Introduction TV Volum e/M utePunch-Through Thank you forbuying a RadioShack Rem ote Control. You can use yourrem ote to replace a broken orlost rem ote orcom bine the functionsoftw o orm ore rem otes. The TV Volum e/M ute punch-through feature letsyou controlthe Volum e and M ute function ofyourTV in any m ode program m ed to be a V CR orCable device w ithoutchanging to TV m ode. Thisrem ote controloperatesthe com m on featuresof m ost(butnotall)m odelsand brandsofIR (Infrared) controlled video equipm ent.Thisrem ote m ay support functions thatare notavailable on yourdevice.Som e functions ofyourparticulardevice (such as m enu functions)m ay notbe controlled by this rem ote.In such cases,use the originalrem ote controlforyour device. Please use thism anualto becom e fam iliarw ith your rem ote,then installbatteries and setup yourrem ote for yourparticulardevice and brand. TV/VCR Punch-Through W hen the rem ote isin TV m ode orany m ode program m ed forCable,the 6 V CR keys(Play,Pause,Stop, Record,FF and Rew ind)w illpunch-through to the deviceprogram m ed underV CR (in TV m ode),orany m odeprogram m ed forCable. Button functions The rem ote pow erson in TV m ode. Battery Installation A-B 1. Push dow n on the tab on the back ofthe rem ote and liftoffthe cover. 2. M atch the batteries to the + and -m arks inside the battery case,then insert2 A A A alkaline batteries. 3. Replace the cover. W hen the rem ote’s range decreases oritdoes not operate properly,replace the batteries.You have 2 m inutes to change the batteries w ithoutlosing codes you have program m ed.D o notpress any buttons until batteries are installed.Ifbuttons are pressed w ithout batteriesin the rem ote,allcodesw illbe lost. Enter M enu D isp Last 100+ Battery Saver O peratesasTV /Video,TV /V CR,etc., depending on m ode. U sed to enterchannelnum bers for som e devices. Putsthe rem ote in m enu m ode and displaysthe m enu on the TV.The indicatorlightblinks continuously to indicate the rem ote isin M enu m ode, V O L U P/D O W N keysoperate ascursor right/left,CH +/-keysoperate ascursor up/dow n,and M ute operates as O K . Pressany m ode key to exitM enu. D isplays device on-screen status inform ation. G oes to lastchannelview ed. Pressfirst,then enterthe num berfor channels higherthan 100. N ote:Som e buttons on the rem ote m ighthave functions thatare labeled differently on the device you are controlling,depending on the brand and m odelofyour device.Forexam ple,Lastm ay becalled RECA LL or PreviousChannel;EN TER m ay becalled D ISPLAY. A lso,this rem ote can only operate features thatexiston yourdevice.Forexam ple,yourdevice m usthave Previous Channelcapability forthe Lastbutton to operate this feature. TV /V C R C om bo units O peration Forsom e TV /V CR com bo units,you m ightneed to set up tw o differentbuttons to controlboth parts ofthe com bo unit.See “D irectCode Entry” on page 3).For exam ple,setup a code underthe TV button to control the TV partofthe com bo unitand a separate code for the V CR underany otherbutton you choose. 1. 2. 3. 4. Program m ing w ith C odeSearch C odeSetup The Setup button is used to setup the rem ote.You can setup the rem ote using the code foryourbrand of device from the code list,orsearch through the library ofcodes untilyou find a code thatw orks foryour device. You can store any kind ofcode underany m ode (except TV ).Forexam ple,you can store a V CR code underthe CBL key.H ow ever,you can only store TV codesunder the TV key. D irectC odeEntry 1. Press and hold the Setup button untilthe red indicatorstays on.Release the Setup button. 2. Pressand release the desired m ode button (TV,V CR, etc.).The red indicatorblinks,then stayslit. 3. Enterthe 3 digitcode from the code list. N ote:The red indicatorturnsoffaftera valid code entry and flashes foran invalid code. 4. W ith yourdevice on,press ChannelU p.Ifthe device responds,no furthersetup is required. N ote:Ifsom e buttons on yourdevice do not operate,try one ofthe othercodes foryourbrand. 1. M anually turn on the device (TV,V CR,etc.)to be controlled. 2. Press and hold the Setup button untilthe red indicatorstays on.Release the Setup button. 3. Press and release the desired m ode button (TV, V CR,etc.).The red indicatorblinks,then stayslit. 4. Repeatedly press the ChannelU p button (up to 300 tim es)untilthe device to be controlled changes channel.The red indicatorblinks,then stayslit. Ifyou accidentally overshootthe desired code,press the ChannelD ow n button to backtrack through the library untilthe device changes channels.Pressing ChannelU p changesthe direction to forw ard again. Press and release the Enterbutton to setthe code.If the device does nothave a ChannelU p button,use Play (V CR)orPow erinstead. This m ethod assum es thatyou w antto store V CR codesunderthe V CR button,CBL codesunderCBL, etc.Ifyou w antto store a V CR code underCBL,first follow the procedure for“D irectCode Entry” on page 3, trying any CBL code from the code tables (thatis,press CBL in step 2,then enterany V CR code).Then follow the steps forCode Search above. Yourrem ote autom atically tim esoutifthe buttonsare pressed m ore than 30 seconds.This w illsave your batteries should yourrem ote getstuck in a place (for exam ple,betw een sofa cushions)w here the buttons rem ain pressed. C at.N o.15-2113 [ A] 1. Press the m ode button forthe desired device. A im the rem ote atthe device. PressPO W ER to turn on the device. Press other buttons to operate the features of your device. N ote:The REC button m ustbe pressed TW ICE to record from yourV CR.Forsom e brandsofV CRs,you m ightneed to press the REC button once,then press it again forthree seconds. C odeIdentification 1. Press and hold the Setup button untilthe red indicatorstays lit.Release the Setup button. 2. Press and release the desired m ode button (TV, V CR,etc.).The red indicatorblinks,then stayslit. 3. Press and release the Setup button.The indicator lightblinksoff. 4. To find the firstdigitforthe code stored underthe m ode key you pressed in step 2,press each num eric key from 0-9 in turn.W hen the indicatorblinksoff, the num beryou pressed is the firstdigitforthe code you are searching for. 5. Repeatstep 4 to find the second and third digits. Troubleshooting R em otedoesnotoperateyourdevice. • Press the m ode button ofthe device you w antto control. • Program the rem ote w ith a new code. • Installnew batteries.(You m ighthave to reprogram yourrem ote afterinstalling new batteries.) • Rem ote m ay notbe com patible w ith yourdevice. R em otedoesnotoperatesom efeaturesofyourdevice. • Program rem ote w ith a new code. • Rem ote m ay notbe able to operate allfeaturesof yourdevice orbutton nam es m ightbe differentthan yourdevice. 2. 3. 4. 