Summary of Projects in the 2009-2012 Global Network WorkPlan 30 September 2011 WorkPlan GPA No. Also contributes substantially to these GPA Objectives / Priorities Project Title Executive Institution Country Final Report Received WHO Region GPA Manager: Claudina Nogueira, NIOH, South Africa Priority 1.1 - Develop / update NATIONAL PROFILES on workers' health and provide evidence base for development, implementation and evaluation of national action plans Initiative Leader: Jovanka Bislimovska (Macedonia); Support - Ivan Ivanov (WHO HQ) Facilitating Project Includes 10 GPA 1.1 projects Facilitating Project: National action plans and profiles on workers’ health: international evidence and policy options 1.6d GPA2.2; GPA3.1; GPA3.2 Strengthening of health system to address occupational health risks - development of national strategy on occupational health and safety Serbian Institute of Occupational Health “Dr. Dragomir Karajović“, Belgrade, Serbia Serbia EURO 1.6f GPA1.2; GPA2.2; GPA5.3 Epidemiological surveillance for occupational diseases (Provimep) Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), Chile Chile AMRO 1.6g GPA2.2; GPA 3.1 The Australian National OHS Strategy 2002-2012 Safe Work Australia Australia WPRO 1.6h GPA2.2; GPA 3.1 National Harmonisation of OHS legislation across Australia Safe Work Australia Australia WPRO 1.7d GPA2.2; GPA 2.3; GPA 3.2; GPA4.3 National action plan on prevention of occupational diseases and intervention measures Vietnam NIOEH - National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health Vietnam YES WPRO 1.7e GPA2.2; GPA 2.3; GPA 3.2; GPA4.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of national action plans on prevention of occupational diseases in Vietnam Vietnam NIOEH - National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health Vietnam YES WPRO 1.9a GPA 2.3 The draft of the National Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Programme in China 2005-2010 National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, China Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing CC Initiative Leader: Jovanka Bislimovska (Institute of Occupational Health of RM, Macedonia) Contributing Projects: 1.10tt 1.7a 1.7b GPA 2.1; GPA 5.3 Development of international and national indicators of achievement for GPA World Health Organization (WHO HQ) Switzerland Brazilian profile and national surveillance indicators in occupational health and safety FUNDACENTRO, Brazil Brazil Impact of non-health policies on occupational safety and health and public health: a systems International Ergonomics Association (IEA) in collaboration dynamics analysis with Curtin University Development of National Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 1.6i Institute of Occupational Health of RM, WHO CC, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia GAPS: Priority 1.2 - Develop and disseminate evidence-based prevention tools and raise awareness for the prevention of SILICA- and other dust-related diseases Initiative Leaders - Maria Lioce-Mata (NIOSH), Catherine Beaucham (NIOSH), Faye Rice (NIOSH); Support - Ivan Ivanov (WHO HQ) 1 WPRO WHO HQ YES Australia Macedonia AMRO WPRO YES EURO Facilitating Project Includes 14 GPA 1.2 projects Facilitating Project: Tools and best practices for prevention of silicosis and other pneumoconioses globally CC Initiative Leaders: Maria Lioce-Mata, Catherine Beaucham, Faye Rice (NIOSH, USA) Contributing Projects: Area 1: Develop and augment partnerships with stakeholders 1.10u GPA2.1; GPA3.2 1.10j GPA 2.1; GPA3.2; GPA4.3 1.10z GPA2.1; GPA3.2 1.7f GPA 1.3 Global Silica Information Dissemination NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA YES AMRO National programme on elimination of silicosis – Brazil (NPES-B) FUNDACENTRO, Brazil YES AMRO Identification of Global Pnemoconioses Information Resources NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA YES AMRO Dissemination and implementation of the Policy and Action Plan for the eradication of Silicosis, Asbestosis and pneumoconiosis in Colombia Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University OHP/UEB YES AMRO Brazil Colombia Area 2: Capacity building in diagnosis, surveillance and treatment 1.10r GPA3.2; GPA4.3 1.10x GPA4.3 1.7i GPA3.2; GPA4.3 1.10t GPA3.2 1.10v GPA4.3 Training programmes and guidance materials for surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment of silica exposed workers globally NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA YES AMRO Revision of 1996 WHO Monograph: Screening and surveillance of workers exposed to mineral dusts NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA YES AMRO Eradication of silicosis Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), Chile Chile AMRO Silica, Silicosis, and Tuberculosis National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa AFRO Establishment and evaluation of surveillance programmes for silicosis Vietnam NIOEH - National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health Vietnam YES WPRO YES AMRO Area 3: Best laboratory practices for silica 1.10e GPA3.2 Best laboratory practices globally for analysis of crystalline silica NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA 1.10p GPA3.2 Promoting a Regional Diagnosis of exposure to silica Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile Chile AMRO Area 4: Control-focused strategies and tools 1.10k GPA2.1 Development and implementation of Silica Control Tool Kits for priority exposure situations in NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA the Americas 1.10l GPA2.1 Implementation of Control Banding Methodology for Silica Control Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile Chile AMRO 1.10i GPA2.1 Development of Risk Management Toolkit for silicosis in small silica flour milling units National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad, India India SEARO 1.10aa GPA2.1; GPA3.2 YES AMRO Area 5: Increase technical knowledge and capacity in industrial hygiene Respiratory Protection Programme Development NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health USA YES AMRO YES WPRO GAPS: Priority 1.3 - Develop and disseminate evidence-based prevention tools and raise awareness for the elimination of ASBESTOS -related diseases Initiative Leader - Ken Takahashi (Japan); Support - Ivan Ivanov (WHO HQ) Facilitating Project Includes 13 GPA 1.3 projects Facilitating Project: Strategies and programmes for elimination of asbestos-related diseases (ARDs) CC Initiative Leader: Ken Takahashi, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan Contributing Projects: Area 1: Primary Prevention - Develop technologies for abatement and substitution of asbestos 1.10g GPA3.2 Establishment of infrastructure to evaluate risk of asbestos exposure Catholic Industrial Medical Centre (CIMC), Korea 2 Korea 1.10o GPA3.2 Training on asbestos and its identification National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa 1.10q GPA3.2 Support in the methodology to train workers involved in asbestos removal activities Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile Chile YES AFRO PAHO Area 2: Secondary Prevention - Develop surveillance and early detection of ARDs GPA4.3 Establishment of a malignant mesothelioma surveillance system Catholic Industrial Medical Centre (CIMC), Korea Korea YES WPRO 1.10d GPA4.3 Detection of impaired lung function in early stages of asbestosis by means of gas diffusion parameters Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany Germany YES EURO 1.10f GPA4.3 Lung function reduction associated with different levels of occupational exposure to asbestos Center for Occupational Health at the National Institute of particles Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic Czech Republic YES EURO 1.10a Area 4: Monitoring Progress - Compile and report NPEAD (ILO/WHO) with periodic review The national strategic