42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud, Carrington Park Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application Prepared for Storemaker Pty Ltd David Lock Associates December 2014 Artist’s Impression 2 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 Contents 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 Strategic Context ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 Urban Context .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 4.0 Site Analysis .............................................................................................................................................................11 5.0 Urban Design Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 12 6.0 Opportunities and Constraints................................................................................................................................ 13 7.0 Urban Design Principles........................................................................................................................................... 16 8.0 Urban Design Reponse: Planning Scheme Amendment.......................................................................................... 18 8.0 Urban Design Response: Planning Applcation......................................................................................................... 18 1 Urban Context and Design Response Report 480 Punt Road, South Yarra June 2014 1.0 Introduction This report has been prepared by David Lock Associates (DLA) on behalf of Storemaker Pty Ltd. This report has been prepared to accompany a S96A Application in relation to a request to amend the Planning Scheme and develop the site in accordance with the Amended Planning Scheme. The purpose of this report is to: • Document the key characteristics of the subject site and its context that should influence its development from an urban design perspective; and • Explain how the proposed amendment to the Planning Scheme and proposal for the redevelopment of the site responds to this context. Section 2.0 of this report identifies the strategic context of the subject site. Section 3.0 analyses the site’s surrounding context. Section 4.0 identifies the key conditions and features of the subject site and adjoining properties. Section 5.0 documents the relevant planning policy context in relation to the urban design matters. Section 6.0 provides a description of the key opportunities and constraints presented by the site illustrated by an annotated plan. Section 7.0 provides a summary of the design principles that have evolved from the analysis of the strategic and urban context of the site, the site conditions and the policy context. Section 8.0 explains the urban design aspects of the proposed Planning Scheme Amendment. Section 9.0 outlines the urban design aspects of the planning application. 2 David Lock Associates David Lock Associates Urban Context and Design Response Report 480 Punt Road, South Yarra June 2014 2.0 Strategic Context DROMANA PORT PHILLIP BAY McCRAE PLAZA ROSEBUD MAC N AY W E A ARTHURS SEAT 1. ARTHURS SEAT STATE PARK Respect the environmental values of the Arthurs Seat State Park. NG TO N PE ELIZABETH DRIVE E FR L SU IN Figure 1 Strategic Context OR NI ROSEBUD PLAZA M ELIZABETH DRIVE Rosebud Park Public Golf Course ARTHURS SEAT STATE PARK 2. Limit Development to land within the Urban Growth Boundary. Rosebud Country Club 3 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 3.1 Urban Context: Urban Structure LAWSON PARK FR EE WA Y URBAN STRUCTURE Figure 2 Urban Structure SUBJECT SITE FREEWAY ARTERIAL ROAD BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN LINK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE ACTIVITY CENTRE COMMUNITY USE RETIREMENT VILLAGE CONVENTIONAL RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CREEK LOCAL LANDMARK ITEM TITLE PE NI NS UL A SUBJECT SITE FREEWAY ARTERIAL ROAD IN GT ON BUS ROUTE ARTHURS SEAT STATE PARK AVENUE MO RN AUSTIN Rosebud Retirement Village CONVENTIONAL RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ROSEBUD R C CARRINGTON DRIVE ROAD TUDOR K RIVE TT D CRE AVENUE W BAYV IE ROAD NCK SCHA OO SEABR CAPE DRIVE ELIZABETH kin gT rac k LOCAL LANDMARK al ays W B o Tw ELIZABETH DRIVE DS N ROA MARIO AVEN UE LING OLLOSE 3. ROAD WATERFALL GULLY Aged Care SYLVAN BUSHLAND RESERVE Respect the historical significance of the existing building on the site as a local landmark. Y AD RO SHERWOOD AVENUE GO OL GO W IE Amberlee Caravan Park STREET OLD ROSEBUD PARK PUBLIC GOLF COURSE DANINA COURT McLARED COURT ST ANDREWS AVENUE ROAD