5. Indicatorlightblinksafteryou program a devicecode. • Rem ote did notacceptthe code. • Try to program the code again ortry a differentcode. Lim ited N inety-D ay W arranty This product is w arranted by RadioShack against m anufacturing defects in m aterial and w orkm anship under norm al use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase from RadioShack com pany-ow ned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. EX CEPT A S PRO V ID ED H EREIN , RadioShack M A K ES N O EX PRESS W A RRA N TIES A N D A N Y IM PLIED W A RRA N TIES, IN CLU D IN G TH O SE O F M ERCH A N TA BILITY A N D FITN ESS FO R A PA RTICU LA R PU RPO SE, A RE LIM ITED IN D U R ATIO N TO TH E D U R ATIO N O F TH E W R ITTEN LIM ITED W A R R A N TIES C O N TA IN ED H ER EIN . EX CEPT A S PRO V ID ED H EREIN , RadioShack SH A LL H AV E N O LIA BILITY O R RESPO N SIBILITY TO CU STO M ER O R A N Y O TH ER PER SO N O R EN TITY W ITH R ESPEC T TO A N Y LIA BILITY, LO SS O R D A M A G E CA U SED D IRECTLY O R IN D IRECTLY BY U SE O R PERFO RM A N CE O F TH E PRO D U CT O R A RISIN G O U T O F A N Y BREA CH O F TH IS W A R R A N TY, IN C LU D IN G , B U T N O T LIM ITED TO , A N Y D A M A G ES RESU LTIN G FRO M IN CO N V EN IEN CE, LO SS O F TIM E, D ATA , PRO PERTY, REV EN U E, O R PRO FIT O R A N Y IN D IRECT, SPECIA L, IN CID EN TA L, O R CO N SEQ U EN TIA L D A M A G ES,EV EN IF RadioShack H A S BEEN A D V ISED O F TH E PO SSIBILITY O F SU CH D A M A G ES. Som e states do not allow lim itations on how long an im plied w arranty lasts or the exclusion or lim itation of incidental or consequential dam ages, so the above lim itations or exclusions m ay not apply to you. In the event of a product defect during the w arranty period, take the product and the RadioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any RadioShack store. RadioShack w ill, at its option, unless otherw ise provided by law : (a) correct the defect by product repair w ithout charge for parts and labor; (b) replace the product w ith one of the sam e or sim ilar design; or (c) refund the purchase price. A ll replaced parts and products, and products on w hich a refund is m ade, becom e the property of RadioShack. N ew or reconditioned parts and products m ay be used in the perform ance of w arranty service. Repaired or replaced parts and products are w arranted for the rem ainder of the original w arranty period. You w ill be charged for repair or replacem ent of the product m ade after the expiration of the w arranty period. This w arranty does not cover: (a) dam age or failure caused by or attributable to acts of G od, abuse, accident, m isuse, im proper or abnorm al usage, failure to follow instructions, im proper installation or m aintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (b) any repairs other than those provided by a RadioShack A uthorized Service Facility; (c) consum ables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosm etic dam age; (e) transportation, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product rem oval, installation, setup service adjustm ent or reinstallation. This w arranty gives you specific legal rights, and you m ay also have other rights w hich vary from state to state. RadioShack Custom er Relations, 200 Taylor Street, 6th Floor, Fort W orth, TX 76102 Custom M anufactured in China for RadioShack, Ft. W orth, TX 76102. 6. C at.N o.15-2114 [ A ]C ode List TV A BEX ..................................185 A C M E .........................003 021 A D A ....................................018 A D C ............................004 002 A D M IR A L .................001 173 A D V EN TU R A ...................174 A IK O ..................................058 A IW A ..........................195 196 A LLER O N .........................046 A M A R K ..............................020 A M TR O N ...........................053 A K A I ..................................002 A M STRA D .........................189 A N A M N ATIO N A L .........003 ......................025 042 053 193 A O C .............004 005 007 009 ......................014 132 156 175 A RCH ER ............................020 A U D IO V O X .......................053 BA N G & O LU FSEN ..........190 BELCO R .............................004 BELL & H O W ELL ...........000 .....................................001 049 BRA D FO RD .......................053 BRO K SO N IC ..............136 147 B R O K W O O D .....................004 C A N D LE .....004 008 009 174 C A PEH A RT .......................175 C ELEB R ITY ......................002 C EN TU R IO N .....................009 C ETR O N IC ........................042 C ITIZEN .....001 004 008 009 ......042 053 058 105 109 177 C LA IRTO N E .....................014 CLA SSIC .............................042 C O LO RTY M E ....004 009 010 C O N C ERTO ...............004 009 CO N CIERG E ......................121 CO N TEC/CO N Y .......012 013 ..............................014 042 053 CRA IG .........................042 053 C R O W N ......................042 053 C U RTIS M ATH ES .....000 001 ..............................004 009 015 ......................031 049 105 109 CX C .............................042 053 D A EW O O ...........004 005 009 ......................017 018 019 042 ..............058 082 083 085 097 ..............100 126 127 130 138 D AY TR O N .................004 009 D IM EN SIA .................000 031 D U M O N T ..................004 121 D Y N A STY .........................042 ELEK TR A .........................001 ELEC TR O B A N D ......002 014 ELEC TR O H O M E .....003 004 ..............................009 022 133 EM ERSO N .................004 009 ......014 023 024 025 026 027 ......030 032 033 034 035 036 ......037 038 039 040 041 042 ......043 045 046 049 053 116 ......................135 147 177 179 EN V ISIO N ..................004 009 FISH ER 013 049 050 180 209 FU JITSU .....................046 197 FU N A I.................042 053 046 FU TU R ETEC ............042 053 G E .........000 003 004 009 022 ......031 044 052 054 055 087 ......092 103 107 125 164 181 G IBRA LTER ..............004 121 G O LD STA R .........004 005 009 ......056 057 133 155 156 172 G RU N D Y ....................046 053 H A LLM A R K .............004 009 H A RVA RD ..........................053 H ITA C H I.............001 004 009 ..............013 059 061 079 088 ......091 137 139 140 141 142 ......143 144 145 146 179 210 IM A .....................................053 IN FIN ITY ..........................062 IN TEQ ................................121 JA N EIL ...............................174 JBL ......................................062 JCB ......................................002 JC PEN N Y ..........000 004 005 ......................008 009 022 031 ..............052 054 055 063 087 ..............105 107 109 172 181 JEN SEN ......................004 009 JVC .......................013 054 055 ......................060 065 067 089 K AW A SH O ..........002 004 009 K AY PA N I...........................175 K EC .....................................042 K EN W O O D ........004 009 133 K LO SS N O VA BEA M ........068 .....................................069 174 K O N K A ...............016 047 066 ..............................157 158 176 K TV .....................014 021 042 ......................053 070 116 177 LO D G EN ET ..............000 001 LO EW E ......................062 211 LO G IK ........................000 001 LU X M A N ...................004 