A Kernel Based Bootstrap Method for Dependent processes Paulo M.D.C. Parente Department of Economics University of Exeter Business School Richard J. Smith cemmap U.C.L and I.F.S. and Faculty of Economics University of Cambridge First Draft: August 2009 This Draft: October 2011 Abstract A novel bootstrap method for stationary strong mixing processes is proposed in this article. The method consists in transforming the original data in an appropriate way using a kernel and applying standard m out of n bootstrap for independent and identically distributed observations. We investigate the rst order asymptotic properties of the method in the case of the mean of the process and prove that the bootstrap distribution is consistent. Additionally, we show how the method can be applied to mean regression and quasi-maximum likelihood and demonstrate the rst-order asymptotic validity of the bootstrap approximation in this context. JEL Classi cation: C14, C15, C22 Keywords: Bootstrap; heteroskedastic and autocorrelation consistent inference; sample mean; least squares linear regression; quasi-maximum likelihood estimation. 1 Introduction This article introduces a new bootstrap method for stationary and weakly dependent data that allows inferences to be made on features of the population of interest. The proposed method is based on results in Smith (2004) where the main idea is to replace the original sample of observations by a transformed sample of the same size, whose components are weighted moving averages of the original data points; see also Kitamura and Stutzer (1997) and Smith (1997). These weights are formed via a kernel function. Smith (2004) shows that the sample mean of the transformed data is consistent for the true population mean. More importantly, the standard formula of the sample variance for i.i.d. data applied to the transformed sample delivers a consistent estimator for the variance of the standardized mean of the original sample although the transformed sample points are not themselves i.i.d. The validity of the bootstrap procedure method suggested here hinges on this latter property. Indeed it applies the standard (m out of n) nonparametric bootstrap for i.i.d. data, originally proposed in Bickel and Freedman (1981), to the transformed data, ignoring the serial dependence in these data. The proof for asymptotic validity is an immediate consequence of the theorems and lemmata in Smith (2004). However, since the results of Smith (2004) are appropriate for mean zero random variates, we provide two bootstrap methods. The rst requires the mean of the stochastic process to be zero; we also show that this method remains appropriate in the non-zero mean case if the kernel weights are obtained from a class of truncated kernels. The second method allows a non-zero mean and for any type of kernel. The parameters of the linear regression model and population counterpart of the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) objective function satisfy moment restrictions. Therefore the rst bootstrap method can be used to make inference in both of these settings. The proofs for bootstrap asymptotic validity in the QML case are based on general results in Goncalves and White (2004) on resampling methods for extremum estimators. Since its introduction in the landmark article Efron (1979), the bootstrap has become [1] extremely popular in empirical work. Its attractiveness lies in its being a computer intensive method that allows testing hypotheses or constructing con dence intervals without the necessity of the derivation of possibly complicated formulae for, e.g., asymptotic variances. Additionally, under some additional suitable assumptions it may provide a better approximation to the asymptotic distribution of estimators and test statistics than that obtained from rst order theory; see, e.g., Beran (1988) and section 3 in Horowitz (2001). The bootstrap methods described in Efron (1979) are only relevant for random samples. Indeed, Singh (1981) showed that these methods are not asymptotically valid if there is some dependency in the data; e.g., under stationarity, the bootstrap distribution of the sample mean converges uniformly to a normal distribution with mean zero but variance equal to that of the rst observation. Therefore, to overcome this problem, myriad variants of Efron's bootstrap method have been proposed in the literature under di erent assumptions on the dependency of the data; e.g., the moving blocks bootstrap (MBB) [K• unsch (1989), Liu and Singh (1992)], the circular block bootstrap [Politis and Romano (1992a)], the stationary bootstrap [Politis and Romano (1994)], the external bootstrap for m-dependent data [Shi and Shao (1988)], the frequency domain bootstrap [Hurvich and Zeger (1987), see also Hidalgo (2003)] and its generalization the transformation-based bootstrap [Lahiri (2003)] and the autoregressive sieve bootstrap [Buhlmann (1997)]. For details on these methods, see the monographs of Shao and Tu (1995) and Lahiri (2003). Our method constitutes an alternative to these. Our bootstrap method under a particular transformation of the data bears some similarities with MBB, although they di er in one fundamental aspect explained in section 4. Given a sample of size T , overlapping blocks of h consecutive observations are constructed in MBB. Each bootstrap sample is then obtained by drawing l = T h blocks of data. Bootstrap statistics are computed using the resulting sample. In this method the blocks of data are highly correlated since they overlap, although the