SEO Toolkit Magento Extension User Guide Official extension page: SEO Toolkit User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 1 Table of contents: 1. SEO Toolkit: General Settings ……………………………………………………………….….3 2. Product Reviews: Settings …………………………………………………………………….…..4 3. Product Reviews: Examples…………………………………...…………………………….......5 4. HTML Sitemap: Settings ………………………………….……..………………………….…....8 5. HTML Sitemap: Examples………………………………………………………………………..13 6. Rich Snippets: Examples ……………………………………………….…….…………………...14 7. Rich Snippets: Settings…………………………………………………………………………..…16 8. Rich Snippets: Twitter Cards…………………………………………………………..…………21 9. Rich Snippets: Twitter Card Example…………………………………………………………24 10. Rich Snippets: Rich Pins……………………………………………………………………..…….25 11. Rich Snippets with Landing Pages………………………………………………………………27 12. Import Product Tags: Settings…………………………………………………………………….29 13. Import Product Tags: Import/Export…………………………………………………….…....31 14. Import Product Tags: Examples…………………………………………………………..……..36 15. Meta Tags Templates: Settings ………………………………………………....................….38 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates ……………………………………..…..40 17. Meta Tags Templates: URL-based templates …………………………………..……….…..46 18. Meta Tags Templates: Examples ……………………………………………………..….…..….48 19. Google Sitemap: General Settings……………………………………………………..…….…..50 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap……………………………………………………………….…....51 21. Unique Product URL: General Settings………………………………………………………..57 22. Unique Product URL: Frontend Example……………………………………….…………….59 23. SEO-friendly filter URLs: Settings……………………………………………………………….60 24. SEO-Friendly filter URLs: Example……………………………………………………………..61 User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 2 1. SEO Toolkit: General Settings Enable the option to remove duplicate content. Please go to admin panel -> System -> Configuration -> SEO Toolkit to manage the extension settings. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 3 2. Product Reviews: Settings This option allows you to send customer directly on product page. To reach this aim just set up “Yes”. Display customer reviews on the product page of your store. Specify appropriate hash values for containers with reviews list and form . Note: the values should be specified without #. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 4 3. Product Reviews: Examples Enable your customer to write a review right on product page via the review form User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 5 3. Product Reviews: Examples SEO-friendly URL on the full customer review page helps to boost the page in search results. Page with single review links to the product page. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 6 3. Product Reviews: Examples Send customer directly to full customer review page excluding the review aggregator page. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 7 Specify title and meta description for your HTML Site Map. The title will be displayed on the page. 4. HTML Site Map: Settings To specify extension settings please go to CMS -> SEO Toolkit>HTML Site Map Meta description is essential for Google to understand what the page is about. Design your HTML Site Map page with ‘Layout’ and ‘Columns’ features. Enable or disable the search window on the HTML site map page. Choose layout from certain options: - 1 column - 2 columns with left bar - 2 columns with right sidebar - 3 colums User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 8 6. HTML Site Map: Settings Choose whether to include Categories in the site map and specify the sub header. Use this option to redirect visitors from default Magento site map to Amasty HTML site map. Choose how to display category links on a sitemap page. In case you choose the List type you can also specify the number of columns. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 9 6. HTML Site Map: Settings Choose whether to include products in site map, specify the sub header and enable redirect option in case you want to redirect visitors from the default Magento site map. Make site map navigation easy by splitting product names by the first letter. Enable this option if you want to hide the links to pages with out of stock products. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 10 6. HTML Site Map: Settings Indicate the sub header and choose whether to include CMS pages in your site map. Specify which CMS pages you want to exclude from the site map. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 11 NOTE! You can include Landing Pages in the site map if you use Amasty Landing Pages Extension 6. HTML Site Map: Settings Add any additional links to the site pages you need. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 12 5. HTML Site Map: Examples See the example of HTML site map with search window, products, categories and CMS pages enabled. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 13 6. Rich Snippets: examples Website without microdata in search results. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 14 6. Rich Snippets: examples Enable this microdata to display detailed website information in search results. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 15 7. Rich Snippets: Settings Specify CSS selectors to add rich data to page elements. For the next three fields specify CSS selectors of HTML elements that contain product info. In search results you can display the product price including tax or the price excluding tax. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 16 7. Rich Snippets: Settings You can choose whether to display votes or reviews, or both votes and reviews at the same time on Google search page. These settings are quite complex from a programming perspective. If you need help in configuration, please create a support ticket. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 17 7. Rich Snippets: Settings See how to configure organization mark up here ebmasters/answer/146861 This feature lets you display the average product rating and minimal price in search results as well as at the bottom of each category page on your site. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 18 7. Rich Snippets: Settings Switch this option to ‘Yes’ to display sitelinks search box in Google search results. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 19 7. Rich Snippets: Settings Enable the feature if you want to display additional info in your tweets Specify product description length, which will be automatically loaded from a product page. Set image parameters, minimum 160*160 px Choose which info you want to show: price, stock availability, rating or custom text field (in which you can write anything, e.g. info about a discount). Give any label you want. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 20 8. Rich Snippets: Twitter Cards Important: After configuring settings, please, visit Twitter Validator Tool in order to validate your domain. Enter your product page url and click Preview card. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 21 8. Rich Snippets: Twitter Cards 1. Click Request Approval in order to validate your domain 2. Fill in the details about your twitter account and website. Wait for the confirmation email from twitter team. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 22 8. Rich Snippets: Twitter Cards When Twitter team will approve your domain, you’ll see similar inscription User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 23 9. Rich Snippets: Twitter Cards Example Now followers can see additional info in tweets: price, stock availability, product image and description User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 24 10. Rich Snippets: Rich Pins Set product rich data to “Yes” and save the settings. Visit Rich Pins Validator Tool in order to validate your store. Enter your product page url and click Validate User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 25 10. Rich Snippets: Rich Pins Now followers can see additional info in pins: price, stock availability and product url User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 26 11. Rich Snippets with Landing Pages Set “Yes” to enable rich snippets on the landing pages. Note! You need to set up Landing Pages extension to use this functionality User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 27 11. Rich Snippets with Landing Pages Now you can show summary products rating and the most attractive product price on the bottom of the landing page User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 28 12. Import Product Tags: Settings This feature enables you automatically rewrite tag urls, making them clear and SEO-friendly Now you can show summary products rating and the most attractive product price on the bottom of the landing page User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 29 12. Import Product Tags: Settings This is how clear and SEO-friendly url looks like on the front-end User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 30 13. Import Product Tags: Export/Import Create a CSV file with product tags and import it into your Magento. Click on this button to export already exciting tags in CSV format. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 31 13. Import Product Tags: Export/Import Manage imported tags in Catalog – Tags Change tags status on delete tags in bulk User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 32 13. Import Product Tags: Export/Import Catalog – manage products Assign imported tags to any product you need. You can also disable tags. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 33 13. Import Product Tags: Export/Import Tags block is situated right after description area. Customers also can add tags from product pages User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 34 13. Import Product Tags: Export/Import There’s a page where you can see all imported, created and approved tags User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 35 14. Import Product Tags: Examples Here you see the cloud of imported tags. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 36 14. Import Product Tags: Examples Here you see product search by tags. The “laptop” tag was assigned to these two laptops User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 37 15. Meta Tags Templates: Settings Introduction With Meta Tags Templates extension you can automatically generate meta tags as well as descriptions for: -Product pages -Category pages -Any site page by URL Functionality has hierarchical structure. That means you can choose the category and specify all the tags for: -Current category -Sub categories -Products in current category -Products in subcategory A range of complex variables can be used in tags and descriptions. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 38 To specify general settings please go to System->Configuration-> SEO Meta Tags Templates 15. Meta Tags Templates: Settings Specify max length for meta title and description. Click on this button to apply the template for all previously created products. If you set the option to ‘No’ all previously created meta tags won’t be replaced except for empty ones. In case you set the option to ‘Yes’ you’ll replace all meta tags. You can disable meta tags functionality for product or category pages. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 39 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates To create product meta tags templates by category please go to admin panel > CMS-> Meta Tags by Category. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 40 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates Please select the category to which the template should apply. Select store views to which the template will apply. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 41 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates Please use ‘Product Meta Title’ field to create a template for meta title tag. You can also use complex variables like {brand|manufacturer|provi der}. These variables work great, if for some products you use manufacturer attribute and for others brand or provider attributes. So for products with brand attribute, brand value will be used for meta tags; for products with manufacturer attribute, manufacturer value will be used and so on. