Debate The neutral theory is dead. Long live the neutral theory ory is not generally correct. What follows is a personal account of the theory as it has been put to the test. Martin Kreitman Defining neutrality Before proceeding, I must comment on precisely what is meant by ‘the neutral theory of molecular evolution’. The issue is whether the neutral theory applies only to those models in which there is absolutely no selection (completely neutral mutations only), or to models in which genetic drift dominates the fate of a mutation (effectively neutral mutations). The distinction is not trivial, as this slight semantic change in the theory has been shown to have severe consequences on the predicted patterns of genetic variation and on the substitution rate. Therefore, specifying the theory is important for evaluating data. The neutral theory is generally equated with genetic drift, where gene frequency flux results from stochastic sampling processes operating in finite populations. Genetic drift is the sole evolutionary force acting on gene frequencies under the completely neutral theory, but it is also the driving force for mutations subject to sufficiently weak selection. This has led some to equate the neutral theory with the theory of ‘nearly’ neutral mutation. The two, however, should not be confused. The best developed among the weak selection models is the slightly deleterious which postulates that weakly deleterious mutations, driven by genetic drift, are the major source of polymorphism and evolutionary change. Under this theory, the interactionof genetic drift with weak selection leads to qualitativelydifferent predictionsabout the tempo and mode of molecular evolution from those of the completely neutral theory. In particular,the rate of molecular evolution under the completely neutral theory is only dependent on the mutation rate to neutral alleles, whereas it is also dependent on the population size when there is weak selection (the ‘nearly neutral’ theory). From a practical perspective, postulating a particular sequence of change in population size allows the slightly deleterious model to account for a surprisinglywide array of molecular evolutionary data. Unlike the completely neutral theory, the slightly deleterious model is rather difficult to reject on empirical grounds (see accompanying article by Ohta). For this reason alone, the completely neutral model is more attractive as a null model of genetic drift. Gillespie has investigated a class of models involving strong balancing selection in which a type of drift, which he calls genealogical drift, is imposed by the mutational flux of new selectively favored alleles, causing a positive correlation between the level of polymorphism and the rate of substitution. The result is indistinguishablefrom that under a purely neutral model of molecular evolution(3).Thus, one of the strongest evolutionary signatures of genetic drift - the positive correlation between polymorphism and divergence - is, in fact, not unique to the theory. Therefore for the purpose of testing for the presence of genetic drift in empirical data, it is essential not only to specify the null model but the alternativeas well. Summary The neutral theory of molecular evolution has been instrumental in organizing our thinking about the nature of evolutionary forces shaping variation at the DNA level. More importantly, it has provided empiricists with a strong set of testable predictions and hence, a useful null hypothesis against which to test for the presence of selection. Evidence indicates that the neutral theory cannot explain key features of protein evolution nor patterns of biased codon usage in certain species. Whereas we now have a reasonable model of selection acting o n synonymous changes in Drosophila, protein evolution remains poorly understood. Despite limitations in the applicability of the neutral theory, it is likely to remain an integral part of the quest t o understand molecular evolution. Introduction I gave a talk with the same title two years ago at a meeting on molecular evolution at Oxford, England in which I tried to explain my drug-like dependence on a theory that I believed was not, in general, correct (as opposed to good for me). By ‘correct’ I must immediately offer a qualification, since the theory in its purely analytical form is certainly correct as a description of the fate of mutations with no fitness effect. Rather, my claim was that the neutral theory would eventually be shown not to be adequate as an explanation of many features of molecular variation and evolution, while, at the same time, would provide the very framework for proving this thesis. This point of view explains my dependence on this easily falsifiable theory and my desire for its longevity. Dr Motoo Kimura, who is rightly credited both with developing the theory and with husbanding it to