Silver, Gold, Bitcoin…and God!



Silver, Gold, Bitcoin…and God!

By Bix Weir A collection of intimate conversations concerning the past, present and future of humanity…



The  intent  and  structure  of  this  book  is  not  attempting  to  present  a  position  that  is  either  for  or  against   any  particular  religious  group  or  organization.  Nor  does  the  author  claim  to  be  in  direct  contact  with  any   specific  God  although  the  process  used  to  write  this  book  evokes  the  name  “God”  as  the  source  of  the   answers  obtained  through  internal  questioning.     Also,  the  book  focuses  on  the  conspiracy  side  of  the  gold  and  silver  markets  without  the  constraints  of   generally  accepted  market  views.  The  author  and  all  those  associated  with  this  book  disclaim  all  and  any   guarantees,  undertakings  and  warranties,  expressed  or  implied,  and  shall  not  be  liable  for  any  loss  or   damage   whatsoever   (including   human   or   computer   error,   negligent   or   otherwise,   or   incidental   or   consequential   loss   or   damage)   arising   out   of   or   in   connection   with   any   use   or   reliance   on   the   information  or  advice  offered.     The  reader  must  accept  sole  responsibility  associated  with  the  use  of  the  material  offered,  irrespective   of  the  purpose  for  which  such  use  or  results  are  applied.  Neither  the  author  nor  anyone  associated  with   the,   LLC   or   the   company’s   website   are   Registered   Investment   Advisors.   The   information  offered  is  no  substitute  for  financial  advice.     The  content  of  this  book  is  copyrighted  and  may  not  be  distributed  to  others  or  re-­‐produced  (in  whole   or  in  part).     Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Silver, Gold, Bitcoin…and God!

By Bix Weir

Copyright 2015 –, LLC

*The following interviews were conducted in a similar manner as those conducted in the best selling book series "Conversations With God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Although I do not possess the same intimate knowledge of spirituality as Mr. Walsch, my 15-year journey following precious metal markets has connected me to some very powerful spiritual monetary beings…and they have something to say.

For Amy…the Love of my Life! (-)

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Table of Contents

Chapter I

My First Conversation – 6

Chapter II

Roota’s Plan - 12

Chapter III

Shall We Continue? - 19

Chapter IV

A New Twist – 26

Chapter V

Aren’t We There Yet? - 34

Chapter VI

It’s Happening - 42

Chapter VII

What About Bitcoin? - 48 Chapter VIII How’d We Get Here? – 54 Chapter IX Good Guys and Bad Guys – 61

Chapter X

So Dark is the Con - 70 Chapter XI Secret Gold – 78 Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Table of Contents (continued) Chapter XII

Secrets of Silver - 82 Chapter XIII Return of Silver Money - 87

Chapter XIV

Root of All Evil - 93

Chapter XV

Forbidden Questions – 97

Chapter XVI

Heaven and Hell - 100 Chapter XVII Ancient History of Earth – 106 Chapter XVIII Are We Alone? - 112

Chapter XIX

Timing of the End Game - 117


The Road Ahead - 123 Greenspan’s Parting Words – 125

Appendix – 132

Now let's begin…

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Chapter I

My First Conversation...

Me: Is anybody there? God: Yes, I am here. Me: Hi God! How do I do this? I read the books about having conversations with God, but I don't want to sound like I'm anyone special.

God: But you are special…we all are. You just ask your questions and the answers will be provided by your thoughts. Don't stop to edit your

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thoughts. Just trust your answers and we will both provide the answers we

need. Me: Ok. I'll start with an easy one. Are gold and silver markets manipulated? God: Of course they are…Duh! Me: Wait, is God supposed to say, “Duh?” God: Don't waste my time. What's your next question? Me: Who is doing it and why?

God: There are many groups of people who manipulate all markets and they all have different reasons. Some are driven by money, some by power

but the largest group is driven by fear. Me: Fear?! These people control the world, so what could they be afraid of?

God: They are afraid of you and people like you. They are afraid they will be found out and the world as they know it will come crashing down. They are afraid that the people of the world will begin to understand the un-

backed fiat monetary fraud and will be angry. Me: Don't the people with the money, the rich and powerful, make the rules? Why would this ever end?

God: The "rich and powerful" are only rich with their monetary illusion. Without fiat currency they are not rich and their power crumbles. The

rules will be changed very soon. Me: How soon? I thought this would be over years ago. What will stop them from running this scam FOREVER?

God: You are stopping them…and people like you. There is also a group of people who have been working on taking these people down much longer than most know. They have been hoarding physical gold for many years and are preparing to go back onto a Gold Standard. They have been VERY

secretive but they are ready to end the fiat money system. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: When? God: They will pull the plug very soon. Me: Who are these people?

God: They are mostly very patriotic Americans but also others around the

world including a very powerful group within China. Me: Wait. Won't China be hurt by the destruction of the US Dollar since they are the largest holder?

God: No. It was part of the plan. China never wanted US Dollars. They wanted to build their manufacturing infrastructure. Multi-national companies have spent trillions of dollars building their factories in China.

The destruction of the fiat currencies will leave China very well off. Me: Doesn't China need the US to sell all their goods at stores like Wal-Mart?

God: No. China has over a billion people. There is no shortage of domestic customers in China, only a shortage of fiat pieces of paper in the hands of their people to spend. The majority of people in the Western world live off debt, so their purchasing power is illusionary and not sustainable. The majority of people in China live off their wages and their savings. When the debt based system of the West is destroyed, the people of China will use their newly built manufacturing capacity to fulfill the consumer demands of their own population.

Me: Wow! That must be why they are building all those “Ghost Cities” in China. Huge modern cities have been built with sky rises, shopping malls, rail systems and all of the infrastructure needed to support millions of people and yet nobody lives there. It’s all ready for them to make the transition!

God: That is exactly why they have been built.

Me: What about Globalization?

God: Globalization will end with the death of fiat currencies. When the un backed fiat monetary system crashes every country will fend for themselves

and have to take care of their own needs the best they can. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: What will happen to the United States?

God: They will benefit the most since they have the highest debt and a large

amount of natural resources still in the ground. Me: Wait what will happen to debt? People are drowning in debt in the US.

God: All debt will be destroyed with the destruction of the un-backed fiat currencies and a new monetary system will be put in place in each country.

Un-backed fiat money will end. Me: Since we NEED some kind of money, how will the new money get distributed?

God: There are many equitable ways but the best is through the Social Security system. By using Social Security balances as an allocation system, those who are the oldest and have made the most money over the years will be allocated money first and in equitable amounts. It is the fairest way to start fresh. This will also SOLVE the Social Security "problem" that has hung over the United States for decades.

Me: So what will happen when the un-backed fiat system crashes? Will it be good, bad or the same?

God: Like any change there will be some pain BUT most of that pain will be felt by a small number of very wealthy people. 99% of the population is already in pain and will FINALLY get to share in the wealth of their nations. They will feel rich because the wealth will be reallocated in a fair

and equitable manner. Me: Isn't that kind of socialistic for the American system of government?

God: It may feel like that to the rich but this would be a one time occurrence - a "restart" of the American Way that was stolen by the fiat money crowd. Just imagine no more debt and a more equitable distribution of the wealth of the United States. Almost everyone would feel like

millionaires overnight! Me: Sounds great! Will the currency be backed by gold and silver again? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: The founding fathers of the United States of America never meant for the money to be "backed" by gold and silver. They decided that the money of the United States IS gold and silver coin. Going forward, if people choose to use paper script in lieu of carrying around metal that will be their choice. There is also no problem with many other forms of money as long as they are transparent so there may spring up other methods of payment such as paper, electronic credits and barter. Individuals will be free to choose their own forms of money. Ultimately, gold and silver will prove to

be the most sound of all the monetary choices available. Me: What if the current "Powers-That-Be" don’t allow any of this to happen?

God: They have no choice. The power lies with the People now and although the “Bad Guys” continue to fight, their defeat is at hand. The intent is to have a peaceful transition but there are some within the

manipulation crowd that are resisting to the very end. Me: Where does the power to overthrow the Bad Guys come from?

God: The power has always been with the People but the tools being implemented are within the financial computer systems of the world. The end of the fiat monetary system has been programmed in and is only

waiting on the execute command. The world will change overnight. Me: I've been studying and preparing for this for years yet I still feel very afraid of this kind of drastic change. Is there anything I can do to prepare?

God: Yes. Be prepared for a few months of chaos. Keep enough food and water on hand in case the transition takes longer than anticipated, but most

of all have faith that this is a VERY GOOD thing for humanity. Me: Is there anything else I should do?

God: Yes. Get some sleep and stop thinking about all this stuff. Spend time

with your friends and family. Me: Ok, can I come back with more questions? I have a lot of friends and colleagues who will wonder why I didn't ask more. God: Yes, I am always here with you. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Thanks. I feel better.

God: Me too

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Chapter II

Roota’s Plan

Me: Hi God. Can we talk a bit about the Road to Roota Theory?

God: We can - but it’s your theory.

Me: I know. But I think it will help people to fully understand what happened and this process of me asking you questions seems to simplify issues.

God: Ok. Fire away.

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  Me: Did Alan Greenspan plan to purposefully destroy the Global Monetary System by flooding the system with fiat money and removing all regulation from banking institutions? Basically, did he give the Bad Guys enough rope to hang themselves?

God: Yes. As you know Alan Greenspan was one of the most outspoken advocates in the United States for returning to a Gold Standard. In the 1960’s he wrote every gold bugs manifesto, “Gold and Economic Freedom.” In it he successfully argued that without the discipline of a Gold Standard there is no protection for the People from the confiscation of wealth through the dilution of the money supply.

Me: That’s so true. If you give a human the ability to print his own money then, invariably, he will print too much of it and destroy its value.

God: True. That is the flaw of most un-backed monetary systems - the ability to create money in unlimited quantities. Every additional monetary unit printed devalues the existing monetary base in circulation thus devaluing the wealth of those who have already earned wages and have tried to save those wages.

Me: So how did Greenspan begin this process of taking out the Bad Guys by attempting to destroy the monetary system?

God: The plan began back in the 1960’s when Greenspan and his friend, John Kemeny, were writing the world’s first sharable computer programs. Kemeny invented the program language called “BASIC” and Greenspan used this computer language to create the very first computer banking programs and financial models.

Me: That’s a fact. In his book, Greenspan even blamed himself for the Y2K problem because his original programs did not take into account a four digit year. Everything in the financial computing world was built off Greenspan’s original programs.

God: Even the word “Roota” comes from his original computer codes signifying the base root or “rootA” of all financial systems. From “rootA”

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springs the creation of electronic money in the forms of Federal Reserve Notes, stocks, bonds, checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, and on and on. Written in the computer codes, it is the base position from which all of these electronic financial instruments derive their value.

Me: Interesting. It is also the name of the little girl in a Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s comic book called “Wishes and Rainbows.” In the comic, Roota lives in a land of no colors and one day she finds a place filled with colored flowers. Roota’s mission throughout the comic is to return “colored flowers” to the townspeople but finds out that the flowers can only survive with the backing of a “Golden Light.” In the teachers guide to this comic (called “The Road to Roota”), the Federal Reserve relates the lessons learned in the comic to the need for gold as a backing for all forms of paper and electronic money.

God: Interesting for sure. Think about it. While the Federal Reserve is the power center for the creation and control of un-backed fiat money, in their own comic book they are promoting the concept and legitimacy of a gold backed monetary system!

Me: I know. That’s what clued me in that there was more going on at the Federal Reserve than meets the eye. In the comic there are also secret formulas written in the sand and everyone is “afraid of the BIG people.” Who could the Federal Reserve be afraid of? It is Roota who says that she is not afraid of these Big People and goes out to bring color back to their colorless world.

God: Hmm. Once you get your hands around a few of the concepts, the meaning of these comics becomes a bit clearer. So the Federal Reserve may actually be trying to bring sound money back to the people which is 100% contrary to what most Gold Bugs believe.

Me: Yes, that was my conclusion. From my analysis of these comics and knowing what I do about Alan Greenspan, it wasn’t hard for me to place Greenspan in the roll of Roota in the comic. Just as Roota searches for a way to bring colors back to her colorless land, Greenspan has searched for a way to bring the Gold Standard back to the United States. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Ah, but you didn’t make the Greenspan connection right away did you?

Me: No. That came after I started analyzing the people who were involved with publishing the comic at the Fed Boston and their relationships to people within the US Government. It took a long time after I had first discovered the comic on January 1, 2007. There were a lot of dead ends, but I knew there was something more to it. A big breakthrough came after analyzing a frame in the “Wishes and Rainbows” comic where Roota is talking to her Grandmother about bringing back colors. To me, there was a sense of reverence in the exchange that struck me as a student-to-mentor respect in their interaction.

God: And what happened next?

Me: Well it hit me like a ton of gold bricks! Who was deeply interested in the Gold Standard, had connections at the Federal Reserve and had a very important mentor that they wanted to impress? Alan Greenspan!! His mentor in the 1960’s was none other than the Fed Chairman, Arthur Burns. He idolized Burns just like Roota idolized her Grandmother in the comic. Burns was also a huge gold bug and wanted to return to a Gold Standard. Burns and Greenspan hatched the plan together and it was under Burns’ leadership at the Fed that they began running the computer rigging programs in the 1970’s to help with the plan to destroy the system.

God: Good stuff, Bix.

Me: At first, I wasn’t totally convinced of the validity of the theory as I had spent the better part of a decade hating the Federal Reserve and everybody associated with it. It was also a huge problem with most of my friends on the Gold Anti Trust Action Committee (GATA). They thought I had lost my marbles and begged me not to promote my Road to Roota Theory.

God: And now? Do your friends at GATA still feel the same?

Me: For the most part they have come around to at least see the validity in the theory. It helped my cause when Alan Greenspan started promoting the need for Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  gold in the monetary system after he had left his post at the Federal Reserve. Jaws dropped around the world as I screamed, “I told you so!”

God: Did you really gloat?

Me: No, but I should have after the years of grief I took! I guess all the criticism made me do more research and forced me to dig deeper to find more evidence. Good thing I did too because it all supported my original thesis.

God: For example?

Me: For example, just look at the new US $100 Bills. There is gold all over them as well as other hidden clues that we are about to make a huge change.

God: What kind of clues?

Me: Like the big blue stripe down the middle of the Bill. The colored stripes on the flag of the United States all have meanings and the blue stripe signifies Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice. The same may be said for the blue stripe on this bill. On the left side of the blue stripe is the same old drab green Federal Reserve Note we’ve seen for a hundred years…nothing special. The right side of the blue stripe is exploding with colors and symbols.

God: There better be something important because right now all you have is the gold coloring which I admit is interesting but hardly symbolic of such a profound change as returning to a Gold Standard.

Me: Come on God - you’re going to have to open your mind a bit.

God: Very well. Show me.

Me: Take a close look at the right side of the bill. It’s FULL of gold! The lettering, the ink well, the fountain pen, the liberty bell, the large “100” on the bottom right - even the huge gold “100” on the back of the bill when you flip it over. Clearly there was intent by the Federal Reserve and US Treasury to highlight the gold color on the new bills.

God: Go on.

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  Me: There is also the changing color of the “100” on the front right of the bill that changes from gold to green and back again as you turn it. Talk about symbolism!

God: Hmm. Interesting for sure.

Me: And what about the pictures on the front of the bill. A fountain pen, an inkwell, the Liberty Bell and passages from the Declaration of Independence are all featured prominently on the right side. To me it symbolizes the right and power of the People to retake their power from the controllers of our money. The power was always with the People as a single act of Congress can write a law abolishing the Federal Reserve Act. All it takes is a stroke of a fountain pen…hint, hint!

God: I’m not convinced that this is what is being suggested here. Are you sure the People still have the power?

Me: Ah – that’s the best part of this bill. If you look very closely at the gold writing just above the gold 100 you will see these words from the Declaration of Independence: “…the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new…"

God: No way! It doesn’t say that.

Me: Look for yourself and think about it! The very part of the Declaration of Independence that the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury decided to put on the new $100 Bill is the part related to overthrowing ANY government when they get out of hand:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and

Happiness." – US Declaration of Independence

God: Ok. You win. It seems you are 100% correct on that one. Congrats.

Me: Thanks but that just opens the flood gates to everything else. If it IS true that the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury are secretly trying to return to a Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Gold Standard then why do they have to do it in secret? Who are these “Big People” that Roota speaks about in the “Wishes & Rainbows” comic that even the Federal Reserve and the US Government are afraid of? Is there really an epic battle between the Good Guys and Bad Guys that I talk about in the Road to Roota Theory?

God: It would seem so, and I think you have proven your theory in this conversation.

Me: I know I have proven it to myself, and YOU and many others that have followed me down this crooked Road but what about the rest of the world? This is something that must be exposed and understood and these Bad Guys need to be STOPPED!

God: Yes - and it is all happening now.

Me: I suppose so but it is an exhausting fight.

God: You will look back fondly at these struggles. In your experience here on Earth you will learn this important lesson: the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.

Me: Of course. END Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Chapter III

Shall We Continue?

Me: Are you still there, God? It's hard to hear you. God: Yes, I am still here and always have been. Me: God, everything seems so out of control at the moment. What is happening? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: You are in the transition. You have chosen to experience this dynamic moment in the history of mankind. You have prepared mentally and

spiritually and now you are ready. Me: I've been ready for a LONG time now. When is it all going to happen? When will we return to a Gold Standard like you promised?