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 42 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates Please use ‘Product Meta Description’ field to create a template for meta description tag. You can use the same variables as for meta title tag. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 43 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates Please specify ‘H1 Tag’ here. This will be used as a name of the product on the product page. Please use ‘Short Description’ field to create a template for short product description. Use ‘Product Full Description’ field to create a template for short product description. You can also use complex variables like {brand|manufacturer|provider}. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 44 Use all the variables as well as complex ones in category tags and descriptions. 16. Meta Tags Templates: Category-based templates Title, meta description, keywords, H1 tag and description are specified by analogy with product tags. For category pages you can also specify image alt and title. Write the text which will be displayed after product list on category page. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 45 17. Meta Tags Templates: URL-based templates To create URL-based template go CMS -> Seo Toolkit -> Meta Tags Templates -> Meta tags by URL 7. URL-based templates. Specify URL of the page you want to create a template for. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 46 17. Meta Tags Templates: URL-based templates You can specify meta tags, title, etc. for any page on site, e.g. Contact Us, Partnership, etc. It’s very useful for SEO to specify meta tags for the pages when attribute is chosen (let’s say Also, you can create it for any product page. In such a way all the settings specified in Category-based template will not affect the product. You can make the page ‘no follow’ and ‘no index’ by search engines Specify canonical URL for the page. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 47 18. Meta Tags Templates: Examples Here’s short description generated according to the template. This full description for this product was also generated according to the template. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 48 18. Meta Tags Templates: Examples Here’s a front end example of product page. As you can see in the source code, the meta title for the product page was generated according to the template. The meta description for this product page was also generated according to the template. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 49 Please go to Admin panel -> CMS -> SEO Toolkit -> Google Sitemaps 19. Google Sitemap: General Settings To create a new sitemap, click the Add New Sitemap button Here you can see all google sitemaps, generated with the extension. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 50 19. Google Sitemap: General Settings Specify path for XML sitemap Specify max items per file and max file size. Google requirements for XML sitemap: - No more than 50,000 URLs in a sitemap ; - - Size no larger than 50MB ; User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 51 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap Specify whether to include products into XML sitemap. Set ‘Yes’ to include product images into XML sitemap. Specify priority to tell Google which pages are the most important on your site. Specify how often content on product pages are being updated. Set ‘Yes’ to include the date when the page was last modified. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 52 Specify similar settings for category pages by analogy with product pages settings. 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 53 To view archived orders please go to Sales -> Archive Orders 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap Specify pages priority and update frequency . Set ‘Yes’ to include the date when the page was last modified. Specify pages that should be excluded from your XML Google sitemap. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 54 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap Specify whether to include tags into XML sitemap. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 55 20. Google Sitemap: Edit Sitemap Set to ‘Yes’ if you want to include some extra links into sitemap. Specify pages priority as well as how often the pages are being updated. Specify the particular extra links that should be included into your XML sitemap. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 56 21. Unique Product URL: General Settings Please go to admin panel -> System -> Configuration -> SEO Single URL to manage the extension settings. If one an the same product is placed in multiple categories you can choose a unique URL for such a product to avoid duplicate content. Please choose the longest or the shortest category path in product URL. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 57 21. Unique Product URL: General Settings For example, the product Apple McBook Pro is added to 3 categories and we’ve chosen the Longest Path to apply. It means that the longest path: ElectronicsComputers-Laptops-Product Name will be displayed in the product URL no matter from which category or section the customer will access it. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 58 22. Unique Product URL: Frontend Example Here you can see the example of the unique URL for the product in multiple categories. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 59 23. SEO-friendly Filter URLs: Settings Specify any parameter you need to tell Google to exclude pages with such a parameter from indexation. NOTE: Don’t forget to specify the same parameter in Google Webmaster Tool. Specify ‘-’ or ‘_’ to replace special characters for filter results page URLs. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 60 24. SEO-friendly Filter URLs: Example This is the example of a clear SEO-friendly URL for a filter-by-attribute page. User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 61 Thank you! Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at: Your feedback is absolutely welcome! User Guide: SEO Toolkit Support: Page 60