Name of str-ident: fHactul ft,",rkx# &r&M E.'rei _/ Physics Teacher: Physics A OCR AS Syllabus Hl58 replacing 3BB3 Module: G482 Electrons, Waves and Photons Exam questions on electriciQ overlup the topic boundaries und so the selection of questions here may cover other topics than thst stated. Topic i 2.2.3 2.2.4 esistance Resistivity These questions have been taken from recent papers up to 2009, based on specification 3883. The old specification is a close but not perfect match and some parts of the new specification are not covered. Remember a separate forrnulaldata sheet is available in the examination. You may need to look at this to answer these questions fJdr' ?=u/L (a) trl'\&\'y Ncf Vv (:& #rpu c(uf ;f DeJine the ohm' Viftlr,-3l t1l (b) 6 5 rlA 4 .) Z 1 n# "0 Fig' 1'1 (i) V wiih the potential difference varies resistance State how ihe '.""'{; 1 acroSS the resistor 'i,o, ., ,.,.. igi; i:s igr*sLsi.'>r€{tbrtug* .. i#=*tt:q-usi-af t1l l-*-tt*t* t1l t o ocF 2009 (i i) have when the resistor and the filament lamp state the value of the potential difference the same resistance. Expl{4Xour answer' . ?:.C)V U *"d""""' ;; : *-f JA&Lta^r TftJ. e.,..rt t€^\' fi = Ja;g {o,L o C)'€=+g : \r gll'lG 5.tA Ir= {s'- i'5\ u:- + 3-b = -- \. S1rr t.\ t t'$+t rJ=-L \ t\ l'tt s7r ["t\ : 0'bs resistance = beIC o'\oL\s 61 0 'U.+ w Ou(o 5 a'. O' :,CA'-e\ fTotat: r b3 6 Turn over B] E5 (a) fi "fi t) (b) t1l (c) Fig.5.1 The battery has e.m.f. E and negligible internal resistance. The resistances of the resistors are R and 2fr. Calculate (i) the total resistance of the circuit in terms of R t-\ L -t+t-" t- t \._ !' t-r f := (fKL +L -.F- lj (ii) i:. 1\a. f\L *.. .iF: .l h"jt ti= : * the current from the battery in terms of E and R. v/' ! lr- := 'e- .,3:^ q:: i i'5.9'r \3" 0,Lta^l 4 - 'b*ii-- * = 5t:' &*,- :7 0 current = v I P+l^e/ [Turn over r ffiil ilil lill lluilil|uillilll llil ilil lil lllt (d) Fig.5.2 shows a circuit. 0.16A 36fl 18O I Fig.5.2 The battery has negligible internal resistance. Determine (i) the charge passing through the battery in a time of 150s oA /So q) =:Lb o'+8 1z 7Z charge = (ii) the number of electrons responsible for the charge in (i) -72 f ,to XIO-' 4-Sn(o-u ' 0 number (iii) the current =..$:..Sd.t.O-l,,, I in the 1BO resistor A ? o'+s -4> 't (2 current = I lllll lilll llill lllillllll llll llll ililil ilIil illll lllll -51 61 9521 2- ..Q..:.3-2...... A t1l (iv) the e.m.f. Eof the baitery. 4ft,-1 g-\n pamlul {d\*i R. t;' F =[:J* lL,= E)3b f 3b t( t]-Ltn c:'thx = \\'sL = lzv e.m.r. = m ......... I\.:..S.L...-..... u tzl [Total: 12] [Turn over r ililililll lllll lllll lllll -51 lill lill lllll lilll 61 9521 3. lill llll (a) (b) 4 0 nieur ftr'[{ \JI :l f:i.p\,"- ,l rrl () \ is.s iee 's_s i$€i Ki-s i€,& Fig.3.1 b,€ (i)onFig.3.l,markapointon-thegraph,andlabelitwiththeletterM'wheretheresistance i1l of the filament lamp is maximum' *o*- ;€E "S$ icG s-$ (ii)Calculatethepowerdissipatedbythelampwhenoperatingat6.0V. -iL ir$g r€s i€.9 bs 'S€ bc iot lti( \-/ .&,* n' ibr i.€J tft'.{ ,",s3 jg.'( n\ 6 tlttiPr pOWOI If, = ;o( ;s{ s,"( .$t sl i.s.t &J pt i$r .