A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI Abstract. We prove a quantitative version of Struwe’s theorem on the structure of metrics on the sphere which are conformal to the standard metric and have almost constant scalar curvature. As an application we prove the convergence of the Yamabe flow on the sphere by means of a entropy-entropy production inequality and of the improved Sobolev inequality by Bianchi-Egnell [BE91]. 1. Introduction On a n-dimensional Riemannian manifold (M, g0 ), n ≥ 3, the problem of finding a conformal metric g to g0 whose scalar curvature Rg is equal to a prescribed function R boils down to showing the existence of a positive solution u to the nonlinear PDE n−2 n−2 ∆g0 u + Rg u = R up (1.1) 4(n − 1) 0 4(n − 1) where ∆g0 = −div (∇g0 u) denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator on M and n+2 2n = 2⋆ − 1 , 2⋆ = . n−2 n−2 Indeed, if u solves (1.1), then the metric g = up−1 g0 satisfies Rg = R. By means of a stereographic projection onto Rn , (1.1) on the sphere S n takes the form p= −∆u = K up on Rn , (1.2) where K is equal to [(n − 2)/4(n − 1)] R composed with the inverse stereographic projection. We look for solutions of (1.2) satisfying ∫ n u > 0 on R and |∇u|2 < ∞ . (1.3) Rn In general, for a given function K (and even when K is just a small perturbation of a constant) there may exist no solution to (1.2)–(1.3) (see [KW74]), and indeed there is a vast literature dedicated to finding necessary and sufficient conditions on K in order to guarantee the solvability of (1.2)–(1.3), see for example [Mos73, Ni82, DN85, ES86, Che89, CY91, BC91, BE93, Li95, Li96, Bah96, CL97, AGAP99, AM01, LL09, LZ15]. At the same time, when K is constantly equal to some κ > 0, the problem is completely rigid. Indeed, by [Oba72, GNN79], if u solves (1.2)–(1.3) with K ≡ κ > 0, then there exist λ > 0 and z ∈ Rn such that u(x) = λ(n−2)/2 vκ (λ(x − z)) where ( n(n − 2) )(n−2)/4 ∀x ∈ Rn , 1 ∀x ∈ Rn . (1.4) κ (1 + |x|2 )(n−2)/2 In particular, up−1 dx (dx being the Euclidean metric) is isometric to the standard metric on Sn after stereographic projection on Rn . The goal of this paper is obtaining a quantitative description of solutions u to the prescribed scalar curvature equation (1.2)–(1.3) in the regime when K is close (in a suitable sense) to a vκ (x) = 1 2 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI constant. A qualitative description of such solutions is provided by a celebrated result of Struwe [Str84], stating that solutions u corresponding to almost-constant K must be close to sums of (translated and rescaled) “bubbles” of the form (1.4). More precisely, for a given constant κ > 0 let us consider the functional ∫ ⋆ |u|2 |∇u|2 Iκ (u) = −κ ⋆ (1.5) 2 2 Rn defined on the homogeneous Sobolev space ∫ } { 1 n 1 n H̊ (R ) = u ∈ Lloc (R ) : |∇u|2 < ∞ . Rn The Euler-Lagrange equation of Iκ at a positive function u is −∆u = κ up on Rn , as the first variation of Iκ at u is given by ∫ (δIκ )u (φ) = ∇u · ∇φ − κ up φ . Rn By Struwe’s theorem (see, e.g. [Heb14, Theorem 3.3]) if {uj }j∈N is a sequence of positive functions such that sup Iκ (u(j) ) < ∞ lim (j) sup (δIκ )u(j) (φ) = 0 , j→∞ ∥∇φ∥ (1.6) L2 (Rn ) ≤1 j∈N (j) then there exist m ∈ N, zi ∈ Rn and λi > 0 (where j ∈ N and 1 ≤ i ≤ m) such that m ∑ (j) (j) lim ∇u(j) − ∇vκ [zi , λi ] 2 n = 0 , j→∞ (j) lim j→∞ λi (j) λk + i=1 (j) λk + (j) λi L (R ) (1.7) (j) (j) (j) λi λk |zi − (j) zk |2 = +∞ , ∀i ̸= k , where vκ is as in (1.4) and where for any v : Rn → R, λ > 0 and z ∈ Rn we have set v[z, λ](x) = λ(n−2)/2 v(λ(x − z)) , x ∈ Rn . The problem addressed in this paper is quantifying the rate of convergence in (1.7) in terms of that in (1.6). In order to quantify the latter, given u ∈ C ∞ (Rn ) ∩ H̊ 1 (Rn ) with u > 0, we define the constant scalar curvature deficit δ(u) of u by setting ∫ 2n/(n+2) ⋆ )(n+2)/2n ( ∫ ∆u |∇u|2 2 ∫n δ(u) = u K0 (u) = R , (1.8) p + K0 (u) 2⋆ Rn u Rn u where 2n 2⋆ = (2⋆ )′ = ⋆ . n+2 2 −1 The definition of K0 (u) is motivated by the fact that, as an integration by parts shows, if −∆u/up is constant on Rn then, necessarily, −∆u/up = K0 (u). Notice that K0 (u[z, λ]) = K0 (u) δ(u[z, λ]) = δ(u) for every z ∈ Rn and λ > 0 , and that δ(u) = 0 if and only if u = vK0 (u) [z, λ] for some z ∈ Rn and λ > 0. Moreover, by Hölder inequality, and for κ = K0 (u), we find sup (δIκ )u (φ) ≤ ∥∇φ∥L2 (Rn ) ≤1 δ(u) S where S denotes the Sobolev constant on Rn , { ∥∇v∥ 2 n } L (R ) S = inf : v ̸= 0 , |{|v| > t}| < ∞ ∀t > 0 . ∥v∥L2⋆ (Rn ) (1.9) METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 3 We recall that by [Aub76, Tal76, CENV04] {vκ [z, λ]}κ ,λ ,z is the family of minimizers in (1.9), a fact that can be used together with −∆vκ = κ vκp to check that ∫ ∫ (∫ )2/2⋆ Sn Sn ⋆ 2 2 2⋆ |∇vκ | = S vκ = (n−2)/2 vκ2 = n/2 . (1.10) κ κ Rn Rn Rn With these remarks at hand, we are ready to state our main result, where we set if n ̸= 6 or m = 1 s (1) (1.11) Φn (m, s) = s log2/3 if n = 6 and m > 1 . s Theorem 1.1. Given L ∈ N and n ≥ 3, there exists C0 = C0 (L, n) > 0 with the following property. If u > 0, u ∈ C ∞ (Rn ) ∩ H̊ 1 (Rn ), is such that ∫ ( 1) n K0 (u) = 1 and |∇u|2 ≤ L + S , 2 Rn n m then there exist m ∈ {1, ..., L}, {zi }m i=1 ⊂ R , and {λi }i=1 ⊂ (0, ∞) such that u= m ∑ v1 [zi , λi ] + ρ , i=1 where ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) ≤ C0 Φn (m, δ(u)) and (1.12) )min{2,(n−2)/2} λi /λj ≤ C0 δ(u) if λi ≤ λj . 1 + λ2i |zi − zj |2 Moreover, one has the energy estimate ∫ (∫ )2/2⋆ 2 2/n 2 2⋆ −C0 δ(u) ≤ |∇u| − m S u ≤ C0 Φn (m, δ(u))2 . ( Rn (1.13) (1.14) Rn Geometrically speaking, the conformal factor up−1 , and thus the metric properties of (M, g) = (Rn , up−1 dx), are quantitatively described in terms of the integral oscillation of Rg represented by δ(u). Inequality (1.12) says that, from the metric point of view, (Rn , up−1 dx) is obtained by gluing together (through patches of small metric size) the (finitely many) standard spheres (Rn , vK0 (u) [zi , λi ]p−1 dx). The interaction between these metrics becomes weaker as δ(u) becomes smaller as either the scaling parameters λi and λj or the centers zi and zj become increasingly far from each other, see (1.13). From the qualitative point of view, this description is already contained in Struwe’s theorem. The new aspect here is that everything can be quantified in terms of δ(u). We now make some remarks. Remark 1.2. Theorem 1.1 is optimal, at least when n ̸= 6 or m = 1. Indeed, let U1 = v1 [0, 1] and U2 = v1 [z, 1] with |z| ≫ 1, set σ = U1 + U2 , and consider φ solving ∆φ = σ p−1 ψ on Rn for some fixed ψ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn ) with ψ ̸≡ 0. If we set u = (1 + ε φ) σ u = U1 + U2 + ρ then −∆u = K up , Notice that, if ε ≪ 1, where K=− ρ = εφσ , 1 U1p + U2p εψ − . (1 + εφ)p−1 σp (1 + εφ)p ( Up + Up ) |K − 1| ≤ C ε + C 1 − 1 p 2 . σ 4 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI Noticing that u ≤ 2 σ for ε ≪ 1, we see that ∫ ∫ U p + U p 2n/(n+2) 2∗ U p + U p 2n/(n+2) 2∗ ∗ u ≤ 22 σ 1 − 1 p 2 1 − 1 p 2 σ σ Rn Rn ∫ 2n/(n+2) p p p 2∗ = 2 →0 σ − U1 + U2 Rn as |z| → ∞ . Hence, choosing first ε > 0 small enough, and then |z| extremely large with respect to 1/ε so that the last term is negligible with respect to ε, it follows that (∫ )(n+2)/2n K − 12n/(n+2) u2∗ ≤ C ε. (1.15) Rn Since K = −∆u/up we see that ∫ ∫ ∗ 2 K u2 n |∇u| R ∫ = = K0 (u) . 