DO YOU FEEL YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY COULD DAMAGE YOUR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES? Do you feel yDo our ysou ocial myedia cHvity ould adcHvity amage your dcamage areer oypportuniHes? feel our saocial mcedia could our career opportuniHes? Defence Defence Australian public Defence Australian Public Australian Public Yes Yes No No I don't know I don't kn Compared to Defence emp Compared acBvity could harm their c acBvity cou about their social m edia ac about their Yes Base: Total Respondents (Defence n=1574 (weighted), n=1000) Base: Total Respondents (Defence Pnublic =1574 (weighted), Public n=1000) Yes No Yes No No I don't know I don't know I don’t know Do you feel (or are you concerned) that your social media activity could damage your career opportunities? Base: Total respondents (Defence n = 1574 (weighted), Public n = 1000) Q34. Do you feel (or Q34. are you our csoncerned) ocial media acPvity ould m damage your ccareer pportuniPes? Do cyoncerned) ou feel (or tahat re yyou that your scocial edia acPvity ould doamage your career opportuniPes? Yes No I don’t know DefencePublic 22%28% 66%59% 11% 13% Compared to Defence employees, the Australian public are more likely to feel that their social media activity could harm their career. This could be an indication that Defence personnel are more cautious about their social media activity and therefore are not concerned that it could be damaging. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-55 DO YOU FEEL YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY COULD DAMAGE YOUR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES? Do you feel your social media acHvity could damage your career opportuniHes? 0% Defence Total 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Rank/Level A ARMY Rank/Level A NAVY Rank/Level A RAAF Rank/Level A DoD Rank/Level B ARMY Rank/Level B NAVY Rank/Level B RAAF Rank/Level B DoD Rank/Level C ARMY Rank/Level C NAVY Rank/Level C RAAF Rank/Level C DoD Public Total Public A Public B Yes No I don't know Public C Public D Yes No Q34. Do you feel (or are you concerned) that your social media acPvity could damage your career opportuniPes? Base: Total Respondents (Defence n=1574 (weighted), Public n=1000) I don’t know Do you feel (or are you concerned) that your social media activity could damage your career opportunities? Base: Total respondents (Defence n = 1574 (weighted), Public n = 1000) Defence A A A A B B B B C C C C Public Public Public Public Public TotalArmyNAVY RAAFDoDArmyNavyRAAFDoDARMYNAVY RAAFDoD Total A B C D Yes 22% 23%25%22%23% 20%24% 18%23% 19% 25%23%25% 28%31%30% 26%33% No 66% 73%62%71%64% 70%57% 66%63% 72% 63%66%54% 59%58%60% 62%48% I don’t know 11% 4%11% 6%13% 8%22% 18%14% 9% 12%11%20% 13%11%10% 12%19% Navy personnel are slightly more likely to be concerned about their social media activity than their Army, RAAF or DoD counterparts. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-56 DO YOU THINK SOCIAL MEDIA WILL BE A CORE PART OF YOUR JOB IN FUTURE? Do you think social media will be a core part of your job in future? 0% 10% Defence Total 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Rank/Level A ARMY Rank/Level A NAVY Rank/Level A RAAF Rank/Level A DoD Rank/Level B ARMY Rank/Level B NAVY Rank/Level B RAAF Rank/Level B DoD Rank/Level C ARMY Rank/Level C NAVY Rank/Level C RAAF Rank/Level C DoD Public Total Public A Yes No I do Public B Public C Public D Q35. Do you think social media will be a core part of your job in future? Yes No Base: Total Respondents (Defence n=1574 (weighted), Public n=1000) I don’t know Do you think social media will be a core part of your job in future? Base: Total respondents (Defence n = 1574 (weighted), Public n = 1000) Defence A A A A B B B B C C C C Total Public Public Public Public TotalArmyNAVY RAAFDoDArmyNavyRAAFDoDARMYNAVY RAAFDoDPublicA B C D Yes 17% 28%13%15%15% 21%11% 19%12% 17% 24%17%12% 22%31%33% 14%15% No 59% 54%61%63%63% 55%54% 61%57% 63% 57%54%64% 60%58%53% 63%61% I don’t know 23% 18%26%22%23% 24%35% 21%31% 19% 20%29%24% 18%11%13% 23%24% Over a quarter of Rank/Level A Army respondents believe that social media will become a core part of their job – almost twice the level reported for their Rank/Level A Navy, RAAF and DoD colleagues. Public groups A and B score higher yet; around a third of respondents expect social media to be integral to their jobs in future. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-57 HAS YOUR ATTITUDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA CHANGED IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS? Has your a[tude to social media changed in the last 12 months? 0% 10% Defence Total 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Rank/Level A ARMY Rank/Level A NAVY Rank/Level A RAAF D T Rank/Level A DoD Rank/Level B ARMY Yes 3 Rank/Level B NAVY No 6 Rank/Level B RAAF I don't know 5 Rank/Level B DoD 32% of Defence emplo months. This figure inc RAAF C recorded a pa however Public group Rank/Level C ARMY Rank/Level C NAVY Rank/Level C RAAF Rank/Level C DoD Public Total Public A Yes No I don't know Public B Public C Public D Q38. Has your aVtude to social media changed in the last 12 months? !"#$%&'()"*&+$#,(-.$-)#&/0$1$-2$&-34567&/8$9:;)$.<=&>?@*92&-34AAA<& Yes No I don’t know Has your attitude to social media changed in the last 12 months? Base: Total respondents (Defence n = 1574 (weighted), Public n = 1000) Defence A A A A B B B B C C C C Total Public Public Public Public TotalArmyNAVY RAAFDoDArmyNavyRAAFDoDARMYNAVY RAAFDoDPublicA B C D Yes 32% 41%39%30%23% 32%26% 32%27% 31% 36%41%28% 38%43%40% 34%39% No 63% 58%61%67%74% 60%67% 66%69% 64% 60%50%59% 56%52%57% 59%52% I don’t know 5% 1%2%3%3% 7%7% 2%4% 5% 4%8% 12% 6%4%4% 7%9% Thirty-two per cent of Defence employees indicated that their attitude to social media has changed in the past 12 months, compared to 38% among the general public. Within Defence, both Army Rank/Level A and RAAF Rank/Level C recorded a particularly high proportion whose attitude has changed (41%); however, public Group A scored higher than either with 43%. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-58 HOW HAS YOUR ATTITUDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA CHANGED? DEFENCE O(9%6"+%'()1%"[*)8$%*(%+(47"/%.$87"%46"-#$8Q%A$5$-4$ 0% 5% I'm more concerned about privacy/security 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% It no longer interests me I've become more cautious about what I post I use it more to keep in touch I understand it better than I used to It's become more mainstream so I use it to keep up I'm more aware of how it could affect my employment I think it's become too intrusive I have become more cautious about who I add as a friend None Level/Rank A Level/Rank B Level/Rank C Total How has your attitude to social media changed? Base: Attitude to social media has changed (Defence n = 506 (weighted)) DefenceLevel Level Level Total /Rank A /Rank B /Rank C None 17% 6% 18% 22% I have become more cautious about who I add as a friend 2% 2% 3% 2% I think it’s become too intrusive 4% 6% 3% 3% I’m more aware of how it could affect my employment 5% 5% 3% 5% It’s become more mainstream so I use it to keep up 5% 9% 4% 4% I understand it better than I used to 9% 20% 10% 3% I use it more to keep in touch 9% 9% 10% 9% I’ve become more cautious about what I post 16% 14% 19% 16% It no longer interests me 17% 17% 8% 21% I’m more concerned about privacy/security 26% 25% 28% 26% Among those Defence personnel who indicated that their attitude to social media has changed, security is the biggest issue – 26% indicated that they have become increasingly concerned about their online privacy. Seventeen per cent claimed that social media no longer interests them. This figure increases to 21% among Level/Rank C respondents. Around a fifth of Level/Rank A respondents commented that they understand social media more than they used to. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-59 HOW HAS YOUR ATTITUDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA CHANGED? PUBLIC O(9%6"+%'()1%"[*)8$%*(%+(47"/%.$87"%46"-#$8Q%!);/74 0% 10% 20% I am feeling more of a need to join in / I am using it more 30% 40% 7-389:/3-JQZ-31 I am concerned about security and privacy issues >9?1. M:4C:F-3F1.31D:4W F-39139 M:4C:W1<3U:C-.1:F I am losing interest in it / using it less M:4C:5-2<3U:<391. M:4C:F-3F1.31D:4W I am being more cautious in how I use it. M:4C:I115<3U:C-.1: • (=':-I:9?1:U131.45:H;W I am concerned about kids posting / being exposed to inappropriate content • X.