HTML Toolkit - Mitel Edocs

HTML Application Uploader User Guide
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Mitel HTML Toolkit
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Release 2.2
September 2010
®,™ Trademark of Mitel Networks Corporation
© Copyright 2010, Mitel Networks Corporation
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 1
USING THE UPLOADER .......................................................................................... 2
Main Form............................................................................................................................ 2
Purpose of the Form ............................................................................................................ 3
Parts of the Main Form ........................................................................................................ 3
The Menus ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Selecting the Group or Switch to Upload To................................................................................... 4
Selecting File(s) to be Uploaded ..................................................................................................... 4
Updating the List of Files ............................................................................................................. 5
The Clear Selections Button ........................................................................................................... 5
The Upload Button .......................................................................................................................... 6
The Display Target Files button ...................................................................................................... 6
The HTML App Upgrade button ...................................................................................................... 7
The Status/Messages Area............................................................................................................. 7
Previously Used Files and Groups ...................................................................................... 7
UPLOADING A FILE ................................................................................................. 8
Purpose of the Form ............................................................................................................ 8
Parts of the Form ................................................................................................................. 8
Using the Form .................................................................................................................... 9
The Connectivity Test...................................................................................................................... 9
Uploading the File ........................................................................................................................... 9
Protection against overwriting R1 apps ........................................................................................ 11
VIEWING AND DELETING HTML APPLICATION FILES ...................................... 12
THE HTML APP UPGRADE COMMAND................................................................ 16
MANAGING SWITCHES AND GROUPS ................................................................ 20
Purpose of the Form .......................................................................................................... 20
Groups and Switches......................................................................................................... 20
Overview of Using the Groups and Switches Form ........................................................... 21
Introduction to Using the Group and Switch Management form ........................................ 21
Creating a Group........................................................................................................................... 21
Creating a Switch .......................................................................................................................... 24
Copying ......................................................................................................................................... 25
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Various Parts of the Form.................................................................................................. 28
Summary Part (the top of the form) ...............................................................................................28
Displaying Groups or Switches ................................................................................................. 29
Show Details / Hide Details button............................................................................................ 29
Add a new group / Add a new switch button............................................................................. 29
Exit button ................................................................................................................................. 29
List of Groups for a switch or Switches for a Group ................................................................. 30
Detail Information...........................................................................................................................31
Detail Information for a Group. ......................................................................................................31
Detail Information for a Switch.......................................................................................................32
Usernames and Passwords ...................................................................................................... 33
Passive Ftp................................................................................................................................ 34
Other Operations ...........................................................................................................................34
Deleting a Switch....................................................................................................................... 34
Deleting a Group ....................................................................................................................... 34
Saving and Restoring Data ....................................................................................................... 35
Exit the Form ............................................................................................................................. 35
COMMAND LINE MODE ......................................................................................... 36
Syntax:............................................................................................................................... 36
Specification of files .......................................................................................................................36
Examples: .......................................................................................................................... 37
Return Codes..................................................................................................................... 37
Restrictions ........................................................................................................................ 38
TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................. 39
Errors when Uploading ...................................................................................................... 39
Unknown host ................................................................................................................................39
Cannot connect to switch...............................................................................................................39
Invalid Username or Password......................................................................................................39
Failed to get the one-time Userid/Password ............................................................................. 39
Table of Contents
Figure 1 - HTML App Uploader Form..................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 - Attempting to exit while an upload is in progress................................................................... 3
Figure 3 - Selecting a target ................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4 - Selecting a group from the list of groups ............................................................................... 4
Figure 5 - The file selection area............................................................................................................ 4
Figure 6 - The file chooser window to add new files to the list............................................................... 5