plan and action for prevention and control of asbestos related diseases in Thailand Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Thailand YES SEARO Asian Asbestos Initiative Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences (IIES) of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health (UOEH), Japan Japan YES WPRO GPA2.1 Sound management of priority industrial carcinogens, including asbestos in Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka World Health Organization (WHO HQ) Switzerland 1.10cc GPA2.1 Regional Asbestos Atlas of the Americas Led by Dr Luz Maritza Tennassee (PAHO) 1.10dd GPA2.1; GPA4.3 Epidemiological surveillance systems for the ARDs: operative tools for monitoring and prevention ISPESL - National Institute for Occupational Prevention and Safety, Italy 1.10yy GPA2.1; GPA4.3 Development of toolkit for elimination of asbestos related diseases AFRICA Fibre Counting Scheme 1.10b GPA4.3 1.10c GPA2.1; GPA3.2 1.10bb 1.10w GAPS: WHO HQ YES PAHO Italy YES EURO Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences (IIES) of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health (UOEH), Japan Japan YES WPRO Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM), UK UK YES EURO Area 3: Tertiary Prevention - Develop effective treatment and compensation of ARDs Priority 1.4 - Conduct studies and develop evidence-based tools and information materials for the comprehensive protection and promotion of health for HEALTH CARE WORKER , emphasizing HBV immunization Initiative Leaders - Ahmed Gomaa (NIOSH), Maria Lioce-Mata (NIOSH); Support - Susan Wilburn (WHO HQ) Facilitating Project Includes 26 GPA 1.4 projects Facilitating Project: Health worker occupational safety and health (HWOSH) CC Initiative Leaders: Ahmed Gomaa, Maria Lioce-Mata (NIOSH, USA) Contributing Projects: Area 1: Biological hazards: bloodborne (HIV, hepatitis, etc) and airborne (influenza, TB, SARS, etc) 1.9l GPA2.3 1.9n GPA2.3 1.9q GPA2.3; GPA 3.2 Risk Assessment for Health Care Workers National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), China China Protecting Health Care Workers in International Settings National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA USA YES AMRO Prevention of Needlestick Injuries in Health Care Workers National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa YES AFRO 3 WPRO 1.9x GPA2.3 Establishing health and safety programmes for health care workers in Vietnam National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (NIOEH), Vietnam Vietnam YES WPRO USA YES AMRO 1.9z GPA2.3 Protecting health care workers from needlestick injuries in Afghanistan National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA 1.9dd GPA2.3 Joint WHO-ILO Policy Guidelines for Improving Health Worker Access to HIV and TB Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support World Heallth Organization (WHO) / International Labour Organization (ILO) Switzerland YES WHO/ILO GPA1.4 Training program on occupational health surveillance and prevention of blood exposures among healthcare workers International Healthcare Worker Safety Center (IHWSC), University of Virginia, USA USA YES WHO Great Lakes Center, University of Ilinois, Chicago USA YES AMRO Controlling Occupational Safety and Health Hazards among Health Care Workers JNIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Health, Japan Japan Prevention management programme of musculoskeletal diseases using the participatory action oriented training (PAOT) in the health care workers Catholic Industrial Medical Centre (CIMC), Korea Korea YES WPRO An ergonomics audit in South African public hospitals National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa YES AFRO 1.9gg 1.9hh Evaluation of the WHO Protecting health workers -preventing needlestick injuries program Area 2: Musculoskeletal disorders / Ergonomics 1.9c GPA2.3; GPA 3.2 WPRO 1.9d GPA2.3 1.9e GPA2.3; GPA 3.2 1.9g GPA2.1 Job stress surveillance in health care workers Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), Chile Chile PAHO 1.9t GPA2.2 Countries in transition: how to promote health at work in health organizations University of Zagreb - Croatia Institute of Occupational Health (IOH), Macedonia Croatia EURO 1.9u GPA2.2 How to maintain health care workers workability and quality of life University of Zagreb, Croatia Croatia YES EURO 1.9aa GPA5.3 Changing world of work in nursing sector and migration: developing preventive strategies ISPESL, Department of Occupational Medicine, Italy Italy YES EURO YES PAHO Area 3: Psychosocial hazards and work organization / Workplace violence Area 4: Pharmaceutical and chemical risks 1.9h GPA2.1; GPA3.2 Occupational risks in Cuban health care workers: exposure assessment, prevention, training Clinica del Lavoro, Italy and INSAT, Cuba and guidelines Cuba 1.9i GPA2.1; GPA3.2 Assessment of exposure to antineoplastic agents in pharmacy and hospital personnel University of Munich, Germany Germany YES EURO 1.9cc GPA2.1; GPA3.2 Developing tools for the safe handling of hazardous drugs University of Maryland, School of Medicine USA YES AMRO YES AFRO Area 5: Comprehensive programmes including Risk Assessment / Risk Management tools and information 1.9j GPA2.3; GPA 3.2 Identification and prevention of occupational risks for health care workers National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa 1.9m GPA2.1; GPA3.2 Assessment of environmental and health risks in a mega hospital Egypt National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Egypt National University of Singapore Singapore YES WPRO EMRO 1.9p GPA3.2 Video-Conference Seminar on usage of personal protective equipment for health care workers 1.9r GPA3.2 Latex allergy and asthma-risk management programme for healthcare workers National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa YES AFRO 1.9s GPA2.3; GPA 3.2 Enhanced diagnosis and management of pulmonary tuberculosis: flow sheet for health care workers National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), SA South Africa YES AFRO Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology Republic of Bashkortostan (Russian Federation) YES EURO 1.9v GPA2.1; GPA2.2 Assessment of the present working conditions and specific features of promoting health, safety, and well-being in health sector in the Republic of Bashkortostan 4 1.9w GPA2.1 1.9y GPA2.3; GPA3.2 1.9bb GPA2.3 1.9ee GPA2.2; GPA2.3 1.9ff 1.10ee 1.9ii GPA3 GAPS: WHO/Trade Unions Network on Implementing Workers Health Initiatives Great Lakes Centers, USA USA YES AMRO Training of trainers on the usage of respiratory protection for health care workers in Cambodia who work with suspected avian influenza patients National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore YES WPRO South Africa YES AFRO UAE YES EMRO USA YES AMRO Colombia YES AMRO USA YES AMRO USA YES AMRO Korea YES WPRO Portugal YES EURO The evaluation of immunodiagnostic tests for TB infection and determinants of such infection University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa in a population of South African health care workers The comprehensive protection and promotion of health for healthcare workers in the UAE, emphasizing hepatitis B immunization Prevention and control of occupational hazards and risk in the healthcare sector Partnering with the Ministry of Social Protection, WHO/PAHO and NIOSH/CDC for following up the commitments agreed during the second regional meeting held in Bogota /2010, including the designation of the National Commission on OH for the Health sector; and contributing and implementing in Colombia the Joint WHO/ILO global policy guideline for protecting health care workers and ILO’s WISE-health. Healthcare Waste Management Train-the-Trainer Program Objective 2: Protect and promote health at the workplace (actions 11-15) Department of Community Medicine, United Arab Emirates University University of