2∗ 2⋆ Rn u Rn u R ∫n Therefore, by (1.15) and Hölder inequality, ∫ (∫ ) 2n/(n+2) u2∗ (n+2)/2n n (K − 1) u2∗ |K − 1| n ∫ ≤ R ≤ C ε, |K0 (u) − 1| = R ∫ 2∗ 2∗ Rn u Rn u from which we deduce that δ(u) ≤ C ε. Since ∥∇ρ∥ = ε∥∇(φσ)∥L2 (Rn ) ≃ ε, this shows that apart from the logarithmic factor appearing in (1.11) when m > 1 and n = 6, our result is optimal in terms of the dependence in δ(u). We note that the logarithmic factor in (1.11) naturally arise from the interaction of two bubbles in dimension 6 (see Proposition A.1). Therefore, it seems very likely to us that Theorem 1.1 is sharp also in that case. However, the construction of an example showing this optimality would require a more delicate argument than the one presented above, and this goes beyond the scope of this paper. In addition, for most applications, the presence of a logarithmic correction is usually irrelevant. Note that (1.14) allows one∫to deduce∫the exact number of bubbles when δ(u) ≪ 1. More ⋆ precisely, using (1.8) to rewrite Rn u2 as Rn |∇u|2 , the following is an immediate consequence of (1.14): Remark 1.3. Let {uj }j∈N be a sequence of smooth positive functions satisfying ∫ ( 1) n K0 (uj ) = 1 and |∇uj |2 ≤ L + S ∀j ∈ N. 2 Rn Also, assume that δ(uj ) → 0 as j → ∞. Then there exists an integer number m ∈ {1, . . . , L} such that ∫ 1 |∇uj |2 → m as j → ∞. S n Rn To show an application of our result, in section 3 we exploit Theorem 1.1 to give a new short and self-contained proof of the exponential convergence of the Yamabe flow on the sphere. We point out that the convergence of the Yamabe flow to a conformal metric of constant scalar curvature is of course a very well-known problem, which has already been addressed in full generality in the series of papers [Cho92, Ye94, SS03, Bre05, Bre07a]. In particular, for the case of interest to us, this was shown first by Ye [Ye94] in the more general case of locally conformally flat initial metrics, and then obtained again by Brendle [Bre07b] on the sphere with a simpler proof. Our goal here is to show how our quantitative stability estimates can be applied to give a very elementary and short proof of the same result, using only entropy-entropy production inequalities. Let us recall the setting of the problem. We are given a metric g0 on Sn , which by METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 5 stereographic projection can be written as a conformal metric u0p−1 dx to the Euclidean metric dx of Rn , where u0 is smooth and positive on Rn . As shown by Hamilton [Ham89] there exists a curve of metrics g(t) = u(t)p−1 dx, t ≥ 0, evolving accordingly to the Yamabe flow d g = −(Rg − rg ) g t ≥ 0, (1.16) dt and such that g(0) = g0 . Here rg is the average of Rg on (Rn , g). In terms of the conformal factor u, Rg and rg take the form 4(n − 1) ∆u Rg = − p ∫ n−2 u ∫ 4(n − 1) 4(n − 1) Rn |∇u|2 Rn Rg dvol g ∫ rg = = = K0 (u) . 2⋆ vol g (Rn ) n−2 n−2 u Rn A simple, direct computation using (1.16) shows that d vol g (Rn ) = 0 dt and d n−2 rg = − dt 2 ∫ Rn (Rg − rg )2 dvol g , (1.17) ⋆ where vol g = u2 dx. In particular, by the first identity in (1.17), we consider without loss of generality the case that vol g0 (Rn ) = 1, so that ∫ ∫ ⋆ 2⋆ u(t) = u20 = 1 ∀t ≥ 0 . (1.18) Rn Rn The relation between (1.16) and Theorem 1.1 is clarified by the second identity in (1.17), which gives, combined with Hölder inequality and (1.18), ∫ ∫ ( )2 ⋆ d ∆u 2 + K (u) u2 ≤ −2(n − 1) δ(u)2 . |∇u| = −2(n − 1) (1.19) 0 dt Rn up Rn In other words, the Dirichlet energy of the conformal factor u(t) is dissipated along the Yamabe flow at a rate proportional to the square of the constant scalar curvature deficit δ(u). By applying Theorem 1.1 to a suitable normalization of u(t) and exploiting (1.19), we see that the number of “bubbles” m(t) needed to decompose u(t) is decreasing in time. At the same time, combining (1.19) with some elementary differential inequalities, we find that ∫ ∞ δ(u(t)) dt < ∞ , 0 which, by the same simple remark used in [SS03], immediately rules out concentration of volume and shows that u(t) is close to a single bubble, that is m(t) ≡ 1, for every t ≥ t0 . In light of this last fact, (1.19) and Theorem 1.1 imply that starting from the critical time t0 , the Sobolev deficit of u(t) is exponentially decaying in time. Here, given a function U ∈ H̊ 1 (Rn ) we denote by ∫ (∫ ) ⋆ (n−2)/n δSobolev (U ) = |∇U |2 − S 2 U2 , (1.20) Rn Rn (so that δSobolev (U ) = 0 if and only if U = vκ [z, λ] for some z ∈ Rn and κ , λ > 0 thanks to [Aub76, Tal76].) By the quantitative Sobolev inequality of Bianchi and Egnell [BE91], for every U ∈ H̊ 1 (Rn ) one has ∫ CBE (n) δSobolev (U ) ≥ inf |∇U − ∇vκ [z, λ]|2 . (1.21) n z∈R ,κ λ>0 Rn Combining this last inequality with (1.19), the fact that m(t) ≡ 1, and (1.14), we come to obtain the following theorem. 6 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI Theorem 1.4. Let g0 be a smooth metric on Sn which is conformally equivalent to the standard metric on Sn , and let u(0)p−1 dx be the representation of g0 under stereographic projection. Assume without loss of generality that ∫ ⋆ u20 = 1 . Rn Then there exist positive constants λ0 and C∗ , and a vector z0 ∈ Rn , all depending on u0 , and a dimensional constant c(n) > 0, such that ∫ 2 ∀t ≥ 0 . (1.22) ∇u(t) − ∇vS 2 [z0 , λ0 ] ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t Rm Moreover, if we assume in addition that ∫ |∇u0 |2 ≤ (2 − τ )2/n S 2 Rn for some τ ∈ (0, 1), then ∫ 2 (∫ ∇u(t) − ∇vS 2 [z0 , λ0 ] ≤ C(n) Rn Rn ) |∇u0 |2 − S 2 e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ 0 . (1.23) Acknowledgment: This work has been done while GC was visiting the University of Texas at Austin under the support of NSF-DMS FRG Grant 1361122, the Oden Fellowship at ICES, the GNAMPA of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM), and the FIRB project 2013 “Geometrical and Qualitative aspects of PDE”. AF is supported by NSF Grant DMS-1262411 and FM is supported by NSF-DMS Grant 1265910. 