a position of prominence in molecular evolutionary biology, upon seeing the title of my talk, fired off an angry fax requesting a printed copy. Fortunately, I hadn’t one, and so was saved from the critical scrutiny it would certainly have received. Sadly, Dr Kimura is no longer with us to muse over this, the revised version of that talk. But I hope that the schizophrenia I have towards the theory would not have severely offended him: like many molecular evolutionary biologists, I have an abiding admiration for this conceptually simple but powerful theory, and it remains a stable platform for rationalizing many observations about molecular evolution. But, in addition to its analytical tractability, the theory also makes a number of testable predictions. And, as an empiricist, it is this testability of the theory that has captured my attention. It has also led to the belief that the the- 678 Vol. 18 no. 8 BioEssays Debate Kimura’s own descriptions of the neutral theory were not always consistent with respect to the inclusion of weakly selected mutants. The very first sentence of his 1983 landmark treatise, The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution(4), provides a capsule summary of the theory and reveals the problem at hand. ‘The neutral theory asserts that the great majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level, as revealed by comparative studies of protein and DNA sequences, are caused not by Darwinian selection but by random drift of selectively neutral or near/-vneutral mutants’ (emphasis added). The question is, what is a nearly neutral mutant? It is not until 48 pages later, in chapter 3, that he provides an answer, ‘...if a mutant has selection coefficient much smaller in absolute value than 1/(2N& it behaves like a neutral mutant so that this equation (the rate of evolution of a strictly neutral mutation) holds approximately’ (emphasis added). Ne is the evolutionary effective population size. But under the heading Some Misunderstandings in a later article on the neutral theory@),his description of neutrality has been relaxed: ‘If the (neutral) variants represent amino acid changes in a protein, this means that such changes are equally acceptable for the working of the protein in the body. Furthermore, this equaliiy need not be exact; all that is required is that the resulting difference in fitness be small, say, for example. less than 1/(2Ne)’(emphasis added). Note the change from ‘much smaller’ to ‘less than’. Estimating the limits of selection in Drosophila Experimental population geneticists have generally restricted their attention to testing predictions of the strictly neutral model. In practice, this means testing for the presence of mutations with absolute fitness effect, where selection coefficient (s)<<l/(2Ne). Considering the importance of effective population size in delineating the theory, it should be of some interest to have an estimate of this critical population parameter. Unfortunately, the closest we can come to obtaining such an estimate from sequence data is the product of Neand the mutation rate p. Under strict neutrality, polymorphism is governed by a single pseudoparameter, 8=4Nep, and the number of segregating sites in a population sample of DNA sequences can be used to obtain an unbiased estimate of the neutral parameter. For Drosophila melanogaster, an estimate of €I(per nucleotide site) for polymorphic noncoding regions of the genome is 6=0.01 The neutral mutation rate per generationfor Drosophila has been estimated to be approximately 4x10-9 per generati~n(~J). By substituting this estimate of the mutation rate into the equation for 8 [O.O1=4x(4xl O-’)xNe] we can obtain a rough estimate of the evolutionary population size, Ne=106. Other species of Drosophila yield similar or, if anything, higher estimates of effective population size. For a multitude of reasons, these estimates must be conservative. The first lesson we have learned from the observation of high polymorphism levels in Drosophila molecular population genetics data is that a mutation must have a fitness effect exceedingly close to zero in order for the neutral theory to apply. Note the irony in this conclusion, however: the very evidence for neutrality in Drosophila - a high level of polymorphism restricted to silent sites in the genome - is the very same evidence that population sizes are large and genetic drift weak. Unless selection is very strong - many orders of magnitude above the threshold between drift and selection cage experiments, or even bacterial chemostat experiments, are orders of magnitude too insensitive to reveal selective differences among naturally occurring variants. Weak selection can account for codon bias in Drosophila The efficacy of exceedingly weak selection in species with large population size can be illustrated by considering codon bias. There is abundant