Page 1 of6 TIIE GOVERNMENT No: 55/CP SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness ----- oOo ----HaNoi, Day OJ month 10 year 1996 DECREE No.55-CP OF OCTOBER 1st, 1996 OF THE GOVERNMENT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN W ARSBIPS VISITING THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM THE GOVERNMENT Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government ofSeptember 30, 1992; Pursuant to the Maritime Code of Vietnam; ursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982; At the proposal of the Minister ofDefense, DECREES: Chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1.- This Decree provides for the activities of foreign warships and the crew on board during their visits to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Article 2.- Warships are ships belonging to the armed force of a nation or a military organization, carrying the outward signs typical of the warships of that nation or military and under the command of a naval officer who serves that nation or organization. Such commander (captain) must have his/her name on the list of officers or in a similar document and the crew must abide by the military disciplinary regulations. Article 3.- The terms used in this Decree shall be construed as follows: 1. Ports: - Seaports are ports opened in accordance with Vietnam Ds Maritime Code to accommodate sea-going ships. - Military ports are ports which are managed by the Minister of Defense of Vietnam and operates in accordance with the regulations on military ports. 2. The activities of a warship include: entering and leaving, staying and other activities during its visit and stay in the port. 3. The members on board a warship consist of the head of the delegation (if any), the captain, sailors and other accompanying people. 22/6/2552 Page2 of6 Article 4.- Foreign warships visiting and operating at the Vietnamese ports must respect the independence and sovereignty of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, abide by the provisions of Vietnamese law, the provisions of this Decree and the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to; and, at the same time, observe the guidance of the specialized management authorities at the ports. Chapter II PROVISIONS ON THE OPERATION OF FOREIGN WARSHIPS AT VIETNAMESE PORTS Article 5.- Foreign warships entering Vietnamese ports for visits including: 1. Official visits by the head of a foreign State on board a warship via a Vietnamese port at the invitation of the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to enhance the friendly relationships between the two States. Courtesy visits to enhance the friendly relationships between the peoples and the armies of the two nations. 3. Ordinary visits to coordinate military training and maneuvers, to supply technical materials or to resupply in fuel, buy food or to give sailors a rest. Article 6.- 1. The visit of a foreign warship must be permitted by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, except otherwise provided for by an agreement signed between the Government of Vietnam and the country that owns the ship. 2. A foreign warship shall seek permission to visit Vietnam (except for official visits) through the diplomatic channel at least 30 days before the planned date of its arrival at the port, (except otherwise provided for by a treaty or agreement signed between the two 1overnments). In the declaration form requesting permission for visiting Vietnam by a warship, the following must be clearly stated: -The name, type, registration number and technical specifications of the ship. -Type of the visit (official, courtesy or ordinary) - The port of call. -The time of arrival and the length of stay. - The full name, rank and title of the ship captain. - The number of officers, non-commissioned officers and other accompanying people on board each ship. - The number of people on board who have nationalities other than the ship 0 s nationality. - The communication equipment and liaison :frequencies to be registered for use during the http://vbqppl4 vn/law/en/1991_to_2000/1996/199610/19961001000 1_en/print_default 22/6/2552 Page3 of6 visit and operation at the port. -The request for fuel supply, the working program and other requests of the delegation. 