God: I never promised, but it is what you have chosen to return to at this

time. Me: Why are you delaying? People around the world are in pain: the pain of hunger; the pain of debt slavery; the pain of the homeless; the pain of the suffering. So much pain. When will it all stop? God: You have chosen the time, and it is close. Me: Why didn't it end back in 2008 when the "Credit Crisis" hit? Why couldn't you have ended it then?

God: There were still lessons you wanted to needed to learn. To understand the "goodness" of a Gold Standard you must first understand the "badness" of an un-backed fiat money system. Without understanding darkness you cannot understand the light. Without the knowledge of the

bad you cannot understand the good. Me: So was that it? We didn't understand the inherent evil of fiat money so there was no way to return to honest money?

God: Something like that. But in the past few years you have educated the

masses and you soon will be ready to return to the good. Me: Soon?! How soon? We all know we are in pain. Our nation is bankrupt. Our cities and states have no money to protect, educate, provide for or care for their people. THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF THIS DEBT SPIRAL!

God: Of course there is, and you know it better than most. I have given you the secret knowledge of sound money. Most have forgotten that money does not have to be debt created by banks. Money can and should be created as

an asset, not debt. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: But it's been so long since we've had money that had intrinsic value. We wouldn't know what it's like not to be in debt.

God: You will very soon. You have chosen to start fresh without the lead weight of banking debt around your neck. Be prepared for a grand event

that will shape your world for 1,000 years. A GLOBAL DEBT JUBILEE! Me: How could that be? The banks would never allow all the debt to be forgiven. They own and control the world.

God: That is where you are mistaken - the banks are insolvent. They leveraged their balance sheets 50-1 so every dollar their "assets" have fallen they have lost $50. They have less than you but they maintain the illusion through crooked accounting and off balance sheet financing. This will end soon and the bank’s assets and debts will melt away into

nothingness. Me: Do you mean there will be a COMPLETE collapse of all monetary instruments? No more savings or 401k's or bonds or T-bills? Nothing?

God: No artificial paper or electronic wealth will survive the crash. Paper and electronic wealth are a construct of your controllers in order to maintain the illusion of power over you. Their time is over. It's time to re boot the system and start fresh. That means no more paper or electronic

assets, but it also means NO MORE DEBT! Me: I know, you've told me this before. All will be wiped clean with the derivative/banking implosion, but it hasn't happened yet. The Bad Guys keep finding a way out.

God: No, they have found no such thing. They have been destroyed from the inside. It is YOU, the People that were not ready yet. But you have come a long way in these past few years. You have listened to those who foresaw the problems of fiat money - AND NOW THEY WILL HAVE


God: Like you said earlier, the people are in pain. More pain than ever before. Things are very, very bad and the global monetary crash will shine

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the light on the true problem with the system. It’s the un-backed fiat

money, debt money, and those who controlled it have now lost control. Me: So how's it going to happen? Will it be something I can point to and say, "Here it comes! Buckle up!"

God: IT HAS ALREADY STARTED! It's all around you but if you want to point to one thing it is the creation of the massive mortgage securitization and derivative complex. It is very important. It will become a pivotal realization and acknowledgment by law enforcement that securitizations

and derivatives are fraudulent and illegal by their very nature. Me: What do you mean?

God: Under your US Law, if prior written permission of an asset holder (such as homeowners with a mortgage) has not been clearly obtained to transfer title of that asset, then the asset transfer and all subsequent

transactions are ILLEGAL. It's that simple. Me: Wait a minute. Does that mean all the COMEX paper gold and silver pledged against physical metal are illegal contacts? What about the gold and silver in the Exchange Traded Funds that the large bullion banks use to justify their gold and silver paper shorts?

God: They are illegal transactions because permission was not explicitly given by the shareholders to short the metal pledged to the ETFs. The CFTC will shut down the "Fractional Reserve Metal" scam around the world. It will start with filing charges against the gold and silver

manipulators and spread from there. Me: But there are TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in securitizations and derivatives for almost every asset class in the world. Are you saying that they are all illegal?

God: No, you are! You wrote the laws of your land. Just because the bankers put the right people in the enforcement positions at the SEC, CFTC and in your Justice Department DOES NOT mean that the laws are

null-and-void. It just means that no one has enforced them, until now. Me: But why now? Why are the regulators starting to go after the Bad guys now? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  God: Because it is time. Me: But don't they know that if the gigantic derivative complex comes crashing down then EVERYTHING WILL BE DESTROYED? God: Yes. Like I said, it's time to start fresh. Me: Really?

God: Yes. You are ready. It's going to be quite a rough ride for a bit. Think

of it as your final lesson on the evils of un-backed fiat money. Me: Wow. What can the people do to prepare? Buy gold and silver?

God: Gold and Silver will finally hit their long awaited "moon shot" but,

unfortunately, it may not bring you as much joy as you had imagined. Me: What do you mean?

God: I mean there will be bigger issues - much bigger. If the plan does not go smoothly there may be a complete breakdown of society, as you know it. People will be VERY angry when they understand what has really been going on behind the scenes of Wall Street and in Washington. Don’t count on taking that lovely Caribbean Cruise when gold and silver skyrocket. It

would be wise to prepare to "hunker down" for a while. Me: I guess you're right. Any tips?

God: Make sure you are removed from "the system" as much as possible. Have some of the basics such as food, water, clothes, etc. Pretend you're

preparing for a month long camping trip in a remote wilderness. Me: What about a gun for protection?

God: Unfortunately, in the hands of most people, a gun is more dangerous to themselves than it would be useful for personal protection. You're better off having a lot of close friends and neighbors that you can rely on. There is power in numbers. Organize now before you have to scramble. At the first

sign of trouble (and you will know it when it hits) stay close to home. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Should we be scared?

God: People will be very scared and very angry, but you know why this is all happening so you will have much less reason to fear the transition. Help others understand. There are people, good people, working on making the

transition as painless as possible. Me: Will it turn out ok? I mean, when it's all over. Will we be better off?

God: Yes. So much so that it may feel like “Heaven on Earth.” Imagine a country where everyone is very well off. The schools are fully funded. All public agencies have plenty of money to provide for the well being of their community. The police are there more to "serve" than to "protect" because there is much less crime. The huge disparity between the classes will be gone. Everyone starts again on a fairly even economic footing. There are no

poor, there is no hunger and there is no WAR. Me: My God. That does sound like "Heaven on Earth!” God: I'm glad you can see past the fog in front of you. Me: Do we really have to go through all that bad stuff to get to the other side?

God: No, but you have chosen to do so. If you didn't you would not understand or appreciate the gift of honest money. Remember, to

understand "good" you must understand that which is "bad". Me: Well, I feel better...I think. God: We'll talk again. Me: When? Will you talk to us in the middle of the craziness? We may need your wisdom.

God: Sure. But the wisdom lies within you. Humans have the ability to guide themselves through these dark days and you will make it through. It will not be easy but in the middle of your struggles you will find the strength, the power and the faith to move forward. You have chosen to be here, at this moment in time, to learn these lessons and they will serve you

well in the future. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Thank you, God…for everything. God: You are welcome. END     Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Chapter IV

A New Twist...

God: Hello Bix. Me: Who's that? Is that you God?! God: Yes it is. You sound surprised. Me: I am! I thought I was supposed to ask you the questions. I've been thinking about starting another "conversation" but for some reason it wouldn’t come. You didn’t answer me. The last two times it just kinda hit me, but this time nothing happened even though I want it to. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: You must not have been ready to speak. That happens but don’t

worry about it. Do you mind if I ask YOU some questions this time? Me: Sure, but will this “conversation” process work if you are the one asking the questions of me? God: Of course it will. Me: Ok. Go ahead. God: You seem like you are struggling, why? Me: I don't know. I see things happening that, to me, seem so clear and obvious and yet nobody else sees it. Nobody sees what's happening! God: How does that make you feel? Me: I don't know. I feel like an outcast. God: Do you feel like you are going crazy? Do you feel like you are wrong? Me: No I don't. I actually feel more certain than ever, but there's something in me that needs reassurance. God: Interesting. Why do you think that is? Me: I don't know. I've been looking at the economic situation for so long from only one angle, the end of the manipulation of gold and silver, that it seems like I am missing something BIG. God: Well maybe you are! What else would you like to think about? Me: I don't know. I guess how the future will look. How will it all work out? I see what's happening now, and I see us hitting a point where the banks crash, the economy crashes, governments crash and paper and electronic money are destroyed. I can see all that. There will be massive chaos but when I try to understand what happens AFTER that, it's all so confusing. It's hard to get my head around what life will be like.

God: You do know, Bix, that you are creating this experience. You and everyone on Earth are in the process of creating your present and future. It

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is an EVOLVING CREATION with all the "things" and all the people working together. Your past has been set, your present is constantly being created and your future will unfold in front of you based off the actions you

create today. Me: Yes, I know that to some extent. We are evolving. God: So what does "evolving" mean to you? Me: I guess it means we're constantly changing and, hopefully, getting better. God: YES! If that is what you choose, that is what will be! Me: Ok, but if things will be better, what will they look like? If the system crashes and we are freed from the debt/slave society we are currently living in, what will we do with our time? If we aren't forced to work in a job we don't like just to keep "the system" going, what would we do? God: Does that scare you? Me: It does, kind of. I don't know what to think about it.

God: Well, let me help you. Let me steer you a little. What is it that you've always wanted to do but never had the time, the money or maybe the

courage to do? Me: Ha! I always wanted to be a songwriter! It made me happy and I would have loved to have made a fulltime career out of it. When I was younger I wrote songs all the time and sang in local venues. God: Well, why did you stop? Me: Everything started to pile up. Bills and marriage and kids and a house and mortgage payments and food and responsibility – EVERYTHING! It all snowballed and there became little time for my dreams as other things took over. God: Ok. If you did have the time to follow your true desires, would you? Me: Truthfully, I don't know. I don't think I can break out of this mindset. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  God: What mindset? Me: The mindset that tells me, that shows me, how my life is supposed to be. The feeling that sticks me in that little plan of what I am supposed to do and who I'm supposed to be.

God: So you think that you have to buy into someone else's plan? You don't

think you can create a new plan for your life? Me: No. Not when you say it like that! I guess I've never thought about it. I've never thought about what it would be like to do something that was in my soul and not have to worry about making money or paying the bills. Yes, there are things I would want to do given that kind of freedom.

God: So you are standing at a Crossroad. Just like your world is at a Crossroad. Your economic system is on the brink of change. Your monetary system is about to change. Your governing bodies will change. Everything is about to change and you will move on to something else - something more viable for your future. You are EVOLVING. It is natural to fear the unknown but you WILL figure it out. You will piggyback off the things that have worked in the past and will discard that which did not work. Your economic system going forward will evolve along with you into something that is fair and more viable for the MANY and not just the

FEW. Me: I hear that there are not enough natural resources to support the growing population of the Earth. Almost 7 billion people now and there are people starving all over the world.

God: What would you say if I told you that food scarcity is by your own creation? There could be plenty of food for everyone if you change the way

you have decided to live. Me: What do you mean? We see starvation and shortages everyday. There are starving people all over the world - even within my own country which is supposed to be the most well off.

God: Ask yourself this question. Can you go down to the local nursery and

buy a packet of vegetable seeds? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Yes. There are huge racks of seeds for almost every kind of plant on earth. God: Good. Do you have access to a patch of soil? Me: Yes. God: Do you have a garden? Me: No. I buy all my vegetables at the stores. It's cheaper and easier and they don’t have any bug spots on them.

God: I see. Hmm. So you are worried about bug spots on your food even though you KNOW that the fruits and vegetables without spots are either full of poisonous chemicals or are from genetically modified plants?!

Me: Yes. I know, but I guess I’m just a creature of habit.

God: You are not a creature of habit. You are being manipulated. You are NOT using your own mind to discern good from bad and right from wrong. Even though you know eating chemically treated or genetically modified food is bad for you - you still do it!

Me: Yes.

God: Even though you know the agenda of the corrupt corporations that control what you eat and the reasons behind all of it, you still do it?

Me: Yes.

God: Do you have a death wish or are you just a fool?

Me: Go easy, God. I’m just trying to survive out here.

God: Well you are failing! You keep complaining that all these changes are taking too long and yet you are still playing their game, by their rules. No wonder it’s taking so long.

Me: You are right. I will try to be better.

God: Don’t try. Just do it!

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  Me: Gotcha. So what are my alternatives?

God: Did you ever think that if you were to plant your own garden that you

could feed yourself? Me: I guess I could.

God: If everyone who had the ability to grow their own food did just that,

do you still think there would be a global food shortage? Me: Maybe not. Actually, there would probably be a massive surplus of food! And that extra food could even be shipped around the world to those who can't grow their own.

God: If you think about have the power to solve the global hunger

problem by LEARNING TO FEED YOURSELF! Me: It can't be that easy.

God: It is that easy! You just need to change your way of approaching the

problem. Me: But I can't change that much. Growing my own food is too time consuming and I'm too busy trying to eek out a living to support my family with a roof over our heads and food in the cupboard.

God: I understand that but I just told you that you could feed yourself, for the most part, from your own backyard. That checks off one of those big

things you think you need to work and struggle for. Me: I guess it does but what if I'm no good at it? Not everybody has a “green thumb” and I have been known to kill every plant I have ever tried to grow. How in the world am I supposed to develop the skills I will need to grow enough vegetables to feed my family?

God: There are fruits and vegetables you can plant that require absolutely NO SKILL to grow. Figure out a few you can successfully grow in your

area and then grow enough to trade with others. Me: I suppose it can be done. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Let's cut to the chase. Working 10-hour days to put food on your table that you can grow in your backyard does not sound like a smart way to spend your precious time here on earth. Learn to feed yourself in order

to help feed the entire world. Me: Wait. I thought we were going to talk about gold and silver in our conversations. What's with all this talk of "feeding myself to feed the world?”

God: Bix, you know more than most do about how gold, silver and food is

all related. Me: I suppose I do. Gold and silver are not simply bits of metal but rather they hold intrinsic value as HARD MONEY. The illusions of our paper/electronic money are breaking down and we must soon return to using gold and silver as money. The process will be a painful one with the breakdown of our systems of trade and commerce. Food is essential to our existence so it is wise to prepare for a transition period back to a Gold and Silver Standard by learning how to fend for ourselves. Back to basics if you will.

God: Well said Bix. I will assist in this transition by FORCING many to learn to feed and fend for themselves through changes in the planet. It is time for everyone to take responsibility for themselves. It won't be the easiest time for people on earth, but these are lessons that must be learned

to move forward in your EVOLUTION. Me: I think I understand, God...and THANK YOU.

God: No. Thank you for having the courage to participate in the transition

stage of the EVOLUTION of humanity. Me: Next time can we talk more about gold and silver?

God: Of course, although you might not be so concerned about it when we

speak next. Me: What do you mean by that?

God: You will understand in due time. Farewell for now, and keep up the

good spirits in the coming days. All will be well in the end. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Thank you God.

God: You are welcome.

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Chapter V

Aren’t We There Yet?

Me: Hello God. God: Hello Bix. How are you dealing? Me: I'm dealing OK. It's kinda hard to wrap my head around the aftermath of the coming chaos but I guess I shouldn't sweat it too much. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: You are correct. Life is about living in the moment for the most part. This particular moment in time is very, very special as BIG changes mean BIG opportunities to experience life at it's wildest, learn valuable lessons and understand or even prioritize those things that are most important to

you. Me: Are you suggesting that I may be assigning too much priority in my analysis of gold and silver?

God: Not at all. Gold and silver have opened many important doors in your evolution. They have awoken in you a much larger understanding of your world, how the past has evolved and solidified how you want your future to

be constructed. Me: You are right. One of the HUGE lessons I've learned is that HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society. Without honesty, human beings can never truly be free.

God: Very good. And that can be applied to the current situation with your monetary system. The discoveries on your "Road to Roota” are very

profound. Me: How do you mean?

God: You have discovered the secret behind the global monetary conspiracy. That decades ago a group of good and honest people decided to secretly rig the free markets in order to prolong the un-backed fiat

monetary system and destroy the strong hold of the global banking powers. Me: Yes, but what good did it do? We are in total and complete chaos at the moment with everything in the financial world falling apart. The Bad Guys will surely try and seize the last of our freedoms when the crash hits. How could the original Road to Roota planners like Alan Greenspan, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker have gotten it so wrong?

God: They weren't the only ones but remember what you said before... "HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society." It does not matter that their original intentions were altruistic in nature, a monetary system that can only thrive in the shadows and must be sustained by DISHONESTY cannot liberate a nation from the clutches of their corrupt

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rulers. Lies build upon lies until those who thrive in that environment

control an evil hydra of deception. Me: So they made a mistake in believing the two economic theories that started this mess?

God: And which theories were those, Bix?

Me: The two that Greenspan relied upon in developing his “Road to Roota” plans. First was Edmund Phelps’ “Golden Rule Theory” which concluded that each generation should save a specific fraction of annual Gross Domestic Pproduct for future generations. Simply stated, “do unto future generations as we hope previous generations did unto us.” Phelps won a Nobel Prize in 1961 for this economic theory.

God: And the other?

Me: The other theory was even more relevant in influencing what ultimately became Greenspan’s operating doctrine in the Road to Roota Theory. It was another famous economic theory from the 1960’s called “On The Road to the Golden Age.” In this theory, Bertil Naslund argued that the best way to get back to a Gold Standard is to run the un-backed monetary system to its fullest extent creating limitless amounts of un-backed fiat currency and soaking up all the benefits along the way before ultimately destroying the currency.

God: That sounds very reckless.