evidence that synonymous mutations - changes at third (and some first) positions of codons that do not cause any change in the amino acid sequence are subject to weak selection in Drosophila, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fscherichia coli. I will briefly summarize the evidence here (see ref. 9 for more detail). The three species exhibit nonrandom usage of alternative codons, with a subset of codons being ‘preferred’. In S. cerevisiae-and E. coli (and possibly Drosophila), preferred codons correspond to the most abundant tRNA(s) for each amino acid. The degree of codon bias varies among genes and is positively correlated with expression levels. Synonymous divergence rates between closely related species vary inversely with the degree of biased codon usage, suggesting stronger selective constraints on silent sites in more highly biased genes. In Drosophila (but not E. coli), codon usage within a gene is positively related to functional constraint acting at the protein level, indicating that selection on synonymous mutations may be related to translational accuracy(lO). Despite these obvious indications of selection acting on synonymous mutations, silent sites in coding regions of Drosophila show relatively high levels of polymorphism and correspondingly high rates of divergence. The data suggest a model of mutation, selection and genetic drift, in which a mutation from a preferred codon to an unpreferred one is slightly deleterious,and conversely,a mutationfrom an unpreferredto a preferred codon is slightly beneficial. For genes with high codon bias, most synonymous mutations will be preferred + unpreferred, reflecting the high proportion of preferred codons. Silent polymorphism, therefore, should exhibit an relative excess of preferred -+ unpreferred mutations compared to the opposite type, unpreferred+I preferred.The fixed silent changes between species will be expected to have equal numbers of the two type of mutationalchanges, for if this were not the case the system would not be at equilibrium. This equality is achieved by weak selection eliminating unpreferred mutationswhile fixing preferred mutations. In an innovative analysis of synonymous changes within and between closely related Drosophila speciedg), Akashi was able to confirm this prediction: unpreferred and pre- BioEssays Vol. 18 no. 8 679 Debate ferred mutations are unequally distributed within and between species for the five genes constituting the study. In addition, using the magnitude of the difference between the ratios of po1ymorphism:divergence for unpreferred mutations within and between species and using a sampling theory developed by Sawyer and Hartl(’l), he was able to estimate the average strength of selection acting on these mutations. For D. simulans, his estimate was Nes=2.3,with a bootstrap maximum likelihood confidence interval (95%), -3.6<Nes<-1.3. Akashi’s estimate of the average strength of selection is close to s=1/2Ne, but he could nevertheless reject a completely neutral model (s=O). In addition, the data revealed a curious difference in the rate and type of fixed synonymous substitution between the D. simulans and D. melanogaster species’ lineages. As expected under an equilibrium model, D. simulans had nearly equal numbers of preferred and unpreferred substitutions, 7 versus 5, respectively. However, in the D. melanogaster lineage there were 32 unpreferred substitutions, a vast excess compared to six preferred substitutions. The analysis of additional gene sequences between the species revealed the same pattern: almost ail D. melanogaster genes have lower codon bias than their D. simulans homologs. This suggests that tinpreferred mutations, which are prevented from reaching fixation by being weakly selected against in D. simulans, are either drifting to fixation in D. melanogaster or are now favorably selected. Akashi (like myself) favors the former explanation, suggesting that population size must have been smaller in the lineage leading to D. melanogasterthan it was in the ancestral species or in the lineage leading to D.simulans. Under such a scenario, unpreferred mutations would drift to fixation at a relatively higher rate, despite being selected against. If Akashi’s estimate of Nes is accurate, population size need only have been two- or threefold smaller in the D. melanogasterlineageto have produced the observed loss of codon bias. The relatively large evolutionary effect of a small change in population size reinforces an important point about nearly neutral mutations: it is not so r r w h a question of whether strictly neutral mutations exist - probably no mutation is absolutely neutral - but whether the strength of selection for or against that mutation is much smailer or greater than the strength of genetic drift. The answer to this question will always be contingent on the current population