Materials and their Properties

and their Properties
Key Stage 2
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links
and Lesson Plans
Materials Kit
Key Stage Two
Techniquest would like to acknowledge
its debt to its science and education advisors,
Tom Syson and Anne Goldsworthy.
Materials Kit
Teachers’ Notes: Book II
How to use this kit ................................................................. 7
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links, More Background,
Practical Applications for:
Activity one
Bubble Race...................................................... 9
Activity two
Cartesian Diver................................................ 10
Activity three
Electrical Conductors and Insulators.................... 11
Activity four
Metal Detector................................................. 12
Activity five
Pouring........................................................... 13
Activity six
Rock Detective.................................................. 14
Activity seven
Shaker............................................................ 15
Activity eight
Sieving............................................................ 16
Activity nine
Thermal Conductors and Insulators..................... 17
Activity ten
Video Microscope............................................ 18
Activity eleven
Vortex............................................................. 19
Pre- and Post-Activity Lesson Plans and DCELLS Links.....................21-39
How to use the Key Stage 2 Materials Kit
Setting up the Kit
Place the Materials Kit trays on work tables, plug in those that require electricity and the Materials Kit is
ready to use.
What to do
• Optional Pre-Activity Session: a lesson plan is provided for an hour-long session to introduce or
revise Key Stage 2 Materials National Curriculum points. This session could take place the week
before the Materials Kit arrives.
• Using the Kit: The Key Stage 2 Materials Kit consists of 11 activities, with built-in, easy-to-follow
instructions. The Kit is designed to be used in a session of about an hour. Children work in pairs,
spending five minutes on each activity.
• Optional Follow Up Session(s):
1) Exploring Reversible Changes of State.
3) Exploring Solutions and Filtering.
2) Exploring Irreversible Changes of State.
The follow-up sessions are themed teacher-led sessions of about an hour on aspects of the Materials
Curriculum. Full lessons plans are provided.
Through question-and-answer sequences, directed activities and discussion in small groups, children
develop their scientific enquiry skills.
Support Material
BOOK I: Lesson Plans and Teachers’ Quick Reference Notes
• Session with the Materials Kit: about an hour.
For each activity, the book gives:
– Materials Concepts: Key Stage 2 National Curriculum points.
– The Activity: a description and photograph.
– Background: a brief explanation of the relevant science.
– Practical Applications: material is provided on relevant technology for each activity.
– Extensions: suggestions for additional activities.
– Web Links: websites for additional investigation.
• What I Learned Sheet: a fill-in sheet to help children to assess their session with the Materials Kit.
BOOK II: National Curriculum (DCELLS) and Background Material
• National Curriculum (DCELLS): assessment criteria are defined for each activity and
a check list provided.
• Optional Pre-Activity Session Lesson Plan: about an hour.
• Three Optional Follow-Up Session Lesson Plans: about an hour each, with additional “further work”
activities to develop and deepen children’s understanding of the materials concepts.
BOOK III: Risk Assessments
Bubble Race
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Cartesian Diver
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Electrical Conductors and Insulators
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials
that some materials are better electrical conductors/insulators than others.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Metal Detector
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials. Cymhsru defnyddiau bob
dydd e.e. gwahanol fathau o bren, carreg, metel, papur, plastig ar sail eu nodweddion,
gangynnwys, caledi, cryfdre, hyblygrwydd ac ymddygiad magnetic ac i gysylltu’r
nodweddion hyn
that some materials are better electrical conductors/insulators than others.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Rock Detective
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to describe and group rocks on the basis of appearance and texture, and soils on the basis of
particle size and permeability.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to describe and group rocks on the basis of appearance and texture, and soils on the basis of
particle size and permeability.
Separating Materials
Pupils should be taught:
that solid particles of different sizes, e.g. those in soils, can be separated.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to describe and group rocks on the basis of appearance and texture, and soils on the basis of
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
particle size and permeability.
maintenance of shape and volume.
