Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 1. CON-04-002 Issue 1 SCOPE This document details SP Energy Networks‟ approach to facilitating operational activities for Independent Connection Providers‟ (ICP‟s) to carry out LV and HV network connections. 2. ISSUE RECORD This is a Controlled document. The current version is held on the Energy Networks Intranet Document Library. It is your responsibility to ensure you work to the current version. Issue Date 12/03/2014 3. Issue No Issue 1 Author Nigel Evans Amendment Details ISSUE AUTHORITY Author Nigel Evans Senior Engineering Compliance Consultant Owner M Scowcroft Process & Compliance Manager Issue Authority June Dickson Commercial & Compliance Manager (Scotland / England and Wales) Date: 25/3/14 4. REVIEW This is a Controlled document and shall be reviewed as dictated by business / legislative change but at a period of no greater than 3 years from the last issue date. 5. DISTRIBUTION This document is not part of a Manual maintained by Document Control and does not have a maintained distribution list, but is published to the Energy Networks Internet site. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 1 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 6. CON-04-002 Issue 1 CONTENTS 1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2. ISSUE RECORD ............................................................................................................................ 1 3. ISSUE AUTHORITY ....................................................................................................................... 1 4. REVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 1 5. DISTRIBUTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 6. CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... 2 7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................... 3 8. DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 4 9. GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 5 10. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 5 11. OBJECTIVE OF THE EOCW OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES TRIAL ............................................. 6 12. COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION ........................................................................................... 6 12.1 Commencement ................................................................................................................. 6 12.2 Duration .............................................................................................................................. 7 13. ACCREDITATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 7 14. ROUTE TO AUTHORISATION ...................................................................................................... 7 15. LV NETWORK ............................................................................................................................... 8 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 16. General ............................................................................................................................... 8 LV Operational Work ......................................................................................................... 8 Network Access ................................................................................................................. 8 Communication ................................................................................................................. 9 Ongoing development of works. ...................................................................................... 9 HV NETWORK ............................................................................................................................... 9 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 General ............................................................................................................................... 9 HV Operational Work ......................................................................................................... 9 Network Access ...............................................................................................................11 Communication ...............................................................................................................11 Elements that require a more sustained approach by the business to gain a robust, enduring process. ...........................................................................................................11 © SP Power Systems Limited Page 2 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 7. CON-04-002 Issue 1 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets ECSG Electricity Connections Steering Group DNO Distribution Network Operator SPM Distribution License Holder – SP Manweb, Distribution Service area formerly known as Manweb SPD Distribution License Holder – SP Distribution, Distribution service area formerly known as ScottishPower. EoCW Extension