size. In summary, the patterns of polymorphism and divergence at silent sites in the coding regions of Drosophila genes are inconsistent with the strictly neutral model. Weak selection, only slightly greater than the reciprocal of the effective populationsize, is sufficient to have driven the evolution of highly biased codon usage(’”). Akashi’s work reveals the importance of weak selection in shaping the evolution of this large class of sites in the genome and underscores the importance of distinguishing between weak selection and strict neutrality when analyzing molecular data. The presence of genetic drift, which in this case is 680 Vol. 18 no. 8 BioEssavs thought to be the major force acting to establish unpreferred mutations as polymorphisms and as fixed differences, is an insufficient criterion for claiming neutrality. Natural selection and protein evolution I have attempted to establish two ‘facts’ about Drosophila molecular population genetics and evolution thus far. (1) Evolutionary population sizes are relatively large, so that genetic drift is only importantfor mutationswith fitness much less than the order 10-6, and (2) synonymous mutations are not completely neutral, but instead are under weak selection. Assuming both to be true, it ought to be a small leap of faith to believe that protein evolution must also be governed by natural selection. Amino acid replacement changes, after all, should be expected to have greater consequences on function (and fitness) than synonymous changes. Unfortunately,the problem is not so simple, and such a leap is supported neither by logic nor by empirical evidence. First, it must be true that amino acid replacement mutations are, on average, subject to stronger selection than synonymous mutations. This is indicated by the evolutionary conservation of protein sequences compared to silent sites, and proves the importance of constraining selection. But, constraining selection cannot explain protein evolution because the observed polymorphisms and fixed differences in proteins must, by definition, be ones that have escaped strong constraining selection. The question is, have they escaped by virtue of their selective neutrality (or near-neutrality) or by virtue of their selective advantage. To this question, we still have no satisfactory answer. After almost 30 years of evolutionary study, proteins remains molecular evolutionary biology’s black hole. There are, in fact, many lines of evidence against strictly neutral evolution of p r o t e i n ~ ( ~ n ’ ~I will , ~ ~only ) . briefly mention a few of them here. An unexpectedly high variance in the rate of protein evolution, sometimes referred to as overdispersion of the molecular clock, is the longest-standing evidence against strict neutrality. Based almost exclusively on protein data from mammalian orders, the variance in rate of substitution along these mammalian lineages exceeds the mean rate by a factor of seven, on average, violating an expected ratio of one under strict neutrality(’3). However, recent theoretical work by Gille~pie(~) on origination and substitution processes in molecular evolution indicates that neutral as well as several competing selection models all predict regular bursts of substitution, but with the bursts occurring on a much shorter timescale than that over which the high variance in substitution rates is observed. Thus, according to him, we are left without a viable model of protein evolution, and with considerable uncertainty as to the meaning of the large variance in the rate. It is, of course, possible that unforeseen factors contribute to the unexpectedly large variance in protein evolution. In Drosophila, for example, where gene order within chromosome arms (but not between arms) changes quickly in species evolution, chromosomal location (with respect to recombination,for example) may be an important factor influencing rates of substitution of weakly selected mutations. But without appealing ad hoc or context-specific explanations, overdispersionof the molecular clock remains a mystery. Silent sites show a generation-time effect in mammals, with evolutionary rate being inversely related to generation length(15).This observation is consistent with neutrality so long as mutation rate is positively correlated with generation time, as it is generally thought to be. Proteins, however, appear to show a much weaker dependency on generation length, suggesting slightly deleterious selection as well as population size differencedi6). Additional protein evidence in support of a slightly deleterious model is reported by Ohta(2)and reviewed by Kreitman and Akashi(14). Accelerated protein divergence following gene duplication offers some of the most convincing evidence in support of adaptive e v ~ l u t i o n ( ~ In ~ ~practice, ~ * ) . however, rate acceleration caused by the relaxation of selective constraints