Comparison Various TxTx Gratings 100100 90 90 80 80 l/mm 300300 l/mm 70 70 Absolute Efficiency (%) Absolute Efficiency (%) Newline lineofof ofreplicated replicatedgratings, gratings,spespeNew New line replicated gratings, specifically designed for use in transmiscifically designed for use in transmiscifically designed for use in transmission… sion… sion… 60 60 600600 VISVIS 50 50 40 40 Bynecessity, necessity,transmission transmissiongratings gratings By By necessity, transmission gratings require relatively coarse groove require relatively coarse groove require relatively coarse groove spacingstoto tomaintain maintainhigh highefficiency. efficiency. spacings spacings maintain high efficiency. As the diffraction angles increase As the diffraction angles increase As the diffraction angles increase withthe thefiner finerspacings, spacings,the therefracrefracwith with the finer spacings, the refractive properties of the materials used tive properties of the materials tive properties of the materialsused used limitthe the transmission transmissionatat atthe thehigher higher limit limit the transmission the higher wavelengths and performance drops wavelengths and performance drops wavelengths and performance drops off.The Thegrating gratingdispersion dispersioncharactercharacteroff. off. The grating dispersion characteristics, however, lend themselves to istics, however, lend themselves istics, however, lend themselvestoto compactsystems systemsutilizing utilizingsmall smalldedecompact compact systems utilizing small detector arrays. The gratings are also tector arrays. The gratings are also tector arrays. The gratings are also relativelypolarization polarizationinsensitive. insensitive. relatively relatively polarization insensitive. 600600 UVUV 30 30 1200 l/mm 1200 l/mm 20 20 E 300 E 300 E 600 E 600 E 600 E 600 UVUV E 830 E 830 E 1200 E 1200 l/mm 830830 l/mm 10 10 0 0 300300 400400 500500 600600 700700 800800 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) 900900 1000 1000 1100 1100 PerformanceComparison ComparisonforforNIR NIRTxTxGrating Grating Performance TRANSMISSIONGRATINGS: GRATINGS: TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION GRATINGS: VISIBLE&& &NIR NIR VISIBLE VISIBLE NIR Thisline lineofof ofblazed blazedtransmission transmission This This line blazed transmission gratings was designed foroptimum optimum gratings was designed gratings was designedfor for optimum performanceinin inthe thevisible visibleand andNIR NIR performance performance the visible and NIR spectrum, offering different levels of spectrum, offering different levels spectrum, offering different levelsofof dispersion.InIn Inmost mostcases, cases,the theefficienefficiendispersion. dispersion. most cases, the efficiencyisis iscompacompacycy comparabletoto tothat that rable rable that ofreflection reflection ofof reflection gratingstyptypgratings gratings typically used ically used ically used inthe thesame same inin the same region ofthe the region of region of the spectrum. spectrum. spectrum. 300/24.8Degree DegreeTxTx TxGrating Grating 300/24.8 300/24.8 Degree Grating PerformanceComparison Comparisonforfor forNIR NIRTxTx TxGrating Grating Performance Performance Comparison NIR Grating 300/31.7Degree DegreeTxTx TxGrating Grating 300/31.7 300/31.7 Degree Grating Allgratings gratingsmeasured measuredatat atzero zerodegree degreeangle angleofof ofincidence incidence AllAll gratings measured zero degree angle incidence OptometricsCorporation Corporation Optometrics Optometrics Corporation email:sales@optometrics.com sales@optometrics.com email: email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com www.optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page2323 23 Page Page Diffraction Gratings Transmission Gratings - Visible & NIR Transmission Gratings - Visible Grooves/mm Size 300 g/mm 600 g/mm 600 g/mm 830 g/mm 1200 g/mm (mm) o Blaze Angle o 17.5 28.7 (VIS) 12.7 x 12.7 3-9801 12.7 x 12.7 (AR) o o 36.9 PRICE ($) o 22 (UV) 29.87 3-9807 3-9813 3-9819 3-9825 59.00 3-9901 3-9907 3-9913 3-9919 3-9925 79.00 25 x 25 3-9802 3-9808 3-9814 3-9820 3-9826 89.00 25 x 25 (AR) 3-9902 3-9908 3-9914 3-9920 3-9926 119.00 30 x 30 3-9803 3-9809 3-9815 3-9821 3-9827 99.00 30 x 30 (AR) 3-9903 3-9909 3-9915 3-9921 3-9927 129.00 50 x 50 3-9804 3-9810 3-9816 3-9822 3-9828 165.00 50 x 50 (AR) 3-9904 3-9910 3-9916 