Clear, user-friendly, simple - New visions for digital government 1 Preface Clear, user-friendly, simple Clear, user-friendly, simple Preface The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency works actively to ensure that companies experience their interaction with public authorities as being easy and efficient. When companies save time and costs on public reporting and registrations, they can instead spend their time creating growth in the company and in society. Efficient public service also means that the public authorities use far fewer resources on enquiries and correcting errors. An important part of these efforts is providing digitised self-service to companies for contacting public authorities; however, new challenges arise as the digitisation progresses. Both time and wage costs can be saved by digitising reports and registrations, but when the helpful contact person disappears, companies also lose the opportunity for specific and personal assistance. This is costly for both companies and authorities, as many self-service solutions today do not invite companies to serve themselves. Ultimately, this may cause a range of challenges: companies must utilise multiple channels simultaneously to solve their problem, they make mistakes, or they are simply unable to comply with regulations even if they want to. Therefore, a thorough and insightful approach is necessary to create a self-service solution that can replace the competent voice on the phone. MindLab Slotsholmsgade 12 1216 Copenhagen K Denmark +45 3392 3144 Content and editing: Johanne Mygind MindLab Danish Commerce and Companies Agency Design: Matylda Rasmussen MindLab Photo: Matylda Rasmussen MindLab In this publication, you can read about two projects designed to create more efficient public service through digital solutions. The first of these projects deals with farmers’ use of the spray journal, which a mandatory tool for reporting their use of pesticides to the Danish AgriFish Agency. The second examines companies’ use of the self-service solution for locating their industry code. Both projects examine experiences with the use of the digital solution and the public authorities’ own workflows. The projects have given us thorough insight into users’ challenges and made clear how public authorities can work together to provide effective solutions that are efficient for companies and public authorities alike. A business case was developed in the project on industry codes, showing that a new self-service site for industry codes will save companies so much time that the total savings for them will be DKK 25 million over a four-year period. At the same time, the solution will also reduce the expenses of Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and Statistics Denmark by DKK 930.000. © Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and MindLab 2011 2 3 Preface Clear, user-friendly, simple Despite the very different nature of the two projects, many of the conclusions are applicable in many differentcontexts. Therefore, we have summarised these conclusions in four goals for the digitisation of public service. In the last part of this publication, you can see how we have transformed these goals into a practical digital solution in our new self-service site for industry codes. We hope that our challenges and solutions can contribute to challenging and inspiring other public authorities seeking to provide efficient digital service to citizens and companies. Eva Meiling, Deputy Director General, Danish Commerce and Companies Agency 4 5 Borgerportræt Ung virksomhedsejer Goals Clear, user-friendly, simple Goal number 1: The purpose of the electronic self-service solution must be communicated clearly. ”Do you have any idea what they will use it for? Is it some kind of ‘Big Brother is watching you’ and they are waiting at the ready to pounce on you?” (Farmer, on the spray journal) ”The way I see it, the industry code is the sector that you are permitted to operate within. For example, my company cannot work with foods, even though I am actually an expert in this area, because I chose this code for landscaping.” (Handyman om branchekodesitet) 6 7 Clear, user-friendly, simple Goals Goals ”I would be nervous about reporting something incorrectly if there were penalties associated with it. It would be unfortunate to fall into a trap.” (Farmer, on the spray journal) Many studies of citizens and business owners show that they approach public authorities with a certain degree of nervousness. They may be unsure of the purpose of the public service or afraid of making mistakes. Business owners’ uncertainty is often compounded by digitised contact, because nobody is available to explain the purpose of the regulations to citizens and companies. When the purpose is unclear, companies fear making mistakes with unknown consequences. Therefore, it is important that all public self-service solutions begin by communicating the purpose of the solution clearly and simply. The business owner registering an industry code should be informed that the industry code is primarily a statistical tool, but also a requirement for obtaining a Central Business Register number. Similarly, the users of the spray journal must be aware that it is a legallyrequired report and designed to enable the authorities to perform inspections. In self-service solutions designed to help authorities to perform inspections, it is important to draw attention to the potential penalties of noncompliance. Of course, it is also important that the text on the site does not directly assist those who wish to intentionally break the law. However, these types of considerations should not prevent authorities from clearly communicating the fact that there are potential penalties if the report is not correct. If the intention of digital reporting is to make it easier for the authorities to conduct inspections, this purpose should not be camouflaged in service terms. Our projects suggest that clear communication regarding requirements, inspections and penalties will make business owners more secure about using digital self-service solutions. Clear, user-friendly, simple Goal number 2: The system must handle the complexity of the self-service solution, not the user. “I assume that the system was designed to identify incorrect reports. That is, to ensure you have entered numbers correctly if they seem strange, for example, if you enter litres where it should have been grams.” (Farmer, on the spray journal) “If I wrote coaching, then it suggested computer courses, folk schools, information related to teaching activities, immigrant education. Then I searched for something with dogs. Then I ended up with something about cultivation of perennial plants and pig farming. I