l-{ouston's Thcrapcrltic Dquestrian Cente rs SIRE, Houston's Therapeutic Equestrian Genters 24161 Spring Dr. Hockley, TX 77447 281-356-7588 fax2B1-356-9462 www.SlRE-HTEC.orq SrRE's mission is fo improve the quality of life for people with disahilities through therapeutic horseback riding and related activities. WHAT IS SIRE? Amazingly positive results are obtained using the spirit and movement of the horse. The teamwork of the horse, rider, volunteers and instructor creates miracles every day. Individuals with almost any mental, physical and/or emotional disabllity can benefit from equine-assisted activities. This includes therapeutic riding, carriage driving, vaulting and hippotherapy. The physical and emotional benefits of horseback riding have been known for several hundred years. The movement of the horse provides sensory stimulation to the body and brain of the rider that affects a variety of muscle groups. The pelvic movement of the horse reproduces the proper motion of the human pelvis at the walk. For people who have losl that natural movement, or have never had the of this stimulation, horseback riding seryes to benefit "inspire" bodies achieve their to this normal motion and rmprove coordination. In addition, the warmth of the horse's body and its rhythmic movements helP stiff or spastic muscles to relax, much like rocking soothes a crying baby" A teenage girlwith Cerebral Palsy who uses a wheelchair arrives at SIRE for her weekly /esson. No one had to convince her to come to THIS therapy sessrbn. She anxiously awaits each Tuesday afternoon at 3:A0 when she can see her friends Joe and Becky and give a big hug and a carrot to a really special friend, Surefire. She is rolled up the mounting ramp and, with asslsfance from Joe, Becky and her instructor, she ls carefully transferred into Surefire's saddle. Upon hearing her exuberant "Walk On!", Surefire is led into the arena. Her tight muscles immediately begin to relax as Surefire steadily and rhythmically carries her around the arena. She r's now able to hotd the reins and her leg muscles have relaxed enough for her feet to reach the stirrups. She learns to make Surefire respond to her cues as she rides through a series of obsfacles. She fells us how riding gives her a wonderful sense of freedom and how much she /oves being tatter than everyone e/se for a change. Her instructor knows that she ls strengthening her body, improving her muscle tone and balance and having a great time doing itl HOW YOU CAN HELP SIRE is a 501(c)(3) organization and is a non-profit Premier Benefits of Equine' Assisted Activities Accredited Facility with NARHA, North American Riding for Handicapped the Association (www-narha.orq). SIRE gratefully accepts donations of money, horses, horse tack, and farm and office supplies. Volunteers are the life-blood of the organization and are needed at all siies, working with clients in their classes and helping with fundraising, . lmproving gross and fine motor skills . Experiencing the threedimensional movement of the horse's gait that cannot be duPlicated in a clinical setting oublicitv and in the office. . lmproving balance and posture . Stimulating the cardiovascular system . Normalizing muscle tone . Building self-esteem and self-confidence . lmproving social interaction skills SIRE SITES . Increasing the ability to follow directions Hocklev {headquarters), 24161 Spring Dr., Hockley, IX 77447 281-356-7588 Sprinq,4610 Sloangate, Spring, TX 77373 . lmproving memory utilization 281 -353-61 60 Ft Bend af Sienna SfabIeS, 8255 Camp Sienna Trail, Missouri City, TX 77459 281-778-02A2 For more information about SIRE, visit www.SlRE-HTEC-orq. . Developing sequencing abilities