Grand Valley State University Charter Schools Office Site/Facility Review 2013-­‐14 School Name: Oakland Academy Address: 6325 Oakland Dr. City: Kalamazoo Phone: 269-­‐324-­‐8951 Number of Students: 229 School Contact: Henry Winter principal Review Date: 10/31/13 Norm Peterson, Dave Shattuck-­‐Foundation for Behavioral Resources, Reviewer: Arturo Armijo Physical Plant Description: Newer construction of 2 buildings, vinyl and brick exterior. The K-­‐3 and 4-­‐6 facilities are set in a private campus environment in very good shape, located in suburban residential area off of Oakland and Milham. Purpose: This review is conducted by GVSU’s Charter Schools Office to observe the condition of the Site(s) and Facilities of the Academy. In no way should this review be construed to replace or supersede legally required inspections, such as, but not limited to, health or fire. Answering "No" to any of the items does not automatically require corrective action. The final letter to the Academy Board will reflect areas that GVSU Charter Office believes need corrective action. Observations Status Comments Exterior Building 1 Outside of building in good repair (bricks, eaves, soffit, roof, etc.) √ Yes No N/A Excellent shape 2 Windows clean and free of damage √ Yes No N/A 3 Roof intact with no visible signs of leaking or damage √ Yes No N/A Grounds 4 Sign in place, entrance and Parking defined by purpose (public, staff, delivery) √ Yes No N/A 5 Visitor expectations defined, restriction on travel, sign-­‐in required √ Yes No N/A Observations Status Comments Recommend installing a speaker and buzzer system and an ADA electronic compliant door opener in the main entrance. There is an ADA compliant door near the playground entrance, but is still not in operation. 6 Entry to building ADA compliant √ Yes No 7 Flag displayed √ Yes No N/A 8 Site free from litter/graffiti √ Yes No N/A 9 Landscaping maintained (grass, shrubs, trees, trimmed, etc.) √ Yes No N/A Excellent, well groomed landscaping, shrubs, and trees. 10 Recreation area available √ Yes No N/A A very large area. 11 Playground area available √ Yes No N/A New playground equipment has been installed. 12 Fire hydrant and/or building fire hose connection assessable √ Yes No N/A 13 Perimeter well-­‐defined (fencing, gates, drives, sidewalks, natural surveillance √ Yes No N/A Enclosed and fenced playground area well secured N/A Parking Areas and Sidewalks 14 Lighting provided √ Yes No N/A In good working order. 15 Area in good condition and marked √ Yes No N/A 16 Area free of litter/obstructions √ Yes No N/A Excellent. 17 Sidewalks clean/safe √ Yes No N/A Garbage and Refuse 18 Adequate refuse containers √ Yes No N/A 19 Receptacles closed √ Yes No N/A . Thursday, November 07, 2013 Observations Status Comments 20 Receptacles in enclosed area √Yes No 21 Clean and litter free √ Yes No N/A Very clean 22 Refuse materials disposed of properly. √ Yes No N/A N/A Interior Hallways 23 Entry floor mats utilized √ Yes No N/A All entry mats were cleaned and well maintained. 24 Hallways free of obstructions √ Yes No N/A There was evidence of playground equipment obstructing the exit to the playground. There were also tables and desks obstructing other exit areas. Work in progress to address these areas. 25 Student storage available √ Yes No N/A 26 Clean (i. e. ceiling, walls, floors) √ Yes No N/A Excellent. 27 Ceiling integrity intact √ Yes No N/A 28 All ceiling tiles in place √ Yes No N/A 29 Floors maintained properly √ Yes No N/A Excellent condition. 30 Walls maintained properly √ Yes No N/A Excellent. 31 Free from graffiti √ Yes No N/A Thursday, November 07, 2013 Observations Status Comments 32 Lighting adequate √ Yes No N/A 33 Water fountains operable and appear to be appropriate height for students √ Yes No N/A 34 Signage provided (i. e. office, classrooms, restrooms, etc.) √ Yes No N/A 35 All non-­‐public spaces equipped with storeroom function lockset √ Yes No N/A 36 Fire exits operable (i. e. not chained, locked or obstructed) √ Yes No N/A 37 Exits clearly marked √ Yes No N/A 38 Emergency signs/lighting provided and operational √ Yes No N/A 39 Fire extinguishers inspected (annually) and tagged √ Yes No N/A 40 Electrical panels in public spaces secured Yes No √ N/A 41 Surveillance cameras present Yes N/A Motion detectors are strategically installed along with an electronic alarm system. Recommend exterior cameras. 