• L ci 5 ) t 0 (1 a 0 c o 3 cr1 00 1 0 00-ct (tCtØ 0 . 0 0 an 0-40 Cr -c 0 -c ni-I s -‘ • 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 00 r 00 $t -b (8 0() 0 2c 0 -c a a .-. t o 1 3 a t-I,-ç z -( z s-bo 0 C 0 z C 0 z mOo ‘I OOt 30c CO a 03 ( a 0 -c ‘< -i C’ cc s 0 a N Nfl NO a Wn 00 30 o nt $ 0 ‘l W 000 -c ‘ ) I’ 0 • Z •a%N 03 N • W Z C 0 (tnt -ç 0 ton 0 0 0 Z ) i Z -c c 0 • ‘- a C a ‘ —“P 0 t ,j 0 0 m -c Cr 00 ‘-‘00 Ice err $ 0 0 ..‘.O z Z 0 0 No -ft (F z (P N C a . a NO 0 -P ) 3 N C NO a’ a 0 p. 0 -c o 0 o s a 0 0 * -4 3 0 -c s 0 ) t a. r a I (8 C a (8 • i-. • 0 0 t 0 -i o I ‘) 4t r r 0 -4 I-’ t m .4 • N a 0 • a (P0 C -c 0 CI eo o a fr s 0 -c 0 a a 0 ‘a t 0 fr’ 0 g % -c 00 C Z • a 0 a a C 0 -% < 3t 0 0 C ‘-‘V O-( .7 a 0 Cr 1< 5 •10 0 c ‘-‘(P z m -4 m m z w a Q 3. • 0 o’0 • “0 0 4% 1-, .4 ‘a mm -4 ‘.4 ‘ t I P1 -( - flO . I” 0 p -4 S “In 0 Ox -4 .4 I m z -2- This writ petition ii filed under Artirle 226 and 227 of the Constitution Annexure—A dated 11. .3.98 and to direct the respondent to praying this Court coneider the case of the petitioner to one of of to the quash posts AsstSnginee under the General Merit category and to appoint him. This petition coming on for preliminary hearing this day, the Court made the following: Pursuant to the advertisement dated 9.6.97 (Annexure B) issued by the Karnataka ‘tate Road Transport Corporation, the petitioner had made an application for recruitment against the post of Assistant Engineer. said application was filed on 15.7.97 As The per the notification the eligibility requirements were prescribed as follows: •(a) Must possess the degree in Civil Engineering from a University established law by in India or equivalent qualification; (b) Experience of not less than three years in Civil Engineering Department of State Government Undertaking or in any Undertaking of repute.’ -3- 2. was In the present case, no doubt, the petitioner the,educationa1 qualification and as per the having marks obtained by him he was a better candidate than the person qualified for interview but since he had failed to satisfy the minimum experience eligibility in requirement Civil of three Engineering Department of State Government undertaking or in any other of repute) he years was undertaking for the interview. The clarification to the said effect was given to the for the petitioner by endorsement Annexure-A. 3. petitioner along Sri Gopal states Hegde, that, learned admittedly the petitioner had, with the application, Annexures-G and H, two undertakings September 1988 filed two certificates, which shows that he had worked with during and Counsel the periods April 1988 then October 1988 to November to 1990. But since as per the certificates he had an experience of only two and a ineligible years therefore he was declared 4 for,\ call for interview which was fixed in the ratio of 1 the half : petitioner 5. After filed communication a certificate of on Annexure—A 29. 12l997 obtained from one K.Duaiswami, Class I Contractor, which is to the following effect: JORKS,fT I Fi,QLE This is to Certify that Sri Chandrashekhar Araballi, B.E,(Civil) was working as a Consulting Civil Engineer in my firm during period December 1990 to July 1992. He was helping me in filing tenders as well as in the execution of —4 various civil works. He was goody hardworking. He deserves all encouragement. 4 Respondents have capable sorts of refused to give any credence to the said certificate on the ground that the caine ha been filed belated lj, h1 by that time interview letters haó. already been issued to the candidates who were found to be qualified both as per the academic qualification and experie nceS 5. In my opinion the stand taken by the respondents cannot be said to be in any way arb itrary or illegal since the petitioner ha fail ed to the eligibility the time of considrat ion for interview by the Corporatio n. So far as subsequently produced certificate is concerned, to my mind in the present state of affairs such cer tificates can always be obtained with a little effort. Neither in the certificate nor in the writ petition it has been stat ed that the petitioner had worked with the said KDuraiswamy and in what round 6. For the above reasons I do not find any to interfere with the writ jurisdiction. good Writ petition is accordingly dismissed. Sd/ JUDGE