CONFERENCE BROCHURE Bangalore 8 INDIA NANO th March 3 & 4, 2016 | The Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru Organisers Event Partner Sci-Tech Communications Media | Events | Partnering | Advisory 8th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2016 - Event At A Glance DAY 1 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME | Thursday - 3rd March, 2016 08.30 am onwards | Registration 09.45 am - 11.00 am | Inauguration of the Event 11.00 am - 11.30 am | Tea / Coffee Break 11.30 am - 12.15 pm | Keynote Lecture - I 12.15 pm - 01.00 pm | Keynote Lecture - II 01.00 pm - 02.15 pm | Lunch 02.15 pm - 03.00 pm | Keynote Lecture - III 03:00 pm - 04:30 pm | Session on Clean Water 04.30 pm - 05.00 pm | Tea / Coffee Break 05.00 pm - 06.30 pm | Session on Healthcare 06:30 pm onwards | Awards Function & Networking Dinner DAY 2 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME | Friday - 4th March 2016 08.30 am | Registration 09.30 am - 10.15 am | Keynote Lecture - IV 10.15 am - 11.00 am | Keynote Lecture - V 11.00 am - 11.30 am | Tea / Coffee Break 11:30 am - 01:00 pm Nano for the Young 11.30 am - 01.00 pm Nano Sparks Competition 11.30 am - 01.00 pm Poster Interactive Session 01.00 pm - 02.15 pm | Lunch and Exhibition Interaction 02.15 pm - 03.45 pm Session on Energy 02.15 pm - 03.45 pm Session on Nano Manufacturing 03:45 pm - 04:15 pm | Tea / Coffee Break 04:15 pm – 05:15 pm | Research Industry Collaboration Hub (RICH) Presentations 05.15 pm - 06.00 pm | Valedictory Function, Nano SparX Awards & Poster Awards CONFERENCE TUTORIALS | Saturday, 5th March 2016 09.00 am onwards | Registration 09.45 am - 11.00 am | Combined Tutorial on Nano Fabrication Technologies 11.00 am - 11.30 am | Tea / Coffee Break 11.30 am - 12.45 pm | Combined Tutorial on Nano Fabrication Technologies 12.45 pm - 01.45 pm | Lunch TUTORIAL A: 01.45 pm - 04.15 pm TUTORIAL B: 01.45 pm - 04.15 pm Nano Medicine Electron Microscopy & Nano Photonics 04.15 pm - 04.30 pm Interaction with Tutors & Concluding Tea Some of the Invited Dignitaries & Speakers from India and Overseas in the Conference Inaugura on of Event Keynote Lecture Dignitaries: Shri Siddaramaiah Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. A.K. Sood, F.R.S. Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Ins tute of Science (IISc), Chairman, Conference Execu ve Commi ee 8th Bangalore INDIA NANO Prof. CNR Rao, FRS Na onal Research Professor; Linus Pauling Research Professor; Honorary President, JNCASR; Chairman, Karnataka’s Vision Group on Nanotechnology and Science & Technology Shri S.R. Pa l Hon’ble Minister for Informa on Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology; Planning & Sta s cs Government of Karnataka Shri Arvind Jadhav, IAS Chief Secretary to Government, Government of Karnataka Ms. V. Manjula, IAS Principal Secretary to Government Department of Informa on Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology Government of Karnataka Prof. Ajay K. Sood, F.R.S. Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Ins tute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, Chairman, Conference Execu ve Commi ee, 8th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2016 Prof. Dr. Clement Sanchez Professeur de Chimie, College de France-UPMC-CNRS, Paris Speaker: Prof. Young Hee Lee Professor of Physics Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea Clean Water Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. T. Pradeep Ins tute Professor and Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Indian Ins tute of Technology Madras Chennai Speakers: Mr. Marc Andelman President Mespilus Inc. Greater Boston, USA Prof. Tony Cass Professor of Chemical Biology Department of Chemistry Ins tute of Biomedical Engineering Imperial College, London United Kingdom Prof. Sung Jae Kim Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seoul Na onal University Seoul, South Korea Dr. Swaminathan Sethuraman Director, Center for Nanotechnology & Advanced Biomaterials (CeNTAB) SASTRA University, Tamil Nadu Keynote Lecture Chair & Opening Remarks: Dr. G. Sundararajan Professor, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Indian Ins tute of Technology, Madras and Dis nguished Emeritus Scien st Interna onal Advanced Research Centre for Power Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad Speaker: Prof. C.N.R. Rao Bangalore INDIA NANO Science Awardee Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao P.K. Kelkar Chair Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Ins tute of Technology Bombay