3. After a warship is permitted to visit, 48 hours before entering the waters of Vietnam, the captain of the warship must notify the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense (the External Relation Department) of the visit so that preparations for the reception can be made. If there is any change in the contents already stated in the declaration form defined in Item 2, Article 6, the captain must report it and ask for permission through diplomatic channels before the ship enters the port. 4. The hoisting of the flag of a foreign warship visiting Vietnam shall be made according to the agreement reached through diplomatic channels between the Government of Vietnam and the Government of the country the ship bears its nationality. Article 7.- Upon entering the waters of Vietnam, a foreign warship must observe the regulations: 1. If it is a submarine, it must be in the floating state. 2. It must clearly display its registration number and name. 3. All the weapons on board must be at the non-operational position and in the maintenance state. 4. It must stop in the area for receiving/returning a pilot to complete the entry formalities under the guidance of the Vietnamese port authorities and the pilot. 5. It is allowed to use only the necessary equipment to ensure navigational safety and the registered liaison :frequencies. --6. It must arrive at the entry port via the prescribed route and corridor. Article 8.- While completing the entry and exit formalities the following documents must be produced: 1. For the ship: - The registration certificate or document evidencing the ship D s nationality. - The list of the members on board. -The declaration of goods (if any) - The declaration of the quantity of weapons, communications equipment and other military equipment on board. - The working program of the delegation during its stay at the port. 2. For the members on board: 221612552 Page4 of6 - Passports or equivalent papers. Article 9.- The ceremonial and protocol activities during the visit of a foreign warship must strictly conform to the mutually agreed schedule. The Ministry of Defense shall have to supervise the foreign warship D s activities at the port and coordinate with other concerned agencies in organizing the reception. Article 10.- A foreign warship visiting Vietnam is allowed to anchor only at the designated port agreed upon when seeking permission through diplomatic channels. The number of warships of the same country anchoring at the same time at the port must not be more than three (03) and the length of their stay must not exceed seven (7) days, except for special cases permitted by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Article 11.- While anchoring at the port, the foreign warship must adhere to the regulations on the management of maritime activities at the seaports and maritime areas of Vietnam or the regulations on military ports. All the activities of the ship and the members on board must conform with the program, other activities outside the program must be permitted by the -- ompetent authorities at the port. Article 12.- The members on board the warship shall disembark only when they have completed the entry formalities and are so permitted by the Border Guard Station of the port or as prescribed by the regulations on military ports. Any accompanied goods must be subject to the provisions of Vietnamese laws on Customs, Health and Quarantine. Once ashore, they must strictly follow the program and regulations already notified by the Vietnamese authorities. Article 13.