Me: Yes, it is but that was the conclusion of his economic theory - run the printing presses to infinity. History has proven that all un-backed fiat monetary systems have ended in destruction so why not extend it and extract all the benefits of un-backed money before it is destroyed? It worked on paper so why not apply it to the situation at the time? The global monetary system was a shambles in the early 1970’s and we were about to go off the Gold Standard anyway. That’s what Greenspan’s original Road to Roota plan was founded upon and why we are in the current economic situation. How could he have gotten it so wrong?

God: The flaw lies in a greater understanding of the original Golden Rule Theory. It is not just an economic theory; it is a cosmic rule that applies over all interactions between people trying to coexist in the universe. There

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was no flaw in the economic theories but there was a greater, more destructive flaw in the implementation of them.

Me: What do you mean?

God: The implementation of these theories only dealt with the economic ramifications and did not take into account those who would be struggling through the End Game, the end of un-backed fiat money. By implementing the Road to Roota plan they shifted the specific generation that had to live through the painful End Game.

Me: You mean us. Those of us who are living and dealing with the economic mess today.

God: Yes. This is not your doing but you will have to live though it because of what previous generations did. It is the opposite of the intent and purpose of the Golden Rule.

Me: So they screwed up. All their economic theories and models proved to be wrong.

God: You will find that a great many theories and models created in the universities and think-tanks that look so promising on paper have adverse

results when they are implemented in the "real world." Me: I know. It's like the Behavioral Finance guys that President Obama hired to run his economic team. Larry Summers and Austan Goolsbee taught courses and wrote papers on the theory that if you PORTRAY to the world that the economy is strong then people will go out and spend thus making it strong. I keep thinking of that saying, "If you build it...they will come."

God: But nothing was built. Lies and deception make very weak structural supports for a free and open society. The web of lies has become so pervasive in your economic and monetary world, now there is only one way

out. Me: To crash it all. We should orchestrate a crash taking down the entire monetary system and declare all debt forgiven...right? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: No. You cannot crash the system because no one person or group has enough power to speak for all the vested parties, which is EVERYONE on Earth. The system will crash by itself, as it is not built upon honesty but upon lies. When it finally destroys itself there will be nothing left standing in its wake. Some will say it was swept clean by the “Hand of God” but I had nothing to do with it. It was your creation and it will be your

destruction. Me: How's it possible that our entire monetary system can be wiped clean?

God: A better question is: "How is it possible that it survived so long and grew so large?" Over 40 years without any backing - an extraordinary record in human history! Your electronic and paper monetary system is a IMMENSE MONSTER of both real and fake monetary instruments. These monetary instruments are valued in the QUINTILLIONS and are highly

leveraged on FAITH. Me: Faith? What do you mean by faith?

God: Faith that you can get cash out of your bank. Faith that when you buy a share of stock your brokerage company actually purchases the share certificate on your behalf. Faith that countries and nations around the world TELL THE TRUTH about how much money they are creating. Faith that the system you have grown up believing in is a reality and not a

total and complete illusion. Me: You mean all that is not true? I'd never thought about it quite that way. Wait. Do you mean that GOVERNMENTS are not reporting their true monetary positions to the rest of the world?

God: Most people agree that government reporting is fabricated from unemployment numbers to inflation numbers to telling you "Green Shoots" are springing up in our economy. Why is it such a stretch for you

to believe that the reported monetary creation figures are false as well? Me: You mean things like the US debt ceiling debate and the M1, M2, M?? money supply figures are all just a smoke and mirror show? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: What's to stop them from creating UNLIMITED electronic forms of money and not telling anyone? They already told you that they would do

ANYTHING to save the economy. Where is the line in the sand? Me: This is unbelievable! I'd heard stories about random diplomats in the shadows trying to cash in multi-billion dollar US bonds and certificates but I guess I never thought it through. God: So think it through here and now. Me: Ok. If I were trying to control the world, the most important tool I'd need was control over money. In a way, money represents a place to store a person's past productive earnings in a society and a way to spend those productive earnings in the future. If you control the money, you can change the value of an entire society’s productive earnings. With increases in the supply of money, you can, in effect, decrease the value of a person's past production. The production did not change but the future value of that production has. Money has that kind of power.

God: Good. That's why a stable monetary system is so important in a free and honest society. It's all about what is fair. The value of a days work should not be diminished by those in the shadows who control the money. Money must be sound for a society to flourish. Now relate that to your

monetary system today. Me: What monetary system? We have bankers and governments creating money at will. It's so EASY now. We don't even need paper and ink. They can create trillions of dollars out of thin air with the stroke of a computer keyboard. The difference between $1B and $1T is a letter in the alphabet! Entered into a computer the difference is three 0's! God: Yes. And what are the controls in your system today? Me: There are none. It should be inflation but the numbers released by the government are a complete lie. Nobody believes them anymore. Usually the prices of gold and silver would skyrocket but those are being controlled by computer programs. Then I guess it would be that the holders of US debt would start dumping it but the Federal Reserve owns most of the US debt and they are the ones creating the money. I guess China could sell off their US debt but they Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  like their own weak currency because it creates jobs in China. They also like the control it gives them over the United States. I really don't know if there is anything that controls the reigns of monetary debasement in an un-backed fiat system.

God: Good. The truth is, there are no controls on the amount of money that can be created in your current monetary system. How much money do you

think is being created behind the scenes since there are no controls? Me: I guess it is limitless! We already established that governments lie in their reporting so why do we believe they are telling the truth about how much money is being created?

God: No controls + no truthful reporting + massive market manipulation =

limitless money creation Me: Wow. So how does it all end? God: The same way it has always ended - Loss of FAITH. Me: What do you mean?

God: We have talked about the importance of an honest monetary system in a great society. As money is a transitional instrument of a person's past production, money must stay sound and strong until that person is ready to spend their past productive earnings. In order for a person to dedicate their time and energy in producing something, they must have FAITH that

they will receive FAIR VALUE for their efforts. Me: So if people don't believe that the money they receive for their work is of equal value then they will not work. God: Would you? Me: I guess not, but I have to pay bills. I have to live and eat and provide for my family. I am too deeply invested in this monetary system for it to end.

God: None of it will matter soon. It was all an illusion and now it is time for the people of the world to wake up. It is time to end the game of un-backed

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fiat money and start fresh. A new beginning - one ruled by honesty, open

dealings and fairness. Me: Sounds too good to be true, but it really does feel like it’s time. God: You have decided. This is what you chose. Me: Ok. How about the big question…WHEN? I want a date, a deadline.

God: Ha! You are choosing the date. This is your life. This is your

experience that you are creating. Why don't you tell ME when? Me: Fine. I want this to start now and be done within 6 months. Wait...there's a few things I still need to do. How about in the next few weeks? God: I sense hesitation again? This is YOUR timetable. You decide. Me: FINE! By the end of next week. What do you have to say about that?

God: I say alright! But the real question is DO YOU MEAN IT? It's a very big step and for it to transpire you must mean it with all your heart. Just

saying it is not good enough. Me: I think it's what I want now, but I guess if it doesn't start next week then I'm not quite there yet.

God: Yes. It's about time you took responsibility for yourself. Many, many

others are very close to being ready as well. Me: Wow. I'm both excited and terrified. Will you be there to help us?

God: I am always here but you need no help. This was your decision. You have found your voice and the word is spreading. From the protesters on Wall Street to citizens of Greece, the voice of freedom is growing. Soon it

will become a very load ROAR. YOU ARE READY. Me: Ok then. Bring it on!

God: Well said Bix. Well said.

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Chapter VI

It’s Happening

Me: What's going on God? God: It's happening. Me: What's happening? God: The change. It's all changing. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: What? Our monetary system? God: Yes, that too. Me: And what else?

God: Your world is changing: monetarily, spiritually, economically...even

geologically. Me: What do you mean? God: This is the time long foretold: the time of the awakening. Me: Is this the end of the world?

God: No, a new beginning. All that you thought you knew is about to be washed away. You are being given a great gift - chance to start over. To create a new reality using what you've learned in the past to create a new

future. Me: Can I ask you a question about gold and silver? God: Of course you can. Me: Why are the Bad Guys driving the price down so low?

God: They are not. They have been removed. They no longer control the

markets. Me: What? Have you seen the price of gold and silver being driven into the ground? How can you say that's not being done by the Bad Guys?

God: There is a greater purpose for this latest take down of gold and silver. It is being orchestrated to help in the reallocation of wealth. Gold and silver are being distributed amongst the people once again in preparation for the

transition back to a gold and silver based monetary system. Me: What? All the big banks and rich people still own most of the gold and silver. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: No. They own mostly paper promises. Exchange Traded Funds, COMEX and LBMA paper metal contracts, Gold bars held in trust, even privately held gold bars are partially gold plated tungsten. The wealthy owners of these bars made a huge mistake to trust their own kind and now

they are scared. Me: Scared of what?

God: They are scared that all their physical holdings are not real. They have no idea what they hold until they melt their bars down and they are

beginning to find out that they've been had. It was all part of the plan. Me: But how can this be? They probably have thousands of tons of gold bars and even more silver bars.

God: All their real gold has been lent out and melted into coins that the people now hold. They should have drilled their bars to check for pureness.

They never did and now they have no idea what they own. Me: Surely they test them now - after there have been a few revelations about tungsten filled gold bars.

God: Yes, many have tested their metal properly and have found that their

holdings are not what they thought. Me: But we would have heard something more by now. Someone would have called foul.

God: Really? What would you do if you were in possession of a hundred tons of fake gold bars? Would you tell the world, or would you sell them

back into the market as fast as possible? Me: I'd never thought of it that way. Is that why the price of gold and silver is falling yet the premiums on the coins are rising?

God: Partially, but the falling price has nothing to do with the sale of

physical metal. It is purely the paper game being played out to its final end. Me: Wait. Earlier you said that it wasn't the Bad Guys doing it. Who is it? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: It is those whom you refer to as the Good Guys. The good people that

are taking down the Banking Cabal that has ruled over you for so long. Me: Why are they driving the price lower?

God: To get the real gold and silver into the hands of the small investors and new investors around the world who buy coins and jewelry. That's

where the real metal is, in the small denominations. Me: So you are saying that the Good Guys, as part of their plan to destroy the current system, are already reallocating the new money to the people in the form of gold and silver coins and jewelry?

God: Yes. And they will continue to do it until the rich and powerful catch

on and start buying up all the retail metal. Me: And when will that be? God: When the word gets out. Me: But isn't the word going to get out after I publish this conversation.

God: Yes. But don't be afraid to speak the truth. Your markets need a bit

of that these days. Me: So if I don't tell people what's happening they will continue to rig the markets lower and lower so the people of the world can get more metal distributed?

God: Not for long. Their game is just about over anyway. So many people are turning away from paper silver and gold and into physical that it's just

a matter of time now. Me: How much time? God: Not much. Me: How about a week, month, hour type of answer?

God: That's up to you. It's your reality you are creating. You will end the

game when you are ready. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: I've been ready for over a decade. I wanted it to happen over 10 years ago.

God: I think you may be missing the big picture. If it had ended 10 years ago you would not be the person you are today. You would not have gone through the struggles to ultimately emerge victorious. You would not be the same nor would many others like you. You have all learned very valuable lessons over your lifetimes and those will help you as you venture into your

new future. Me: So it's all about the lessons we learn and never about accomplishing anything? Doesn't seem worth it.

God: Of course it's worth it. You have had the opportunity over many lifetimes to get what you wanted immediately, without any struggle, but you have always found that it is not satisfying. There is no purpose in that type of arrangement. It leaves your soul massively unfulfilled. What you are going through now fills that void of purpose and meaning. It is what

you have chosen to experience at this time. Me: Well, will "this time" end soon? It's exhausting! I would like to try “the other time" again where we get everything we desire instantly! Can we please? God: Yes, if you so choose. Me: It sounds good to me. Why wouldn't I choose it?

God: You already have in a way. The time has arrived in which all the false constructs you have struggled against are removed. You will be shown a very true reality of the past and present and be given a special period of time to experience the change while still living in the physical world. Some may decide they want everything they desire now and move on but many

will choose to continue their experience here on Earth. Me: What do you mean?

God: Imagine a world in which the most basic necessities are provided for all: food, shelter, clothing, health care - all of it given freely. No longer will you have to toil at a job that you do not enjoy just barely surviving on meager wages. You will be FREE to work in whatever field interests you

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since all your basic needs will be met. You will be free to fulfill your own

destiny. Me: That doesn't sound realistic. Who would provide all these basic necessities?

God: You will for the most part. There have been many technological advances hidden from you for a long time. They were hidden by people who knew their power would end if these technologies were available to the masses. That is where we are now. Their rule is ending and a new reality

will take root and provide for all people. Me: And this picture of Utopia is what awaits us?

God: Yes. It is what lies in wait at the end of this very long Road. It is your future. At first it won't seem possible as in order to get there a dark cloak must be removed. War, debt, starvation, hatred and many other maladies of your world must be dealt with. The coming chaos is meant to do just

that. Me: You mean the banking crash and the Global Monetary Meltdown?

God: Yes. It won't be easy but it is necessary to remove the darkness for you to see the light. Think of it like pulling a Band Aid off - it hurts at first but then the healing can begin out in the open. Many beings are here to

assist in your transition and help you through the process. Me: And you will be with us during the whole thing? God: Of course. I always was with you and always will be. Me: And then all will be good on this "Road?” God: Ha! Yes. And then all will be good on your Road. Me: Thank you God. God: You are welcome. END Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Chapter VII

What About Bitcoin?

Me: Hi God.

God: Hi Bix.

Me: Can I ask you something about Bitcoin this time and we'll leave gold and silver for another day?

God: Of course.

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  Me: I think I understand what is going on with Bitcoin but it's taken me a while to wrap my head around it. I guess the ultimate question is, "Is Bitcoin a scam, a con or a Ponzi Scheme? Am I being misled in my analysis?"

God: No. You have decided to bring Bitcoin into your world at this time. It was needed in the transition so you brought it forward.

Me: Needed? How so?

God: What your species is experiencing is a very important transition. It is the transition from darkness and control to light and freedom. A big part of that is the transition of the monetary system. The system that is currently in-place is not viable for the future that you have chosen. In the process of transitioning, Bitcoin can help ease the change for those who struggle with understanding it.

Me: I struggled with understanding it at first. To me, any kind of paper or electronic money was bad and subject to massive manipulation so I was dead set against Bitcoin at first.

God: And now?

Me: Now I get it. I understand that because of its unique program and protocol Bitcooin CANNOT be manipulated and has a finite number of coins that can ever be created. That is the beauty of it. It cannot be diluted because it is controlled and run by everyone involved in the system. The control of Bitcoin is decentralized with everyone verifying every transaction, which is the exact opposite of our current system in which the Central Bankers control the quantity of money and all transactions in the system. Bitcoin is an amazing invention and I can see clearly how it can serve the people of the world after the current system fails - especially in facilitating long distance transactions.

God: Yes, even the die hard Gold and Silver Bugs will come around to the usefulness of Bitcoin in due time.

Me: What? Those Gold and Silver Bugs that are struggling with Bitcoin now want nothing to do with it! They attack the idea and they attack all those who promote the idea. They hate it. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Yes, they do at this moment but that will change. As the old system no longer functions you must create a new system of global exchange. But once the trust in the people that control your money now is gone, it will be very difficult for anyone to regain that trust. Bitcoin requires no trust in others outside of the two parties in the transaction. Ultimately, you only have to trust your own judgment that the party you are transacting with will fulfill their side of the bargain.

Me: But those who hate Bitcoin now won’t trust it in the future. It is a deeply rooted hatred that may never go away.

God: And, of course, it is their choice not to participate in it. There are those who refuse to use cellphones or email or go on the internet. You all have choices and you always will.

Me: The hatred of Bitcoin seems very polarizing in the gold and silver community.

God: They hate it because they are stuck in the old paradigm - the paradigm of representative wealth. That which gives things value has been distorted and twisted by the old system. The belief that gold and silver are the only forms of sound money is simply not true anymore.

Me: Wait, wait. Back up. I thought you liked gold and silver as money. I thought that's what was going to save us from the system we have now. Wasn't that what all those other discussions were about?

God: Yes, that is what you had decided and many will stick with that understanding. But many of you are also changing and you are deciding to value things differently. You, and many of those lovely Gold and Silver Bugs, have said all along that barter was the best form of exchange but since it was impractical you needed to have something to use as money. Gold and silver were the best tools you had so it became the best solution to the problem. But what if there are more solutions? And what if the problem changes?

Me: What? You are losing me.

God: You are looking for a solution to a problem and yet you are not fully grasping the problem. What if a means of exchange wasn't needed at all?

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  Me: You mean everybody gives away their work for free and we won't have to work if we don't want to because all our needs are taken care of? It won't work. Where is the motivation? Where is the growth and striving to do great things? The utopia you are implying is not within our grasp.

God: It is if you want it to be.

Me: How so?

God: Technology! Technology can END the need for money. Technology can give you that boost up to a higher understanding of yourself. It can free you to do anything your heart desires and that is an amazing place to be.

Me: Again, how? Digital crypto-currencies?

God: No. Technology is rapidly moving into the creation of the basic things you need. 3D printers are a great example. They take the blueprints and basic building blocks of something and then create it from scratch. That can be done for almost anything you need to live!

Me: Anything? Food, water, shelter, clothes, entertainment - anything?

God: If you can analyze the basic components and understand how they fit together - YES! Anything.

Me: You mean like those "replicators" on Star Trek? You just tell the replicator you want something and it makes it?

God: Yes.

