Here is a list of past project titles for Human/Land Interaction projects

Here is a list of past project titles for Human/Land Interaction projects
As you can see some of these have little on the “land interaction” end, so be careful how
you pick your project. Try to choose new topics and make sure you explicitly have a
human/land interaction.
Exxon Valdez: Past, Present, and Future?
Nuclear Metals Superfund Site
Los Angeles: The Air We Breathe
Hudson River PCBs
Wasted Resources Around the Skidmore College Campus
Deforestation in Brazil
The Revival of Spectacle Island
Anthropocentric Impacts on New Hampshire’s Forests
Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon
The 3 Gorges Dam
Cleaning up Past Mistakes on the Hudson
PCB Dredging on the Hudson River; Necessary or Not?
The Tennessee Valley Authority
Cultural Eutrophication of the Chesapeake Bay
Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon
Pollution of the Bagmati River
PCB’s in the Hudson River
Indian Point: A Nuclear Reactor Case Study
Los Angeles : Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Mining In The Adirondacks: A Closer Look at Tahawus
Glen Canyon Dam
Oil and Bush
Renewable Energy and Climate Change Initiatives at Swarthmore College,
Bucknell University, Oberlin College, &Tufts University
Bush’s Thirst for Oil
What is Radiation
Vesuvius: An intro to volcanoes and the current state of Vesuvius
Three Gorges Dam: The Costs and the Benefits