$J 'i$i '81 i6l isi ,$l i,s i€ s i{$ ifi ffi i€! ih I Iilil lllil lllil lll[llllulxll lllil lllll lil llll is i€ is (iii) Fig' 3'2 shows the same filament lamp and a resistor of resistan ce 1.2e connected series with a battery. 4.5V Fig. O.2 The battery has e'm'f' 4.5v and internal resistance r. The voltmeter has very high resistance. The current in the circuit is 2.0A. 1 Show, with the herp of Fig.3.1, that the vortmeter reading is 3.4Vrr, [,.]hqn r'- j'o n v- = r ,av fry, .g {v.fh [L) \-/ l'L s A.oF TR \L= -&.t+v 0 \f: td+ YL = l'O + 2-+0 = 3,+V n0 N{ p" Anstxr 2 \fl,', l3l Calculate the internal resistance rof the battery. , +'S-3'+ - 0 t{ y*-n f = T C'SS.n- ;o resistance = /4. ....O.:.S.S...... a [Turn over I lililt lilil tilil ililflilrufi|nll ilil ilill lilt lill eJ ii\ (a) State Ohm's law. Fig.2.1 (i) Name the component with the IlV characteristic shown in Fig.2'1- .3....r"-..,:...':.:&:,'.u....,;.i...:!.,,:.........=..........'..1....-.F.:.-'........ "" (i 1_\ /.,* [].'\t-\ Ql _), . .- , i f-l \ ---' -Ll 0*',\\\ \ 'r i) In this question, one mark is available for the quality of written communication. Describe, making reference to Fig.2.1, how the resistance of the component depends on the potentialdifference Vacross it. You are advised to show any $lQDlations. It/ 1....:.,,1.,,.1:r,;.-...,.,*.-,:i.......hi.......i.!...::...1....;1...........-:'i!':...':.'..;..'.'-...Y:..'.-.....-.."" Ir ...1.;*...\.,,r. ...:..i.,..\....,.,..r...,.l:. ir:;.,...)r,...:g..,. o r n -alf ruLtti,* W\^it- * A, \' t1] Jr,l:". -.: ,..;n ,...[ *,. .. r.:i,, b.... !. , ... r. 1,.. ..-.......$ L{"{.t, .. ,...i.t. ' . t .*, LL Exaninels Use (i) qlltu (b) Fig.3.1 Calculate the total resistance between A and B- &= f,€: O bo J-:++l g- R..Ru (,.+Rr te= Lg-lt r ; b.*,n- Q:, lc+i5 ]*{' at go-L[c*r {*rui R-=a0H. : S'b resistance = ............e* O .......o t3l For Exaninefs (c) i) Fig. 0.2 shows a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor connected lo a24Y po*ur supply of neg'iiginte internal resistance. The ammeter has negligible resistance. Use i 24V I Fig.3.2 (i) P= When the switch S is closed, the ammeter reading is 28 mA. Calculate the power dissipated bY the thermistor. avo s-+}. = &a n ro-) 0 +O ,[ \o?".o" O '\r*t 1_ I (ii) A few minutes after closing the switch, the current has increased to a constant ffotal: 10] I [Turn over J (a) Draw a line from each of the named components on the left-hand side to the correct 1-v characteristic on the right-hand side' metallic wire at constant temperature semiconductor diode filament lamP 0 '- o1l co{ieth I lllilt il|il lllil llu[$|ul$ll lllil lllll lil llil = e {tf L c - (b) i communication' ln this question, two marks are available for the quality of written each component below' Explain, in terms oi resistance, the shape of the 1-Vgraph for F f { F g t i 4. F = F { I N $ 4 * !\ = :t sx * {, + = i (ii) it * = t\ * llt l* tft lir i{ * i{ it j; +{ 'j':"' li( !! it ,r{ x$ (iii) r! lil lif It li{ { ., {\\^}' "n n\ t6l (i-'UfCq - {iq fi )\l ' BJf L$ L\-\gv=- C-\+€ Qun- C1v€'::\rc "r-1't\tl fn}:u+*-\\ Lt\:u':e \ vLVv i{ PQ"- *yf ,ll F> O "tu u*wP\e ssr:LJc-t* S\rlcLv te c'( }J ;l '+j * t d '* 5pu-3 !x [Total:9] *- \ 1t it -/-) rv\UC wduality of Written Communication l2l \L' )\ A; 1.Y\'* \ - =) tr \') *-}-r\c'-* '"J* S1);:ur.