Presentation Schedule for Monday, April 18, 2016 Presentation Topic Area Legend Topic Area Presentation Types Legend Topic Area Type Type Administration Ad Breakout Bo Analytics An Code Doctors CD Business Intelligence/Business Analytics Bu Conference Tutorial (Extra Fee Session) CT$ Data Management Da E-Poster eP Executive Program Ex Executive Session ES General Sessions and Networking GS General Session GS HOW Industry Specific SAS Solutions In Hands-On Workshop Programming Pr Lunch Session User Development Us Quick Tip QT Special Events and Dining SED Student Symposium SS Super Demo SD Table Talk TT LS Room/Location corresponds to the columns Session Time corresponds to the rows Topic Icon (on BW version) or Cell Color (color version) indicates the session topic area (see Session Topic Area legend) Type Icon indicates the session type (see Type legend) Each cell contains [Session ID] Title, First author Schedule subject to change. Generated on: 08APR2016:10:56:33 Events Schedule for Monday, April 18, 2016 Start Time Artist Foyer 14:30 15:30 16:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 [13260] Tweet-Up. . . 20:30 21:00 22:00 Passing Time Lido San Polo Venetian Level 4 [12820] First Timers' Session. . . Passing Time [12821] Academic Summit. . . Passing Time [12822] Charity Event. . . - [12823] Monday Evening Mingle. . . - Passing Time Passing Time Schedule subject to change. Generated on: 08APR2016:10:56:33 Tutorials Schedule for Monday, April 18, 2016 Start Time 8:00 Titian 2203 2204 [12360] Applied Quantile [12361] Modeling Regression Using SAS®. . . Yao Longitudinal Categorical Response Data. . . Stokes 10:00 Passing Time 10:30 Titian 2205 [12383] Designing and Analyzing Surveys with SAS/STAT® Software. . . Mukhopadhyay Titian 2305 Titian 2306 Veronese 2405 [12362] SAS® in Hadoop: [12380] Using SAS® Techniques for In-Memory Enterprise Guide® as Your Analytics and In-Database DS2 Programming Tool. . . Durie Proc. . . Ghan [12381] Mastering Output [12382] How to Become a Delivery System (ODS): The Top SAS® Basics and Beyond. . . Lafler Programmer. . . Raithel Passing Time Passing Time Passing Time [12384] Current Methods in Survival Analysis Using SAS/STAT® Software. . . Guo 11:30 12:30 Passing Time Passing Time [12389] Reporting Your Way With the Report Writing Interface. . . Lund 16:30 Passing Time [12390] Parallel Data Preparation in Hadoop Using DS2. . . Jordan Passing Time 13:00 Titian 2206 Passing Time [12385] Using Macros to [12386] SAS® Studio Create Customized Tables. . . Li Basics. . . Syphus Passing Time Passing Time Passing Time [12387] Overview of Data [12388] Bayesian Analysis Mining. . . Dickey Using the MCMC Procedure. . . Chen Passing Time Passing Time Schedule subject to change. Generated on: 08APR2016:10:56:33