Figure 7 - The Upload button ................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 8 - Attempting to upload to an empty group................................................................................ 6
Figure 9 - The Display Target Files button ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 10 - The HTML App Upgrade button........................................................................................... 7
Figure 11 - The Uploading Form ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 12 - An upload in progress ........................................................................................................ 10
Figure 13 - A successful upload ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 14 - An upload that has errors................................................................................................... 11
Figure 15 - An R1 app cannot be overwritten ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 16 - The DisplayTarget Files button .......................................................................................... 12
Figure 17 - The “Manage Remote Files” window ................................................................................. 12
Figure 18 - The file list window(no files selected) ................................................................................ 13
Figure 19 - The file list window (with some files selected) ................................................................... 14
Figure 20 - The “Manage Remote Files” window after files have been deleted .................................. 15
Figure 21 - Messages while trying to delete files ................................................................................. 15
Figure 22 - The Abort button is available evrn though there is an hourglass cursor ........................... 16
Figure 23 - The HTML App Upgrade button......................................................................................... 16
Figure 24 - The App Upgrade window.................................................................................................. 17
Figure 25 - The HTML App Upgrade command in progress................................................................ 18
Figure 26 - All switches have been processed..................................................................................... 18
Figure 27 - Errors during viewing target files ....................................................................................... 19
Figure 28 - Group and Switch Management Form............................................................................... 20
Figure 29 - Switching between displaying groups and switches.......................................................... 21
Figure 30 - Adding a new group ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 31 - The form when adding a new group .................................................................................. 22
Figure 32 - Adding a group................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 33 - The summary part shows the new group........................................................................... 23
Figure 34 - Changing from displaying groups to displaying switches .................................................. 24
Figure 35 - Creating a new switch........................................................................................................ 24
Figure 36 - Selecting a group for this switch ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 37 - The new switch now appears in the summary part of the form ......................................... 25
Figure 38 - The “Copying” menu item .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 39 - Copying a switch ................................................................................................................ 26
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Figure 40 - Copying a switch – just before saving ............................................................................... 27
Figure 41 - The new switch appears in the summary information part of the form ............................. 27
Figure 42 - Copying a switch that was in a group means the new switch is in that group .................. 28
Figure 43 - Dragging the divider line allows changing the ratio of space for summary and detail
information ......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 44 - The summary part of the form ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 45 - Sometimes the radio button is disabled (greyed out)........................................................ 29
Figure 46 - Switches are not sorted initially ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 47 - Switch names sorted in ascending order .......................................................................... 30
Figure 48 - Switch names sorted in descending order ........................................................................ 30
Figure 49 - Detail information for a group ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 50 - Confirmation of deleting a switch ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 51 - Confirmation of deleting a group ....................................................................................... 34
Figure 52 - The saving and restoring data menu items ....................................................................... 35
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
The HTML Application Uploader is used to upload applications to one or more switches.
The HTML Application Uploader has two functions:
1. To maintain information about switches and groups of switches
2. To upload a package file to one of these switches or to all switches in a group. A
package file is a specially formatted file produced by the HTML Application Packager
tool - another component of the HTML Toolkit. (See the HTML Application Packager User
Guide for more details.)
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Using the Uploader
Main Form
When the program starts, the following form appears:
Figure 1 - HTML App Uploader Form
Table of Contents
Purpose of the Form
The HTML App Uploader form has three basic functions:
1. To define targets: switches and groups of switches
2. To select a file or files to upload and a target to upload them to.
3. To initiate the upload of the file(s) to that target.
Defining switches must be done before any uploading can be done. This information does
not have to be entered each time the program is run; it is saved, as is the list of files recently
used. Since the group and switch information changes infrequently, a typical use of the
program is to simply select a file and a group, and then initiate the uploading.
Parts of the Main Form
The main form consists of:
a menu area
an area to select the target (switches and groups of switches) and to maintain this list of
an area with actions to apply to the target (upload to it, view its files, issue the HTML
App Upgrade command on it)
a list of files to be uploaded
an area of messages
The Menus
The top of the form has two menus.
1. The File menu contains three items:
View current log to invoke an editor on the current log file.
View previous log to invoke an editor on the previous log file.
Exit to exit the program.
The Exit menu is not allowed while files are uploading. Attempting to exit the program
while an upload is present produces the warning “You must cancel the ftp or wait”.
Figure 2 - Attempting to exit while an upload is in progress
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
The Help menu contains two items:
User Manual shows the User Manual.
About displays the name and version of the program.
Selecting the Group or Switch to Upload To
The target selection area consists of
A radio button to select the type of target: a switch or a group of switches.
A drop down menu to select a particular switch or group.
A button labelled Edit.
Figure 3 - Selecting a target
Depending on whether a switch or a group has been selected by the radio button, pressing
the arrow button displays the list of switches or groups. Click on one to selected it.
Figure 4 - Selecting a group from the list of groups
Changing between group and switch mode clears any selected group or switch, and clears
any selected files.
Clicking on the Edit button launches a separate window to manage switch and group
information. This must be done before any files can be uploaded. This is described in
Section 0 “Managing Switches and Groups
Either a switch or a group must be selected before the Upload button is enabled.
Selecting File(s) to be Uploaded
Below the target selection area is a list of known files, a button to add new files to the list, a
button to remove files from the list, and a button to unselect files.
Figure 5 - The file selection area
Table of Contents
Before uploading can be done, at least one file must be selected from the list.