-*'i \ \ cv- r-, ..- -. -r t' [,,i.:l.,Vr.rr",Cu,[t(i,-\ '"t - - i\'*") [Turn over * ;t it .{ fl fl s u'i':1'-ii' r ffiilr lltil lllll llu$il|rulxtl ilil llffi llll lllt I. A cell, a resistor of resistance 120fJ and a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor are connected in series. (a) ln the space below, sketch a circuit diagram of this arrangement. L --; I I Ccl re ct" 0 r.---' s-1 rw-,l*'\i l+r CrL\ - *\JJ\,c,'.,ttc,r-i t-J iY:,:trr ,n^AJ y\-*-"\W''f .^l.L U tL(tacv'CJLTJ (b) pl The cell has e.m.f. 1.4V and negligible internal resistance. At a particular temperature, the current in the resistor is 5.0 x 10-3A. (i) Calculate the potential difference across the resistor. 0 potential difference = (ii) *," " [r V g IzJ Calculate the resistance of the thermistor at this temperature. P =-l? ' . - rlr -r\.Ln trt -o.bD ' tqi it.*.** ' f-r r' :"^ i 1 G[p" V \w" tr,\c-t' L r'Yq.u C'r,\t.,-lV"Kr*-(b) -how {{0-} State and expldin '*-r : r.-, n / I \-'- r\resistance CKCrr- =..........]..{. ...........o l2l the potential difference across the resistor changes when the temperature of the thermistor is lower. llllllllllll lllll llillililt illilililt '51 61 95204. ililt ilil1 ilil ilil (a) The llv eharacteristic of a particular component is shown in Fig. 1.1. 2.A I/A 1.0 Fig. 1.1 (i) (ii) Name the ' component. (ft{a;r*nn} i*rnp f /:x fo*" U According to one student, lhe 'gradient of the graph at 2.0v can the resistance of the componenl at 2_0V,. Explain why the student is wrong. kt""*ic........ ii".n u1n** \ \ ..1oi.......:.:.'$i ***g**"+"th (iii) .. Ji";,#*, :i i-en i.J t. c li 1l i 4f+r+dxs,r.?o_ ..... .. ... U s ( E 0 $ € F € e e p e E"*f- la used to determine ...................111 Determine the resistance of the component at 2.0V. it be n ,4. u r1l :l $l n g ff B s; g er t a 3 J resistance = I I 8un \"1 OJ oj sto;{:O ci, o1 9t pl Ol il -$."1 dl d CIJ oi pi l-. o", 9J p; ,oon 91 ,_oJ I Iilil illil tilil iltil iltil ililt ililt . 5021 83304 - illil ilil til ilil e{ ei ot t:, I (b) il t I i F of a different component with Fig. 1.2 shows a sketch graph of the variation of resistance potential difference (voltage) V' tl ft R *, $i R "$ ryi Rj Bi R R* E; R Fig. 1.2 R .Rj 'ffii $l B ffi C, f r..j\,<"-, :ft iff ift I S'* 3 *'turi-.] IR iBr ;RJ ifi 'ft I$ l"Rj TE fR #,ffi Fig. 1.3 ;fi .i,,ff the IIV characteristic of the comPonent' Complete Fig. 1.3 by drawing a sketch graph to show DRl l2l .3.-r.Ri a# di# ffi OR -in1 cfi 0$ rt$ CR e,g' ff# cn rcB ffi r'GR lO;R t0.'r )..e.R: j )@-,R: ffi )cR lci+ llda i*eH; ffi ?cB, l-c-Rr l-.o"r furn ou", roon ?i-q,,;S., rc"R ffi I ilril lllil lllll lllil ilill llill ilil ilIil llill lil llil J (c) Fig. 1.4 shows an electrical circuit containing a semiconductor diode. 