Sexuality as a Social Concept 4. Be able to explain the principles of

Learning Objectives: Sexuality as a
Social Concept
Foundational Concepts
1. Be able to define and explain the following
Socializing Agent
Inis Baeg
Cultural Comparisons
2. Be able to explain, in detail, the sexual customs
of the following cultures
Social Learning Theory
3. Be able to summarize the general theory/hypothesis behind social learning theory
4. Be able to explain the principles of Operant
Conditioning, including
Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement
5. Be able to explain the three principles of
Social Learning Theory
6. Be able to explain how Social Learning Theory may contribute to our sexual morals, attitudes,
and behaviors
Learning Objectives: Chapter 8
The Scope Of Gender
Gender Role
1. Be able to define, explain, and know the
difference between each of the following
Gender Identity
2. Be able to understand the difference between the biological basis and social-construction of gender
The Biological Basis of Gender
2. Be able to explain the role of the three
components of the biological basis of
3. Be able to define and explain:
Brain Structure
The Mullerian Duct
The Wolffian Duct System
4. From the “rat research” discussed in class, be able to summarize the findings of the effects of
hormones on brain development
5. Be able to summarize the structural differences in the male and female brain and how they influence
the concept of gender
Social Construction of Gender
Condry & Condry, 1976
Langlois & Downs, 1980
6. For the empirical research studies listed
above, be able to summarize the following:
a. Purpose
b. Methods and
c. Results
d. Implications
Read and know the following info from the text
Gender Variations
7. Be able to define and explain the difference between an intersex individual and a transgender
Klinefelter’s syndrome
8. Be able to explain the following different
variations that account for intersex conditions
9. Using the information that we learned in class, be able to provide an explanation for how an individual
could be transgender
Learning Objectives: Chapter 9
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation In Context
1. Be able to list an explain the components of sexual orientation and why each component contributes
to the concept of sexual orientation
2. Be able to summarize Kinney’s Rating Scale for Sexual Orientation
3. Be able to summarize the controversy surrounding bisexuality
4. Be able to summarize prevalence rates of homosexuality among women and men
Origins of Homosexuality
5. Be able to summarize the following biological
causes of homosexuality:
a. Genetics
b. Brain Structure
c. Prenatal Environment
6. Be able to summarize the similarities and differences of typical coming-of-age experiences of gay
men and lesbians
7. Be able to summarize the stages of coming out and what typically occurs
Read and know the following info from the text:
Homosexual Lifestyles
8. Be able to summarize the research about homosexuals as parents
9. Be able to summarize the findings about sexual orientation “reparative therapy”
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