2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall the notation 2n n+2 4 n ≥ 3, 2⋆ = , p = 2⋆ − 1 = = 1 + s, s=p−1= . n−2 n−2 n−2 Through this section L ∈ N is fixed. We begin by observing that it is enough to prove the theorem for u : Rn → R satisfying u ∈ C ∞ (Rn ) ∩ H̊ 1 (Rn ) , u > 0 on Rn , ∫ and such that ( 1) n |∇u|2 ≤ L + S , δ(u) ≤ δ0 . (2.1) 2 Rn for a suitably small constant δ0 = δ0 (L, n). Indeed we note that if δ(u) > δ0 , the theorem is trivially true with any number m ∈ {1, . . . , L} of bubbles simply by choosing λi = 1 and zi = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , m, setting K0 (u) = 1 , ρ = u − m v1 , and then simply choosing C0 = C0 (L, n) large enough. Step one: Let us set I = I1 for the functional Iκ with κ = 1 defined in (1.5). We notice that |(δI)u (φ)| ≤ ∥φ∥L2⋆ (Rn ) δ(u) ≤ while K0 (u) = 1 gives ∫ ⋆ I(u) = Rn |∇u|2 u2 1 − ⋆ = 2 2 n ∫ δ(u) , S ( 1 ) Sn |∇u|2 ≤ L + . 2 n Rn METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 7 If we set for the sake of simplicity U = v1 , so that, see (1.4), −∆U = U p on Rn , then, thanks to Struwe’s result, for a constant ε0 = ε0 (L, n) > 0 to be fixed later on we can choose δ0 depending on ε0 in such a way that, for some m ≤ L, m ∑ ∇U [zi , λi ] 2 n ≤ ε0 , ∇u − L (R ) i=1 (2.2) λi λk 1 + + λi λk |zi − zk |2 ≥ , ∀i ̸= k . λk λi ε0 Here zi ∈ Rn and λi ∈ (0, ∞) are chosen in such a way that m m ∑ ∑ min ∇U [zi , λi ] 2 n = ∇u − ∇U [w , µ ] ∇u − i i n L (R ) i=1 wi ∈R , µi >0 L2 (Rn ) i=1 . (2.3) In particular, if we set σ= m ∑ ρ=u−σ =u− Ui , i=1 ∂U [w, µ] Vi = , ∂µ w=zi ,µ=λi Ui = U [zi , λi ] , then by (2.3) we find that ∫ ∫ ∫ ∇Ui · ∇ρ = ∇Vi · ∇ρ = Rn Rn Rn ∇Wiα · ∇ρ = 0 , m ∑ Ui i=1 Wiα ∂U [w, µ] = , ∂wα w=zi ,µ=λi ∀1 ≤ i ≤ m , 1 ≤ α ≤ n , (2.4) while the first bound in (2.2) gives ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) ≤ ε0 . By a spectral analysis argument (see, e.g., the appendix to [BE91]), (2.4) implies that ∫ ∫ 2 |∇ρ| ≥ Λ Uip−1 ρ2 ∀1 ≤ i ≤ m , Rn (2.5) (2.6) Rn where Λ = Λ(n) is such that Λ > p. (2.7) Our first goal, achieved in step two and step three of the proof, will be to improve the lower bound (2.6), see in particular (2.21). Although this last estimate can be found, for example, in [Bah89, Proposition 3.1], we have thought of including a justification for the sake of clarity. Step two: In this step we construct a useful localization of the various bubbles Ui in the form of a family of cut-off Lipschitz functions φi : Rn → [0, 1], i = 1, ..., m, satisfying ∫ |∇φi |n ≤ C(L, n) η , Rn {sptφi }m i=1 is a disjoint family of sets , ∫ ⋆ Ui2 + |∇Ui |2 + |∇Vi |2 + |∇Wiα |2 ≤ C(L, n) η 2 . (2.8) {φi <1} for a positive parameter η = η(L, n) to be chosen in later steps of the proof. In the construction of the φi we shall introduce various subsidiary parameters R, r, M and R∗ , all depending on η. The parameter ε0 will be small enough with respect to η and its subsidiary parameters R, r, M 8 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI and R∗ , and of course δ0 will be picked small with respect to ε0 in order to apply step one. The choice of R > r is such that ∫ ∫ ∫ {∫ 2⋆ 2 2 α 2} BR (z)c |∇U | BR (z)c U BR (z)c |∇V | BR (z)c |∇W | ∫ , ∫ max max , ∫ , max ∫ ≤ η2 , 2⋆ 2 2 α |2 1≤α≤n z∈Rn U |∇U | |∇V | |∇W n n n n R R (2.9) ∫ ∫R ∫R {∫ 2⋆ 2 2 α 2} U |∇U | |∇V | Br (z) Br (z) Br (z) Br (z) |∇W | ∫ max max , ∫ , ∫ , max ∫ ≤ η2 , 2⋆ 2 2 1≤α≤n α |2 z∈Rn U |∇U | |∇V | |∇W n n n n R R R R where we have set (recall that U = U [w, λ]|w=0,λ=1 ) ∂U [w, µ] ∂U [w, µ] α V = , W = ∂µ w=0 ,µ=1 ∂wα w=0 ,µ=1 1 ≤ α ≤ n. If we set Ri = R , λi ri = r , λi then we see that (2.9) holds by scaling with Ui , Vi , Wiα , Ri and ri in place of U , V , W α , R ⋆ and r for every i = 1, ..., m. In other words, the densities Ui2 , |∇Ui |2 , |∇Vi |2 and |∇Wiα |2 are almost entirely concentrated on BRi (zi ) and they do not significantly charge any ball of radius less than ri . Without loss of generality we may assume that λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · ≤ λm . (2.10) For a constant M ≥ 1 to be fixed later depending on η we partition {1, ..., m} by setting I0 = {i : λi ≤ M λ1 } = {1, ..., N (1) − 1} , where N (0) = 1 , N (1) ≥ 2 , I1 = {i : M λ1 < λi ≤ M λN (1) } = {N (1), ..., N (2) − 1} , where N (2) ≥ N (1) + 1 , ... Iℓ = {i : M λN (ℓ−1) < λi ≤ M λN (ℓ) } = {N (ℓ), ..., m} , where m ≥ N (ℓ) + 1 , where 0 ≤ ℓ ≤ m − 1. The idea here is that two scaling parameters λi and λj are comparable if i, j ∈ Ik for the same k ∈ {0, ..., ℓ} (and in this case the regions of concentration BRi (zi ) and BRj (zj ) of the bubbles Ui and Uj are well-separated); otherwise, if i < j, then λj is much larger that λi , and then Uj is concentrated in a region BRj (zj ) ⊂ Bri (zj ) which is negligible for the bubble Ui . In order to make this idea precise we now introduce for each bubble Ui two cut-off functions ψi and ζi . The first one will be used to localize where Ui lives, the second one to carve out a fixed neighborhood of such region. We start by noticing that for each k = 0, ..., ℓ, |zi − zj | ≥ M λi if i < j, i, j ∈ Ik . (2.11) Indeed by choosing ε0 small enough in terms of M (say ε0 ≤ 1/3M 2 ) and by exploiting (2.2), (2.10), and the definition of Ik , we see that if i < j and i, j ∈ Ik then λj ≤ M λi , λi λj |zi − zj |2 ≥ M 2 , METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 9 which immediately implies (2.11). For a parameter R∗ to be chosen later on, let us consider a Lipschitz function ψ : Rn → [0, 1] defined by |x| < R , ψ(x) = 1 , log(R∗ + R) − log(|x|) , log(R∗ + R) − log(R) ψ(x) = 0 , ψ(x) = R ≤ |x| ≤ R + R∗ , |x| > R + R∗ , and then set ψi (x) = ψ(λi (x − zi )) , The cut-off function ψi satisfies ψi = 1 on BRi (zi ) , ∀i = 1, ..., m . ψi = 0 on B(R+R∗ )/λi (zi )c , (2.12) ∫ C(n) n |∇ψi | ≤ ≤ η, log(1 + (R∗ /R))n−1 Rn where the last condition