Simple Analysis of a Flying Capacitor Converter Voltage Balance Dynamics for DC Modulation A. Ruderman (1) (1) , B. Reznikov ( 2) , and M. Margaliot ( 3) ( 3) Elmo Motion Control Ltd., General Satellite Corporation, Tel Aviv University,, Abstract–Flying capacitor multilevel PWM converter with a natural voltage balance is an attractive multilevel converter choice because it requires no voltage balance control effort. Flying capacitor converter practically does not suffer from voltage balance imposed performance limitations as opposed to multiple point clamped converter. Voltage balance dynamics analytical research methods reported to date deal mostly with an AC modulation case and are essentially based on a frequency domain analysis using double Fourier transform. Therefore, these methods require high mathematical skills, are not truly analytical and rather difficult to use in an everyday practice by electrical engineer. In this paper, we consider a DC modulation case to demonstrate that a straightforward time domain approach based on switching intervals piece-wise analytical solutions makes it easy to obtain time-averaged discrete and continuous models for voltage balance dynamics simulation. A primitive single-phase single-leg three-level converter analytical investigation yields a surprisingly simple accurate expression for capacitor charge / discharge related time constant revealing its dependence on inductive load parameters, carrier frequency, and duty ratio. I. ( 2) INTRODUCTION Multilevel converters are being progressively used for medium and high voltage / power applications. Multilevel converter topologies, modulation strategies, and performances have been extensively studied over the past two decades [1, 2]. Flying Capacitor (FC) multilevel PWM converter is an attractive choice due to the natural voltage balance property. In Multiple Point Clamped (MPC) converter used for front end applications, it is possible to achieve capacitors voltage balance only for a limited operation envelope in terms of modulation index – load displacement angle. In such a MPC converter, maximal possible modulation index M=1 is achieved for pure reactive (inductive) load only (zero power factor). With load power factor approaching unity, maximal modulation index is theoretically compromised to about M=0.55 for a three-phase and M=0.63 for a single-phase converter because of the performance limitations that originate from capacitor voltage balance [3]. Suppose ideally smooth, ripple free load current, relatively high switching frequency, and appropriate phase shifted voltage modulation strategy. Under the above assumptions, a flying capacitor is charged and discharged by the same amount of load current on time intervals of equal durations. It is clear that the capacitor voltage is thus oscillating around some average value that is defined by the capacitor initial voltage and no any voltage balance conclusion may be drawn from this simplistic model. Therefore, it is recognized that FC converter voltage balance process is actually driven by the load current high order harmonics. Reported FC converter analytical voltage balance research methods mostly deal with an AC modulation [4-8]. However, from a methodology perspective it would be correct to get started with a more simple DC modulation case. The reported FC converter voltage balance analysis methods are essentially based on frequency domain transformations. This selection of the analysis tools probably comes from the recognition of the important role of load current high order harmonics in the whole voltage balance process. However, intuitively it seems somewhat artificial to use "intermediate" frequency domain methods for derivation of linear time invariant models to be analyzed in time domain. As a result, the reported FC converter voltage balance methods are not "truly analytical" and not easy to understand. The usage of the frequency domain methods for building linear time invariant voltage balance models makes it difficult to gain a thorough insight into FC converter capacitor voltage balance physical mechanisms and apply this approach in an everyday engineering practice. In this paper, we apply a straightforward time domain approach based on “sewing” analytical transient solutions of consecutive PWM period switching subintervals to derive DC modulated FC converter voltage balance dynamics models both discrete and continuous. This