Clicking on a file selects it and de-selects any other files that were selected.
To select more than one file, press the control key and click on the filename. Controlclicking actually toggles that file from the selection, so to remove a selected file without
affecting the rest of the selection control-click on the line again.
A contiguous range can be selected by first clicking on one end of the range and then
pressing the Shift key while clicking on the other end of the desired range.
The selection is cleared when toggling between group and switch mode, and when data is
changed using the Managing Switches and Groups form. It can also be cleared with the
Clear Selections button.
Updating the List of Files
A file can be added to this list by clicking the Add a new file to the list button. This pops up a
“file chooser” window where one or more files can be selected. When its Open button is
clicked, the selected file(s) are added to the list. These newly chosen files are automatically
Figure 6 - The file chooser window to add new files to the list
Only filenames ending in .spx may be selected.
Files can be deleted from the list by selecting them and then pressing the Remove selected
file(s) from the list button. Note that this button is disabled if there isn’t a file selected.
The Clear Selections Button
This button de-selects any selected files.
The main use of this button ensures that no files are selected when a new switch or group is
chosen, so that the files previously associated with this switch or group are automatically reselected, as explained in section 0 “Previously Used Files and Groups”.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
The Upload Button
When a target and at least one file has been selected, then the Upload the Selected File
button is enabled.
Figure 7 - The Upload button
Clicking this button brings up a separate form to control the uploading. This is described in
Section 0 “Uploading a File”.
Attempting to upload to a group that is empty produces an error message.
Figure 8 - Attempting to upload to an empty group
The Display Target Files button
Figure 9 - The Display Target Files button
This is used to display files on the selected switch or group, and to be able to delete some of
them. This is described in chapter 0 “Viewing and Deleting HTML Application Files”.
Table of Contents
The HTML App Upgrade button
Figure 10 - The HTML App Upgrade button
This is used to issue the HTML App Upgrade command on the selected switch or group.
This is described in chapter 0, “The HTML App Upgrade command”.
The Status/Messages Area
At the bottom of the form is an area showing status information, warning and error messages
and other important information.
Error and warning messages that are displayed in the status area in the Uploader Form
(described in section 0 “Uploading a File”), the Manage Remote Files (section 0 “Viewing and
Deleting HTML Application Files”) and the HTML App Upgrade window (section 0 “The
HTML App Upgrade command”) also appear in this window.
Previously Used Files and Groups
When the Upload the selected file button is pressed, the program records the list of files
associated with the group or switch being uploaded to.
The next time that Switch or Group is selected, and there are no files currently selected,
those previously selected files are re-selected. (Any of those files that are not in the list are
put back into it.) If, however, any files were selected when a switch or group is selected, then
the selected files are left unchanged.
When the program starts, it attempts to set the current switch or group to the last one used
on an upload. Consequently, when the program starts some files may be initially selected.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Uploading a File
The Upload the selected file button in the main form (section 0) invokes the uploading form.
Purpose of the Form
The form is used to initiate an upload operation and to monitor its progress and to show its
Parts of the Form
Figure 11 - The Uploading Form
The summary information at the top of the form shows the group or switch being uploaded
to, the number of files, and the basenames of the files (or the first several of them if there are
There is a checkbox to issue the HTML App Upgrade command. If this is selected, then after
successfully transferring the files to each switch the upgrade command is done on that switch
before going on to the next switch in the list.
The list of the switches and the status of each is displayed next.
The next area displays status and error messages and two buttons. The values for the status
area are discussed below.
Table of Contents
The warnings and errors displayed in the status area are also copied to the status area on
the main window. This allows them to be visible after this upload form has disappeared or is
being used for a different file or group.
Using the Form
If the filenames, switch or group is not the desired one, the Exit button at the bottom can be
used to dismiss the form without starting any transfer.
Otherwise, the Upload button should be pressed to start uploading.
When this button is pressed, the Exit button is relabeled to Abort all ftp operations. This is
used if is necessary to cancel any upload operations that have been started. The status of all
the switches is set to Pending.
The Connectivity Test
Before uploading to a switch, a connectivity test is performed to check that the switch can be
If the switch cannot be reached, the status is changed to Error. If the switch can be reached
with a simple ping command but fails this connectivity test, it may be necessary to turn on
passive ftp mode for this switch; see section 0 “Passive Ftp”.
Uploading the File
If the connectivity test succeeded, the uploading begins. If the file already exists, it is
If the upload was successful, the status is changed to Done. If there were errors uploading
the file the status is changed to Error.
If there were any errors encountered, then a message displays in the status area of the form.