3-9922 3-9928 195.00 12.5 x 25 3-9805 3-9811 3-9817 3-9823 3-9829 69.00 12.5 x 25 (AR) 3-9905 3-9911 3-9917 3-9923 3-9929 89.00 25 x 50 3-9806 3-9812 3-9818 3-9824 3-9830 129.00 25 x 50 (AR) 3-9906 3-9912 3-9918 3-9924 3-9930 159.00 Transmission Gratings - NIR Size (mm) Grooves/mm 300 g/mm 31.7 300 g/mm Baze Angle o 24.8 PRICE ($) o 12.7 x 12.7 3-9201 3-9207 59.00 25 x 25 3-9202 3-9208 89.00 30 x 30 3-9203 3-9209 99.00 50 x 50 3-9204 3-9210 165.00 12.5 x 25 3-9205 3-9211 69.00 25 x 50 3-9206 3-9212 129.00 Transmission gratings can be made with AR coatings. Optometrics’ standard AR coating for gratings is intended for use in the visible. In addition to increasing the throughput of the grating, an AR coating eliminates any secondary spectra concerns caused by the back surface reflection. Please note, however, that AR coatings are designed for peak performance at a specific wavelength and may detract from grating efficiency outside the design wavelength range. Page 24 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Transmission Gratings Gratings -- UV DiffractionGratings Gratings Transmission UV Diffraction TRANSMISSION 1200 UV Tx Gratings TRANSMISSION GRATINGS - UV GRATINGS - UV 100 1200 UV Tx Gratings 90 New UV Transmission Gratings are Absolute Efficiency (%) 80 Newavailable UV Transmission Gratings in standard sizes. Theyare are available in standard sizes. They are manufactured with carefully selected manufactured carefully selected UV materialswith allowing for optimal perUV formance materialsdown allowing fornm. optimal to 235 Zero perorder data isdown included innm. Zero all performance formance to 235 order for those in beam datacurves is included in interested all performance splitting applications. curves for those interested in beam splitting applications. 70 1200/36.9 UV +1 1200/36.9 UV 0 1200/26.7 UV +1 1200/26.7 UV 0 0 60 0 50 40 30 +1 20 +1 10 0 200 300 400 500 Wavelength (nm) 600 700 800 830/19.4 Degree UV Tx Gratings 100 830 UV Tx Gratings 90 Absolute Efficiency (%) 80 TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS - UV TYPICAL 830/19.4 UV +1 830/19.4 UV 0 Substrate material ........... SPECIFICATIONS - UVUV grade fused silica Substrate material............ UV grade Thickness ..................2mm nominal Dimensional tolerancesfused silica ..... ±0.5mm Thickness...................2mm nominal Thickness tolerances ......... ±0.2mm 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 600 UV Tx Gratings 800 900 1000 1100 1000 1100 100 Dimensional tolerances...... ±0.5mm Thickness tolerances.......... ±0.2mm 600 UV Tx Gratings 90 Absolute Efficiency (%) 80 Transmission gratings can be made with ARgratings coatings.can In addiTransmission be tionwith to increasing the(See throughput made AR coatings. page 24).ofIntheaddition to increasing the grating, an AR coating elimithroughput the grating, an AR nates anyofsecondary spectra concoating eliminates any secondary cerns caused by the back surface spectra concerns caused by the reflection. Please note, however, back surface reflection. Please that AR coatings are designed for note, however, that AR coatings peak performance at a specific are designed for peak perforwavelength and may detract from mance at a specific wavelength efficiency outside theefdeandgrating may detract from grating sign wavelength range. ficiency outside the design wave- 0 70 +1 60 600/22/0 UV +1 600/22.0 UV 0 600/17.5 UV +1 600/17.5 UV 0 0 +1 50 40 30 20 10 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 800 900 1000 1100 300 UV Tx 100 300 UV Tx Gratings 90 Absolute Efficiency (%) 80 300/8.8 UV +1 300/8.8 UV 0 All gratings measured at zero degree angle of incidence. 70 0 60 +1 50 40 30 20 10 0 200 length range. 