first second third

First Second Third II
Instructions: Go over the instructions with the students, then let the students do this exercise
We need to check to be certain that the students have not confused the position with the object itself.
Before the students draw the lines, review each of the boxes by saying, “Point to the first, point to
the second, point to the third.” This will tell you if the students understand the concepts, because, for
instance, the dog is first in one of the boxes but second in another.
Once you are assured that the students have the concepts, say, “Trace over the lines from the
symbol for first to all the things that are first. Then do the things that are second, and then, the
things that are third.”
Do NOT allow the students to proceed unless the position of first second and third are understood.
Repeat this page if necessary.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: Once you are assured that the students have the concepts, instruct them to draw a line
from the symbol for first to all the things that are first. Then draw a line from the symbol for second to
the things that are second, then do the same for the things that are third.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: Draw a line from the symbol for first to all the things that are first. Then draw a line from
the symbol for second to the things that are second, then do the same for the things that are third.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: This exercise takes the concept of “same order” one step further.
Use colored pencils or crayons; blue, red and green.
Find a group in the top row of pictures that matches a group in the row below. We have done the first
group for you. Trace over the lines with a blue pencil or crayon.
In this group, the ball is first. Trace the line in blue from the ball to the one in the bottom row that has a
ball first.
The teddy bear is second. Trace the line in blue from the teddy bear to the one in the bottom row that
has a teddy bear second.
The frog is third. Can you find a group in the bottom row that has a frog third? When you do, draw a
line in blue from the frog to the one in the bottom row that has a frog third.
Now you do the second group with red. And the third group with green.
blue crayon
red crayon
green crayon
That is how you find matching groups. Same things in the same order.
See how the things in the groups are in the same order. The sets of different colored lines show you
that they match in order. We say that groups that match in order are the same. The groups connected
by the blue lines are the same. The groups connected by the red lines are the same. And the groups
connected by the green lines are the same.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: This time we are going to do what we did last time, find the “same order.”
Find a group in the top row of pictures that matches a group in the row below. Use the color listed at
the top of the box.
Now you do the second group with red. And the third group with green.
blue crayon
red crayon
green crayon
That is how you match groups. Same things in the same order.
See how the things in the groups are in the same order. The sets of different colored lines show you
that they match in order. We say that groups that match in order are the same. The groups connected
by the blue lines are the same. The groups connected by the red lines are the same. And the groups
connected by the green lines are the same.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: On this page the student will also be matching sequences, but the format has changed.
This time you will be doing the same thing but in a different way. Look up here. (Point to the
single box in the first exercise.) What do you see? (Pause. Then reinforce the answer or correct the
answer given.) That’s right, a frog, a glass, and a dog—in that order. Now you find the same
things, in the same order, down here. (Point to the set of three boxes.) Find the one in which the
frog is first, the glass is second, and the dog is third. Draw a line from the box up above to the
one that matches it. Now you do the other two by yourself.
Review: If there are problems, have the student identify the first figure in the top box. Then have the
student identify the first figure in each of the boxes below. Have the student draw a line from the first
figure to the one that matches. Do the same with the second and third figures. Show how all three
match, and match in order. Now, go back to the other two items and try again.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Instructions: On this page the student is again matching sequences, but the format has changed.
This is a more demanding task.
This time you will be matching things in order, but in a different way. Look at the boxes on the
left. Each box has three things in it. Your job is to find a box on the right that has exactly the
same figures—in exactly the same order. The order of the figures has to match exactly. All the
boxes have the same three figures. It is the order that is important.
Review: If there are problems, have the student start with the first figure in the top box on the left—the
frog—and have the student find the boxes (there will be two) that have the frog first. Put a little dot
by each of these boxes. Now have the student look at the second figure—the glass—and have the
student find which of the boxes with the dots has the glass second. That is the answer. Draw a line
from the first box on the left to the fourth box on the right. Erase the little dots. Now have the student
match the figures in the next box on the left—the glass, frog, dog—with the correct box on the right.
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.
First Second Third II
Copyright © Robert Meeker 2010, All rights reserved. May not be photographed or reproduced in any way.