This may be helpful for troubleshooting.
When all of upload attempts have been completed (whether successful or not) the button
labelled Abort all ftp operations reverts being labeled Exit. Clicking it will dismiss the form.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Pressing Upload again will repeat the entire operation.
Figure 12 - An upload in progress
Figure 13 - A successful upload
Table of Contents
Figure 14 - An upload that has errors
Protection against overwriting R1 apps
The uploader only allows uploading, viewing and deleting R2 (or later) apps.
It also protects against overwriting an R1 app.
Figure 15 - An R1 app cannot be overwritten
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Viewing and Deleting HTML Application Files
When a switch or group has been selected, the Display Target Files button on the main form
is enabled.
Figure 16 - The DisplayTarget Files button
When that button is pressed, a form pops up showing the group or switch name, the list of
applicable switches along with a status for each.
Figure 17 - The “Manage Remote Files” window
If there is more than one switch in the list then one of them has to be selected (by clicking on
it) to enable the “Get Filelist” button. If there is only one switch in the list it is automatically
selected and the button is enabled.
Table of Contents
When the button is pressed an FTP connection is made to the selected switch to get the list
of files, and the switch’s status field in the Manage Remote Files window is set to “Retrieving
file list”. The mouse cursor for this window changes to an hourglass.
A new window pops up displaying the switch name, the group name if there was more than
one switch and the list of files in the html apps directory (/db/htmlapps/apps) for that
Note: There may be a noticeable delay before this form pops up because of the time to
establish an ftp connection to get the list of files.
Only regular files whose names end in “.spx” in that directory are displayed; subdirectories
are not shown. Files that are for R1 apps are also not shown.
The list is initially sorted by filenames. By clicking on the column headers it can be sorted by
name, size or date. Clicking again in the same header toggles the sort between ascending
and descending order.
Figure 18 - The file list window(no files selected)
To delete files first select them. Click anywhere on a line to select a single file. If the control
key is pressed when clicking, the current line is toggled: if it was not selected it now is
selected, if it was selected it is now cleared. This allows selecting multiple files. To select a
contiguous range of lines, click on the first of these then hold the shift key while clicking on
the last of them.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
If files are inadvertently selected, the Unselect all button can be used.
Figure 19 - The file list window (with some files selected)
When at least one of the files has been selected, the Delete selected file(s) button is enabled.
The label of the button is changed to reflect the number of files to be deleted. If this button is
pressed the selected files are deleted from this switch only.
If a group was selected and there was more than one switch in it, then the second button
“Delete on all switches in group” is also enabled. If this button is pressed the selected files
are deleted from all the switches in the group.
In either of the cases the window disappears and the “Manage Remote Files Window” shows
the status. If deleting on the entire group, then all the status fields are set to Pending, and as
deletions are done on a switch its status field is set to Deleting and then to Done.
Click the Close button if there are no files to be deleted.
When deleting a file on all the switches in a group, if there was a failure deleting on one
switch this does not stop it attempting to delete this file on other switches in the group.
Table of Contents
Figure 20 - The “Manage Remote Files” window after files have been deleted
If files are deleted, a summary per switch appears in the Manage Remote Files window.
If there are any errors, they also appear in the Messages area:
Figure 21 - Messages while trying to delete files
The mouse cursor now reverts from an hourglass to its normal shape.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
The Get Filelist button can be used again, possibly after selecting a different switch, to repeat
the process. The Exit button closes this form.
Although the Manage Remote Files window displays the hourglass cursor while a file view or
delete operation is happening, the Abort button is always available.
Figure 22 - The Abort button is available evrn though there is an hourglass cursor
This can be used to terminate the entire operation.
The HTML App Upgrade command
The HTML App Upgrade command must be issued on a switch for it to use the R2 apps
There are two ways of issuing this command in the uploader:
1. There is a checkbox button to run the command after uploading to a switch. This was
described in chapter 0 “Uploading a File”.
2. A button on the main form allows sending the command to a switch or a group of
Figure 23 - The HTML App Upgrade button
Table of Contents
When the HTML App Upgrade button on the main form is pressed, a new popup window
Figure 24 - The App Upgrade window
This shows the selected group or switch name, the list of switches, and a status for each.
Initially each status is blank.
When the Start button is pressed all the status fields are set to pending, and then the HTML
App Upgrade command is sent to each switch in the list.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Figure 25 - The HTML App Upgrade command in progress
When all the switches have been done a final “Finished” message appears in the Messages
Figure 26 - All switches have been processed
If any errors occurred, they are displayed in the Messages area too.