following duplication can be difficult to distinguish from positive selection(’g). Perhaps the most unambiguous case for adaptive evolution following gene duplication involves a retroposed copy of alcohol dehydrogenase in Drosophila yakuba and D. teissieri, two close relatives of D. melanogastehz0).Acceleration can be seen both between paralogswithin lineages (Adh and jingwei, the new gene) as well as between homologs between lineages. In addition, the adaptive interpretation is independently supported by population genetic data. Unambiguous evidence for positive natural selection driving protein evolution has been found by comparing the rate of amino acid replacement substitution with the rate of synonymous substitution (examples are given in ref. 21). Positive selection is indicated if the replacementrate exceeds the synonymous rate of substitution, an exceedingly stringent requirement for demonstrating positive selection. A more relaxed test for positive selection was developed by McDonald and Kreitrnadz2),based on a comparison of synonymous and replacement variation within and between species. This test, however, has yielded only a few examples of accelerated protein evolution (see ref. 23 for a dramatic example) from among a growing number of applications of the test. The test has also yielded evidence for ‘decelerated’ protein evolution, indicative of the occurrence of slightly deleterious mutations(24). In all cases, the interpretation of a significant test result is dependent on an assumption of selective neutrality for synonymous changes, an assumption we now know is not correct for genes with codon bias. Therefore, caution is required in the interpretation of the Kreitman-McDonaldtest. Kimura’s neutral theory has been construed not only as a theory championing genetic drift, but also as a theory assailing balancing selection as a pervasive mechanism for maintaining protein polymorphi~m(4.~~). In this regard, the evidence favors Kimura’s view. A theoretical prediction of balancing selection is that alleles maintained for a sufficiently long period of time by selection will have accumu- lated neutral mutations linked to the site(s) under selection(26~z7). A statistical test of this predictiodZ8), mostly applied to Drosophila data sets, has failed to find much support for balancing selection(6).In Drosophila, either balancing selection is not pervasive, or the persistence times of balanced polymorphismsare relatively short. Is weak selection important in protein evolution? At present, I do not think any particular model of protein evolution - neutral, slightly deleterious, house of cards (allowing for adaptive as well as deleterious mutations), underdominance or overdominance - enjoys particularly strong support. If anything, the slightly deleterious model is the simplest model to account for many empirical observations. As pointed out by Gillespie, however, the slightly deleterious model (and the house of cards) is applicable only within a very narrow range of small selection coefficients, and rates of evolution should be sensitive to population size. There is, in fact, evidence for population size affecting the rate of protein evolution in the direction predicted by the slightly deleterious model (see accompanying article by Ohta). But the data are from relatively distantly related species whose populational histories cannot possibly be reconstructed, and I do not consider the evidence compelling. Ohta and Gillespie both argue that most selection on mutations in proteins leading to polymorphism and substitution is weak. Where they disagree is what is meant by weak. According to Gillespie, selection is likely to be much stronger than the reciprocal of population size, whereas accordingto Ohta it will be close to the reciprocal of population size. The most compelling evidence for weak selection on protein variants comes from the study of null allozyme allele frequencies in D. r n e i a n ~ g a s t e h ~These ~ ~ ~ ~studies ). find a substantial occurrence of null alleles in natural populations, leading to an estimate of 1 . 5 ~0-3 1 for the average selection against heterozygotes. As pointed out by Gillespie(I3),selection acting on naturally occurring enzyme variation cannot possibly be stronger than selection against null alleles. Additional support for weak selectioncomes from a statistical analysis by Sawyer eta/. of replacement polymorphism site frequencies in 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (gnd locus) in E. co/i3l) in which they estimate an average selection coefficient of -1.6~10-~. However, work on PGI allozyme polymorphism in Colias butterflies by Watt et a/.