120f2 variable supply Fig. 1.4 This diode has a very low resistance when it conducts. lt has an infinite resistance when the potential difference across it is less than 0.6V. The variable supply is adjusted to give a reading of 0.4V on the voltmeter. (i) State the current in the 120f) resistor. current = (ii) o 0 A [1] State the potential difference across the diode. potential difference = ............C .:.:rt v [1] lTotal:8] f-to"oroon I lllilt lliltillfillillllllllllll lllll lllillllll llllllll " 5021 83306 - r 3 A negative temperature coefficient (NTC)thermistor is connected across the terminals of a battery of e.m.f. 6.0V and of negligible internal resistance. Fig. 3.1 shows the variation of current / with time f from the moment the thermistor is connected to the battery' r 110-3A 0102030 Fig.3.1 (a) Calculate pqPower dissipated by the thermistor at time f = 0. T*NV b'* x 5firrCI*3 t,?-Li &-l&, o,x=@ (b) fr)u) o j GA\ L^)ry '*1\rusk ttuc[l.j( L CWC --t t pVrui\tS v{Vi.oU' C}i[gn'up\,E f'' Qualitv of written communication [2] Gl:..^-'e-n- qt'€lfic''^ ] Slruc[ura "Sc-tisch".' 0 '\L-;-*.** [i: f>n4,LLu.p + ,t\ru\{\Aar \rilililllilililililililililillilIililil]illllllllllll v- r [rotar:8] I For Examinef: Use Fig.Z.1 The ammeter and the battery have negligible resistance and the voltmeter has an infinite resistance. The copper wire has length 1.8 m and diameter 0.27*rnm. The resistance of the wire is 0.54f2. fr=rT {)= t *.sr+ x a FE O A5 {nt t /.8 I t l'f r' ].r ds-* resistivity = ,'"?Lr fs-r &"- \oo'o*c^/' r-[o-u a€) 1"b.\1 J}-fir\fn 4' f-t( d &wn udpd s (ii) ln this question, one mark is available for the quality of written communication- State and explain the effect on the ammeter reading and the voltmeter reading o . 4\"4 '5:r,+re- a**'',r-> il\e,K( -BP[tYf *rjic'rn.ttc"i Qutt U [Turn over (a) in terms of the length L of a conductor, its 0t-l6 l* (b) surq3*c u. .. .11I Fig.4.1 shows a cube made from a material of resisiivity p. ,r{ /7- )------l---- ,/ 0.5m Fig. 4.1 Determine ihe resistance between any two opposite faces of the cube in terms of the resistivity p. ^frL ,fr ( / n-'\ ,.1\ a !*P x o't U f g., L O resistance = (c) A metal rod has volume (i) A 1 .6 x 1o-5 m3, , Setd ,rf =G oAP ............f..... ........ t2l length 5.3 x 1 0-2 m and resista nce 7.Bx 10-5 e. Show that the cross-sectionar area of the rod is 3.0 x r 0-a m2. = l?_r ro:* ._ 5- 3 vfe^z v 3'olx I C)- * fr,OLn /0 o ocR 2009 Yrno no rwLpt QnJule t1l (ii) Calculate the resistivity of the metal. F 3'slr rc:\ rjrd f= 5'All* E *'4;=$- f /*--1 bw[c[ \,\\xlo-l = €)' resistivity= (d) t ^ "n*** *. r€;)=lhlYiny rb{frr*\ C r to-i;1\.r**ir Npp u* r:rn-* H fl*' ,/' ^ 'u'ti rstr )t *,5\i,J\U1 p_i. k"i ff .v* [U 12] fTotal: 8] Turn over r f in plastic insulation' Fig.4.1 shows an electrical cable consisting of bare copper wires encased copper wlres plastic insulation Fig.4.1 26 copper wires and is_12.0m long. The radius of each copper wire is 3.50 x 10-5m.The resistivityof copper is 1.70 x 10-8f)m. (a) A particular cable contains I (i) show that the resistance of a single copper wire is about *O = '\ lE R= l.Jc *&*,s*;,;gt o N \ 0I{. O'S:u,P; Rl* er' 2a' \et[a.,.o-( llillmilililll rsl ' O ) cFta. t\ &t" li rwa'] L.o"*roou liltil lllll lllll foql ,2[lt.a-r: Ery I C?' ,'.4j{ L"uLLe; L- i-,'+"m.-Lir-\ rJ..," 30 =?