Table of Contents
Figure 27 - Errors during viewing target files
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Managing Switches and Groups
Groups and switches are defined by invoking the Edit button next to the group and file
selector in the main form. The following form is displayed:
Figure 28 - Group and Switch Management Form
Purpose of the Form
This form defines (and later modifies) switches and groups of switches.
The form can also make a backup file of this data (the groups and switches), and restore
data from this backup.
Groups and Switches
A switch is a Mitel 3300 ICP that is to receive an HTML app information in the form of a
package file.
Switches may be put into a group. This allows uploading files to many switches in one
operation. A switch can exist in more than one group.
Table of Contents
Overview of Using the Groups and Switches Form
The users decides the order of creating groups and switches. A group can be created first,
and then switches, and the add them to this group. Alternatively, one can create switches first
and then create a group that contains them.
The Group and Switch Management form can display information about groups and about
switches, and operates in two modes: Summary mode and Detail mode.
A radio button at the top of the form shows and controls whether it is displaying information
about groups or switches. Switching between summary and detail modes is described
The form starts up in Summary mode.
Introduction to Using the Group and Switch Management form
To explain how to use this form, we will perform the following steps:
create a group
add a switch to it
add a second switch to this group by copying
A more complete description of the form will follow.
Creating a Group
First, check that “Manage Groups” is selected; if not, click on the circle next to it.
Figure 29 - Switching between displaying groups and switches
Now, click the Add a new group button
Figure 30 - Adding a new group
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
The detail part of the form appears. Since this is a new group, it will be empty.
Figure 31 - The form when adding a new group
The name of the group must be entered; the comment and location fields are optional.
Hint: Because the comment appears in the detail part of the window and can be sorted,
information about similar groups allows these groups to appear together.
Notice that as soon as any data is entered, the appearance of the form changes in several
the background colour of the detail part changes (from light green to light red);
many of the buttons that were previously enabled are now disabled, including the radio
buttons to switch between groups and switches;
some buttons that were previously disabled are now enabled, such as the “Save
changes” and “Cancel Changes” buttons.
Table of Contents
Note that we cannot add a switch at this time because no switches have been defined yet.
The Add a Switch area is disabled in this particular example.
Figure 32 - Adding a group
After entering the data, click the Save changes button.
The detail part of the form disappears, and the summary part of the form (the top part) now
shows this new group.
Figure 33 - The summary part shows the new group
More groups can be added if desired.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Creating a Switch
Click in the circle next to Manage Switches; the form now changes to display information
about switches (instead of groups).
Note that some of the labels on the form have changed; for example, the button previously
labeled Add a new group is now labeled Add a new switch.
Figure 34 - Changing from displaying groups to displaying switches
Click the Add a new switch button. Again, the detail part of the form is filled in, but this time
with empty switch information.
Figure 35 - Creating a new switch
Enter a switch name and the userid and password for this switch. These three fields are
mandatory. The location and comment fields are optional. If passive ftp mode is required for
this switch (see 0 “Passive Ftp”), then click on the button.
Table of Contents
Because we have a group defined, the Add a group button is now enabled.
Clicking on the arrow shows the available groups; at the moment there is only one. Select it.
Figure 36 - Selecting a group for this switch
Now, click the Save Changes button. The form now reverts to summary mode (the detail part
disappears), and the new switch is shown in the summary part.
Figure 37 - The new switch now appears in the summary part of the form
We could add a second switch to this group in a similar manner. However, if this switch is
very similar to an existing switch an easier way is to “copy” this switch.
Both switches and groups can be copied. Switches are described here; the procedure for
copying a group is similar.
Copying a switch means to create a new switch that initially is the same as the original
To copy a switch, first select the original switch in the summary part of the form so that its
detail information is shown.
The Edit menu item contains two items that are now enabled; choose Copy Switch. (Note
that this menu item is only enabled when the form is in detail mode.)
Figure 38 - The “Copying” menu item
Click on “Copy Switch” menu item, and the form will show detailed information for the switch
being copied.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Figure 39 - Copying a switch
Notice that several of the labels in the form are different from before. The Save changes
button now displays Save copy, and the Cancel changes button displays Cancel copying, to
remind you that saving the data will create a new copy of the switch, rather than changing the
Now, change the information in the detail area for this switch. You must change the name
before saving a copied switch or group. For a switch, the address field should also be
changed. Other values (both fields and the list of groups this switch is part of) may be
changed if desired, or they can be left the same.
Table of Contents
In this example, the switch name and address are changed but the rest of the data remains
the same. In particular, because the original was part of group “group 1” (and we are not
changing this) the copy will also be a member of this group.