Rosebud Tennis Club Carrington Caravan Park RETIREMENT VLLAGE ROAD HOVE ROAD ROSEBUD AND DISTRICK PONY CLUB 4 ACTIVITY CENTRE COMMUNITY USE HOVE JET T PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE ROSEBUD PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION RESERVE ROAD BURUNDA PEDESTRIAN LINK VE DRI LO AVA N GOOLGOWIE BUSHLAND RESERVE ELIZABETH DRIVE JOB : 42-52 ELIZABETH DRIVE, ROSEBUD CODE : STM001 DATE : 16 MAY 2014 SCALE : 1:1000@A3 4. LEVEL 2, 166 ALBERT ROAD SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 t 03 9682 8568 f 03 9682 1221 www.dlaaust.com Respect the prevailing building siting and scale. David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 3.2 Urban Context: Access and Movement BURUNDA ROAD ACCESS AND MOVEMENTFigure 3 ROSEBUD PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION RESERVE Access and Movement SUBJECT SITE ARTERIAL ROAD BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN LINK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE CREEK ITEM TITLE HOVE ROAD HOVE ROAD SUBJECT SITE ARTERIAL ROAD Rosebud Tennis Club BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN TRACK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CREEK kin gT rac k ROSEBUD PARK PUBLIC GOLF COURSE GOLF COURSE DANINA COURT ST ANDREWS AVENUE OU M cLARED C RT al ays W B o Tw ROSEBUD RIVE TT D CRE Carrington Caravan Park CARRINGTON DRIVE DRIVE ELIZABETH OAD RDRORADR TU TUDO AVENUE ELIZABETH DRIVE 5. Design new roads to reinforce the coastal character of the area. k ree C l l rfa Wate DS N ROA MARIO ELIZABETH DRIVE NG LLI RO CLOSE McLaren’s Dam 6. JOB : 42-52 ELIZABETH DRIVE, ROSEBUD WATERFALL GULLY ROAD CODE : STM001 DATE : 16 MAY 2014 SCALE : LEVEL 2, 166 ALBERT ROAD SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 t 03 9682 8568 f 03 9682 1221 www.dlaaust.com Incorporate legible pedestrian access from Elizabeth Drive to the Two Bays Walking Track within the Arthurs Seat State Park. 5 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 3.3 Urban Context: Environmental Features Figure 4 ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES Environmental Features ITEM TITLE ROAD HOVE SUBJECT SITE ARTERIAL ROAD MIDDAY Rosebud Tennis Club BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN LINK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT DRIVE ELIZABETH FALL OF LAND MORNING VIEWS VISIBILITY OK SEABRO AVENUE Carrington Caravan Park Rosebud Park Public Golf Course STREET TREES ELIZABETH DRIVE 7. Locate and design buildings to achieve a reasonable sharing of views of Port Phillip Bay. 8. Maximise westerly views towards the Sorrento foreshore. 9. Minimise the extent of cut and fill ST AFTER NOON AVENUE CREEK SUBJECT SITE ARTERIAL ROAD BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN LINK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT CREEK STREET TREES FALL OF LAND VIEWS VISIBILITY OF SITE ROSEBUD AV EN UE JOB : 42-52 ELIZABETH DRIVE, ROSEBUD WATERFALL GULLY ROAD CODE : STM001 DATE : 16 MAY 2014 SCALE : LEVEL 2, 166 ALBERT ROAD SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 t 03 9682 8568 f 03 9682 1221 www.dlaaust.com 6 ROSEBUD PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION RESERVE David Lock Associates ROAD HOVE ROAD Planning Scheme Amendment andTITLE Planning Application ITEM 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud SUBJECT SITEDecember 2014 ARTERIAL ROAD d BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN TRACK 3.4 Urban Context: Development Pattern PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE CONVENTIONAL RESIDENTIAL Figure 5 COMMUNITY Development Pattern USE ng Tra ck MULTISITE UNIT DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT FREEWAY CREEK ARTERIAL ROAD BUS ROUTE PEDESTRIAN LINK PUBLIC OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY USE CONVENTIONAL RESIDENTIAL MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT CREEK lki ROSEBUD PARK PUBLIC GOLF COURSE ED COURT DANINA COURT ST ANDREWS AVENUE M cLAR a W s y Ba Two DRIVE ETH CARRINGTON DRIVE AD DRORADRO R U T O D U T IVE T DR T E CR Elizabeth Drive DS N ROA O I R A M NG LLI RO McLaren’s Dam CLOSE FALL GULLY Wat ROAD ee r C ll erfa k 10. Respect the surrounding subdivision pattern Elizabeth Drive 11. Sensitively respond to the surrounding landscape and existing residential amenity. JOB : 42-52 ELIZABETH DRIVE, ROSEBUD CODE : STM001 DATE : 17 JUNE 2014 SCALE : NTS 7 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 3.5 Urban Context: Building and Architectural Characteristics 12. Avoid high and solid fences alongside the public realm and common areas. ELIZABETH DRIVE View looking east up Elizabeth Drive towards subject site View looking west down Elizabeth Drive 13. Respect the prevailing setbacks along Elizabeth Drive. 