is enforced by requiring R∗ to be large enough with respect to R and η. Moreover, thanks to (2.11), if M > 2(R∗ + R) then we can definitely entail that for each k = 0, ..., ℓ, sptψi ∩ sptψj = ∅ ∀i, j ∈ Ik . (2.13) By using the cut-off functions ψi we can efficiently separate the bubbles with comparable concentration parameters. However, it is still possible that a bubble may sit in the radius of concentration of a less concentrated bubble, or it may host inside its radius of concentration some non-comparably concentrated bubbles. In order to wipe out these effects we notice that R + R∗ √ ri ≤ M rj ≤ √ < r i , if i < j do not belong to a same Ik . (2.14) λj M Indeed, if i and j are as in (2.14), then M λi < λj , thus rj ≤ ri /M and √ R + R∗ R + R∗ ri = rj ≤ M rj ≤ √ , λj r M provided M ≥ ((R + R∗ )/r)2 . Having in mind (2.14), we define a Lipschitz function ζ : Rn → [0, 1] by taking r ζ(x) = 0 , |x| < √ , M √ log(|x|) − log(r/ M ) r √ ≤ |x| ≤ r , √ ζ(x) = , log(r) − log(r/ M ) M ζ(x) = 1 , |x| > r . and then set ζij (x) = ζ(λi (x − zj )) , if i < j do not belong to a same Ik . Notice that, ζij = 1 on Bri (zj )c , ζij = 0 on Bri /√M (zj ) , ∫ C(n) √ |∇ζij |n ≤ ≤ η, log( M )n−1 Rn (2.15) with (by (2.14)) sptψj ⊂ {ζij = 0} , if i < j do not belong to a same Ik , (2.16) 10 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI so that ζij can be used to “carve Uj out of Ui ” for such values of i and j. We finally introduce the family {φi }m i=1 of Lipschitz cut-off functions with values in [0, 1] needed in our argument. We start by defining φi for the most concentrated bubbles, the ones indexed in Iℓ . In this case we simply set φi = ψi , i ∈ Iℓ . Now pick i ∈ Iℓ−1 : we cannot just set φi = ψi , because the support of ψi may intersect the support of ψj for some j ∈ Iℓ . To solve this problem we exploit the cut-off functions ζij with j ∈ Iℓ , and set ∏ φi = ψi ζij , i ∈ Iℓ−1 . j∈Iℓ More generally, for every k = 0, ..., ℓ − 1 we set ∏ φi = ψi ζij , ∀i ∈ Ik . (2.17) j∈Iℓ ∪Iℓ−1 ∪···∪Ik+1 We now prove the key properties (2.8) of the functions φi . First of all, these are clearly Lipschitz functions taking values in [0, 1] with ∫ |∇φi |n ≤ C(L, n) η , (2.18) Rn where (2.18) is a trivial consequence of the inequalities in (2.12) and (2.15) (recall that m ≤ L). Next we notice that {sptφi }m (2.19) i=1 is a disjoint family of sets . Indeed, let us fix i < j: if i, j belongs to a same Ik , then sptφi ∩ sptφj = ∅ thanks to (2.13); otherwise, i ∈ Ik with k ∈ {0, ..., ℓ − 1} and j ∈ Ih with h ∈ {k + 1, ..., ℓ}, so that ζij is a factor in the definition (2.17) of φi , and thus {ζij = 0} ⊂ {φi = 0} where sptψj ⊂ {ζij = 0} by (2.16) and where, trivially, sptφj ⊂ sptψj . This proves (2.19). Finally, ∫ ⋆ Ui2 + |∇Ui |2 + |∇Vi |2 + |∇Wiα |2 ≤ C(L, n) η 2 . (2.20) {φi <1} Indeed, for example in the case when i ∈ Ik for some k < ℓ, since φi (x) = 1 if and only if ψi (x) = 1 and ζij (x) = 1 for each j ∈ Ik+1 ∪ · · · ∪ Iℓ , then by (2.12) and (2.15) we find ∩ {φi = 1} = BRi (zi ) ∩ Bri (zj )c , j∈Ik+1 ∪···∪Iℓ so that ∪ {φi < 1} = BRi (zi )c ∪ Bri (zj ) , j∈Ik+1 ∪···∪Iℓ and thus (2.20) follows by exploiting (2.9) applied with Ui , Vi , Wiα , Ri and ri in place of U , V , W α , R and r. We have thus completed the proof of step two. Step three: We introduce a parameter τ = τ (L, n) > 0 (so that η will need to be small with respect to τ ) and prove that ∫ m ∫ ∑ 1 + C(L, n) τ p−1 2 |∇ρ|2 . (2.21) Ui ρ ≤ Λ n n R R i=1 (This lower bound largely improves (2.6) of course.) To this end, we set ρi = φ i ρ , METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE and first show that m ∫ ∑ Rn i=1 11 ∫ |∇ρi |2 ≤ (1 + τ ) Indeed, for every i = 1, ..., m we have ∫ ∫ 2 |∇ρi | ≤ (1 + τ ) Rn Rn φ2i |∇ρ|2 Rn |∇ρ|2 . + (1 + τ −1 (2.22) ∫ ) Rn ρ2 |∇φ|2 . Also, by Hölder and Sobolev inequalities, and by (2.18), we have ∫ ∫ (∫ )2/n n 2/n 2 2 2 ≤ C(L, n) η ρ |∇φ| ≤ ∥ρ∥L2⋆ (Rn ) |∇φi | Rn Rn Rn |∇ρ|2 . (2.23) Hence by adding up over i = 1, ..., m and by taking into account (2.19) we find m ∫ ( )∫ ∑ 2 −1 2/n |∇ρi | ≤ (1 + τ ) + C(L, n) (1 + τ )η |∇ρ|2 i=1 Rn Rn and thus conclude the proof of (2.22) by taking η small enough with respect to τ . Next we claim that ∫ ∫ ∫ ∇ρi · ∇Ui + ∇ρi · ∇Vi + ∇ρi · ∇Wiα ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) η 1/n . (2.24) n n n R R R ∫ Indeed, by Rn ∇ρ · ∇Ui = 0 (recall (2.4)), we have ∫ ∫ ∫ ∇ρi · ∇Ui = (φi − 1)∇ρ · ∇Ui + ρ∇φi · ∇Ui Rn Rn where thanks to (2.20), ∫ 2 ∫ (φi − 1)∇ρ · ∇Ui ≤ Rn Rn ∫ |∇ρ| Rn while by arguing exactly as in (2.23) ∫ ∫ 2 ∫ 2 ρ∇φ · ∇U ≤ |∇U | i i i Rn ∫ 2 Rn Rn |∇Ui | ≤ C(L, n) η 2 {φi <1} 2 Rn |∇ρ|2 ∫ ρ2 |∇φi |2 ≤ C(L, n) η 2/n Rn |∇ρ|2 ; this proves (2.24). ∫ ∫ We now prove that each Rn |∇ρi |2 is close to bound from above Λ Rn Uip−1 ρ2 . Indeed, let us set T ρi = ρ⊥ i + ρi where ρTi is the projection of ρi over the subspace of H̊ 1 (Rn ) spanned by {Ui , Vi , Wiα : 1 ≤ α ≤ n} (recall that that the scalar product on H̊ 1 (Rn ) is given by the L2 -scalar product of the gradients). By using the spectral analysis argument leading also to (2.6), we find that ∫ ∫ 2 2 |∇ρ⊥ | ≥ Λ Uip−1 (ρ⊥ i i ) . Rn By (2.24) Rn ∫ Rn ∫ |∇ρTi |2 ≤ C(n) η so that by the Sobolev inequality ∫ (∫ p−1 T 2 Ui (ρi ) ≤ C(n) Rn Rn ⋆ (ρTi )2 2/n )2/2⋆ Rn |∇ρ|2 ∫ ≤ C(n) η 2/n Rn Again with η small enough with respect to τ , we thus find ∫ ∫ ∫ 2 −1 Uip−1 ρ2i ≤ (1 + τ ) Uip−1 (ρ⊥ ) + (1 + τ ) i Rn Rn Rn |∇ρ|2 . Uip−1 (ρTi )2 12 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI ≤ 1+τ Λ ∫ Rn 2 |∇ρ⊥ i | + (1 + τ −1 ∫ )C(L, n) η 2/n Rn |∇ρ|2 . Finally we notice that by Hölder inequality and by (2.20) ∫ ∫ ∫ (∫ ) ⋆ 2/n Uip−1 ρ2i − Uip−1 ρ2 ≤ Uip−1 ρ2 ≤ ∥ρ∥2L2⋆ (Rn ) Ui2 Rn Rn {φi <1} {φi <1} ∫ ≤ C(L, n) η 4/n |∇ρ|2 , ∫ Rn ∫ 2 2 to conclude that, thanks also to Rn |∇ρ⊥ i | ≤ Rn |∇ρi | , ∫ ∫ ( η 2/n )∫ 1+τ p−1 2 2 4/n |∇ρi | + C(L, n) +η |∇ρ|2 . Ui ρ ≤ Λ τ Rn Rn Rn (2.25) By combining (2.25) with (2.22) and by taking η small enough with respect to τ we deduce (2.21). Step four: Having in mind to exploit Λ > p and (2.21) we now prove that ∫ m ∫ (∫ ∑ p−1 2 2 |∇ρ| ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) Φn (m, δ(u)) + p Ui ρ + o Rn i=1 Rn Rn ) |∇ρ|2 , (2.26) ∫ where o( Rn |∇ρ|2 ) is controlled in terms of the smallness of δ0 , and where Φn was defined in (1.11). To this end let us set K = −u−p ∆u ∈ C ∞ (Rn ), so that by (2.1) (∫ ) ⋆ ⋆ 1/2 δ(u) = |K − 1|2n/(n+2) u2 ≤ δ0 . Rn We shall first test the equation −∆u = K up with ρ and then with σ = Testing with ρ: We are going to prove the preliminary bound ∫ ∫ ∫ (∫ |∇ρ|2 ≤ S ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) + σpρ + p σ p−1 ρ2 + O Rn Rn Rn ∑m Rn i=1 Ui . |∇ρ|2 )1+γ , (2.27) where O is meant in∫ terms of a∫ constant depending on L and n only (in particular ∫ O( Rn |∇ρ|2 )1+γ = o( Rn |∇ρ|2 ) as Rn |∇ρ|2 ≤ ε0 and we can pick ε0 as small as we wish provided δ0 is small enough), and where {1 2 } γ = min , . 