Maryland, School of Medicine Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University OHP/UEB Great Lakes Center, University of Ilinois, Chicago GPA Manager: Stavroula Leka and Aditya Jain, Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, University of Nottingham, UK Priority 2.1a: Develop practical toolkits for the assessment and management of OH risks for: Chemical hazards Initiative leaders - Dave Zalk and Henri Heussen, IOHA; Susan Wilburn (WHO) Facilitating Project 2.15n CC Initiative Leader: Leslie Nickels, Great Lakes Centers Includes 15 GPA 2.1a Facilitating Project: Toolkits and other resources to improve assessment and management of University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, USA. projects chemical risks at the workplace. WHO/HQ: Evelyn Kortum 1.2, 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, Demonstration and evaluation of control banding applications nationally and globally 5.3 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA and IOHA 2.11c 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 Development of the Chemical Control Toolkit (Korean version of web-based chemical hazard Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) information and control measures) by modifying the HSE control banding and ILO tool kit. 2.11d 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 Implement International Chemical Control Toolkit (ICCT) In Portugal and in some African countries not yet identified. Centre of Environmental and Occupational Health National Institute of Health – Porto, 2.11e 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 Application and expansion of Control Banding of chemicals and dust on small and middlescale enterprises (SMEs) in China. National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing Risk Management of Chemicals: Chemical Toolkit Pilot-Project Implementation. FUNDACENTRO Department of Occupational Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 2.13c 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.15q 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.11b 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.15p 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.13a 1.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.11q 2.11r 2.11s 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.11t 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.3 2.11a 3.2, 5.3 Demonstration and evaluation of control banding application in small scale enterprises (SSEs) Sound Chemicals Management for a Healthier Environment in South and Southeast Asia Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai Bakers allergy and asthma - Risk Management Toolkit China WPRO Brazil AMRO China WPRO India YES Occupational and Environmental Health Research Unit, University of Cape Town South Africa YES Development of an advanced model for regulatory exposure assessment (Advanced REACH Tool - ART) Stoffenmanager 4.5: New and Extended Version. Stoffenmanager Construction Toolkit Stoffenmanager Paint and Printing Ink Manufacturing Industry Toolkit Development of Toolkits for Safe Solvent Use in Industry Sectors Involved with Carbon Tetrachloride (CTC) Phaseout. TNO Netherlands TNO IOHA IOHA Netherlands Global Global New challenges and new methods in bio-monitoring INRS Sri Ramachandra University 5 SEARO AFRO EURO EURO YES YES India YES SEARO France YES EURO 2.11f 3.2, 5.3 Development of analytical diagnostic tools for occupational isocyanate asthma Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg Germany YES EURO Germany YES EURO EURO Note: Two training programs for control banding are located in GPA3.2 Priority 2.1b: Develop practical toolkits for the assessment and management of OH risks for: Physical hazards Initiative leaders - Leslie Nickels; Susan Wilburn (WHO) Facilitating Project CC Initiative Leader: Leslie Nickels, Great Lakes Centers Includes 4 GPA 2.1b Facilitating Project: Toolkits and other resources to improve assessment and management of University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, USA. projects physical risks at the workplace. WHO/HQ: Susan Wilburn 2.15e 1.1, 3.2, 5.3 Code of conduct for noise control in the music- and entertainment sector Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) 2.12c 1.1, 3.2, 5.3 Compendium on hearing conservation for professionals in music- and entertainment sector Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) 2.15u 3.2, 5.3 Assessing UV exposure: measurements and prediction of individual exposure Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail (IST) 2.11u 3.2, 5.3 Development of Toolkits for High Occupational Temperatures and Productivity Suppression. Sri Ramachandra University Priority 2.1c: Develop practical toolkits for the assessment and management of OH risks for: Healthcare Sector hazards Includes 5 GPA 2.1c projects, all coded to GPA1.4 Facilitating Project 2.15t 2.15z 2.11l 2.13h 2.11p 2.15aa 2.15ab 2.2, 5.3 2.15j 2.2, 3.2 2.11x 3.2, 4,2 Threat to life and physical integrity at the workplace: consequences on mental health and Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Milan prevention Guidelines for bullying at work - Specific toolkits for the prevention of workplace bullying Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Milan Psychosocial risk of health professionals: Identify psychosocial risk of health professionals in Institute of Research in Occupational Health. University of Gua order to generate illness prevention and health occupational programs Priority 2.1e: Develop practical toolkits for the assessment and management of OH risks for: Work-related hazards for Musculoskeletal Injuries Initiative leaders - Wendy Macdonald; Evelyn Kortum (WHO) Facilitating Project Includes 4 GPA 2.1e Facilitating Project: Toolkits and other resources to improve management of work-related projects musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) and other OSH risks 2.11h 2.1b, 2.2 2.11k 2.1b, 2.2, 4.2 YES YES EURO India YES SEARO Initiative leaders - Dave Zalk, Henri Heussen; Susan Wilburn (WHO) See GPA1.4 for five toolkit projects related to healthcare workers: GPA 1.9l, 1.9n, 1.9q, 1.9x and 1.9z Priority 2.1d: Develop practical toolkits for the assessment and management of OH risks for: Psychological hazards Initiative leaders - Stavroula Leka and Aditya Jain; Evelyn Kortum (WHO) CC Initiative Leader: Stavroula Leka and Aditya Jain, Includes 8 GPA 2.1d Facilitating Project: Toolkits and other resources to improve assessment and management of Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, University of projects psychosocial risks at the workplace. Nottingham, UK. Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 Psychosocial Risk Management Toolkit Nottingham Occupational Health Centre of the Municipal Institute of 2.2, 5.2 Collaboration in the development of practical psychosocial risk management toolkit Health of Barcelona Adaptation, validation and training in the use of a diagnostic tool to detect prevalence of CINBIOSE CANADA with Centro de Estudios de la mujer 2.2, 4.2 psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. 3.2, 4.2 Study of psychosocial risks in Malaysian context University of South Australia 2.2, 4.2 Psychosocial stress in the workplace with regard to burnout and gender Institute of Occupational and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg Practical toolkits for assessment of work stress Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong Prevention of workplace violence via Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Kit, Training, and On-line risk Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong assessment of workplace violence (English & Chinese) 2.14b Germany Switzerland Hazard surveillance to manage musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk Toolkits for managing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders (MSDs). CC Initiative Leader: Wendy Macdonald, Centre for Research and Teaching in Occupational Ergonomics, Health & Safety, La Trobe University, Australia WHO/HQ: Evelyn Kortum Centre for Research & Teaching in Occupational Ergonomics, Health & Safety, La Trobe University International Ergonomics Association 6 UK EURO Spain EURO YES AMRO Australia Germany China Canada YES YES WPRO EURO WPRO China YES WPRO Italy YES EURO Italy YES EURO Mexico YES AMRO Australia YES Australia WPRO WPRO 2.11n 2.1b, 2.2 2.15r 2.1b, 2.2 Prevention of WMSDs: observational tools for the assessment and management of occupational physical risks for the musculoskeletal system, focusing on difficult working sectors. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders CC-OMS Clinica del Lavoro L. Devoto, University of Milan National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) Italy YES EURO South Africa YES AFRO Singapore YES WPRO Singapore YES WPRO Priority 2.2: Healthy Workplace programmes and guidance to inform country frameworks. Initiative leaders - CC: Abeytunga, (CCOHS); Fernando Coelho(SESI); WHO: Evelyn Kortum; Marie-Claude Lavoie(PAHO) Facilitating Project Includes 21 GPA 2.2 Facilitating Project: Development of a country frameworks and guidance on healthy projects workplaces. 2.11j 2.1a, 5.3 2.11j-1 2.1a, 5.3 2.11o 1.1 2.13l 3.2, 5.3 2.14f 2.1d, 3.2 2.15l 2.13j 2.15d 2.13i Development of a Workplace Safety and Health Appraisal Tool National model enterprises for occupational disease prevention and control Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Milan Institute of Management, School of Buisness Health and Safety Laboratory 1.4, 2.1d, 4.2 Inventory of national guidance documents on job stress management and health promotion. Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) Korea Fudan University School of Public Health, Shanghai China SESI – Industrial Social Service National Department Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham Centre for Research and Teaching in Occupational Ergonomics, Health & Safety, La Trobe University European Institute of Health and Social Welfare, Madrid. Institute of Management IFU, School of Business Industrial Accident Prevention Association, (IAPA) Industrial Accident Prevention Association, (IAPA) IfADo – Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors at TU Dortmund University Central American Institute for Studies on Toxic Substances (IRET) IfADo – Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors at TU Dortmund University University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Occupational Health Program. WHO Global Occupational Health Programme Occupational and Environmental Health Unit, Ghana Health Se Brazil 4.2 2.1d, 2.1e, 4.2 2.13p 3.2, 4.2 2.15a 4.2 2.1d Workplace health promotion demonstraton program in different types of enterprises in Shanghai SESI – Healthy Industry Program Corporate Social Responsibility and Occupational Safety and Health: a potent contrivance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals Occupational safety and health system management: the challenge of global diversity Effectiveness evaluation system in occupational health management (EES) Pilot project on WHP for SME with a focus on small enterprises Enhancement of Occupational Health and Safety in Mexican Industry. Enhancement of Occupational Health and Safety in Brazilian Industry. 2.13g 2.1d, 4.2 Guidelines for shiftwork 2.12b 2.3, 5.3 Health promotion programs for selected groups in Central America 2.13k 4.2 2.13m 2.1, 3.1, 5.2 Aged persons and their occupational skills: development of methods for the prevention of impairments Implementation of a comprehensive health, safety and well-being workplace program within PAHO Global Framework and Global Guidance on Healthy Workplaces Towards Comprehensive workplace Programmes in the Ghanaian Workplace National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health China 2.1d, 4.2 2.1d, 3.2 2.1d, 4.2 2.14c 2.13n 2.13q National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing Occupational safety and health services in small scale industries in Japan. Promoting and Protecting Mental Health - Supporting Policy through Integration of Research, Current Approaches and Practices Flexible working hours as a tool for increasing workers’ health and well-being. SWING: Stress prevention project. Increasing physical activity: designing and testing a workplace intervention. 2.13o 2.11i 2.13d 2.13e 2.13f Development of an OSH Performance Rating System CC Initiative Leaders: Abeytunga, CCOHS, Canada; Fernando Coelho, SESI, Brazil; WHO HQ: Evelyn Kortum; WHO PAHO Marie-Claude Lavoie Occupational Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Manpower Occupational Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Manpower Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) WPRO Japan WPRO Germany YES EURO Italy Switzerland UK YES YES YES EURO EURO EURO WPRO WPRO YES AMRO Australia YES WPRO Spain Switzerland Canada Canada YES YES EURO EURO AMRO AMRO Germany YES EURO Costa Rica YES AMRO UK EURO Germany EURO USA YES AMRO Global Ghana YES WHO HQ AFRO Croatia YES EURO Priority 2.3 - Develop toolkits for the assessment and management of global health threats including HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, influenza, emphasizing vulnerable groups, in particular migrant workers Initiative leaders - Jadranka Mustajbegovic, Croatia; Susan Wilburn (WHO) 2.14e 5.3 PREVENTION OF HIV/AIDS AMONG MIGRANT WORKERS Department for Environmental & Occupational Health Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia 7 2.12f 5.3 SWIFT– Sustainable Waste Management Initiative For A Healthier Tomorrow - A Comprehensive, Sustainable Approach Focused On The Determinants Of Social Exclusion, Poverty And Health In The Roma, Ashkali And Egyptians In Belgrade, Serbia WHO Country Office in Serbia Serbia EURO Objective 3: to improve the performance of and access to occupational health services Managers: Kaj Husman, FIOH and Leslie Nickels, UIC Priority 3.1: Develop working methods, provide technical assistance to countries for organization, delivery and evaluation of basic OH services in the context of primary health care, with particular focus on underserved populations and settings with constrained resources. Initiative leaders - Kaj Husman, FIOH, Finland Facilitating Project Includes 17 GPA 3.1 Facilitating Project: Organization and Delivery of Occupational Health Services in Primary projects Health 3.16a 1.1 Good practice in occupational health services 3.16i 1.1 East Asian Network for Development of Occupational Health Research and Services Model 3.16j 3.16k SHERQ programme for the Public Health Service in South Africa 3.2 3.16l 1.1 3.17d 1.1 3.17f 1.1 3.18o 3.2 3.18p Development an expansion of a pilot project for occupational health services in China Development of innovative models for organization and provision of occupational health services in South East Europe “Occupational Health Latin-American Forum” Policy advice, training of trainers, support pilot projects and provide practical guidelines for BOHS Development and integration of Basic Occupational Health Services into Primary Health Care in Southern India Occupational Health and Safety Quality Assurance for Primary Health Care Unit 3.18q 1.1 The Development of Basic Occupational Health Service (BOHS) model for underserved working population in Thai Primary Care Units 3.18t 1.1 Organization and delivery of BOHS for underserved populations in Vietnam 3.16n National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing Institute of Occupational Health, WHO Collaborating Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia European Institute of Health and Social Welfare, Madrid ICOH Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Thailand Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health in Vietnam, National