009 LX I...............000 004 009 031 ..............049 062 107 109 181 M A G N AV O X .............004 008 ......009 062 068 069 074 075 ......076 077 089 133 163 165 M A JESTIC .................000 001 M A R A N TZ .........004 009 062 M EG ATR O N .......004 009 059 M EI.....................................014 M EM O R EX .........000 001 004 ..............009 046 049 051 135 M G A .....................004 005 009 ......................022 046 133 180 M ID LA N D ..........054 055 107 ..............................121 172 181 M IN U TZ ............................052 M ITSU BISH I.............004 005 ......................009 022 046 081 ......................089 132 133 180 M O N TG O M ERY W A R D .000 .............................................001 M O TO R O LA .............003 173 M T C .....................004 005 009 ..............................014 105 109 M U LTITEC H ....................053 M U LTIV ISIO N ..................084 N A D .............004 009 109 185 N EC ..............003 004 005 009 ......................010 085 089 095 N IK EI.................................042 N IK K O ................004 009 058 N T C ....................................058 O N K IN G .............................042 O N W A ........................042 053 O PTIM U S ..................170 185 O PTO N IC A ...............095 173 O R IO N .................035 121 135 PA N A SO N IC .......003 054 055 ......062 070 148 149 170 171 PH ILC O .......003 004 005 008 ......................009 062 068 069 ......................074 075 077 133 PH ILIPS ..............003 004 006 ..............008 062 068 069 074 ..............075 076 086 087 089 ..............133 163 183 184 205 ..............206 207 208 212 213 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....183 ..............................184 208 213 PILO T ................................004 PIO N EER ...................004 009 ..............................090 179 185 PO RTLA N D 004 005 009 058 PRECISIO N ........................166 PRICE CLU B .....................105 PRISM .................................055 PRO SCA N ...000 031 107 181 PR O TO N .............004 009 093 ..............................175 186 192 PU LSA R .............................121 PU LSER ..............................004 Q U A SA R .....003 054 055 062 ..............070 148 149 170 171 RA D IO SH A CK ..000 004 009 ......031 041 042 048 049 053 ......095 133 155 170 172 194 RCA ......000 003 004 005 007 ......009 011 048 078 082 083 ......094 096 098 099 101 102 ......103 107 113 129 133 167 ..............179 181 187 188 194 R EA LISTIC .000 004 009 031 ..............041 042 048 049 053 ............. 095 133 155 170 172 RH A PSO D Y .......................014 RU N CO ...............................121 SA M PO ........004 009 172 175 SA M SU N G ...004 005 009 015 ......104 105 106 109 133 172 SA M SU X ............................009 SA N SU I.......................135 136 SA N Y O ................004 013 049 ......................108 110 180 209 SCO TCH .....................004 009 SC O TT ................004 009 024 ......................035 042 046 053 SEARS ..000 004 009 013 031 ..............046 049 105 107 109 ..............110 133 180 181 189 SH A RP .004 009 079 095 111 ......112 114 122 123 124 173 SH O G U N ............................004 SIG N ATU RE .......000 001 023 SIM PSO N ...........................008 SO N IC .................................014 SO N Y ...........002 006 071 128 SO U N D ESIG N ....004 008 009 ..............................042 053 046 SPECTRAV ISIO N .............203 SQ U A REV IEW ..................189 SSS ........................004 042 053 STA R LITE .........................053 SU PREM A CY ....................174 SU PR EM E ..........................002 SY LVA N IA ..........004 008 009 ..............062 068 069 074 075 ..............076 077 133 161 163 SY M PH O N IC ......033 053 189 TA N D Y ..............................173 TATU N G ............................003 TECH N ICS .................054 055 TEC H W O O D .............004 009 .....................................054 055 TEK N IK A ...000 001 004 005 ......008 009 013 042 046 053 ......058 076 105 109 170 174 TELEC A PTIO N ...............117 TELER EN T ...............000 001 TER A ..........................004 186 T M K ...........................004 009 TO SH IBA ....013 049 089 105 ......109 117 118 120 159 178 U N IV ERSA L ..............052 087 V ICTO R ..............................079 V ID TEC H ............004 005 009 V IK IN G ...............................174 W A RD S 000 001 004 005 009 ..............024 031 033 046 052 ............. 062 068 069 074 075 ..............076 087 095 119 133 W H ITE W ESTIN G H O U SE .... .....................................097 100 YA M A H A ....004 005 009 133 ZEN ITH ......000 001 004 023 ......................038 058 059 064 ......................121 135 136 153 VCR A D M IR A L .........................226 A D V EN TU R A ...................251 A IK O ..................................252 A IW A ...........227 245 251 269 A K A I ...........228 229 230 231 ......................233 254 336 337 A LLEG RO ...........243 247 329 A M ERICA N H IG H ....246 285 A SH A ..................................238 A U D IO D Y N A M ICS.234 348 A U D IO V O X .......................239 BELL & H O W ELL ...........268 BEA U M A RK .....................238 BRO K SO N IC ..............237 250 ..............................256 289 310 C A LIX ................................239 C A N D LE .............234 238 239 ......................240 241 242 244 CA N N O N ....246 285 339 340 C A PEH A RT ...............329 335 CA RV ER .............................287 CCE .............................252 286 C ITIZEN .....234 238 239 240 ......................241 242 244 252 C O LO RTY M E ...................234 C O LT ..................................286 CRA IG ..........238 239 248 286 C U RTIS M ATH ES .....225 227 ..............................234 238 241 ......................246 249 285 340 CY BERN EX .......................238 D A EW O O ...........240 242 244 ......250 251 252 253 279 335 D AY TR O N .........................335 D B X ............................234 348 D IM EN SIA .........................225 D Y N ATEC H ..............227 251 ELEC TR O H O M E .....239 254 ELEC TR O PH O N IC ..........239 EM ERSO N ..227 231 237 239 ..............240 246 249 250 251 ..............254 255 256 257 258 ..............259 260 261 262 263 ..............264 265 266 268 269 ......270 272 285 290 330 341 FISH ER ........234 248 267 268 ......................273 274 275 287 FU JI......................229 246 285 FU N A I.................227 233 251 G A RRA RD .........................251 G E .................225 238 246 278 ......................285 340 342 345 G O LD STA R .........234 239 346 G R A D IEN TE .....................251 G O -V ID EO ..........359 368 375 H A RLEY D AV ID SO N ......251 H A RM A N K A RD O N 234 293 H A RW O O D ........................286 H EA D Q U A RTER ..............268 H ITA C H I.....227 