distribution of h-consecutive observations is preserved in each block. Similarly, each observation comprising the new bootstrap sample is a particular linear combination of all of the original data and contains all the relevant information on data dependency required for inference [2] on the mean of the original sample. The bootstrap method proposed here also has some important common features with the transformation-based bootstrap of Lahiri (2003); this bootstrap applies a data transformation that yields asymptotically independent observations and then the i.i.d. bootstrap to the transformed data. We also apply a transformation to the original sample but, in contradistinction to Lahiri (2003), it does not yield asymptotically independent observations. Indeed, this dependence is irrelevant for asymptotic validity. Importantly, the results proved here for the new resampling scheme only justify the use of the bootstrap percentile method. Indeed, the current paper only proves that the bootstrap distribution of particular estimators converge uniformly to their asymptotic distribution. The results do not guarantee that the bootstrap variance estimator is consistent. Although this point have been stressed in the bootstrap literature by Goncalves and White (2004) and Shao and Tu (1995) for other bootstrap schemes, it has generally been ignored in empirical work. Nevertheless the method proposed here also implies that the alternative variance matrix estimator based on the bootstrap percentile method introduced by Parente and Machado (2005) is valid. The article is organized as follows. Section 2.1 introduces the new bootstrap method for the zero mean case with the method appropriate for the non-zero mean case described in section 2.2. In section 4 the di erences between the methods presented here and MBB are highlighted and discussed. Sections 5 and 6 demonstrate how our method can be applied in the mean regression and maximum quasi-likelihood frameworks respectively. Finally section 7 concludes. Proofs of the results in the main text are provided in an appendix. 2 A Bootstrap Method Consider a sample of T observations, (X1 ; :::; XT ), on the zero mean nite dimensional PT 1 stationary and strong mixing stochastic process fXt g1 . Let X = t=1 t=1 Xt =T . De ne 1 The validy of MBB has been shown under less stringent conditions than those imposed here; see Goncalves and White (2002). For the sake of simplicity, though, we assume stationarity. [3] the transformed variables YtT = 1 Xt 1 s=t ST T k( s )Xt s ; (t = 1; :::; T ); ST where ST is a bandwidth parameter and k( ) is a kernel function standardized such that Z 1 k(v)dv = 1; cf. Smith (2004). The new variates YtT , (t = 1; :::; T ), are weighted mov1 Z 1 PT k(v)2 dv. ing averages of the original observations. Also let Y = t=1 YtT =T and k2 = De ne an additional transformation of the data ZtT = Y + (ST =k2 )1=2 (YtT Y ); (t = 1; :::; T ); PT and the corresponding sample mean Z = t=1 1 (2.1) ZtT =T . Consider applying the stan- dard non-parametric bootstrap for i.i.d. data method to the transformed sample (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ). Denote the resultant bootstrap sample by (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ), where each bootstrap observation is drawn from (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ) with equal probability 1=T , and bootstrap P sample mean Z = Tt=1 ZtT =T . Also de ne the bootstrap observations YtT correspond- ing to ZtT , (t = 1; :::; T ), obtained by inversion of (2.1) and associated sample mean P Y = Tt=1 YtT =T . Remark 1 As will be seen later the transformation (2.1) is not actually required for bootstrap validity since the sample (Y1T ; :::; YT T ) may be used directly. However, for expositional reasons we prefer to use the transformed data (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ). For ease of exposition we con ne discussion to consideration of a scalar stochastic process fXt g1 t=1 . 2.1 Zero Mean Stochastic Processes Under conditions to be stated below Lemmata A.1 and A.2 in Smith (2004) imply that p Z ! 0; and T 1=2 (Z= 1) d ! N (0; 1); [4] where 2 1 = limT !1 var[T 1=2 X]. Additionally, it follows from these lemmata that ^n2 = T 1 see the proof of Theorem 2. XT t=1 p Z)2 ! (Zt 2 1; Write E [ ] as conditional expectation given the sample (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ). Now E [Z ] = E[T = T 1 = T 1 Hence, from Smith (2004, Lemma A.1), 1 XT t=1 XT t=1 XT t=1 ZtT j(ZtT )Tt=1 ] E[ZtT j(ZtT )Tt=1 ] Z = Z: p E [Z ] ! 0: Smith (2004) required the following assumptions to hold. Assumption 2.1 The nite dimensional stochastic process fXt g1 t=1 is stationary and strong mixing with mixing coe cients of size 3v=(v 1) for some v > 1. Remark 2 The mixing coe cient condition in Assumption 2.1 guarantees that P1 j=1 j 2 (j)(v 1 is satis ed, see Andrews (1991, p.824), a condition required for the results in Smith (2004). Assumption 2.2 (a) ST ! 1; ST =T 1=2 ! 0; (b) k(:) : R ! [ kmax ; kmax ]:kmax < R1 1; k(0) 6= 0; k1 6= 0 and is continuous at zero at almost everywhere; (c) 1 k(x)dx < 1 where k(x) = I(x 0) supyZ x jk(y)j + I(x < 0) supy 2 R, where K( ) = (2 ) 1 x jk(y)j; (d) jK( )j 0 for all k(x) exp( ix )dx. Assumption 2.3 (a) E[jXt j4v ] < < 1; (b) 2 1 is nite. Remark 3 Assumptions 2.1 and 2.3 guarantee than the central limit theorem of Wooldridge and White holds, see White (1999, Theorem 5.20). Assumption 2.3(a) may be relaxed to allow more heterogeneity by using the results in Hansen (1992) or Davidson and de Jong (2000), although there will be a resultant trade-o between the rate of divergence of ST and the existence of moments. [5] 1)=v < Similarly to Goncalves and White (2004) P denotes the probability measure of the original time series and P that induced by the bootstrap method. For a bootstrap statistic T we write limT !1 PfP fj Tj T ! 