Institute of Occupational & Environmental Norway EURO Japan YES WPRO South Africa YES AFRO China WPRO Macedonia YES EURO Spain YES EURO Global YES WHO HQ India YES SEARO Thailand YES WPRO Thailand YES WPRO Vietnam YES WPRO TNO Quality of Life / Work & Employment Global WHO HQ 1.1 Occupational health and primary health care WHO Global Occupational Health Programme Global WHO HQ 1.1 Development and Implementation of a Basic Occupational Health Service Intervention Program in Indonesia University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health 3.16q 3.16p 3.16r Norwegian National Institue of Occupational Health Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences (IIES), UOEH, Japan NIOH, South Africa Blind spot in health care for work-relatedness ̶ Revitalizing Ramazzini’s legacy 3.19f 3.19u CC Initiative Leaders: Kaj Husman (Finnish Institute for Occupational Health) Worker’s health protection project 1.1 SHERQ programme for the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) in South Africa Integration of occupational health services into primary health care system in Turkey General Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health (GDPMEH)- Ministry of Health of Vietnam NIOH, South Africa Occupational Health and Safety Institute (İSGÜM) Turkey USA YES Vietnam South Africa Turkey AMRO WPRO YES AFRO EMRO YES EURO Priority 3.2: Adapt and disseminate curricula, training materials and training for international capacity building in OH Initiative leaders - Jonny Meyers (COEH, UCT) and Linda Grainger (COEH, UCT and ICOH) Facilitating Project 3.16e Includes 33 GPA 3.2a Facilitating Project: Capacity building projects Development of core curriculum in occupational health CC Initiative Leaders: Jonny Myers (Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research, School of Public Health, University of Cape Town) and Linda Grainger (Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research, School of Public Health University of Cape Town; ICOH Institute for Work and Health, Lausanne, Switzerland and Institute of Radiological Health, Belgrade, Serbia 8 Switzerland and Serbia Utility of competencies acquired during specialization training in occupational medicine evaluation a self-assessment tool 3.16h 3.19a NetWoRM – Netbased training of work-related medicine 3.19b Electronic lesson on evidence-based medicine for occupational health professionals 3.19s 3.19t 3.18c 3.18d 3.18e 2.2 3.18i 3.18j 3.18m 2.1 3.18n 3.18r 3.18v 3.18w 3.19c 2.2 3.16d 2.2 3.17b 1..4 3.17e 3.18g 3.18h 2.1 3.18s 2.2 3.18x 3.19n 3.18y 1.4 3.19j 1.4 3.18z 3.18aa 2.1 3.18ab 3.1 3.18ad 3.16o 3.17g Fudan University School of Public Health, Shanghai Poland EURO Germany YES EURO Netherlands YES EURO China China South Africa France Italy WPRO YES YES WPRO AFRO EURO EURO USA YES AMRO France YES EURO YES AMRO WPRO AMRO UK USA Korea Canada EURO YES Egypt EMRO Spain YES EURO Italy YES EURO Benin AFRO Japan YES Professional capacity building in occupational health and safety SESI- Industrial Social Service National Department, Brasilia Brazil YES AMO Fundamentals of occupational health and safety Organizing and conducting courses for health workers, technicians, and public health workers on assessment and management of occupational risks in Vietnam GLC-SPH-UIC, USA USA YES AMRO Viet Nam YES WPRO USA YES AMRO USA YES AMRO "International Program in Occupational Health Practice" Certificate Online Program Translate portable digital course modules in OEH from English into both Spanish and Portuguese and secure mechanisms for delivery of modules to resource limited academic institutions in Latin America. Basic occupational health services in Afghanistan Access to occupational safety & health information in the SADC Region and in Portuguesespeaking countries (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique) Capacity Building in Occupational Hygiene utilizing online capabilities Development and dissemination of introductory and advanced level training modules in control banding and its toolkits Training for international capacity building in occupational health Public health surveillance capacity building training program Includes 8 GPA 3.2b Facilitating Project: Capacity building through IBOSH projects 5.3 Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational Environmental Medicine, University of Munich, Ziemssentser, Germany Coronel Institute of Occupational Health AMC University of Amsterdam Fudan University School of Public Health, Shanghai NIOH, SA INRS, France ISPESL, Italy Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Short/intensive course curriculum in occupational health (various topics) Health. The University of Texas School of Public Health Workplace first aid educators and instructors training INRS France Development of training packages for the Psychosocial Risk Management toolkit, deliverable Institute of Work, Health and Organizations, University of Nottingham through e-learning and face-to-face. GeoLibrary: Database of teaching materials and practice tools Great Lakes Centers, University of Illinois at Chicago SPH Technical assistance and training program for developing countries in Asia Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency Interdisciplinary courses for occupational and environmental health professionals CINBIOSE Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Occupational Health Department High Institute of Public Two phases approach to update formal professional training of occupational health and Health Alexandria Egypt safety in Egypt and the Arab world European Institute of Health and Social Welfare, Madrid, Integral management in environmental, quality and occupational health Spain Education and training in risk assessment and risk analysis at a master’s level ICPS, Italy Human resource development in occupational health and safety project: training of nurses specialized in occupational health and safety in Benin Republic and African francophone CC URESTE/LUSTE University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) countries Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of OEH, International training of occupational and environmental health experts Japan Distance learning in ergonomics for Portuguese speaking countries in Africa 2.2 3.19r Facilitating Project Contemporary Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine, a Reference Book to professionals and allied personnel Basic Toxicology, A Textbook for high education to public health students Developing capacity in biological monitoring in occupational and environmental health E-Training in occupational risk prevention for prevention organizers in Africa METROnet: joint training program Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz Poland Occupational Health Service Support for small enterprises(SSE) to promote their ability to enhance health status of workers An online platform for capacity building for the BOHS National institute of Occupational Health Centre of Environmental and Occupational Health National Institute of Health, Porto, Portugal GLC-SPH-UIC, USA University of Michigan NIOSH Portugal WPRO EURO USA YES EMRO South Africa YES AFRO IOHA IOHA YES WHO IOHA IOHA YES WHO UAE Grenada, Carribean YES EMRO YES AMRO NIOH, SA United Arab Emirates University St. George's University, Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Grenada CC Initiative Leaders: Frank van Dijk Coronel Institute for Occupational Health, AMC and John Harrison NHS, UK Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) Korea WPRO Coronel Institute for Occupational Health, AMC Netherlands AMRO 9 3.18k OHS capacity development , Research, training, and service Occupational and Environmental Health Research Unit University of Cape Town, South Africa 3.19i Module of continuous training for occupational Health physicians Institute of Occupational Health and Safety - Tunisia -ISST Support of peer-reviewed, Spanish-language Scientific Occupational The University of Texas School of Public Health, USA 3.19m 3.19o 5.3 Training of trainers to provide better occupational health services to blue-collar working population in the province of Riau, Indonesia National University of Singapore 3.19p 2.1 International education and training in occupational health psychology Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham GPA Objective 4: to provide and communicate evidence for action and practice (actions 20-23) GPA Manager: Jo Harris-Roberts and Ed Robinson, HSL, UK South Africa YES Tunisia AFRO AFRO USA YES AMRO Singapore YES WPRO UK EURO Priority 4.1: Encourage practical research on emerging issues, including nanomaterials and climate change. Initative Leaders - Rosemary Gibson, HSL, UK and Vlad Murashov, NIOSH; WHO/HQ - Ivan Ivanov Facilitating Project Includes 11 GPA 4 projects 4.21l Facilitating Project: Coordination of CC Nanotechnology Projects CC Initiative Leader (name and affiliation) responsible for included projects How to assess the adequacy of safety measures for manufactured nanoparticles Institute for Work and Health, Lausanne 4.21m Best practices globally for working with nanomaterials 4.21n Nano-Comms: A Technical Observatory for the dissemination of information regarding nanoparticle health and safety issues National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Switzerland YES EURO USA YES AMRO Health and Safety Laboratory, UK UK 4.21o Assessing the Hazard of Nanomaterials Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) UK YES EURO 4.21p NanOSH Italy ISPESL – Dept. of Occupational Medicine 4.21q Development of database for individuals working with engineered nanomaterials NUS Singapore 4.21v Assessing the Hazard of Nanoparticles and Communicating the Risks: SAFENANO Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) EURO Italy YES EURO Singapore YES WPRO UK YES EURO 4.21ao Application of practical research to help ensure that the OHS Regulatory Framework and OHS management effectively covers issues associated with nanotechnology Safe Work Australia Australia 4.21av New knowledge development on nanotechnologies IRSST, Canada Canada YES AMRO 4.21as Participation in ISO TC 229/WG 3 /PG 8 "Guidelines for occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials based on a control banding approach" IOHA - YES WPRO Netherlands YES 4.21at Stoffenmanager Nano, version 1.0 4.22m Sustainability and risk management for occupational safety - part 3 industrial hygiene 4.22o Facilitating Project Nanotechnology and its potential impact upon workers´ health and safety Includes 4 GPA 4 projects Facilitating Project: Climate change and Workers Health TNO Quality of Life / Work & Employment the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Équipe de recherche en sécurité du travail (ÉREST) FUNDACENTRO – Brazil Canada EURO AMRO Brazil YES YES AMRO CC Initiative Leader - Jo Harris-Roberts, Ed Robinson, HSL UK IGNIS - Income generation and climate by valorising municipal solid wastes in a sustainable way in emerging megacities Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany 4.21ap Emerging OHS issues associated with climate change. Safe Work Australia Australia 4.21aq The impact of climate change on workers health Health and Safety Laboratory, UK 4.21ar Impact of climate change on occupational health and safety IRSST, Canada 4.21s WPRO 10 EURO WPRO UK YES EURO Canada YES AMRO 4.21au Energy for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean SGU, Grenada Grenada, Carribean YES AMRO Priority 4.2: Further develop the global research agenda for workers’ health. Output: Research report matrix to identify relevant gaps in research. Initative Leaders - Jo HarrisRoberts, Ed Robinson, HSL, UK; WHO/HQ: Ivan Ivanov Facilitating Project Includes 50 GPA projects in the below Facilitating Project: Global research Matrix list CC Initiative Leader - Jo Harris-Roberts, Ed Robinson, HSL UK Potential for all GPA4 (and other GPA) projects to contribute through knowledge sharing exercise - therefore, individual projects not listed GPA Objective 4: to provide and communicate evidence for action and practice (actions 2023) GPA Manager: Jo Harris-Roberts and Ed Robinson, HSL, UK 4.20a Study of global health in the work environment: cardio vascular and mental health risk Institute of Occuapational Health Tunisia 4.20b Occupational disease surveillance and other indicators of occupational health practice 4.20c 4.20d 4.20e Czech national occupational health profile. Indicators of exposure and health outcomes Centre for Occupational Health at the National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic 4.20f Development Of Public Health Indicators For Reporting Environmental/Occupational Risks Related To Agriculture And Fishery (2004-2007). ICPS, Italy 4.20g Surveillance of occupational accidents aboard Danish merchant ships and fishing vessels Research Unit of Maritime Medicine, Denmark Denmark 4.20i Elaboration of a European Guide to support the new European Directive 2003/10/EEC on the requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from the physical agent noise Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany YES EURO Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany Germany YES EURO Japan National Institute of Occupational Health (JNIOSH) Japan National Institute for Occupational & Environmental Health (NIOEH), Vietnam Viet Nam Australia 4.20m 4.20o 4.20p Tunisia EMRO National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH), South Africa South Africa AFRO Regional, national and local profiles and indicators Central American Institute for Studies on Toxic Substances (IRET), Costa Rica Costa Rica YES AMRO Information System in Occupational Health and Safety SESI- Industrial Social Service National Department, Brasilia Brazil YES AMRO Czech Republic YES EURO Italy YES EURO Evidence based guidelines for the prevention of occupational asthma Active surveillance of occupational diseases and exposures – a web-based information system Development of a database system for occupational health & working environment monitoring in Vietnam 4.20q Comparative Performance Monitoring (CPM) Safe Work Australia 4.20r The occupational component of the Global Burden of Disease Safe Work Australia 4.20t New chemical health risks hazards in transportation and warehousing of marine cargo due to Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, the process of globalization. Germany Germany 4.21a Developing indicators for occupational health activities in Bulgaria Bulgaria 4.21b 4.21c Development and validation of quality indicators for national registration systems of occupational diseases: a European study Bladder Cancer Documentation of Causes: the Multilingual Questionnaire “Bladder Cancer Doc” 4.21d SOLAR – Study on Occupational Allergy Risks 4.21e The back project National Centre of Public Health Protection, Bulgaria Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, NL Institute for Occupational Physiology at Dortmund University, Federal Republic of Germany Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Univ of Munich Research Unit of Maritime Medicine, Denmark 11 EURO WPRO YES WPRO WPRO Australia WPRO YES EURO EURO Netherlands YES EURO Germany YES EURO Germany YES EURO Denmark EURO 4.21f 4.21g 4.21h Interaction between occupational and genetic factors on lumbar disc degeneration Fudan University School of Public Health, Shanghai Economic Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Occupational Back Pain: A Prospective Case Study for Porters in the Wholesale Produce Market in Brazil Examination of the stress of the lumbar spine caused by whole-body vibration with variable frequency, magnitude and direction Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Berlin (BAuA) Department of Occupational Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 