Problem Solving Techniques You should be able to calculatethe image position for an object in ffont ofa piane or spherical mirror. Use the mirror equations:i: - p for a plane mirror and (1ip) + (lii) : (1/f, where f = % R for a spherioal mirror. Be careful about the signs of the various quantities. Be sure you know the location of the image formed by a plane mirror and how to tell if the image is visible to an observer at a given location. Recall that the lateral magnification is given by m - - i/p and that the lateral sizeh' of the image is relatedto the lateral sizeh ofthe object by h'= mh. Krow how to interpret signs. You should know how to find the image formed by a spherical refracting surface and by a lens. If the incoming rays make small angleswith t1lecentralaxis, use (n1/p)+ (nzli) = (nz - n1/r for a single surfaceand (1/p) + (1/D = (1/0 for a thin lens in air. You should also-knowhow to computethe focal length, given the radii of the two surfacesofa lens. SeeEq. 34-10. You should understandcompoundlens systems,such as microscopesand telescopes.Be you car calculate the angular magnification for each ofthese instruments, Questionsand Example Problemsfrom Chapter 34 QuestionI Lake monsters,mermen,andmermaidshavelong been"sighted" by observerslocatedeitheron a shoreor on a low deck of a ship.From sucha low point, an observercan interceptraysof light that leavea floating object (say,a 1ogor a porpoise)andbendslightly back downwmdtoward the observer(onesuchrefractedray, exaggerated,is shownin figue a below). The observerthen perceivestlle objectas being elongatedupwardfrom the water (andprobablyoscillatingbecause of air turbulence)in a miragethat might easilyresembleoneofthe fabled creatures.Figureb beiow gives severalplots of heightfrom the water surfaceversusair temperature.Which oneof the plots bestillustratestlre air-temperatureconditionsthat canbendthe light rays so asto create this miraee? Temperature (t, Question2 In the figure betowyou look into a systemoffwo verticarparallel mirorc A and B separatedby -Each distanced' A griruringgargoyleis pe^rched at p"irn o-,]ail*"e 0.2d from mirror A. minor producesa fust (leastdeeo)imageotthe gargoyf". ffr"" _i,'orp.od;;;;;;";;;;;"g" with the object beingthe iist iniage in th;dd;;;;Then "u"f, eachmirrorproducesa third imagewith the objectbeine tl in theoppositemirror, *a ,o oo_vo"-Jgirt r"" hrmdre.sof orinninr,-"._^_,,,1::::ld,image rmagesm mrror A? C. images. H#;";;;;dl;;;.;;"1il?,il;"1#ffi *9:t :f,ry-*rgargoyre \'/ 4.0.d J 0-.rar -Tl ($l ' ,il:. d Problem I You look throrigha carneratowardan imageof a hummingbirdin a planemirror. The camera is 4'30 m in front of the minor. The bird is aicum"ra t"uet, 5.00m to your right and 3.30m aom isthedistance between thecamera andtheapparent prriu-* ,rtrr" tird,simage *"r#frT#"t 4'3Dh n S.oD'\i ?'lont ll "/1' : 5.oo."r J:'l,,;b.".,..-2,d1le,^nc,q,{rre i ll i,z'-i ArYr!4.tu (zl.76rq-r Z.3o'..) 5.oe^ d* = ("t,go.,'3.ior.,)a r ( 5-oa^r1! d" \./ d = g.lory) I Problem2 The imagebehinda convexmirror (radiusof cwvature= 68 cm) is located22 cm ftom the miuor. (a) Whereis the objectlocatedand (b) what is the magnificationof the minor? Detenninewhetherthe imageis (c) upright or invertedand (d) largeror smallerthan the object. O= -&8c"\ i = - l). "..r Pt+Pr; - -J- +/P= -J'lcrq P=? ---+J =t-! )-*L=t --", 9= /"c ? = - o.olL crq*t - I l.rq ---) ,/o.orr.;t n\ 6 A c,"t rr (b) (.) (r) Problem3 A small cup of greentea is positionedon the centralaxis ofa sphericalmirror. The lateral magnifrcationofthe cup is +0.250,andthe distancebetweenthe mirror andits focal point is 2.00 cm. (a) What is the distancebetweenthe mirror and the imageit produces?