of Contestable Works – as proposed by the ECSG (Ofgem Extension of Contestable Works subgroup) November 2010 Handover A point where all contestable work is complete, transfer of title, ownership, operation and maintenance responsibilities as defined in the Construction and Adoption Agreement has been transferred to the License Holders SP Distribution Ltd or SP England and Wales plc. NERS National Electricity Registration Scheme – operated by Lloyds Register on behalf of the UK DNOs‟. Lloyds perform technical assessment of the Service Providers (applicants) who elect to be assessed for accreditation for contestable works associated with the installation of electrical connections. ICP Independent Connection Provider – A NERS accredited contractor undertaking design and construction works in association with housing and industrial and commercial sites (referred to by Ofgem as the Applicant). IDNO An Independent Distribution Network Operator who can employ applicants or who can act as an applicant with suitable NERS accreditation. PSCC PowerSystems Control Centre SPEN SP Energy Networks – The network operator for the Distribution License Holders SPD and SPM SAP Senior Authorised Person ISAP ICP‟s Senior Authorised Person SOP‟s Suspension of Operational Practices Working Day Any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, Christmas day, New Year‟s day, Good Friday, Easter Monday or a day classed as a bank holiday within the meaning of the banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. Safety Rules The Electrical and Mechanical Safety rules applicable to work on the SPM or SPD network CiC Competition in Connections © SP Power Systems Limited Page 3 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 8. CON-04-002 Issue 1 DOCUMENTS The following documents are related to the operational activities with respect to a new connection onto the SPEN network. With exception to the Statutory documents these documents are controlled documents and are not available for general scrutiny. All construction, monitoring and recording documentation can be found at: Statutory Related Documents Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Electricity Supply Quality Continuity Regulations 2002 And subsequent Amendments Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 IEE 17th edition Wiring Regulations BS7671 Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007 (CDM) Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, Dangerous Occurrences regulations 1995 Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations1992 IEE Code of Practice on In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment SPEN Related Documents Scottish Power Safety Rules (Electrical & Mechanical) 4th Edition Issue 3i Operative from December 2007 (Green Book) OPSAF-01-001 (LWM 1.1) Policy for Live Work on System OPSAF-11-001 MSP Explanatory Notes OPSAF-11-002 MSP Definitions OPSAF-11-003 (MSP 1.1) Accompanied Work OPSAF-11-004 (MSP 1.2) Operational Compliance Auditing OPSAF-11-005 (MSP 1.3) Achieving Safety from the System by Limiting the Testing, Work or Work Area OPSAF-11-010 (MSP 1.8) Recording and Reporting of High Voltage and Low Voltage Switching OPSAF-11-012 (MSP 2.1) Arrangement for the Establishment and Maintenance of General Safety OPSAF-11-014 (MSP 2.3) The Issue of SPEN Safety Rules Handbook and Support Documents OPSAF-11-054 (MSP 2.4.7) Interim Procedure for Safety Locking Ring Switches on 33kV RMU'S with A.E.I or Ferguson-Palin IVS type Oil Switches OPSAF-11-018 (MSP 2.7) Objection to Instructions Issued Under The Safety Rules OPSAF-11-023 (MSP 3.1) Application of SPEN Safety Rules OPSAF-13-001 (MSP 5.1): Authorisation Procedures OPSAF-13-001 MSP 5.1 Appendix 09 – Request for Authorisation OPSAF-13-001 (MSP 5.1) Appendix 10 – Authorisation Cancellation OPSAF-13-003 (MSP 5.1.1) Route to Authorisation OPSAF-11-035 (MSP 5.5) Procedures for Standby OPSAF-11-031 (MSP 4.6) Procedure and Guidance for Safety Documents. OPSAF-13-004 (MSP 5.6) Operational Incident Procedure – Authorisation Withdrawal OPSAF-11-044 (MSP 6.1) Guidance on Interpretation of Definitions Part D – Safety Rules OPSAF-12-004 (LWM 2.2) Operation of HV System up to and including 33kV OPSAF-12-007 (LWM 3.1) Substation Distribution Boards and Network Pillars OPSAF-12-009 (LWM 3.3) Control and Protection Systems © SP Power Systems Limited Page 4 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) CON-04-002 Issue 1 OPSAF-12-024 (LWM 8.1) Approval of Equipment for Live Working or Testing OPSAF-12-003 (LWM 2.1) Operation of LV System OPSAF-12-008 (LWM 3.2) Substation Batteries OPSAF-12-010 (LWM 3.4) Current Transformers (CT's) OPSAF-12-005 (LWM 2.3) Use of Approved Voltage Indicators (HV) and Capacitive Phasing-Out Devices. Power Systems Safety Instructions OPSAF-11-032 (MSP 5.2) Responsibilities of Control Persons and Authorised Persons DOM 1.4.6 (SWG-14-003), Precautions when working with sf6 gas QUAL-04-001, Equipment Defect Reporting and Rectification QUAL-04-001, Equipment Defect Reporting and