Linear (and nonlinear) wave propagation in fluids Christophe Bailly Université de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon & LMFA - UMR CNRS 5509 1 x General outline of the course q Models for linear wave propagation in fluids – Introduction, surface gravity waves, internal waves, acoustic waves, waves in rotating flows, ... – longitudinal and transverse waves, dispersion relation, phase velocity, group velocity Theories for linear wave propagation – Fourier integral solution, asymptotic behaviour (stationary phase) – Propagation of energy, ray theory (high-frequency approximation for inhomogeneous medium) Introduction to nonlinear wave propagation – Euler equations, N-waves, Weak shocks, Burgers – Solitary waves (Korteweg - de Vries) 2 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x General outline of the course q Schedule monday 14/12/2015 friday 18/12/2015 monday 04/01/2016 friday 08/01/2016 monday 11/01/2016 friday 15/01/2016 monday 18/01/2016 thursday 21/01/2016 CM1 & TD1 TD2 (2h homework) CM2 & TD3 TD4 (2h homework) CM3 & TD5 (2h homework) CM4 CM5 & TD6 Examen (8h00-10h15, room 105) Laptop required for small classes ! 3 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Wave propagation in fluids q Textbooks Guyon, E., Hulin, J.P. & Petit, L., 2001, Hydrodynamique physique, EDP Sciences / Editions du CNRS, Paris Meudon. Lighthill, J., 1978, Waves in fluids, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Johnson, R. H., 1997, A modern introduction to the mathematical theory of water waves, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Morse, P.M. & Ingard, K.U., 1986, Theoretical acoustics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Ockendon, H. & Ockendon, J. R., 2000, Waves and compressible flow, Springer-Verlag, New York, New-York. Pierce, A.D., 1994, Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, third edition. Rayleigh, J. W. S., 1877, The theory of sound, Dover Publications, New York, 2nd edition (1945), New-York. Temkin, S., 2001, Elements of acoustics, Acoustical Society of America through the American Institute of Physics. Thual, O., 2005, Des ondes et des fluides, Cépaduès-éditions, Toulouse. Whitham, G.B., 1974, Linear and nonlinear waves, Wiley-Interscience, New-York. 4 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 Waves in Fluids : models for linear wave propagation 5 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Linear dispersive waves q Introduction Acoustic waves (in a homogeneous medium at rest), hyperbolic wave equation 2 ′ ∂ 2 p′ 2 ∂ p − c∞ 2 = 0 2 ∂t ∂x1 General one dimensional solution p′(x1, t) = pl(x1 + c∞t) + pr (x1 − c∞t) known as d’Alembert’s solution vϕ Dispersion relation For a plane wave (Fourier component) ∼ ei(k1x1−ωt) ω = ±c∞k1 non dispersive waves pr ∼ eik1(x1−c∞t) phase velocity vφ = ω/k1 = c∞ 6 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x1 x Linear dispersive waves q Introduction 1-D dispersive waves η(x1, t) = Aei(k1x1−ωt) = Aeik1(x1−vφ t) with ω = ω(k1) The phase speed vφ = ω(k1)/k1 is not constant and depends on k1 ω = ω(k1) or D (k1, ω) = 0 dispersion relation, obtained by requiring the plane waves to be solution of the linearized equations of motion. The general solution is a superposition of modes ∝ ei(k1x1−ωt) through a Fourier integral : wave packet characterized by a group velocity vg = ∂ω/∂k1 vg x1 7 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q Body moving steadily in deep water USS John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier and accompanying destroyers Ducks swimming across a lake Kelvin’s angle of the wake 2α = 2asin(1/3) ≃ 39 deg ! 