4.21i Epidemiological Study of Occupational Injuries in an Iron & Steel Complex 4.21j Strengthening of occupational and environmental health research in Central America and the IRET, Costa Rica Caribbean 4.21k Contributing to the evidence on occupational health 4.21r Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health to Reduce Toxic Exposure in Latin America and the Caribbean China WPRO USA AMRO Germany YES China Costa Rica EURO WPRO YES Australia AMRO 4.21u Study of professional exposure to organic solvents in Tunisia Safe Work Australia CINBIOSE - Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Biology, Health, Environment and Society (CINBIOSE), University of Quebec at Montreal Canada Institute of Occupational Health Tunisia Tunisia EMRO 4.21w Sleep deprivation indicators in drivers of vehicles at workplace Asociación Chilena de Seguridad Chile AMRO 4.21x Efficacy of a psychological program to help workers that suffered accidents, assaults, emergencies or crisis at work Asociación Chilena de Seguridad Chile AMRO 4.21y Research, occupational health, environmental health Asociación Chilena de Seguridad Chile AMRO 4.21z Occupational and environmental health journal for Latin America Asociación Chilena de Seguridad Chile AMRO 4.21aa Shift time work NIOH, Dept of Medicine and Epidemiology, NIOH Norway Norway EURO 4.21ab Social inequalities in health NIOH, Dept of Medicine and Epidemiology, The Norwegian Ins Norway EURO Canada SEARO YES AMRO 4.21ac Work-related health inequalities in Spain Public Health Agency of Barcelona Spain EURO 4.21ad Impact of long working hours in health status Public Health Agency of Barcelona Spain EURO 4.21ae Study on perception of quality of life of Chilean workers Asociación Chilena de Seguridad Chile AMRO 4.21af Metals and health: Manganese and welding NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology Norway EURO 4.21aj Psychological and social factors at work and participation in work-life Norway EURO 4.21s Risk factors and prevention of occupational asthma and rhinitis Germany 4.21al Risk Assessment of Chemical Hazards NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Munich, Ziemssenstr. 1 D 80336 Munich NIOH Department of Medicine and Epidemiology Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany Germany Australia 4.21am Stress and fatigue in seafaring and other maritime industries 4.21an National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance Survey (NHEWS) Safe Work Australia 4.22e Recruiting young scientests and engineers to occupational hygiene Great Lakes Center, Univ Illinois at Chicago, USA 4.22f OSH Answers Service CCOHS, Canada Study and recommendation tool on mental health risks and disorders at the workplace Institute of Management IFU, School of Business, Switzerland 4.22g 4.22i 4.22j Modernet, a network for development of new techniques for discovering trends in occupatioNetherlands Center for Occupational Diseases/Coronel Institu Development of a Compendium for the application of ergonomic design criteria and testing the usability of products Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), G 12 YES Norway EURO EURO YES EURO WPRO USA YES AMRO Canada YES AMRO Switzerland YES EURO Netherlands YES EURO Germany YES EURO 4.22k 4.22l 4.22n 4.20j 4.20k Sustainability and risk management for occupational safety - part 1: integrated risk management Sustainability and risk management for occupational safety - part 2 Safety design of equipment and workstation International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Équipe de recherche en sécurité du travail (ÉREST) International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Équipe de recherche en sécurité du travail (ÉREST) Sustainability and risk management for occupational safety ‐ part 4 design of protective equipment International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Équipe de recherche en sécurité du travail (ÉREST) Canada AMRO Canada AMRO Creating awareness and training for the implementation and follow‐up of the Policy, Action Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University OHP/UEB Plan and Surveillance System for the prevention of Occupational Cancer in Colombia Colombia Creating and publishing the Colombian Cancer Index System ‐ Colombia CAREX Colombia Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University OHP/UEB AMRO Canada YES AMRO YES AMRO YES AMRO Priority 4.3: Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) to include occupational causes in the eleventh edition.Output: Occupational health and diseasecomponents added to ICD-11. Initative Leaders - Jo Harris-Roberts, Ed Robinson, HSL, UK; WHO/HQ: Ivan Ivanov Facilitating Project Includes All GPA 4 projects in the below Facilitating Project: Revision of ICD list CC Initiative Leader - Jo Harris-Roberts, Ed Robinson, HSL UK GPA Objective 4: to provide and communicate evidence for action and practice (actions 2023) GPA Manager: Jo Harris-Roberts and Ed Robinson, HSL, UK Thisrepresents a specific WHO initiative in line with Priority 4 of the GPA. The work is being conducted by a specific task group of individuals and organisations (CC's) as opposed to individual contributing projects. Therefore, no ocntributing projects will be listed here. Contributing to WHO in the revision of the International Classification of Diseases ICD to 4.23a include occupational diseases within its 11 edition and the update of its 10 edition. Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University OHP/UEB Objective 5: to incorporate workers' health into non-health policies and projects actions 24-28 (plus 9) Managers: Wendy Macdonald, La Trobe University, Australia th th Colombia Priority 5.1 - Collateand conduct cost-benefit studies to clarify the economic benefits of workers' health Initative leaders: Jos Verbeek (FIOH) Finland, Diana Gagliardi (ISPESL), Italy Facilitating Project Includes 2 GPA 5.1 projects 5.24 GPA 1.1, 4.1, 4.2 5.24b GPA 1.1, 4.1, 4.2 Facilitating Project: Review and summary of cost-benefit studies to clarify the economic benefits of workers’ health CC Initiative Leaders: Jos Verbeek (FIOH) Finland; Diana Gagliardi (ISPESL) Italy ECOSH: Economic dimensions of occupational safety and health Finnish Institute for Occupational Health National analysis of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) in relation to occupational diseases ISPESL – Dept. of Occupational Medicine and injuries and indication of prevention strategies in workplaces Finland EURO Italy EURO Priority 5.2 - Develop specific and relevant recommendations to manage risks associated with the impacts of globalization on workers' health Initative leader: David Rees, NIOH, South Africa Facilitating Project Includes 4 GPA 5.2 projects 5.24a GPA 1.1, 4.1, 4.2 5.24a-1 GPA 3.1 Facilitating Project: Recommendations to manage risks associated with the effects of globalization on workers’ health Global situation analysis and recommendations to manage risk Globalization in Occupational Health in Shanghai China CC Initiative Leader: David Rees, NIOH, South Africa National Institute of Occupational Health, South Africa and Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe Unversity, Australia Department of Occupational Health, Fudan University and Shanghai Municipal Center of Disease Prevention and Control 13 South Africa YES AFRO China YES WPRO 5.26a GPA 1.1, 4.1 5.26b GPA 3.1 Changing patterns in employment and its impact in occupational health in South American countries Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS) Chile Chile AMRO The requirement analysis of occupational safety and health for migrant workers: ongoing globalization and changing employment patterns in China National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing China WPRO Priority 5.3 - Develop and implement toolkits and oher resources for the assessment and management of OSH hazards in high risk industry sectors and for vulnerable worker groups Initative leaders: Catherine Beaucham (NIOSH, USA) supported by Claudio Colosio (Uni if Milan, Italy), Lygia Budnik (Uni of Hamburg, Germany), Owen Evans (La Trobe Uni, Australia); Partners: Susan Gunn (IPEC ILO), Annie Rice (SafeWork, ILO) Facilitating Project Includes 26 GPA 5.3Facilitating Project: Development and implementation of toolkits for the assessment and 1 projects management of occupational safety and health hazards in high risk industry sectors. Hazardous sectors (A) Agriculture 5.28e GPA 2.1, 3.2 5.28h GPA 2.1, 3.2, 4.1 5.28j GPA 1.1, 2.1, 3.2 GPA 2.1 5.28l GPA 2.1 “Ergonomics Checkpoints in Agriculture” – A toolkit for developing countries 5.28m GPA 2.1 Development of risk assessment guidelines for agricultural workers. 