- A foreign warship entering, leaving and staying at a Vietnamese port must not carry out the following activities: 1. Undertaking activities against the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 2. Carrying out propaganda and intelligence activities and other acts detrimental to the defense or security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 3. Carrying weapons of mass destruction, radioactive substances, toxic chemicals and narcotics. 4. Disseminating and distributing printed matters, pictures and films and other cultural publications without the permission of the State of Vietnam. 5. Taking people and goods onto or out of the ship in contravention of the provisions of Vietnamese law on entry and exit, except for rescuing people, which, however, must be immediately notified to the Vietnamese authorities at the port. 6. Launching, receiving or loading on board any flying equipment or military weaponry without the permission of the Vietnamese authorities. 7. Conducting illegal research or measurement activities, fishing marine products, trading, or jamming the communications system, obstructing transport and communications, causing 22/6/2552 Page 5 of6 pollution to the environment or damage to the port facilities and constructions. 8. Moving alongside another ship or entering an prohibited area without pennission. 9. Taking films and photos and drawing maps of the prohibited area. 10. Causing public disorder, hindering or countering the perfonnance of official duties by the Vietnamese authorities. 11. Conducting other activities prohibited by Vietnamese law. Chapter III HANDLING OF VIOLATIONS Article 14.- Any violation by a foreign warship of the provisions in this Decree and other provisions of Vietnamese law shall be handled through diplomatic channels. The captain of the foreign warship shall be held accountable for the consequences of any illegal act of the members on board the ship during its stay in the Vietnamese port. - Any member on board the warship who violates Vietnamese law shall be handled depending on the nature and extent of his/her violation in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law (except for people who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunity). Article 15.- The competence to handle violations shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law. Chapter IV IMPLEMENTATION PROVISIONS 16.- This Decree takes effect from the date of its signing, the earlier provisions regarding the visits of foreign warships to Vietnamese ports which are contrary to this Decree are now annulled. Article 17.- The Minister ofDefense shall have to guide the implementation of this Decree. Article 18.- The Ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government, the Presidents of the People 0 s Committees of the provinces and the cities directly under the Central Government shall have to implement this Decree. On behalf of the Government The Prime Minister VOVANKIET THE GOVERNMENT (Signed) 1_en/print_default 22/6/2552 Page6 of6 Phan Van Khai 221612552 NGHi4iNH Page 1 of5 CHiNHPHO C0NG HOA xA HOI CHU NG:HIA vieTNAM ltp • T\l do • H(ll1h phuc 86:55/CP Ha ---- oOo ---Ngity OJ thOng 10 nam 1996 NGHJ BJNB cUA CHfNH PBiJ Vi hO{It i/lng clill tau qudn sv nwc ngolli vdo thim nlrtic cong hod x1 hpi chli ngh1a V.;t Nam CHiNBPHiJ • Can cuvao Lu6t To chtl-c Chinh phu ngay 30 thang 9 nam 1992; Can cu vao Bf) lu6t Hang hili ...,'an cU vao Cong Nam; we CUa Lien 1u;1p qu6c vi Lu6t biin nam 1982; Theo IJJ nghi cua Bf) tnrtmg Bf) Qu6c phong, NGBJBJNB: ClltfONGI NHifNG QUY BJNH CHUNG 1. Nghi dinh nay quy dinh cac h(){lt d9ng ctia tau quan S\l mroc ngoai va cac th8nh vien tren tau trong thm gian vao thltn nuoc C9ng boa xi h9i chti nghia Nam. Biiu 2. Tau quin s\fla cac tAu thu9c l\fc luqng vii trang ctia mQt qu& gia hoJc tA chuc quan S\l, mang diu ben ngoai dtc trung ctia tau quan S\l thuQc qu& tjch nuoc d6 bote tA