*O = d.'tlLk *.O ft,Ltuc Gross =rt*'r?Fr*: r+\ Explain why the resistance of fne electrical cable is abciut "Tr,elq clb€- n =1?rL (t' Tic-r ,. lt-'; a '"'\ 5 3' .J?(ii) 53O. lllil llill llll llll t1l ir (b) Fig.4.Z shows two electrical cables used to connect a power supply to a lamp. Each cable hai length 12.Am and is identicalto that described in (a). Fig.4.2 The lamp is rated at24W,6.0V.The powersupply has negligible internal resistance and its output is adjusted so that the potential difference across the lamp is 6'0V' (i) Calculate the res istance of the lamp when operating at 6.0V. "Fdt f,r != [ "/ N t' ={ t _{- ', o ;* H i = Lr: i -;'*.j o'o =o .r\ R.. tr : \.s* (ii) o Explain why the e.m.f. of the power supply is greater than 6.0v. .;Ul LL!!.['wl-""t''':tXfgK;""'""""' hapJ- \ m*li*' eLLc"* hap-n U,,*rl++ \f,r:',pq' lpi\: t,*\ Cad*f t*l = ..*.....:t':=.......i.,iL...r.:='....." ' F*,.',8!:"#i," FSH?S"]#*,D \,*eryc-\ 't 't:. tzl er-I + re t,: rrs\",,\e( aq 1\ 'y' I \\v '= {ls$ L-oocnzoos e) o e.m.f. = nrl b..{Io. D:€ Iilililtilll llil lllil-1 lllllllllllllllllilllllll 96548509t llll llll [Total:9] [Turn ou", J ' ilr,u: -951115310' (a) 1' material of resistivity p. write an A wire has length L, cross-sectional area A and is made of of L, A and p' equation for thJ electrical resistance fl of the wire in terms ,*. f't\ ? r'' I r " tt il1 \t\/ :* (b) (c) Y plastic base Fig.6'1 y e. The rength of the carbon layer The resistance of the carbon rayer between X and is 2200 ir i.g * 10-2m. The resistivity of carbon is 3'5 x10-5Qm' (i) is about 2 x 10-10 m2' Show that the cross-sectional area A of the carbon layer rtr : ";o : (ii) >a"l'\ poI:J.i::*T,:ffiI /er that can be safely dissipated by the : f :: rhelrrentdTi.resistorr'f':rflT* 5* \ \'r -r L '. r* r "(1p)'' "a, ,, I \ot '=.jor\i\r\'u'^ g * vr" T,'* "'.-t, ;. *, &-f3 I 121 Sesistor is '" 0'50 w' calculate li"=" _)"q -- \ -\.,*uo\-, .:a ,* *l f,, !,' t tc lrV-'L \' {i' 6Jb'€ +! rhe maximum ( i-" *7 ililil illl lllll L \t) lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllllllll llll [Total:8] ffurn over For Examiner's Use /: - t!,' (a) G,$ U(b) tal strips rear window Fig.5.1 (i) State whether the strips are connected in series or in parallel. (ii) Each strip has length 85 cm and resistance 18 O. The material of the metal strip has resistivity 6.9 x 1O{ fl m. Calculate 1. the resistance of the three strips between A and B n L-+I+L(/ -: 4-L +:}-+JK K, Kr Ks tE l.} lB l-r iP* if"g:'o -.,n t\/R^= EG 2. ls............. cl [Ir r. *\............. w t2l the total power dissipated by the three strips f: {"0 ; .L 1i i 1 .re\ POw€l = 3. ,0 resistance = the cross-sectional area of each strip. *,lf R= f-L r.^ h idb U;fl = b'q r'trC,*b h rR {t -. '''3j \-b-e /F, -2 3'Lb F\r Ui ( r) cross-sectionat area = /\ \-. ^F ..$..,.3b.,lt..{#: m2 [3] [Total: 10] For Examinefs Use (a) The electrical resistance of a conducting wire depends Complete the sentence below. number of factors. ona 10 cm Fig.3.1 The lead is made of a material of resistivity 8.0 x 10{Qm. (i) nr* r..-\ lY hr= /\ (t) 'f\ v dt &* c; l* A .a. . Lr "",^o, : ;:n." I N\'' I = ,)- ri .4,, :t\/ rf) resistance = ...:.