Separating Mixtures of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
that solid particles of different sizes can be separated.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
investigating phenomenon in the
world around them.
that scientific ideas can be
tested by means of information
gathered from observation and
Thermal Conductors and Insulators
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
that some materials are better thermal insulators/conductors than others.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Video Microscope
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to describe and group rocks on the basis of appearance and texture, and soils on the basis of
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
particle size and permeability.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Grouping and Classifying Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Pre-Activity Lesson Plan
For the first activity (Solids, Liquids and Gases), you will need masking tape. For preparation, mark
out a square in masking tape on the floor that is just big enough for all of the children to stand inside,
shoulder-to-shoulder. Mark out a second square around this, twice the size.
For the second activity (Comparing the Properties of Different Materials), you will need one set of the
following materials for every two children in the group: metal, paper, fabric, rubber, glass, plastic,
wood and rock.
For the third activity (Explaring Thermal Insulators and Conductors), you will need a thermometer, 5 cups
of water (hot or warm but not boiling), a jumper, a newspaper, some tin foil, some bubblewrap, some
polystyrene and a cardboard box.
For the fourth activity (Exploring Electrical Insulators and Conductors), you will need batteries, crocodile
clips, bulbs or buzzers and wires, enough for one set between four children.
Ask children to consult with “talk partners”, before asking pairs to respond to questions.
The lesson is divided into sections. You only need to go through the sections you feel your class can
benefit from.
Solids, Liquids and Gases
Materials can be sorted into three groups: solids, liquids and gases. These are known as states of
Give me the name of some solids. (e.g. ice, sand, concrete, wood, metal)
Give me the name of some liquids. (e.g. water, milk, oil)
Give me the name of some gases. (e.g. oxygen, steam, hydrogen)
All materials are made up of tiny particles called atoms. The movement of these particles is different in
solids, liquids and gases. We will carry out an activity to show these differences.
I have drawn a large square on the floor, with a second larger square around it. Please all stand inside
the smaller square. What do you notice? (the children are stood very close together, without much room for
Now imagine you are cold. Start to shiver, keeping your feet firmly in one place on the floor.
This is the way the tiny particles in a solid behave. They do not have very much room to move and
are tightly packed. They “shiver”, or as scientists call it, they vibrate. The particles do not have a lot of
energy, so they cannot move very much.
How would you describe a solid? (The particles are very close together and so the solid keeps its shape)
How can we make our solid into a liquid? For example, how do we turn ice into water? (Heat it up)
Heating gives the particles in a solid more energy.
What would happen if you had a little more energy? (the children could move around more)
Start to walk around. You may need to move into the outer box for this. Now you are acting like the
particles in a liquid.
How would you describe a liquid? (The particles can move about, so the liquid can be poured. It takes the
shape of whatever it is poured into)
How can we make our liquid into a gas? For example, how do we turn water into steam? (Heat it up)
Heating a liquid to turn it into a gas gives the particles even more energy. Now jog around the
large square. How easy is it to move far away from each other? How easy is it to fill all of the
available space?
How would you describe a gas? (The particles can move far apart and fill all of the available space. Gas has
no definite shape)
I want to turn this gas back into a liquid. How can I do this? (Cool it down)
So now you are all liquid particles. How should you be moving? (walking around)
Now I want to change this liquid back into a solid. How can I do this? (cool it down)
So now you are all solid particles. How should you be moving? (standing in the smaller square, close
together, shivering)
Comparing the Properties of Different Materials
Different materials have different properties. We can use these properties to describe materials. For
example, hard, soft, light, heavy, strong, weak, natural, manufactured.
You have been given a selection of materials: metal, paper, fabric, rubber, glass, plastic, wood
and rock.
With a partner, sort these materials into at least two different groups. You can choose how to
group them yourself.
Now you have all finished grouping your materials, take turns to explain to the rest of the class why you
have grouped them in this way. Did you group them by weight? By colour? By size?
Is there any other way you could have grouped your materials?
From your selection of materials, find a material that is:
a) waterproof
b) natural
c) transparent (see-through)
Is there more than one material that could be described in each of these ways? For example, how
many different materials are natural?
Now imagine you have been asked to carry some foods home from the supermarket. Which differing
materials would be the best for carrying:
a) six eggs
b) lemonade
c) some potatoes
d) some sugar?
Explain why you have chosen these materials.
We are now going to look at two properties of materials: the way they react with heat and the way
they react with electricity.