0 prob-P , prob-P if for any " > 0 and any > 0, > "g > g = 0. The following lemma details a consistency result for the resampling mean and is similar to MBB-Lemma A.3, p.265, of Fitzenberger (1997) on MBB and Lemma A.5, p.213, of Goncalves and White (2004). Lemma 1 Suppose Assumptions 2.1-2.3 hold. If E[Xt ] = 0, then Z ! 0, prob-P , prob-P; Y Z Y ! 0, prob-P , prob-P: The next result states the asymptotic validity of the proposed bootstrap. Theorem 2 Under Assumptions 2.1-2.3, if E[Xt ] = 0, lim P sup P fT 1=2 Z T !1 Z xg x2R PfT 1=2 X Remark 4 Since, from (2.1), ZtT = Y +(ST =k2 )1=2 (YtT xg " = 0: Y ), where YtT are the bootstrap observations Y corresponding to ZtT , (t = 1; :::; T ), Z = Y + (ST =k2 )1=2 (Y Z = (ST =k2 )1=2 (Y Z = Y . Therefore, Z lim P sup P fT 1=2 (ST =k2 )1=2 (Y T !1 Y ). Also Y ). Consequently Theorem 2 becomes Y) x2R xg PfT 1=2 X xg " = 0; i.e., the bootstrap observations could have equivalently been drawn directly from (Y1T ; :::; YT T ). Hence the rate of convergence of Y to Y is \too fast", i.e., (T ST ) the standard rate T 1=2 1=2 rather than for the convergence of Y to 0. Generally m-estimators are T 1=2 - consistent. Consequently, this result cannot be used to approximate the distribution of such estimators. Our solution is to apply what is commonly referred to as the m out of n bootstrap, see Bickel and Freedman (1981); i.e., draw bootstrap samples of size m from of an original sample of size n. In our circumstance we draw a bootstrap sample of size mT = T k2 =(ST ) from the transformed sample of size T with a consequent rede nition [6] of the bootstrap sample means Y = PmT T =1 YtT =mT and Z = PmT T =1 ZtT =mT . However, we impose stronger assumptions on the rate of divergence of the bandwidth and on the existence of moments which coincide with those made in Smith (2004). Assumption 2.4 (a) mT = T k2 =ST , ST ! 1, ST = O(T 1=2 ) for some (b) E[jXt j ] < < 1; for some 2 (0; 1=2); > max(4v; 1= ). Theorem 3 Let Assumptions 2.1-2.3(b) and 2.4 be satis ed. If E[Xt ] = 0, then 1=2 lim P sup P fmT T !1 Z xg PfT 1=2 X xg " = 0: xg PfT 1=2 X xg " = 0: Z x2R Remark 5 Theorem 2.2 is equivalent to lim P sup P fT 1=2 (Y T !1 Y) x2R Although a bootstrap sample of size mT is now drawn, Y converges to Y at rate T 2.2 1=2 . Non-Zero Mean Stochastic Processes The method described in the previous section requires that fXt g1 t=1 is a zero mean stochastic process. Let E[Xt ] = where now we allow for the possibility that is non-zero. In this case, the bootstrap proposed above may not work for general kernel functions. The source of di culty is understood from the following Lemma. Lemma 4 Let the bootstrap sample be of size T . Under Assumptions 2.1-2.3,then T var [Z ] = 2 1 + BT 2 + op (1); where BT = O(ST ) and var [ ] denotes variance conditional on (Z1T ; :::; ZT T ). Hence T var [Z ] no longer converges to the correct variance explosive if 2 1. In fact, it may be 6= 0. The bias indicated in Lemma 4, however, vanishes for the class of kernels considered by Anatolyev (2005). This result is given by the following Lemma. Lemma 5 Let the assumptions of Lemma 4,be satis ed.If k( ) : [ b; b] ! [ kmax ; kmax ], 0 < kmax < 1, 0 < b < 1, then BT = o(1). [7] As noted by Anatolyev (2005), in addition to the truncated kernel, the Bartlett, Parzen and Tukey-Hanning kernels, see Andrews (1991), are also members of this class. Therefore, Lemma 5 demonstrates the bootstrap method of section 2.1 remains valid even if the mean of the process is non-zero if a member of this class of kernels is used. The bootstrap weak law of large numbers of Lemma 1 still holds in the non-zero mean case for any kernel. Note, however, that this Lemma is very demanding in terms of existence of moments and dependency of the data. The following Lemma relaxes these assumptions but with an additional condition on the bootstrap sample size mT . Assumption 2.5 (a) The nite dimensional stochastic process fXt g1 t=1 is stationary and strong mixing with mixing coe cients E[jXt jv+ ] < < 1 for some of size v=(v 1) for some v > 1; (b) > 0; (c) T 1=(v+ ) =mT = o(1). Remark 6 Assumption 2.5(c) is satis ed if mT = T . Let Y = PmT T =1 YtT =mT . Lemma 6 Suppose that the bootstrap sample is of size mT . Then, under Assumptions 2.2-2.5 and if mT ! 1 as T ! 1, Y Y ! 0, prob-P , prob-P. Remark 7 Note that mT need not equal T k2 =ST . Even if 6= 0 it is possible to modify the method introduced in section 2.1 to provide the correct variance for any kernel. The transformation (2.1) is altered to WtT = X + (k2 ST ) 1=2 Xt 1 s=t T k( s )(Xt ST s X); (t = 1; :::; T ): (2.1) The standard non-parametric bootstrap for i.i.d. data method is applied to (W1T ; :::; WT T ) from (2.1). Denote the bootstrap sample by (W1T ; :::; WT T ), with each bootstrap obserP vation drawn from (W1T ; :::; WT T ) with equal probability 1=T . Write W = Tt=1 WtT =T P and W = Tt=1 WtT =T . The validity of the resultant bootstrap method is stated in the following theorem. [8] Theorem 7 If the bootstrap sample is of size T and Assumptions 2.1-2.3 are satis ed, then lim P sup P fT 1=2 W T !1 W xg x2R PfT 1=2 (X ) xg " = 0: Remark 8 This method has some similarities to the external bootstrap method of Shi and Shao (1988), although