8 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q Formulation pa h ζ(x1, x2, t) x3 U∞ x1 Flow velocity u = (u1, u2, u3), potential flow u = ∇φ incompressibility ∇ · u = 0, Laplace’s equation ∇2φ = 0 Bernouilli’s equation for potential flows ∂φ 1 + ρ∇φ · ∇φ + ρgx3 + p = cte ρ ∂t 2 Boundary conditions ∂φ = 0 on x3 = −h (impermeable wall) u3 = ∂x3 and free boundary problem on x3 = ζ(x1, x2, t) 9 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 (1) x Surface gravity waves q Surface tension which introduces a pressure difference across a curved surface Surface tension prevents the paper clip (denser than water) from submerging. 10 Capillary waves (ripples – short waves λ ≤ 2 cm) produced by a dropplet of wine ! Courtesy of Olivier Marsden (2010) Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q Surface tension Work δWt needed to increase the surface area of a mass of liquid by an amount dS, δWt = γt dS (surface tension γt in J.m−2 = N.m−1) Total energy variation δW δW = −pw dVw − padVa + γt dS 3 2 dVw = d(4πr /3) = 4πr dr 2 dS = d(4πr ) = 8πrdr dVa = −dVw 2γt balance δW = 0 =⇒ pw − pa = r γt air-water ≃ 0.0728 N.m−1 ( 20oC) r = 1 mm, ∆p/pa ≃ 0.14% 11 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 dr r water drop air, pa x Surface gravity waves q Young-Laplace equation (1805) pa − p = γt Cf where Cf = −∇ · n→a is the mean curvature in fluid mechanics (the curvature is positive if the surface curves "towards" the normal, convex) 1 ∂(r 2 × 1) 2 = ∇·n= 2 r ∂r r 1-D interface ζ(x1) pa ζ(x1) p > pa pa − p = γt Cf Cf = 12 ζ x1 x 1 1+ for the water drop with n = er 2-D interface ζ(x1, x2) (1 + ζx22 )ζx1x1 + (1 + ζx21 )ζx2x2 − 2ζx1 ζx2 ζx1x2 Cf = (1 + ζx21 + ζx22 )3/2 ≃ ζ x1 x1 + ζ x2 x2 by linearization 3/2 2 ζ x1 ζx1 ≡ ∂ζ/∂x1, ... Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q Formulation in incompressible flow : free boundary problem (Kelvin, 1871) Kinematic condition for the surface deformation ζ, interface defined by f ≡ ζ(x1, x2, t) − x3 = 0 Fluid particles on the boundary always remain part on this free surface (the free surface moves with the fluid), that is df/dt = 0 df =0 dt =⇒ ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ + u2 − u3 = 0 + u1 ∂t ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ + u1 + u2 u3 = ∂t ∂x1 ∂x2 dζ(x1, x2, t) = u3(x1, x2, ζ, t) dt 13 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 (2) x Surface gravity waves q Formulation in incompressible flow : free boundary problem Kinematic condition for the surface deformation ζ, Eqs (1) - (2) ∂φ 1 ρ ∂t + 2 ρ∇φ · ∇φ + ρgζ + pa − γt Cf = pa on x3 = ζ(x1, x2, t) ∂ζ ∂φ ∂ζ ∂φ ∂ζ ∂φ = + + ∂x3 ∂t ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 Linearization, velocity potential φ = U∞x1 + φ′, 2 2 ′ ′ ∂ ζ ∂φ ∂ ζ ∂φ + 2 =0 ρ ∂t + ρU∞ ∂x + ρgζ − γt 2 ∂x1 ∂x2 1 ∂φ′ ∂ζ ∂ζ = + U∞ ∂x3 ∂t ∂x1 on x3 = 0 Wave equation obtained by applying D/Dt to eliminate ζ 2 2 ′ γt ∂ ζ ∂ ζ ∂ ∂ D Dφ D + gζ − ≡ + U = 0 + ∞ Dt Dt ρ ∂x12 ∂x22 Dt ∂t ∂x1 14 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q In summary : 2-D surface waves ∇2φ′ = 0 ∂φ′ = 0 on x3 = −h (bottom) ∂x3 ′ 2 2 2 ′ ′ ∂ ∂φ γt ∂ D φ ∂φ + − = 0 on x3 = 0 (surface) + g 2 2 2 Dt ∂x3 ρ ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 « Phare des Baleines » (Lighthouse of the Whales, by Vauban in 1682) Photography taken by Michel Griffon cross sea : two wave systems traveling at oblique angles 15 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 (3) (4) (5) x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves Let us try to find a normal mode solution in Eq. (1), of the form φ′ = ψ(x3)ei(k1x1+k2x2−ωt) q 2 d ψ 2 2 2 2 ∇2φ′ = 0 =⇒ k + k − (k + k )ψ = 0 k ≡ 1 2 1 2 dx32 – Waves on deep water (λ ≪ h, also kh → ∞) With Eq. (2), ψ(x3) = A0ekx3 , dispersion relation with Eq. (3) γt 3 2 −(k1U∞ − ω) + gk + k = 0 ρ – Waves on water of a finite depth h With Eq. (2), ψ(x3) = A0 cosh[k(x3 + h)], dispersion relation with Eq. (3) γt −(k1U∞ − ω)2 + gk + k 3 tanh(kh) = 0 ρ 16 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves (Kelvin, 1871) with U∞ = 0, no running stream to simplify the discussion 2 ω = γt 2 1+ k gk tanh(kh) ρg Capillary waves r γt lc ≡ ≃ 2.7 mm ρg dispersive waves capillary length (air-water interface) klc = 1 =⇒ λ = 2πlc ≃ 1.7 cm Only important for short waves (‘ripples’) 2 2 λ ≥ lc , kh ≫ 1 ω ≃ 1 + (klc ) gk 2 1/2 Phase velocity vφ = (glc )/(klc ) 1 + (klc ) p and minimum reached for klc = 1, vφ = 2glc ≃ 0.23 m.s−1 17 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves 2 2 ω = 1 + (klc ) gk tanh(kh) 2 gh = 1 + (klc ) tanh(kh) kh deep water (klc ≪ 1) λ ≪ h, kh → ∞ shallow water (klc ≪ 1) ω2 = gk tanh(kh) capillary waves (klc ≥ 1) 18 vφ2 ω2 = gk vφ2 = g/k vg = vφ /2 vφ2 = g/k tanh(kh) 2 2 ω = 1 + (klc ) gk tanh(kh) 2 2 vφ = 1 + (klc ) g/k tanh(kh) Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves 10 deep water p vϕ = g/k vϕ (m/s) 8 6 shallow p water vϕ = (g/k) tanh(kh) 4 2 capillary waves gravity waves 0 −1 10 19 (h = 2.7 m) 10 klc = 1 0 1 10 10 k (1/m) 2 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 10 3 10 4 x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves For long waves (λ ≫ lc ), relation obtained by Lagrange ω2 ≃ gk tanh(kh) p ω ≃ gk in deep water (kh → ∞) p vφ ≃ g/k, vg = vφ /2 Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736–1813) −1 T = 8 s, λ = 100 m, vφ ≃ 12.5 m.s (propagation of crests) 0 −h −4h −2h 0 2h Snapshot of the solution obtained for λ = 2h 20 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 4h x Surface gravity waves q Wave refraction Alignment of wave crests arriving near the shore In deep water, p p ω0 = gk vφ = g/k Near the coast, h ց ω02 = gk tanh(kh) =⇒ λ, vφ ց Reduction of both the wavelength and the wave speed near coasts by shallow-water effects for h = 10 m, λ ≃ 70.9 m, vφ = 8.9 m.s−1 for h = 1 m, λ ≃ 24.8 m, vφ = 3.1 m.s−1 21 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q Wave refraction and diffraction Aerial photo of an area near Kiberg on the coast of Finnmark in Norway (taken 12 June 1976 by Fjellanger Widerøe A.S.) 22 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Surface gravity waves q The dispersion relation for surface waves on a running stream (k1U∞ − ω)2 = gk tanh(kh), stationnary waves ω → 0 2-D case (x1, x3), k3 = k = k1 tanh(kh) = gh kh 2 Only solutions for U∞ ≤ gh, Froude number U∞ Fr = p < 1, subcritical flow gh 3-D case, k3 = k = q 0.8 tanh(ξ)/ξ 2 U∞ 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 4 6 8 10 ξ k12 + k22 2 2 U∞ k1 = gk tanh(kh) 2 h → 0, (U∞ − gh)k12 = ghk22, only solutions for Fr > 1, supercritical flow (analogous to supersonic flow) 23 2 