2 n−2 ∫ Indeed, by testing −∆u = K up with ρ and using Rn ∇ρ · ∇Ui = 0, see (2.4), we find ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ 2 p p |∇ρ| = Ku ρ= u ρ+ (K − 1) up ρ , (2.28) Rn Rn Rn ⋆ ⋆ 2 /(2 )′ and Rn ⋆ (2 )′ = where by Hölder inequality and since p = 2n/(n + 2) ∫ (K − 1) up ρ ≤ δ(u) ∥ρ∥L2⋆ (Rn ) ≤ S ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) . (2.29) We are thus left to prove that ∫ ∫ p u ρ= (2.30) Rn Rn Rn ∫ p σ ρ+p σ p−1 2 (∫ ρ +O Rn Rn |∇ρ|2 )1+γ . To this end we notice that if n ≥ 6, then p = 1 + s with s = 4/(n − 2) ∈ (0, 1], therefore |ap − bp − p bp−1 (a − b)| ≤ C(n) |a − b|p ∀a, b ≥ 0 . METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE Applying this bound with a = u(x) = σ(x) + ρ(x) and b = σ(x), we find p u − σ p − p σ p−1 ρ ≤ C(n) |ρ|p , 13 (2.31) and then (2.30) follows by the Sobolev inequality as the error term is ∫ ∫ (∫ )2⋆ /2 p 2⋆ |ρ| ρ ≤ |ρ| ≤ C(n) |∇ρ|2 . Rn Rn Rn 2⋆ In the cases n = 3, 4, 5 one has > 3, thus p > 2 and p a − bp − pbp−1 (a − b) ≤ C(n) max{a, b}p−2 |a − b|2 ∀a, b ≥ 0 , { }p−2 2 p ρ . u − σ p − p σ p−1 ρ ≤ C(n) max u, σ so that now (2.33) Since p − 2 = 2⋆ − 3 and 2⋆ /(2⋆ − 3) = (2⋆ /3)′ we have that ⋆( ∫ (∫ ) ⋆ ∫ { }2⋆ (2 −3)/2 { }p−2 3 max u, σ |ρ| ≤ max u, σ Rn Rn (2.32) Rn 2⋆ )3/2⋆ |ρ| ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥32 , where we have also used (2.1) and the Sobolev inequality. We have thus proved (2.30), and therefore (2.27). In order to pass from (2.27) to (2.26) we need to estimate the first order term in ρ appearing in (2.27). Before discussing this point it is convenient to notice that, since by Hölder and Sobolev inequalities ∫ (∫ ) p−1 2 σ ρ =O |∇ρ|2 , p Rn Rn (2.27) implies, in particular, that ∫ ( ) ( ) σ p ρ = O ∥∇ρ∥2L2 (Rn ) + O ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) . (2.34) Testing with σ: We are now going to prove that ∫ (∫ p σ ρ ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) Φn (m, δ(u)) + o (2.35) Rn Rn Rn ) |∇ρ|2 , which combined with (2.27) gives (2.26). As an intermediate step towards (2.35) we prove that ∫ ( m ) ( ) ∑ ∑ ⋆ ⋆ min{p,2} σ2 − Ui2 − (Uip Uj + Ui Ujp ) ≤ C(L, n) δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) . (2.36) Rn i=1 By testing −∆u = K 1≤i<j≤m up with σ and exploiting again the fact that ∫ m ∫ ∑ ∇Ui · ∇Uj = K up σ . i,j=1 Rn ∫ Rn ∇Ui · ∇ρ = 0, we find Rn ∫ ⋆ Also, by Hölder inequality, since p = 2⋆ /(2⋆ )′ and Rn Ui2 ≤ C(n), we also have ∫ |K − 1| up σ ≤ C(L, n) δ(u) . Rn Hence m ∫ ∑ i,j=1 Rn ∫ ∇Ui · ∇Uj = up σ + O(δ(u)) . Rn (2.37) 14 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI We now replace up by σ p + p σ p−1 ρ up to an error that can be estimated as follows: if n ≥ 6, by applying Hölder inequality with exponent (2⋆ )′ /2⋆ we can estimate the error from (2.31) as ∫ (∫ ) ⋆′ ( )p ⋆ ′ 1/(2 ) p σ |ρ| ≤ C(n, L) |ρ|p (2 ) = C(n, L) ∥ρ∥pL2⋆ (Rn ) = O ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) ; Rn Rn if instead 3 ≤ n ≤ 5, then by applying Hölder inequality first with exponent 2⋆ /2 and then with exponent s = 4/(n − 2), we can estimate the error from (2.33) as (∫ ) ∫ { }p−2 { }(p−2)n/2 n/2 2/n 2 max u, σ σ|ρ| ≤ max u, σ σ ∥ρ∥2L2⋆ (Rn ) Rn Rn ( )2 ≤ C(n, L) ∥ρ∥2L2⋆ (Rn ) = O ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) . Combining the last two estimates with (2.37) we conclude that ∫ m ∫ ( ) ∑ ⋆ min{p,2} ∇Ui · ∇Uj = σ 2 + p σ p ρ + O δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) , i,j=1 Rn Rn which, thanks to (2.34), gives us ∫ m ∫ ∑ ∇Ui · ∇Uj = Rn i,j=1 ( ) ⋆ min{p,2} σ 2 + O δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) . Rn (2.38) We now recall that by testing −∆Ui = Uip with Ui and Uj , j = ̸ i, one finds ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ p 2 2⋆ |∇Ui | = Ui , ∇Ui · ∇Uj = Ui Uj = Ujp Ui , Rn so that Rn m ∫ ∑ i,j=1 Rn Rn ∇Ui · ∇Uj = Rn m ∑ ∑ ⋆ Ui2 + i=1 Rn Uip Uj + Ui Ujp . 1≤i<j≤m Hence (2.38) leads to (2.36). We next notice that since 2⋆ > 2 one has, for some c(n, m) > 0, m m (∑ )2⋆ ∑ ∑ ⋆ − a2i − (api aj + ai apj ) ai i=1 i=1 ≥ c(n, m) 1≤i<j≤m ∑ api aj + ap−1 a2j + ai apj + a2i ajp−1 , i 1≤i<j≤m whenever ai ≥ 0. By combining this inequality with (2.36), and setting ∫ Aij = Uip Uj + Uip−1 Uj2 + Ui Ujp + Ui2 Ujp−1 , Rn we find that ∑ ( ) min{p,2} Aij ≤ C(L, n) δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) . (2.39) 1≤i<j≤m We∫ now come to ∫the linear term in ρ appearing in (2.27). By exploiting once again 0 = − Rn ∇Ui · ∇ρ = Rn Uip ρ we find m ∫ ∫ p ∑ p p σ ρ ≤ σ − U i |ρ| . Rn Rn i=1 Taking into account m m ( ∑ )p ∑ ∑ p−1 ai − api ≤ C(m) ai aj i=1 i=1 i̸=j ∀ai ≥ 0 , METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 15 and exploiting Hölder and Sobolev inequalities, we thus find ∫ ) ⋆′ ∑(∫ (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) σ p ρ ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) Ui Uj . Rn i̸=j Rn As shown in Appendix A, for every i ̸= j we have { (∫ ) ⋆′ Aij log2/3 (1 + Aij ) , (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) Ui Uj ≤ C(n) Aij , Rn if n = 6 , if n = ̸ 6. If n ̸= 6 we thus find ∫ ( ) (∫ p σ ρ ≤ O ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) + O . Rn Rn |∇ρ|2 )(1+min{p,2})/2 (2.40) If n = 6, by taking into account that a log2/3 (1 + a) + b log2/3 (1 + b) ≤ (a + b) log2/3 (1 + a + b) ∀a, b ≥ 0 , we get ∫ ( ) ( ) min{p,2} min{p,2} σ p ρ ≤ C(L, n)∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) log2/3 1 + δ(u) + ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) . Rn Since ( ) (a + b) log2/3 (1 + a + b) ≤ C a log2/3 (1 + a) + b log2/3 (1 + b) this yields ∫ Rn (∫ 2/3 σ ρ ≤ C(L, n)∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) δ(u) log (1 + δ(u)) + o ∀a, b ∈ [0, 1] , p Rn ) |∇ρ|2 , completing the proof of (2.35). Conclusion: We prove (1.12), (1.13), and (1.14). We multiply (2.21) by (1 − τ ) and then use (2.26) to find that ∫ m ∫ ( Λ(1 − τ ) )∑ 2 τ |∇ρ| + −p Uip−1 ρ2 1 + C(L, n) τ Rn Rn i=1 ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) Φn (m, δ(u)) + o Provided τ is small enough in terms of Λ − p > 0, this gives ∫ (∫ |∇ρ|2 ≤ C(L, n) ∥∇ρ∥L2 (Rn ) Φn (m, δ(u)) + o Rn Rn (∫ Rn ) |∇ρ|2 . ) |∇ρ|2 , and thus conclude the proof of (1.12). Then, combining (1.12) with (2.39), we see that ∫ Uip Uj + Uip−1 Uj2 + Ui Ujp + Ui2 Ujp−1 ≤ C(L, n) δ(u) (2.41) Rn for every i ̸= j, that combined with (A.4) below gives immediately (1.13). We finally prove (1.14): by orthogonality ∫ ∫ ∫ |∇u|2 = |∇σ|2 + |∇ρ|2 , Rn Rn Rn ∑ 2⋆ 2/n (compare with [Bre07b, Proposition 3]) we have and since = (Ui )2/n Ui ≤ Ui ( m j=1 Uj ) ∫ ∫ m ∫ m m ∫ (∑ )2/n ( ∑ )2/n ( ∫ ) ∑ ⋆ (n−2)/n p 2 2 2⋆ 2⋆ |∇σ| = σ Ui ≤ σ Uj ≤ Uj σ2 Uip Rn 2⋆ i=1 Rn Rn j=1 j=1 Rn Rn 16 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI n 2/n (∫ = (mS ) ⋆ σ2 )2/2⋆ . Rn (note that (n − 2)/n = 2/2⋆ ). On the other hand, since −∆Ui = Uip , using (2.39), (1.10), and (1.12), we have ∫ m ∫ m ∫ ∑ ∑∫ ∑ ∑∫ 2 2 2 ∇Ui · ∇Uj = |∇Ui | − Uip Uj |∇σ| = |∇Ui | + Rn Rn i=1 i̸=j Rn i=1 Rn i̸=j Rn ≥ m S n − C(n) δ(u). In addition, thanks to (2.36), (2.39), (1.10), and (1.12) m ∫ ∫ ( ⋆ ∑ ) ⋆ 2⋆ n 2 σ − mS = σ − Ui2 ≤ C(n, L) δ(u), Rn Rn i=1 that implies, in particular, that (∫ n n 2/n m S − (mS ) Hence, since deduce that ∫ Rn ⋆ σ2 Rn |∇ρ|2 = O(δ(u)2 ) )2/2⋆ ≤ C(n, L) δ(u). (by (1.12)), combining the above estimates together we ∫ −C(n, L) δ(u) ≤ |∇u| − (mS ) 2 Rn n 2/n (∫ ⋆ σ2 )2/2⋆ Rn ≤ C(n, L) δ(u)2 . Since σ = u − ρ and 2⋆ > 2, we find 2⋆ σ − u2⋆ − 2⋆ up ρ ≤ C(n, L) max{u, |ρ|}p−1 ρ2 . Also, thanks to (2.30), (2.34), and (1.12), ∫ ∫ ∫ (∫ p p p−1 2 u ρ ≤ σ ρ + p σ ρ + C(L, n) Rn Rn Rn Rn |∇ρ|2 )1+γ ≤ C(L, n) Φn (m, δ(u))2 , Furthermore, again by Hölder and Sobolev inequalities, ∫ max{u, |ρ|}p−1 ρ2 ≤ C(L, n) Φn (m, δ(u))2 . Rn Combining these four estimates together, completes the proof of (1.14). 3. An application to the Yamabe flow on the sphere: proof of Theorem 1.4 This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.4. Let us recall from the introduction that given u0 with ∫ ⋆ u0 ∈ H̊ 1 (Rn ) ∩ C ∞ (Rn ) u0 > 0 u20 = 1 , Rn then one can find (see [Ham89]) u(t) with u(0) = u0 such that g = u(t)p−1 dx evolves according to the Yamabe flow d g = −(Rg − rg ) g t ≥ 0, (3.1) dt where, in terms of u(t), we have 4(n − 1) ∆u Rg = − n − 2 up ∫ ∫ Rg dvol g 4(n − 1) Rn |∇u|2 4(n − 1) ∫ = K0 (u) . rg = = ⋆ 2 vol g n−2 n−2 Rn u METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 17 By writing (3.1) in terms of u(t) we find ) ⋆ d 2⋆ 2n(n − 1) ( ∆u u = + K (u) u2 0 dt n−2 up so that ∫ ∫ ⋆ ⋆ u(t)2 = Rn Rn as well as d dt ∫ ∫ |∇u| = −2(n − 1) ( ∆u 2 Rn u20 = 1 Rn up ∀t ≥ 0 , ∀t ≥ 0 )2 ⋆ + K0 (u) u2 ≤ −2(n − 1) δ(u)2 . (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) Having in mind to exploit Theorem 1.1, we now set (∫ )(n−2)/4 1/(p−1) |∇u|2 ū = K0 (u) u= u. Rn Since δ(s w) = s δ(w) and K0 (s w) = s1−p K0 (w) for every function w and every s > 0, we notice that ∫ (∫ )n/2 (∫ )(n−2)/4 2 2 |∇ū| = |∇u| , K0 (ū) = 1 , δ(ū) = |∇u|2 δ(u) . (3.5) Rn Rn Rn Since ∥∇u∥L2 (Rn ) ≤ ∥∇u0 ∥L2 (Rn ) for every t ≥ 0, we can thus find L ∈ N (depending only on ∥∇u0 ∥L2 (Rn ) and n) such that ∫ ( 1) n |∇ū|2 ≤ L + S ∀t ≥ 0 . 2 Rn By Theorem 1.1, for each t ≥ 0 we find m = m(t) ∈ {1, ..., L} such that ∫ (∫ ) ⋆ ⋆ 2/2 −C0 δ(ū) ≤ |∇ū|2 − m2/n S 2 (ū)2 ≤ C0 Φn (m, δ(ū))2 Rn (3.6) Rn where m(t) is the number of bubbles v[zi , λi ] one has to use to optimally decompose ū. Exploiting (3.3) and (3.5), this yields ∫ −C∗ δ(u) ≤ |∇u|2 − m2/n S 2 ≤ C∗ Φn (m, δ(u))2 ∀t ≥ 0 , (3.7) Rn where here and in the following C∗ denotes a constant depending only on n and ∥∇u0 ∥L2 (Rn ) . We now observe that, thanks to (3.4), ∫ ∞ ∫ 1 δ(u(t))2 dt ≤ |∇u0 |2 < ∞ , c(n) n 0 R so that we can find a sequence tj → ∞ such that δ(u(tj )) → 0. By Remark 1.3, there exists an integer m0 ∈ {1, . . . , L} such that ( ) 1 ∥∇u(tj )∥L2 (Rn ) n → m0 as j → ∞. (3.8) S ∥u(tj )∥L2∗ (Rn ) ∫ Recalling (3.3) and the fact that Rn |∇u(t)|2 is decreasing in time, this yields (1 )n ( 1 )n K0 (u(t))1/2 = ∥∇u(t)∥L2 (Rn ) ↓ m as t → ∞. (3.9) S S Hence, again by Remark 1.3, this implies that there exists a time t0 > 0 so that we can assume that m(t) = m0 for every t ≥ t0 . (More precisely, if δ(u(t)) is small enough, say δ(u(t)) ≤ δ0 for some δ0 = δ0 (L, n), then necessarily m(t) = m0 . On the other hand, if δ(u(t)) is larger than δ0 18 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI then Theorem 1.1 is true with any m ∈ {1, . . . , L}, see the discussion at the beginning of section 2. In particular, with no loss of generality, in this case we can assume that m(t) = m0 .) Setting ∫ 2/n 2/n p(t) = |∇u(t)|2 − m0 S 2 = K0 (u(t)) − m0 S 2 (3.10) Rn it follows by (3.9) that p(t) ≥ 0 Also, thanks to (3.4) and (3.7), p′ (t) ≤ −2(n − 1) δ(u(t))2 p(t) ↓ 0 as t → ∞. and ( )2 p(t) ≤ C∗ Φn m0 , δ(u(t)) and ∀t ≥ t0 . (3.11) By arguing as in [SS03] (see, in particular, the argument after Lemma 4.4 therein), we can now quickly rule out concentration of volume (that is the possibility that m0 > 1). Indeed, it follows by (3.11) and the definition of Φn (see (1.11)) that p(t) p′ (t) ≤ −C∗ log 4/3 (p(t)) ∀t ≥ t0 . In particular 0 ≤ p(t) ≤ C∗ e−t , and using (3.11) again we deduce that, for every k ∈ N and k ≥ t0 , ∫ k+1 ∫ k+1 ( )1/2 3/7 δ(u) ≤ C∗ (−p′ )1/2 ≤ C∗ p(k) − p(k + 1) ≤ C∗ e−k /2 , (3.12) 3/7 k k therefore ∫ ∞ δ(u) < ∞ . (3.13) t0 Concentration of volume is then excluded as follows. For every measurable set E ⊂ Rn , using Hölder inequality and (3.2) we have ∫ ∫ ( ) ⋆ d ∆u ⋆ u2 = c(n) + K (u) u2 ≤ C(n) δ(u) . (3.14) 0 p dt E u E Now, let ε = ε(n, m0 ) be a small constant to be chosen later. Up to increase the value of t0 we can assume that (recall (3.9)) ∫ ∞ K0 (u(t)) − m2/n S 2 ≤ ε ∀t ≥ t0 . C(n) δ(u) < ε and 0 t0 Now, fix η > 0 small enough so that ∫ ∫ ⋆ 2⋆ u(t0 ) + u(t0 )2 ≤ ε Rn \B1/η whenever |E| < η. E Then, it follows by (3.14) that for every t ≥ t0 and every |E| < η, ∫ ∫ ∫ ∞ 2⋆ 2⋆ u(t) + u(t) ≤ ε + C(n) δ(u) ≤ 2 ε . Rn \B1/η E (3.15) t0 2/n On the other hand, since K(u(t)) − m0 S 2 ≤ ε, it follows by (1.10) that each bubble Ui (t) in the decomposition of u(t) satisfies ∫ 1 Sn ⋆ − C(m0 , n) ε. Ui (t)2 = ≥ m0 K(u(t))n/2 Rn We now fix ε small enough so that 1 − C(m0 , n) ε ≥ 3 ε . m0 METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 19 Then, it follows by Theorem 1.1 and (3.15) applied to the sequence of times tj in (3.8), that u(tj ) can have at most one bubble for j large enough (since, if m0 ≥ 2, then at least one bubble should concentrate its mass either in a small region or at infinity, but this is prevented by (3.15)). Thus, we have proved m0 = 1, which implies that Φn (m0 , s) = s and that (up to choosing t0 larger) ∫ 3 |∇u(t)|2 ≤ S 2 ∀t ≥ t0 . 