(b) Is the focal lengthpositive or negative?(c) Is the imagereal or virtual? C = -o.l.sop ln=*tl=+O-\5o ' lY = -q'oo t ? 9 -- t 2..-bDctn \ ,a /wLe -O.lSOp l= t.- f= -1.oo". P= - 9 - ' - ^- - A " ' . ' ./' I.t/ L lrn\aA, lA axrfi.,r! ( i' )y+-* a/u-t{ Snagl -L *t Vt 3/.. /aL tDE:ffi : (.) "4-*, I -A.oocrn --) o) ( 1,.1. r) t't -++=4 II () 3 (-r'oo". Jt)i""" rr.J/v\J1 Probfem 4 A concavemirror hasa radiusof curvat're of 24 cm.How far is an objectfrom the mirror if an rmageisformedrtr is (a) virtual ano:.0 timesae si;;L object,(b) rearand 3.0 times rhe sizeofthe object? f- = ?,rl cr*, i (o) q a..r^,c,orr'r rvurvrar 4pr rurdf^..1 )J;*4e^ [1 :-c/v=3.o rr ,/ .tt /t p *I ' / ; =/ r / - ^,i€ t+7';+$.l*,14 --- t/ / Ct - ) tl 'ri o : ht', > O i = -a"of >= )tacr., _ | -; tl^ ----+ z-o? ( y 3f .. (U) 2."-n *.yU^ = l),e rq f='/xr o"" ,r^*,*) = 8.ocrq 2o rq < o tr)> - i/,= -3"o -,-.+ i = 3.ol t/ |t probrem5/P* /i= tl tt I /S ---" /f '#r= tl/ t/- /+ n _ -)- = fG.., -ip )/27=-n.n Fill in thetableberow,eachrowofwhich refersto a difrerent combination ofan objectand eitheraplane a spherical ----y,'.ro., _mirror, concave mirror.Distances 9o"u9* arein centimeters. If a numberlacksa sign, find the,t*"r ".rpl#* Type fri p m RealImage? InvertedImaee? .o aO - b +10 +1.0 Plo"t O) e-t..-- +20 +tto 60 +30 - e (c) Convex -Lo-40 -4.0 t5a 0.& (d) Gn.... +g +lb ta.. +24-O.SO (a) (") No. No Yus Y"' N" No Ve3 Yes n: .!1P n a=-sP - - ( + l . o ) ( + r o ) ) ( ' = - r o /e =b"{y =+.-+ -+ 7l= o ---J t="D V+-'/r- *.*, * /t n=-%=g * fi=k"==: rl *;+ (b) (o) (d) -o,it- ,1""+ ," a-;"bJ,-,r.lp rrrr-u+i-0.ora^.fq <o )4 v\---% . c"=-mp=-(-o.s")().r) -JL k=**i = [- = "D' =-d =lo,ro' r.=......- '--r-*l lI*a" , --; \-: s Problem 6 sphereof indexof A beamofparaliellight raysfrom a laseris incidenton a solidtransparent refractionn (seethe figurebelow).(a)Ifa point imageis producedat thebackofthe sphere, a what is the index ofrefraction of the sphere?(b) what index of refraction,if any,will produce point image at the center ofthe sphere? 35-g: ,ft"o"r -r-5,-,';Jf"ar /^\ .i \-./ lJt- - !.-\ rlo,.- _, n 1''b -.2-+-. ,\ ,.r - n D-l"P --:---.{- - &ac I la Da t)r D^-D' ", = {* Yvt- = ::- r' i i n/ '/\ z = d' (' ( b) D,=l. o ',.-= f) {- : n-l -------) = D:: !9 * ll f-'- - r1-)g + t -d= -, l1a:- ( " /v-r^'J4 I D'Jg p+r:'t'k *' "-}-^* i \-y -* aJ * , i d-t ,tJ'",ih -veA *,'-+-0'r I o --> dc o't r -> o1 I Problem7 machinethat canbe.setto grinda you havea supplyofflat glass1n= 1.5)anda lens-grinding like radius of curvatureof either40 cm or 60 cm. You areaskedto prepmea set of six lenses a choice thoseshownbelow. what will be the focal len$h of eachlens?Q'Jote:Whereyou have of radii of curvature.selectthe smallerone.) ) "tr*^r $.o,cna< r,o^Ne4 "t** < /*.,&,"j ) r)O 5 c,oo,c4^r{ -Ou,'$a,.eet- A (r) Bi-conYex Planar convex '/+= ("-')(+,-d) C, = ,lil (.) Meniscus convex t/9, 6s-')(*.*-*..) (o) n ea"-..,g*1; : o"oesct'-r $ . /.,ru,;' ----o[=l^l Bi-concale (c) (r) (l\ Plana| conca\/e Nleniscrrs concaYe (") /+-('4(G; i9" -qo'"'j r/(:(t"r)(-L.,,--J_t .l0eF, tJ r\ t{occ.' 1 = D"otrsc.nI f: Zocm - (r.s-r)(+o.--*.*) Y= )-9o.- r d\ -,) I r.s (* rV.