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 William Froude (1810 – 1879) x Internal gravity waves q Atmospheric internal gravity waves off Australia (taken by Terra Satellite on Nov. 2003 - NASA) 24 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) Stratified medium at rest, ρ0(x3), p0(x3) satisfying the hydrostatic equation dp0 = −ρ0g dx3 Fluid particle moving from altitude x3 to x3 + δx3 x3 + δx3 x3 pp ? ρp ? The pressure of the fluid particle at x3 + δx3 is pp = p0(x3 + δx3) ≃ p0(x3) − ρ0(x3)gδx3 pp = p0(x3) ρp = ρ0(x3) Assuming a reversible (adiabatic) process, the density of the particle at x3 + δx3 is ρp(x3 + δx3) pp(x3 + δx3) 1/γ ρ0gδx3 = ≃ 1− ρp(x3) pp(x3) γp0 g δx3 =⇒ ρp(x3 + dx3) ≃ ρ0(x3) − ρ0(x3) 2 c0 (x3) 25 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) To observe wave propagation (oscillations : restoring force from the principle of Archimedes), the density of the surrounding fluid at x3 + δx3 must be smaller than the density of the fluid particle, ρ0(x3 + δx3) < ρp(x3 + δx3). And thus, dρ0 g δx3 (x3)δx3 < ρ0(x3) − ρ0(x3) 2 ρ0(x3) + dx3 c0 (x3) − dρ0 g − ρ0 2 ≥ 0 dx3 c0 The restoring gravitational force per unit volume may be written ρ0N 2δx3 where N(x3) has the dimension of a frequency, known as the Väisälä-Brunt frequency g dρ0 g2 N =− − 2 ρ0 dx3 c0 2 Very low frequency – in the atmosphere, typically T = 2π/N ∼ 102 s 26 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) Stratified fluid at rest ρ0(x3), incompressible perturbations Linearized Euler equations ∇ · u′ = 0 ∂ρ′ + u′ · ∇ρ0 = 0 ∂t ∂u′ ρ0 = −∇p′ + ρ′g ∂t By cross-differentiation to eliminate ρ′, p′, u′1 and u′2, the following equation can be derived for u′3 2 3 ′ N ∂2 2 ′ ∂ u3 2 2 ′ 0 ∇ u3 = N0 ∇⊥u3 − ∂t 2 g ∂t 2∂x3 where ∇2⊥ ≡ ∂2x1x1 + ∂2x2x2 and N02 is the approximation of N 2 for incompressible perturbations, N02(x3) 27 g dρ0 g2 − 2 =− ρ0 dx3 c0 (c0 → ∞) Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) Dispersion relation, by assuming that N0 ≃ cte (e.g. an isothermal atmosphere) to find plane wave solutions w ′ = Aw ei(k·x−ωt) 2 2 ω k = N02k⊥2 N02 + iω k3 g 2 k⊥2 ≡ k12 + k22 In many interesting situations, kL ≫ 1, and N02 g dρ0 g ∼ =− ρ0 dx3 L and the dispersion relation is then approximated by k⊥ 2 2 2 2 ω k ≃ N0 k⊥ or ω = N0 k Waves are only possible in the case ω ≤ N0, and more surprisingly, the wavelength is not determined by the dispersion relation 28 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) Dispersion relation, k⊥ = k cos θ and k3 = k sin θ ω = N0 k⊥ = N0| cos θ| k =⇒ vφ · vg = 0 x3 ∇ · u′ = 0 =⇒ k · û = 0 transverse waves u′(x1, x3) vg g u′ = û(k)ei(k·x−ωt) θ θ forcing vφ x⊥ phase velocity vφ = ω/k ≡ propagation of constant phase lines in the k direction 29 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 propagation of phase fronts ν = k/k x Internal gravity waves q Oscillations in the presence of gravity (atmosphere, ocean) Mowbray & Rarity, J. Fluid Mech., 1967 Source : vertically oscillating cylinder (D = 2 cm) normal to the pictures ω/N0 ≃ 0.615, 0.699, 0.900 =⇒ No gravity waves for ω/N0 ≃ 1.11 θ ≃ 52, 46, 26 deg (θ = 56 deg) 30 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Acoustic waves q Sound propagation in a inhomogeneous atmosphere at rest c0 = c0(x), ρ0 = ρ0(x), p0 = p0(x) and u0 ≡ 0 (no gravity effects) Wave equation with a variable index of refraction (Bergmann, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 1946) 1 ∂ 2 p′ − ρ0(x)∇ · 2 2 ∂t