Keynote Lecture Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. K.N. Ganesh Director Indian Ins tute of Science Educa on and Research (IISER) Pune Speaker: Prof. Supra k Guha Professor, Ins tute of Molecular Engineering University of Chicago Director, Nanosciences & Technology Division Argonne Na onal Laboratory, Illinois Keynote Lecture Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. CNR Rao, FRS Na onal Research Professor; Linus Pauling Research Professor; Honorary President, JNCASR; Chairman, Karnataka’s Vision Group on Nanotechnology and Science & Technology Speaker: Prof. Dr. Clement Sanchez Professeur de Chimie, College de France- UPMC-CNRS, Paris Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. Dr. Shan kumar Nair Director, Amrita Centre for Nanosciences And Dean Research Amirta University, Kochi Nano for the Young Speakers: Dr. P.S. Anil Kumar Associate Professor Department of Physics Indian Ins tute of Science Bangalore Speakers: Dr. Ashok Mulchandani Dis nguished Professor W. Ruel Johnson Chair in Environment Engineering Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department University of California, USA Prof. T. Govindaraju Associate Professor Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory New Chemistry Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scien fic Research (JNCASR) Bangalore Healthcare Prof. Mansoor M. Amiji Dis nguished Professor and Chairman Department of Pharmaceu cal Sciences School of Pharmacy Northeastern University, Boston USA Prof. Akshay Naik Assistant Professor Centre for Nano Science and Engineering Indian Ins tute of Science, Bangalore Dr. Priyanka Sabherwal Scien st, Ins tute of Nano Science and Technology, An autonomous Ins tute of Dept. of Science and Technology Government of India, Mohali Energy Speakers: Prof. Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna Director, Center for Nanofibers & Nanotechnology, Professor of materials engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Na onal University of Singapore (NUS). Prof. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai Director, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu Chair & Opening Remarks: Prof. Rudra Pratap Chairperson, Centre for Nano Science & Engineering Indian Ins tute of Science, Bangalore Speakers: Prof. Anil Kumar Chemistry Department Center for Excellence in Nanoelectronics(CEN) Na onal Center for Excellence in Technologies for Internal Security (NCETIS) Na onal Center for Photovoltaic Research and Educa on (NCPRE) IIT Bombay Prof. Prosenjit Sen Assistant Professor Centre for Nano Science & Engineering (CeNSE) Indian Ins tute of Science, Bangalore Dr. SSV Ramakumar General Manager, Technology Forecas ng Indian Oil Corpora on Ltd., New Delhi Prof. Ramesh Singh Associate Professor Indian Ins tute of Technology Bombay REGISTER NOW! Nano Manufacturing Combined Tutorial on Nano Fabrica on Technologies Tutor: Dr. P.S. Anil Kumar Associate Professor Department of Physics Indian Ins tute of Science (IISc), Bangalore Tutor: Prof. G. U. Kulkarni Director, Centre for Nano and So Ma er Sciences, Bangalore Tutorial A: Nano Medicine Tutor: Dr. Praveen Vemula Laboratory of Self-Assembled Biomaterials Ins tute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenera ve Medicine (inStem) Na onal Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore Prof. Amit K. Dinda All India Ins tute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi Tutorial B: Electron Microscopy & Nano Photonics Tutor: Prof. S. Karthikeyan Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Ins tute of Science, Bangalore Tutor: Dr. G.V. Pavan Kumar Assistant Professor Division of Physics Indian Ins tute of Science Educa on & Research (IISER), Pune To be a Sponsor, Exhibitor, Delegate SMS (BIN2016) to +91.9535.999.435 Logon to or email at Bangalore Vinay Kumar Tel: +91-80-4113 1912 Email: Mob: +91-95359 99435 Delhi Manas Das Tel: +91-11-4354 2737 Email: Mob: +91-98992 08916 Hyderabad YVLN Murthy Tel: +91-40-4003 2690 Email: Mob: +91-92465 77114 Mumbai Denzil D’Souza Tel: +91-22-2438 5007 Email: Mob: +91-98214 47064 Nagpur Manisha Boratkar Tel: +91-712-255 5249 Email: Mob: +91-80077 02022 Pune Avinash Gulgule Tel: +91-20-2729 1769 Email: Mob: +91-98232 76632 Chennai & Kochi Krishna Kumar Email: Mob: +91-95264 43331 Event Secretariat MM Activ, #9, UNI Building, Millers Tank Bund Thimmaiah Road, Vasanthnagar, Bengaluru - 560 052, India Tel: +91.80.4113 1912/3 | Fax: +91.80.4113 1914 Email: Website: Follow Bangalore INDIA NANO on /BangaloreINDIANANO /BloreIndiaNano