42 Unused areas are secured √ Yes No 43 Any restrictions on carrying backpacks, duffel bags or larger purses √ No √ N/A Yes √ No N/A Staff has right of inspection as needed. Classrooms 44 Clean and in good state of repair √ Yes No N/A Excellent 45 Adequate storage available for classroom materials √ Yes No N/A 46 Egress unobstructed (doors, windows and hallways) √ Yes No N/A 47 Fire/tornado/lockdown procedures and evacuation maps present √ Yes No N/A Excellent visual procedures present in the K-­‐3 building. But in the 4-­‐6 building, not every room had procedures posted or visible. Thursday, November 07, 2013 Observations Status Comments 48 Adequate HVAC systems operational √Yes No N/A 49 Fresh air intake above grade or fenced off √ Yes No N/A Very good. 50 Sidewalks outside of egress doors/windows are clear √ Yes No N/A Restrooms 51 Clean floors √ Yes No N/A Very sanitary. Larger trash receptacles have been placed in the rest rooms. 52 Wash sinks and lavatory appropriate height for students √ Yes No N/A Exemplary. 53 Soap, dryer/towels, waste receptacles and toilet paper √ Yes No N/A 54 Walls are free of graffiti √ Yes No N/A 55 Proper ventilation is evident √ Yes No N/A Very pleasant. Custodial/Maintenance/Utilities Areas 56 Floors are clean √ Yes No N/A 57 Rooms are free of flammable/hazardous material √ Yes No N/A 58 Custodial closets equipped with fire suppression √ Yes No N/A 59 Boiler inspection certificate is current Yes No √ N/A 60 Pipe insulation is encapsulated Yes No √ N/A Miscellaneous Food Service Thursday, November 07, 2013 Observations Status Comments Food is served in the hallways and eaten in the classrooms. 61 Current health department certificate posted √ Yes No 62 Food preparation area is clean √ Yes No N/A The food prep area in this building is located in a kitchen area. Very clean, adequate use of space. 63 Plastic gloves and hair nets provided √ Yes No N/A 64 Hand washing sink is properly equipped (signage included) √ Yes No N/A 65 Cleaning materials are stored properly √ Yes No N/A 66 Food storage area is dry, secure and free from evidence of pests √ Yes No N/A Stored in cabinets above the counter. 67 Milk is stored properly √ Yes No N/A Refrigeration is inspected and posted daily. N/A Legal Posting 68 Calendar of regular board meetings posted and can be read after hours √ Yes No N/A 69 Current state and federal employee "Right to Know" labor laws posted √ Yes No N/A Posted in the teacher’s lounge. 70 Chemicals, solvents, cleaners and strippers in properly marked containers √ Yes No N/A Management Plans on Site 71 State-­‐approved asbestos plan is current and available for review Yes No √ N/A 72 Integrated pest management policy/plan implemented √ Yes 73 School has conducted a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment 74 Emergency drills have performance metrics Thursday, November 07, 2013 No N/A Yes √ No N/A √ Yes No N/A Inspected monthly, or as needed. This is work in progress. Observations Status Comments 75 School Emergency Response Team is in place and has been trained Yes √ No 76 Fire suppression annual inspection record available in kitchen √ Yes No N/A N/A Recommend a critical response team be identified and trained per the 2011 inspection. Compliance With Single Site Requirements 77 Grades offered at site consistent with charter contract √ Yes No N/A Reviewer: Arturo Armijo Date: 10-­‐30-­‐13 School Contact: Henry Winter, Norm Peterson Dave Shattuck Date: 10-­‐30-­‐13 The GVSU Charter School Office would like to thank Oakland Charter Academy for their cooperation in conducting a follow up site facilities assessment. These types of assessments are essential in assuring that the facilities continue to be safe, sanitary and accessible. The buildings, interior /exterior, grounds, classrooms and restrooms at Oakland are in excellent condition and meet the quality standards of CSO. As indicated in the previous inspection, there are no major issues that need corrective action. The reviewer would recommend the following areas: install a speaker buzzer system along with an electronic ADA compliant door opener; repair the ADA door opener adjunct to the playground area; removing all equipment, desks and furniture from the side exit doors, implementing a crisis response team for both buildings in coordination with the pre K facility. Oakland Charter Academy is a well maintained building. Foundation Behavior Resources and their staff continue to sustain the excellent financial investment of the charter for the families and the community. Thursday, November 07, 2013 Observations Status Comments Thursday, November 07, 2013