-:....{ 14] A student connects the ends of the pencil lead to a d.c. supply. The potential difference across the ends is 12V Calculate the current in the pencil lead. \ c- -t [.= -\ \ *8., , .1 a'fJ r *.,*l*rs}i h a'fi fu ?|. l"*r *.r- ^i -t lencil !" E lTF, i'.*p{i i(l kf tr :. fTf* \ d>\ o* ) -Fr3r!l*b l!:,'Iu.:Jtltl) l '\ (ii) lead Calculate the resistance of the a \'* *" l\ -q* .L -'f ;,{b €, CLLU. *tll {,T tr\ !! iD current = ..... 1:T .. A t2l [Total: 10] 2A22lJUNOz For Examinels Fig.4.1 shows a car battery of e.m.f. 12V and internal resistance 0.014f2 connected to the starter motor of a car. When the car engine is being started, the car battery provides a current of 160 A to the starter motor. copper cable copper cable Fig.4.1 (a) Show that the p.d. across the internal resistance is about 2.2 V. f= T( =f;.Olt.t tr \bC = a.;LS * 3.?v ,) n0 ROytc Cov- GnSc^y<: \ t1l (b) Determine the terminal p.d. across the battery. {a \?-;l-'21{ e 9-ru = 1'g -Uh p.d.= 1:8 .....v r1l Use For Exaninefs have total length 0'85 m and (c) The cables connecting the battery to the starter motor Use diameter 8.0 mm. (i) 5.0 x 10-5 m2' show that the cross-sectional area of the cable is h = TrcL ,L. z Tr n f+.c) i{rdt O = S .o3T. ro-s F 5'C: r ls-s n^\ flo nart {b, a,1J u)q( l1l (ii) x 10-8 Om' Calculate the total The cables are made from copper of resistivily 1.7 resistance of the cables' f Lq'r$ "/ R.=,A 6=r .D n,or u)"d l'1nt0-8 n c'8f 5'oFl8-5 (+o-" ct',) A'st F lc - r.! ' resistance = (iii) olro-) .& I n I CI:o*Oo t3l if the cable had half the state and explain how your answer to (c)(ii) wouto change , beCG*r*%sL *k^cr- GIE"S.. \Xeseeu':*"* % 0<t\t,.* fur\rbor** \*l3U o* dutcn C*s.c b.o nor^ \ec,ora "b er- til p'elto 4 ogto"* \ bace"-r-: >r' rc-\eo''r*a b1 2[Turn over (a) Show ihat the unit for electrical resistivity is Om- €n f;= "*-- r€* rlfr Pk unAis I /, fl_ *f1- F F .jznt n0 ffr.eJf- {cc ftuL.lq- fY'\ l1l (b) Fig.4.1 shows a simple design for a 'movement' sensor used in an earthquake region. The supply has negligible internal resistance. ""*o*., l. Fig.4.1 A resistance wire is stretched between two rigid steel plates, not shown in the diagramDuring an earthquake, ground movement changes the separation between the plates and so the length of wire changes. The wire,has a radius of 0.62 mm and length 32cm. lt is made of a materialof resistivi$ 6.8 x 104 Qm. (i) Show that the resistance of the wire is .B o- 6CCOP YL::-?i \'F-,- +, au\u'" sv*cd Ti o io'ert'dtj O f,t \'$'r* \' &\ i-l\tCf = ff f Zn ft *TrrLl >fi r MuaF ro-t ( C'r&'t \a) tJ R =#F {fi (' 1 Y\b mci- $" 2822 JanO3 Gttr-€-f ;$. ftfr For Exanine/s &llo,o a-t# (p'd') between A and B' (ii) Calculate the potentialdifferYnce P''ler*r"'t"F=';:"iA gtt"'.J"ii'*"Ine r=\rs-2* t &r \Y \' a I\F Rr= R', Kr: \t V*sr {,-Q- r;r \J : j.2V0 (iii) \' l-=s-o I -r- n-- ft ry Use 0 = l-18L{\ * l'8fr- O v* \.lKb x l-8 I' 1'-r-rsP" effect on the p'd' between A The length of the wire increases. State anO exptiin?he and B. fif : f-p-l inerca;* U; ...hrs'*n*r)*-.