Me: But you still need the raw materials to make the object right? Who's going to mine and collect the raw materials?

God: That's my job.

Me: So you will give us steel and biomass and plastic to feed a replicator to make our stuff?

God: No. I have already given you the raw material that is the base material of everything. Every atom, every molecule, every physical thing

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you can think of manifests from one thing and I have already given it to you.

Me: What is it?

God: Energy! With energy you can create all forms of matter to manifest into anything physical. Just as you split an atom to release energy you can use energy to create matter. Starting with the smallest particles, matter is created from energy and from there the sky's the limit. The next step is what you are discovering in the world of 3D printing: how matter combines to make physical things. All you need is the blueprints for those things you desire and voila - YOUR wish is YOUR command! That is what is possible and that is what can free you from the need for money.

Me: Wait. That's a big jump and we are a long, long way from creating replicators that can take care of our basic needs.

God: Maybe. But you have the basic understanding already. How long does it take technology to get from a basic idea to the realization of that technology? Computers were introduced into the population in the late 1970's and now look where you are.

Me: True. Computers have taken over many of the functions we used to do manually in only a few decades.

God: And technology grows at an ever-increasing pace since you are building on past discoveries. At that pace of technological growth, can you see a time where technology can be implemented at the very moment you think of it?

Me: Wait. I think that's a trick question as it gets into the spiritual aspects of manifesting your destiny and the laws of attraction and things like that. The concept that the life we are experiencing is our own creation and we can change it just by willing change into existence.

God: Ha! Very good!

Me: Ok, but let's leave that for another discussion.

God: As you wish.

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  Me: Obviously, our technology is not that advanced yet but I can see how fast the concept can develop. I can also run the scenarios of the breakthroughs that need to happen before we can have fully functioning replicators to supply our basic needs, but what can we do now? We are stuck in this paradigm and the way out looks very chaotic.

God: Yes, it will be chaotic. But chaos is not necessarily a bad thing. Chaos is very transformative and to break out of the current paradigm I think a little chaos could be just the thing.

Me: And Bitcoin can help us?

God: Of course it can. It is what you have decided to bring forth in this time of chaos and it will assist you in the transition.

Me: The transition to a world with replicators and no need for money?

God: If that is what you choose, yes.

Me: So what now? What can an individual do?

God: Keep on, keeping on! You are doing just fine. You all are. You are waking up to the problems and finding solutions. That is a good thing.

Me: Ok. Thanks for chatting once again.

God: Any time.

Me: Wait, one more thing?

God: Yes.

Me: How long? How long will we need Bitcoin and how long before we have no need for money?

God: As always - that is up to you!

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Chapter VIII

How’d We Get Here?

Me: Hi God. God: Hi Bix. Me: It's nice to speak with you again. God: Likewise. What's on your mind? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Well, I've had this long, lingering question that I just can't seem to find the answer to. God: Ok. What would you like to understand? Me: How did we get here? What happened such that we now find ourselves on the brink of total collapse? God: That's a big question but the answer isn't all that complicated. Me: Then let me have it!!

God: You were fooled. You were conned. You didn't trust that you had the power you needed to deal with all the problems that confront a complex

society so you gave away that power. Me: Do you mean the creation of the Federal Reserve System and introduction of un-backed fiat money? God: That's part of it, but it is much more than just that. Me: What do you mean?

God: You have given up your right and duty to take personal responsibility for your own issues. You expect others to take care of life's problems for you because they said that you couldn't handle it and you believed them. This is true in all aspects of human interaction on earth today and it must

change. Me: Why?

God: Because you are all individuals trying to experience the wonders and beauty of living. You have chosen to experience this and the human experience is your life's purpose. Yet because you have given so much

control to others, you are not fulfilling your own desired experience. Me: That's strange. How did it change so drastically? How did it start and why did we give up control? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: What you speak of began very early in the 1900's. You were fooled into thinking that you were in such deep trouble that you couldn't handle the situation on your own. You were fooled by people of great power and wealth into thinking that you needed them to save you. In actuality, it was those of wealth and power that were in trouble and it was those people that

needed saving. Me: What? Why would the rich and powerful need saving? I thought they controlled everything, even back then.

God: You thought wrong. People of great wealth and power know that they are more vulnerable than those with nothing. They think they have the most to lose and they become paranoid about preserving their wealth and

power. Me: So what happened in the early 1900's that made us give up our responsibilities? Are you talking about the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve System? God: No. Before that. Me: Do you mean the banking "Panic of 1907" where the banks tried to scare the people into thinking they needed a central bank? God: No. Before that. Me: What was before that?

God: Before that there was a very large discovery of gold in the Grand Canyon that would have instantly made the United States of America the wealthiest nation on the planet but at the same time it would have

destroyed the global monetary system thereby upending the social order. Me: I know what you are referring to. I read the article in the NY Times from 1912 and I know about the subsequent abrupt stoppage of mining that gold in the Grand Canyon. To this day that area is off limits to everyone and guarded by the US Marines.

God: Yes. It was that discovery that changed the financial course of

humanity over the next 100+ years. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Let me see if I get what you are saying. This gold find was so vast that it would have massively increased the amount of gold in circulation over 10 fold and diluted gold’s value as money. Since the world was on a Gold Standard at the time, those who had the most to lose were the wealthiest people in the world.

God: That is true and that was why they were scared. Introducing this amount of gold into the system would have toppled the social order sparking chaos around the world. The rich and powerful of the day used this potential for social upheaval to scare the United States Government into not mining the Grand Canyon gold. Instead, the government closed off the area to save the treasure for use in the future. In the meantime, they allowed the banking elite to control the global monetary system. This was

the true reason behind the birth of the Federal Reserve System. Me: That kind of makes sense but how did these banking elite become so powerful if the United States could have always tapped their secret gold treasures and returned to a Gold Standard?

God: As I said before - you, the People, gave up your power to those who said you couldn't handle the issues of monetary valuation. You have continued to give up your power and the elite have grown stronger and taken more and more control over the years. That is how you got here. You

did not stand up and demand to take back your power. Me: So is it too late for us to take this power back? Have we lost?

God: NO!! You CAN still do what you should have done over a century ago. You can take back the power that you have given up and you can return to a form of government that supports the individual's inalienable

rights: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness! Me: You mean return to our Constitutional form of government? I agree but there are very few of us who understand what was taken and even fewer who have the guts to stand up to those in power.

God: There are more than you think. There are many ready for the return

to the form of government outlined in your Constitution. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Really? All I see is Sheeple. They refuse to open their eyes to reality because they have been dumbed down by the corrupt media, GMO foods, chloride laden water, chem-trails, smart meters and now have a lack of any desire to simply OPEN THEIR EYES!! I don't see it changing anytime soon.

God: Go easy on them. It's not their fault. Like I said, they have been fooled all these years. And don't forget - not too long ago YOU were just

like them! Me: Point taken. But it took me years to get where I am as far as understanding what is going on around us, and I'm still “light years” from getting a handle on it all. We don't have years to wait for the Sheeple to wake up. We need change NOW! God: Ok. That is your choice, and, if it's what you choose, then it will be. Me: You've said that before but it still won't awaken the masses. Like I said, we don't have years to wait. We need to get more people on board to make any of the changes that need to be made.

God: They will come on board. There are enough awake and aware people now. They just need a spark and they will all participate in this global

awakening. Me: What kind of a spark? A market crash?

God: I wouldn't say that. Most people in the world are not “in the market”. I was thinking more along the lines of a banking collapse. Surely everybody would wake up if they went to use their ATM and it didn't give them any money. That's a cold bucket of water being thrown on the masses that will

surely wake them up from their slumber! Me: But we nearly did that in 2008 and it didn't work. All the people wanted were bailouts, and our government stooges gave them away freely. How is it supposed to be different the next time the system crashes?

God: Ah, but you are missing the ramifications of the 2008 crash. Yes, it was temporarily fixed by flooding the banks with money, but something very important happened that helped those sleeping people. They began to

wake up! Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: Again, I don’t think there is enough of us that are awake yet. God: I'll bet you there are! Me: Not a chance. Where are they? On YouTube and Twitter screaming at the top of their lungs? That's just a handful of us and it gets practically ZERO mainstream media attention so the people CAN'T wake up.

God: Let's run a scenario. Say there is an identical banking crash as happened in 2008. A few big banks go down and then the rest start begging for a bailout from the Federal Reserve, US Treasury and Congress. Do you think they will get a bailout? Do you think the people of the United States,

who have already been down that road before, would allow it? Me: I think they would be very pissed off at the bankers for putting them in that position once again. Nope. I doubt that Congress could get another bailout passed for the bankers. God: Ok then. What are the ramifications of NO BAILOUT this time? Me: That's easy - the total destruction of all credit based electronic and paper assets! Banks are highly leveraged which is great when their investments go up in value but lethal coming down. A 5% loss in tier 1 capital equates to a 100% loss on a 20x leverage basis. Basically, all banks are interconnected and if they start selling off assets to cover losses EVERYBODY has to sell off assets sending the price of all assets into an uncontrollable free fall.

God: Yes. And what happens to the money in people's bank accounts that

they NEED everyday to buy the necessities of life? Me: They would lose all their money in their checking, savings, 401k - all of it. There is no money in the FDIC or SIPC to live up to their insurance promises either.

God: And at that moment, do the People stay asleep or do you think they

will wake up? Me: Ah! If you take everyone's money away they will wake up very quickly. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: So there you have it. There's your point of awakening. There's the

spark. Me: It can't be that easy!

God: I never said it would be easy, just necessary to wake people up. Once

they are awake they can, and will, figure out a way forward. Me: Hopefully based on sound money and honest principles.

God: Hopefully - and I have faith in the People. They have chosen to be on earth at this time for a reason. They will come though the darkness and

into the light. Me: I have that feeling too. They just need to wake up. God: Very true, Bix. Very true. Me: Thank you God. Let's speak again soon.

God: Anytime.

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Chapter IX

Good Guys and Bad Guys

Me: Hi, God. It’s me again.

God: Hi, Bix. What’s up?

Me: I want to talk about the people I have labeled the “Good Guys” and the “Bad Guys.”

God: Of course, I know that it can be confusing to people.

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  Me: Yes! It’s very confusing. I know that I have been conditioned by our controllers to think that certain Bad Guys are Good Guys, but I am afraid that I may have missed some in my awakening process. I don’t want to be fooled into thinking someone is on our side when they actually are working to destroy us.

God: I understand. How would you like to explore this issue?

Me: First, lets define what I mean by Good Guys and Bad Guys. To me, the Bad Guys are the people looking to subvert our freedoms and our liberty. They have controlled our lives for hundreds of years. They care not about the will of the People and will do everything to maintain their control over us. They use deceit, deception, intimidation and destruction as their means of maintaining their control and power over us.

God: Sounds like Bad Guys to me.

Me: The Good Guys are fighting to remove these controllers. They are good and honest people who love their country and love the Constitution. They are fighting against heavy odds and yet they are continuing to make important strides because they have truth and honesty on their side. Although they have had to fight their battles in the dark, hidden from the view of the People, they have come very far in their mission. I truly believe that they are on the brink of actually removing the Bad Guys from power! They have honor and justice on their side and they thrive in the light of truth. Theirs is a noble cause and they fight for all of the people of the world.

God: And they sound like Good Guys to me. How would you like to clarify these two very different types of people in this battle?

Me: How about if I ask you about specific people or groups of people and you tell me if they are Good Guys or Bad Guys?

God: Sounds reasonable although there may be grey areas.

Me: How so?

God: There are people that were working for the Bad Guys but are now helping the Good Guys. These people are very important in the process of

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removing the Bad Guys from power. There are also people, through intimidation and coercion that had no choice but to join the Bad Guys and have longed to get out from under their control. There are many that have had to pretend to be working for the Bad Guys in order to be in the position to take them down from within. There are also people who have not made the decision to be on either side and are waiting to see who wins the final battles. Within all of this, there are those who you may never know if they were with the Good Guys or the Bad Guys.

Me: Yep, that’s my problem - so many shades of grey.

God: Yes, but this still is a good exercise as you may help others understand that there are people working to take down your controllers. People need hope and faith as it gives them the confidence to keep fighting, and we need all the people we can get to assist in the removal of the Bad Guys.

Me: I know. Let’s start with the top of the top of the Bad Guys – the Bloodlines of the Illuminati: The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and other self-proclaimed royals that stake their claim over humanity.

God: Yes, they have been the main controllers of Bad Guys going back a long time.

Me: I know these battles go back thousands of years but let’s just deal with how our current controllers got to power.

God: Very well. In the 1700’s Mayer Amschel Rothschild sent his five sons to set up five banking centers throughout Europe. The banks were located in London, Paris, Naples, Frankfurt and Vienna. Throughout the 1700’s and 1800’s these banks gained power and influence through deceitful dealings including instigating wars between nations and profiting from these wars by financing both sides of the battle.

Me: So they made money no matter which side lost. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Yes, but what they really gained was power. By financing both sides through debt lending they controlled both the winners and losers after the wars ended. Financing wars through debt has been a very lucrative business model ever since.

Me: They also cause boom and bust cycles to fleece the people of their wealth and assets. They make cheap money available for lending when it is not needed creating the bubbles and they pull the availability of money away when it is needed causing the crash. After the crash they buy up all the cheap assets that are liquidated and start the cycle again. It happens over and over and I see little sign of it stopping voluntarily.

God: Yes, that is part of their business model.

Me: It’s sick and wrong if you ask me.

God: I’m sure many people agree with your opinion, Bix.

Me: And what about those people that helped them along the way? People like J.P. Morgan, Nelson Aldrich, Paul Warburg and John Rockefeller. All of them have conspired with the Rothschilds to perpetuate and grow their fortunes, gaining power and influence over the people of the world.

God: Yes, they have in the past and they continue to execute this business model today.

Me: They are criminals! The worst of the worst. People like: George Soros (Soros Fund Management), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan), Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Hank Greenberg (AIG) and the list goes on and on.

God: There are many players in key positions needed to continue the Bad Guys’ business model. That includes people in corporations, governments and central bankers around the world.

Me: Let’s touch on that. It is my contention in my Road to Roota Theory that ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was actually a Good Guy working to take down the Bad Guys by destroying the monetary system from the inside. This position is very polarizing to many in the gold and silver Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  community, as they have always seen the Federal Reserve System and those who work for it as part of the Bad Guys organization.

God: There are thousands of people who work for the Federal Reserve System and a majority of them have no idea of the potentially destructive nature of their organization. It is those who abuse the power over money that should be villainzed - not the people or institution itself. Unfortunately, the “Bad Eggs” within the system are the ones that tend to take control in times of financial stress. It is at these times of stress that the Bad Guys tend to do the most damage from within the Federal Reserve System.

Me: So the “Audit the Fed” Bill currently in Congress would be a good thing in exposing what has been done in the past, what is being done now and in stopping any unethical maneuvers by the Federal Reserve in the future?

God: Yes, a very good thing.

Me: Let’s talk about the Good Guys and Bad Guys in our government. Like the Federal Reserve, most of my colleagues seem to think that everyone in government is a Bad Guy or on the Bad Guys payroll.

God: There are many that fit into that category. Most are so entrenched in “The System” that they think they have no choice but to go along. Most are weak minded and power hungry, so it was easy for the Bad Guys to suck them into doing their bidding.

Me: My list of Bad Guy politicians include both the Bush Family and the Clinton Family which alienates many diehard Republican and Democrats from my work, but these are really very evil families with a laundry list of horrific skeletons in their closets. I cannot be true to my beliefs if I don’t point this issue out. Am I correct in my take?

God: Yes.

Me: The Bushes are obviously evil going all the way back to Bush Sr.’s grandfather, US Senator Prescott Bush, funding the Nazis in Germany during WWII. In 1942 the Bush family assets were seized by the US Government Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  under the “Trading With The Enemy Act” and yet all was forgotten a few decades later when George Bush Sr. was selected by senior Republican Party members to be Ronald Regan’s Vice President. Within two months of taking office, the son of a close Bush family friend, John Hinckley, Jr. made an assignation attempt on the newly elected President Ronald Reagan. Had the attempt been successful, George Bush Sr. would have instantly become the unelected President of the United States. The connections and facts linking the Bush Family to the Hinkley Family are not contested and yet nobody said a word about it.

God: Yes, that is how much power the Bad Guys possess. That is why everything being done to take them down had to be done in the shadows.

Me: The history of the Bush Family misdeeds is voluminous and although the Bushes are one of the most evil of our ruling families, I was surprised to learn how evil the Clinton family was. When people think of the bad deeds of the Clinton’s they think of Bill’s sexual indiscretions with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Talk about a misunderstanding of the true evil that lurks within the gang of criminals! The Clinton’s have been involved in drug running out of Arkansas, bribery, money laundering, clandestine black operations and they have a long list of murdered and/or suicided associates. This goes for both Bill and Hillary as it seems to be a toss-up as to who has committed the most crimes. I had not expected that from the Democratic side of the isle, but I guess I was conditioned into certain political party stereotypes like most people.

God: Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same coin. They are set up to present the façade of two choices for the People and yet the same controllers are behind them both. Much like the Bad Guys financing both sides of the wars, they finance and control both political parties in the United States.

Me: Does the same go for President Obama?

God: Yes, Hope and Change was a lie.

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  Me: That is very obvious now. Should I even vote if either side is just as bad as the other?

God: It’s up to you but I would suggest that you stay engaged in the process and vote for who you want to be your leader – whether or not they can win. It is good to participate in choosing your leaders and there is no wasted vote.