(32)suggests fitness differences between PGI genotypes of the order of several percent! Part of the difficulty in attempting to make general statements about forces governing protein evolution is the nonhomogeneity of selection with respect to sites in the protein. Constraining selection, for example, will vary according to the functional importance of a site. Positively selected mutations can also be restricted to particular sites in a protein. As an example, a single point mutation in the y-aminobutyric acid receptor gene, found repeatedly in many species, is solely responsible for target site insensitivity to the pesticide cyclodiene(33).Individual sites within a protein are highly BioEssays Vol. 18 no. 8 681 Debate nonequivalent, and have distinctly different potential for evolutionary change. Unlike synonymous sites, where the selective consequence of mutations between unpreferred and preferred states may be largely independent of position, selection on proteins cannot be reduced to a single summary statistic. quasi-neutral), provides a barometer for detecting selection acting at linked sites. From an empirical population geneticist's perspective, the benchmark of neutrality remains critical to the success of the molecular evolutionary research program. But the goal of this program is not only to explain major features of molecular variation and evolution, but to understandthe molecular and genetic basis of adaptation. It is my thesis that the neutral theory (and noncoding variation) will continue to play a leading role in this quest to detect selection, even as it is being rejected. For this reason, I say, long live the neutral theory. Conclusion The struggle to distinguish stochastic from deterministic forces in evolution is almost as old as population genetics itself. In each generation, this struggle has taken the form of a new empirical observation about genetical evolution, be it References through the study of allelism of lethals, inversion polymor1 Ohta, T. (1976). Role of very slightly deleterious mutations in molecular phism, allozyme frequencies or nucleotide substitution evolution and polymorphism. Theor. Pop. Biol. 10,254-275. 2 Ohta, T. (1992). The nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution. Annu. Rev. rates, a claim about support for one theory or the other, folEco~. SYS.23,263-286. lowed by an adjustment of the alternative theory to accom3 Gillespie, J. H. (1994). Alternatives to the neutral theory. In Non-Neutral Evolution (ed. 6 . Golding), pp. 1-17. Chapman & Hall, New York. modate the new data. The ability to measure variation 4 Kimura, M. (1983). The Neutral Theory of Evoiution. Cambridge University directly at the DNA sequence level itself, it was hoped, Press, Cambridge. 5 Kimura, M. (1986). DNA and the neutral theory. Phil. Trans. RoyalSoc. Lond. B would allow this cycle to be broken, but this has not been the 312,343-354. case. Consider our work in molecular population genetics of 6 Kreitman, M. and Wayne, M. (1994). Organization of genetic variation at the Drosophifa. The most profound discovery about noncoding molecular level: lessons from Drosophila. In Molecular Ecology and Evolution: Approaches and Applications (ed. B. Schierwater, 6. Streit, G. P. Wagner and R. polymorphism in Drosophila is that it is spread nonuniformly DeSalle), pp. 157-184. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. across the genome. In particular, there is little polymor7 Sharp, P. M. and Li, W.-H. (1989). On the rate of DNA sequence evolution in Drosophila. J. Mol. Evol. 28, 1312-1316. phism of any kind in regions of the genome exhibiting low 8 Martinez-Cruzado, J. C. (1990). Evolution of the autosomal chorion cluster in levels of genetic recombination. In D. melanogaster, polyDrosophila. IV. The Hawaiian Drosophila: rapid protein evolution and constancy in the rate of DNA divergence. J. Mol. Evol. 31,402-423. morphism levels at the distal tip of the X chromosome, at the 9 Akashi, H. (1995). Inferring weak selection from patterns of polymorphism and base of X, 2 and 3, and on the nonrecombiningdot chromodivergence at 'silent' sites in Drosophila DNA. Genetics 139, 1067-1076. 10 Akashi, H. (1994). Synonymous codon usage in Drosohila melanogasfer: some are reduced by at least one order of magnitude, comnatural selection and translational accuracy. Genetics 136,927-935. pared to recombining regions. 11 Sawyer, S. A. and Hartl, D. L. (1992). Population genetics of polymorphism Initially, these observations were taken as indications of and divergence. Genetics132,1161-1176. 12 Li, W.-H. (1987). Models of nearly neutral mutations with particular implications genetic hitchhiking accompanying selective s w e e p ~ ( ~ ~ % ~~). for non-random usage of synonymous codons. J. Mol. Evol. 24,337-345. However, an alternative model of hitchhiking has now been 13 Gillespie, J. H. (1991). The Causes of Molecular Evolution. Oxford University Press, New York. proposed in which neutral mutations are eliminated by virtue 14 Kreitman, M. and Akashi, H. (1995). Molecular evidence for natural selection. of their linkage to frequently occurring deleterious mutaAnnu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 26,403-422. 