Alessandro Volta: Biography of the Battery Inventor

Alessandro Volta
( about batteries )
Alessandro Volta was born in 18 February 1745 in Como, Italy,
and he died on the 5th of March 1827 in the same place.
His criteria were first to invent. And with these criteria, he
discovered the first battery in 1800. This is only one of his
inventions. He invented also the electrophonic which is one
instrument for the accumulation of static electricity. The next
one is the electroscope. Is the tool for highlighting the potential
differences. And the first battery in the history was invented by
him called „cell voltaic“ which allows the transformation of
chemical energy into electricity. Alessandro Volta studied a lot and fallow one chemistry
school. After his results, he was a teacher of one big and important university.
In 1775 he devised the electropus. After 2 years, he started to study the chemistry
and in the same time he discovered the methane. In 1779 he became a professor of
physics at one univerisity. In 1800 the important one year, he discovered the so called
voltaic pile. After ten years Napoleon made him count. After, in 1815 the Emperor of
Austria named him a professor of philosophy at Padova. He worked where he published 5
volumes in Florence after one year.
In 1888 the volt was name in his honour (volt from Volta). The history (timeline)
before in 1748 Benjamin Franklin first coined the term „battery“ to describe an array of
charged glass plates. In 1780 to 1786 Luis Giovanni demonstrated what we now
understand to be electrical basis of nerve impulses and provided the cornerstone of
research for later inventions like Volta to create batteries. In 1800, Alessandro Volta
showed people that he didn`t discover just the battery, but also he discovered the first
practical method of generating electricity. After some good years, in 1836, the voltatic pile
could not delivered electrical current for a long time. So John Daniell Cell used two
electrolytes: copper sulphate and zinc sulphate.After the first invention of his, some
important people realised also something important like William Robert Grove . He
developed the first full cell that provided electrical by combining hydrogen and oxygen. In
1839 – 1842 the inventors created improvements to batteries that used liquid electrodes to
produce electricity. The most successful was invented by Bunsen (1842) and Grove
(1839). Lugi Gavalani noted „ the animal electricity “ because , when two different metals
were connected in series with the frog`s leg an to one another. Volta realised that the
frog`s leg served both of a conductor
electricity and as a detector of electricity. He
replaced the frog's leg with brine-soaked paper, and detected the flow of electricity by
other means familiar to him from his previous studies. In this way he discovered the
electrochemical series, and the law that the electromotive force (emf) of a galvanic cell,
consisting of a pair of metal electrodes separated by electrolyte, is the difference between
their two electrode potentials.
In honour of his work, Volta was made a count by Napoleon in 1801. Furthermore,
he was depicted upon the Italian 10,000 Lire (no longer in circulation) along with a sketch
of his famous Voltaic Pile.
Finally, Alessandro Volta invented the first battery in 1800. He discovered the first
battery after he taught in a big University. He tried also some other experiments with some
other things. And finally in 1964 the Duracell battery was incorporated. He was really
ambitious. During the days which used to go, Alessandro Volta studied and experimented
at the same time with atmospheric electricity by igniting static sparks.