approach seems most adequate for linear switched (variable structure) systems that are naturally formed by idealized FC converters along with their linear active-inductive loads. By means of this technique, we study a primitive single capacitor single leg three-level FC converter. We obtain surprisingly simple accurate expression for a capacitor charge / discharge related time constant by applying small parameter technique. The small parameter naturally arises due to the fact that converter switching is performed at a frequency that is much higher than equivalent RLC-circuit natural one. In other words, this means that current and voltage ripples are relatively low that is always true for a good practical converter. This approach allows revealing the capacitor charge rate dependence on inductive load parameters, carrier frequency, and duty ratio. The suggested analytical approach may be easily adopted for a DC modulated FC converter with an arbitrary number of voltage levels (cells). We have to admit that a generalization to an AC modulation case is not trivial and requires an adequate technique to perform time averaging on a fundamental period. L S2 VDC / 2 VDC / 2 iL S1 L C v S1 R Fig. 3. FC converter topology on intervals 1 and 3 ( S1S 2 ) (the capacitor is disconnected) i VDC / 2 Fig. 2,b shows converter switching states and output voltage waveform assuming equal voltage sources, ideal switches, and the capacitor voltage v = VDC / 2 . As readily seen from Fig.2, a switching period is comprised of four intervals. Assuming ideal switches, intervals 1 and 3 generate the same converter topology shown on Fig. 3 – note that the capacitor is disconnected and keeps its initial voltage unchanged. Both intervals have the same duration S2 Fig. 1. Single-phase three-level FC converter with RL-load However, an insight into voltage balance mechanism gained for DC modulation may be useful for AC modulation as well and we solidify this statement with corresponding examples. II. SINGLE-PHASE SINGLE-LEG THREE-LEVEL FC CONVERTER TOPOLOGY AND MODULATION STRATEGY A single-phase single-leg three-level FC converter with active-inductive load is given in Fig. 1. Fig.1 converter voltage modulation strategy is demonstrated in Fig. 2,a. Instantaneous voltage command VCOM is scanned by two opposite phase triangular wave carrier signals to define converter switching instants. Carrier wave s1 is responsible for switching a complementary switch pair ∆t1 = ∆t 3 = where D TPWM 2 (normalized DC voltage command). FC converter topologies on the intervals 2 and 4 are shown in Fig. 4,a, b. The difference between the topologies is the opposite polarity of both voltage source and capacitor. The duration of both intervals is (1 − D) TPWM , 2 ∆t1 + ∆t 2 + ∆t 3 + ∆t 4 = TPWM . ∆t 2 = ∆t 4 = vC S1 − S1 ; s 2 - for VDC / 2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 VT S2 t VDC / 2 VL 0 S 1 S2 S1 S 2 S1 S 2 4 1 2 S1 S 2 S 1 S 2 3 t L (2) R iL vC VDC / 2 (1) TPWM - PWM period; D = VCOM / VT - PWM duty ratio S2 − S2 . VCOM R L R iL 4 Fig. 2. Voltage modulation process (a) and output voltage waveform with switching states (b) Fig. 4. FC converter topologies on intervals 2 (a - S1S 2 ) and 4 (b - S1S 2 ) III. FC CONVERTER DYNAMICS MODELING ω02 = 1 /( LC ) ; R < 2 L / C . On each switching interval, FC converter may be modeled as a linear time-invariant system. The FC converter under consideration is a second order switched linear system with load inductor current and capacitor voltage being state variables. Therefore, assuming constant DC voltages, on each interval the converter behavior is described by the following state equation X (t ) = A j (t ) X (0) + B j (t ) i (t ) VDC ; X (t ) = , 2 v(t ) (3) i(0) X (0) = - the interval initial conditions; j = 1,2,3,4. v(0) The state space equations’ matrices in (3) are obtained by analytically solving ordinary linear time-invariant differential equations on different switching intervals. On interval 1 (Fig.3), exp( −t / TL ) 0 A1 (t ) = ; 0 1 (1 − exp(−t / TL ) ) / R B1 (t ) = , 0 (4) (5) where TL = L / R - load time constant. On interval 1, the capacitor is disconnected and keeps its initial voltage. The converter dynamic behavior on interval 3 is identical to that of interval 1 (Fig.3): A3 (t ) = A1 (t ); (6) B3 (t ) = B1 (t ). On interval 4, A4 (t ) = exp( −αt ) A4' (t ); α 1 − sin(ωt ) cos(ωt ) − ω sin(ωt ) ωL A (t ) = ; α 1 sin(ωt ) cos(ωt ) + sin(ωt ) ωC ω 1 exp(−αt ) sin(ωt ) L ω B 4 (t ) = , α − exp(−αt ) sin(ωt ) + cos(ωt ) + 1 ω VDC ; 2 V X (t 2 ) = A2 (∆t 2 ) X (t1 ) + B2 ( ∆t 2 ) DC ; 2 V X (t 3 ) = A3 (∆t 3 ) X (t 2 ) + B3 (∆t 3 ) DC ; 2 V X (t 4 ) = A4 (∆t 4 ) X (t 3 ) + B4 ( ∆t 4 ) DC ; 2 V X (t 5 ) = A1 ( ∆t1 ) X (t 4 ) + B1 ( ∆t1 ) DC ; 2 .......................................................... X (t1 ) = A1 ( ∆t1 ) X (0) + B1 ( ∆t1 ) where A2 (t ) = exp( −αt ) A (t ); t 2 = ∆t1 + ∆t 2 ; 1 α cos(ωt ) − sin(ωt ) sin(ωt ) ' L ω ω A2 (t ) = ; 1 α − sin(ωt ) cos(ωt ) + sin(ωt ) ω ωC (7) (10) Recalling (1), (2), we now have a discrete FC converter model for calculating state variables at the switching instants: Now, suppose oscillating step response of the equivalent LCR-circuit Fig.4 ("small" resistance). Then on interval 2 ' 2 (9) ' 4 (11) t1 = ∆t1 ; t 3 = ∆t1 + ∆t 2 + ∆t 3 ; t 4 = ∆t1 + ∆t 2 + ∆t 3 + ∆t 4 = TPWM ; (12) t 5 = TPWM + ∆t1 .......................................................... 1 − exp(−αt ) sin(ωt ) ωL B 2 (t ) = , α − exp(−αt ) sin(ωt ) + cos(ωt ) + 1 ω where α = 0.5 R / L = 1 /( 2TL ) ; ω = ω 02 − α 2 ; (8) Example 1. Consider single-phase single capacitor three-level FC converter with the following converter and load parameters: VDC = 100V ; R = 1Ohm ; L = 0.25mH ; C = 100uF ; TPWM = 300us ( f PWM = 3.33kHz ). (13) Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) FC Converter Simulated Transient (D=0) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VCOM VC S2 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 S2 t VL t 0 VDC/ 2−VC FC Converter Simulated Transient (D=0.2) Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) VT VDC / 2 VC −VDC/ 2 a S 1 S2 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 IL 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 b FC Converter Simulated Transient (D=0.4) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VC IL 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Time, s c FC Converter Simulated Transient (D=0.8) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VC 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Time, s d Fig. 5. FC converter load current and capacitor voltage simulation for zero initial conditions and different duty ratios: a – D=0; b – D=0.2; c – D=0.4; d – D=0.8 Converter dynamics simulation results obtained using Excel by programming formulas (11), (12) are presented in Fig. 5. Though demonstrated are results for zero initial conditions, average load current and capacitor voltage always converge to VDC D ; 2R V v(∞) = DC 2 S1 S 2 S1 S 2 S 1 S 2 for any set of initial conditions. Here are more observations from FC converter dynamics modeling experience along with their physical interpretation. Intuitively, we expect the FC converter time averaged model to behave like a 2nd order linear time invariant system. However, time averaged load current transient behavior is practically characterized by a single load time constant TL = L / R (15) without any dependence on operating conditions (duty ratio). This is because the average load voltage (instantaneous load voltage example for ideally balanced capacitor voltage VDC / 2 is shown in Fig. 2) actually does not depend on capacitor voltage as illustrated by Fig. 6. An average capacitor voltage curve contains two exponential terms – a small fast exponent with the load time constant and a large slow exponent. The large dominating capacitor charge time constant IL 0.005 S1 S 2 Fig. 6. Average load voltage does not depend on capacitor voltage (equal shaded areas shown) VC Time, s Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) S1 IL Time, s Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) S1 S2 S1 i (∞ ) = (14) TC increases with a duty ratio increase – slowly for duty ratios 0 < D < 0.5 and dramatically for D > 0.6 . The explanation is that, for the duty ratio approaching unity, capacitor time constant strives to infinity, because for D = 1 the capacitor is totally disconnected. The FC convertor modeling approach based on analytical solutions of corresponding linear time-invariant differential equations on different switching intervals is not limited to a single-phase single-leg three-level (single capacitor) converter with DC modulation. If the FC converter level count is more than three (two and more flying capacitors), still there is no any problem to obtain simple analytical solutions for individual switching interval differential