15 Li, W.-H. and Wu, C.4. (1987). Rates of nucleotide substitution are evidently t i o n ~ ( ~and ~ )the , data are now thought to be largely consishigher in rodents than in man. Mol. Bio. Evol. 4,74-77. tent with this theory(37).Therefore, what was initially thought 16 Ohta, T. (1987). Very slightly deleterious mutations and the molecular clock. J. Mol. Evol. 26, 1-6. to be incontrovertable evidence for positive selection is now 17 Ohta, T. (1991). Multigene families and the evolution of complexity. J. Mol. explained by deleterious selection. Attempts are being Evol. 33,34-41. 18 Ohta, T. (1994). Further examples of evolution by gene duplication revealed made to use information about the frequency spectrum of through DNA sequence comparisons. Genetics 138,1331 -1337. the infrequent mutations in regions of low polymorphism to 19 Li, W.-H. (1985). Accelerated evolution following gene duplication and its implication for the neutralist-selectionist controversy. In Population Genetics and distinguish between adaptive or background selection modMolecularEvolution(ed. T. Ohtaand K. Aoki), pp. 333-352. Japan Sci. SOC.Press, e l ~ ( 3 8 , ~But, ~ ) . true to form, Gillespie argues that reasonable Tokyo. positive selection models produce the same frequency 20 Long, M. and Langley, C. H. (1993). Natural selection and the origin of jingwei, a processed functional gene in Drosophila. Science260,91-95. spectrum as background selection(3).So, the unexpected 21 Lee, Y.-H., Ota T. and Vacquier, V. D. (1995). Positive selection ISa general strong correlation of nucleotide polymorphism levels and phenomenon in the evolution of abalone sperm lysin. Mol. Biol. Evol. 12,213-238. 22 McDonald, J. H. and Kreitman, M. (1991). Adaptive protein evolution at the recombination means that selection and hitchhiking must be Adh locus in Drosophila. Nature351,652-654. operating to shape patterns of variation in Drosophila, but 23 Eanes, W. F., Kirchner, M. and Yoon, J. (1993). Evidence for adaptive evolution of the G6PD gene in the Drosophila melanogasfer and D. simulans we may not be able to resolve whether that selection is lineages. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 90,7475-7479. mostly positive, mostly negative, or a mixture of the two. 24 Nachman, M. W., Brown, W. M., Stoneking, M. and Aquadro, C. F. (1996). Nonneutral mitochondria1 DNA variation in humans and chimpanzees. Genetics Despite uncertainties about the neutral theory, it never142,953-963. theless provides a useful conceptual framework for thinking 25 Lewontin, R. C. (1985). Population Genetics. Annu. Rev. Genet. 19.81-102. 26 Watterson, G. A. (1982). Mutant substitutions at linked nucleotide sites. Adv. about molecular variation and evolution(40).In addition, it Appl. Prob. 14,206-224. represents a viable null alternative to selection. Further27 Kaplan, N. L., Darden, T. and Hudson, R. R. (1988). The coalescent process more, noncoding variation, which itself may be neutral (or in models with selection. Genetics 120.819-829. 682 Vol. 18 no. 8 BioEssays Debate understanding of evolution and variation at the molecular level. 28 Hudson, R. R., Kreitman, M. and Aguade, M. (1987). A test of neutral molecular evolution based on nucleotide data. Genetics 116, 153-159. 29 Langley, C. H., Voelker,R. A., Leigh Brown, A. J., Ohnishi, S., Dickson, B. and Montgomery, E. (1981). Null allele frequencies at allozyme loci in natural populationsof Drosophila melanogaster.Genetics99, 151-156. 30 Voelker, R. A. et a/. (1980). Enzyme null alleles in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster: Frequencies in a North Carolina population. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA82,479-482. 31 Sawyer, S.A., Dykhuizen, D. E.and Hartl, D. L. (1987). Confidence interval for the number of selectively neutral amino acid polyrnorphisrns. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA84,6225-6228. 32 Watt, W. B., Cassin, R. C. and Swam, M. S.(1983). Adaptation at specific loci. 111. Field behavior and survivorship differences among Colias PGI genotypes are predictable from in vitro biochemistry. Genetics 103,725-739. 33 Ffrench-Constant, R. H. (1994). The molecular and population genetics of cyclodiene insecticide resistance. lnsect Eiochem. Mol. Biol. 24,335-345 34 Kaplan, N. L., Hudson, R. R. and Langley, C. H. (1989). The hitchhikingeffect revisited. Genetics 123,887-899. 35 Wiehe, T. H. E. and Stephan, W. (1993). Analysis of a genetic hitchhiking model, and its appiication to DNA polymorphism data from Drosophila melanogaster.Mol. Biol. Evol. 10, 842-854. 36 Charlesworth, B., Morgan, M. T. and Charlesworth, D. (1993). The effect of deleterious mutationson neutral molecular variation. Genetics 134,1289-1303, 37 Hudson, R. R. and Kaplan, N. L. (1995). Deleterious background selection with recombination. Genetics141, 1605-1617. 