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 800 900 Transmission Gratings - UV Size (mm) 300 g/mm 8.6° 600 g/mm 830 g/mm g/mm Transmission Gratings -1200 UV 17.5 19.4 36.9 600 g/mm 22° ° 12.7 Size x 12.7 (mm) 25 x 25 ° ° 1200 g/mm 26.7° Price ($) Grooves/mm 3003-9401 g/mm 3-9402 8.6° 3-9411 600 g/mm 3-9412 22° 3-9441 1200 g/mm 3-9451 1200 g/mm 65.00Price 3-9422 Blaze Angle 3-9432 3-9442 3-9452 95.00 ($) 3-9421 600 g/mm 17.5° 3-9431 830 g/mm 19.4° 36.9° 26.7° 3-9403 3-9413 3-9423 3-9433 3-9443 3-9453 115.00 12.7 x5012.7 x 50 3-9401 3-9404 3-9411 3-9414 3-9421 3-9424 3-9431 3-9434 3-9441 3-9444 3-9451 3-9454 65.00 199.00 25 12.5 x 25x 25 3-9402 3-9405 3-9412 3-9415 3-9422 3-9425 3-9432 3-9435 3-9442 3-9445 3-9452 3-9455 95.00 75.00 30 x2530 x 50 3-9403 3-9406 3-9413 3-9416 3-9423 3-9426 3-9433 3-9436 3-9443 3-9446 3-9453 3-9456 115.00 149.00 50 x 50 3-9404 3-9414 3-9424 3-9434 3-9444 3-9454 199.00 3-9445 3-9455 www.optometrics.com 75.00 Page 25 30 x 30 12.5 x Optometrics 25 3-9405 Corporation 25 x 50 3-9406 Optometrics Corporation 3-9415 3-9425 3-9435 email: sales@optometrics.com 3-9416 3-9426 3-9436 email: sales@optometrics.com 3-9446 3-9456 www.optometrics.com 149.00 Page 25 Diffraction Gratings Reflecting/Transmitting Reflecting/Transmitting “Polka Dot” Beamsplitters Optometrics offers a line of broadband beamsplitters with a nearly constant reflection reflection to transmission ratio over the entire 250 to 2000 nm or 400 to 2000nm wavelength range. range. These beamsplitters consist of a UV grade fused silica or a B270 glass substrate with a vacuum deposited aluminum coating. The aluminum coating is applied in apertures giving the beamsplitter a “polka dot” appearance. appearance. Thus, the beam is split by reflection reflection from the aluminized coating and transmitted through the non-aluminized portion of the substrate. Incident Light Transmission Reflection Broadband Beamsplitter 45° Angle of Incidence These versatile beamsplitters are useful over a wide wavelength range and are negligibly angle sensitive, thus making it ideal to split the energy emitted from a radiant source. SPECIFICATIONS Beam split ratio tolerance...................................... tolerance ..................................... ± 5% Minimum beam diameter for design split ratio. ..... 2 mm ratio....... Operating range...........250 range ..........250 to 2000nm (on fused silica) Coating pattern....................... pattern ...................... Square coated apertures *Substrate. ...............................UV grade fused silica or *Substrate.................................UV B270 glass (VIS/NIR only) Thickness............................................. Thickness ............................................ 1.5 mm nominal Size tolerance. ................................+ 0.0 mm, - 0.5 mm tolerance..................................+ Design angle.............................................................45° angle ............................................................45° Broadband Beamsplitter Larger sizes available upon request Page 26 28 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com (978) 772-1700 to Order OptometricsCorporation Corporation Optometrics Reflecting/Transmitting “Polka Dot” Beamsplitters Diffraction Gratings “Polka Dot” Beamsplitters Reflecting/Transmitting Beam Splitters on UV Grade Fused Silica 90/10 80/20 70/30 60/40 50/50 40/60 30/70 20/80 SIZE PRICE $ 4-9001 4-8011 4-7001 4-6001 4-0001 4-0461 4-0371 4-2001 25.4 Dia. 125.00 4-9002 4-8012 4-7002 4-6002 4-0002 4-0462 4-0372 4-2002 25.4 x 25.4 125.00 4-9003 4-8013 4-7003 4-6003 4-0003 4-0463 4-0373 4-2003 38.0 Dia. 179.00 4-9004 4-8014 4-7004 4-6004 4-0004 4-0464 4-0374 4-2004 38.0 x 38.0 179.00 4-9005 4-8015 4-7005 4-6005 4-0005 4-0465 4-0375 4-2005 50.8 Dia. 399.00 4-9006 4-8016 4-7006 4-6006 4-0006 4-0466 4-0376 4-2006 50.8 x 50.8 399.00 4-9007 4-8017 4-7007 4-6007 4-0007 4-0467 4-0377 4-2007 12.7 Dia. 75.00 Reflecting/Transmitting Beam Splitters on B270 Glass 90/10 80/20 70/30 60/40 50/50 40/60 30/70 20/80 SIZE PRICE $ 4-9101 4-8101 4-7101 4-6101 4-0101 4-4161 4-3101 4-2101 25.4 Dia. 95.00 4-9102 4-8102 4-7102 4-6102 4-0102 4-4162 4-3102 4-2102 25.4 x 25.4 95.00 4-9103 4-8103 4-7103 4-61034-01034-4163 4-3103 4-2103 38.0 Dia.139.00 4-9104 4-8104 4-7104 4-6104 4-9105 4-8105 4-7105 4-61054-01054-4165 4-3105 4-2105 50.8 Dia.249.00 4-9106 4-8106 4-7106 4-6106 4-0106 4-4166 4-3106 4-2106 50.8 x 50.8 249.00 4-9107 4-8107 4-7107 4-6107 4-0107 4-4167 4-3107 4-2107 12.7 Dia. 50.00 Optometrics Corporation 4-0104 4-4164 email: sales@optometrics.com 4-3104 4-2104 38.0 x 38.0 www.optometrics.com 139.00 Page 27 Diffraction GratingsGrating Transmission GratingDiffraction BeamsplittersGratings Transmission Beamsplitters Transmission grating beamsplitters are commonly used for laser beam division and multiple laser line separawavelengths. The transmitted beam is tion in visible wavelengths. diffracted into multiple orders. -nth -2 -1 Order Incident Beam