rather than using kernels their transformed observations depend on means of non-overlapping blocks. Additionally, they use a procedure similar to the Wild bootstrap rather than applying the standard non-parametric bootstrap to the transformed data. 3 Some Comparisons 3.1 MBB If a truncated kernel is used, the method proposed in section 2.1 may be related to MBB. However, they do di er in one respect. To see this, following Kitamura and Stutzer (1997) and Example 2.1 of Smith (2004) and de ning ST = (2qT + 1)=2, YtT = Xmin[t 1;qT ] 1 s=max[t T; 2qT + 1 qT ] Xt s ; (t = 1; :::; T ): P4 P3 Suppose qT = 2 and T = 10. Then Y1T = t=1 Xt =5, Y3T = t=1 Xt =5, Y2T = P10 P5 t=1 Xt =5, :::, Y10T = t=8 Xt =5. Hence, each transformed observation at the beginning or end of the sample depends on sums of a smaller number of terms than those in the middle of the sample. In contradistinction, for MBB, cf. the empirical likelihood estimator for dependent data discussed in Kitamura (1997), each block has the same size. Therefore, MBB di ers from our bootstrap using a truncated kernel only in those data points at the beginning and end of the bootstrap sample, e.g., for the above example, Y1T , Y2T , Y9T and Y10T would be ignored. Lemma 5 shows that the bias term in the variance T var [Z ] vanishes, i.e., BT = o(1), for the kernel class de ned there and thus provides an alternative justi cation for the use of MBB for the non-zero mean case. [9] 3.2 HAC Estimation Politis and Romano (1994) and Fitzenberger (1997) remark that MBB and the stationary bootstrap variance estimators are approximate equivalently to the Bartlett kernel variance estimator proposed by Newey and West (1987). The discussion of Smith (2004), section 2.6, implies that a similar conclusion holds for our bootstrap method too when the truncated kernel is used. Additionally, the results presented there also unveil that if the transformation is based on the Bartlett kernel, the bootstrap variance estimator obtained will be equivalent to the Parzen kernel variance estimator of Gallant (1987). The results in Smith (2004) also indicate that if the kernel used in the transformation is k(x) = ( 5 1=2 1 6 x ) J1 ( ); 8 x 5 (3.1) where the Bessel function J1 ( ) is given by J1 (z) = z X1 z 2k ( 1)k 2k ; k=0 2 2 (k + 1) (k + 2) then a bootstrap variance estimator equivalent to the quadratic spectral variance estimator of Andrews (1991) is obtained. Andrews (1991) proved that this estimator is the best in terms of asymptotic mean square error in the class of kernels that satisfy Assumption 2.2. Hence it is not too unreasonable to conjecture a bootstrap method based on the kernel (3.1), might inherit similar desirable properties. 4 Mean Regression The above results are useful for inference in the mean regression model. Consider the linear regression model yt = x0t 0 + "t ; where xt is a random k-vector, (t = 1; :::; T ). The least squares (LS) estimator is de ned as ^=( XT t=1 xt x0t =T ) [10] 1 XT t=1 xt yt =T: To introduce our bootstrap method de ne the following function 1 Xt 1 s gtT (b) = k( )(yt s x0t s b)2 s=t T ST ST and consider the transformed sample gtT (b), (t = 1; :::; T ). Now draw a random sample of observations of size mT from gtT (b), (t = 1; :::; T ), to obtain the bootstrap sample gtT (b), (t = 1; :::; mT ).The bootstrap estimator is then de ned by XmT ^ = arg min gtT (b)=mT ; t=1 b2B where B is the parameter space. To provide some intuition for the estimator ^ , an alternative and equivalent manner for its de nition may be given. To do so re-write the LS objective function in terms of s s 1 Xt 1 1 Xt 1 k( )yt2 s + b0 k( )xt s x0t s b gtT (b) = ( s=t T s=t T ST ST ST ST Xt 1 1 s 2b0 k( )xt s yt s ); s=t T ST ST (t = 1; :::; T ). De ne 1 Xt 1 a ztT = s=t ST T k( s 1 Xt 1 b )xt s yt s ; ztT = s=t ST ST T k( s )xt s x0t s ; ST b a ), (t = 1; :::; T ). Now draw a random sample ; ztT and construct the sample of pairs (ztT b a ), (t = 1; :::; T ). The bootstrap estimator ; ztT of size mT from this sample to obtain (ztT ^ is given by ^ =( XmT t=1 b ztT =mT ) 1 XmT t=1 a ztT =mT : The asymptotic properties of the bootstrap estimator can be studied using the general theorems of Goncalves and White (2004), although for the sake of clarity we provide direct proofs. To prove consistency of the bootstrap estimator we require the following assumptions. Assumption 4.1 (a) The nite dimensional stochastic process fx0t ; "t g1 t=1 is stationary and strong mixing with mixing coe cients E[xt "t ] = 0; (c) E[kxt "t kv+ ] < for some > 0; (e) E[xt x0t ] is of size < 1 for some v=(v 1) for some v > 1; (b) > 0; (d) E[kxt k2v+ ] < < 1 nite and positive de nite; (e) T =mT = o(1) where = maxf1=(v + ); 1=(2v + )g. [11] p Theorem 8 Under Assumptions 2.2 and 4.1, if mT ! 1 and T ! 1, then (a) ^ ! (b) ^ 0 0; ! 0, prob-P , prob-P. To show that the bootstrap distribution is close uniformly to its asymptotic counterpart we require the following additional conditions. Assumption 4.2 (a) The nite dimensional stochastic process fx0t ; "t g1 t=1 is stationary and strong mixing with mixing coe cients mT = T k2 =(ST ), ST ! 