equations. The reason is that, in multiple flying capacitors case, as different capacitors are connected in series, the overall system of equations still has the 2nd order because the capacitor voltages are linearly dependent. For AC modulation, switching intervals durations (1), (2) are not constant - they vary with sinusoidal voltage command. For negative commanded voltages there is additional switching topology (Fig.7) instead of that of Fig.3. L VDC / 2 As expected for inductive load, voltage (duty ratio) AC component leads the current one. Capacitor voltage balance dynamics still shows aperiodic behavior with a dominant slow exponent. With average duty ratio increase, capacitor charge rate slightly slows down (Fig. 8, a, b). For AC frequency increase, the capacitor charge rate remains unchanged (Fig. 8, b, c). This likely holds as long as the capacitor charge time constant is larger than an AC period. R iL + IV. FC CONVERTER DYNAMICS ANALYSIS Fig. 7. FC converter topology for negative output voltage ( S1S 2 ) (the capacitor is disconnected) The FC converter simulation results for combined DC-AC unipolar ( D ≥ 0 ) excitation D(t ) = D0 − D0 cos(ω f t ) (16) are presented in Fig. 8. This section is devoted to analytical solutions for DC PWM modulation. Suppose we take initial conditions of the interval 1 and substitute them, along with the interval 1 duration, into interval 1 dynamic solution (3)-(5). This will give us initial conditions for the interval 2. By substituting them with the interval 2 duration into interval 2 dynamic solution (3), (7), (8), we obtain initial conditions for the interval 3. Carrying out the same procedure for the intervals 3, 4, we complete a PWM period and obtain a linear difference vector equation in the form Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) FC Converter Simulated Transient - D=0.2-0.2COS(1000*t) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 X (t + TPWM ) = A( D) X (t ) + B( D) VC (17) where D, % A( D ) = A4 A3 A2 A1 ; IL 0.005 VDC , 2 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 B ( D ) = A4 ( A3 ( A2 B1 + B2 ) + B3 ) + B4 . (18) Time, s a Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) FC Converter Simulated Transient - D=0.4-0.4COS(1000*t) 90 80 D, % 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VC IL 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 X (∞ ) = (I − A( D ) ) B ( D ) −1 Time, s b Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) FC Converter Simulated Transient - D=0.4-0.4COS(2000*t) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VC IL 0.01 0.015 0.02 VDC , 2 (19) I - unity matrix. D, % 0.005 This procedure may be considered as a kind of averaging on a PWM period (in “fast” time) to obtain averaged equations in "slow" time. While calculating the matrices A and B in (17), we started with the switching interval 1. However, there are three more possibilities to get started with the intervals 2, 3, and 4 that will, generally speaking, generate different system matrices. Assuming system (17), (18) stability, a steady state solution may be found as 0.025 Time, s c Fig. 8. FC converter load current and capacitor voltage simulation for combined DC-AC excitation: a - D(t ) = 0.2 − 0.2COS(1000⋅ t ) ; b D(t ) = 0.4 − 0.4COS(1000⋅ t ) ; c - D(t ) = 0.4 − 0.4COS(2000⋅ t ) Not only the solution (19) is a function of the duty ratio, it is also the intervals order (1234, 2341, 3412, 4123) dependent. For good practical converter, current and voltage ripples should be low and the solution (19) is supposed to be close to (14) for any intervals order. Using "on average" derivatives approximations in “slow” time di i (t + TPWM ) − i (t ) ≈ ; dt TPWM dv v(t + TPWM ) − v(t ) ≈ , dt TPWM (20) we obtain the FC converter “averaged” differential equations in the form dX 1 ( A( D ) − I )X + 1 B VDC . = dt TPWM TPWM 2 (21) An accurate solution and switched simulation will show twice transistor switching frequency ripples in both load current and capacitor voltage. These ripples are filtered out in the averaged model (21). Again, four discrete (and matching continuous) models are possible dependent on the initial switching interval selection. However, it may be shown that the averaged switched system characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues (natural frequencies) don't depend on specific initial interval selection. A. Time Constants for Zero Duty Ratio DC PWM