chuc quin sv do m9t si quan hii quan ph\lC V\1 qu& gia, tA chiic d6 chi buy. Ngu(ri chi huy trulrng) d6 phii c6 ten trong danh sach c8c si quan hay trong mQt t8i tuang duang va doan thuy thu phai tuin theo CSC Icy }uft quill S\f. 3. Cac thuft ngQ trong Nghi dinh nay duqc hieu la: 1. Cang bao gAm: Cang rna ra theo BQ lllft hang hai Nam Cang quill svla cang do BQ truang B9 QuAe phong ch! cang quin S\f. ra vao ho{lt dqng. tau Nam quim ly va dQng theo Quy 2. Hoft d9ng ctia tau quan S\f bao gAm: Ra, vao, trU diu va lam cac cong gian d!n thAtn va neo diu tfi cing. khac trong thai 3. Thanh vien tren tau quill svla Truang doan (n!u c6) truang, thuy thti va nhtlng 0/19961001000 1/print_default 22/6/2552 NGHidiNH Page 2 of5 ngum khac cimg di t:ren tau. 4. Tau S\f nuoc ngoai vao tham va hQft dQng lfi cac cang VietNam phii tOn trQng dQc lip chu clia nuac Cong boa xi hoi chu nghia Nam, tu8n thu cac quy dinh ctia phap l\lft Nam, cac quy djnh ctia Nghi dinh nay va cac uac quAe ma Nam di kY hoJc tham gia; dAng thm phii tuin thli theo S\l huang din CUa cac Ivc luc;mg quin ly chuyen ng8nh lfi cing. CmJ<JNGll BONG CUA TAU QUAN S\fNUOc NGOAI NAM QUY BJNH Biiu 5. Tau quan S\f nu(Jc ngoai vao cang Nam di th\l'C c8c CANG VIeT tham gAm: .. Thlm chinh thuc theo I<ri moo CUa Nha nu(Jc Cong hoa xi hoi chu nghia Nam, de tAng cuimg quan hihl nghi giih\ hai Nha DUOc do nguyen thu quAe gia di bAng tau quan S\f Vao cang Nam. ' 2. Thrun xa giao nham m\}c dich tAng cuimg quan quin doi hai qu& gia. hihl nghi gitla nhin din va l\l'C luc;mg 3. Th!m thong thu<m.g nhim fhai hqp huin diSn tfp, cung cip vit nhien luang thl}C th1,tc pham hoJc cho thuy thu duqc nghi ngai. Icy thuit, Bifu 6. Tau quAil S\f nwc ngoai thAm phai duqc phep clia Chinh phu nuoc C9ng boa xi h9i chu nghia Nam, trir khi co thu wc khac quy dinh trong dinh ma Chinh phu Nam di kY vm qu& gia c6 tau. xin phep vao tham CUa tau quirt S\f (trir tau tham chinh thuc) thl,tC qua du<m.g giao ch&m nh!t la 30 ngay truoc ngay d\l' tau vao cing, (trir khi c6 thu we khac di duqc quy dinh trong dinh hotc thoa tht$1 gitla hai Chinh phu). Trong to khai xin phep cho tau quin S\f vao th!m Nam phai ghi ro: 2. Ten tau, l()fi tau, sa tau, thong sa kY thutt CUa tau. Hinh th\:tc tham (chinh thuc tham xi giao thong thu(mg). Cang dan tham. Thai gian cang, thai Ten, cAp b$c, chuc V\1 cua Quirt sA ciia m3i tau tni dfu. tru<mg di tren tau. si quan, h, si quan va nhtlng ngum cimg di tren tau. sa luqng nguOi co quAe tich kh8c vm quAe tich 0 tren tau. 22/6/2552 ------ Page 3 of 5 NGHi djNH cang. hi thong tin, tin sA lien nhien nghj ding kY su d\)Ilg trong th<ri gian vao thim va dqng dqng va nhtlng yeu cAu khac cila doan. chuang trlnh 3. Sau khi duqc phep vao tham, 48 gia truac khi vao Iinh hai Nam, truang tau Nam (C\lc dAi ngo\li) tA chuc quan sv nuac ngoai phai thong bao cho B9 Qu6c phong d6n Truemg hqp tren tAu c6 sv thay dAi nqi dung di ghi trong to khai neu iJ khoan 2, 6 tren day, truang phii hao cao va xin phep qua du<mg giao giai truoc khi tau vao cang. tiap. 4. treo ca cl.ia tau quin S\f nuac ngoai khi Nam, thvc theo thoa thufn qua du<mg giao gitla Chinh phu Nam va Chinh phu cua quAe gia rna tau mang quAe tich. 7. K.hi _quy dinh sau: linh hai Nam vao cing, tau quan sv nuac ngoai phai thvc cac 1. Tau ngAm phai iJ trtmg thai nAi. 2. Tau phai ghi r<S sA 3. Dua toan bQ vii khi 4. Dimg hoa tieu ten tau. tu the quy khong va iJ 0 vimg d6n tra hoa tieu Nam. thai bao quan. lam thu t\lC nh'p c8nh Va theo huang din CUa cang V\1, 5. Chi duqc su d\Ulg cac thiat hi cAn thiat hao dam cho an toan hang hai va tin sA lien ding Icy. dl 6. aan dt1ng cua khAu cang theo tuyan du<mg va h8nh lang quy dinh. 8. Khi lam thu f\lc nhip canh, xuit canh phii xuit trlnh cac giiy to sau; n.t.• ''•l..· VOl UlU: 1• :uOl GiAy ding kY hotc ch1lng tir quAe tich tau. Danh sach cac thAnh vien tren tau. Banke khai hang hoa c6). Ban ke khai sA luqng vii khi, phuang thong tin lien va cac thiet hi quin S\f khac tren tau. Chuang trlnh dqng CUa doan trong thai gian luu t(li cang. 2. DAi vm cac thanh vien tren tau: H9 chiau bote gily tb tuang duang. 