couldn’t find an industry code that fit at all.” (Coach and animal behaviour therapist, on industry code site) 8 9 Clear, user-friendly, simple Goals “I think it was that industry code, because it was under building and construction activities, which requires specialisation. But there was also a code called ‘other building completion’. If I mark that industry code, then I’m not sure if it’s right or not. It was pretty much a guess.” Goals Clear, user-friendly, simple Therefore, it is important to emphasise the necessity of thinking in terms of solutions that users can use without any real expertise in relation to the system. If this approach is not taken, users will very frequently have to personally contact the public authorities – or will simply make mistakes. This is not just frustrating for business owners. It is also a significant waste of resources by the public authorities, which must spend time and personnel resources on serving those who encountered difficulties with the digital solution. (Carpenter, on the industry code site) Many public digital self-service solutions have chosen to place responsibility for correct reporting on companies instead of reducing the complexity of the solution. On the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency’s industry codes website, business owners had to find their industry code without any assistance. Companies had to find their code by clicking on the broad and often abstract terms the system uses to categorise an industry. It is not explained that the code must be six digits – therefore, a number of companies end up making mistakes because they submit codes with too few digits. Every year, the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency receives 7296 telephone calls from companies in doubt about their choice of industry codes. In the spray journal, many farmers point out that the list of pesticides does not come with a fixed unit of measurement, but that farmers must personally enter whether the product is measured in litres, grams, etc. In a successful digital self-service solution, the system assumes responsibility for tackling the complexity that underlies the solution. Therefore, on the new industry code website, users will be assisted by a number of functions, thereby significantly reducing the number of calls to the agency. This includes an expanded search function where companies can enter the words they use to describe their company. The site will automatically link these words with suggested industry codes. Designing a system that takes greater responsibility for ensuring users submit registrations and reports correctly requires a change of attitude among public authorities, which often assume that users understand the administrative language, or are at least willing to learn it. 10 11 Borgerportræt Ung arbejdsskadet Goals Clear, user-friendly, simple Goal number 3: The self-service solution must be based on the user’s reality. “It sure is complicated. It is not made for those with multiple fields. This simply takes too long. Especially when it is only something I have to do because I must report it. I can’t use it for anything.” (Farmer, on the spray journal) “I knew that the activity in my company was going to change within a very short time, so I wanted to change my industry code. I knew that I was going to call it crowdfunding, but I didn’t know which industry code to use. I’m doing some kind of financial intermediation, but I simply couldn’t find an applicable code.” (Owner of internet shops, on industry code site) 12 13 Clear, user-friendly, simple Goals Goals ”It would be a good idea to have a map of your fields, so you could mark the fields you were reporting on and indicate the parts of the field where you planted a different crop. You could draw the ‘spray route’ in the map and the computer could calculate the total area.” (Farmer, on the spray journal) Legal documents, terminology and expert knowledge permeate many of the public self-service solutions. As they are developed by the public authorities themselves, they are often based on that authority’s own language and knowledge. However, a successful digital self-service solution should be based on the user’s needs and knowledge about the area, as this will make it both easier and more attractive to use the site. In the spray journal, for example, farmers desire an aerial photo of their fields where they can mark their pesticide use. Providing a different type of overview of the fields would make it easier to use the spray journal than with the current solution, where each area is assigned a number. At the new industry code site, users are provided with examples of companies with the same industry code. By recognising other companies, users feel more confident that they have chosen the correct industry code. Clear, user-friendly, simple Goal number 4: The authorities involved must cooperate in the digital solutions. “I took these papers and drove to the Tax Centre in Fredensborg. The person who helped me complete the form there did not think that I needed to enter the industry code, because the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency would determine the code on their own. Because the Tax Centre was unable to do that and the person who helped me even called on two colleagues for assistance.” (Pilates instructor and artist) 14 15 Clear, user-friendly, simple Goals “If the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency is in doubt, then they refer the companies to Statistics Denmark. We do not have any crossorganisational cooperation. That would be quite interesting. If nothing else, it would be interesting for the agency to see how we work. Sometimes I think: ‘How big of a difference can there really be in the way we work and the way they work?’ We’re working with the same material!” (Employee at Statistics Denmark) “It would really improve our work if there was a place we could see what the other authorities were doing. For example, I was in contact with Statistics Denmark regarding a specific case, where we determined that the management of one’s own personal assets should have a different industry code than management of others’ assets. I wrote a note about this in my industry code book, but nobody else has access to this.” (Employee at the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency) 16 Goals Clear, user-friendly, simple Companies and citizens do not distinguish between the various bodies when contacting the public authorities. They often expect that the authorities cooperate on the digital self-service solutions and that they only have to send information to a single recipient. Designing a user-friendly self-service solution therefore requires extensive cooperation between the various public authorities. The cooperation should be based on companies’ actual experiences and processes. Insight into companies’ actual problems with public regulation makes it clear to authorities why cooperation is necessary and how to design self-service solutions in the most efficient way for all parties. For example, a successful industry code site is dependent on the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, Statistics Denmark and the Danish Tax Authority all participating in the development of the solution, as all of these bodies are involved in the registration of industry codes and they all desire reliable basic data. Likewise, it is important that the Danish AgriFish Agency, which collects data and performs pesticides inspections, cooperates with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for maintaining the list of legal pesticides. These two bodies must jointly take responsibility for ensuring that the solution farmers must use is user-friendly and based on updated information, and thus is efficient for businesses and authorities alike. When establishing cooperation between various authorities, it is expedient to use cross-organisational digital platforms that connect to the internal system. With regard to industry codes, the authorities have no procedures for cooperating and no specific place to meet and exchange information. For example, over a three-year period, Statistics Denmark uses DKK 100.000 on handling calls and e-mails regarding doubts about industry codes. About half of these enquiries are forwarded from the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. In the new solution for industry codes, a cross-organisational digital platform will secure knowledge sharing between bodies. Thus, the updated digital self-service solution does not require the unnecessary use of internal resources on referring companies to other authorities. 17 Borgerportræt Ung skatteyder Solution Clear, user-friendly, simple An efficient solution: The industry code site The new industry code site transforms the goals to reality. This self-service solution is centred onusers and their needs, and features a new selfservice solution combined with a super user site for the case workers who work with industry codes. The new industry code site makes it easier for companies to find the right industry code while also streamlining the authorities’ workflow in this area. The business case prepared for the project shows that a new industry code site will provide savings of DKK 24 million over a period from 2011 to 2015, even after the costs of development and operation are deducted. 18 19 Clear, user-friendly, simple Solution Self-service solution: Clear, simple and user-friendly Clear The solution provides users with a sense of security by giving a clear explanation of what an industry code is, what the public authorities use the industry code for, and why it is important to have an industry code (see 1). Solution Clear, user-friendly, simple 2 1 User-friendly The previous self-service solution was very difficult to navigate because the search was structured according to the system’s logic. It required users to solely use the words directly in the description of the industry codes, e.g. “window polishing” instead of “window cleaning”. On the new site, the search function is based on the words used by users to describe their company. The business case shows that the new search function will enable 8 out of 10 companies to find the correct industry code on their own (see 2). 20 21 Clear, user-friendly, simple Solution Clear, user-friendly, simple Solution The title of the industry code is shown in a large and clear font, followed by the industry code itself, and an explanatory text quickly enables the user to determine if the industry code is relevant (see 3). The explanation is supplemented with examples of other companies with the same industry code, so that users can compare and be certain that they have chosen the right code (see 4). 3 Simple The previous self-service solution did not provide any help or confirmation that users had found the right code. It reflected the system’s understanding of the industry code, where the six-digit code is determined by finding one digit at a time from the groups under the code. An industry code was only complete when all six digits were found, but many users stopped before finishing and therefore registered incomplete codes. On the new site, users can only find a six-digit code and the results page contains a number of elements to help assure users that they have found the right industry code: 5 6 The company is assisted with the next step and can register the industry code on the same page (see 5). A box has been inserted with a link to related industry codes, so users can quickly navigate to descriptions of other industry codes and determine the correct code (see 6). Lastly, the most frequently asked questions regarding industry codes are also presented (see 7). 22 7 4 23 Clear, user-friendly, simple Solution Clear, user-friendly, simple Solution Super user site: cooperation across organisations and ongoing improvements Cross-organisational cooperation In the past, case workers and officials collected their own notes in separate industry code books. The new industry code site makes it possible to share knowledge across organisations and ensure uniformity, ultimately saving valuable time for the individual bodies. Selected case workers and experts from the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and Statistics Denmark will be given access to this super user site (see 8). 8 11 The super user site will enable the super users to see changes made by other super users in the system and add comments on these changes. For example, the addition of four new search words for a given industry code (see 9) or information on a new type of business included in a given industry code. Ongoing improvements The super users can also see which industry codes users spend the most time locating, and how many clicks they use (see 10). This gives the super users an idea of which codes are causing users the most problems. Afterwards, they can either add more subject words to the industry code or edit data on the master page for the industry code in question (see 11, for example). 10 9 Linking the overall self-service solution on with the super user site means that case workers and experts always have thorough knowledge of how the digital solution is used. This enables more user-specific assistance and greater understanding of users’ needs across the various public authorities. Meanwhile, super users’ daily use of the site helps improve the site for companies by continually improving the search function and information offered to companies. 24 25 26