Figure 40 - Copying a switch – just before saving
Click the Save Copy button when done.
The form reverts to summary mode, and both switches are displayed.
Figure 41 - The new switch appears in the summary information part of the form
Now click on the Manage Groups button to cause the form to display information about
groups instead of switches.
Click on the line for the group “group 1” to show its detail; it will now show that it contains two
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Figure 42 - Copying a switch that was in a group means the new switch is in that group
Various Parts of the Form
The various parts of this form are now described in detail
The form always has a summary part at the top, and when it is showing details has a detail
part at the bottom.
Between these two parts is a divider line. This can be dragged up or down with the mouse to
change the ratio of how much of the window is displaying the summary information and how
much is displaying the detail information.
Figure 43 - Dragging the divider line allows changing the ratio of space for summary and
detail information
Summary Part (the top of the form)
This part of the form is always visible when the form is being displayed.
Figure 44 - The summary part of the form
It contains three menus: a radio button to switch between groups and switches; three
buttons; and a list showing all the groups or all the switches.
Table of Contents
Displaying Groups or Switches
At the top is the radio button that shows whether groups or switches are being displayed.
Whether the form starts out displaying switches or groups depends:
1. If the form was previously been displayed (and since closed) it reverts to the previous
2. Otherwise, it reflects whether on the main form groups or switches are being uploaded
If the buttons are enabled they allow switching between showing groups and switches. It is
disabled (it appears as “greyed out”) when the form is in detail mode and there have been
changes to the current group or switch.
Figure 45 - Sometimes the radio button is disabled (greyed out)
In such a case the changes must be saved or cancelled before one can switch between
displaying group and switch information.
Underneath this are three buttons.
One is labeled either Show Details or Hide Details; one is labeled either Add a new switch or
Add a new group, and one is labeled Exit.
Show Details / Hide Details button.
If the form is in summary mode this button is labeled Show Details; if the form is in detail
mode this button is labeled Hide Details.
The Show Details button is only enabled when one of the entries below it is selected (for
example, using the up and down arrow keys). Pressing the Show Details button is one way to
enter detail mode. (Another is to click on the entry.)
The Hide Details button causes the form to enter summary mode. This button is disabled if
there are any unsaved changes.
Add a new group / Add a new switch button
The Add a new group or Add a new switch button is used to create a new group or switch.
When pressed, the form will change to detail mode with empty fields for all the values. This
button is disabled when changes have been made in detail mode and when copying.
Exit button
The Exit button is used to exit the form. If there are any unsaved changes, a dialog box
appears indicating that the changes must either be accepted (saved) or discarded.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
List of Groups for a switch or Switches for a Group
The rest of the summary part shows the list of all the groups or all the switches. There is one
line for each group or switch. If there are more groups or switches than will fit in the area
then a scroll bar is displayed.
When the form is in summary mode, clicking on a line will enter detail mode for that group or
switch. If there are no unsaved changes, then clicking again on the same line will revert to
summary mode, while clicking on a different line causes the form to stay in detail mode but to
display information for the newly selected group or switch.
The order of the entries being displayed can be changed by clicking on the title for that
column. The first time this title is clicked the column is sorted in ascending order (and a little
triangle appears pointing upwards), the next click changes the sort to descending order (and
a little triangle appears pointing downwards).
For example, if the switches initially appear in the order they were created, like this:
Figure 46 - Switches are not sorted initially
… then clicking on switch name column sorts the list by the switch name in ascending order …
Figure 47 - Switch names sorted in ascending order
… and if the same title is clicked again that column is now sorted in descending order:
Figure 48 - Switch names sorted in descending order
Table of Contents
Detail Information
When the form is in detail mode, it is split into two parts.
The top part shows summary information (as before); the bottom part shows detail
information for the selected group or switch. What shows in the detail part depends on
whether a group or switch is being displayed.
Detail Information for a Group.
Figure 49 - Detail information for a group
This shows the name of the group, its location and a comment. The group name is
mandatory; the location and comment are optional.
Any of these three fields may be changed.
Normally, changing the Group name field means that the group is being renamed. When the
changes are saved the old group name will not be available. However, while the detail for
the group is being displayed the Copy Group menu item in the Edit Menu is enabled.
Selecting this entry means that the original group will be unchanged and the values in the
detail part will be saved as a new group. This of course means that the group name must be
changed. This is described in section 0 “Copying”.
At the bottom of the form are the switches currently in the group being displayed.