= Y ( b) J' - -#.) (4) t/, = ( r.r-t) ) r-) a- - l 10cr.) T- Problem8 A bright object and a viewing screenareseparatedby a distanceof 76.0 cm. At what location(s) betweenthe object andthe screenshoulda lensof focal length 16.0cm be placedin orderto producea crisp imageon the screen? J)Fr\"g'/\ ll* -k,\tfuL)4j,\M\a ,J,.ibr** u,-rti^* ^"rJ #* AA/"*j/, 4"""r,,4* -!"tx"Q 1". P tr t t/ + i /Y 7 (?b-?) | = ?6-o" 'o = ?{e.. O c.o - I *:"' /* L+ ).-- +-)'= J6'P n ('71,'P)P ll" ^! e '/t" p-p = I )li" 'lG ----) ) | - =' -E tb ]b- ? pt- tra.o".) p + )2]bcroa= J = aa-qcrqo" D I w/a+e,&-a egt^*fia o Problem 9 b 5o I ctrr A movie camerawith a (single)lens of focal length 75 mm takesa picture of a personstanding 27 m avray.lf the personis 180cm tal1,what is the height of the imageon the film? f= ?5t,'q i"r=4 = t5"to?r., p = A?..) t/ I [ = -7-* '/t u T lt --)-- - -)- / t ?5*lo',.' lr') = -c/ /P /l ---) = a"t n I I y 13.3 ---+ i = O.O15 r.r .-r=-- = l$Dcr.r | ' -(> n-L_ r ll rr= Yh * tQ= - ( o"o?5 ,.' ' a'. / fr) h,'- mh tt h= ( a-?'.ro-')( rro"^) h'= o'bo.t tD= A.?*lO3 .-:- Problem 10 In the figure'below,a peasits at a focal point of the first (nearer)thin diverginglens,4'00 cm from that lens.The lensesme identical andseparatedby 10.0cm, with a commoncentra.laxis. (a) Whereis the imageof the peaproducedby the secondlens?(b) Is that imageinvertedor does it havethe sameorientationasthe pea?(c) Is it real or virhsal? +' a -a Ta-'ir z-------------- $^=$, ' a-------------+A-----------) {.oocrr; )M^D.a"y'*r@lou lo jotpl '/r"* Vp=/+ - t1c'=/+ Yp t '= f'P' '-ilf P'-f' i g- !-oOc-s )1lJLt=' =-g.oocn o- 4 . o o c$ ? {,'.. (-ar,DD.n)( q, oo".n) L, = 4.Do.,q- (-4.*-t /,= -A.oO.n \ "m^u;-r{ rd a.oocntb }pe!-#*lrfu p"* !e\4 }rAi.2 ^-alAcm -A )te ^"i'* ,t Pu ^r&").!Y^' l/^ * ll cnq I - a.l.O0clt , C\= .(.' Lo= l^f2- (-q.e-,xB.d ---) le"r, -(-1'ooca) P',i ? --) "d?"'a1 3.ooont )no 1"4*otr nt attzA-!e") (c) A^/,,"* aq(O,$n^*r*,"€, -\ffil (,b)M=n',".= (+)(ii) =(ffi)(tr) =/, -, ,{v\42 )) Problem 11 In the figurg below, an object is piacedin front ofa converginglensat a distanceequalto twice the focal length/ of the lens.On the other sideof the lensis a concavemiror of focal lengthB separatedfrom tJrelensby a distance2(fl +/.2). Light from the objectpassesrightwardthrough the lens,reflectsfrom the mirror, passesleftward throughthe lens,andforrnsa final imageof the object.What are(a) the distancebetweenthe lens andthat fina1imageand (b) the overall lateral magniftcationM of the object?Is the image(c) real or virtual (if it is virnral, it requiressomeone looking throughthe lenstowardthe mirror), (d) to the left or right ofthe lens,and (e) inverted.or non-inverted relativeto the obiect? oo 4r,ut 94ot\ D" -QN -IT-- ,l C )l D,. -- o\)l L1- cl -- ( .\, ? 'o = c-^ j-YL R-f' ^,.} Y- - Lt= n r - dt l )t 4\c dlr o ,Jtf.o^r" Af, b )et ^q\t fl\, ^It(\'o.42 +\,a,\\fu^\t )l -al.^a;fri" 4 Ue Ar rrA"*pdMt )}rt.rnrr^4 lxr-na ^ //' /'\ ^a /\ /' 'J-ra cI (T,+TxJ- cLT, = I 4 la.- a I ). f r (,?\- ? LLf') : = Afa. ;I'tr- Ta. f^-T r Lf= 2.far I W'o .vu^lin ',bta ?z tt:: )3 ^ *aia,na Af{ }t mo lt'l'* a6 fr,, Nn;4"#/\s,\r%r ;^ ;'t -- fle Arg*$+ffia -A9^A (\ ^r-lC a\ Tr{T*,1 - }Tr = }l-r ^f( =f, " C .= Lg io= ? (q) l'a -J'-n A ^ = J:}--fi- a -5E ._. Ay$ NW\AA )/rt\D\,/W u U- _J3t)--- f{,-f ,, La..<- c\ lt (b) M = rn,$x rD3 '(-#)i-#)(f) M,=(-*)(.tX-*)= (t) r --+ 11=-l .-A,we,la2o, }*, $/^-l "-^gr:"@ (,d)+^^,/ ,ttvtot4t )a b, -bg*a fu Ps,, Ce-) -rt^* ! . II iI '! I { l i II I \-.I