INSPIRE ICT Inspiring Creativity and Innovation in the 21st Century Classroom By Chryso Christodoulou INSPIRE ICT project coordinator 1 Unprecedented new media introduction INSPIRE ICT project Students are imagining and learning in new ways. The ways that they process information truly seems like a modern phenomenon Education should go beyond teaching basic computer skills ICT 2 ICT in education INSPIRE ICT project ICT in education is under continuous growing pressure ICT is a technology provision that focuses on the tool Students teachers parents must become creators of information and ideas not simply users of technology 3 The digital students arrives in school INSPIRE ICT They need to succeed in a complex, interconnected 21st century world. Educational systems need to transform with a global context in mind 4 The 21st century students need To manage autonomously the complexity and diversity of a world that needs more flexible people, focused on reality and having radically more innovative minds. INSPIRE ICT Student-centred methods that inspire cognition and meta cognition. 5 The 21st century educators need INSPIRE ICT Broad knowledge and skills in many disciplines. Ready to differentiate, collaborate and share experiences Meet the high cognitive student demands Keep “multiple balls in the air”; 6 The greatest and the hardest time in history INSPIRE ICT project Creativity and innovation in education is not just an opportunity, but a necessity Educators need to use technologies creatively in the classroom. Teach for meaning and extend thinking skills 7 FUNecole® INSPIRE ICT FUNecole® is a holistic philosophy approach that enables the development of ICT skills and cultivation of new forms of education that extent beyond technology enhancement and integration in teaching and learning 8 The FUNecole® Lessons INSPIRE ICT Revolve around the entrepreneurial education concept Foster trust, support collaboration and inspire students to construct and re-construct their own ideas. Encourage students to seek for professionalism and excellence in achieving the objectives. Engage class competition among classes to get “jobs” and by student’s own involvement in research activities.. 9 The FUNecole® Teachers INSPIRE ICT From a content expert to a guide and facilitator Cultivate collaborative ventures, exploration and evaluation Enable students to shape the lessons 10 The FUNecole® Students INSPIRE ICT project •Take greater ownership of learning •Participate in differentiated in structural activities •Learn to explore curriculum at deeper levels •Be engaged in creating media objects •Participate in a strong, positive school environment •Be empowered to produce high quality results 11 FUNecole and the 21st century movement INSPIRE ICT Critical thinking creative flexible ethical problem solving positive in multicultural environments Shift from “teaching paradigm” to “facilitating the true learning process paradigm” Build higher order thinking and for successful life in a complex, globally connected world. 12 European Commission Recognition INSPIRE ICT FUNecole® is included in the EU best practices in the study for education for 2020 Innovative Teaching and Creative Learning 13 INSPIRE ICT Greece 14 INSPIRE ICT Estonia 15 INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 16 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 17 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved t e Me The Protagonists INSPIRE ICT 18 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 19 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 20 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 21 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT t e Me The Protagonists 22 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved t e Me The Protagonists INSPIRE ICT 23 © 1990 -2008 Digipro. All rights reserved INSPIRE ICT Thank you 24