Optometrics’ transmission grating beamsplitters consist of an index matched epoxy replica on a polished glass substrate for a high total efficiency. These beamsplitters were designed specifically for useful division of He-Ne lasers. n 0 Order +1 Order +2 +nth TRANSMISSION GRATING BEAMSPLITTER Several gratings are available offering different disperdistributions. The diffraction angle for sion and power distributions. any wavelength may be calculated using the grating equation for normal incident light. Transmission Grating Beamsplitter Grating Equation: θnn = sin-1-1 Where: θnn n n λλ d d = = = = = = = = nλ nλ GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL d Material....................................................... ...................................................... Schott B270 Material Size........................................ Size ....................................... 25 mm square maximum Thickness................................................ Thickness ............................................... 3 mm nominal Tolerances....................................................... Tolerances ...................................................... ± 0.5 mm diffraction angle for the nth order diffracted order wavelength of light grating period Transmission Grating Grating Beamsplitters Beamsplitters Transmission Used for He-Ne laser beam division and multiple laser line separation in visible wavelengths, the transmitted beam is diffracted into multiple orders. He-Ne DIFFRACTED DIFFRACTED ORDER ORDER He-Ne TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION @ @ 632.8 632.8 nm nm (%) (%) TYPICAL L/MM L/MM 70 70 12.7 xx 12.7 12.7 mm mm 12.7 CATALOG NO. NO. CATALOG -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2 -- -- 41 41 32 32 -- 4-1270 4-1270 PRICE PRICE ($) ($) 109.00 109.00 25 xx 25 25 mm mm 25 CATALOG NO. NO. CATALOG PRICE PRICE ($) ($) 4-2570 4-2570 229.00 229.00 80525 2525 255 4-1280 80 5 25 25 5 4-1280 109.004-2580 229.00 109.00 4-2580 229.00 92-20 4520 20- 4-1292 92 20 45 4-1292 109.004-2592 229.00 109.00 4-2592 229.00 110 -- 25 252825 110 28 25 -- 109.004-2511 229.00 109.00 4-2511 229.00 4-1211 4-1211 COATINGS Protective overcoatings that maintain or enhance reflectivity in the UV, Visible and IR regions are available for an additional charge. Gold Overcoat (AU-3) ....... $60.00 each Aluminum Magnesium Fluoride (ALMG-3) ...... $55.00 each email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Corporation Page Optometrics 28 Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 27 Terms and Conditions Diffraction Gratings Quantity Discounts: Shipments: The purchase of multiple pieces of the identical item will be discounted from the prevailing list price as shown below. If more than 100 pieces of a specific item are required, contact our Sales Department for additional discounts. Quantity Discount (%) 3to 9 5 10to24 10 25to49 20 50to100 30 Custom Orders: All custom orders must be prepaid before entered into production. Cancellation charges will be assessed on any order cancelled after production has been started. Please see Prepaid payment methods. Terms: Prices are FOB Ayer, MA. Standard payment terms are net 30 days for open account customers. Methods of Payment: Open Account: To apply for an open account, please provide a U.S. bank and three U.S. trade references. Credit Cards: Optometrics accepts Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards on orders not exceeding $2,000 in value. Orders exceeding $2,000 in value may be paid by wire transfer or bank check. COD: Orders to U.S. addresses may be shipped on a COD basis via UPS or Federal Express. Prepaid: Orders may be prepaid by money order, wire transfer or company check (if encoded with an address and drawn on a U.S. bank). A $35 additional fee is added for wire transfers. Optometrics Corporation Are made via UPS ground service throughout the U.S. International orders are shipped via Federal Express. Freight and insurance charges will be prepaid and added to your invoice. Air shipments or shipments via alternative carriers are made only when requested and authorized by the purchaser. Returns: To return a product within the warranty period, contact Optometrics to obtain a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number. Transportation costs for returned goods must be