280 282 332 ..............336 345 347 369 370 H I-Q ....................................248 IN STA N T R EPLAY ..........233 .....................................246 285 IN TEQ ................................239 JCL ..............................246 285 JC PEN N EY ........234 238 239 ......................268 280 285 332 ......................348 336 340 343 JEN SEN ......................280 336 JVC .......................234 247 268 ......................336 348 376 377 K EN W O O D ...............234 241 ..............................268 336 348 K LH ............................286 356 K O D A K ...............239 246 285 LLO Y D .......................227 251 LO G IK ................................286 LX I......................................239 M A G N AV O X ......246 285 287 ......................329 331 340 349 M A G N IN ............................238 M A R A N TZ .........234 241 246 ......268 285 287 289 339 348 M A RTA ..............................239 M A TSU SH ITA ...........246 285 M EI.............................246 285 M EM O R EX .........226 227 238 ......................239 246 248 251 ......................268 285 329 337 M G A ............................254 290 M G N TECH N O LO G Y ......238 M ID LA N D .........................278 M IN O LTA ..................280 332 M ITSU BISH I......254 276 277 ..............280 290 291 293 294 ..............295 296 298 299 348 M O N TG O M ERY W A R D .226 .............................................300 M O TO R O LA ......226 246 285 M T C .....................227 238 251 M U LTITEC H ............227 238 ..............................251 278 286 N EC ......234 241 249 268 289 ..............301 302 303 336 348 N IK K O ...............................239 N O B LEX ............................238 O LY M PU S .................246 285 O PTIM U S ...........226 239 334 ......................359 361 362 363 O PTO N IC A ...............300 359 O R IO N ................................256 PA N A SO N IC .......246 285 334 ..............340 350 363 373 374 PEN TA X .....241 280 332 345 PEN TEX RESEA RCH ......234 PH ILC O .......246 285 287 340 PH ILIPS ......246 285 287 288 ......................300 328 331 333 ..............................349 371 378 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....328 .............................................333 PILO T ................................239 PIO N EER ....280 305 306 348 PO RTLA N D 241 242 244 335 PRO SCA N ..........................225 PR O TEC ............................286 PU LSA R .............................329 Q U A RTER .................268 374 Q U A RTZ ............................268 Q U A SA R ....................246 285 ..............................340 350 363 RCA ..............225 228 238 246 ..............280 285 307 308 309 ..............311 312 313 314 315 ......316 332 342 345 350 362 RA D IO SH A CK ...225 226 227 ......238 239 246 248 251 254 ......268 274 275 285 300 334 ......337 340 342 361 362 363 R A D IX ................................239 RA N D EX ............................239 R EA LISTIC .........225 226 227 ..............238 239 246 248 251 ......254 268 274 275 285 300 ......334 337 340 361 362 363 R EPLAY .............................373 RICO H ................................353 RU N CO ...............................329 SA M SU N G ...230 238 240 258 ..............278 280 337 354 359 SA N K Y .......................226 329 SA N SU I................317 336 348 SA N Y O ........238 248 267 268 SC O TT ........237 240 250 257 ......................263 290 318 341 SEARS ..........239 246 248 268 ......................273 274 275 280 ......................285 287 332 343 SH A RP .........226 227 242 254 ......................300 360 361 367 SH IN TO M ..................229 280 ..............................286 353 357 SH O G U N ............................238 SIG N ATU RE ......................227 SIN G ER ................246 285 286 SO N Y ...................229 324 353 ......................364 365 366 372 STS ...............246 280 285 332 SY LVA N IA ..........227 251 285 ......................287 290 340 349 SY M PH O N IC ......227 236 251 TA N D Y ......................227 268 TA SH IK O ...........................239 TATU N G ............................336 TEA C ...................227 251 336 TECH N ICS ..........246 285 334 TEK N IK A ...........227 239 246 ..............................251 285 325 TiVo ............................371 372 TO SH IBA ............240 274 280 ......................287 290 318 341 TO TEV ISIO N ............238 239 T M K ....................238 249 272 U N ITEC H ..........................238 V ECTO R RESEA RCH ......234 ..............................240 241 348 V ICTO R ..............................348 V ID EO CO N CEPTS ..........234 ......................240 241 254 348 V ID EO SO N IC ....................238 W A RD S ........226 227 238 239 ......240 246 248 251 254 280 ......285 286 300 326 332 341 W H ITE W ESTIN G H O U SE .... .....................................227 233 X R -1000......246 251 285 286 YA M A H A ....234 268 336 348 ZEN ITH ......229 232 235 239 ......243 247 281 283 284 310 ......329 344 348 353 358 370 C able A BC ......................461 462 463 ......................464 465 466 467 A LLEG RO ..................524 525 A M ERICA ST .....................527 A N TR O N IX ...............468 469 A RCH ER .....468 469 470 471 A T & T .................................511 C A B LETEN N A .................468 CA BLEV IEW .....................468 C EN TU RY .........................471 C ITIZEN ............................471 CO LO U R V O ICE .......472 473 CO M TRO N ICS ..........474 475 CO N TEC/CO N Y ...............476 EA STERN ..........................477 G A RRA RD .........................471 G C ELECTRO N ICS ..........469 G EM IN I......................478 479 G E ........................................549 G EN ERA L IN STRU M EN T .... ..............463 509 511 513 514 ..............518 528 529 530 531 H A M LIN .............480 481 482 H ITA C H I............................463 H Y TEX ..............................462 JA SCO .................................471 JERRO LD ....461 463 464 465 ......................467 478 484 509 ..............510 511 526 528 529 M A G N AV O X .....................485 M EM O R EX ........................486 M O V IE TIM E ...........462 487 NSC .............................462 487 O A K .....................462 476 489 PA C E ..................................532 PA N A SO N IC ..............460 508 PA RA G O N .........................486 PH ILIPS ......471 472 473 479 ......................485 490 491 492 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....505 .............................................534 PIO N EER ............493 494 498 PU LSA R .............................486 RA D IO SH A CK ..505 525 534 RCA .............................460 507 REA LISTIC ........................469 REG A L ...............................482 REG EN CY ..........................477 R EM B R A N D T ...................463 RU N CO ...............................486 SA M SU N G ..................474 494 SC IEN TIFIC ATLA N TA .466 ..............................496 497 498 SIG N A L ......................474 478 SIG N ATU RE ......................463 SL M A RX ...........................474 SPRU CER ...........................460 STA N D A RD CO M PO N EN TS .............................................499 STA RCO M ..........461 467 478 STA R G ATE ................474 478 STA R SIG H T ......................520 STA R SIG H T CA BLE SERV ICE .............................507 STA RQ U EST .....................478 STA R TRA K ......................516 TA N D Y ..............................500 TELEV IEW .......................474 TELEW EST ......................532 TEX SC A N ..........................499 TO C O M ...............464 501 513 TO SH IBA ...........................486 TU SA ..................................478 TV 86...................................487 U N IK A ................468 469 471 U N ITED A RTISTS ...........462 U N ITED CA BLE ..............461 U N IV ERSA L ..............468 469 ..............................470 471 502 V ID EO W AY .......................504 V IEW STA R .475 485 487 500 V ID EO TECH ....................550 ZEN ITH ......486 488 503 517 ......................519 520 521 522 ..............523 524 525 527 533 DVD A IW A ..................................414 A K A I ..................................395 A PEX ..................................424 D A EW O O ...........440 441 444 D EN O N ......................400 421 E LTA ..........................434 435 EM ERSO N .........................396 FISH ER ...............................416 G E ........................................430 G O -V ID EO .................407 426 H ITA C H I.............404 419 439 H A RM A N /K A RD O N ........427 JVC ..............................406 418 IN TEG R A ...........................422 K EN W O O D ...............400 429 K O N K A .......410 411 412 413 M A G N AV O X .............398 408 M A R A N TZ ................398 408 M ITSU BISH I.....................402 M U STEK ............................431 N A D ....................................433 N A K A M IC H I.....................432 O N K Y O ..............................422 O PTIM U S ..................404 439 O R ITR O N ..........................415 PA N A SO N IC ..............400 401 PH ILIPS ..............398 408 423 PIO N EER ...................404 439 PRO SCA N ..........................403 RA D IO SH A CK ..........342 443 RCA ..............342 403 430 443 SA M SU N G ..........................407 SA M PO ...............................417 SEG ......................................428 SH A RP ................................397 SH ERW O O D ......................425 SH IN CO ..............................430 SO N Y ..................................399 TEA C ..........................404 439 TH ETA D IG ITA L .....404 439 TO SH IBA ...................398 436 W H A R FED A LE ................442 YA M A H A ...................400 420 YA M A K AW A ....................438 ZEN ITH ..............396 405 437 N O R STAT ..................601 602 PA C E ...................614 615 646 PA N A SO N IC D SS ......586 626 PR IM ESTA R ..............627 640 PH ILIPS ..............576 612 639 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....576 .....................................612 639 PIO N EER ...........................584 PRO SCA N ..................622 636 RCA D SS ......636 649 652 653 REA LISTIC ................567 603 SA M SU N G ..........................594 SC IEN TIFIC ATLA N TA .607 SH A RP ................................604 “SIERRA I II III” ..............561 SO N Y D SS ..................585 623 STA RCH O ICE ...........627 640 STA R SIG H T ......................633 STA R TRA K ......................608 STS ...............568 569 570 571 SU PER G U ID E ..................609 TO SH IBA ...........................572 TO SH IBA D SS ....624 625 631 TH O M SO N ........................614 SAT U N ID EN .....................573 611 U N ID EN D SS .....................633 A M PLIC A ..........................575 V ID EO CIPH ER II............574 CH A N N EL M A STER .......577 ZEN ITH ......562 563 574 587 .....................................578 579 ......................615 634 635 646 C H A PPA R A L .....560 561 580 C H EY EN N E ......................561 L aser D isc D RA K E ................562 574 587 D ISH N ETW O RK .....588 589 D EN O N ..............................305 ......590 613 628 647 648 654 PIO N EER ...........................305 D X A N TEN N A .........568 582 PRO SCA N ..........................308 ECH O SPH ERE ..................628 RCA .....................................308 ECH O STA R .........588 589 590 SA N Y O ...............................232 ......................613 628 647 654 SO N Y ..................................323 EX PRESSV U ..............613 628 ZEN ITH .............................232 .....................................647 654 FU JITSU .....................591 592 C D G E ................................636 622 G EN ERA L IN STRU M EN TS .. A D C ....................................660 ..............564 565 566 593 640 A D C O M ......................661 714 ......................642 643 644 645 A IW A ...........662 663 842 861 H ITA CH I D SS ............632 641 A K A I ...................715 737 830 H U G H ES SATELLITE D SS .... A U D IO TECH N ICA .........665 ..............629 630 632 633 638 CA LIFO RN IA A U D IO LA BS . JA N EIL ...............................596 .............................................716 JERRO LD ...........................597 C A PETR O N IC ..................669 JVC ......................................648 CA RV ER ......666 667 668 825 K EN W O O D .......................598 CA SIO .................................777 LU X O R ...............................599 C ITIZEN ............................826 M A G N AV O X D SS .............576 C U RTIS M ATH ES .............777 .....................................612 639 D EN O N ..............................670 M A CO M STATE ...............600 EM ERSO N ..........661 672 673 FISH ER .......................667 675 ..............................676 677 718 G E ........................................725 G EN EX X A ..672 673 678 719 G O LD STA R ........................720 H A RM A N K A RD O N 680 691 H ITA C H I............................678 IN K EL ................................681 JC PEN N EY ...............690 777 JVC ..............................682 813 K EN W O O D ........683 684 685 ..............................727 728 828 K R ELL ...............................666 K Y O CERA .........................660 LU X M A N ....686 687 729 738 LX I..............................672 777 M A G N AV O X ......666 731 800 M A R A N TZ .666 688 689 732 M CS .............................690 777 M G A ....................................691 M ISSIO N ............................666 M ITSU BISH I.............691 692 N A D ............................721 743 N A K A M IC H I......693 694 831 N EC .....................................690 N IK K O ................665 673 676 N SM ....................................666 O N K Y O .......695 696 722 811 O PTIM U S ...667 668 672 678 ......................684 697 698 699 ......................700 744 747 751 PA N A SO N IC .......716 733 740 PH ILIPS ..............666 731 825 PIO N EER ............678 701 702 ......................719 750 837 876 PR O TO N ............................666 Q U A SA R ............................716 RA D IO SH A CK ...668 699 706 ..............................750 874 876 RCA ......661 667 672 703 723 ......750 795 844 873 874 876 REA LISTIC .........661 667 669 ......672 673 678 689 697 699 R O TEL ...............................666 SA E .....................................666 SA M SU N G ..........................741 SA N SU I 666 672 704 723 734 SA N Y O 667 705 718 735 742 SC O TT ................661 672 673 SEARS ..........672 684 689 777 SH A RP .................684 679 689 SH ERW O O D ..............681 689 ..............................698 706 859 SH U RE ................................690 SO N Y ...707 708 792 794 800 STS ......................................660 SY LVA N IA .........................666 SY M PH O N IC .....................709 TEA C ...................676 689 699 ......................709 710 711 856 TECH N ICS ..716 733 820 862 TH ETA D IG ITA L .............731 TO SH IBA ...........................721 V ICTO R ..............................682 YA M A H A ...................665 712 ..............................713 724 846 ZEN ITH .....................676 730 ..............................759 784 850 A udio A IW A ...........839 842 851 860 CA RV ER .............................825 C ITIZEN ............................826 D EN O N ......................803 817 FISH ER .......................814 821 G O LD STA R ........................766 H A RM A N K A RD O N 804 818 JVC .......................790 813 819 K EN W O O D ...............683 808 ..............................816 828 832 M A G N AV O X .............796 814 M A R A N TZ ................688 824 N A D .....................721 739 743 O N K Y O ...............805 811 812 O PTIM U S ...667 747 748 749 ..............750 751 752 754 793 PA N A SO N IC ..............810 815 PH ILIPS ......814 823 824 825 PIO N EER ....837 866 867 878 RA D IO SH A CK ..........706 754 ......................793 806 843 865 ..............866 867 875 878 879 RCA ..............717 772 781 795 ......................827 866 867 870 ..............871 872 875 878 879 REA LISTIC ........................822 SA N Y O ...............................705 SC O TT ...............................768 SH A RP .................671 684 809 SH ERW O O D ..............706 806 .....................................858 859 SO N Y ...778 785 797 798 799 ..............833 834 835 836 843 TEA C ...710 807 855 856 857 TECH N ICS ..........791 810 815 ..............................823 863 864 V EN TU RER .......................745 YA M A H A ............801 802 838 ......840 841 846 847 848 849 ZEN ITH ......676 730 749 759 ..............765 766 784 814 850 C at.N o.15-2113 [ A ]C ode List TV A BEX ..................................185 A C M E .........................003 021 A D A ....................................018 A D C ............................004 002 A D M IR A L .................001 173 A D V EN TU R A ...................174 A IK O ..................................058 A IW A ..........................195 196 A LLER O N .........................046 A M A R K ..............................020 A M TR O N ...........................053 A K A I ..................................002 A M STRA D .........................189 A N A M N ATIO N A L .........003 ......................025 042 053 193 A O C .............004 005 007 009 ......................014 132 156 175 A RCH ER ............................020 A U D IO V O X .......................053 BA N G & O LU FSEN ..........190 BELCO R .............................004 BELL & H O W ELL ...........000 .....................................001 049 BRA D FO RD .......................053 BRO K SO N IC ..............136 147 B R O K W O O D .....................004 C A N D LE .....004 008 009 174 C A PEH A RT .......................175 C ELEB R ITY ......................002 C EN TU R IO N .....................009 C ETR O N IC ........................042 C ITIZEN .....001 004 008 009 ......042 053 058 105 109 177 C LA IRTO N E .....................014 CLA SSIC .............................042 C O LO RTY M E ....004 009 010 C O N C ERTO ...............004 009 CO N CIERG E ......................121 CO N TEC/CO N Y .......012 013 ..............................014 042 053 CRA IG .........................042 053 C R O W N ......................042 053 C U RTIS M ATH ES .....000 001 ..............................004 009 015 ......................031 049 105 109 CX C .............................042 053 D A EW O O ...........004 005 009 ......................017 018 019 042 ..............058 082 083 085 097 ..............100 126 127 130 138 D AY TR O N .................004 009 D IM EN SIA .................000 031 D U M O N T ..................004 121 D Y N A STY .........................042 ELEK TR A .........................001 ELEC TR O B A N D ......002 014 ELEC TR O H O M E .....003 004 ..............................009 022 133 EM ERSO N .................004 009 ......014 023 024 025 026 027 ......030 032 033 034 035 036 ......037 038 039 040 041 042 ......043 045 046 049 053 116 ......................135 147 177 179 EN V ISIO N ..................004 009 FISH ER 013 049 050 180 209 FU JITSU .....................046 197 FU N A I.................042 053 046 FU TU R ETEC ............042 053 G E .........000 003 004 009 022 ......031 044 052 054 055 087 ......092 103 107 125 164 181 G IBRA LTER ..............004 121 G O LD STA R .........004 005 009 ......056 057 133 155 156 172 G RU N D Y ....................046 053 H A LLM A R K .............004 009 H A RVA RD ..........................053 H ITA C H I.............001 004 009 ..............013 059 061 079 088 ......091 137 139 140 141 142 ......143 144 145 146 179 210 IM A .....................................053 IN FIN ITY ..........................062 IN TEQ ................................121 JA N EIL ...............................174 JBL ......................................062 JCB ......................................002 JC PEN N Y ..........000 004 005 ......................008 009 022 031 ..............052 054 055 063 087 ..............105 107 109 172 181 JEN SEN ......................004 009 JVC .......................013 054 055 ......................060 065 067 089 K AW A SH O ..........002 004 009 K AY PA N I...........................175 K EC .....................................042 K EN W O O D ........004 009 133 K LO SS N O VA BEA M ........068 .....................................069 174 K O N K A ...............016 047 066 ..............................157 158 176 K TV .....................014 021 042 ......................053 070 116 177 LO D G EN ET ..............000 