Consider first zero duty ratio D = 0 . Then the PWM period is comprised of the two intervals - 2 and 4 - with durations ∆t 2 = ∆t 4 = TPWM / 2 (unity matrices A1 , A3 in (18)). The resulting matrix A characteristic polynomial does not depend on the intervals 2 and 4 order - λ + (22) The roots of (22) may be presented as λ1 = exp(− αTPWM )λ1' ; (23) λ2 = exp(− αTPWM )λ'2 , T2 = −TPWM / ln(λ2 ) . λ + 1, (24) (25) A small parameter δ = (α / ω ) sin (0.5ωTPWM ) and logarithm 1 2 1 3 x + x + o( x 3 ) 2 3 series expansions, we approximate the logarithms of (23) as ln(1 + x ) = x − ln λ1 = −αTPWM − 2δ − (1 / 3)δ 3 + o(δ 4 ); ln λ2 = −αTPWM + 2δ + (1 / 3)δ 3 + o(δ 4 ). (27) Expanding sine function for the small parameter (26) sin x = x − 1 3 x + o( x 4 ) , 6 we eventually obtain the approximate expressions for the two time constants (25) for D = 0 : T1 (0) = L , R T2 (0) = 48 (28) L LC . 2 R TPWM (29) The “small” time constant (28), as we expected based on simulation experience and instantaneous load voltage analysis, is actually the load associated one and does not depend on the capacitance. The “large” capacitor charge time constant (29) may be interpreted as LC T1 (0) 2 TPWM or capacitor equivalent charge resistance my be viewed as Once we get the discrete system (17) eigenvalues (23), we calculate equivalent continuous system time constants as T1 = −TPWM / ln(λ1 ); 1 2 x + o( x 3 ) 2 T2 (0) = 48 0 < λ1 < λ2 < 1 , with λ1' , 2 being the roots of α2 ωT P ' (λ ) = λ2 − 21 + 2 2 sin 2 PWM ω 2 0 < λ1' < 1 < λ'2 . Using square root 1 + x2 = 1 + Note that in (21) we use an actual PWM period and there is no need to perform a limit transition TPWM → 0 . α2 ωT P (λ ) = λ2 − 2 exp(− αTPWM )1 + 2 2 sin 2 PWM ω 2 + exp(− 2αTPWM ). naturally arises in (22), (24) because the switching frequency is much higher than the natural frequency of the equivalent RLCcircuit ωTPWM << 1 . (26) RC = 48R T12 48 L2 . = 2 2 TPWM R TPWM According to our numerical calculations, for reasonable converter parameters that provide low ripples of load current and capacitor voltage, large time constant expression (29) holds with an excellent accuracy. Example 2. Consider a FC converter with the parameters (12). Its transient for D = 0 , zero DC bus voltage and zero initial load current is shown in Fig. 9. Capacitor charge / discharge time constant according to (29) amounts to T2 (0) = 3.33ms . This is what can be observed from capacitor transient graphs - charge (Fig. 5, a) and discharge (Fig. 9). C. Time Constants Estimation for AC PWM Load current (A) and capacitor voltage (V) FC Converter Simulated Transient - D=0; Vdc=0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 VC IL 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 Time, s Fig. 9. Capacitor discharge for VDC = 0V ; D = 0 ; i (0) = 0 A Starting from section III, we assumed throughout this section oscillating step response of the equivalent LCR-circuit (Fig.4). For aperiodic step response ("large" resistance R > 2 L / C ), α = 0.5 R / L ; α1 = α 2 − ω02 ; ω02 = 1 /( LC ) and characteristic polynomial is different α2 α T P (λ ) = λ2 − 2 exp(− αTPWM )1 + 2 2 sh 2 1 PWM α1 2 + exp(− 2αTPWM ). λ + (30) However, the small parameter analysis of (30), (23) shows that approximate time constants expressions (28), (29) hold. B. Time Constants for an Arbitrary Duty Ratio DC PWM Now consider a general case of an arbitrary DC PWM duty ratio 0 ≤ D ≤ 1 . First, it can be shown that the small load associated time constant does not practically depend on duty ratio meaning that (28) holds for any duty ratio T1 ( D ) = T1 (0) = L , 0 ≤ D ≤ 1. R α 2 ( D) = α 2 (0)(1 − 3D 2 + 2 D 3 ); (31) 2 RTPWM 48L2 C exp (− α (t)t ) , where α (t ) period equals amounts to (33) T , an averaged decay factor T 1 α 0 = ∫ α (t )dt T0 (34) and equivalent time constant is T0 ≈ 1 / α 0 given that T0 >> T . Now consider sinusoidal PWM with modulation index M , 0 ≤ M ≤ 1 , and relatively high fundamental frequency (that is still essentially lower than a switching one) (35) D (t ) = M sin(ω f t ) for the sine arguments Second, we found a small parameter approximation of the slow exponent decay factor (inverse time constant) in the following form: α 2 ( 0 ) = 1 / T2 ( 0 ) = For DC PWM, FC converter models (17), (22) obtained by averaging on PWM period are linear time invariant. For AC PWM, FC converter models (17), (22) are linear time-variable and, unfortunately, we can’t directly apply the