-;3D:4:P;4.91.:-I:.12H 9?1:71I13F1]: Other Don't know/None Public A Level B Level C Level D Total How has your attitude to social media changed? Base: Attitude to social media has changed (Public n = 303) Total Level A Level B Level C Public D Don’t know/None15%17% 8%14%20% Other4%3%3%6%4% I am concerned about kids posting / 4% 2% 5% 3% 6% being exposed to inappropriate content I am being more cautious in how I use it. 13% 16% 12% 11% 6% I am losing interest in it / using it less 18% 12% 19% 23% 16% I am concerned about security and privacy issues 23% 22% 24% 20% 33% I am feeling more of a need to join in / I am using it more 30% 33% 36% 28% 20% Thirty per cent of the general public indicated that they are using social media more than they used to. Around a quarter of respondents suggested that they have become increasingly concerned with security and privacy issues, a similar level to that within Defence. Eighteen per cent of Australians commented that they are losing interest in social media or are using it less than they used to, similar to the proportion among Defence employees. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-60 DO FRIENDS/FAMILY USE SOCIAL MEDIA THAT INAPPROPRIATELY INVOLVES YOU? Do friends/family use social media that inappropriately involves you? 0% 25% Defence Total 50% 75% 100% Rank/Level A ARMY Rank/Level A NAVY Yes Rank/Level A RAAF No Rank/Level A DoD I do Rank/Level B ARMY The inap unsu Rank/Level B NAVY Rank/Level B RAAF Rank/Level B DoD Rank/Level C ARMY Rank/Level C NAVY Rank/Level C RAAF Rank/Level C DoD Public Total Public A Yes No I don't k Public B Public C Public D Q40. Do you think some of your friends or family use social media that inappropriately involves you? Base: Total Respondents (Defence n=1574 (weighted), Public n=1000) Yes No I don’t know Do you think some of your friends or family use social media that inappropriately involves you? Base: Total respondents (Defence n = 1574 (weighted), Public n = 1000) Defence A A A A B B B B C C C C Public Public Public Public Public TotalArmyNAVY RAAFDoDArmyNavyRAAFDoDARMYNAVY RAAFDoD Total A B C D Yes 9% 11%15% 6% 7% 13%11% 8% 6% 9% 11%12% 3% 11%16%11% 9%11% No 70% 67%64%70%73% 64%59% 68%72% 72% 74%69%68% 68%66%68% 71%67% I don’t know 21% 21%21%23%20% 23%30% 26%22% 19% 14%19%28% 21%18%21% 20%21% The majority of respondents do not believe their friends or family use social media in a way that inappropriately involves them. However, just over one in five respondents (both Defence and public) are unsure either way. This increases to 28% and 30% among Level/Rank B Navy and Level/Rank C DoD respondents, respectively. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-61 HOW DO YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY USE SOCIAL MEDIA INAPPROPRIATELY? DEFENCE O(9%8(%'()1%517$-8+H5".7/'%)+$%+(47"/%.$87"%7-"001(017"*$/'Q%A$5$-4$ 0% 5% 10% 15% Posting photos without my permission 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Discussing subjects of a personal/private nature Writing inappropriate comments Tagging photos without permission Mentioning publicly that I'm in Defence Using the 'check in' option showing my whereabouts Using inappropriate language • R?1:W<UU1 H4.BF;54.5E Conducting political/ controversial discussions • K1A15Q[43/ Posting photos of me in uniform • !(':-I:71I13F1 Other Don't know/None Level/Rank A Level/Rank B Level/Rank C Total How do your friends or family use social media that inappropriately involves you? Base: Friends use social media inappropriately (Defence n = 142 (weighted)) DefenceLevel Level Level Total /Rank A /Rank B /Rank C Don’t know/None29%27%17%33% Other 11% 18% 9% 10% Posting photos of me in uniform 1% 3% 0% 1% Conducting political/ controversial discussions1%3%3%0% Using inappropriate language1%3%0%1% Using the ‘check in’ option showing my whereabouts 5% 3% 3% 7% Mentioning publicly that I’m in Defence 7% 3% 6% 10% Tagging photos without permission 8% 5% 3% 10% Writing inappropriate comments13%13%17%11% Discussing subjects of a personal/private nature 17% 8% 29% 16% Posting photos without my permission 27% 34% 26% 24% The biggest concern Defence employees have is that their friends/family post photos without their permission, particularly among those at Level/Rank A. Level/Rank B employees are more concerned that their friends/family are discussing subjects of a personal nature. Thirteen per cent of Defence personnel feel that their friends write inappropriate comments. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-62 HOW DO YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY USE SOCIAL MEDIA INAPPROPRIATELY? PUBLIC O(9%8(%'()1%517$-8+H5".7/'%)+$%+(47"/%.$87"%7-"001(017"*$/'Q%!);/74 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Z-31Q7-389:/3-J Tagging me in photographs without my consent >9?1. 