c0 (x) p′ Introducing the new variable pr = √ ρ0 2 2 ∇ p̂r + k∞n (x) + n1(x) p̂r = 0 2 k∞ = ω c∞ n= c∞ c0(x) 1 ∇p′ ρ0(x) =0 pr = p̂r e−iωt Helmholtz equation with variable refraction index n1 = 3 1 2 ∇ ρ0 − 2ρ0 4 ∇ρ0 ρ0 2 (See the exercises for further details) 31 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Worldwide infrasound monitoring network developed to verify compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Headquarter : Vienna, Austria 60 stations with 4 to 8 microbarometers over an area of 1 - 9 km2 45 actives, ✷ 5 under construction, ◦ 9 planned +1 (Hedlin & Walker, 2012) 32 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Characteristics of infrasound Infrasound : academic definition, 0.01 ≤ f < 20 Hz Low-frequency waves can propagate over long distances (several hundreds of km) in the Earth’s atmosphere. In practice, the relevant passband is about 0.02 ≤ f ≤ 4 Hz (and corresponds to a flat sensor response within 3 dB) Infrasound sources : rocket launches or re-entry, re-entering space debris, supersonic aircraft, industrial or military explosions, bombings, meteors & bolides, explosive volcanoes and meteorological events : localization and identification Explosion in the atmosphere : approximately 50 % of the energy is released into the atmosphere as a blast wave (Blanc & Ceranna, 2009) Infrasound monitoring can also be used in the field of atmospheric tomography, for instance to study gravity waves Infrasound arrays : IMS (CTBT), USArray Transportable Array, ... 33 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Propagation in the Earth’s atmosphere Stratified atmosphere extending up to 180 km altitude speed of sound c̄ 180 150 x2 (km) 120 90 60 30 0 200 300 400 500 600 c̄ (m/s) 34 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Propagation in the Earth’s atmosphere Stratified atmosphere extending up to 180 km altitude speed of sound c̄ 180 150 x2 (km) 120 + − 90 60 30 0 200 300 400 500 600 c̄ (m/s) 34 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Propagation in the Earth’s atmosphere Stratified atmosphere extending up to 180 km altitude speed of sound c̄ effective speed of sound c̄e = c̄ + ū1 180 150 x2 (km) 120 Waves naturally refracted towards stratospheric and thermospheric wave guides (x2 ≃ 44 km and x2 ≃ 105 km) according to geometrical acoustics through the Snell-Descartes law 90 60 30 0 200 300 400 500 600 c̄ (m/s) 34 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Misty picture event : a reference case for atmospheric propagation Gainville et al. (2010) Alpine 248 km W High explosive source (4.8 KT AFNO) at White Sands Missile Range May 14, 1987 (p − p̄) (Pa) 24 12 0 −12 −24 750 850 950 1050 1150 1300 1400 1600 1700 t (s) White River 324 km W (p − p̄) (Pa) 12 6 0 −6 −12 1000 1100 1200 t (s) Roosevelt 431 km W Meteorological data : T̄ (x2) and ū(x2) Gainville & Marsden (2012) ❀ benchmark problems 35 (p − p̄) (Pa) 8 4 0 −4 −8 1300 Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 1400 1500 t (s) x Long-range propagation in Earth’s atmosphere q Nonlinear propagation with wind (NLW) : global view nonlinear effects p′/p̄ ∼ ρ̄−1/2 + absorption 80 180 c̄ c̄e 150 20 x2 (km) 120 90 60 60 30 0 200 300 400 500 600 c̄ (m/s) source fs ∼ 0.1 Hz 36 Sabatini et al. (2015) 0 0 100 200 300 400 x1 (km) refraction induced by c̄(x) and ū1(x) Wave propagation in fluids - S7 ECL 2A - déc. 2015 - cb1 Various arrivals at ground level