**rsirs*e*#*'; .Lnn, .r *;=t;h-"" W tfo u; U) it #f itr"#t.o " ' Ac -l1l,n r\or' t21 [-otal: 9] [Turn over For Eyaminels Use {ai State ihe difference between the direciions of conventional current and electron flow- (c metallic conductor Fig. 1.1a (i) Sketch the variation of resistance F with voltage VIor 1. the metallic conductor at constant temperature (draw this on Fig. 1.2a) 2. the thermistor (draw this on Fig. 1.2b). Clur,Y!.^k, s$tqL't^ 0 fi*rn r*}1g, &-Lt ttct'3-l- cr \r iilL' -G,tu-ilr 5\raV V Fig. (i i) 1.2a i-u{ i l,ui- Fig- 1'2b State and explain the change, if any, to the graph of resistance against voltage for the metallic conductor when the temperature of the metallic conductor is kept constant at a 1. cY C'*, thermistor metallic conductor \hd'v^ f{ J -I:r*., r highef \ *-....1r=.. ..1."r....;,:.L., . .i.t...*..\:.r.}-....,i"6...,r" ..:.,*,.. .,,.....n,i.1 , -...'i 1 j'--":1""'::"':;";{';';'E'r-"r''":'::;!""9"'Li"'t':""""' .....-!.-'.'.:'--:s'..'....''.!'--*.---,.r.'.'.":o'..;'.,F.-.' @, l"rt-f, / ....\...1j:.r...Y...: " lt.t'-:l',*].....:......1.'......l3l-........H1...,.--...-...-. { /L I Z. . .; Ft', fi. t.=- {.i- t ll is doubled but the-material, temperature and when the length-ot tn-e, "oriOu'ctor the cross-sectional area of the conductor remain the same. i *"*1b .) l* 'f , . i x. *r[il i...-.:-:.=*..-\,0....-...Y...::=-....t.-h.-'.:=-'..-.*..t.1.'....*...*C"'\.-' n NC;r€'.- ".....i.*...*...-,,-.....fl.......1'.:....1..:=,.:.::...3G) Wjg*,r!s-...flrltocLs:-....... \f , ; i , ; ;t.""""""'t4l r"'.* frlcf,['. -ia'ai | ,/6'irotal:12] i\'r/,uu'\ b-aCg+rcr 0-1 \/ [Turn over I ,* ,1 ,t ,# i{ i! Fig.3.1 shows the 1-Vcharacteristic of a particular electrical component. '* ri l{ ',* ii i( ii fi [i'r \--/S\rtlic,1,'rr ( t4 '* ,# -J r..4. iin* &'i''!.\ # .;4 ii,4 CIr\5 't' ii :i il r{ ,# C' '"'d [r,irr.r[ t'{ ftircl''rJ i* 'a i4 \i l4 1{ iA ?&, :il fi 1il Fig.3"1 il r '''. i{ it'r r_7 (a) Name the component. ,# i* '* '4 i{ i{ (b) Circle the correct circuit symbol for the component. ,.* t1l $ tA ii l,i ..,i( "4 :.1 i{ # ia i* i3 (c) Use Fig.3.1 to calculate the resistance of the component at 0.20V and 0.70V. tt !'J iA .t--. ,4 Ir 4 tt) 'n ii li,4 ir il ,f4 ''A. iI tl t{ x j.i' ." { .,,. i"" ]a j. ' t4 {, it it it resistance at 0.20V = resistance at 0.70V = / e',[c"; i, I lililt ilil il|il ililt ililt ililililt ililt ilil ilt ffit : (d) Fig. 3.2 shows the component with the,l-Vcharacteristic shown in Fig. 3.1 connected in series with a resistor of resistance F and a supply of e.m.f. 4.5V. 4.5V F--l r 0.060A component with the 1-Y characteristic shown in Fig.3.1 Fig.3.2 The supply has negligible internal resistance. The current in the resistor is 0.060A. Use Fig. 3.1 to determine the resistance F of !-1e,resistor. d-l'&(D YU-,' 4:{- -- 7S*-. @ !1-= {.s^o.js - 3,T€CI i =o;; :* O o_ " O.ObO a bL"so L o'obo 7t ^,e'5 Vd = O'ls\r ocso* u^*s, a bz'So0 u)q g".lov R.= b3,a L= =@ (e) On the axes of Fig. 3.1 , draw the 1- V characteristic of a metallic conductor kept at a constant (d). your Label your line M. to answer temperature and having the same resistance as 121 [Total:10] ' "ifiEr ililililtililililtillllillillllllillllllllillllllllll '9A472'1209-