001 LO EW E ......................062 211 LO G IK ........................000 001 LU X M A N ...................004 009 LX I...............000 004 009 031 ..............049 062 107 109 181 M A G N AV O X .............004 008 ......009 062 068 069 074 075 ......076 077 089 133 163 165 M A JESTIC .................000 001 M A R A N TZ .........004 009 062 M EG ATR O N .......004 009 059 M EI.....................................014 M EM O R EX .........000 001 004 ..............009 046 049 051 135 M G A .....................004 005 009 ......................022 046 133 180 M ID LA N D ..........054 055 107 ..............................121 172 181 M IN U TZ ............................052 M ITSU BISH I.............004 005 ......................009 022 046 081 ......................089 132 133 180 M O N TG O M ERY W A R D .000 .............................................001 M O TO R O LA .............003 173 M T C .....................004 005 009 ..............................014 105 109 M U LTITEC H ....................053 M U LTIV ISIO N ..................084 N A D .............004 009 109 185 N EC ..............003 004 005 009 ......................010 085 089 095 N IK EI.................................042 N IK K O ................004 009 058 N T C ....................................058 O N K IN G .............................042 O N W A ........................042 053 O PTIM U S ..................170 185 O PTO N IC A ...............095 173 O R IO N .................035 121 135 PA N A SO N IC .......003 054 055 ......062 070 148 149 170 171 PH ILC O .......003 004 005 008 ......................009 062 068 069 ......................074 075 077 133 PH ILIPS ..............003 004 006 ..............008 062 068 069 074 ..............075 076 086 087 089 ..............133 163 183 184 205 ..............206 207 208 212 213 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....183 ..............................184 208 213 PILO T ................................004 PIO N EER ...................004 009 ..............................090 179 185 PO RTLA N D 004 005 009 058 PRECISIO N ........................166 PRICE CLU B .....................105 PRISM .................................055 PRO SCA N ...000 031 107 181 PR O TO N .............004 009 093 ..............................175 186 192 PU LSA R .............................121 PU LSER ..............................004 Q U A SA R .....003 054 055 062 ..............070 148 149 170 171 RA D IO SH A CK ..000 004 009 ......031 041 042 048 049 053 ......095 133 155 170 172 194 RCA ......000 003 004 005 007 ......009 011 048 078 082 083 ......094 096 098 099 101 102 ......103 107 113 129 133 167 ..............179 181 187 188 194 R EA LISTIC .000 004 009 031 ..............041 042 048 049 053 ............. 095 133 155 170 172 RH A PSO D Y .......................014 RU N CO ...............................121 SA M PO ........004 009 172 175 SA M SU N G ...004 005 009 015 ......104 105 106 109 133 172 SA M SU X ............................009 SA N SU I.......................135 136 SA N Y O ................004 013 049 ......................108 110 180 209 SCO TCH .....................004 009 SC O TT ................004 009 024 ......................035 042 046 053 SEARS ..000 004 009 013 031 ..............046 049 105 107 109 ..............110 133 180 181 189 SH A RP .004 009 079 095 111 ......112 114 122 123 124 173 SH O G U N ............................004 SIG N ATU RE .......000 001 023 SIM PSO N ...........................008 SO N IC .................................014 SO N Y ...........002 006 071 128 SO U N D ESIG N ....004 008 009 ..............................042 053 046 SPECTRAV ISIO N .............203 SQ U A REV IEW ..................189 SSS ........................004 042 053 STA R LITE .........................053 SU PREM A CY ....................174 SU PR EM E ..........................002 SY LVA N IA ..........004 008 009 ..............062 068 069 074 075 ..............076 077 133 161 163 SY M PH O N IC ......033 053 189 TA N D Y ..............................173 TATU N G ............................003 TECH N ICS .................054 055 TEC H W O O D .............004 009 .....................................054 055 TEK N IK A ...000 001 004 005 ......008 009 013 042 046 053 ......058 076 105 109 170 174 TELEC A PTIO N ...............117 TELER EN T ...............000 001 TER A ..........................004 186 T M K ...........................004 009 TO SH IBA ....013 049 089 105 ......109 117 118 120 159 178 U N IV ERSA L ..............052 087 V ICTO R ..............................079 V ID TEC H ............004 005 009 V IK IN G ...............................174 W A RD S 000 001 004 005 009 ..............024 031 033 046 052 ............. 062 068 069 074 075 ..............076 087 095 119 133 W H ITE W ESTIN G H O U SE .... .....................................097 100 YA M A H A ....004 005 009 133 ZEN ITH ......000 001 004 023 ......................038 058 059 064 ......................121 135 136 153 VCR A D M IR A L .........................226 A D V EN TU R A ...................251 A IK O ..................................252 A IW A ...........227 245 251 269 A K A I ...........228 229 230 231 ......................233 254 336 337 A LLEG RO ...........243 247 329 A M ERICA N H IG H ....246 285 A SH A ..................................238 A U D IO D Y N A M ICS.234 348 A U D IO V O X .......................239 BELL & H O W ELL ...........268 BEA U M A RK .....................238 BRO K SO N IC ..............237 250 ..............................256 289 310 C A LIX ................................239 C A N D LE .............234 238 239 ......................240 241 242 244 CA N N O N ....246 285 339 340 C A PEH A RT ...............329 335 CA RV ER .............................287 CCE .............................252 286 C ITIZEN .....234 238 239 240 ......................241 242 244 252 C O LO RTY M E ...................234 C O LT ..................................286 CRA IG ..........238 239 248 286 C U RTIS M ATH ES.....225 227 ..............................234 238 241 ......................246 249 285 340 CY BERN EX .......................238 D A EW O O ...........240 242 244 ......250 251 252 253 279 335 D AY TR O N .........................335 D B X ............................234 348 D IM EN SIA .........................225 D Y N ATEC H ..............227 251 ELEC TR O H O M E .....239 254 ELEC TR O PH O N IC ..........239 EM ERSO N ..227 231 237 239 ..............240 246 249 250 251 ..............254 255 256 257 258 ..............259 260 261 262 263 ..............264 265 266 268 269 ......270 272 285 290 330 341 FISH ER ........234 248 267 268 ......................273 274 275 287 FU JI......................229 246 285 FU N A I.................227 233 251 G A RRA RD .........................251 G E .................225 238 246 278 ......................285 340 342 345 G O LD STA R .........234 239 346 G R A D IEN TE .....................251 G O -V ID EO ..........359 368 375 H A RLEY D AV ID SO N ......251 H A RM A N K A RD O N 