14. Adopt contemporary building styles that provide a sensitive response to the surrounding landscape. View towards clubhouse from Elizabeth Drive 8 Views towards Sorrento foreshore FR EE WA Y Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 MO RN IN GT ON PE NI NS UL A David Lock Associates BURUNDA ROAD ROSEBUD PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION RESERVE NORTH SIDE ROAD HOVE ROAD HOVE Rosebud Tennis Club ROSEBUD PARK B. 54 Elizabeth Drive PUBLIC GOLF COURSE A. ED COURT DANINA COURT ST ANDREWS AVENUE M cLAR SOUTH SIDE CARRINGTON DRIVE F. 64 Elizabeth Drive OAD RDRORADR TU TUDO D. 36 Elizabeth Drive ELIZABETH ROSEBUD C. 34 Elizabeth Drive Carrington Caravan E. 38 ElizabethPark Drive F DRIVE RIVE TT D CRE AVENUE Ba Two B E D C A DS N ROA MARIO NG LLI RO CLOSE McLaren’s Dam 9 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 4.0 Site Analysis Figure 6 Site Analysis MIDDAY ELIZABETH DRIVE THE SITE 4km TO ROSEBUD MAC EXISTING ACCESS EXISTING BUIDINGS VIEWS AFTER NOON Former Gravel Carpark Concrete POS ES MORNING POS POS POS TREES 15. Respond to the heritage value of the existing building on site. EXISTING GROUNDS PRIVATE OPEN SPACE (POS) ELIZABETH DRIVE LANDMARK POS Driveway POS Clubhouse Former Bowling Green POS POS Former Bowling Green POS POS 10 16. Respect the prevailing landscape character. David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 5.0 Urban Design Policy This section provides a summary of the relevant planning policy context, as set out in the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme, in relation to urban design matters. Zones and Overlays (See figures 8-13) • Clause 32.08 General Residential Zone • Clause 35.04 Green Wedge Zone • Clause 42.01 Environment Significance Overlay • Clause 42.02 Vegetation Protection Overlay • Clause 43.02 Design and Development Overlay • Clause 44.01 Erosion Management Overlay • Clause 44.06 Bushfire Management Overlay The key urban design provisions that relate to the site can be summarised into the following themes: • Housing; • Environmental values and risk; • Character; SPPF • Clause 11.02 Supply of Urban Land • Clause 11.04 Metropolitan Melbourne • Clause 11.04-7 Green Wedges • Clause 12 Environmental and Landscape Values • Clause 13 Environmental Risks • Clause 15.01 Built Environment and Heritage • Clause 16.01 Residential development • Residential Subdivision; and • Public realm amenity. MSS • Clause 21.03 Mornington Peninsula – Regional Role and Local Vision • Clause 21.04 Mornington Peninsula Strategic Framework Plan • Clause 21.06 Strategic Framework and The Peninsula’s Settlement Pattern • Clause 21.07 Guiding Future Township Development • Clause 21.08 Foreshores and Coastal Areas Local Policies • Clause 22.13 Township Environment • Clause 22.15 Landscape Protection and Broiler Farms Particular Provisions • Clause 56 PCRZ Public Conservation and Resource Zone PPRZ SUZ4 PUZ1 Public Use Zone Service and Utility Public Park and Recreation Zone GWZ2 Green Wedge Zone Schedule 2 Special Use Zone Schedule 4 GRZ1 General Residential Zone - Schedule 1 Land Outside Urban Growth Boundary hB n ba Ur ry da n ou t ow Gr Reference Documents • Urban Design Charter of Victoria • Safer Design Guidelines 5.1 HOUSING There is significant policy at both State and Local level that supports the development of housing on the subject site. This has urban design implications for the character of the area around the site. Clause 11.02-1 Supply of urban land Key strategies seek to ensure the ongoing provision of land and supporting infrastructure to support sustainable urban development. Strategies also require development to consider opportunities for consolidation, redevelopment and intensification of existing urban areas, as well as neighbourhood character and landscape considerations and the limits of land capability and natural hazards. Clause 11.04-7 Green Wedges Seeks to protect the green wedges of Metropolitan Melbourne from inappropriate development. Key strategies seek to consolidate new residential development within existing settlements and in locations where planned services are available and green wedge area values can be protected. Clause 16.01 Residential development Seeks to promote a housing market that meets community needs. Key strategies seek to increase the supply of housing in existing urban areas by facilitating increased housing yield in