38 Braverman, J. M., Hudson, R. R., Kaplan, N. L., Langley, C. H. and Stephan, W. (1995). The hitchhikingeffect on the site frequency spectrum of DNA polymorphism. Genetics 140,783-795. 39 Simonsen, K. L., Churchill, G. A. and Aquadro, C. F. (1995). Properties of statistical tests of neutrality for DNA polymorphismdata. Genetics141,413-429. 40 Hudson, R. R. (1992). Gene genealogies and the coalescent process. In OxfordSeries in EcologyandEvolution, vol. 7 (ed. D. Futuyma and J. Antonovics), DD. 1-44. Oxford Universitv Press. Oxford. Marty Kreitman replies: Ohta and I agree that certain features of molecular polymorphism and evolution are not compatible with strict neturality. That battle may be over, but new battle lines appear to have been drawn. As the originator of the slightly deleterious model of molecular evolution, Ohta argues for the importance of nearly neutral mutations. In my view the only solid statistical support for the nearly neutral model involves synonymous changes and the evolution of codon bias, as discussed in both of our articles. I do not consider the higher ratio of replacement changes to synonymous changes in the primate lineage compared to rodent lineage to be strong evidence for slightly deleterious evolution, as the time separating these species is too great to safely conclude that population sizes have been the cause of the slightly different rates in the two lineages. Other observations about molecular variation and evolution discussed by Ohta either do not speak directly to the issue of strength of selection, or they incorrectly shoehorn data into the slightly deleterious model. For example, Ohta argues that a relative excess amino acid replacement change Martin Kreitman is at the Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, 1101 E 57th St, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. E-mail: mkre @ the McDonald-Kreitman test, fits the slightly deleterious model if one assumes a bottleneck at speciation. However, Tomoko Ohta replies: Kreitman correctly points out that some confusion arises from the ambiguous definition of the neutral theory. It apparently means the strictly neutral theory to many evolutionary biologists, whereas I sometimes used the term in its extended form, which includes the nearly neutral theory. Perhaps, ‘the neutral theory’ should be used in the narrow sense to avoid confusion. One could use ‘the neutral theory in the broad sense’ to include the nearly neutral process, or ‘the nearly neutral theory’ should be used explicitly. A notable difference between my view and Kreitman’s may be found in the interpretation of the McDonald-Kreitman test. To me, the excess of nonsynonymous substitutions between closely related species may reflect slightly deleterious amino acid substitutions at bottlenecks, whereas to Kreitman, it is caused by positive selection. The opposite situation may again be explained by the slightly deleterious mutation model, if linkage, migration and other factors are considered. I agree with Kreitman that the nearly neutral theory is less useful as a null hypothesis than the strictly neutral theory. I also admit that the nearly neutral theory in its present form is neither complete nor correct everywhere. We need more studies, both theoretical and experimental, for our full that instant in time. The number of amino acid polymorphisrns segregating between alleles, if present day Drosophila populations are any indication,are far too few in number to account forthe excess of fixed substitutionsobserved at several loci in Drosophila. Therefore, the speciation/bottleneck hypothesis (which itself is without support) cannot explain these data. The battle line may have shifted slightly from complete neutrality to near neutrality. But this slight shift is a quantum leap in terms of the difficulty in distinguishing between the nearly neutral model and stronger selection models. As revealed in the example given above, one can almost always propose a particular history of changes in population size in that will account for almost any pattern of molecular variation or change. Thus, unlike the strictly neutral theory, the slightly deleterious model cannot be easily falsified. Yet the question of the relative magnitude of the mutational flux falling into the very small region of fitness space we call the nearly neutral region (Isl<l/N) in relation to the mutational flux of positively selected mutations (s>>l/N) remains central to our understanding of molecular evolution. Like Ohta, I believe the statistical analysis of molecular divergence data will allow us to resolve this issue. What is required, however, is better molecular data from closely related species, which should allow more informed interpretations of evolutionary rate differences. BioEssays Vol. 18 no. 8 683