2 Rn Hence we can apply Theorem 1.1 with L = m = 1, and (3.11) takes the form ∫ ′ 2 2 p (t) ≤ −2(n − 1) δ(u(t)) , p(t) ≤ C(n) δ(u(t)) , p(t) = |∇u(t)|2 − S 2 ∀t ≥ t0 , Rn which yields p(t) ≤ p(t0 ) e−c(n) (t−t0 ) ≤ (3 ) S 2 ec(n) t0 e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 . 2 In particular, arguing as in (3.12), we deduce that for any k ≥ t0 ∫ k+1 δ(u) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) k/2 , k therefore, up to replacing c(n) with c(n)/2, ∫ ∞ δ(u) ≤ e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 . (3.16) t Also, noticing that p(t) = δSobolev (u(t)) (see (1.20)), we have δSobolev (u(t)) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 . So, applying the quantitative Sobolev inequality (1.21), we find that for every t ≥ t0 there exist κ(t), λ(t) > 0 and z(t) ∈ Rn such that, if we set U (t) = vκ(t) [z(t), λ(t)], then ∥∇u(t) − ∇U (t)∥2L2 (Rn ) ≤ CBE (n) δSobolev (u(t)) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 . (3.17) The exponential convergence of u(t) to the standard metric of the sphere is now easy, and we provide the details just for the sake of completeness. By (3.2) we see that if t0 ≤ t < s then ∫ s ( ∆u(r) ) ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 2⋆ |u(s) − u(t)|2 ≤ |u(s)2 − u(t)2 | ≤ + K (u(r)) u(r) dr 0 p u(r) t so (3.16) yields ∫ Rn 2⋆ |u(s) − u(t)| ∫ ≤ C(n) t s δ(u(r)) dr ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ∀s > t ≥ t0 . In particular, by the Sobolev inequality and (3.17) it follows that {U (t)}t≥t0 is a Cauchy sequence ⋆ in L2 (Rn ) with an exponential bound ∥U (t) − U (s)∥2L2⋆ (Rn ) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ⋆ ∀s > t ≥ t0 . This implies that z(t) → z∞ ∈ Rn , λ(t) → λ∞ ∈ (0, ∞) and κ(t) → κ∞ = S 2 exponentially fast as t → ∞ (note that κ∞ = S 2 follows by (3.9)). Thus, if we set U∞ = vS 2 [z∞ , λ∞ ], ∥∇U (t) − ∇U∞ ∥2L2 (Rn ) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 , that combined with (3.17) yields ∥∇u(t) − ∇U∞ ∥2L2 (Rn ) ≤ C∗ e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ t0 . Since the above inequality is trivially true on [0, t0 ] simply by choosing C∗ sufficiently large, we conclude the validity of (1.22). 20 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI We also note that if ∫ Rn ( |∇u0 |2 ≤ 2 − τ )2/n S 2 (3.18) for some τ ∈ (0, 1), then we have m(t) ≡ 1 for every t ≥ 0 and the above argument works with t0 = 0. In particular we get (∫ ) 2 ∥∇u(t) − ∇U (t)∥L2 (Rn ) ≤ C(n) |∇u0 |2 − S 2 e−c(n) t ∀t > 0 , (3.19) Rn and the last argument leads to ∥∇u(t) − ∇U ∥2L2 (Rn ) ≤ C(n) (∫ Rn ) |∇u0 |2 − S 2 e−c(n) t ∀t ≥ 0 . This is (1.23). The proof of Theorem 1.4 is thus complete. Appendix A. Interactions between bubbles A key point in the the proof of Theorem 1.1 was controlling the interaction integral between two different bubbles Ui and Uj (∫ ) ⋆′ (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) Ui Uj Rn by means of the interaction integral ∫ Uip Uj + Uip−1 Uj2 + Ujp Ui + Ujp−1 Ui2 . Rn The aim of this appendix is providing a detailed justifications of this estimate, using explicit formulas for the interaction of bubbles. More precisely, we aim to prove the following proposition. We recall the definition (1.4) of vκ , so that v1 (x) = K(n) (1 + |x|2 )(n−2)/2 ∀x ∈ Rn , and v[z, λ](x) = λ(n−2)/2 v(λ(x − z)) for x, z ∈ Rn , λ > 0. Proposition A.1. There exists a constant C0 (n) with the following property. Given z1 , z2 ∈ Rn and λ2 ≥ λ1 > 0, set U1 = v1 [z1 , λ1 ], U2 = v1 [z2 , λ2 ], and (∫ ) ⋆ ′ (∫ ) ⋆′ (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) A= U1 U2 + U2 U1 (A.1) n Rn ∫ R U1p U2 + U1p−1 U22 + U2p U1 + U2p−1 U12 . B= (A.2) Rn If B ≤ 1/9, then { A ≤ C0 (n) and C0 (n) B ≥ ( ( B if n ̸= 6 , B log2/3 (1/B) if n = 6 , λ1 /λ2 1 + λ21 |z1 − z2 |2 λ1 /λ2 1 + λ21 |z1 − z2 |2 (A.3) )2 if n ≥ 6 , )(n−2)/2 (A.4) if n < 6 . METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE 21 1+ℓ W− W = B1+ℓ (z̄) W+ 0 z z̄ Bℓ/2 (0) ℓ Figure 1. The sets W , W + , and W − when ℓ/2 ≥ 1. Proof. By a translation and a scaling we may then assume that U1 (x) = K(n) (1 + |x|2 )(n−2)/2 U2 (x) = K(n) λ(n−2)/2 (1 + λ2 |x − z|2 )(n−2)/2 (A.5) where z ∈ Rn and λ ≥ 1. We set z̄ = z/2 and then consider the sets { } { } W = B1+ℓ (z̄) , W + = x ∈ W : (x − z̄) · z ≥ 0 , W − = x ∈ W : (x − z̄) · z ≤ 0 , (where, say, W + = W ∩ {x · e1 ≥ 0} and W − = W ∩ {x · e1 ≤ 0} if ℓ = 0); see Figure 1. Since U2 is more concentrated than U1 (as λ ≥ 1), we see that given α, β > 0 with α + β = 2⋆ , the ∫ ∫ largest part of the interaction integral Rn U1α U2β is going to be W + U1α U2β . Hence, in order to ∫ ∫ prove (A.3), we are going to use an upper bound on Rn U1α U2β and a lower bound on W + U1α U2β in terms of λ and ℓ. To simplify the exposition, given a, b > 0 we shall write a . b (resp. a ≈ b) if there exists a positive dimensional constant C(n) such that a ≤ C(n) b (resp. a/C(n) ≤ b ≤ C(n) a). For example, since 1 + |w| ≈ (1 + |w|2 )1/2 for every w ∈ Rn , then we have U1 (x) ≈ 1 (1 + |x|)n−2 U2 (x) ≈ λ(n−2)/2 (1 + λ|x − z|)n−2 We now obtain various bounds on ∫ U1α U2β , when β ∈ (0, 2⋆ ) and ∀x ∈ Rn . (A.6) α = 2⋆ − β , on the domains of integration W + , Rn \ W , and W − . Sharp estimate on W + : We prove that ∫ W+ U1α U2β ≈ (n−2)β −n 2 λ (1 + ℓ)2n−(n−2) β if (n − 2)β > n 1 ( ) log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if (n − 2)β = n )n−(n−2)β ( λ(1 + ℓ) if (n − 2)β < n . (A.7) Since W + ⊂ B2(1+ℓ) (0) \ Bℓ/2 (0), thanks to (A.6) we find U1 ≈ 1 (1 + ℓ)n−2 on W + . (A.8) 22 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI By using Bℓ/2 (z) ⊂ W + ⊂ B2(1+ℓ) (z) and the estimate for U2 in (A.6), we get ∫ ∫ (n−2)β dy β −n U2 ≈ λ 2 . β(n−2) W+ Bλ(1+ℓ) (0) (1 + |y|) Combining (A.8) and this last estimate, we prove (A.7). Upper bound on Rn \ W : We claim that ∫ Rn \W ∫ U1α U2β . W+ U1α U2β . (A.9) First, one checks the following facts: U1 (x) ≈ U2 (x) ≈ 1 |x|n−2 for x ∈ Rn \ B1 (0) , 1 λ(n−2)/2 |x for x ∈ Rn \ B1 (z) , − |x| ≈ |x − z̄| ≈ |x − z| z|n−2 (A.10) for x ∈ Rn \ W . By the inclusion B1 (0) ∪ B1 (z) ⊂ W we thus find that ∫ ∫ 1 dx α β ≈ β(n−2)/2 . U1 U2 ≈ β(n−2)/2 2n |x − z̄| λ (1 + ℓ)n Rn \W Rn \W λ (A.11) Then (A.9) follows immediately by comparison with (A.7) (and actually the integral over W + is equivalent to that over Rn \W when (n−2)β < n, is larger by a logarithmic factor if (n−2)β = n, and is larger by power factors if (n − 2)β > n). Upper bound on W − : We are going to prove that ∫ ∫ {∫ α β α β U1 U2 . max U1 U2 , W− W+ W+ } U1β U2α . (A.12) Let g be the reflection of Rn with respect to the hyperplane dividing W + and W − . Then W − = g(W + ) with det ∇g = 1, thus ∫ ∫ ∫ α β α β U1 U2 = U1 (g(x)) U2 (g(x)) dx . U2β W− W+ W+ where have used the geometric fact that U2 (g(x)) ≤ U2 (x) for each x ∈ W + , and the trivial estimate U1 . 