1; ST = O(T 1=2 positive de nite; (d) E[kxt "t k ] < of size 1) for some v > 1; (b) p P ); (c) J = limn!1 V ar((1= T ) Tt=1 xt "t ) is < 1 for some 3v=(v > max(4v; 1= ). Theorem 9 Under Assumptions 2.2, 4.1 and 4.2, lim P sup P fT 1=2 ( ^ T !1 ^) xg x2R PfT 1=2 ( ^ Remark 9 Here Assumption 4.1(e) becomes T 0) xg =mT = o(1) with " = 0: = 1=(2v + ). This condition is automatically satis ed under the remaining assumptions as T O(T 1=2 + 5 Quasi-Maximum Likelihood ) = o(1) since =mT = < 1=2. In this section we show that under some regularity conditions our bootstrap method may be used to test hypotheses and to construct con dence intervals in a quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) setting. The proofs of the results basically rely on verifying that the conditions of several general lemmata proven by Goncalves and White (2004) are satis ed. Indeed, notice that although the paper of Goncalves and White (2004) focus on MBB their results also apply to other bootstrap schemes. Let us rst describe the set-up. The QML estimator ^ is the optimiser ^ = arg max LT ( ); (T = 1; 2; :::); 2 where LT ( ) = PT t=1 log f (xt ; )=T , xt is a vector of observations at time t taken from the stationary stochastic process fxt g1 t=1 , (t = 1; :::; T ), [12] 2 with the parameter space a compact subset of Rp . Denote 0 = arg max E[log f (xt ; )]; 2 which we assume to be nite for simplicity. ! R we denote 5g(:; ) = @g(:; )=@ and Henceforth for any function g : 52 g(:; ) = @ 2 g(:; )=@ @ 0 : De ne A0 = E[@ 2 log f (xt ; 0 )=@ @ 0 ] and B0 = (s) = E[(@ log f (xt+s ; 0 )=@ P1 s= 1 (s), where )(@ log(f (xt ; 0 )= 0 )]; note that (s) = ( s)0 . Under certain regulatory assumptions to be stated below, it follows from Gallant and White (1988, Theorem 5.7) that B0 1=2 A0 T 1=2 ( ^ 0) d ! N (0; Ip ): To describe our bootstrap method for QML denote htT ( ) = 1 Xt 1 s=t ST k( T s ) log f (xt s ; ); (t = 1; :::; T ); ST and consider the sample htT ( ), (t = 1; :::; T ). Draw a random sample of size mT with replacement from htT ( ), (t = 1; :::; T ), to obtain the bootstrap sample htT ( ), (t = 1; :::; mT ). The bootstrap estimator is then de ned as ^ = arg max 2 XmT t=1 htT ( )=mT : We invoke the following assumption to prove consistency for the bootstrap estimator. Assumption 5.1 (a) ( ; F; P ) is a complete probability space; (b) the nite dimensional stochastic process xt : ! Rl , (t = 1; 2; :::), is stationary and strong mixing with mixing coe cients v=(v f : Rl of size 1) for some v > 1 and is measurable for all t; (c) ! R+ is measurable for each is continuous a:s:-P , (t = 1; 2; :::); (d) 0 2 , is the unique maximizer of E[log f (xt ; )]; (e) , i.e., jlog f (xt ; ) log f (xt ; 0 )j Lt k 0k PT , where supT E[ t=1 Lt =T 1 ] < 1; (f ) E[sup 2 jlog f (xt ; )jv+ ] log f (xt ; ) is Lipschitz continuous on a:s:-P for all ; < 0 2 < 1 for some a compact subset of Rp , and f (xt ; ) > 0; (g) T 1=(v+ ) =mT = o(1). [13] Theorem 10 Let Assumptions 2.2 and 5.1 hold. Then, if mT ! 1 and T ! 1, (a) p ^! 0; (b) ^ ^0 ! 0, prob-P , prob-P. For consistency of the bootstrap distribution we make use of the following additional assumption. nite dimensional stochastic process fxt g1 t=1 is stationary Assumption 5.2 (a) The and strong mixing with mixing coe cients of size 3v=(v mT = T k2 =(ST ), ST ! 1, ST = O(T 1=2 ) for some 1) for some v > 1; (b) 2 (0; 1=2) and 1=2 + maxf1=(v + ); 1=(v + )g; (c) @ 2 log f (xt ; )=@ @ where k@ log f (xt ; )=@ k ] < ous on ; (d) E[sup E[sup k@ 2 log f (xt ; )=@ @ 0 k 2 2 v+ is Lipschitz continu- < 1 for some > max(4v; 1= ), > 0; (e) A0 is non-singular < 1 for some ] < 0 > and B 0 is positive de nite.. Theorem 11 Under Assumptions 2.2, 5.1 and 5.2, lim P sup P fT 1=2 ( ^ T !1 ^) xg x2R PfT 1=2 ( ^ 0) xg " = 0: Remark 10 Assumptions 5.2(b) and (d) indicate there is a trade o between existence of moments and the rate of divergence of ST : To interpret the conditions suppose that v is slightly above 1. If ist. For instance if were 0:1 we would require E[sup nite. Additionally, as and E[sup is close to zero, we would require higher moments to ex- < 3=5, we would also need E[sup 5=3+ 2 jlog f (xt ; )j ] to be nite for some were close to 1=2, say 0:4, then E[sup Since 6 2 2 5=3+ 2 k@ 2 log f (xt ; )=@ @ 0 k ] > 0. On the other hand, if k@ log f (xt ; )=@ k4+ ] would need to be nite. < 9=10, we would then require E[sup E[sup k@ log f (xt ; )=@ k10 ] to be - 2 jlog f (xt ; )j10=9+ ] < 1. 10=9+ 2 k@ 2 log f (xt ; )=@ @ 0 k ] < 1 and Conclusion In this article we introduce a new bootstrap method for weakly dependent processes that requires two steps. First, we transform the original data using a kernel function. In the [14] second step we apply the m out of n bootstrap to the transformed data. In the case of the sample mean, we prove that its asymptotic distribution is uniformly close to the bootstrap distribution of the proposed method. The new method encompasses a variant of the well-known MBB method that consists in drawing both complete and incomplete blocks of consecutive observations. Drawing also these incomplete blocks will not a ect in the asymptotic results. We propose two versions of the new method, one that applies to zero mean stochastic processes and a second that allows this mean to be di erent from zero. Additionally, we show that, provided that a truncated kernel is used, the rst method is also valid for processes with a non-zero mean. These result allow us to show how the method can be applied to mean regression and quasi-maximum likelihood estimation in order to make inferences on the parameters of interest. We prove the rst-order asymptotic validity of the new bootstrap method in these cases. Appendix: Proofs of Results Throughout the Appendix, C and denote generic positive constants that may be di er- ent in di erent uses with C, M, and T the Chebyshev, Markov, and triangle inequalities respectively. A similar notation is adopted to that in Goncalves and White (2004). For a bootstrap statistic WT ( ; !) we write WT ( ; !) ! 