Exploring Thermal Insulators and Conductors
Here I have some water for making cups of tea. But it isn’t break-time yet, so I need to find a way of
keeping the water warm. The microwave in the school is broken so can anyone suggest ways we can
keep the water warm? (Wrap the cup in something)
Here is a selection of materials that we could use to stop the water from cooling: a jumper, some
newspaper, some tin foil, some bubble wrap, some polystyrene and a cardboard box.
How can we carry out a fair test to see which one is the best at keeping the water warm? (Wrap each
material around a cup of water and place them in the same place. Leave them for a given time, e.g. two hours
and compare how warm the water is)
You will be split into six groups. Each group has a different material. You will each need to wrap your
cup in your material. You will also investigate how much the temperature has changed after two hours.
First we will take the temperature of the water in your cup. What temperature is it?
Should we place the cups in full sun, for example, on the windowsill, or in the shade, for example, in a
cupboard? What difference does it make where we put the cups?
Now two hours have passed, let’s take the temperatures again. How can we work out how much heat
each cup of water has lost? (Subtract the current temperature from the start temperature)
Which cups of water are cold? Which material was the best for keeping the water warm?
We call materials that are good at keeping their temperature thermal insulators.
We call materials that lose their heat thermal conductors.
Look at the six materials you were given at the start of the activity: a jumper, some newspaper, some tin
foil, some bubble wrap, some polystyrene and a cardboard box. Imagine you have been given an ice
lolly to keep cool until break-time. Which material would you suggest the ice lolly is wrapped in to stop
it from melting?
How would you carry out an investigation to test your suggestion?
Exploring Electrical Insulators and Conductors
We have had a look at thermal insulators and conductors, now we are going to look at electrical
insulators and conductors.
Electrical conductors let electricity flow through them.
Electrical insulators do not let electricity flow through them.
What does electricity need to flow? (a circuit)
What does a circuit contain? (a power source, e.g. a battery, wires and an outlet, e.g. bulb or buzzer)
How could we test whether our materials are electrical insulators or electrical conductors? (put them into
our circuit. If the bulb lights or buzzer sounds then the material is a conductor. If it does not, it is an insulator)
We are going to do some predicting using these materials. Predicting means trying to work out what
will happen. Scientists make predictions and then carry out investigations to see if their predictions are
We will work as a big group for this activity. Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. We are now
a completed circuit and you are all buzzers. When the circuit is complete, you should make a buzzing
sound. Let’s try.
Look again at the selection of eight different materials: metal, paper, fabric, rubber, glass, plastic, wood
and rock. We are going to predict whether these materials are insulators or conductors. I will ask two
of you to hold a material between your hands. If you think the material will conduct electricity, make a
buzzing noise. If you do not think the material will conduct electricity, do not make a noise.
Now we have predicted, let’s make a list of those materials you think will be conductors and those you
think will be insulators.
Which materials will be conductors? Which materials will be insulators?
In groups of four, build an incomplete circuit. How do you do this? (fix a wire to either side of the battery,
fix one of these wires to a bulb or buzzer, fix another wire to the other side of the bulb or buzzer, leaving a gap in
the circuit)
Using crocodile clips, attach the materials one at a time to your circuit. If the bulb lights or the buzzer
sounds then the material is a conductor. If the bulb does not light or the buzzer does not sound, the
material is an insulator.
When you have finished testing all of your materials, compare your list of insulators and condustors with
the class predictions. Did you predict any correctly? Did you predict any incorrectly?
Look at the eight different materials and your results. Which material would you use to make:
a) electrical wiring
b) the cover of electrical wiring?
Explain your answers.
For more work
Look around the classroom. Can you find six different materials? What are they?
For each of the following items, say what material it is made from and give two reasons why this
material was chosen:
a) desk
b) window
c) pencil
d) ball
e) book
f) ruler
Pre-Activity Lesson Plan
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Properties of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to compare everyday materials, e.g. different kinds of wood, rock, metal, paper, plastic, on
the basis of their properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour,
and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials.
that some materials are better thermal insulators/conductors than others.
that some materials are better electrical insulators/conductors than others.
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 1
Exploring Reversible Changes of State
For this activity, you will need: an ice cube, some water, a kettle and a ceramic tile.
Ask children to consult with “talk partners”, before asking pairs to respond to questions.
The lesson is divided into sections. Only select those sections you feel your class can benefit from.