appropriate locations, including under0utilised urban land, and the ensure housing developments are integrated with infrastructure and services. Clause 21.03-3 Future township growth Acknowledges that the Peninsula continues to experience strong residential growth and increasing population. There are substantial areas set aside of new development, as well as the pool of vacant lots and holiday houses, that may be developed and redeveloped for permanent occupancy. Clause 21.04 Mornington Peninsula Strategic Framework Plan Contains the Strategic Framework Plan, which identifies locations where specific land use outcomes will be supported and promoted as well as areas where some forms of use and development will be excluded. It identifies the subject site as being within a township area where future development is encouraged. Figure 7 Zoning 11 AV RD S DE R FL IN LE Y RI CO OK CL ST ARMST AN LL M HI A CT N RG PO OL E TH EW MA T RD ST AV RONG RD RD MORRI S RD RD NG AV CAIR N SURREY CT REN PE NI NS UL A LE Y BE NT N HI LL MA SOMERS NH IL L SU AV OVERLEA O DV AL E ELWERS W O N RD G ST RO N EW YV I BA AR M MO CT AV N McLARE CT DANINA DR CT SALVIA DR DR AV G IN LL RO RD S ROSEBUD MA N RIO DR CARRINGTON CT DR RD TUDOR CREST ROOK SEAB RD ION MAR AV RD CL MURAWA NULLAWARRE AV CARRAJUNG CL AV VIEW GOOLGOWIE THE SEAVIEW CT FORSHAW CT RD CORAL CT COMET MT ARTHUR WATERFALL GULLY ST PARATTAH ELIZABETH CERES POPLAR DR ST ANDREWS Golf Course LEURA AV CT FLI A PARKMOR GV RD ST MARTIN RD ST ST WOONTON ELWERS MO RN IN GT O ROSEBUD ST ST WAT ERFA LL GULL Y DR ANAKIE CT AV DR RD CT 200 S JONE ST IE G O O LG O W FER N CT AV BI LB U L WAKOOL AV ST RD RD BLUE WATER WAKOOL AV BE LL Design and Development Overlay BA N G Schedule 3 R A PEN IN S DR ST DD03 AV RD D UE L LS N AV GOOLGOWIE AV TION R D NTA ALO AV AV AV ST CL A VA L ON SHERWOOD AIN RR WA and Development Overlay DD01 Design ScheduleGREENHILL 1 FENTON SHERWOOD AV SAN DS AV DUMOSSA U LA RD Clause 44.06 Schedule 1 to the Bushfire Management Overlay contains the modified requirements for Clause 52.47 Standards to construct a building and requires the preparation of a plan which shows how vegetation will be managed to achieve the modified defendable space requirements on the land. RD HOVE Figure 9 Design and Development Overlay DUELLS Clause 44.01 Erosion Management Overlay seeks to protect areas prone to erosion, landslip or other land degradation processes, by minimising land disturbance and inappropriate development. ST RD RD Rosebud Park Public FENTON instability, erosion or potential fire hazard and to minimise the extent of required earthworks. ST RD Arthurs Seat State Park RD NIXON PLA WMO AV CR SEAMISTS LOVELY Wildfire Management Overlay K CAIRN MARINA RD AS Figure 8 Wildfire Management Overlay ST CR FAIRWAY ELIZABETH RD AV TROON BURUNDA ST HO L O CO ST SOMERS GV ELM CT NIC ST BASS CINER AMA WILGAH GV HERMAN DR LA HOVE ST RD S ER AV LL MA N AV ST MURRAY ST AUSTIN RO HI David Lock Associates S BAS D IN FL RD There are a number of policy statements at State and Local level as well as relevant overlays that relate to environmental values and risks relating to the site. This will shape the layout of development on the site. 12 MS T MATTHEW ST ST DO RO TH Y CT ST AV 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES AND RISKS Clause 43.02 Schedule 3 to the Design and Development Overlay - Coast and Landscape Design seeks to ensure that the design of development has adequate regard to fire risk and includes appropriate fire protection measures. It also seeks to avoid higher densities of development in areas subject to AR C R NA HU GV ST Y LE ST RD SUNNINGDALE FAIRWAY Clause 56.04-1 seeks to provide a range of lot sizes to suit a variety of dwelling and household types. Clause 35.04 Green Wedge Zone seeks to protect and conserve green wedge zoned land for its agriculture, environmental, historic, landscape, recreational and tourism opportunities. W CO L EL ST VICKIE CT NT L RD E Y E RI JO AR T C LEICHARDT BANKS SS RU LE M TALBO T BE GV LE ST A SH BETH CT DA AUSTIN Acknowledges that the major towns, such as Rosebud provide access to services, employment and recreational opportunities for the majority of the residents and visitors. Therefore, it is important to strengthen these major centres by consolidating future population growth within their defined growth boundaries. Clause 13.05 Bushfire seeks to strengthen community resilience to bushfire. Key overarching strategies are to prioritise the protection of human life over other policy considerations in planning and decision-making in areas at risk from