1 on Rn . If ℓ ≤ 1, then 1 ≈ (1 + ℓ)−(n−2)α , and thus we have proved ∫ ∫ ∫ U1α U2β . (1 + ℓ)−(n−2)α U2β ≈ U1α U2β W− W+ W+ accordingly to (A.8). This shows (A.12) in the case ℓ ≤ 1. Now let us assume that ℓ ≥ 1. Since ℓ + |x| . |x − z| for x ∈ Rn \ Bℓ/2 (z) and W − ⊂ Rn \ Bℓ/2 (z), by (A.6) we find U2 (x) . 1 λ(n−2)/2 |x − z|n−2 . 1 + |x|)n−2 λ(n−2)/2 (ℓ ∀x ∈ W − . Since ℓ ≥ 1 gives ℓ + |x| ≈ ℓ on B2(1+ℓ) (0), by using W − ⊂ B2(1+ℓ) (0) and (A.6) find, setting for brevity α(n − 2) = γ, so that β(n − 2) = 2n − γ, −n ℓ ∫ ∫ (n−2)β dx α β − 2 ℓ−n (1 + log ℓ) U1 U2 . ≈λ (n−2)β/2 (1 + |x|)γ ℓ2n−γ − λ W Bℓ (0) γ−2n ℓ for U1 we just if γ < n , if γ = n , if γ > n , METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE = λ− (n−2)β 2 −n ℓ if (n − 2)β > n , ℓ−n (1 + log ℓ) if (n − 2)β = n , −(n−2)β ℓ if (n − 2)β < n . 23 (A.13) By combining (A.7) with this last estimate we see that ∫ ∫ α β U1 U2 ≤ U1α U2β if (n − 2)β ≥ n . W− W+ ∫ In the case (n − 2)β < n we need the term W + U1β U2α . By arguing exactly as in the proof of (A.7) and by taking into account that (n − 2)β − n = n − (n − 2)α, we find (n−2)α ∫ if (n − 2)β < n 1 ( −n ) λ 2 β α log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if (n − 2)β = n U1 U2 ≈ )n−(n−2)α (1 + ℓ)2n−(n−2) α ( W+ λ(1 + ℓ) if (n − 2)β > n , and hence, again by (n − 2)α = 2n − (n − 2)β, we see that, in the case (n − 2)β < n, (n−2)β ∫ ∫ λ− 2 β α U1 U2 ≈ & U1α U2β (n−2)β + − (1 + ℓ) W W thanks to (A.13). Conclusion: Let us set {( ∫ ) ⋆′ ( (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) U1 U2 , ∫ (2⋆ )′ A0 = max U1 W+ W+ ∫ B0 = U1p U2 + U1p−1 U22 + U1 U2p + U12 U2p−1 . ) ⋆ ′} (p−1)(2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) U2 (A.14) (A.15) W+ By (A.7), (A.9) and (A.12) we have A . A0 . Since B0 ≤ B and x log2/3 (1/x) is increasing for x ∈ (0, e−2/3 ) with e−2/3 > 1/9 ≥ B, we conclude that in order to complete the proof it is enough to show if n ̸= 6 , B0 ( ) A0 . (A.16) 1 B0 log2/3 if n = 6 , B0 We now repeatedly apply (A.7) with different values of β. Setting β = (2⋆ )′ = 2n/(n + 2) we find that (n − 2)β > n if and only if n > 6, so that n−2 n − 1 ⋆ ′ (∫ ) ( ) if n > 6 λ 2 β (p−1)(2⋆ )′ (2⋆ )′ 1/(2 ) 1/β log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 6 U1 U2 ≈ 2n −(n−2) ( ) n −(n−2) W+ (1 + ℓ) β λ(1 + ℓ) β if n < 6 . 1 ( ) if n > 6 1 2/3 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 6 ≈ (A.17) λ2 (1 + ℓ)4 (λ(1 + ℓ)) 6−n 2 if n < 6 . Setting β = (p − 1)(2⋆ )′ = 8n/[(n − 2)(n + 2)] we have (n − 2)β > n if and only if n < 6 ( ) n −(n−2) n−2 β −n λ(1 + ℓ) (∫ )1/(2⋆ )′ 2 β ⋆ ′ ⋆ ′ λ ( ) if n > 6 (2 ) (p−1)(2 ) 1/β U1 U2 ≈ log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 6 (A.18) 2n −(n−2) W+ (1 + ℓ) β 1 if n < 6 . ( ) (n−2)(n−6) 8 λ(1 + ℓ) 1 ( ) if n > 6 2/3 ≈ 2 2 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 6 (n−2) (n−2) λ 8 (1 + ℓ) 4 1 if n < 6 . 24 G. CIRAOLO, A. FIGALLI, AND F. MAGGI Estimating A0 : If n > 6 then by (A.17) and (A.18) we have A0 ( ) (n−2)(n−6) 8 λ(1 + ℓ) 1 1 1 ≈ + = 2 + n−2 (n−2)(n+2) 2 4 4 (n−2)2 (n−2)2 λ (1 + ℓ) λ (1 + ℓ) 8 λ 2 (1 + ℓ) λ 8 (1 + ℓ) 4 1 ≈ 2 . λ (1 + ℓ)4 In the case n = 6, (A.17) and (A.18) give us A0 ≈ log2/3 (1 + λ(1 + ℓ)) λ2 (1 + ℓ)4 If n < 6 by (A.17) and (A.18) we find A0 ≈ Summarizing 1 λ n−2 2 (1 + ℓ) n+2 2 1 + λ (n−2)2 8 (1 + ℓ) (n−2)2 4 −2 λ (1 + ℓ)−4 A0 ≈ λ−2 (1 + ℓ)−4 log2/3 (1 + λ(1 + ℓ)) n+2 − n−2 λ 2 (1 + ℓ)− 2 ≈ 1 λ n−2 2 (1 + ℓ) n+2 2 , if n > 6 , if n = 6 , (A.19) if n < 6 . We now estimate B0 . To this end we plug more values of β in (A.7), as follows: Setting β = 1 we find (n − 2)β < n for every n, and thus (A.7) gives ( )n−(n−2)β (n−2)β ∫ λ 2 −n λ(1 + ℓ) n−2 p U1 U2 ≈ = λ− 2 (1 + ℓ)−n . 2n−β(n−2) (1 + ℓ) W+ (A.20) Setting β = p we enforce (n − 2)β > n for every n, and thus (A.7) gives ∫ W+ (n−2)β U1 U2p n−2 λ 2 −n = λ− 2 (1 + ℓ)−(n−2) ≈ 2n−β(n−2) (1 + ℓ) Setting β = 2 we find (n − 2)β > n if and only if n > 4 and thus (n−2)β ∫ if n > 4 1 ( −n ) λ 2 p−1 2 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 4 U1 U2 ≈ )n−(n−2)β (1 + ℓ)2n−β(n−2) ( W+ λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 3 . 1 ( ) if n > 4 1 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 4 ≈ 2 λ (1 + ℓ)4 λ(1 + ℓ) if n = 3 . Setting β = p − 1 = 4/(n − 2), we have (n − 2)β = 4 so that by (A.7) ( )n−(n−2)β (n−2)β ∫ −n λ(1 + ℓ) 2 λ ( ) U12 U2p−1 ≈ 2n−β(n−2) log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) + (1 + ℓ) W 1 n−4 (λ(1 ( + ℓ)) ) 1 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) ≈ n−2 λ (1 + ℓ)2n−4 1 if n > 4 if n = 4 if n = 3 . if n > 4 if n = 4 if n = 3 . (A.21) (A.22) (A.23) METRICS WITH ALMOST CONSTANT SCALAR CURVATURE ON THE SPHERE Estimating B0 : by combining (A.20), (A.21), (A.22) and (A.23) we find −2 λ (1 + ℓ)−4 + λ(−2 (1 + ℓ)−n ) if − n−2 −(n−2) λ−2 (1 + ℓ)−4 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) if B0 ≈ λ 2 (1 + ℓ) + −1 λ (1 + ℓ)−3 + λ−1 (1 + ℓ)−2 if −2 −4 λ (1 + ℓ) ( ) n−2 λ−2 (1 + ℓ)−4 log 1 + λ(1 + ℓ) ≈ λ− 2 (1 + ℓ)−(n−2) + −1 λ (1 + ℓ)−2 and thus { B0 ≈ λ−2 (1 + ℓ)−4 if n ≥ 6 − n−2 −(n−2) λ 2 (1 + ℓ) if n < 6 . 25 n>4 n=4 n=3 if n > 4 if n = 4 if n = 3 (A.24) By (A.19) and (A.24) we see that A0 ≈ B0 if n > 6, while A0 . B0 if n < 6 (as for n < 6 the power (n + 2)/2 of (1 + ℓ) appearing in A0 is larger than the power (n − 2) of (1 + ℓ) appearing in B0 ). When n = 6, B0 ≈ λ−2 (1 + ℓ)−4 gives us ( 1 ) log2/3 (1 + λ(1 + ℓ)2 ) log2/3 (1 + λ(1 + ℓ)) B0 log2/3 1 + √ ≈ ≥ ≈ A0 . λ2 (1 + ℓ)4 λ2 (1 + ℓ)4 B0 Since log(1 + x) ≤ 2 log(x) for x > 3 and since B0 ≤ B ≤ 1/9, we deduce that A0 . B0 log2/3 (1/B0 ) when n = 6. 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