Checklist: Stand-Alone Publication Funding Programme Checklist

Checklist: Stand-Alone Publication Funding Programme
Checklist for innovative publication-formats
All documents are to be submitted on paper (with original signatures) and in electronic form. No
signatures are required in the electronic versions of application documents. The files are to be
named as indicated below, and file sizes are to be kept to a minimum. The size of all files
submitted on the data medium must not exceed 5 MB.
Application forms
 Application forms (9 pages; consisting of the "Application form" and the "Programme-specific data"
 (where applicable) Publisher's declaration of commitment in the case of cooperation with a publisher
 One-page academic abstract in the language of the manuscript comprising no more than 450 words
(DIN A4 format; font: Times New Roman or Arial 11pt; no formulas or special characters). The
academic abstract will be used to inform potential reviewers about the project.
 Two one-page abstracts for the FWF's public relations (PR) work: one in German, one in English.
These abstracts are also subject to the limit of 450 words (DIN A4 format) and should contain the
following information: 1) title of application, 2) content of publication, and 3) an explanation indicating
what is new and/or special about the publication. The language of the PR abstracts should be
comprehensible to non-specialist audiences and contain as few technical/specialist terms as possible.
 Form Co-authors; it must also be indicated in the form if there are no co-authors for this application.
 (where applicable) Justification of the choice of publisher in German and English.
 For publications which serve as a basis for academic qualifications (e.g. revised doctoral
dissertations, postdoctoral dissertations), applicants are required to submit a copy of all assessments.
 Academic curriculum vitae (no more than 3 pages) and publication list for each applicant 1.
 Enclosures
Requirements for academic CVs and publication lists:
Academic CV (no more than 3 pages)
Personal details, address and web site;
Main areas of research;
Description of academic career and positions held to date (in list form, with brief description of reasons for any
career breaks);
(where applicable) Highest academic prizes/recognition received (no more than 5 in each of the following
categories: 5 most important invitations to present at academic conferences; 5 most important academic
prizes/awards received; 5 most important peer review activities, editorships and/or memberships in academic
(where applicable) Most important research projects funded in the past (no more than 5); please include only
those (peer-reviewed) research projects where the applicant was the main person responsible for planning and
execution. For each project, please include the title, funding agency, duration and amount of funding;
(where applicable) Names and institutions of key international cooperation partners in the last 5 years.
Publication lists must include the following information: All authors, complete titles, journal, year and page numbers.
For each publication, either a DOI address ( or another persistent identifier
( should be indicated. For publications with more than 20 authors, an
"et al." reference can be used. In addition, the publications should be freely accessible in accordance with the FWF’s
Open Access Policy. This applies in any case to publications from past or current FWF projects; see
List of all published or accepted scholarly publications (journals, monographs, anthologies, contributions to
anthologies, proceedings, research data, etc.) in the last five years, broken down into a) peer-reviewed
publications and b) non-peer-reviewed publications;
 Separate listing of the 10 most important scholarly publications in the researcher's entire career to date.
Stand-Alone Publication Checklist for innovative publication-formats / June 2016
A description (in English) of the technical implementation of the digital publication (no more than 10
Please include the following information:
 Presentation of the content and technical features (language of publications, links to sources
and research data, translation function for foreign-language terms, linked terms, additional
tools, etc.)
o provide stable URLs to linked sources. Also, linked sources with long term
archiving are preferred.
 Links to existing digital publications with related content
o provide stable URLs
 Software/databases used and technical implementation
 Strategy sustained long-term archiving
 How the citability of content will be guaranteed
 Open usage rights must be ensured by means of Creative Commons licences (CC-BY or CC0)
 Plan for sustained funding for at least 6 years (NB: THE FWF DOES NOT PROVIDE
Cost calculations in English
Representative example or demo version of planned publication
File name requirements
 Forms.pdf (= completed application forms, consisting of the "Application form" and the "Programmespecific data" form)
 Commitment.pdf (= publisher's declaration of commitment; where applicable)
 Academic_abstract.pdf (= academic abstract in the language of the manuscript)
 PR_abstract_deu.doc and PR_abstract_eng.doc (= abstracts for FWF’s public relations work in
German and English, each in a separate file)
 Co-authors.pdf (= completed co-author form)
 Publisher_choice.doc or .pdf (= reasons for choosing the given publisher; where applicable)
 Reviews.doc or .pdf (= reviews for publications which serve as a basis for academic qualifications)
 CV.doc or pdf (= academic CV and publication list)
 Technical_description.doc or .pdf (= Description of technical implementation)
 Costs.doc or .pdf (= Cost calculation)
 Content.doc or .pdf (= Representative example or demo version; URLs can also be submitted)
Enclosures (where required)
 Annex_Overview_Revision.pdf (= overview text accompanying revised applications; see Section 2.5
of application guidelines)
 Annex_Revision.doc/.pdf (= responses to reviews in the case of revisions; responses to each review
in a separate file; Annex_Revision_A.doc/.pdf, Annex_Revision_B.doc/.pdf, etc.)
 Annex_Reviewers.doc (= negative list, if recommended)
Stand-Alone Publication Checklist for innovative publication-formats / June 2016