RegisteredNumber5163698 LSPROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED REPORTANDFINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHEYEARENDED31 MARCH2011 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED I i Directors' Report for the year ended 31 March 2011 The directorssubmittheirreportwiththe auditedfinancialstatementsof the Company for the year ended 31 March2011. RESULTSFORTHEYEARANDDIVIDEND The resultsare set out in the Profitand Loss Account on page 4. The directorsdo not recommend the payment of a dividendfor the year ended 31 March 2011 (2010: £Nil). PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY, REVIEW OFTHEBUSINESS ANDFUTURE DEVELOPMENTS The Company operates primarilyas a fundingvehicle for LandSecuritiesGroup PLC and its subsidiaries. No changes in the Company's principalactivityare anticipatedin the foreseeable future. FINANCIAL RISKMANAGEMENT The Company's debt financingand use of interestrate swaps exposes itto a varietyof financialrisksthat includethe effects of changes in liquidity,fairvalue of swaps, interestrates and exchange rates. The Company uses interestrate swaps and similarinstruments(forwardrate agreements, forwardstartingswaps, etc) to manage its interest rate exposure, however there is currentlyno hedging in place to protectagainst currency gains and losses. The Company's principalfinancialassets are cash and inter-companyloans; ittherefore has negligiblecredit risk. The credit riskon derivative financialinstrumentsis limiteddue to the Company's policy of monitoringcounterpartyexposures. The Company has no significant concentrationof credit risk,withexposure spread over a large numberof counterparties. The Company has a £1.5bn committedfacilitydue 31 August 2013 and five bilateralfacilitiesof a totalof £700.0m. This is designed to ensure thatthe Company has sufficientavailablefunds to lend to other group undertakingsfor operations and planned futureinvestments. The fair value of the Company's borrowingsand interestrate swaps varies according to changes in the marketcost of borrowing. POSTBALANCE SHEETEVENTS On 3 May 2011, £23.5m, all of the remaining4.625 per cent Notes due 2013 were repaid. DIRECTORS The directors who held office duringthe year and up to the date of this reportwere: F W Salway C M Gill K W B Hannah D L F Holt S S S Leung D Rough S A West M R Wood M F Greenslade INDEMNITY The Company has made qualifyingthirdpartyindemnityprovisionsfor the benefit of the respective directorswhich were in place throughoutthe year and which remainin place at the date of this report. STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION TO AUDITORS In the case of each directorin office at the date the Directors'Report is approved, the followingapplies: so far as the directoris aware, there is no relevantaudit informationof which the Company's auditorsare unaware;and he has taken all the steps thathe ought to have taken as a directorin order to make himselfaware of any relevantaudit informationand to establish thatthe Company's auditorsare aware of that information. Registered Office 5 Strand London WC2N5AF By order of the Board L F Turner,for and on behalf of LS Company Secretaries Limited, Company Secretary 20 December 2011 Registered in Englandand Wales Registered number:5163698 Page 1 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED I Directors'Responsibilitiesfor the year ended 31 March2011 i Statement of directors' responsibilities The directorsare responsible for preparingthe Directors'Report and the financialstatementsin accordance withapplicable law and regulations. Company law requiresthe directorsto prepare financialstatementsfor each financialyear. Underthatlaw the directors have prepared the financialstatements in accordance withUnitedKingdomGenerallyAccepted Accounting Practice (UnitedKingdomAccounting Standardsand applicable law). Undercompany law the directorsmust not approve the financialstatementsunless they are satisfiedthatthey give a true and fairview of the state of affairsof the Company and of the profitor loss of the Company for thatperiod. In preparingthese financialstatements, the directors are requiredto: • • • • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and estimates thatare reasonable and prudent; state whetherapplicable UKAccounting Standardshave been followed, subject to any materialdeparturesdisclosed and explained in the financialstatements;and prepare the financialstatementson the going concern basis unless it is inappropriateto presume thatthe Company willcontinue in business. The directorsare responsible for keeping adequate accounting records thatare sufficientto show and explainthe Company's transactionsand disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financialposition of the Company and enable them to ensure thatthe financialstatements comply withthe Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguardingthe assets of the Company and hence for takingreasonable steps for the preventionand detection of fraud and other irregularities. Page 2 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED IndependentAuditors' Reportto the Membersof LS PropertyFinanceCompanyLimitedfor the year ended I 31 I I March2011 We have auditedthe financialstatementsof LS PropertyFinance Company Limitedfor the year ended 31 March 2011 which comprise the Profit and Loss Account, the Reconciliationof Movements in Total Shareholder's Funds, the Balance Sheet and the related notes. The financial reportingframeworkthat has been applied in theirpreparationis applicable law and UnitedKingdomAccounting Standards (UnitedKingdom GenerallyAccepted Accounting Practice). Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors As explained more fullyin the Directors'ResponsibilitiesStatement,the directors are responsible for the preparationof the financialstatements and for being satisfiedthatthey give a true and fairview. Our responsibilityis to auditand express an opinion on the financialstatementsin accordance withapplicable law and International Standardson Auditing(UK and Ireland). Those standardsrequireus to comply withthe AuditingPractices Board's EthicalStandardsfor Auditors. This report,includingthe opinions, has been prepared for and only for the Company's members as a body in accordance withChapter3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibilityfor any other purpose or to any other person to whom this reportis shown or intowhose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. Scope of the audit of the financial statements An auditinvolves obtainingevidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financialstatementssufficientto give reasonable assurance that the financialstatementsare free from materialmisstatement,whether caused by fraudor error. This includes an assessment of: whetherthe accounting policies are appropriateto the Company's circumstances and have been consistentlyapplied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significantaccountingestimates made by the directors; and the overall presentationof the financialstatements. Opinion on financial statements In our opinion the financialstatements: • • • give a true and fairview of the state of the Company's affairsas at 31 March2011 and of its profitfor the year then ended; have been properlyprepared in accordance withthe UnitedKingdomGenerallyAccepted Accounting Practice; and have been prepared in accordance withthe requirementsof the Companies Act 2006. Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 In our opinion the informationgiven in the Directors'Report for the financialyear for which the financialstatementsare prepared is consistent withthe financialstatements. Matters on which we are required to report by exception We have nothingto report in respect of the followingmatterswhere the Companies Act 2006 requiresus to reportto you if, in our opinion: • • • • adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returnsadequate for our audithave not been received from branches not visitedby us; or the financialstatements are not in agreement withthe accounting records and returns;or certaindisclosures of directors' remunerationspecified by law are not made; or we have not received all the informationand explanationswe requirefor our audit. John (Senior StatutoryAuditor) Por a 'd on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Cherfered Accountants and StatutoryAuditors London 20 December 2011 Page 3 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED I Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2011 Notes Profit before interest and taxation Interestreceivable and similarincome Interestpayable and similarcharges 2011 £'000 2010 £'000 . 3 4 212,752 (212,048) 704 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Taxation Profit for the financial year 226,132 (225,441) 691 (t97) (193) 507 498 I Reconciliation of Movements in Total Shareholder's Funds for the year ended 31 March 2011 Notes Profitfor the financialyear 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 507 498 507 498 Addition to shareholder's funds Opening shareholder's funds 1,904 1,406 Closing shareholder's funds 2,411 1,904 All amounts arise from continuingoperations. There is no difference between reported profitand historicalcost profiton ordinaryactivitiesbefore taxation. There are no recognised gains or losses other thanthose shown in the Profitand Loss Account above. Page 4 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED I BalanceSheet as at 31 March2011 I Notes 2011 2010 £'000 £'000 6 3,451,214 3,451,214 3,295,204 3,295,204 Current assets Loans receivable Debtors fallingdue withinone year Cash at bank and in hand 6 7 23,514 37,698 19,063 80,275 299,631 48,394 79,079 427,104 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Loan payable 8 (23,514) (54,350) Fixed assets Investments Loan receivable Other Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after one year Loan payable Borrowings 10 Net assets Capital and reserves Called up share capital Profitand loss account Total shareholder's funds 11 12 (299,631) (125,569) 2,411 1,904 3,453,625 3,297,108 (3,023,532) (427,682) (3,295,204) 2,411 1,904 2,411 1,904 2,411 1,904 The financialstatementson pages 4 to 8 were approved and authorisedfor issue by the board directorson 20 December 2011 and were signed on its behalf by: C MGill Director Page 5 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 I 1. Accounting Policies I The financialstatementshave been prepared on the going concern basis, underthe historicalcost convention. (a) Interest income and interest expense Interestincome and interestexpense are recognised on an accruals basis by applyingthe effective interest rate which takes account of the amortisationof finance costs over the termof the Loan note. (b) Interest rate swaps The Company uses interest rate swaps to help manage its interest rate risk, and cross-currency swaps to manage its currency risk. In accordance with its treasurypolicy, the Company does not hold or issue derivativesfor tradingpurposes. All derivativesare initiallyrecognised at fairvalue at the date the derivativeis entered into and are subsequently re-measured at fairvalue. The gains or losses on derivativesare recognised in the income statementimmediately. (c) Taxation Taxationis charged at the corporationtax rate of 28%. (d) Loans receivable / payable Loan receivable / payable is recognised initiallyat fairvalue less attributabletransactioncosts. Subsequent to initialrecognition,loan receivable / payable is stated at