bushfire, and to ensure that strategic and settlement planning assists with strengthening community resilience to bushfire. EN GL ST ST RD MOUNT VIEW RD DA NS LO M CA ON ER SHERIDAN RD Clause 21.06 Strategic Framework and the Peninsula’s Settlement Pattern Clause 13.03-2 Erosion and landslip seeks to protect areas prone to erosion, landslip or other land degradation processes. Key strategies are to prevent inappropriate development in unstable areas or areas prone to erosion and to promote vegetation retention, planting and rehabilitation in areas prone to erosion and land instability. RD ST TLE WAT ST ST ST EY NSL ST NA GA SPE PEN TH SOU RD Clause 13 Environmental Risks states the planning should adopt a best practice environmental management and risk management approach to avoid or minimise environmental degradation and hazards. RD RD MOUNT VIEW Clause 12 Environmental and Landscape Values states that planning should help to protect the health of ecological systems and the biodiversity they support. It contains key strategies which seek to ensure that new development does not adversely affect impact of native vegetation and to improve the landscape qualities, open space linkages and environmental performance in green wedges and conversation areas. AV AV HIG HFIE LD ST ST OR LIP PHIL Y BE AB CAIRN RD Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 OR EM S REN LAU A DUR MA ROS David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 5.3 CHARACTER There is extensive policy at State and Local level that seeks to protect valued landscape and built form character. Clause 15.01: Urban Environment A key objective of this Clause is to create urban environments that are safe, functional and provide good quality environments with a sense of place and cultural identity. A key objective of Clause 15.01-2 seeks to achieve architectural and urban design outcomes that contribute positively to local urban character and enhance the public realm while minimising detrimental impact on neighbouring properties. Clause 16.01-4 Housing diversity seeks to provide for a range of housing types to meet increasingly diverse needs, while encouraging the development of welldesigned medium-density housing which respects the neighbourhood character. Figure 11 Erosion Management Overlay Figure 10 Vegetation Protection Overlay VP01 Vegetation Protection Overlay - Schedule 1 VP02 Vegetation Protection Overlay - Schedule 2 EM01 Erosion Management Overlay - Schedule 1 EM01 Erosion Management Overlay - Schedule 2 Clause 21.07 Guiding Future Township Development Activity seeks to protect and enhance local environmental conditions and environmentally sensitive features. It also seeks to ensure that the design and intensity of new residential subdivision and development is site and area responsive, and particularly having regard to the neighbourhood character and heritage of the area. Clause 32.01 General Residential Zone seeks to encourage residential development at a range of densities with a variety of dwellings that respect the neighbourhood character. Clause 43.02 Schedule 3 to the Design and Development Overlay seeks to ensure that the design of subdivision and housing is responsive to the environment, landform, site conditions and character of coastal villages, hillsides and clifftop areas. It also seeks to ensure that new development has proper regard for the established streetscape and development pattern in terms of building height, scale and siting and to ensure that subdivision proposals will enable buildings to be integrated with their site and the surrounding area in terms of the relationship to existing buildings, open space areas and coastal landscapes. Figure 12 Environmental Significance Overlay ES09 Environmental Significance Overlay - Schedule 9 13 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 Clause 56 seeks to create liveable and sustainable neighbourhoods and urban places with character and identity and to achieve residential subdivision outcomes which respond appropriately to the site and its infill within established areas. 