0-2B3U:<3I-.C4B-3:4W-; M3F5;D<3U:C1:-3:Q:H-2 R4UU<3U:C1:<3:H?-9-U Including me on / posting inappropriate content • >A1.:4:9?<.D:-I:.12H-3D1392 J<9?-;9:9?1<.:F-32139 • O;.9?1.3-.1:4:P;4.91.:-I:.12HF-CC1392]: Posting information about me without my consent Public A Public B Public C Public D Total Other None/Don't know Public A Public B Public C Public D Total How do your friends or family use social media that inappropriately involves you? Base: Friends use social media inappropriately (Public = 112 (weighted)) Total Public A Public B Public C Public D None/Don’t know28%29%38%26%20% Other10%11% 5%10%13% Posting information about me without my consent 9% 7% 24% 3% 7% Including me on / posting inappropriate content 23% 22% 14% 28% 33% Tagging me in photographs without my consent 34% 36% 24% 36% 33% Over a third of respondents expressed concern that their friends/family were tagging them in photos without their consent. A quarter of respondents noted that their friends/family were making inappropriate comments. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-63 DO YOU MIND THAT FACEBOOK CAN USE YOUR CONTENT IN THEIR PROMOTIONS? Do you mind that Facebook can use your content in their promo,on 0% Defence Total 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Rank/Level A ARMY Rank/Level A NAVY Rank/Level A RAAF Rank/Level A DoD Rank/Level B ARMY Rank/Level B NAVY Rank/Level B RAAF Rank/Level B DoD Rank/Level C ARMY Rank/Level C NAVY Rank/Level C RAAF Rank/Level C DoD Public Total Public A Yes No I don't kno Public B Public C Public D Yes No Q37. Do you mind that Facebook can use your content in their promoPons? Base: Those who use Facebook (Q9) (Defence n=927 (weighted), Public n=801) I don’t know Do you mind that Facebook can use your content in their promotions? Base: Those who use Facebook (Defence n = 927 (weighted), Public n = 801) Defence A A A A B B B B C C C C Public Public Public Public Public TotalArmyNAVY RAAFDoDArmyNavyRAAFDoDARMYNAVY RAAFDoD Total A B C D Yes 71% 80%76%78%73% 77%85% 71%77% 66% 67%75%64% 69%74%69% 65%68% No 21% 18%20%19%24% 23% 8% 19%16% 26% 24%19%15% 22%20%24% 23%24% I don’t know 7% 1%4%4%2% 0%8%10%6% 9% 9%6% 20% 9%5%7%13%9% Defence and the public are in agreement when it comes to Facebook using their content in its promotions. Around seven in 10 respondents indicate that they do not like it. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-64 DO YOU EVER FACEBOOK PAGE BECAUSE... Do you ‘LIKE’ ever Do "like" ae Fver acebook because... you A "like" ap age Facebook page because... …an ad asked you to? …an ad asked you to? …your friends liked it? …your friends liked it? … your friends liked it? 0% 25% 0% 50% 25% 75% 50% 100% … an ad asked you to? 0% 75% 100% 25% Defence Total Defence Total Defence Total Defence Total Level/Rank A Level/Rank A Level/Rank A Level/Rank A Level/Rank B Level/Rank B Level/Rank B Level/Rank B Level/Rank C Level/Rank C Level/Rank C Level/Rank C Public Total Public Total Public Total Public Total Public A Public A Public A Public A Public B Public B Public B Public B Public C Public C Public C Public C Public D Public D Public D Public D 0% 50% 25% 75% An ad 50% 100% Yes 75% 100% No I don't know Q41. Do you ever like a Facebook pQ41. age bD ecause…? o you ever like a Facebook page because…? Yes No Base: Those who use Facebook (Q9)Base: Those who use Facebook (Q9) (Defence n=927 (weighted), Public n(Defence =801) n=927 (weighted), Public n=801) Friends liked it Yes No I don't know Compared to the De either because their personnel would “lik I don’t know Do you ever like a Facebook page because …? Base: Those who use Facebook (Defence n = 927 (weighted), Public n = 801) Friends liked it Defence Total Level/ Rank A Level/ Rank B Level/ Rank C Public Total Public A Public B Public C Public D Yes21%11%21%24%36%35%38%36%46% No77%88%76%74%60%63%59%61%48% I don’t know 2%1%3%3%3%2%3%3%7% Page Footer An ad Defence Total Level/ Rank A Level/ Rank B Level/ Rank C Public Total Public A Public B Public C 65 Public D Yes 3% 2% 2% 3%25%23%20%27%25% No95%97%96%94%71%75%76%69%66% I don’t know 2%1%2%2%4%2%4%4% 10% Compared to Defence, the Australian public are significantly more likely to ‘like’ a Facebook page either because their friends liked it or because an advertisement asked them to. Only 3% of Defence personnel would ‘like’ a Facebook page if prompted to by an ad, compared to 25% of Australians. REVIEW OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFENCE Annex 1 A1-65