0 prob-P , prob-P if, for any " > 0 and any > 0, limT !1 Pf! : P f : jWT ( ; !)j > "g > g = 0. For ease of exposition we deal with the scalar case. Proof of Lemma 1: The proof is similar to that of Lemma A.5 of Goncalves and White (2004). First E [Z ] = Z = Y = op (1) [15] by Lemma A.1 of Smith (2004). Thus by C P fZ Z > "g var [Z ] ST X T = (YtT t=1 T2 Y )2 = Op (T 1 ) by Lemma A.3 of Smith (2004). It therefore follows from M and the Lebesgue Theorem that PfP f Z 1 Z > "g > g = O(T ): Secondly, similarly P fY Y > "g var [Y ] XT = T 2 (YtT Y )2 t=1 = Op ((ST T ) 1 ) also by Lemma A.3 of Smith (2004). The result then follows similarly to above. Proof of Theorem 2: The result is proven if we are able to show the following p steps; cf. Politis and Romano (1992b, Proof of Theorem 2). Step 1: X ! 0. Step 2: T 1=2 X= d 1 ! N (0; 1). Step 3: supx2R PfT 1=2 X xg (x= 1) p the c.d.f. of the standard normal distribution. Step 4: T var [Z ] ! lim P sup P f T !1 x2R Z E [Z ] var [Z ]1=2 xg (x) " ! 0, where 2 1. ( ) is Step 5: = 0: Step 1: Follows from Theorem 3.47 of White (1999). Step 2: By White (1999, Theorem 5.20). Step 3: From Step 2 and the Polya Theorem, Ser ing (2002, p.18), as continuous c.d.f. Step 4: Now E [Z ] = Z. Thus T var [Z ] = T = 1 XT t=1 X T ST (Zt (Yt T ST X T = Yt 2 t=1 T t=1 [16] Z)2 Y )2 ST Y 2 : ( ) is a By Lemma A.2 of Smith (2004) ST Y 2 = Op (ST =T ) = op (1) and by Lemma A.3 of XT p 2 Smith (2004) (ST =T ) Yt 2 ! 1 . Thus the result follows. t=1 Step 5: Since the bootstrap sample observations are independent, we can apply Berry-Esseen inequality. Thus Z Z var [Z1T ]1=2 sup P fT 1=2 x2R Note that var [Z1T ] = T 1 Z1T Z 3 C E [( )] T 1=2 var [Z1T ]1=2 C var [Z1T ] 3=2 E [ Z1T = T 1=2 XT 2 3 Z and E [ Z1T Z ] = T 1 xg XT t=1 (x) ZtT t=1 ZtT 3 Z . p 2 Thus, cf. the Proof of Step 4, var [Z1T ] ! 1 > 0. Also 1 XT 1 XT 3 2 ZtT Z ZtT Z max ZtT t=1 i=1 t T T 1=2 1=4v = Op (1)Op (ST T ) 1=2 since maxt ZtT 3 Z ]: Z = O(ST ) maxt Yt Y and maxt Yt Z maxt jYt Y j+ Y = Op (T 1=4v ) + op (1) by Lemma A.2 of Smith (2004) and M. Thus C var [Z1T ] T 1=2 3=2 3 E [ Z1T 1=2 Z ] = T = o(T 1=2 Op (ST T 1=4v ) 1=4 )Op (T 1=4v ) = op (1) since ST = o(T 1=2 ) and v > 1. Proof of Theorem 3: The proof is similar to that for Theorem 2 above. The only step that changes is the proof of Step 5. Given the sample, the bootstrap observations are independent. Hence we can apply Berry-Esseen inequality. Thus 1=2 sup P fmT x2R Z Z var [Z1T ]1=2 x] C (x) E [( 1=2 = p As above var [Z1T ] ! 1=2 O(ST ) maxt Yt C 1=2 mT 2 1 > 0. Similarly E [( Z1T Y and maxt Yt var [Z1T ] 3=2 Y E [ Z1T mT C 1=2 mT Z1T Z )3 ] var [Z1T ]1=2 ) var [Z1T ] 3 3=2 E [ Z1T 1=2 Z ] = Op (ST T 1= ) since maxt ZtT Op (T 1= ). Thus, 3 Z ] = mT 1=2 1=2 Op (ST T 1= ) = O(ST =T 1=2 )Op (T 1= ) = Op (T 1= [17] 3 Z ]: ) = op (1) Z = since mT = T k2 =ST , ST = O(T 1=2 ) and > max(4v; 1= ). Proof of Lemma 4: First ST X T (YtT t=1 k2 T T var [Z ] = Write tT = Thus 1 Xt 1 s=t ST T k( Y )2 : s ) ; (t = 1; :::; T ): ST ST X T (YtT t=1 k2 T ST X T = (YtT t=1 k2 T ST X T (YtT +2 t=1 k2 T T var [Z ] = tT + 2 tT ) Y )2 tT + ST X T ( t=1 k2 T tT )( tT Y )2 tT Y ): Now, from Lemma A.3 of Smith (2004), ST X T (YtT t=1 k2 T Also as Y ST X T (YtT t=1 k2 T tT 2 tT ) of Smith (2004). 1 XT t=1 Notice that since XT t=1 ( BT tT tT ) = 0, ST ( + op (1): (YtT It remains to study the behaviour of (ST =k2 T ) ST X T ( t=1 k2 T 2 1 Y ) = Op ((ST2 =T )1=2 ) = op (1) tT )( tT = Op (1) uniformly t and T = tT ) XT t=1 ( ST X T ( tT t=1 k2 T ST X T = ( tT t=1 k2 T = BT 2 + op (1) Y )2 = tT = Op (T 1=2 ) by Lemma A.2 Y )2 . Write + )2 + = XT t=1 tT =T . Y )2 ST ( k2 Y )2 Y )2 = Op (ST =T ) and ST X T 1 Xt 1 ( t=1 ST s=t k2 T T k( s ) ST [18] 1 XT 1 Xt 1 t=1 ST s=t T T k( s 2 )) : ST (A.1) As ST 1 Xt 1 s=t T k(s=ST ) = O(1) uniformly t it follows that BT = O(ST ). Proof of Lemma 5: First, recall the expression for BT in eq. (A.1). Secondly, since k( ) is a member of the class of truncated kernels BT may be written as ST X T ST 1 XT Xmin[t 1;rT ] 1 Xmin[t 1;rT ] s BT ( ( k( ))2 t=1 ST s=max[t T; rT ] t=1 s=max[t T; k2 T ST k 2 T ST rT ] k( s 2 )) ST where rT = bST bc. Now XT Xmin[t s=max[t T; rT ] t=1 Denote CT = ST 1 1;rT ] X rT s= rT k( XrT Xt 1; s s ) = k( ) s= rT t=1 ST ST XT rT XrT s + k( ) t=rT +1 s= rT ST XT XrT s + k( ): t=T rT +1 s=t T ST k(s=ST ). Since CT = O(1) by Smith (2004, eq. (A.9)), 1 Xt 1; s k( ) s= rT ST ST X rT 1 s k( ) s=t T ST ST CT = O(1) for t rt ; CT = O(1) for t T (A.2) rT + 1: It then follows that X rT X t XT XT t=1 rT t=rT +1 t=T rT +1 Consequently 1; s= rT X rT s= rT X rT s=t T 1 XT Xmin[t 1;rT ] t=1 s=max[t T; T ST Consider now XT 1 Xmin[t 1;rT ] ( t=1 ST s=max[t T; rT ] k( s ) = O(ST2 ); ST s k( ) = CT (T 2rT )ST ; ST s k( ) = O(ST2 ): ST k( rT ] k( s T 2rT ST ) = CT + O( ) ST T T ST = CT + O( ): T XrT 1 Xt 1; s 2 s )) = ( k( ))2 t=1 ST s= rT ST ST XT rT X r 1 s T + ( k( ))2 t=rT +1 ST s= rT ST XT 1 XrT s + ( k( ))2 : t=T rT +1 ST s=t T ST [19] (A.3) From eq. (A.2) X rT 1 Xt 1; s k( ))2 = O(ST ); t=1 ST s= rT ST X T rT 1 X rT s ( k( ))2 = CT2 (T 2rT ); t=rT +1 ST s= rT ST XT X rT 1 s ( k( ))2 = O(ST ): t=T rT +1 ST s=t T ST Thus ( 1 XT 1 Xmin[t 1;ST ] ( t=1 ST s=max[t T; T ST ] k( ST s 2 )) = CT2 + O( ) ST T (A.4) and therefore, from eqs. (A.3) and (A.4), BT = since ST = o(T 1=2 ST 2 ST [CT + O( )] k2 T ST 2 S2 ST [CT + O( )] = O( T ) = o(1) k2 T T ). Before proving Lemma 6, we demonstrate the following auxiliary Lemma. Lemma 12 Under Assumptions 2.5 and 2.2, 1 XT p YtT ! E[Xt ] T =1 T Proof: The proof follows that for Lemma A.1 