prepaid. Repaired or replaced products will be returned to you at Optometrics’ expense. For out-of-warranty repairs, contact Optometrics to obtain a Customer Return Authorization (CRA) number. No repairs will take place until you have been notified of the cost and have issued a purchase order to cover these costs. All transportation costs are borne by the user. A 15% restocking fee will be charged for all unused returned goods. No product can be returned for restocking after 90 days. Warranty: Optometrics warranties all products against defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase with the exception of light sources which are warranted for three (3) months. Optical components are warranted for one year against performance defects only. Cosmetic defects that do not affect performance are not covered under this warranty. Optometrics is not liable for any consequential or incidental damage arising from the sale of its product(s). In any event, liability shall not exceed the invoice value of the product(s) sold. Accidental damage, neglect, unreasonable use, attempted service, calibration, adjustments or cleaning not explicitly called for in an instruction manual voids the Optometrics warranty. Optometrics makes no warranty other than described above for its products or for their performance in a specific application. Contact Details: Optometrics Corporation 8 Nemco Way, Ayer, MA 01432 USA Tel: (978) 772-1700 • Fax: (978) 772-0017 Email: sales@optometrics.com web: http://www.optometrics.com email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 29 Optometrics Corporation Order Form / Request for Quotation Stony Brook Industrial Park, 8 Nemco Way, Ayer, MA 01432 Diffraction Gratings Fax Your Order/Quotation (978) 772-0017 24 hours a day Requisitioner ____________________________ Date__________________ To Order by Phone (978) 772-1700 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST Email Address __________________________ Phone_________________ Purchasing Agent________________________ Fax___________________ Request for Quotation (I wish to be contacted with a quotation) Purchase Order RFQ#_________________ P.O. Number____________ Bill To: (Please print or type) Ship To: (If different than Bill To; A street address is required) Name___________________________________________ Name___________________________________________ Organization_____________________________________ Organization_____________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Address _____________________ Dept_______________ Address _____________________ Dept_______________ City ________________ State _____ Zip________________ City ________________ State _____ Zip________________ Country ______________________ Postal Code_________ Country ______________________ Postal Code_________ Phone ( ) __________________ Ext________________ Phone ( ) __________________ Ext________________ Fax ( )_______________________________________ Fax ( )_______________________________________ Catalog No. Qty Item Description Payment Open Accounts: Available to current customers in good standing and new customers with approved credit. Date Required________________________________ Shipping Instructions___________________________ ❏ C.O.D. ❏ Prepaid Check No.____________ Credit Card ❏ MasterCard ❏ Visa Card No. Price Each Total($) Total Merchandise Shipping/Handling Charges via UPS Circle 3 Day, 2 Day or Overnight below Mass Residents, add 5% tax or enclose tax exempt certificate Total Amount of Order ❏ American Express Expiration Date Name as it appears on the card (Please print or type) Signature (Required) Page 30 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation Diffraction Gratings Optometrics Corporation email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Page 31 Diffraction Gratings Optometrics Corporation Wavelength Selection Solutions 8 Nemco Way • Ayer, MA 01432 USA Tel: 978-772-1700 • Fax: 978-772-0017 Email: sales@optometrics.com URL: www.optometrics.com Diffraction Gratings 2012 Catalog Special sizes or other substrates available. Quantity discounts available and OEM inquiries welcome. For more information, contact Optometrics Corporation at sales@optometrics.com. www.optometrics.com • 978-772-1700 A Dynasil Company Rev: 9.24.12 Page 32 email: sales@optometrics.com www.optometrics.com Optometrics Corporation