5.4 PUBLIC REALM AMENITY 5.5 OFF-SITE AMENITY IMPACTS There are a number of policy statements at State level that relate to the contribution of development to the public realm. Clause 56.03-4 encourages the creation of urban places with identity and character. Clause 15.01 Built Environment and Heritage seeks to encourage a public realm, which includes main pedestrian spaces, streets, squares, parks and walkways, should be protected and enhanced. There are a number of policy statements at State level that relate to the appropriate level of impact that a development may have on adjoining properties. Clause 56.03-5 seeks subdivisions that respond to neighbourhood character. For example, Standard C6 states that subdivision should: • Respect the existing neighbourhood character or achieve a preferred neighbourhood character consistent with any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme; • Respond to and integrate with the surrounding urban environment; and • Protect significant vegetation and site features. Clause 56.04-1 seeks a lot layout that contributes to community social interaction, personal safety and property security. It also encourages new development to create urban environments that enhance personal safety and property security and where people feel safe to live, work and move in at any time. While landmarks, views and vistas should be protected and enhanced, and recognition should also be given to the setting in which buildings are designed and the integrating role of landscape architecture. Clause 15 Built Environment and Heritage states that development should minimise detrimental impact on neighbouring properties. The subject site directly abuts 11 residential properties. In the northeast corner it abuts the rear of 34 and 36 Elizabeth Drive and the side and rear of 38 Elizabeth Drive. To the west the site abuts the side of 54 Elizabeth Drive and the rear of 1-11 Carrington Drive and the side of 20 Marion Road. The design of interfaces between buildings and public spaces, including the arrangement of adjoining activities, entrances, windows, and architectural detailing, should enhance the visual and social experience of the user. Clause 43.02 Schedule 3 to the Design and Development Overlay seeks to protect shared viewlines where reasonable and practical and also seeks to ensure that subdivision proposals will enable new buildings to be integrated with their site and the surrounding area in terms of the relationship to existing buildings, open space areas and coastal landscape. 17. Step built form to respond to topography. ELIZABETH DRIVE 18. Respect the amenity and character of neighbouring properties.Step built form to respond to topography. 14 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 6.0 Opportunities And Constraints Opportunities MIDDAY OP1 OP1 – Capitalise on the expansive views and vistas across Port Phillip Bay and along the Mornington Peninsula. OP2 OP2 – Retain and enhance the local landmark of the former Clubhouse building. OP3 OP3 – Complete the southern streetscape of Elizabeth Drive by filling in the current gap in streetscape built form. OP4 OP4 – The subject site is relatively large compared with the surrounding properties and therefore, represents an opportunity for infill development in keeping with the prevailing neighbourhood character. OP5 OP5 – Provide a pedestrian link across the subject site from Elizabeth Drive to the Two Bays Walking Track. OP6 OP6- Retain significant trees of value. 4km TO ROSEBUD MAC OP3 AFTER NOON MORNING Concrete OP1 Driveway C1 C1 Former Gravel Carpark C2 OP4 Clubhouse OP2 Former Bowling Green Constraints C5 OP5 C2 Former Bowling Green C3 C1 C1 – Respond to the existing neighbourhood character to the north and west. C2 C2 – Avoid unreasonable impacts on the amenity of existing neighbouring dwellings. C3 C3 – Respond to the potential risk of bushfire and provide sufficient defensible space. C4 C4 – Limit development to land within the Urban Growth Boundary. C5 C5 – Minimise cut and fill OP6 C4 Figure 13 Opportunities and Constraints 15 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 7.0 Urban Design Principles ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE 1. Respect the environmental values of the Arthurs Seat State Park 2. 16 Incorporate legible pedestrian access from Elizabeth Drive to the Two Bays Walking Track within the Arthurs Seat State Park 3. Respect the historical significance of the existing building on the site as a local landmark 4. Respect the prevailing building siting and scale 7. Locate and design buildings to achieve a reasonable sharing of views of Port Phillip Bay 5. Design new roads to reinforce the coastal character of the area Elizabeth Drive ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE 6. Limit development to land within the Urban Growth Boundary ELIZABETH DRIVE 8. Maximise westerly views towards the Sorrento foreshore 9. Minimise the extent of cut and fill 10. Respect the surrounding subdivision pattern David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE Elizabeth Drive 11. Sensitively respond