of Smith (2004) except the UWL required there is replaced by Corollary 3.48 of White (1999). Proof of Lemma 6: First notice that 1 XT 1 XT 1 Xt 1 jYtT j = t=1 t=1 ST s=t T T X T 1 O(1) jXt j = Op (1) t=1 T E [jYtT j] = Thus E [jYtT j] = Op (1). In addition 1 XT jYtT j t=1 T 1 XT jYtT j I(jYtT j < t=1 T Now by M T k( t [20] s 1 XT mT ) = jYtT j I(jYtT j mT ) t=1 T 1 XT jYtT j max I(jYtT j mT ) t=1 t T max jYtT j = O(1) max jXt j = Op (T 1=(v+ ) ): t s )Xt ST Since T 1=(v+ ) =mT = o(1) it follows that maxt I(jYtT j 1 XT jYtT j I(jYtT j t=1 T mT ) = op (1). Thus mT ) = op (1): The remaining part of the proof is similar to the proof of Khinchine's weak law of large numbers given in Rao (2002). De ne a pair of new random variables for each T , (t = 1; :::; mT ), WtT = YtT ; ZtT = 0 if jYtT j < mT ; WtT = 0; ZtT = YtT if jYtT j mT : Hence YtT = WtT + ZtT . De ne T = E [WtT ] 1 XT = YtT I[jYtT j < mT ]: t=1 T Note that E [YtT ] = Y and Y T < " for any " > 0 and T large enough. The latter claim holds since by T 1 XT YtT I[jYtT j < mT ] t=1 T 1 XT YtT t=1 T 1 XT jYtT j I(jYtT j t=1 T = op (1): mT ) Now 2 2 2 var [WtT ] = E [WtT ] E [WtT ] T XmT Thus, writing W = WtT =mT , using C, mT E [jWtT j]: t=1 P fW Hence, since Y T var [WtT ] "2 m T E [jWtT j] : "2 "g T < " for any " > 0 and T large enough, P fW Y 2"g [21] E [jWtT j] : "2 (A.5) Now by M it follows that P fZtT 6= 0g = P fjYtT j mT g 1 E [jYtT j I[jYtT j mT ]] mT : mT To see this, as E [jYtT j] = Op (1), it follows that E [jYtT j I[jYtT j mT ]] = op (1). Thus, we can always choose a constant 2 such that for T large enough E [jYtT j I[jYtT j XmT 2 mT ]] w.p.a.1. Write Z = ZtT =mT . In addition t=1 P fZ 6= 0g P fmax ZtT 6= 0g t XmT P fZtT 6= 0g : (A.6) t=1 Write Y = PT t=1 YtT =mT and Y = P fY Y XmT t=1 YtT =mT . Therefore, from eqs. (A.5) and (A.6) 4"g = P f W P fW Y +Z Y + Z 4"g 4"g P fW Y 2"g + P f Z 2"g E [jWtT j] E [jWtT j] + P f Z 6= 0g = + : 2 " "2 small enough. As E [jWtT j] Now choose E [jYtT j] = Op (1), the result follows from M. Proof of Theorem 7: Given the subsidiary results already shown in the proof of Theorem 2 this result follows if we are able to show the following steps. Step 1: p T var [W ] ! 2 1. lim P T !1 Step 2: ( sup P fT 1=2 x2Rk W E (W var [W ]1=2 xg (x) " ) = 0: Step 1: Notice that E [W ] = W = X+ 1 XT (k2 ST ) t=1 T [22] 1=2 Xt 1 s=t T k( s )(Xt ST s X): Now T 1 X 1 Xt 1 s=t T t=1 ST T 1 X 1 Xt 1 = s=t T t=1 ST = Op (T 1=2 T T k( s )(Xt ST k( s )[(Xt ST s s X) (A.7) ) (X )] ) by Lemma A.2 of Smith (2004), T 1 PT 1 t=1 ST 5.20 of White (1999). Hence, from (A.7), 1 XT (WtT W )2 t=1 T 1 Xt 1 ST X T ( = t=1 ST s=t T k2 ST X T 1 Xt 1 = ( t=1 ST s=t T k2 Xt 1 s=t T k(s=ST ) = O(1) and Theorem T var [W ] = T T s )(Xt ST s k( )(Xt ST k( ST ) T s X))2 + Op ( s X))2 + op (1): Also = = = = by Lemma ST X T 1 Xt 1 s ( k( )(Xt s X))2 t=1 ST s=t T T k2 ST X X T t 1 ST 1 s ( k( )[(Xt s ) (X )])2 t=1 ST s=t T T k2 ST ST X T 1 Xt 1 s ( k( )(Xt s ))2 t=1 ST s=t T T k2 ST XT 1 Xt 1 2ST s 1 Xt 1 s (X ) k( )(Xt s ) k( ) t=1 ST s=t T s=t T T k2 ST ST ST XT Xt 1 ST 1 s + (X )2 ( k( ))2 t=1 s=t T T k2 ST ST 2 1 + op (1) XT 1 Xt 1 2ST s O(1)(X ) k( )(Xt s ) t=1 ST s=t T T k2 ST XT ST 1 Xt 1 s + (X )2 ( k( ))2 t=1 s=t T T k2 ST ST S T 2 2 ) + op (1) = 1 + op (1) 1 + Op ( T Xt 1 A.2 of Smith (2004), ST 1 k(s=ST ) = O(1) uniformly t and Theorem s=t T 5.20 of White (1999). [23] Step 2: The proof follows systematically that for Step 5 in Theorem 2. The bootstrap sample observations are independent. Hence, we again apply the Berry-Esseen inequality. Thus sup P fT 1=2 x2R W W var [W1T ]1=2 xg From Step 1 var [W1T ] = Also 3 E [ W1T W1T W 3 C E [( )] T 1=2 var [W1T ]1=2 C = var [W1T ] 3=2 E [ W1T 1=2 T (x) 1 XT WtT t=1 T W 2 p ! 2 1 3 W ] > 0: 1 XT 3 WtT W t=1 T 1 XT 2 WtT W max WtT t=1 t T = Op (1) max WtT W : W ] = W t By T and M, cf. eq. (A.7), max Wt t W 1=2 = O(ST )max t 1=2 1 Xt 1 s=t ST O(ST )max jXt t k( T s )(Xt ST j+ X X) + Op (T s 1=2 ) + +Op ((ST =T )1=2 ) = Op (T 1=4v ) + op (1): Thus sup P fT 1=2 x2R W W var [W1T ]1=2 xg (x) Op ((ST =T )1=2 )Op (T 1=4v ) = op (1); cf. the proof of Theorem 2. Proof of Theorem 8: First 1 Xt 1 s k( )xt s yt s s=t T ST ST 1 Xt 1 s = k( )(xt s x0t s s=t T ST ST b c = ztT 0 + ztT a = ztT [24] 0 + x t s "t s ) Next by Lemma 6 1 XmT b ztT t=1 mT 1 XmT c ztT t=1 mT 1 XT b ztT ! 0, prob-P , prob-P, t=1 T 1 XT c ztT ! 0, prob-P , prob-P. t=1 T Also by Lemma 12 1 XT b 1 XT c ztT = E[xt x0t ] + op (1); ztT = E[xt "t ] + op (1): t=1 t=1 T T Now ^ 0 =( By Corollary 3.48 of White (1999) 1 XT xt x0t ) t=1 T 1 1 XT x t "t : t=1 T 1 XT 1 XT xt x0t = E[xt x0t ] + op (1); xt "t = E[xt "t ] + op (1): t=1 t=1 T T Hence 1 XT b 1 XT 1 XT c 1 XT ztT = xt x0t + op (1); ztT = xt "t + op (1): t=1 t=1 t=1 t=1 T T T T XT Also, as xt x0t =T is positive de nite for large enough T , t=1 ( 1 XmT b ztT ) t=1 mT 1 ( 1 XT xt x0t ) t=1 T 1 ! 