9. Cac dqng tan va nghi thuc trong th<ri gian tau quan sv nuac ngoai vao tham 22/6/2552 NGHidiNH Page 4 of5 phai theo dUng chuang trinh di duqc thoa t\$1 truac. Bq Qu6c phong chju tnich quan ly tau guan sv mroc trong thm gian h()ft d9ng tfi c8ng va phAi hqp v<ri cac ca quan li6n quan de tA chirc don tiep. 10. Tau quin S\f nuoc ngoai vao thim Nam chi duqc neo dju qn cing di duqc thoa thujn qua duang ngo(li giao khi xin Khi neo t(li cing, tau quin S\f clia cimg rnQt nuac khong duqc trU diu qua ba chi& (03) trong cimg mQt thm gian va thm gian trU khong qua bay ngay (07), trir tru<mg hqp tftc duqc Chlnh phil nuoc C9ng boa xi h9i chit Nam cho phep. nghia BiAu 11. Trong thm gian neo t(li cing, tau quin S\1' nuac ngoai phai tuin thu quy quan Nam bote quy ly ho(lt dQng hang hi.i t(li bi8n va cac khu V\fC hang h8i o thAng nhAt theo chuong quan S\f. MQi hQft d9ng clia tau, th8nh vien tren tau phai th\lC trlnh, phat sinh nhilng ho(lt dQng k:hac phi.i duqc phep clia nba chuc trach co thAm 0 cang. 12. Thanh vien tren tau quin S\1' chi duqc di bO sau khi di hoan thanh thu t\lc nhjp c8nh va duqc phep CUa DAn bien phong cira khiu hoJc theo quy cang quin Sl,l'. mang Nam Hai quan, Y theo hang boa phi.i tuin thu cac quy djnh clia pbap lujt dich. Khi di bi1 phai hO(lt dQng theo d6ng chuong trinh va nQi quy di duqc nha chuc tnich Nam thong bao. 13. Tau quin Sl,l' nuac ngoai ra, vao, tn't dju t(li cang ho(lt dQng sau: 1. C6 nhiing ho{lt dQng nhlm chAng l{li dQC l'p chu C9ng boa xi hQi chit nghia Nam. Nam khong duqc va toan hanb cac linh thA CUa Nha nuoc 2. hanh cac ho{lt d9ng tuyen thu thw tinh bao va nhiing h8nh vi khac, gay -, phuong hfi cho phong thil hay an ninh cita Nhi nwc CQng boa xi h9i chu nghia Nam. 3. Mang theo vii khi giSt ngu(ri hang lo{lt, cac chit ph6ng X{l, chit dQc, hoa hQc, chAt rna tuy. 4. Tuyen Nha nuoc phat tan tai Nam. sach bao, phim 8nh, van h6a phfun rna chua duqc phep ella. 5. Dua ngu<ri va hang hoa len hoJc xuAng tau tr8i v<ri quy djnh clia phap lujt Nam xuAt, can.h trir tru<mg hqp c\lu ngum hi n{lD nhung sau do phili thong bao ngay cho nha Nam cang. chirc trach a 6. Ph6ng di, tiSp nhjn hay duqc phep cita nba chirc rich len tau bAt Nam. k.Y phuong bay hay khi tai quin S\l rna chua 7. hanh t:nii phep cac ho{lt d9ng nghien ciru, do d{lc, danh bit hili san, trao dAi rnua ban bote gay thAng thong tin lien lfC, can tro giao thong vjn tai, gay o rnoi truimg, lam hu h{li cac hi, cong trinh i1 cang. 8. Tl,l' dQng di chuy&l cJp rn{ln tau khac, di vao khu Vl,l'C cAm. 0001/print_default 221612552 NGHidiNH Page 5 of5 9. Quay phim, chw inh, ve canh dA a khu V\lC cim. 10. Gay mAt ttit rich Nam. qr cong CQng, can tro hoJc chAng 1,i 11. Co nhllng ho(lt d9ng khac ma phap 1\ljt th\fC thi V\1 CUa nha chuc Nam cAm. CmfONGm 14. Tau quin S\l' nuoc ngoai vi k:hac CUa phap 1\lft Nam se giai cac quy dinh trong Nghi djnh nay va cac quy djnh qua du<m.g ngo,i giao. t:n.Wng tau quin S\l' nuoc ngoai chju trach nhltng qua do h&nh vi vi phap 1\lft CUa cac th&nh vien tren tau gay ra trong th<ri gian ho,t d9ng cang Thanh vien CUa tau quin S\l' nuac ngoai vi ph\Ull phap 1\lft Nam se cln cu vao tinh chAt, mire dQ vi ph\Ull xir 1y theo quy djnh cila phap 1\lft Nam (trir ngum duqc huang uu dai va mi&l trir giao). 15. Thim xir ly vi th\l'C theo quy djnh clia phap 1\lft Nam. CHUONGIV Bltu KHOAN m1 IIANH 16. Nghi dinh nay c6 nuoc ngoai vao ho(lt d9ng b,rc tir ngay Icy, nhltng quy djnh truoc day dAi vm tau quin S\l' cac cang CUa Nam trai vm Nghi djnh nay bai bO. 17. BQ tnrCm.g B9 quAe phong chju trach huang din Nghi djnh nay. 18. Cac BQ truang, thti tnrCm.g ca quan ngang BQ, Thu trulmg ca quan thu9c Chinh phti, Chu tjch Uy ban nhin din tinh, th&nh ph6 ti'\l'C thu9c Trung uang chju trach thi harm Nghj dinh nay.!. 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