Changes of State
Is this ice cube a solid, a liquid or a gas? (a solid)
If I leave this ice cube on the table what will happen to it? (it will melt)
How can we make it melt more quickly? (heat it up)
Let’s see how long it takes to melt the ice cube on the windowsill compared to that on the table.
Now the ice cube has melted what has it become? (water)
Is this a solid, a liquid or a gas? (a liquid)
How can we turn this liquid into a gas? (heat it up)
What do we call it when a liquid turns into a gas? (evaporation)
What is the name of this gas? (steam, water vapour)
Will the water turn into steam if we leave it on the table in the classroom? Why? (No, it isn’t hot enough)
What could we use to turn the water into steam? (a kettle)
As the water heats up, watch the steam coming out of the kettle.
How can we turn this steam back into water? (cool it down)
What is this called? (condensation)
Here I have a cold dry tile. I’m going to hold it over the steam. Watch what happens.
What has happened to the tile? (it has become wet)
Why is this? (the steam has cooled on the tile and turned back into water)
Is it still a gas? (no, now it’s a liquid)
Is it possible to make ice from this water? How? (yes, freeze it)
Can we turn it into ice if we leave it on the table in the classroom? Why? (no, it isn’t cold enough)
Where could we put it to turn it into ice? (in the freezer)
So, from a block of ice, we made a liquid and then we made a gas. From the gas, we made a liquid
and then we can make a block of ice again. This is known as a reversible reaction. This is because we
can “undo” or reverse whatever we do to the water.
For more work
Look at this diagram of the water cycle. Label the diagram to show the different parts of the cycle.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 1
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Properties of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
Changing Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to explore changes in materials and recognise those that can be reversed and those that
that melting, condensing, freezing and evaporating are changes that can be reversed.
that heating or cooling materials, e.g. ice, water, clay, dough, can cause them to change.
that temperature is a measure of how hot or cold things are.
the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 2
Exploring Irreversible Changes of State
To make salt dough you will need: 200g plain flour, 100g salt and 100ml water per child.
To make popcorn you will need: corn kernels, a saucepan and a heat source, such as a cooker hob.
Alternatively, use a bag of microwaveable popcorn.
Ask children to consult with “talk partners”, before asking pairs to respond to questions.
The lesson is divided into sections. Only select those sections you feel your class can benefit from.
We looked at how ice can be turned into water and then into steam and then back to water before
becoming ice again. Do you remember the name for this type of reaction? (reversible reactions)
Why is it called a reversible reaction? (because we can “undo” the changes we have made to the material)
Now, we are going to look at irreversible reactions. With irreversible reactions materials are changed
into something new and cannot be changed back.
Making Salt Dough
We are going to make salt dough. Salt dough has very few ingredients and is really easy to make.
First of all let’s look at our ingredients. We have some plain flour. Is this a solid, a liquid or a gas?
(a solid)
We have some salt. Is this a solid, a liquid or a gas? (a solid)
Lastly we have some water. Is this a solid, a liquid or a gas? (a liquid)
Mix the salt with the flour. Then pour in the water. You will have to put your hands in the bowl and
knead the mixture. It should start to become like dough. Now cover your dough with clingfilm and let it
stand for 30 minutes.
Now you can make shapes from your dough, like modelling clay. We can leave your models to air dry
so that you can then paint them.
Is this a reversible reaction? Can we get the flour, salt and water out of the mixture? (no)
This is an irreversible reaction. We have made a new material. We have made dough and we cannot
change the flour and water back to their original state.
Making Popcorn
We cannot eat the salt dough, but some irreversible reactions occur in cooking.
What happens to an egg when you fry it? (it becomes hard)
Can you change the egg back to its original state? (no)
Here’s another irreversible reaction. Here I have some corn kernels. What will happen to these if I heat
them up?
The corn kernels have changed into popcorn.
Can we change the popcorn back into kernels? (no)
This is an irreversible reaction.
For more work
Try making a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.
Place a tea light candle in the bottom of a beaker. You may need to hold it in place with some clay.
Sprinkle a thick layer of bicarbonate of soda around the candle until the base of the beaker is covered.
Carefully light the candle.
Gently pour some vinegar onto the bicarbonate of soda.