Me: I agree. I have voted for Ron Paul quite a few times. Is he as much of a Good Guy as I think he is?

God: Yes. Clearly he was a much stronger advocate for Freedom and Liberty when he was younger but his influence over the Freedom Movement in the past 10 years has been exceptional for a man in his 70’s. He is a true and honest Patriot.

Me: Who are the other former and current Good Guys besides Ron Paul and Alan Greenspan?

God: Like we said before, it can be confusing but here is a short list of the more visible Good Guys: Ronald Regan, Paul Volcker, Michael Mukasey, Warren Buffett, Rand Paul, Ben Bernanke, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi…

Me: Now hang on, God. There is not a chance in the world that most of these people can be considered “Good Guys.” Just look at their track record!

God: Like I said before, many of the Good Guys have been working from inside of the system in order to assist in the removal of the Bad Guys, so much of what they do may seem like they are part of the Bad Guys.

Me: But really? Paul Volcker worked for the Rothschilds before he was the Fed Chairman in the early 1980’s. Talk about the ultimate Bad Guy!

God: Volcker’s position was key to making a smooth transition back to a more honest form of money, a true Gold Standard. The People were not ready to return to a Gold Standard in the 1980’s. They did not understand the evils of un-backed fiat money, fractional reserve banking or that there

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were people behind the scenes controlling their lives. If the system had crashed back then, the Bad Guys would have taken control of EVERYTING so a decision was made to delay the process. Volcker raised interest rates to near 20% stabilizing the US Dollar and helping Greenspan control the prices of gold and silver in order to delay the process until the people were ready.

Me: Talk about an undercover agent…he was truly in the “Belly of the Beast.”

God: Yes, he served his country at great risk to himself.

Me: What about others like Feinstein and Pelosi and that clown Barney Frank? How could they be considered “Good Guys?”

God: Feinstein and Pelosi have been charged with hiding the nations formidable wealth in the ground of California until it was time to return to a Gold Standard. Millions of acres of gold rich land has been sequestered and hidden away in desert wildlife preserves and military bases in order to save those resources for our future monetary system. This is part of the United States’ overall plan – to use everyone else’s resources in exchange for paper/electronic money knowing that one day the un-backed fiat money would no longer be accepted by other countries. At that point, the United States will have to take care of her own needs from her own resource base. This was, and is, the job of Feinstein and Pelosi.

Me: What about Barney Frank and Harry Reid? Surely they were not involved in this preservation of natural resources. What was their job for the Good Guys?

God: You like US Gold and Silver Eagle coins, don’t you?

Me: Yes!! They are my favorite. They are beautiful and I know that one day we will return to using them as money. They are the only REAL money that comes out of the United States Government. They are our future!

God: True. Did you know that Barney Frank and Harry Reid were the Congressmen that originally wrote, advocated and extended the Gold and Silver Eagle Program for the last 28 years? Obviously, the Bad Guys would

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have preferred the Eagle Program had never had existed in the first place as they have done everything in their power to remove gold and silver from the monetary system over the last 200 years. Without the leadership of Barney Frank and Harry Reid, the US Eagle Program would not have existed much less become so popular throughout the world. If you love gold and silver US Eagle Coins – you should love Barney Frank and Harry Reid too!

Me: Ouch, I cringe at the thought of it but you are right. They have done our country a great service and they should be recognized as such.

God: They will be. All of those who fought in the shadows to free the People from the grip of the Bad Guys will become instant heroes when the truth is finally revealed.

Me: That will be quite the shocker for most.

God: Yes, it will be.

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Chapter X

So Dark is the Con

Me: Hi God.

God: Hi Bix. I already know what you want to talk about. The elephant in the room, right?

Me: Yes! The mother of all Ponzi Schemes - The DTCC!

God: Yes, that’s the big one. First, why don’t you tell everybody what the DTCC is?

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  Me: DTCC stands for the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation. They are in charge of keeping important financial documents in trust and clearing all transactions that take place in the markets.

God: Explain: “clearing.”

Me: Clearing a transaction is basically following through with all the back office paper work. In the case of a stock purchase, it involves signing the documents, collecting the money, transferring the title and things like that. In the old days, before computers, there were thousands of messenger boys riding around on bicycles through the streets of Manhattan carrying share certificates, cashier checks and contracts that all needed to be executed. It was pure chaos in the 1960’s as so many people were trading stocks that the brokerage houses couldn’t keep up. There were stacks of un-executed contracts, un-transferred titles and even piles of un-cashed checks.

God: That does sound like chaos. Is clearing just needed for stocks?

Me: Not at all. It goes for everything that is traded on an exchange; bonds, mortgages backed securities, money market securities, syndicated loans and even derivatives. All these agreements necessitate the exchange of information and documents for the transaction to be finalized. All these transactions, and more, are supposed to be cleared and stored in trust by the DTCC.

God: It all sounds very reasonable, but I know you have a problem with it.

Me: I have a HUGE problem with it because it’s not being done!

God: What do you mean it’s not being done? Stock trades happen everyday and there are no problems. Everybody gets what they wanted.

Me: No. Most of these trades are NEVER properly cleared. There is no paperwork exchanged, no money transferred, no change of titled owner and no documents put in trust for safekeeping. The money and shares are all pooled together and only settled when somebody wants out of the system. At that point, the brokerage house goes into the market, buys or sells shares for you and completes their end of the transaction. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: What are you saying?

Me: Brokerage houses are not buying the stocks you paid for, they are not putting them into your name and they are not fulfilling their obligations to you. Your retirement accounts hold phantom shares with multiple claims of ownership on the same stock! They are using the money that you give them to fund their own side bets and they only deal with your holdings when they need to. According to SEC data on “Failures to Deliver”, over 300M shares of stock are not cleared every single day!

God: So they are practicing “Fractional Reserve Lending” much like the banks do. What’s wrong with that?

Me: There is no problem with it now as everyone trusts that their stocks are safe and secure, but there is a huge problem lurking out in the future. Just like a bank that practices Fractional Reserve Lending, these brokerage houses are susceptible to what amounts to a run on the bank. If enough people try to cash their stocks in at the same time, there will not be enough in the system to cover everyone. Every share of stock has multiple investors all claiming ownership of the same shares!

God: But doesn’t the DTCC take care of that? It’s their job.

Me: Their job is impossible! There are now high frequency traders placing huge buy/sell orders in the billions of shares per second. There is no exchange of money, no signing of contracts and no transfer of title. It’s a huge game of musical chairs with nobody ever thinking the music will ever stop.

God: But the music will stop, won’t it Bix?

Me: Yes, it will. And when it does everyone will be holding the same chair.

God: What about the DTCC? Since they are in charge of this system what are they saying about the situation?

Me: Nothing. They say nothing. They say, “Everything’s fine, no need to look here. Go about your business.” Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: But it’s not fine is it.

Me: Not a chance. They are knee deep in this mess and there is no way out for them. All they can do is try to cover up the problem and hope that nobody shines a light on their operations.

God: Tell us what happened at the DTCC vault that held all their paper securities during Hurricane Sandy.

Me: Let me see if I can put this delicately so I don’t offend anyone at the DTCC. How about…COVER-UP, FRAUD, DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, ARSON and ROBBERY!

God: That’s fairly harsh, don’t you think.

Me: It’s TRUE. I see no reason to sugarcoat it. The DTCC held the majority of the physical securities in their basement vault at 55 Water Street in downtown Manhattan. There were $33+ Trillion worth of stock certificates, bearer bonds, mortgage backed securities, commodity derivative contracts and much, much more. It was the largest holding of physical securities on the planet.

God: And what happened to them?

Me: They got wet.

God: What?!

Me: They got wet. They got destroyed. The henchman at the DTCC left the door to the vault open as Hurricane Sandy was slowly rolling in and the paper certificates were destroyed. The entire street flooded and the vault was under water for over a month?

God: That sounds a little odd. Aren’t those underground vaults in Manhattan waterproof? They are located under sea level. Why would the world’s most valuable stash of paper documents be stored in a vault located below sea level on a street called “Water Street” which got it’s name because it is known to flood in violent storms?

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  ME: Doesn’t really take a degree in Rocket Science to figure that one out now does it?

God: Are you sure the safe was waterproof?

Me: Of course. All the underground safes in Manhattan are waterproof, but I believe certain people within the DTCC were charged with holding that door open for reasons we can all guess.

God: You think it was a cover-up. You think they destroyed or altered those documents while they had it closed off for a month.

Me: Yes, I do.

God: Now if they just got wet, can’t they just pull out a hairdryer and dry them off?

Me: Well, that might have worked had not the place “accidently” caught on FIRE right after they pumped all the water out!!

God: Holy Conspiracy Batman! You can’t make this stuff up. It’s too unbelievable to believe but it really happened!

Me: It would be a bad joke if I even tried to make it up. It’s 100% true. This all happened and the people of the world paid no attention to it. They went upon their merry little way without batting an eye.

God: So what were they really covering up at 55 Water Street?

Me: How about 100 years of pure fraud? From fake bonds to fake stock certificates to gold and silver derivative contracts gone bad to…

God: Hold on. There were gold and silver derivative contracts at 55 Water Street?

Me: Yes. They were transferred to the vault from the COMEX the month before the vault was flooded, burned and then flooded again with fire hoses! Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: It is clear that there were some shady dealings going on at the DTCC storage facility during Hurricane Sandy, but what exactly are they trying to hide?

Me: I’ve thought long and hard about that and I think they were hiding the even BIGGER elephant in the room.

God: And what is that, Bix?

Me: The legal title for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that the DTCC is supposed to hold in trust has been legally and officially signed over to a shell company called “CEDE and COMPANY”.

God: Everything? As in stocks, bonds, mortgages, car titles, land titles, securities, derivatives…everything?

Me: Everything! If the DTCC holds it in trust then they have signed it over to “CEDE and COMPANY.”

God: So who is CEDE and COMPANY?

Me: Nobody knows. The DTCC claims that it is just a fictitious legal name owned by the DTCC but that is not the case. A Congressional investigation in 1973 found that Cede & Company was actually a “partnership of certain men and women who are employees of DTCC.”

God: Who are these “certain men and women.”

Me: Unknown. Nobody knows and nobody seems to care.

God: That’s very mysterious. You would think that a company that holds the legal title to the wealth of the world would be easier to understand and more out in the open.

Me: Unless they don’t want it to be known. Unless they are trying to take over the world by taking legal title to every asset on the planet!

God: A little too conspiratorial, Bix.

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  Me: You know me, God, I can never turn away form a good Conspiracy Theory!

God: Yes, Bix. I know you well. So do you think that’s why you were banned from the History Channel?

Me: It must be.

God: What was the show and what had they asked you to talk about?

Me: The show was called “America’s Book of Secrets” and it was an episode called “Secret Underground” about all the secret places underground in the United States.

God: And they had asked you to talk about the DTCC vault at 55 Water Street?

Me: Yes. They brought me all the way down to Los Angeles, they put me up in a hotel and interviewed me for 6 hours about the flooding of the DTCC vault. After the interview they said they loved the segment and it was going to blow the doors off the ratings. I was in contact with them right up until the day it was supposed to be on the air – and then they pulled my segment. No reason why. Just cut all my information out of the program. Nothing was shown except a five second spot of me talking about a coffee can filled with gold coins found in Marin County, California.

God: It must have scared them. You must have gotten too close to the truth.

Me: Heaven forbid we have a little truth spread on the mainstream media!

God: I usually don’t forbid anything in Heaven, but in this case, yes - Heaven forbid!

Me: Well, I guess the world will have to wait and just find out about Cede & Company the hard way.

God: Unless you tell them. Unless you help them get out of the paper system before it is too late.

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  Me: I think I already have. Now it’s up to them. We all have to make our own decisions in life based on the information we have. There’s just so many times I can yell: “Buy Silver!”-“Buy Gold!”-“Buy Bitcoin! …and get out of PAPER!!!

God: You are right, Bix. They should know by now.

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Chapter XI

Secret Gold

Me: Ok God…a new question for you. Is it true that the total amount of physical gold in the world would fit into two Olympic sized swimming pools?

God: Ha! No. That is a myth created and propagated by the price riggers in gold and silver.

Me: So there’s more than just 180,000 tons of gold in the world?

God: Yes, much more.

Me: But is it all still in the ground or has it been mined and stored in a vault somewhere?

God: Both. This is important. Over the centuries, millions of tons of gold have been mined. There still remains millions of tons in the ground and

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new gold is always being created at the center of the earth, where matter is

created. Me: I thought so! So the price of gold is too high right?

God: Not necessarily. The price of gold is no longer determined by the quantity of gold available but rather the amount of un-backed forms of currency that are available to manipulate and distort the price.

Me: So the un-backed fiat money is the problem as many of us suspected. Boo Paper Money!!

God: Bahaha! You sound like a cheerleader. “Paper money” is not the only problem, it’s the abuse of paper money that began the ball rolling. Printing too much of it: too much currency, too many stocks, too many bonds, WAY too many derivatives. Then came computers and that brought the false paradigm to another level…an uncontrollable level.

Me: I know! Unlimited amounts of money can be created by a computer at any moment. $100B becomes $1T just by adding another “0.” Ultimately, there is no limit to the money supply that governments and banks can (and do) create.

God: Very true.

Me: So back to gold, as there is no limit to the money supply, I have no doubt that un-backed fiat money will be abused to a point where it is not accepted. Historically, societies that abused their money have usually fallen back onto a Gold Standard to replace their broken system.

God: Historically, but your history is short and your society is changing. The technological advances over the past 100 years have been tremendous, especially over the past 40 years.

Me: I guess that’s true but how will that affect a crash and return to a Gold Standard?

God: It gives people more options. Clearly those who hold the gold will want to return to a Gold Standard but there will be those who have no gold who will reject it even if it is better than nothing.

Me: So what will we do for money?

God: You will have to decide that for yourselves.

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  Me: Ok, but what are the options?

God: There will be many options and not all will choose the same option. Some may want to fix the old system, some may want to go back to a Gold and Silver Standard, some may choose electronic crypto currencies like Bitcoin and some may decide not to trust any form of money and turn towards a barter system. Everyone will have to decide for themselves how they want to move forward.

Me: According to my “Road to Roota Theory” the United States is going to try and return to a Gold Standard. That’s what I surmised from all the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston releases, but is it possible to have a true Gold Standard in this day and age?

God: Yes – if you wish it to be so.

Me: But again, we get back to the confusion around how much physical gold will be available for use in a Gold Standard. I am fairly sure that there are millions of tons of gold hidden in mines within military bases, National Wildlife Reserves and even in secret vaults but doesn’t the amount of gold available greatly affect the value of a gold backed currency?

God: Yes, it does. There will likely be a time where it will be difficult to know just what the “price” of gold is and how it will be used in a new monetary system. The transition away from the current system will be a difficult one, but worth it.

Me: Is that why the transition has been delayed for so long? Is it because it will be difficult?

God: Not exactly. Not at first. The original plan of the “Good Guys” was to delay a return to a Gold Standard in order to soak up the benefits of un backed fiat money. Those benefits include building the infrastructure of modern day living, investing in new technologies, building the military, supporting the poor and those who struggle to survive the gyrations of boom and bust economic cycles. There are many benefits to free money.

Me: But clearly those benefits have worn off by now. Just look around. I don’t see much good coming out of this. A free lunch will always come back to haunt you. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: This may be true and you are right that there are not many more benefits to be gleaned by the people without further enhancing the Bad Guys position in this plan.

Me: No matter how much benefit was gained from implementing this plan originally, the Bad Guys who run the show now are using it for evil purposes. God: That is likely. Me: So now we need to change it correct?

God: Sounds like a good idea to me, but it is ultimately up to the people.

Me: Yes, I know. We almost finished them in 2008 when the world was on the brink of a global meltdown but the banks were bailed out. If we only knew then what we know now I don’t think there would be any Bankster bailouts.

God: I don’t think so either.

Me: So is that what will happen next? Another global meltdown, and another round of the Banksters begging for a bailout?

God: Sure looks like that is the set-up at the moment.

Me: But THIS TIME we will NOT bail them out, and we WILL let the system crash. Right?

God: That is your choice.

Me: Well, that’s what I choose and I will do my best to pass on the information to others. The people need to make an informed decision this time.

God: Good for you.

Me: Thanks God, and stay close because we may need you soon!

God: I am always here for you.

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Chapter XII

Secrets of Silver

Me: Let’s talk about my favorite subject…Silver!

God: Ooo. I like that one too.

Me: Is silver really a better investment than gold?

God: Of course it is. It is both an industrial metal and a monetary metal. Silver has always had many purposes and the importance of each purpose is highly valued when needed the most.

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  Me: What do you mean “many purposes?” Doesn’t silver just have monetary and industrial purposes?

God: Not at all. Silver is the most useful metal to be found on earth. Yes, industrial use in the transmission of electricity happens to be the most highly valued purpose at this time in human history, but that was not always the case.

Me: What do you mean?

God: Silver has served many purposes and still does. Before penicillin, silver was widely known for its antimicrobial properties. In the days before refrigeration, people would put silver coins in their milk bottles to make the milk stay fresh for days. Even to this day people are using colloidal silver to combat germs.

Me: I know. I use colloidal silver to fight off colds and it really works!

God: It’s not just colds that silver works on. Most diseases and illnesses that are caused by germs and bacteria can be cured by using colloidal silver. It is one of those many secrets your corrupt pharmaceutical industry keeps from you. There is no money in promoting natural cures so they pass laws and write research reports that discourage their use. There are many natural cures for diseases but silver is one of the best.