power of linear time-invariant systems analysis. However, if the load fundamental frequency is relatively high, then, assuming a quasi-static behavior, the FC converter linear time-invariant model for AC modulation may hopefully be obtained by appropriate fast dynamics time averaging on a fundamental period. We have to acknowledge that, in general, it may be not trivial because an adequate dynamics averaging mathematical tool is required. For the single-capacitor FC converter (Fig.1), we obtained analytical time constant (decay factor) expressions (30)-(32) for DC modulation. For AC PWM, it is reasonable to assume that the expression (30) for the small duty ratio independent time constant holds. For an exponent with a fast periodical decay factor variation (observe α (1) = 0 and α (1) = 0 ). Therefore, the equivalent capacitor charge time constant for an arbitrary duty ratio is given by ' 0 ≤ωft ≤π (36) (not to enter into negative duty ratio problem). Then, to obtain the large time constant for AC PWM, we must average the DC PWM decay factor (31) on the half period (36) (the quarter period will also do). This way, for AC PWM anticipated slow exponent decay factor is 2 RTPWM 8 3 2 α 2 (M ) = M3 1 − M + 2 3π 48L C 2 (37) and the equivalent capacitor charge time constant T2 ( D ) = T 2 ( 0) . 1 − 3D 2 + 2 D 3 (32) The capacitor charge time constant (32) increases with duty ratio and, for D → 1 , T2 ( D) → ∞ because for unity duty ratio the capacitor is totally disconnected. T2 ( M ) = 48L2 C . 8 3 2 2 3 RTPWM 1 − M + M 3π 2 (38) The comparison of accurate DC PWM and anticipated AC PWM capacitor charge decay factors and time constants is given in Fig.10 and Fig.11 respectively. Normalized Decay Constant (Inverse Time Constant) 1 Decay Constant, p.u. 0.9 AC (M) 0.8 0.7 0.6 DC (D) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Duty Ratio D, p.u. Modulation Index M, p.u. Fig. 10. Normalized capacitor charge exponential decay constant for DC and AC modulation Normalized Capacitor Time Constant Capacitor Charge Time Constant, p.u. 5 4.5 4 3.5 DC (D) AC (M) 3 2.5 A general time domain approach to construct a family of FC converter models – both discrete and continuous – by sewing analytical solutions for consecutive switching intervals is applicable to modeling a multilevel multiphase converter and is not limited to DC PWM. However, for DC PWM the model is linear time-invariant that makes voltage balance dynamics analysis straightforward. For a primitive single capacitor three-level FC converter, we obtained extremely simple and accurate expression for a capacitor related time constant by applying small parameter technique. The small parameter naturally arises for practical converters with low current and voltage ripples. The capacitor time constant formula reveals the capacitor charge rate dependence on inductive load parameters, carrier frequency, and duty ratio and does not depend on the equivalent LCRcircuit transient behavior. This time constant increases with DC PWM duty ratio and strives to infinity with the duty ratio approaching unity (disconnected capacitor). We have to admit that a generalization to an AC modulation case is not trivial and an adequate mathematical technique to perform FC converter dynamics averaging across the AC trajectories is required. However, an insight into the voltage balance mechanism gained from a DC PWM consideration may definitely be useful for an AC PWM as well. For a single capacitor single leg three-level FC converter, we estimated AC PWM associated capacitor charge time constant dependence on modulation index by averaging that obtained for DC PWM on the AC fundamental period. 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 The first and second authors gratefully acknowledge Elmo Motion Control and General Satellite Corporation management respectively for on-going support to advanced applied power electronics research and development. Duty Ratio D, p.u. Modulation Index M, p.u. REFERENCES [1] Fig. 11. Normalized capacitor charge time constant for DC and AC modulation Note twice DC PWM time constant increase for 50% duty ratio and about 3 times AC PWM time constant increase for 100% modulation index (overmodulation is not considered). One can also easily calculate the equivalent capacitor charge time constant for combined DC-AC modulation (16) by averaging on AC period. 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