Rectification – Appendix 1 SWG-18-100, Maintenance Procedure Check Sheets G3/A Ancillary Plant: Test Prod Devices for HV Tests SWG-18-001, Ancillary Plant: Test Prod Devices for HV Tests SMS-11-027, In-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment OPSAF-04-021, Operational Hazard Management Procedure OPSAF-04-024, Identification, Register, Issue, Control & Inspection of HV Test Prods, HV Earthing Devices & Ancillary Equipment OPSAF-04-025, Manweb System Operation LV Network Interconnection OPSAF-04-028, SP LV Distribution System (Non-Interconnected) BUPR-10-020, Application and use of Geofield LV Management Package ASSET-04-030, RAdAR Process for Contestable Connection Projects QUAL-10-204, HV & LV Customer Affecting Planned Outage Procedure QUAL-04-030, Operations QMS – Deliberate Supply Interruptions – Legal Constraints & Financial Incentives 9. GENERAL The information and guidance contained within this document remains the property of SPEN Energy Networks (SPEN) and may not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied. It may not be reproduced either wholly, or in part, in any way whatsoever, nor may it be used by, or its contents divulged to, any other person whosoever, without the prior written permission of SPEN. This document applies to new enquiries/schemes and is not to be applied retrospectively. SPEN reserves the right to change the data contained within this document. SPEN accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in, or omissions from, the document. The ICP is responsible for ensuring they have all the relevant information, approved PPE, approved test equipment and approved materials to undertake the work. Only ICP‟s possessing the right skills, training, knowledge and experience shall use the information and guidance within this document. 10. INTRODUCTION The de-regulation of the electricity market has developed to a stage where it has been possible to allow accredited, authorised & suitably trained ICP‟s to undertake live jointing of the newly installed contestable assets on new Greenfield HV/LV housing developments, Brownfield HV/LV housing developments, Industrial/Commercial and Generation. However, because of network access & safety considerations the local distributor has to date been required to provide live jointing on the contestable part of the network. The next stage in the deregulation of the connections market will be to facilitate a trial allowing “final connection” to existing DNO assets to be carried out by ICP‟s.. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 5 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) CON-04-002 Issue 1 It is the intention of SPEN to facilitate Ofgem‟s request to extend the contestable element of works for new connections. In order to assess the feasibility of this requirement & the appropriateness of associated processes & documentation, a trial called Extension of Contestable Works (EoCW) trial will be established in SP Distribution and SP Manweb. The purpose of the trial will be to test, monitor & evaluate the proposed processes & documentation. Any areas where the network is known to have specific anomalies, e.g. „out of phase points‟ or where local knowledge is essential, then these areas will not form part of the trial. 11. OBJECTIVE OF THE EOCW OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES TRIAL The objective of this trial is to determine the robustness and practicality of the proposed operating regime, ascertain if there is a need for operational activities and at what level. Identify the benefits. If successful, this documentation may be used to facilitate a long term approach to ICP‟s carrying out operational activities on the SP Network. Sections 15.5, 16.5 identify areas that will require closer communication and investigation to enable a robust and safe process. For this purpose, it is intended, in the first instance, for the requesting ICP, SP Connections and SP Operations to be involved. 12. COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION 12.1 Commencement Anyone intending to carry out operational activities on the SPEN network MUST hold the relevant current SPEN authorisation applicable to the company they are employed by. OPSAF-13-003 (MSP 5.1.1) Route to Authorisation provides guidance for Training and Authorisation of Personnel in the Electrical and Mechanical Safety Rules. This document also lays down the procedures to be followed to ensure that persons have knowledge and experience appropriate to the duties which they will carry out on, or near to the System. The following criteria must be met before ANY SP authorisation is issued: The need for the person to be authorised has been justified. i.e. The person requesting the authorisation has a contract of work applicable to the authorisation being requested. The person has been deemed competent via OPSAF-13-003. i.e. Has proved to have the necessary experience, training, knowledge and understanding. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 6 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 12.2 CON-04-002 Issue 1 Duration The trial shall run for a period long enough to test the robustness of all new processes and documentation, dependant on sufficient volume, unless otherwise dictated by Ofgem. However SPEN will always ensure the integrity of the SPEN network and the safety of its employees, all contractors and the members of the public. For this reason SPEN have adopted a phased approach to any ICP gaining physical and operational activities on the network. Physical activities: (Now business as Usual) LV Jointing – Complete – Both metered and un-metered. HV Jointing – Complete Operational activities: LV – Under review HV – Under review The following document will identify the proposed approach to enable operational activities. 13. ACCREDITATIONS All applicants must hold Lloyds accreditation with the relevant scopes applicable to the work involved. Anyone requesting to carry out operational activities must have completed the following. Made an application to Lloyds register for the relevant scope of works Completed a satisfactory initial assessment by Lloyds to move to partial accreditation. Informed SPEN of the above actions and provided SPEN with the Lloyds register contact name and number. 14. ROUTE TO AUTHORISATION All applicants must justify the need for authorisation and level of authorisation and submit an “Appendix09 request for authorisation” form that is part of SPEN document „OPSAF13-001‟ This appendix09 form needs to be signed by the network connections signatory and passed over to SPEN compliance section. All persons MUST show evidence of relevant training, experience and competency of Live LV network working. All persons must proceed through the same route as SPEN employees and follow the OPSAF-13-003 (Route to authorisation Document) – This route can be shortened if the person has held the requested authorisation with SPEN within the past 12 months and have been carrying out similar work in another DNO/IDNO. Note: All SPEN authorisations are only valid whilst the person is actively carrying out the tasks relevant to the authorisation. If any persons not carrying out the work on a regular basis, then SPEN reserve the right to remove the authorisation. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 7 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 15. LV NETWORK 15.1 General CON-04-002 Issue 1 Many ICP‟s and their contractors presently hold authorisations to carry out physical activities, e.g. Jointing, on the SPEN network. To enable LV Operational authorisations, whether this is internal or external persons, they must show adequate training and experience (OPSAF-13-003) before they can become authorised. The following authorisations are applicable to LV operational work. OP-1 – All switching no limitations within voltage level: The above authorisation is an all encompassing authorisation and is only applicable to persons who will need to carry out planned and fault fusing and linking associated with overhead and underground networks. As the work involved in new connections activities will be a limited activity, then OP-1 will not apply. OP-2 – Switching with limitations within voltage level The above authorisation is for planned fusing and linking on the LV network and is used for planned fault repairs, energisation of new networks, network monitoring, and network adjustments to enable HV operations. Therefore, a maximum OP-2 will apply. OP-3 – Remove/insert LV cut out fuses. The above authorisation is presently used for many ICP and IDNO persons and will be issued as and when it is deemed to be required in line with OPSAF-13-003. 15.2 LV Operational Work The vast majority of LV work under the EoCW will consist of a breech joint onto the existing network. As this does not require any operational activity the need for operational authorisation under the EOCW remit is limited. The only foreseeable need for operational activities would be: Within a new site, working within a „Live Working regime‟ where an ICP could energise sections of LV network from an LV board. This has not yet been requested by any ICP. When a new LV only substation requires LV „loop in‟ direct off the existing network. (If an LV „loop in‟ is required on a HV substation then all work will be under the supervision of an SAP). (SP Manweb Area Only). If connecting a 4 way link box – It is deemed that a 4 way link box will always be the property of the DNO due to the „in line‟ running main passing through. These will all be constructed under the supervision of a relevant SP employee. The following process will be used to enable an ICP to carry out LV operational work under ECOW. 15.3 Network Access Access to parts of the system that does not require the use of an operational key, i.e. link boxes, feeder pillars etc. then this must be done by use of the approved tools and equipment. Access to a substation via the use of operational keys will be on a job by job basis and keys only issued for that particular job. When the substation has been energised and is identified as being part of the SPEN network, then access to the SPEN substation during the duration of the works will be via a dual locking mechanism, supplied by the ICP. If any cables need de energising during the period of works then Qual-10-204 and Qual-04-030 will also apply. When all cables have been energised SPEN will remove the dual locking and install their own lock. From this point on the ICP will not have access into the substation. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 8 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) 15.4 CON-04-002 Issue 1 Communication All construction communication will be in line with SPEN document Asset-04-030. During the trial period it is the intention to audit every job involved in the trial. Any on-site communication with the ICP on the day of the works shall be via the asset inspectors, local team leaders or Senior Project Engineers, dependant on work involved. This shall be specified at a local level. Any authorisation policy document changes will be via the standard channels in line with present authorisation procedures. 15.5 Ongoing development of works. Connection of LV to a substation before the HV is complete –safety notices, SAP involvement, raising of the POWER ON patch. Understanding the need for an SAP or ISAP involvement if energising the LV first, especially with a unit type substation. Finding a fault on the network whilst cutting the running main. – Written procedure required with the use of approved joints i.e. Breech come pot-end. Handover of substation. If HV work is to be carried out later, then it will be under the control of an SAP. If it is agreed for the ISAP to carry out the HV side at a later date. How long can we allow control of the substation to be with the ICP before complete handover. Tracking of any „no supplies‟ and subsequent payments if an ICP makes a mistake. Ensuring operational activities are not carried out without SP knowledge. 16. HV NETWORK 16.1 General There are many HV operational levels of authorisation within SPEN. As with any DNO/IDNO anyone progressing to HV operational authorisations has to have a number of years experience with a stepped progression to full authorisation. As with the HV network any persons requesting authorisation will be evaluated on an individual basis dependant on previous experience and relevant history (if available). Any person who requires HV operational authorisation will require access to a number of SPEN I.T. applications, such as POWER ON, UMV (full access). Access to these systems could result in an ICP becoming aware of commercially sensitive information. SPEN will review the access required and decide if full or any access is viable. 16.2 HV Operational Work The following table shows the initial response by ScottishPower to enable a trial. This shows responsibilities of ScottishPower and the relevant ICP. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 9 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) Responsibility ScottishPower Planning Network Checks Switching Schedule Outage Planning Outage Notification Connection of Generators Altering protection settings at primary substation (if req‟d) Isolation Earthing Cable identification Spiking Permit For Work Sanction for Test Provision of HV Diagram Access to Cable Records Equipment Testing (prior to energisation) Commissioning (inc. Remote ends) HV split point moves Energisation Ownership of keys Yes Yes POWER ON Input and Check Yes Yes Yes CON-04-002 Issue 1 ICP Preparation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes job by job basis It will be the responsibility of ScottishPower to carry out all network checks, plan the outage, create the switching schedule and issue any outage notification letters (if applicable) Solkor networks are deemed to be a more specialised area of work and may require additional training and authorisation, such as connection of generators. Therefore due to the complexities of a Solkor network. Any work involving a Solkor network is not part of the EoCW trial at this time. On initial assessment it has been identified that an ICP requires an adequate amount of control to carry out the operations safely and effectively. It is expected that the ISAP involved will be responsible for: Moving of HV split points: The ISAP will be responsible for the opening and closing of all split points to ensure the continuity of supply for ScottishPower customers. The ISAP will need to be fully conversant with Urban automation. SOP‟s, be aware of LV groups and split points to prevent compromising the LV network. Isolation and Earthing of the network: The ISAP must be fully conversant with the type of switchgear involved and type of earthing equipment used within ScottishPower. The ISAP will require access to earthing equipment and must be fully conversant with the quarantine and care of equipment. The ISAP may need to familiarise themselves with the switchgear involved before the day of the shutdown, such as earthing processes and locking mechanisms. The ISAP will provide their own red safety locks, yellow earthing locks, caution notices approved for the SP network etc. ScottishPower will provide the key safes and keys for loan for the duration of the works. Cable Identification: It will be the responsibility of the ISAP to identify the HV cable to be worked on. The ISAP must be fully conversant with the use of ScottishPower approved testing and identification equipment. Approved cable identifiers. Spiking guns approved test regime. Use of records. PSSI 12 / PSSI 5. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 10 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) CON-04-002 Issue 1 SPEN will provide the test prods specific to that job/switchgear. These will be issued, logged and returned by the allocated SP Network Connections SAP. Issue of safety documents: As per OPSAF-11-031 Issue 4 (MSP 4.6) Procedure and Guidance for Safety Documents, the ISAP must have access to, and use, up to date ScottishPower documents. Be fully trained on the correct filling in of the documents. These documents must be kept for audit purposes. Commissioning: The ISAP will record all stage commissioning results and make them available to the SAP at the time of handover. The ScottishPower SAP will still need to witness any testing during the trial period. Energisation: The existing wording of OPSAF-11-024 and its appendices does not lend itself to the application of ICP energisation. This would have to be reviewed with SP Operational safety department. 16.3 Network Access Access to the ScottishPower network is limited to the operational authorisation held along with the task required to complete the work. Any ICP requesting HV operational authorisation will only be given the authorisation level relevant to any work they are likely to carry and are accredited for under Lloyds. Substation access will be given on a job by job basis and a permanent set of substation keys will not be issued. 16.4 Communication All construction electronic communication will be in line with SPEN document Asset-04-030. In tandem with the above process and prior to the commencement of works the ISAP will communicate with the SPNC SAP appointed to the scheme. Both the ISAP and the SAP will arrange a handover of the work package (5 days) prior to the commencement of works to ensure the ISAP is fully conversant with the work involved. Any pre commissioning results will be made available at this point. During the works/shutdown all communication will be via the PSCC up to and including energisation of the substation. When all activities on the switching schedule are complete then the ISAP will liaise with the SAP to handover the substation back to the appointed SAP. The SAP will then issue a withdrawal notice and take back the keys. 16.5 Elements that require a more sustained approach by the business to gain a robust, enduring process. Issue of keys – Dual padlocks will be fitted to the relevant substations and returned back to SPNC once the job is complete. SOP‟s – A means of communicating any SOP‟s will need to be addressed. This will need to be a list of existing as well as a process for communicating new ones. OIC‟s – Same as above. Communication from associated POI‟s – As Above. Operational Near misses – How do we filter and communicate. Access to test prods/equipment. – Unless the ICP can satisfy they are using the approved test prods and have a robust test regime in line with SP approved procedures, then they will need to have access to our test prods and use SP procedures. This will require extra access to SP buildings or a process for delivery and check by an SAP to handover equipment. A charge will have to be identified for Use of SAP time and equipment. Checking and audit of their equipment. (Calibration etc.) Do we ask for a form to prove before each job or accept their testing regime? © SP Power Systems Limited Page 11 of 12 Process for LV and HV operational activities with respect to Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) CON-04-002 Issue 1 Spiking Guns – The ICP must carry out the same inspection regime as SP for all their equipment. They will supply and use the correct cartridges. O/H Lines – Does the ICP have access to authorised OH linesmen when required. Network anomalies – Network anomalies are not recorded and it is down to local experience and knowledge. Told on handover or liaise to see if job is viable and cost effective. Existing documentation – As raised in Section 16.2 „Energisation‟ The documentation and forms are heavily weighted and designed for use by an SAP to issue to an ISAP or ICP representative. The documentation and related forms and process flows will either have to be re written or extra appendices/forms created. This will still have to be documented within the MSPs. As this documentation is reviewed on a tri-annual basis and has recently completed a major review. Handover – When do we take formal handover and responsibility of the substation and subsequent equipment. © SP Power Systems Limited Page 12 of 12