What happens? (the bicarbonate of soda starts to fizz and bubble, and eventually the candle goes out)
Is it possible to separate the bicarbonate of soda from the vinegar? (no)
This is an irreversible reaction. When the vinegar is added to the bicarbonate of soda it makes new
materials. It makes carbon dioxide gas, which puts out the candle. This is because candles need
oxygen, not carbon dioxide, to burn. This reaction also produces water.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 2
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Properties of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
Changing Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to explore changes in materials and recognise those that can be reversed and those
that irreversible changes, e.g. vinegar reacting with bicarbonate of soda, or Plaster of Paris
that mixing materials, e.g. adding salt to water, can cause them to change.
that cannot.
with water, result in a new material being produced, which may be useful.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 3
Exploring Solutions and Filtering
For the first activity, you will need: four cups, a sample of flour, chalk, salt and sand and four
stirrers, enough for one set per pair of pupils. Label cup A “flour”, cup B “chalk”, cup C “salt” and
cup D “sand”.
For the second activity, you will need: a beaker, a funnel and some filter paper, enough for one set per
pair of pupils.
For the third activity, you will need: a bunsen burner, a dish and salt solution.
Ask children to consult with “talk partners”, before asking pairs to respond to questions.
The lesson is divided into sections. Only select those sections you feel your class can benefit from.
Soluble and Insoluble Solids
In pairs, collect one of each of the four different cups, four stirring rods and some water.
What do the cups contain: a solid, a liquid or a gas? (a solid)
One of these solids “vanishes” when water is added to it. Carry out an experiment to find out
which one.
How will you carry out this investigation? (add water to each of the four cups, stir and see what happens)
How will you make the test fair? (add the same amount of water, stir for the same number of times)
Which of the four solids “vanished” when you added it to water? (cup C)
This solid is salt. It didn’t really vanish. What happened to it when water was added? (it dissolved)
The salt dissolved in the water. What do we call solids that have been dissolved in water? (solutions)
They are called solutions. What happened to the other three solids when water was added? (nothing,
they didn’t dissolve)
This shows that some solids can dissolve in water and some cannot.
Separating Insoluble Solids from Water
Cup D contains sand. This didn’t dissolve when the water was added. Is there any way of separating the
solid sand from the liquid water? (filtering)
We can use a separating method called filtering. To remove the sand from the water, place the filter
paper inside the funnel. Place the funnel over the empty beaker. Pour the contents of cup D into the filter
paper inside the funnel. What do you notice? (the water starts to drip through the funnel, but the sand stays
in the paper)
Try the same with the solids in cup A and cup B.
Now try with the salt in cup C. What happens? (the salt does not separate from the water. The water runs
through the funnel with the salt still dissolved in it.)
This shows that some solids can be separated from water through filtering and some cannot. The solids
that do not dissolve in water can be separated through filtering.
For more work
Is there any way of separating the dissolved salt from the water? (evaporation)
What happens to water when we heat it up? What does it turn into? (a gas - steam or water vapour)
What do you think will happen if I heat up a solution of salt and water? (the water will evaporate leaving
behind the salt)
Let’s test this and see what happens.
The water has evaporated, turned into steam, leaving behind the solid salt on the dish.
This is the same thing that happens when you paddle in the sea and then sit in the sun. The sun heats up
the salt water on your skin. The water evaporates, leaving behind fine traces of white salt on your skin.
Post-Activity Lesson Plan 3
National Curriculum (DCELLS) Links:
Properties of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of their properties, e.g.
maintenance of shape and volume.
Changing Materials
Pupils should be taught:
to explore changes in materials and recognise those that can be reversed and those that cannot.
that mixing materials, e.g. adding salt to water, can cause them to change.
that dissolving, melting, condensing, freezing and evaporating are changes that can be reversed.
Separation of Mixtures of Materials
Pupils should be taught:
that some solids, e.g. salt, sugar, are soluble in water and will dissolve to give sollutions but
that insoluble solids can be separated from liquids by filtering.
some, e.g. sand, chalk, will not, and that this provides a means of separating different solids.
that solids that have dissolved can be recovered by evaporating the liquid from the solution.
The Nature of Science
Pupils should be taught the link between ideas and information in science:
to apply their ideas, knowledge and understanding of science when thinking about and
that scientific ideas can be tested by means of information gathered from observation and
investigating phenomenon in the world around them.