5.27f GPA 2.1, 3.2 GPA 2.1, 3.2 5.27h GPA 2.1, 3.2 5.27i GPA 2.1 5.27j GPA 1.1 5.27k 5.27m GPA 2.1, 3.1 GPA 3.1 5.27n GPA 2.2 5.24c 5.24d GPA 2.1 5.27b GPA 2.1 5.28g GPA 1.1, 4.2 5.28r GPA4 5.28b GPA 2.1, 3.2 5.28i GPA 3.2 CC Initiative Leader for Agriculture Sector projects: Claudio Colosio, Univ Milan Improving the working environment in cutting and extraction of wood in south-central state of FUNDACENTRO – Brazil Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil Exposure assessment and occupational health in petrochemical industry, banana production WHO Collaborating Centre in Occupational Healths, Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Milano, Italy and floriculture in Ecuador Occupational and Environmental Health Research Unit, Control of Occupational hazards associated with pesticides in agriculture University of Cape Town, South Africa Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Lung disease in Agriculture – tools for assessment of exposure, burden of disease and Hamburg, Germany prevention 5.28k 5.27g CC Initiative Leader: Catherine Beaucham NIOSH US Pesticide use, Health and Environment – Uganda 2010-13 Pesticide, Health and Environment – Plagbol III - 2010-13 - Bolivia Sustainable Capacity building for African Pesticide Regulators to reduce occupational pesticide risks IEA International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention, Milan Italy. Clinic of Occupational and Environmental Health, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Clinic of Occupational and Environmental Health, Odense University Hospital, Denmark Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research, University of Cape Town International Centre for Rural Health, Milan Italy (ICRH) Creation of Exposure and Risk Profiles for risk assessment and management in Agriculture. Developing diagnostic and exposure criteria for occupational diseases in agriculture and rural International Centre for Rural Health, Milan Italy (ICRH) areas Providing Agricultural Workers with Primary Occupational Health Care International Centre for Rural Health, Milan Italy (ICRH) Creation of a Global Rural Health Network International Centre for Rural Health, Milan Italy (ICRH) St. George's University, Department of Public Health and Addressing Occupational Health Problems Among Nutmeg Factories Workers Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Grenada Strengthening the Latin American Network in Rural Health and launching the Rural Health Occupational Health Program/ El Bosque University Portal OHP/UEB CC Initiative Leader for Transport Sector projects: Lygia (B) Transport Budnik Inst Oc and Maritime Med Hamburg Establishment of an international working group for the utilisation of telemedicine to reduce Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany health risks of seafarers National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Road safety toolkits for organizations whose employees travel abroad within the PAHO region (NIOSH) (USA) Promoting Initiatives for Occupational Road Safety National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Medical care onboard ships: Creating a framework towards an evidence-based revision of the International Medical Guide for Ships Institute of Occupational Medicine and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany (C) Construction Preventive programme designed to reduce musculoskeletal pain for construction workers and students of construction schools Estimation of work-related physical load and occupational risk evaluation in construction sector Brazil YES Italy AMRO EURO South Africa YES AFRO Germany YES EURO Italy YES EURO Denmark YES EURO Denmark YES EURO Global Global South Africa YES AFRO Italy YES EURO Italy YES EURO Italy Italy Grenada, Carribean YES YES EURO EURO YES EURO Colombia YES AMRO Germany YES EURO USA YES AMRO USA YES AMRO Germany YES EURO Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland Poland EURO Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland Poland EURO 14 5.28n GPA 2.1 5.27c GPA 3.2, 2.1 5.27d GPA 2.1 5.27e GPA 2.1, 4.1 5.28q GPA 2.1, 4.2, 2.2 5.26c Assessment of exposure to carcinogenic compounds, focusing on plycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in construction workers. (D) Mining and Petrochemicals Improving Mining Safety and Health in Colombian Mines. Exposure to diesel particulates and their health effects on employees in an underground mine in Western Australia Assessment and control of diesel particulate matter exposure among underground mine workers. Environmental and occupational risks in the petrochemical sector Reducing mercury pollution in small scale gold mining – Philippines 2011-2014 (E) Multi-sector (all high risk) Sharing workplace OSH practices through sector-based global collaborations (NORA) 5.27a GPA 2.1, 3.2 5.28c GPA 3.2 Enhancement of Occupational Health and Safety in Mexican Industry 5.28d GPA 2.1, 3.2 Enhancement of Occupational Health and Safety in Brazilian Industry 5.28f Facilitating Project 5.28a 5.28p 5.28o GPA 2.1 Occupational safety and health services in small-scale industries in Japan Includes 7 GPA 5.3-2 Facilitating Project: Development and implementation of toolkits for the assessment and projects - Vulnerable management of occupational safety and health hazards in vulnerable worker groups. workers GPA 3.2 Young Workers Occupational Safety and Health Curriculum. Protecting youth from hazardous work: Handbook of methods for identifying and addressing GPA 2.1 psycho-social and physical health risks to adolescent workers GPA 1.1, 3.2 Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Milano NIOSH, USA IEA Italy YES USA Global EURO AMRO YES Global IEA Global Ufa Institute of Occupational health and Human Ecology Russia YES EURO Denmark YES WPRO USA YES AMRO NGO’s: Dialogos University of Copenhagen (GEUS, Institute of Global NIOSH, USA The Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA), Canada The Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA), Canada Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (JNIOSH) Global Canada AMRO Canada AMRO Japan WPRO CC Initiative Leaders: Owen Evans and Jodi Oakman, La Trobe University NIOSH, USA ILO/IPEC Child labour: strategies for prevention. Aged persons and their occupational skills. Development of methods for the prevention of impairments ISPESL – Dept. of Occupational Medicine IfADo – Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors USA Italy AMRO YES EURO Global Germany YES EURO Serbia YES EURO YES WPRO 5.9-1.7h GPA 2.1 5.9-1.6e GPA 1.1, 3.2 SWIFT – Sustainable Waste Management Initiative For A Healthier Tomorrow Institute Of Occupational and Radiological Health, Belgrade 5.9-1.7g GPA 2.1, 3.2 Canada GPA 2.1, 3.2 Knowledge transfer about occupational hazards to precarious women workers Electronic inventory and repository of guidance documents, risk management tools and related resources for vulnerable worker groups CINBIOSE with Centro de Estudios de la Mujer 5.9-1 Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University Australia 15 YES Global AMRO