If there are any switches defined that are not in that group then the Add a switch area is
enabled. Clicking the arrow displays a list of available switches; clicking on any adds them
to this group. Conversely, if any lines of the switch are selected then the Delete selected
switch(es) button is enabled; clicking on it will remove the switches from that group. (The
switch information itself is not changed.)
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
At the bottom are two buttons. Initially they are labeled Save Changes and Cancel Changes
and they are both disabled because there are no changes. As soon as any change is made
on the form, then the background colour of the form changes and the buttons are enabled.
If the group is being copied, then these two buttons are labeled Save copy and Cancel
copying. The Cancel copying button is enabled immediately.
If no changes have been made, then:
the form can be reverted to summary mode by pressing the Hide Details button (in the
summary part of the form)
the form can be reverted to summary mode by clicking on the line in the summary part for
the group being displayed
the form can remain in detail mode but display a different group by clicking on a different
line in the summary part
the form can be reverted to summary mode for switches by pressing the Manage
Switches radio button
detail information for one of the switches listed for that group can be shown by “double
clicking” on one of the switches listed in the Switches for group area.
Pressing the Save Changes will attempt to save the changes made. If this cannot be done
(for example, if the group name were changed to the name of an existing group) a popup
window will appear and the information will remain in the form. Otherwise, the form will revert
to summary mode.
Detail Information for a Switch
A switch contains a name, a username and password, and may contain a comment and a
location, an indication of whether passive ftp is required, and a list of groups this switch is
part of.
Any of these fields may be changed.
Normally, changing the “Switch name” field means that the switch is being renamed. When
the changes are saved the old switch name will not be available. However, once the detail
for the switch is being displayed the Copy Switch menu item in the Edit Menu is enabled.
Selecting this entry means that the original switch is unchanged and the values in the detail
part will be saved as a new switch. This of course means that the switch name must be
The bottom of the form displays the groups that the switch is part of..
If there are any groups defined that do not currently contain the switch being displayed, then
the Add a group area is enabled. Clicking the arrow displays a list of available groups;
clicking on any adds this switch to that group. Conversely, if any lines of the group are
selected then the Delete selected group(s) button is enabled; clicking on it will remove this
switch from those group(s).
Table of Contents
At the bottom are two buttons. Initially they are labeled Save Changes and Cancel Changes
and they are both disabled because there are no changes. As soon as any change is made
on the form, then the background colour of the form changes and the buttons are enabled.
If the switch is being copied, then these two buttons are labelled Save copy and Cancel
copying. The Cancel copying button is enabled immediately.
If no changes to any of the data have been made, then:
the form can be reverted to summary mode by pressing the "Hide Details" button (in the
summary part of the form)
the form can be reverted to summary mode by clicking on the line in the summary part for
the switch being displayed
the form can remain in detail mode but display a different switch by clicking on a different
line in the summary part
the form can be reverted to summary mode for groups by pressing the Manage Groups
radio button
detail information for one of the groups listed for that switch can be shown by “double
clicking” on one of the groups listed in the Groups for switch area.
Pressing the Save Changes will attempt to save the changes made. If this cannot be done
(for example, if the switch name were changed to the name of an existing switch) a popup
window will appear and the information will remain in the form. Otherwise, the form will revert
to summary mode.
A change to the data in this form may invalidate selected fields on the main form. So a
“save” operation in this form clears any selected group of switch, clears any selected files
and disables the “Upload the selected file” button on the main form
Usernames and Passwords
The switch data contain the real Userid and Password for the switch.
The userid must be a user that has System Admin access for that switch
The password is not displayed in the form, instead stars are displayed.
When the password is entered or changed, a popup dialong box asks for confirmation of the
password (because it is not shown on the form).
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Passive Ftp
The Passive ftp? box is normally left unchecked meaning that passive mode is not enabled.
It may be required to enable passive mode if the computer running this program is behind a
firewall or a router with NAT (Network Address Translation) turned on.
If the connectivity test (see section 0 “The Connectivity Test”) fails, try activating passive
Other Operations
From the summary part of the form other operations are possible.
Deleting a Switch
To delete a switch, select it and show its details. Confirm that this is the intended switch to
delete, then select the “Delete Switch” from the Edit menu.
A confirmation popup window will appear.
Figure 50 - Confirmation of deleting a switch
Click the Yes button if you are sure.
Deleting a Group
To delete a group, select it and show its details. Confirm that this is the intended group to
delete, then select the “Delete Group” from the Edit pull down menu.
A confirmation popup window will appear.
Figure 51 - Confirmation of deleting a group
Click the Yes button if you are sure.