amortised cost withany difference between the amount initiallyrecognised and redemptionvalue being recognised in the profitand loss account over the period of the loan receivable / payable, using the effective interestmethod. (e) Borrowings Borrowingsare recognised initiallyat fair value less attributabletransactioncosts. Subsequent to initialrecognition, borrowings are stated at amortised cost withany difference between the amount initiallyrecognised and redemptionvalue being recognised in the profitand loss account over the period of the borrowings,using the effective interestmethod. I 2. Management and administrative expenses '1 (a) Management services The Company had no employees duringthe year (2010: None). Managementservices were provided to the Company throughoutthe year by Land Securities PropertiesLimited,which is a group undedaking. (b) Directors' emoluments The directors of the Company received no emoluments from LandSecurities PropertiesLimitedfor theirservices to the Company. The amounts allocated to services for this Companywere of negligiblevalue (2010: £Nil). (c) Auditors' remuneration The Group's auditors' remunerationis borne by Land Securities PropertiesLimited.The proportionof the remunerationwhich relates to the Company amounts to £1,596 (2010: £1,520). The auditorsreceived no remunerationfor non-auditservices provided to the Company duringthe year(2010:£Nil). I 3. Interest receivable and similar income I 2011 Bank interest Amortisationof bond issue gains Fairvalue gains on interestrate swaps On an amount owing from a group undertaking Other interestreceivable 2010 £'000 £'000 350 1,191 246 - 367 5,576 212,122 218,998 212,752 226,132 34 Page 6 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 I 4. Interest payable and similar charges J 2011 Borrowings Amortisationof bond issue losses Otherfinancingcosts Fairvalue losses on interestrateswaps On an amount owing to a group undertaking 2010 £'000 £'000 1,701 25,537 9,132 3,879 200,242 195,866 212,048 225,441 19 954 159 The interestrateswaps held by the Company do not qualifyfor hedge accounting, therefore, gains or losses are recognised in the Profitand Loss Account. J 5. Taxation 201t Analysis of tax charge for the year Corporationtax on profitfor the year Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities 2010 £'000 £'000 197 197 193 193 Factors affecting the tax charge for the year The currenttax charge for the year equates to the standardrate of corporationtax in the UK of 28%. J 6. Loans receivable J 2011 Amounts owed from Land Securities (Finance) Limited: Amounts fallingdue withinone year Amounts fallingdue aftermore than one year 2010 £'000 £'000 23,514 3,451,214 299,631 3,295,204 3,474,728 3,594,835 The unsecured loan to the group undertakingrelates to fixed rate Loan Notes and is repayable when the note it relates to is repaid. Interestis charged at the interestrate on the related note plus 0.01%. J 7. Debtors J 2011 Corporationtax Otherdebtors Prepayments and accrued income 2010 £'000 £'000 310 18,868 18,520 37,698 187 26,059 22,148 48,394 I 8. Loans payable 2011 Amounts owed to LandSecuritiesCapitalMarketsPIc - due withinone year - due aftermore than one year 2010 £'000 £'000 23,514 3,023,532 299,631 3,295,204 3,047,046 3,594,835 The unsecured loan to the group undertakingrelates to fixed rate Loan Notes and is repayable when the note it relatesto is repaid. Interestis charged at the interestrate on the related note plus 0.01% I 9. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year j 2011 Fairvalue of derivativeinstruments Amount owed to a group undertaking Accruals 2010 £'000 £'000 2,029 32,878 19,443 54,350 1,075 98,417 26,077 125,569 Page 7 LS PROPERTY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 I 10. Borrowings I 2011 £'000 2010 £'000 (318) Unamortisedissue (expenses) / gains Syndicated bank debt 428,000 427,682 At 31 March2011, the Company has a £1.5bn authorisedcreditfacilitywith a legal finalmaturityof August 2013, of which £428m of the facility was drawndown. The facilityis committedand is secured on the assets of the SecurityGroup. The interestrates are floatingat LIBORplus a marginbetween 1.25% and 1.70%. I 11. Calledup share capital I Allottedand fullypaid 2011 2010 Ordinaryshares of £ 1.00 each £ £ 100 100 I 12. Reserves At 1 April2010 Profitfor the financialyear At 31 March 2011 I Called up Share Capital £'000 Profitand Loss Account £'000 Total £'000 - 1,904 507 2,411 1,904 507 2,411 I 13. Post balance sheet event I On 3 May 2011, £23.5m, all of the remaining4.625 per cent Notes due 2013 were repaid. I 14. Cash flow statement exemption The Company is a wholly owned subsidiaryof Land SecuritiesGroup PLC which prepares a consolidated cash flow statement. The Company has therefore elected to make use of the exemption provided in FinancialReportingStandard1 (revised 1996) "Cash Flow Statements"not to produce its own cash flow statement. I I 15. Related party transactions The Company is a whollyowned subsidiaryof Land Securities Group PLC and has taken advantage of the exemption provided in paragraph 3(c) of FinancialReportingStandard8 "Related Party Disclosures"not to make disclosure of transactionswithother entitiesthatare partof the group. [ 16, Parent company The immediateparentcompany is Land Securities PLC. The ultimateparentcompany at 31 March 2011 was Land SecuritiesGroup PLC, which is registered in Englandand Wales. This is the largest parent company of the group to consolidate these financialstatements. Consolidated financialstatementsfor the year ended 31 March2011 for Land SecuritiesGroup PLC can be obtained from the Company Secretary, 5 Strand,London WC2N 5AF. This is the largest and smallestGroup to includethese accounts in its consolidated financial statements. Page 8