0, prob-P , prob-P. Now ^ XmT 1 XT c 1 XT b ^ = ( 1 ztT ) 1[ ztT x t "t ] t=1 t=1 t=1 mT T T 1 XT c 1 XmT b 1 1 XmT c +( ztT ) ( ztT ztT ) t=1 t=1 t=1 mT mT T 1 XmT b 1 1 XT 1 XT +[( ztT ) ( xt x0t ) 1 ] x t "t : t=1 t=1 t=1 mT T T (A.8) Each term in eq. (A.8) converges to zero prob-P , prob-P by earlier results. The result then follows by the conditional Slutsky Theorem, see Lemma 4.1 of Lahiri (2003). Alternatively a subsequence argument as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 of Goncalves and White (2000) could also be used directly to demonstrate this result. [25] Proof of Theorem 9: With the same notation as in the proof of Theorem 8 p XmT p 1 XT c 1 XT b ^) = ( 1 ztT x t "t ] (A.9) ztT ) 1 T[ t=1 t=1 t=1 mT T T 1 XmT b 1 p 1 XmT c 1 XT c +( T( ztT ) ztT ) ztT t=1 t=1 t=1 mT mT T p 1 XT 1 XmT b 1 1 XT +[( ztT ) ( xt x0t ) 1 ] T x t "t : t=1 t=1 t=1 mT T T T(^ XmT b By Lemmata 12 and 6 and Corollary 3.48 of White (1999) ( ztT =mT ) t=1 1 XT ( xt x0t =T ) t=1 0, prob-P , prob-P. Also the proof of Lemma A.2 of Smith (2004) demonstrates that 1 XT T 1=2 t=1 c ztT = 1 XT T 1=2 t=1 xt "t + Op (T 1=2 ): The result then follows from arguments as in the proof of Theorem 8, the Cramer-Wold device, Theorem 3 and the conditional Slutsky Theorem [Lahiri (2003, Lemma 4.1)] [cf. proof of Theorem 3.2 of Fizenberger (1997)]. We could also have used a subsequence argument as in the proof of Lemma 3.3 of Goncalves and White (2000). To prove that our bootstrap method is applicable in the ML framework we make use of the following bootstrap UWL. Lemma 13 Let qtT ( ) = 1 Xt 1 s=t ST T k( s )g(xt s ; ); ST (A.10) and consider the sample qtT ( ), (t = 1; :::; T ). Draw a random sample of size mT with replacement from qtT ( ), (t = 1; :::; T ), to obtain the bootstrap sample qtT ( ), (t = 1; :::; mT ). Assume: (a) Bootstrap Pointwise Weak Law of Large Numbers. for each 2 Rp , a compact set, 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT 1 XT q(xt ; ) ! 0, prob-P , prob-P; t=1 T (b) Uniform Convergence: sup 2 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T 1 XT p g(xt ; ) ! 0; t=1 T [26] 1 ! 0 (c) Global Lipschitz: for all ; 0 2 jg(Xt ; ) g(Xt ; 0 )j Lt k k a.s.P and P supT E[T 1 Tt=1 Lt ] < 1. Then, as mT ! 1 and ST = op (T 1=2 ), for any > 0 and >0 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT lim PfP fsup T !1 2 1 XT g(xt ; ) > g > g = 0: t=1 T Proof: First qtT ( ) is also Global Lipshitz for T large enough. As ST 1 O(1), for large enough T , qtT ( 0 ) qtT ( ) = s 1 Xt 1 k( )(g(Xt s ; ) s=t T ST ST C g(Xt s ; ) g(Xt s ; 0 ) 0 CLt qtT ( 0 )j Similarly jqtT ( ) C Lt k 0 Xt 1 s=t T g(Xt s ; 0 k( SsT ) = )) : k. From (b) the result is proven if 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT lim PfP fsup T !1 2 1 XT qtT ( ) > g > g = 0: t=1 T The remaining part of the the proof follows the steps of the proof of Lemma 8 of Hall and Horowitz (1996) and is identical to the proof of Lemma A.2 of Goncalves and White (2000). Given " > 0, let f ( i ; ") : i = 1; :::; Ig be a nite subcover of ( i ; ") = f 2 sup 2 :k 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT ik < "g. Now 1 XT 1 XmT qtT ( ) = max sup qtT ( ) t=1 t=1 i=1;:::;I 2 ( ;") mT T i It then follows that for any P fsup XI i=1 2 P f sup where 2 ( i ;") > 0 and any xed ! 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT [27] 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T > g > g: 1 XT qtT ( ) : t=1 T For any 2 ( i ; ") by T 1 XmT qtT ( ) t=1 mT 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T for T large enough. Now T 1 by M 1 XmT 1 XT qtT ( i ) qtT ( i ) t=1 t=1 mT T 1 XmT 1 XmT + qtT ( ) qtT ( i ) t=1 t=1 mT mT 1 XT 1 XT qtT ( ) qtT ( i ) + t=1 t=1 T T 1 XmT 1 XT qtT ( i ) qtT ( i ) t=1 t=1 mT T 1 XmT 1 XT +C " Lt Lt + C" t=1 t=1 mT T P E[ Tt=1 Lt ] = O(1). Thus, for any xed PfC" XT t=1 Lt =T > =3g 3" < > 0 and 3 with the choice " < =9C for some su ciently large but nite constant P supT E[T 1 Tt=1 Lt ] < and large enough T . Hence 1 XT 1 XmT qtT ( ) qtT ( ) > g > g t=1 t=1 T 2 ( i ;") mT 1 XmT 1 XT PfP f qtT ( i ) qtT ( i ) > g > g t=1 t=1 mT T 3 3 X mT 1 Lt > g > g + +PfP fC " t=1 mT 3 3 X T 1 +PfC" Lt > g: t=1 T 3 PfP f sup By (a) PfP f 1 XmT qtT ( i ) t=1 mT 1 XT qtT ( i ) > g > g < t=1 T 3 3 3 for T large enough. Also for xed ! by M P fC XmT t=1 Lt =mT > g 3"C 1 XmT E [Lt ] t=1 mT 3" 3"C 1 XT = Lt t=1 T [28] > 0, such that as T 1 XT t=1 Lt satis es a LLN under the conditions of the theorem. Hence by M PfP fC with the choice " < XmT Lt =mT > 2 . t=1 3"C 1 XT g > g Pf Lt > g t=1 3" 3 T 3 1 XT = Pf Lt > g t=1 T 9"C 1 XT 9"C E[ Lt ] t=1 T 9"C < 3 =27C Therefore, if " is chosen such that "= 9 1 ; C 3C max the result follows. We also require the following Lemma. Lemma 14 Let g(xt ; ) be a Lipschitz continuous function on , i.e., for all ; 0 2 P 0 jg(Xt ; ) g(Xt ; 0 )j Lt k k a.s.P and supT E[T 1 Tt=1 Lt ] < 1. Assume ad- ditionally that the process fxt g1 t=1 is a nite dimensional stationary and strong mixing process with mixing coe cients < < 1 for some of size v=(v 1) for some v > 1 and E[sup 2 jg(xt ; gjv+ ] > 0. Then sup 2 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T 1 XT p g(xt ; ) ! 0; t=1 T where qtT ( ), (t = 1; :::; T ), is de ned in eq. (A.10). Proof: By Lemma A.1 of Smith (2004) sup 2 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T E[g(xt ; )] = op (1): Also by a standard UWL for global Lipschitz functions, e.g., Corollary 3.31 of Newey (1991), combined with Corollary 3.48 of White (1999), sup 2 1 XT g(xt ; ) t=1 T [29] E[g(xt ; )] = op (1): Thus by T sup 2 1 XT qtT ( ) t=1 T 1 XT g(xt ; ) = op (1): t=1 T Proof of Theorem 10: Apply Lemma A.2 of Goncalves and White (2004), with n P T replaced by T , QT ( ; ) = LT ( ) and QT ( ; !; ) = m t=1 htT ( ; !)=mT . Conditions a1-a3 of that theorem hold under Assumption 5.1. Conditions b1 and b2 follow by Assumptions 5.1(a) and (b). Condition b3 is obtained from the bootstrap uniform weak law of large numbers, i.e., Lemmata 6, 13 and 14 which are implied by Assumption 5.1. Proof of Theorem 11: The proof is identical to the proof of Theorem 2.2 of Goncalves and White (2004) for MBB replacing Theorem 2.2 of Goncalves and White (2002) by Theorem 3. 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