Me: That’s all well and good but I don’t think the widespread adoption of colloidal silver is going to make silver skyrocket in price. They only use microscopic amounts of silver in the colloidal solution.

God: You asked about the many purposes of silver, not the profitability of an investment in silver.

Me: Ok but don’t they go hand in hand?

God: Different people at different times place different values on everything. Someone dying from malaria in Africa may spend a life’s fortune for a small vile of colloidal silver if they knew it would cure them. At the other end of the spectrum, those that control the markets need to

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keep the price of silver under wraps, so they will “spend” an unlimited amount of electronic money to keep the price of all precious metals suppressed as they are a barometer of the failing un-backed fiat system.

Me: You are right. Silver does present a different value to different people in different situations.

God: But you want to know about silver as an investment at this point in time, right?

Me: Yes – that is where I am right now. I have been fighting the manipulators for so long I’d like to know that there is an end to all this madness.

God: I understand your struggle and it is an important one. Your search for truth and honesty in markets today is a noble cause. There are many who have recently joined you as well as many who have been on this “Road” for decades, centuries even. It is a longstanding problem on Earth and although it is difficult to put a stop to it, you are coming close.

Me: Thank goodness! And will an explosion in the price of silver help take down the Bad Guys?

God: Yes, although you may not like the ramifications.

Me: What do you mean? I know it will be a hard transition but it would be a thousand times worse to let the current system continue to bulldoze our lives. So much is at stake; our freedom, our liberty and our country are on the brink of being destroyed so how could the ramifications of changing this system be a bad thing?

God: There are ramifications for both. Yes, having the system continue “as is” would be the worst possible outcome for mankind, but that doesn’t mean the opposite wouldn’t be too far off. The people who control the current system won’t go down without a fight. Right now it is mainly confined to the financial markets but unless handled carefully, it may turn to an all out global war for control.

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  Me: I suppose so. I mean, war has always been their solution in the past but I think there are enough awake and aware individuals that calmer heads will prevail.

God: You may be right.

Me: Back to silver. You said a rising silver price would highlight the problems of the un-backed fiat system?

God: Yes.

Me: I’m not sure why that would be such a bad thing for the un-backed fiat system. I mean, couldn’t the market riggers just blame a huge price rise on the “Silver Bugs?” Those crazy, rabid silver investors that buy silver with every penny they can find. Wouldn’t that shift the blame away from the real issue - the abuse of un-backed fiat money?

God: Sure. That sounds like it would help deflect the blame but it won’t solve the problem. That connection between silver and money goes back thousands of years. Sooner or later a continually rising silver price is going to shine a large silver spotlight on the true source of the problem…the bloated monetary system.

Me: True. I guess that means that silver can NEVER be freely traded.

God: I didn’t say that. The People hold the power to return to honest money and honest markets. When the current system, and those that control it, are removed then it will be possible to have free markets.

Me: Are you saying that one day silver will be traded in an honest manner with the price determined by supply and demand and not by electronic computer manipulation?

God: If you wish it to be, then so it will be.

Me: But what’s to stop someone the next time they try to manipulate the prices of gold and silver? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: There is nothing new under the sun, Bix. What has been done, will be done again.

Me: I’ve heard that before.

God: Thus proving my point!

Me: So even if we take out the manipulators, one day the market will become rigged again?

God: Yes, over time the markets will be rigged again, but there tends to be long periods of truth and honesty directly after long periods of lying and dishonesty.

Me: We’ve sure had a long period of lying and dishonesty, so I guess we are in for a doozy of a good time with truth and honesty galore!

God: It seems you deserve it.

Me: Is this what I’ve heard called “The Golden Age?” God: Yes. Is there more you wanted to talk about related to silver? Me: Of course! Can I ask more questions?

God: Fire away!

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Chapter XIII

Return of Silver Money

Me: I know there are millions of tons of gold that have been secretly hidden away around the world. I have done all the research and the evidence is irrefutable. I also understand how gold may return to our financial systems after the global monetary meltdown. It is all spelled out in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston publications I talk about in the Road to Roota Theory. What I can’t figure out is - how will Silver fit into the future of money?

God: Excellent question as it gets a little complicated.

Me: Clearly, the United States has plans for the transition. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Clearly.

Me: But what would the purchasing power be for the new money? What will an ounce of gold buy and what will an ounce of silver buy? Will gold be worth less because there is so much more gold out there that nobody knows about? And what about the silver shortage? The only secret silver stash I have ever found was the half billion tons of physical silver used in the making of the atom bomb for the Manhattan Project. That silver is surely gone by now so is that all the silver there is?

God: Ooo. That secret silver stash in the Manhattan Project was a good find on your part.

Me: It was just one of those many discoveries that lead me down this Road. I was at home flipping through channels on the TV and came across a History Channel show that looked interesting. The program was called "Lost Worlds - Secret Cities of the A-Bomb” and it was an investigative piece on the Manhattan Project focusing on the Top Secret city that was built in Oakridge, TN and a facility within it called the Y-12 facility. The program was interesting to me, but one part specifically made me jump up out of my seat and run to my computer to find out what it was all about.

God: And what was that, Bix?

Me: During WWII, in order for the scientists to enrich enough Uranium for the first atom bomb, they had to make the largest electromagnet ever built. It would be called a Calutron and according to the narrator, they needed many tons of copper wiring which they claim was not available at the time due to war shortages.

God: Doesn’t silver make a better conductor of electricity in a magnet?

Me: Yup, but let me finish.

God: Sorry, continue.

Me: The story goes that since there was so little copper, they went to the US Treasury and "borrowed" 14,700 TONS OF SILVER! That amounts to about Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  470,000,000 ounces of physical silver that was taken from the US Treasury vaults, melted into silver wire and silver "busbars" and installed into the greatest secret military project in the history of the world. Let's call that "deep storage silver" because, theoretically, at some point in time the Calutrons could be dismantled, the silver melted back into bars and returned to the US Treasury. As a matter of fact, according to the History Channel program and government statements, that is what was done in 1954.

God: Hmm. If you believe that the US Government risked not being able to make nuclear bombs in 1954 because they wanted to put the silver back into their underground vaults I have some lovely swampland in Florida to sell you!!

Me: That was my take exactly! It is interesting to note that the US Treasury started a “Silver Purchase Program” with Mexico in 1934 that ran into the mid 1940's - the same time that the silver was being transferred out of the US Treasury to be used in the Y-12 facility.

God: So what did happen to all that silver?

Me: The official story is that the silver was melted down and returned to the Treasury in 1954, but I see no reason for that to occur. The Treasury knew where the silver was and Y-12 was the most important manufacturing facility in human history. This was classic disinformation on the part of the US Treasury and the bankers. No way they would risk the Calutrons not working so they never sent the silver back, and Y-12 was operational until the mid-1990's when other priorities developed.

God: What other priorities? What could be more important to a country than the manufacturing of the raw material for nuclear bombs?

Me: The market riggers needed Physical Silver!

God: Interesting hypothesis but you’re going to need to prove it.

Me: In the 1990’s the US Government claimed that there was a new gaseous way to enrich plutonium, which is true, so the Calutrons were no longer needed. Over a span of 4 years the Calutrons were shut down and dismantled removing Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  the silver from the facility. Since the mid-1990’s the silver was melted back into bars and secretly sold back into the physical silver market.

God: Hard to prove that, Bix.

Me: No it’s not. Look at the silver export data from the United States Geological Society (USGS) during the mid-1990’s. After averaging 500 tons/year of silver exports from 1970 through 1994 the US silver exports skyrocketed to average over 2,800 tons/year from 1995 through 1998. This is without any announced increase in US silver mining production during that same time period.

God: Wow! That’s over 350M ounces of physical silver that was shipped out of the United States in only four years.

Me: I have yet to hear any of the mainstream silver analysts explain this anomaly.

God: Not even Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group?

Me: Ha! Especially not Jeff Christian.

God: Well, I’m convinced. It is apparent that your facts are correct but what is the significance of the story? Why is it so important to the Silver Story?

Me: The significance of this operation should not be underestimated because it means the powers that control the rigging of the silver market were so desperate for physical metal in the 1990's that a strategic military installation had to be dismantled to retrieve this "deep storage" silver. It means that there were no other secret stockpiles of silver that they could get their hands on to satisfy demand. It means that the stories of a looming Silver Shortage are 100% true!

God: I believe you are correct – well done, Bix.

Me: Thanks God.

God: But obviously, there is still some physical silver left because the average retail Silver Bug can still get silver coins and bars although it

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seems that there are no large hoards waiting in the wings like there is in gold.

Me: That was my conclusion as well. So God, what’s your take on the availability of physical silver?

God: My take? Given that there are only a few physical silver stashes left and given that the silver to gold price ratio is massively distorted, the total amount and value of physical gold available for a new monetary system dwarfs the amount and value of physical silver available.

Me: Hmm. Does that mean silver WON’T be reintroduced into our monetary system and gold will?

God: No. It means that silver may be much more valuable in the future than what it is valued at today. The monetary characteristics of silver will shine the brightest as the transition towards a new monetary system begins in earnest.

Me: So will silver coins be reintroduced in the United States?

God: I don’t see why not. They are already being produced by the US Mint in the form of US Silver Eagles, and they are already valued at ONE DOLLAR on the back of the coins. Although they are not widely used in commerce today, the world after the global monetary collapse will be much different. When the value of the Federal Reserve Notes come into question, you can bet that people will be turning to alternatives and one of the BEST alternatives will be the original DOLLAR coined by the US Government.

Me: That’s a fact. With over 400 Million US Silver Eagles in circulation already, the shift to silver coinage may not be all that difficult. As a matter of fact, the “US Dollar” was defined in the Coinage Act of 1792 as a unit of pure silver weighing 371 4/16th grains. Although that was over 200 years ago, the legal definition of the “US Dollar” has not been changed!

God: It has not changed but what you use as dollars today sure has! The “Dollar” on the Federal Reserve Note is debt; the “Dollar” in the US Silver

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Eagle is real money. The difference will become apparent when a big stack of Federal Reserve Note Dollars won’t even buy you a loaf of bread but a single US Silver Eagle Dollar will feed your family for a month.

Me: I agree - they are very different forms of money. Funny how the older the form of money in the United States the more valuable it has become in the future.

God: Sure seems like someone knew what they were doing back then.

Me: It will be a wonderful day when people begin to see silver in a very positive light after the crash of the Federal Reserve Note and the end of un-backed fiat money. Silver has been seen as the poor stepchild for way too long and it does not deserve such a bad wrap. It is long past due that we returned to the old ways of sound money in the forms of gold and especially silver coins in circulation for the wellbeing of the People. Hi-Ho Silver!!

God: There is beauty in the old ways.

Me: I’ll second that! END Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Chapter XIV

Root of All Evil

Me: Hi God. Is money the “root of all evil” like I have heard for years?

God: No. I think you are referring to the Bible - the letters to Timothy in the New Testament. Loosely worded, it says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grieves.”

Me: What do you mean, “loosely worded?” Are you saying that you don’t believe there is one version of the Bible that is more correct than the rest?

God: Well Bix, I didn’t write any of them so I have no idea! Just kidding. You need to lighten up a bit. The truth is that many people have written many good books, papers and letters explaining the best virtues of the time.

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One sacred text is no better or worse than another. They served their purpose at the time but times change. Oftentimes people will try and revise what was written in the past to fit a more modern context. There is no better or worse in doing so.

Me: But certain writings seem to resonate with me on a deeper level.

God: Good. That’s what works for you and if it helps you throughout your life, all the better.

Me: Ok. So back to the question about money and evil: is money the root of evil?

God: No. Nor is the “love of money” the root of evil like many wealthy religious people seem to fall back on as if the “love” part of the saying is the bad part.

Me: So is money good or bad? Or using the rich folk’s analogy: is the “LOVE” of money good or bad?

God: I would have to go with neither. Money is merely a means of exchange: a temporary place marker that people invented to transact commerce together in an easier and more efficient way. Gold, silver, paper, seashells, ropes and stone wheels have all been used as money over the ages. None is better or worse than the other for the people who choose to participate in that system. They all have their pros and cons.

Me: So are you saying that the love of money is not evil and those who strive for it shouldn’t feel guilty for doing so?

God: Nobody should feel guilty for following their heart but they may likely be putting their focus and energy into something that does not fulfill their soul’s mission on earth.

Me: I know I’ve asked this before but what is life’s mission again?

God: To EXPERIENCE life to it’s fullest. To follow your dreams and wishes while accepting the challenges that life will throw at you.

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Experiencing the heartbreak of failing along with the joy of succeeding will fulfill your mission here.

Me: Wait a minute. What does the heartbreak of failing have to do with your life’s mission? When you fail doesn’t it mean that you were not successful in your mission?

God: Not at all! Failure is a very important part of the process. It teaches you what not to do, hands you more obstacles to overcome and ultimately can lead to a much more fulfilling and triumphant victory! Failure should be celebrated if you have the courage to resume your mission.

Me: I see. It’s a Ying and Yang thing again. There is no happiness without sorrow, no light without dark and no love without hate. They all must exist to know the difference and appreciate the good in life.

God: Well said.

Me: So in summary, I guess you are saying that money is not the root of evil and people use their own free will to deal with money as they wish. To strive for it or hoard it does not make them good or bad. Basically, people should deal with money in the context of their mission in life knowing that it is neither good nor bad but rather a tool for moving forward.

God: Don’t forget a very important characteristic of money…it changes with the times. There is not one better than another except when put into the context of what a society wishes to achieve with money. Often times, the transitions from one form of money to another can be very traumatic. Those who have the most of the current form of money will always want to keep the status quo and those who have the least will demand change.

Me: That sounds exactly like where we are now. Those who have all the paper and digital money definitely want to keep the status quo. They want to keep their false security because the rest of the world follows the rules that they established. But these rules have been abused and very soon, when the system breaks down again, those who lose their electronic wealth will be just as bad off as those who never had anything to start with. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: That is when the potential for change will be the strongest. When the majority is equally poor then almost everyone will have a say in what will be used as money going forward.

Me: How is it possible that everyone agrees on a new way forward? We can’t even agree on what banks should be bailed out. How will we ever agree to change our monetary system?

God: It will be much easier when the playing field is leveled after the crash. The problem will be a shared one with full knowledge of how the last system failed.

Me: You mean all the hidden secrets and agenda of the past will be exposed?

God: Yes. The new system must begin from a foundation of truth. That can

only be achieved by revealing what happened in the past. Me: Still, a majority of the people must buy into the new system.

God: I’ll buy that.

Me: Very funny.

God: You will find that humor will be very comforting in the days ahead.

Me: God, are we going to survive this transition? Are we going to make it?

God: Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart; you will do just fine.

Me: Thank you God. I feel better already.

God: You are welcome.

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Chapter XV

Forbidden Questions

Me: Hi God. Can I ask any question?

God: Of course.

Me: I mean, even questions that are “off topic” for this book? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: It’s your book, Bix, so it’s up to you what you ask, what you write down and what you wish to share with others.

Me: I guess you are right, but I don’t want to lose my audience. I have stuck to things related to gold and silver and the coming monetary collapse. I just think it’s hard enough to expect a reader to understand the process I have used in this “Conversations with God” style. If I go too far off the reservation, I may lose credibility.

God: Ha! That hasn’t stopped you before Bix. How many times have you heard those words from people who have read your analysis and writings in your Road to Roota Theory?

Me: Is a Zillion a number?! I get it all the time and yet I have always muscled through the criticism in search of the TRUTH.

God: Yes, you have. And it has usually been the most controversial subjects that have challenged your credibility the most.

Me: You are right. Every big discovery or theory I have brought forth has been challenged and people said I would lose credibility if I continued down that Road. All the way back to my analysis of the Fed Boston comic books and the theory that there were people in the Federal Reserve working to take the Banking Cabal down. That theory was fought vehemently even by my friends and colleagues at the Gold Anti Trust Action Committee. I remember getting emails warning me I would lose credibility if I followed my course of discovery. They were so set in their ways and so resistant to seeing another angle in the manipulation of gold and silver. Those were not easy times for me.

God: And yet you persevered and look where that difficult path took you.

Me: Wow! You are 100% correct. From that point on I proved to most of my doubters that my Road to Roota Theory was correct and that there actually was a group of insiders trying to take down the Global Monetary System for the good of the people. I went on to prove many other huge discoveries on the Road to Roota: the invention of computer rigging programs by Alan Greenspan in the 1960’s; the half billion ounces of physical silver secretly transferred from the US Treasury and used in the Manhattan Project to make the first atom bomb; the phony share stock certificate scam at the DTCC; the secret meanings hidden on the new $100 bill; the hidden gold mines in the Grand Canyon and at Chocolate Mountain; the list goes on and on. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: And all because you fought the naysayers who claimed you would lose your credibility if you followed your instincts. Clearly Bix, it was your instincts that led you to where you needed to go.

Me: Yes, it was. I am aware of that now but I really wasn’t before I explored these areas. Was my instinct guiding me? Was it my instinct that led me to log onto the Fed Boston website on New Years Day, January 1, 2007, the very day they posted the Road to Roota comics with big red exclamation points after them?

God: You could say it was your instinct. You could say it was part of your soul’s plan all along. You could say it was other guiding spirits helping you along the way. You could say it was God’s will too. Whatever it was that led you to that website, on that day and at that time, one thing is for sure - you wanted to be there.

Bix: Yes, I did. As I look back over the past 15 years, that moment was a huge turning point in my understanding of the banking conspiracy. All those things surrounding it that I couldn’t quite understand became very clear.