to the surrounding landscape and existing residential amenity 12. Avoid high and solid fences alongside the public realm and common areas 13. Respect the prevailing setbacks along Elizabeth Drive 14. Adopt contemporary building styles that provide a sensitive response to the surrounding landscape 15. Respond to the heritage value of the existing building on site ELIZABETH DRIVE ELIZABETH DRIVE 16. Respect the existing prevailing landscape character 17. Step built form to respond to topography 18. Respect the amenity and character of neighbouring properties 17 David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-53 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 8.0 Urban Design Response: Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment The proposed Planning scheme amendment comprises the replacement of the existing ESO9 with the application of a new Development Plan Overlay (DPO) and the Heritage Overlay (HO). The proposed DPO schedule seeks to guide the future development of the subject site to ensure that it responds appropriately to the characteristics of the site and its context. The DPO schedule contains a concept development plan which achieves the design principles set out by the DPO schedule. A requirement of the proposed DPO schedule is that a development plan must be prepared to the satisfaction of the responsible authority, which is consistent with the concept development plan. The proposed DPO schedule also contains the following design principles which must be achieved: • Respects the role of the existing building by: o Maintaining an appropriate setting for the existing building; o Maintains a view of it from Elizabeth Drive at the edge of the land: and o Locating common land to its north and west that maintains views of its western façade and northwestern and southwestern corners from a primary access route to the land. • Building envelopes substantially in accordance with the development concept plan shown. • Respects the surrounding subdivision pattern particularly the lot frontage width; • Embraces the viewlines identified; • The lot layout to optimise good solar orientation, minimise opportunities for overlooking and overshadowing and encourage housing to front common areas for surveillance and amenity measures; and • Ensure that the design of development has adequate regard to fire risk and includes appropriate fire protection measures. • The proposed DPO schedule seeks to ensure that development of the subject land responds to the urban design principles derived from the urban context anaylsis, as set out in this report. Development Layout The proposed DPO schedule seeks to maintain an appropriate setting for the existing heritage clubhouse building. This responds to urban design principles 3 and 15 set out in this report. The schedule also seeks to maintain a view of the existing building from Elizabeth Drive which will enable it to remain a local landmark into the future once additional dwellings are built around it. Further, the proposed schedule requires common land to be located to the north and west of the existing clubhouse to further ensure that views to its western façade and northwest and southwest corners are maintained. The proposed DPO schedule requires new roads to reinforce the coastal village character of the area. This directly responds to urban design principle 5. The schedule also requires a design response which respects the surrounding subdivision pattern, in particular the lot frontage width. This responds to urban design principle 10, which directs development to respect the surrounding subdivision pattern. It also reflects urban design principle 4, which calls for development to respect the prevailing building siting and scale. Building Form • Retains existing significant trees in accordance with a landscape master plan subject to appropriate bushfire management; The proposed DPO schedule seeks to encourage built form that does not cause unreasonable amenity impacts on the adjacent residential areas and, in particular, minimises the impact of overlooking, overshadowing and visual bulk. This responds to urban design principles 11 and 18, which call for development to respond sensitively to the surrounding residential amenity. • Designs new roads to reinforce the coastal village character of the area. In particular, shared surfaces are encouraged and the extent of roads should be minimized; The schedule also encourages contemporary building styles and development that steps in response to topography and minimises cut and fill. This responds to urban design principles 