234 293 H A RW O O D ........................286 H EA D Q U A RTER ..............268 H ITA C H I.....227 280 282 332 ..............336 345 347 369 370 H I-Q ....................................248 IN STA N T R EPLAY ..........233 .....................................246 285 IN TEQ ................................239 JCL ..............................246 285 JC PEN N EY ........234 238 239 ......................268 280 285 332 ......................348 336 340 343 JEN SEN ......................280 336 JVC .......................234 247 268 ......................336 348 376 377 K EN W O O D ...............234 241 ..............................268 336 348 K LH ............................286 356 K O D A K ...............239 246 285 LLO Y D .......................227 251 LO G IK ................................286 LX I......................................239 M A G N AV O X ......246 285 287 ......................329 331 340 349 M A G N IN ............................238 M A R A N TZ .........234 241 246 ......268 285 287 289 339 348 M A RTA ..............................239 M ATSU SH ITA ...........246 285 M EI.............................246 285 M EM O R EX .........226 227 238 ......................239 246 248 251 ......................268 285 329 337 M G A ............................254 290 M G N TECH N O LO G Y ......238 M ID LA N D .........................278 M IN O LTA ..................280 332 M ITSU BISH I......254 276 277 ..............280 290 291 293 294 ..............295 296 298 299 348 M O N TG O M ERY W A R D .226 .............................................300 M O TO R O LA ......226 246 285 M T C .....................227 238 251 M U LTITEC H ............227 238 ..............................251 278 286 N EC ......234 241 249 268 289 ..............301 302 303 336 348 N IK K O ...............................239 N O B LEX ............................238 O LY M PU S .................246 285 O PTIM U S ...........226 239 334 ......................359 361 362 363 O PTO N IC A ...............300 359 O R IO N ................................256 PA N A SO N IC .......246 285 334 ..............340 350 363 373 374 PEN TA X .....241 280 332 345 PEN TEX RESEA RCH ......234 PH ILC O .......246 285 287 340 PH ILIPS ......246 285 287 288 ......................300 328 331 333 ..............................349 371 378 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....328 .............................................333 PILO T ................................239 PIO N EER ....280 305 306 348 PO RTLA N D 241 242 244 335 PRO SCA N ..........................225 PR O TEC ............................286 PU LSA R .............................329 Q U A RTER .................268 374 Q U A RTZ ............................268 Q U A SA R ....................246 285 ..............................340 350 363 RCA ..............225 228 238 246 ..............280 285 307 308 309 ..............311 312 313 314 315 ......316 332 342 345 350 362 RA D IO SH A CK ...225 226 227 ......238 239 246 248 251 254 ......268 274 275 285 300 334 ......337 340 342 361 362 363 R A D IX ................................239 RA N D EX ............................239 R EA LISTIC .........225 226 227 ..............238 239 246 248 251 ......254 268 274 275 285 300 ......334 337 340 361 362 363 R EPLAY .............................373 RICO H ................................353 RU N CO ...............................329 SA M SU N G ...230 238 240 258 ..............278 280 337 354 359 SA N K Y .......................226 329 SA N SU I................317 336 348 SA N Y O ........238 248 267 268 SC O TT ........237 240 250 257 ......................263 290 318 341 SEARS ..........239 246 248 268 ......................273 274 275 280 ......................285 287 332 343 SH A RP .........226 227 242 254 ......................300 360 361 367 SH IN TO M ..................229 280 ..............................286 353 357 SH O G U N ............................238 SIG N ATU RE ......................227 SIN G ER ................246 285 286 SO N Y ...................229 324 353 ......................364 365 366 372 STS ...............246 280 285 332 SY LVA N IA ..........227 251 285 ......................287 290 340 349 SY M PH O N IC ......227 236 251 TA N D Y ......................227 268 TA SH IK O ...........................239 TATU N G ............................336 TEA C ...................227 251 336 TECH N ICS ..........246 285 334 TEK N IK A ...........227 239 246 ..............................251 285 325 TiVo ............................371 372 TO SH IBA ............240 274 280 ......................287 290 318 341 TO TEV ISIO N ............238 239 T M K ....................238 249 272 U N ITEC H ..........................238 V ECTO R RESEA RCH ......234 ..............................240 241 348 V ICTO R ..............................348 V ID EO CO N CEPTS ..........234 ......................240 241 254 348 V ID EO SO N IC ....................238 W A RD S ........226 227 238 239 ......240 246 248 251 254 280 ......285 286 300 326 332 341 W H ITE W ESTIN G H O U SE .... .....................................227 233 X R -1000......246 251 285 286 YA M A H A ....234 268 336 348 ZEN ITH ......229 232 235 239 ......243 247 281 283 284 310 ......329 344 348 353 358 370 C able A BC ......................461 462 463 ......................464 465 466 467 A LLEG RO ..................524 525 A M ERICA ST .....................527 A N TR O N IX ...............468 469 A RCH ER .....468 469 470 471 A T & T .................................511 C A B LETEN N A .................468 CA BLEV IEW .....................468 C EN TU RY .........................471 C ITIZEN ............................471 CO LO U R V O ICE .......472 473 CO M TRO N ICS ..........474 475 CO N TEC/CO N Y ...............476 EA STERN ..........................477 G A RRA RD .........................471 G C ELECTRO N ICS ..........469 G EM IN I......................478 479 G E ........................................549 G EN ERA L IN STRU M EN T .... ..............463 509 511 513 514 ..............518 528 529 530 531 H A M LIN .............480 481 482 H ITA C H I............................463 H Y TEX ..............................462 JA SCO .................................471 JERRO LD ....461 463 464 465 ......................467 478 484 509 ..............510 511 526 528 529 M A G N AV O X .....................485 M EM O R EX ........................486 M O V IE TIM E ...........462 487 NSC .............................462 487 O A K .....................462 476 489 PA C E ..................................532 PA N A SO N IC ..............460 508 PA RA G O N .........................486 PH ILIPS ......471 472 473 479 ......................485 490 491 492 PH ILIPS/M A G N AV O X ....505 .............................................534 PIO N EER ............493 494 498 PU LSA R .............................486 RA D IO SH A CK ..505 525 534 RCA .............................460 507 REA LISTIC ........................469 REG A L 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