God: And your roll in exposing the game changed that day as well.

Bix: Yes, at least I hope it did. I have tried to share with the world what I have discovered and I continue to try to do that. Even in writing this book, it will hopefully open some eyes to the truth.

God: It already has and more will come around…eventually. At some point in the future, a point of your choosing, all will be revealed.

Bix: A point of my choosing?

God: Yes, this is your experience so you get to choose. The same goes for everyone else, there are many potential outcomes and timelines in this experience. You may either consciously choose your Road or subconsciously choose it but the choice has always been yours.

Bix: Ok, but before we get off on another philosophical, metaphysical, cosmological tangent I want to get back to those “Forbidden Questions” that I asked about earlier.

God: Oh goodie! Let me have it.

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Chapter XV

Heaven and Hell

Me: Is there a Heaven and a Hell?

God: If you wish it to be so - yes. Remember, this is your reality and you construct the experience you wish to have.

Me: Even after I die?

God: Yes, always and forever.

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  Me: Hmm. I never thought of it like that. So are we still judged after we die and move into the next existence?

God: There is no “next existence.” It is the same existence just filled with different experiences, and YOU are your only judge and jury.

Me: So there is no Judgment Day as so many traditional religions speak of?

God: There can be if you choose for it to be so.

Me: Why would I do that?

God: You should know by now - you are your own hardest critic!

Me: I know, but surely I won’t be judging myself on Judgment Day.

God: Remember, you created this world and your life’s path for yourself to experience. You are your own judge and jury and you will understand one day that you are darn tough on yourself when you fail and very complementary of yourself when you succeed.

Me: Really? Even after I die?

God: Yes – and you don’t die. You move on to your next experience: always moving; always experiencing; always growing.

Me: That’s kinda cool.

God: Yes, it kinda is.

Me: If it is true that Heaven and Hell are my own construct, and I can create both equally good or equally bad, why would I choose to make it so bad in hell?

God: Are you asking me?

Me: Oh, wait – it’s my own creation so I should ask myself that question!

God: See, you’re not as slow as they say you are!

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  Me: Ouch! But you are right and I guess the answer is the same as it has been throughout this book: There’s no good without bad; no happy without sad; no life without death; and no love without hate.

God: Yes! And the worse you feel in one situation, the better you feel when you find your way through the darkness and into the light.

Me: That explains last year entirely! It was the toughest time of my life on so many fronts. At times, I didn’t think I was going to make it. Totally brutal!

God: Sounds like you needed something BIG to jolt your understanding of the opposite side of that “tough life”. Maybe, just maybe, you are going to swing the other way now to an experience of pure joy and peace of mind. Would you even be interested in experiencing a fully joyful life now?

Me: Of course! I would be so amazingly happy to find the joy and peace of mind I have been missing.

God: Hmm. Sounds like your bad experience last year has set you up for a very, very good one…coming soon!

Me: That must have been it. That must have been why I chose to experience all the chaos that hit me last year - so I can have the experience of living without that weight on my shoulders anymore. Let me tell you…IT FEELS GREAT ALREADY!

God: Good, Bix. I’m glad you feel happy, but make sure you fully enjoy it. Make sure you soak it in with appreciation and thankfulness because you know it won’t last.

Me: Uh, oh. That sounds like there was a little warning in what you just said.

God: Who me?

Me: Yes, God. Fess up.

God: I’m just going by what I’ve seen you experience thus far, but my bet is that you will not stay in a perpetual state of happiness for the rest of your days here on Earth.

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  Me: Darn. You mean it’s gonna get bad again?

God: You tell me.

Me: I know. It’s my experience so I make the rules and at some point I will once again go down that dark rabbit hole of pain just to rise up on the other side…stronger, smarter and happier than I had started.

God: That sounds more like you, Bix!

Me: You are right, again. But can’t I just stay a little bit longer in this uplifting, happy moment that I am feeling now? I’m exhausted from feeling sad. I just want to rest my soul a bit. Can I stay here just a little while longer?

God: Stay as long as you’d like. Stay until the cows come home if that is what you choose. It’s all up to you.

Me: Even if someone else intends on dragging me back down? I mean, it’s not ALL up to me, you know. There are others who would like nothing better than to see me wallowing in despair.

God: Don’t be so dramatic, Bix. Your problems may seem big to you but in the grander scale of problems they aren’t so big, are they?

Bix: Nope. I suppose nothing is, but there are those who always seem to drag me down. Is there a way I can stop this from happening?

God: Yes, that is your choice on many fronts. You can choose to be happy in your own experience whenever and wherever you please. On a beach in Hawaii or in the harshest prison in Siberia - happiness is under your own control at all times.

Me: Easier said than done, but I guess it’s got a ring of truth to it.

God: It’s got a GONG of truth to it! Nobody can control how you think. It is of your choosing and it affects the state of being you experience at any moment in time. Becoming self-aware enough to choose and implement a certain state of mind is a powerful gift. It is the one thing that NOBODY can take away from you. You control it at all times - I have made it so.

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  Me: Oh you have, have you? I thought I was creating this experience!

God: Yes. You are…and thank you for making me so great and powerful that I can give the gift of self-awareness back to you!

Me: You are welcome :)

God: You crack me up, Bix. Are you calling yourself “God” now?

Me: Hold on! We are not allowed to say something like that. I am already taking flack for handling these “conversations” in a way that many may take offense to. Now you are throwing in that I just called myself “God?” What will people say?

God: But you are God - and so am I. So are we all. God is everything and everything is God. We are all one and we should all start acting that way. “I am you and you are me and we are we and we are all together!”

Me: I love that song, but remember when John Lennon compared The Beatles to Jesus? Boy that really got him in a heap of trouble. I don’t want to get in that kind of trouble.

God: Interesting take on what happened. Why do you think it got him in a “heap of trouble?”

Me: Well, everyone got mad at him. All the devout Christians were protesting The Beatles, destroying their records and he had to go on TV and take back his words.

God: Did he really? Funny – I don’t remember it that way.

Me: You mean he didn’t?

God: You tell me. Here are his exact words about how he saw God... “not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us."

Me: Hey, isn’t that what you just said? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Yep. You don’t think people will start burning this book do you, Bix? Pretty racy stuff!

Me: Very funny. But I really am not looking to offend anyone by “talking to God”. I just found it a very simple and concise way to get across ideas that can be very complex.

God: And you have.

Me: We should tell others to try it too!

God: Go ahead. Tell them how you talk to God.

Me: It’s easy! Just find a quiet place, clear your mind and start a conversation. Don’t get frustrated at first because it might take some time to get the hang of it. Just ask the questions and let the answers come to you. If they don’t come right away then answer them yourself and move onto the next question. Just let the conversation flow and pretty soon you’ll be talking to God too.

God: Well said, Bix, I would love to have more of these conversations with anyone who dares to ask me a question.

Me: Let me tell you – they all want to talk to you, God!

God: Well then. Ask away people…


*Tip: Here is the best way that I have found to kick-start start the conversation…

You say: “Hi God!” God will say: “Hi (your name). What would you like to talk about?” And off you go… Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Chapter XVII

Ancient History of Earth

Me: Here we go down that Road that threatens my credibility again. I now know that is where greatness lies!

God: This should be fun.

Me: First of all, I have come to the conclusion that almost everything I had been taught in school, as it relates to our human history, is a big fat lie. From recent history to ancient history, all lies meant to steer and control the people. Everything was made up for a purpose: the monetary system, the financial markets, even the cause and result of wars. They even lied about the history of man on Earth - all lies.

God: Yes. For the most part the knowledge of the past is a hidden one.

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  Me: It’s insane! Winston Churchill said, “history is written by the victors”, and given our REAL history, he was right. Those who now control us, control every part of our lives from what we are taught to what we eat to how we think to where we end up. I feel like a puppet.

God: Understandable. But you still have free will and although you can’t change the past you can change the future.

Me: I suppose so, and I am definitely discovering a lot of what I have been lied to about. Is that part of the process I have decided to engage in? Is part of my journey in life the discovery of the hidden mysteries of the past?

God: That sure sounds like something you’d be interested in experiencing.

Me: Hmm. I guess so. I mean, if I was just told all the truths from birth then I guess it wouldn’t be as exciting and satisfying as discovering it on my own.

God: Now you are getting it!

Me: Ok, let’s touch on some of the hidden mysteries now since I’m getting old and want to explore them more going forward.

God: Fire away.

Me: Who built all the ancient pyramids and temples? I know it wasn’t early man with hammers and chisels as we have been taught.

God: Ha! Of course it wasn’t. That wasn’t even a good lie the controllers tried to spread as truth. The ancient buildings were built by earlier civilizations and other beings that have been coming to earth, as well as other planets, since the beginning. They built these structures to withstand the ravages of time and the earth changes that will always accompany a living planet.

Me: Ok, lots to process here. Basically you are saying that aliens exist, our Earth has been settled many times in the past by people outside of our planet and that the Earth is alive. Where do I start? Let’s talk about the earth being alive first. How is that possible?

God: Being alive is a very special and complex phenomenon. It involves consciousness and the potential for growth and change. Although humans tend to lump the word “living” in with a being that eats, sleeps and poops, those actions are more related to the body rather than life itself. Your body

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is a vessel that you have chosen to experience life on Earth. It is not your soul and it is not your spirit. It is merely a vessel you have chosen. The same goes for the Earth. It is a vessel that the entity the ancient Greeks called “Gaia” has chosen to experience.

Me: Even though the Earth doesn’t breathe or feel or grow it is still alive?

God: But the Earth does breathe and feel and grow! Not quite the same as the human body does but in a more profound way. The Earth breathes in the sun, digests and uses that energy to create new matter, and brings that matter to the surface of the Earth.

Me: Come again?

God: In more scientific terms, the sun releases radiation in the form of sub atomic particles called neutrinos. These tiny particles are shot everywhere into space and many pass through the core of the Earth. The core of the earth is not a spinning magnet like you have been taught in school but rather a ball of dynamic plasma that interacts with the neutrinos to create the building blocks of matter - electrons, neutrons, atoms and molecules. Ultimately, the elements of your periodic table are formed at the center of the Earth. As this matter is created inside the Earth’s core it is continually pushed outwards causing the cracks, fissures, volcanoes and earthquakes that you experience on the surface. This is how the Earth is a living physical being.

Me: So with all this matter creation going on at the center of the Earth, is the planet expanding?

God: Yes! The Earth is constantly expanding. You are taught that the Earth is just a sphere of tectonic plates that move around on a molten core but that is not the whole truth. The Earth has been expanding since it was formed and will continue to expand. The scientific theory you have been taught is that 100 million years ago there was one landmass on Earth called Pangaea and the rest of the Earth was covered by water is only a partial truth. It was the only way the scientists could explain why all the landmasses fit together perfectly. The rest of the story is simple - shrink the landmass of Pangaea and remove all the water and you will see that Pangaea fits together in a perfect ball!

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  Me: So at one time the earth was just a small ball of land and it has been expanding and creating matter ever since?

God: Yes. Ever since the entity Gaia entered planet Earth.

Me: That explains why scientists say that the taller dinosaurs that roamed the earth millions of years ago could not survive on earth today due to the strength of our gravity. The dinosaur’s heart would not be strong enough pump the blood to the brain. That’s why the tallest mammal on the surface of the earth today, the giraffe, has the largest heart.

God: Yes, the Earth was much smaller with much smaller gravitational forces when the dinosaurs were present.

Me: That’s so cool!

God: Yes. Hidden facts are very cool.

Me: So those who have controlled our lives by showing us only what they want us to see are hiding the fact that the earth is expanding and changing?

God: Yes.

Me: Why? Are they afraid that if we knew that our planet is unstable we would freak-out?

God: Partially. But there are predictable times when the Earth’s changes are more volatile. For the most part, the earth changes very slowly such that it is hard to tell that these changes are happening. There are also times when the Earth’s changes increase in volume and frequency creating violent earthquakes, volcano eruptions and even cataclysmic changes.

Me: Interesting. How are these times predictable? Can we prepare and plan for the cataclysmic changes?

God: Yes and no. The earth changes have to do with changes in the activity on the sun. The more neutrinos that are kicked out by the sun, the more the earth grows causing the changes you see on the surface. The sun cycles every 11 years due to the magnetic activity of the sun but there are many larger cycles having to do with everything from the position of the planets to the rotation of the solar system around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

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  Me: Seems very astrological which I’m not sure I believe in. Seems too metaphysical for me.

God: Don’t dismiss astrology just because you don’t understand it. Yes, there are metaphysical interactions here that may be difficult to understand, but there are also physical interactions of astronomical objects that can act as catalysts.

Me: What do you mean?

God: Take the gravity of the moon for instance. The gravitational forces from the moon change as it gets closer to Earth in its elliptical orbit. Most know these forces influence the tides but since the body is made up of mostly water, the moon’s gravity can also have a profound effect on the human body.

Me: I’ve heard about that. Isn’t the moon’s effect on people’s emotion where we get the term “lunatic?”

God: Bahaha! Yes. There are many words you use that have roots in the astrological realm, and for good reason. Not only are there physical effects that “interact” with each other as the stars and planets travel about their orbits but there are also non-physical effects that come into play as well. There are patterns in all realms of existence and if observed closely over time, all beings can become harmonious with those patterns and use them as they travel on their personal journey.

Me: Kind of like spiritual signs and guides?

God: You could say so. You could also say that since you are creating this experience it is YOU that put those signs in place to help you get to where you need to go. In a way, you are your own spiritual guide.

Me: I guess that’s kinda cool.

God: It sure is.

Me: I’m feeling that our talk is just about over but there are so many other questions I want to explore. Can we revisit all this on another day? When my mind isn’t so clouded with the problems at hand?

God: That sounds like a good idea.

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  Me: Thank you, God.

God: You are welcome.

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Chapter XVIII

Are We Alone?

Me: Here’s a big controversial question: are we alone in the universe?

God: No.

Me: But aliens aren’t real.

God: And the word “gullible” is not in the dictionary!

Me: What?

God: Look it up.

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  Me: Oh, I get it. Bahaha! Good one!

God: For centuries people were told that the earth was flat and because it looked flat from their perspective and they believed it. Imagine a time when, if you even mentioned the possibility of the world being round, you were looked at like a fool. But once enough people figured out that the world actually was round the whole world then believed that the world was round. From that point on those who thought the world was flat were the new fools.

Me: So aliens are real? There is intelligent life outside of our planet, outside of our solar system, outside of our galaxy?

God: Even outside of your Universe.

Me: Hang on, God. I thought the Universe was everything – the totality of existence.

God: It is, as humans have defined it. But there is much more than just this existence. There are different realms, different dimensions and inexplicable constructs beyond mere existence. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination – which is infinite.

Me: Interesting. I have known for a long time that other beings exist. The eyewitness accounts and physical proof here on Earth is indisputable. Not only that, but I have seen them with my own eyes! I see them almost every night flying around in the sky!

God: Ah - you got yourself a set of night vision goggles, didn’t you?

Me: I did! I love them. I see something I can’t explain almost every night and they aren’t satellites or shooting stars although I see those too. There are bright lights that fly in formation and change direction on a dime. There are cigar shaped craft and the very cool triangle shaped craft. They are flying above the Earth barely visible without the latest version of military night vision goggles. God: Oops…another credibility hit – Bix sees aliens at night! Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  Me: You are darn right I do! I’ve come this far so I can’t start lying to people now. I see spaceships in the sky…and SO CAN YOU if you want to.

God: Have people asked you: “Are you sure they are not just flying bugs, or maybe advanced military aircraft that are being kept secret?”

Me: Of course that is their first reaction. It was mine as well. As far as flying bugs or animals, I am 100% sure they are not. I have seen the bugs and bats and other flying nocturnal animals through the goggles and they don’t look at all like the spaceships I have seen. I do suspect there is an element of advanced manmade craft but the speed and characteristics of some of the spaceships I’ve seen is far beyond what conventional aircraft can do. It’s hard for me to believe that it is human technology.

God: Ok, so now you are out on that limb again talking about something that most people would say was “Crazy Talk.”

Me: I don’t care anymore. I know what I’ve seen.

God: But your society tells you there is no such thing as aliens or extraterrestrial life forms. There are no beings with superior intellect or technology. There is no greater intelligence than mankind and all of the technological advances that have been discovered in the last 100 years have been invented by humans. There is nothing more advanced than what humans have made because HUMANS have yet to invent anything more!

Me: That’s the absurd part of what we are asked to believe. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane in 1903 and it took less than 70 years to put a man on the moon! What will we be capable of in another one hundred years? What about a thousand years? What about a MILLION YEARS?

God: What about a Billion Years?

Me: Exactly. We believe that billions of planets and galaxies have been around for billions of years and yet we still think that everything humans have invented in the last 100 years is pretty much all the technology available in the Universe. In ANY universe - it’s insanity! Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Now you are starting to get it, but are you going to risk talking about this?

Me: Like I said - the greatest things I have come to understand started with a hunch and a risk of my credibility. Luckily, I am not the first one to make the statements that aliens exist. Many US Presidents and heads of State around the world have said that they have seen or had contact with extraterrestrial life going all the way back to George Washington. Are they crazy too?

God: They are not crazy. Nor are you. Intelligent life exists throughout the universe and, like with humans, there is an innate desire to explore other planets and cultures. Human technology is just scratching the surface of what is possible and with time, many humans will be able to explore the cosmos at will.

Me: That sounds so “Star Trek.”

God: It can be very much like “Star Trek” when the time is right.

Me: Why can’t it happen now? I’m ready to check out the Universe!