9, 14 and 17. • Recognises the constraints and opportunities identified; 18 The proposed schedule encourages new built form and landscaping to be located to share views of Port Phillip Bay from individual dwellings, both within and around the land. This responds to urban design principles 7 and 8, which seek to achieve a reasonable sharing of views of Port Phillip Bay and to maximise westerly views towards the Sorrento foreshore. Landscaping The proposed DPO schedule seeks to avoid high and solid fences alongside common property and encourages unfenced front gardens. This responds to urban design principle 12. The proposed schedule also seeks the retention of significant trees and other vegetation, subject to achieving an appropriate outcome in terms of bushfire management. This responds to urban design principle 16, which seeks to respect the prevailing landscape character. David Lock Associates Planning Scheme Amendment and Planning Application 42-52 Elizabeth Drive, Rosebud December 2014 9.0 Urban Design Response: Planning Application This section outlines the urban design aspects of the planning application. 8.2 Clubhouse 8.3 Conventional Lots 8.1 Existing subdivision and road The design response primarily seeks to sensitively respect and reinforce the heritage and placemaking qualities of the former Carrington Park clubhouse. The proposed roadway is designed to ensure that the clubhouse is the centrepiece of the development. The alignment of the roadway ensures that visitors to the clubhouse and all the proposed lots which do not front Elizabeth Drive arrive past the clubhouse. This reinforces the development’s unique identity of place, being centred around and within the grounds of the former clubhouse. The subdivision is further designed to provide a clear separation around the clubhouse, thus retaining much of the building’s grounds and setting. Greater separation is provided to the clubhouse’s more valued facades, in particular the western façade. Further the proposed road alignment incorporates and retains a number of existing trees of value. The subdivision pattern is designed to respectfully respond to the abutting lots. Along the western boundary the proposed lots (lots 1-5) are designed intentionally to match the existing abutting lots in terms of the number of lots, as well as their size and width. Further the proposed subdivision will result in proposed backyards interfacing with existing backyards, thereby creating a normal rear interface and minimising any amenity impacts on the existing dwellings. There is an existing subdivision and associated road on the subject site. The design response seeks to ‘build’ on this pre-existing condition. The roadway alignment and the proposed dwelling orientation and siting have been sensitively designed to maintain key viewlines from Elizabeth Drive to the clubhouse. This will ensure the visual presence of the clubhouse is retained from Elizabeth Drive and the proposed dwellings. The proposed lots between the clubhouse and Elizabeth Drive (lots 7-9) are designed to respond to the existing significant change in topography in order to minimise additional earthworks as well as to maximise and share the best views of Port Phillip Bay and the Mornington Peninsula available from the subject site. The proposed subdivision has also sought to sensitively respond to and respect the amenity of existing neighbours. In particular, the two proposed lots abutting the western boundary of 38 Elizabeth Drive, have been designed to ensure maximum separation from the existing habitable room windows by proposing back yards along this sensitive interface. Further, these gardens will ensure maximum separation between the proposed and existing built form. This will ensure minimal impact on the existing access to views and amenity of 38 Elizabeth Drive. The proposed subdivision has also been carefully designed to respond to the site topography. Therefore, minimising the need for extensive earthworks and cut and fill. 8.3 Conclusion In summary, the proposed development will achieve an appropriate balance between responding to the site’s unique attributes and respecting the prevailing character, and enhance a local landmark. It will not have any unreasonable impacts on the amenity of the abutting residential properties. Finally, it will enhance the amenity of the public realm and allow for better links to the Two Bays Walking Track and Arthurs Seat State Park. 19 Level 2/166 Albert Road South Melbourne 3205 Victoria t: +61 3 9682 8568 info@dlaaust.com www.dlaaust.com ABN: 45 080 477 523 ACN: 080 477 523