A. La Rosa Portland State University Lecture Notes A microscopic view of the index of refraction Analysis from a DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION perspective • Introduction • Dielectric material response to a STATIC electric field • Hypothesis about the relationship between the polarization vector P and the electric field E • Material's response to an ALTERNATING electric field E = Eo COS(ωt) • The Maxwell Equations. The wave equation Introduction We know the speed of light appears to slow down when it travels through a medium Light We also know that when ordinary light (the one from the sun , for example) passes through a prism, it splits into its different color components Since different colors have different frequencies, the observations indicate that the atoms in the prism interact differently with light of different frequencies. One way to describe the two phenomena mentioned above is to resort to the Maxwell equations (ME), which describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves inside a material medium. The ME predicts that the light waves in the medium propagate with a speed (v) smaller than the speed of light in vacuum(c). The ratio of these speeds is called the index of refraction n of the medium. n = c/v. It turns out n depends on the frequency, n = n(ω) and typically n>1 But this approach needs information about how specifically the material responds to incident light. In particular we know that electromagnetic fields induce polarization on the material (i.e. induces every atom to become an individual dipole). The induced polarization is characterized by the "Polarization vector P" of the material. In this section, we derive an expression for the polarization vector P using a method where the atomic excitations (in response to an alternating electric field) are modeled by simple harmonic oscillators. This expression for P is then inserted in to the wave equation (an equation derived by from the ME) and hence an expression for n(ω) is obtained. In short, we present in this section a mathematical model to calculate the Polarization vector P of the medium, where we take into account the dynamic response from individual atoms to t he external incident light. Thus is what we call the MICROSCOPIC VIEW. P is then plugged into the wave equation (a differential equation that result from the Maxwell equation), in which the index of refraction n is identified. The latter constitute a DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION VIEW of the index of refraction. How can light interact with atoms? It is because light is a travelling wave of electric fields and atoms contain charges. We can foresee then that the index of refraction of a medium has its origin in the peculiar response of the charges (contained in the atoms) to the electric fields (from the incident light). E Incident Light Atom Electron cloud oscillating back and forth Dielectric material response to a STATIC electric field -e Charge distribution under no external electric field. The "center of mass" of the positive and negative charges coincide; hence, no electric dipole exists) An electrostatic field Eo is applied, which causes a redistribution of charges inside the atom In this particular simplified model p and Eo point in the same direction -e Simplified model of charge distribution So, an external electric field Eo induces an "electric dipole" +e (1) What do a collection of electric dipoles do? To grasp some ideas about the effect of a collection of dipoles, let's consider a couple of parallel plates (see figure on the right side below), charged with charges Q and -Q respectively. As a consequence, there exists an electric field Eo between the plates. Subsequently, we fill the region between the plates with some plastic material. The net effect is the induction of electric dipoles (as shown below, in the figure on the left) caused by the presence of the electric field Eo. Since the charges between contiguous dipoles essentially compensate, the net charge distribution in the plastic material is shown in the graph at the bottom: negative charge - qind on the left side and qind on the right side. Notice, the induced charge produce collectively an additional electric field that point opposite to the external field Eo, which causes to have a net electric field E of smaller magnitude than Eo. Charge +Q Charge -Q Charge +Q Eo Charge -Q Metallic plate of area A Metallic plate of area A The presence of a material between the plates gives rise to the formation of dipoles The electric field between the plates is given by, Eo An over-simplified version of the above dipole charge distribution is shown below: The net electric field is given by E Charge +Q Charge -Q -qind +qind E qind What is the relationship between Q and qind? qind Charge +Q Let's take a unit volume and add-up all the dipoles contained in that volume. l Charge -Q A The resulting total dipole is called the (2) Polarization vector P P is therefore a dipole moment density Total dipole contained between the plates = PAl On the other hand, notice in the figure above that one way to evaluate the total dipole moment inside the plates is to add all the individual dipoles. Adding dipoles in a row means adding qindd1+ qindd2 + qindd3 + .... (where all the di are equal). Hence the result is qind(d1 + d2 + d3 + ...) =qind(l) Total dipole contained between the plates Charge +Q -qind l Charge -Q qind = qind You can ignore the following two pages From the last two expression we obtain, qind =σind The Polarization P of the material (dipole moment per unit volume) is equal to the induced surface charge σind (3) The net electric field between the plate, can then be expressed now in terms of the polarization Charge - Q Charge +Q qind E qind -qind qind (4) We can not go further, unless we know how the polarization P depends on the electric field E Also, still we do not have a relationship between the free charge Q on the plates and the induced charge qindon the surface of the dielectric. So, we can not find the net electric field between the plates Q - qind A εο E= Because we do not know qind yet. E -qind qind E Hypothesis about the relationship between P and E: The polarizability χ E E Notice, the stronger E the bigger the separation d E value of the dipole, the greater the the larger the Polarization vector E Accordingly, it is plausible to think then that the Polarization P is proportional to the Electric field E being the net electric filed inside the material (no the externally applied field) The constant of proportionality is chosen to be of the form (5) called "Polarizability" Polarization vector (It is determined experimentally for each material) Replacing (5) in (4), Charge +Q Charge -Q E E (6) which can be re-written as follows: Since the electric field between the plates when no material is present it given by Eo=σ/εo, therefore expression (7) indicates: (7) E E K (8) That is, the presence of the material reduces the electric field by a factor of K; K = ε/εo . (9) K is called the "dielectric constant" of the dielectric material Material's response to an ALTERNATING electric field E = Eo COS(ωt) Electron attracted to the nucleus by electrical forces. This electrical centripetal force prevents the electron from going away from the nucleus. Thus the electron ends up orbiting around the nucleus in an equilibrium orbit. We ae of course overlooking the fact that the the accelerated charge emits radiation, hence making the atom unstable. A QM view would be necessary to explain why the atom is stable) Under an external perturbation Eo cos (wt) we expect the electron cloud to oscillate accordingly around its equilibrium orbit This view makes appealing to use a mechanical model to describe the motion of the electron cloud Spring model e is a positive quantity E = Eo cos(ωt) In the previous sections of these NOTES we showed also explicitly how to select the "radiation damping constant b " in the mechanical model (b was given in terms of the atomic quantities involved in the description of the electromagnetic radiation emmited by a accelerated charge). Assuming, then, that we have properly selected the spring constant k and the damping constant b, the equaton of motion for the electron's motion is, Force "felt" by by the atom inside insi the dielectric ! (10) e is a positive quantity Electric field "felt" by the atom inside the dielectric We are already familiar with this equation. In the previous section we found the following solution: The electric dipole of a single atom will be given by, = = (11) ! If there are N atoms per unit volume, the Polarization is given by, P= Np Eo P(t) = (12) Thus, we find that the Polarization is out of phase with the electric field "felt" by the atoms in the material = Eo (13) For the sake of keeping the analysis using real variables (omitting for the moment a complex variable analysis) let's express the Polarization vector P(t) into its Sin (ωt) and cos(ωt) components = = = = + (14) The first term on the right side of the equality in expression (14) above is, The second term on the right side of the equality in expression (14) above is therefore responsible for the energy absorption of the oscillator = Eo + (15) Eo Interpretation Since the first term in (15) is proportional to the electric field inside the material (both vary as COS(ωt) ), we will use the analog expression P= χE used in electrostatic to define the frequency dependent polarizability. E Accordingly, notice in (15) that we can identify, χ (16) Accordingly, the electrical permitivity will be given by, = (17) = E = Eo COS(ωt) (18) What does all this Polarization vector and Force oscillations stuff has to do with the index of refraction n of a material? n Why is v c ? = (19) In any region in space where does exists electric and magnetic fields, the total field (the one resulting from adding the field from the incident light, plus the FIELD produced by the oscillating dipoles that constitute the Polarization vector, plus the contribution from any other source) must satisfy the MAXWELL EQUATIONS (ME) Maxwell Equations Gauss' law No magnetic monopole Faraday's law Ampere's law E Equation of motion for the electric field travelling in vacuum E (20) This is nothing but the wave equation E E (21) E is a wave that travels with speed "c" In expression (20) we can identify then the speed of light as, (22) Using the tabulated values for εo and μo, one obtains, which happens to coincide with the speed of light in vacuum E E P P