God: Bahaha! Humans can barely solve their own problems. You have to grow up and fix your problems before you can unleash yourself on the Universe.

Me: It’s hard to grow up when we are chained up and kept in a box, void of real information by our controllers.

God: True. But those chains are being broken and you will soon be freed.

Me: I sure hope so.

God: It will be done. You have willed it to be so.

Me: Ok, a quick question: are extraterrestrial beings good or bad?

God: Like humans, there is both good and bad.

Me: But is it like on Earth with more good than bad? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Yes, there are many more good extraterrestrial beings than bad. There are currently advanced beings protecting the humans on earth from those that have enslaved you. I would suspect that you would agree that these are “Good Beings”.

Me: Yes, but if they are so good and so advanced why can’t they just come down, take out the Bad Guys and fix all the problems we have?

God: That is not what you have chosen to happen. Again, you have chosen this time on Earth to experience the transition: the shift from dark to light. It is an amazing experience and no being has the right to stop you from having the experience of making the change yourselves. That is why you are here: to manifest and experience the change.

Me: Holy Cow! That sounds like a huge responsibility I laid on my own shoulders.

God: The larger the problem, the better the experience of overcoming that problem. Higher highs can be reached starting from lower lows.

Me: Well, once this is over you’d better bet we are all going to have a huge victory celebration!

God: A celebration to end all celebrations…until the next challenge you give yourself!

Me: Geez God, can’t I just finish this one before I start thinking about the next?

God: Ha. Of course - but I know how you are.

Me: Great. I guess there’s no vacation between this experience and the next.

God: Only if you want one, Bix. Only if you want one.

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Chapter XIX

Timing The End Game

Me: Hi God. I guess I’ve danced around this subject long enough…when will the current system implode? Give me that day.

God: Again, you are the decider. It is up to you and all of you that are currently choosing to experience this moment in history.

Me: But if we are all in this together and we all have different desires for the End Game to actually END, how can we all agree and make it happen? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: That is the process that is happening now. The People are waking up. Everyday new information is being provided and people are opening their eyes to the reality. It is a birthing process of sorts.

Me: So when all the people wake up, we will collectively choose to experience the End Game. Is that right?

God: Not all - just enough.

Me: Hmm. How many would that be? One half? One third? How many fully awake people will it take?

God: Much less than that. The people do not have to be fully awake. They just need enough information to know where to put their energies next.

Me: Do you mean towards our next monetary system?

God: The monetary system is only one of the things people are waking up to. There are also problems with the healthcare system, the education system, the environment, the forms of government, religion, your past history, your potential future and on and on. There is so much hidden that needs to be shown and changed before you can progress.

Me: Yes, I know this is what has to happen. No more secrets.

God: No more secrets.

Me: So again – when? When will it all come out? When will enough people open their eyes or have their eyes opened?

God: During and after the next monetary crash. That is the time. That is the moment when people will know enough to say a big fat collective “NO MORE!”

Me: Just say “NO!” huh? No bailouts. No emergency loans. No restructures. No revaluations. Just “no”?

God: Say it like you mean it: “No!”

Me: NO!! Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: Good.

Me: When will it start and when will it end? What day? What month? What year?

God: Truthfully, you have already started and that process will soon climax - not end.

Me: Huh? You mean there will never be a day that we can claim we survived the collapse of the global monetary system?

God: Life is an ongoing process. The damage that was done with your current system will resonate throughout human history going forward. Some will never feel like the process is finished.

Me: Well how about 99% over?

God: That’s up to you.

Me: Ok. If the actual day, month, year of the climax is up to the collective “us”, have we made that decision yet?

God: Yes, it seems you have.

Me: When?

God: You will see what you would call “the meltdown” at the end of the “Seven Year Cycle.”

Me: Wow! You mean September right?

God: Yes.

Me: The end of this year! You actually gave me a date.

God: No. You gave yourself a date.

Me: Yes, of course. But that date makes sense to me. It is the end of the fiscal year for the United States, the holder of the current world’s reserve currency. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



God: True but that is only part of the equation. There are other parts of the equation including the Shemitah, as found in your religious texts.

Me: Isn’t the Shemitah where Jewish people are supposed to forgive all debts every seven years?

God: Yes, but it is not only in the Jewish traditions. In Christianity it is called the Sabbath. Many other faiths and customs follow the seven year cycle, and yet most lenders have failed to observe the practice for a long, long time. The debt has built up over this time to an almost unimaginable scale…hence the need for a much greater monetary meltdown.

Me: Is this God’s way of punishing the people for not following the Seven Year Cycle?

God: Bahaha! I don’t punish. Why would I? You are the one manifesting this experience, so if anyone were to punish anyone it would be YOU punishing YOURSELF.

Me: I understand, although, in my opinion, a global monetary meltdown would be an event of “biblical proportion”.

God: Many will say that.

Me: For a long time I have talked about how the Good Guys and the Bad Guys want the system to implode for their own purposes. The Bad Guys want to take over the world and by destroying the system they are hoping the people will turn towards them for protection from the chaos. The Good Guys, on the other hand, want to take the power away from the Bad Guys by destroying their strong hold on what is used as money and starting fresh.

God: That sounds correct.

Me: So my question is: do both the Good Guys and the Bad Guys want this crash to happen in September?

God: Yes – they both do although the Good Guys may force the collapse much sooner.

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  Me: I know a bit about the “Seven Year Cycle” of economic crashes. I can go back and track the reality of this cycle fairly easily. The September system crash of 2008, the September 11 terrorists attack in 2001, the global bond meltdown in 1994, the stock market crash of 1987, the South American crisis of 1980 and the oil crisis of 1973. All that transpired every 7 years after we went off the Gold Standard. It’s almost as if it was all planned!

God: Yes, it all was.

Me: Is that a construct of the Bad Guys?

God: And the Good Guys - it is a construct of your system.

Me: So no matter what happens between now and then both the Good Guys and Bad Guys have this global monetary system crash baked into their plans? They both want it to happen and both can do things to make it happen?

God: Yes.

Me: I know I also want it to happen therefore, it’s really going to happen!

God: All the cards are in line. It seems you are ready.

Me: So I should believe in the Seven Year Cycle because I can see how it was a fact in my past and I assume it will also be a fact in my future?

God: There is a high probability.

Me: High probability? Not a fact?

God: The future can always change and cycles can help with change. Cycles play many rolls in human evolution. A big part of your experience as human beings is to move forward, to grow and to evolve. Without these cycles, the environment for growth and change would not manifest and there would be little impetus for change.

Me: And change is where we find the best opportunities for growth?

God: Yes, a changing paradigm helps you experience life to it’s fullest.

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  Me: And that’s what I want right?

God: That is what you have chosen.

Me: God, I think I am ready for change.

God: I know you are…and it is coming.

Me: Thank you God – for allowing me to have these conversations with you.

God: You are welcome.

END Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.




The Road Ahead

Me: I don’t know where this Road will lead from here on out. Much of what was

written down in these pages came to me at the very time I needed answers. Although the future seems to be more unknown than ever, I don’t think further explanations from God are needed…at least not right now. Not to say that I have all the answers - far from it. But I do have the tools to move forward as this Road unfolds itself before me.

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There will be challenges in the days, weeks, months and years ahead – that is obvious. But isn’t that why we are all here? Why we have chosen this specific time in human history to experience this existence? There is one thing I am 100% sure of and that is what we are about to experience is not an ordinary event. It is an EXTRAORINARY event in the evolution of mankind and we have chosen to be here to experience it. Now we have no choice. We must face these challenges, we must experience them, we must learn from them, we must grow from them and eventually… We will rise above them. THAT is the challenge we as human beings have given ourselves. THAT is the experience we will take from this life. May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir *For more information or clarification on the subjects presented in this book visit the website that started this Conversation and sign-up for email updates on our progress as we travel down this Road. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



Alan Greenspan’s Parting Words

Greenspan’s Golden Testimony

A new twist on an old story… In 2010 Alan Greenspan testified before the US Congress about the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. Even though he was under oath, I'm sure that the Commission had been coached with a pre-scripted list of softball questions that Greenspan could babble on for hours about. Congressmen make lousy actors. But what if someone else got to ask the questions? And what if Greenspan actually told the REAL TRUTH this time? The truth that only a few people in the world know… Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  The following is a sworn testimony from Alan Greenspan that DID NOT take place in front of any Congressional Committee, but it may in the very near future. Greenspan will be questioned by a character he knows well in this saga - the Fed Boston comic book hero, ROOTA. Any attempt at fabricating or twisting the truth will be squashed as… ROOTA KNOWS ALL!

Now the sworn testimony from The Maestro…

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Greenspan, please raise your right hand. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? GREENSPAN: I do. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: Thank you for testifying. It will be nice to hear the truth come from your lips after all these years, and I'm sure you feel relieved that you are finally able to speak freely. GREENSPAN: I have very much looked forward to this. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I'm going to get right to the guts of this hearing if you don't mind. Throughout the first part of your life you were the most avid Gold Bug on the planet, but in the mid 1980's you sold out to the banking cabal and became gold's biggest enemy - why did you do it?

GREENSPAN: I didn't. I have always been a diehard advocate of using

gold as money and I continue to be so today. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But you worked for the evil Federal Reserve Bank. You were the king of un-backed fiat money which is the opposite of gold: the only real money.

GREENSPAN: Yes. I did work for the Federal Reserve Bank but only at the calling of my country. You see, back in the 1960's and 1970's the United States of America was in the throws of a secret take over by a cabal of banking and industrial interests, and they were winning the battle. I was

tasked with taking back the monetary system of our nation. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  COMMISSIONER ROOTA: That's about as far fetched a claim as I have ever heard!

GREENSPAN: Is it really? Ask yourself a question: Who is the person most responsible for the crisis we are in today? If you are thinking it's me, YOU ARE RIGHT! And what do you think will be the final outcome of the monetary crisis? I'll tell you what the outcome is - the total destruction of all debt based monetary assets. Everyone will lose everything held by a 3rd party in a blink of an eye and we will return to our Constitutional Gold

Standard. How's that for a Gold Bug?! COMMISSIONER ROOTA: What? You think this is a good thing?

GREENSPAN: Remember where we started. Our country was on the brink of losing everything to the Bad Guys. They had just taken down Kennedy, they had control of the media, the military, the intelligence agencies and they had control of the gold and silver. Everyone was scared to death of the Bad Guys then I came along with a plan to better the world at the same

time as I took the Bad Guys down. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: What plan was this?

GREENSPAN: It was based off two Nobel Prize winning economic theories developed in the 1960's called "The Golden Rule" theory and "On The Road to The Golden Age" theory which basically said that the best way to return to the gold standard was to squeeze out all the benefits of an un-

backed fiat monetary system while people still accepted it.

The way I got involved was that I devised a way to control the prices of commodities using computer programs that I had written in the 1960's. Yep, I was the biggest computer geek in the world before computer geeks turned cool. That was my plan. Use my computer programs to rig the markets far longer than anyone thought possible controlling the prices of almost everything to disguise the fact that we were running the printing

presses at full speed the whole time.

My childhood friend John Kemeny, the inventor of the computer language BASIC, helped me write the early programs. My mentor and friend, the ex Fed Chairman, Arthur Burns, saw the potential of my plan and helped get

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me get appointed as the head of the Council of Economic Advisers for

President Ford. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But wait. Aren't we worse off today than we've ever been? Just look around you. Everything is falling apart!

GREENSPAN: Well, that's true but that was always the End Game. We'd abuse the currency, run up massive debt, get the whole world to buy into the concept of "free money" and then pull the plug on it all making people

face the hard, cold reality that there is no free lunch. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: So you are saying we can't have a stable un backed fiat monetary system?

GREENSPAN: Without total control of commodity prices, all un-backed fiat currencies will fail. A gold based monetary system, out of the control of man, has always been the answer in an open and free market. History has shown that when human beings control the supply of money they always destroy its value, without exception. It is the ultimate power over the People. How quickly we forgot that famous quote from the dark lord who

attacked our young nation:

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes its

laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild COMMISSIONER ROOTA: So we are at that point where we pull the plug on the un-backed fiat money system? Is this what you had planned all along?

GREENSPAN: Well, it didn't go exactly as planned. Things got sticky when President Reagan left office. A group of the Bad Guys, run by George Bush Sr., were given full control of the market rigging operations and we all had to go into hiding. Clinton, Bush II and Obama were all controlled by the same powerful demons that stole my rigging programs. Luckily, I figured out a way to gain control back. I just had to give them plenty of rope to hang themselves by their own greed, hence the deregulation of

derivatives and removal of almost all regulatory controls. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: So you did it all on purpose knowing the Bad Guys would indulge to the point where it all collapsed? Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.



GREENSPAN: Yep, and I almost got them in 2008 but they were able to delay their final destruction but we are now at the point where Humpty Dumpty sings "Ashes to Ashes we all fall down!" This will end the 100-year

battle at last. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I can't see the Bad Guys losing anything. They never lose.

GREENSPAN: THEY ALREADY HAVE! Can't you see it? The derivative bubble has blown and the losses are floating around in the back rooms and attics hidden by shady accounting. What will transpire is the same thing that has happened to thousands of un-backed fiat currencies in our past...they will implode. This does not only include paper money but everything we think has value but actually holds no real value. Everything means: checking, savings, 401k's, IRA's, Gov't Bonds, money market funds, stocks, bonds, pensions - EVERYTHING MADE OF DEBT BASED

PAPER OR ELECTRONIC BITS! COMMISSIONER ROOTA: And you think this is a good thing?

GREENSPAN: You tell me. Look around at what is killing our countries, our citizens, our businesses - IT'S DEBT! Fiat debt created out of thin air by the banking cabal for so long that we don't remember what it's like to have money that has intrinsic value - THAT IS NOT SOMEBODY'S DEBT


The coming crash will not only erase all paper/electronic wealth but it will

also erase all debt. Voila! No more problems. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But where does that leave us? We'll have nothing!

GREENSPAN: Aaah... but that's where you are blinded by years of fiat monetary abuse. Wealth is all around us. It is in the soil of our bountiful country, it is in the work ethic of our strong people, it is in the brilliance of our esteemed professors and it is in the wonderful spirit of the human soul. We are a wealthy nation, it's just that the wealth has been stolen by the few at the expense of the many. Once paper and electronic wealth disappears, it

will correct that great wrong of disproportionate wealth distribution. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  COMMISSIONER ROOTA: But we'll still have no money. Are you suggesting we re-allocate money to everyone in the country? How is that possible?

GREENSPAN: I have already thought of that. We are going to need to start again with new money. We will allocate the new money by how much you have invested into the system up to this point. Your hard work has been carefully tracked over the years through your SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES! And you thought those measly Social Security payments wouldn't matter. It was always the plan to reallocate money to the People using the benchmark of what you've paid into social security. That solution will also fix one of my first challenges when I began this journey back in the early

1970' FIX the Social Security System. TAA-DAA! Fixed. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: Is that why Social Security taxes are so low for the rich? So there won't be any more ultra rich folks after the crash?

GREENSPAN: Yes. It's time to start fresh. We will begin with a nation full of rich people because no one will have too much and no one will have too least to start with. The free markets will take over in time and those who are smarter, faster and better than others will surely begin to

accumulate more of the wealth over time. It is the nature of Free Markets. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I am truly blown away and yet it really makes me feel like there might be a way out of our mess! How can I be sure that this is the TRUTH, as you claim?

GREENSPAN: You will see in time. But if you want some hints into the reality of what is going on follow the folks over at GATA. They are on the

front lines of the gold wars and they are working with us. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I LOVE GATA! But why should I believe that YOU were on our side all along?

GREENSPAN: Well, I guess it won't hurt to let you peak behind the curtain a bit. Follow this link

and read what has been discovered so far. It's the story of you Roota! I hope I did you proud and in the end you can forgive me for lying to you all these years. COMMISSIONER ROOTA: I hope so too, Alan. I hope so too. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.


  About the author: Bix Weir has 30 years experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the "Road to Roota Theory" and his commentary and analysis are published at

annual Silver Summit in Spokane, Washington. . Bix is a frequent guest on alternative media talk shows and is a featured speaker at the Over the last 15 years Bix has dedicated his efforts to exposing the long-term manipulation of the gold and silver markets. He has worked closely with the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) helping to pull the curtain away from the Cabal of international bankers that has taken control of our free market system. At Bix deals with the conspiracy and manipulation side of the gold, silver and financial markets and is not constrained by conventional thinking of how market prices fluctuate. Bix has developed this website to aid in the discovery of the truth behind our massively manipulated markets and to help expose those who threaten our free market system. Copyright, LLC - Reproduction of this material is restricted without permission.




“Gold and Economic Freedom” - Alan Greenspan, 1966

“On the Road to the Golden Age” – Bertil Naslund, 1969

“The Golden Rule Savings Rate” – Edmund Phelps, 1961

“Wishes and Rainbows” - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1981(revised 2007)

“The Road to Roota: A Teachers Guide” - Fed Boston, 1981(revised 2007)

“The Road to Roota Theory” - Bix Weir, 2007-2015

Looking at Greenspan’s Long Lost Thesis – Barron’s, 2008

NY Times Article June 19, 1912: “Tell of Vast Riches in Grand Canyon” free/pdf?_r=2&res=940DE7D71F31E233A2575AC1A9609C946396D6CF

“Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill” - Bix Weir, 2013

“Why the United States is Trying to Destroy the Dollar” – Bix Weir, 2007

“A Final Checklist for Everyone” – Bix Weir, 2015

Special Thanks to Clif High…The Most Aware Human Alive!

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