Table of Contents
Saving and Restoring Data
The File menu contains two items to save and restore the data:
Figure 52 - The saving and restoring data menu items
The data can be saved (backed up) in a file and then later restored. This can be useful
To prevent against accidentally destroying the data (entering a bad change)
To recover from media damage (disk crash) or file system corruption
To move the data from one computer to another.
The data being saved consists of
The switches
The groups
The list of package files
When data is restored, it is added to any existing data.
Exit the Form
When all the changes have been made, the form can be exited either by clicking on the Exit
button at the top of the form, or selecting the Exit menu item from the File menu. The list of
available groups on the main form will be updated if any changes to groups have been made
in this form.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
Command Line Mode
Command line mode is entered when the uploader is invoked with at least one option. This
is not an interactive mode; there is no scripting language for example. Instead, all user input
is done with command line options.
The syntax is HtmlAppUploader [options]
Where options are one or more of the following:
Issue the HTMLAPPUPGRADE command after uploading files specified
with the -f option.
-f file...
Specifies one or more files. This option is required unless either the -a
or -h options are given.
Displays a brief help usage. No other option is allowed with this option.
Use passive mode ftp (the default is active mode)
-l logfile
Specifies a log file. If omitted, output is to stdout.
-p name
Specifies the password for the ftp request. This is required.
-s name
Specifies the switch. This must be specified and can be an IP address
or DNS name.
-t val
Specifies a timeout in seconds. This is optional; if omitted there is no
-u name
Specifies the username for the ftp request. This is required.
Specification of files
Files can be specified with the -f option. Alternatively, a text file (new line delimited) can be
created containing a list of filenames, and this text file may be specified prefixed with an atsign ('@') e.g. -f @filelist.txt
This text file must contain only one file per line. Leading and trailing white spaces on each
line are removed.
Table of Contents
Assume the file C:\temp\filelist.txt contains the following 3 lines:
c:\users\fred\app two\test.spx
In the following examples, each command line is one long line (it probably would be in a .bat
file) and is written here as shorter lines with a \ character.
HtmlAppUploader -u myuser -p mypassword \
-f c:\users\fred\app-one\stuff.spx \
"c:\users\fred\app two\test.spx" \
c:\users\fred\app-three\abc.spx -s
HtmlAppUploader -u myuser -p mypassword \
-f @c:\temp\filelist.txt -s
HtmlAppUploader -u myuser -p mypassword -s
-i -f c:\temp\packages\special.spx \
"C:\temp\packages\special demo\test1.spx" -t 120 -a
Here the switch is behind a firewall, so passive ftp is used (the -i option) and a timeout value
is used.
HtmlAppUploader -u myuser -p mypassword -s \ -i -f @files.txt –a –t
Return Codes
All files successfully transferred to all switches.
There was a command line syntax error. No uploads were attempted.
There was a command line error. At least one file did not exist; or the switch was not a
valid name or address. No uploads were attempted.
Some uploads were attempted, but at least one file failed to be transferred.
A timeout occurred before all files were transferred and the HTMLAPPUPGRADE
command issued if applicable.
HTML Application Uploader User Guide
If the -h option is specified, no other options are allowed.
The -a option may be used with or without files (the -f option):
If no files are specified, the HTMLAPPUPGRADE command is performed on the switch
If files are specified, then the files are uploaded first, and only if all are successfully
uploaded is the command issued.
A switch must always be specified unless the -h option is given.
Filenames that contain spaces must either be quoted if specified directly on the command
line, or put in a text file using the @file syntax. Quotes should not be used on filenames in a
@file (unless the filename actually has quotes).
Filenames must end in “.spx”.
Files that exist on the target as R1 application files cannot be uploaded.
Table of Contents
Most of the error messages are self-explanatory.
Some of the more common messages and their probable causes are listed here.
Errors when Uploading
In most cases there will be multiple lines, with the first line being of the form
Unable to upload to switch “name” (ip-address)
Unknown host
The switch name could not be resolved to an IP address.
The switch could not be reached. This could be because the switch address is incorrect.
Perhaps the switch is not running, perhaps there is a problem on the network.
Cannot connect to switch
The switch appears to be active but is not responding to FTP requests. Probably this is
because the switch address is not for a valid ICP3300.
Invalid Username or Password
The userid or password is not correct for the switch; or the user is not a user that has System
Admin privilege.
Failed to get the one-time Userid/Password
The switch could be connected to, but the one time userid/password failed. This could
happen if the switch were rebooting when the upload were attempted. It could also happen if
the host address is not actually an ICP3300.