FachausschussInformation leaflet no. Fachausschuss Maschinenbau, Fertigungssysteme, Stahlbau 015 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Edition 10/2006 Hydraulic hose assemblies are used in almost all machinery and plants applying hydraulically controlled component groups, in particular, where rigid pipes for power transmission cannot be used. Due to defective binding, ageing, wear, damage and for other reasons, hydraulic hose assemblies represent a particular hazard. Therefore, the user has to check hydraulic hose assemblies prior to their first use and at regular intervals and to replacing them in case of failure or aging. __ Those requirements result from the industrial safety regulations. Table of contents: 1 Required tests 2 Test for proper assembly and safe function (formerly called: initial test) 3 Test for proper provision and proper use (formerly called: recurrent test) 4 Legal basis for the tests 5 Summary and limits of application Annex (Tables 1 - 8) This check for “proper assembly and safe function” has to be arranged by the user after assembly and prior to the initial setting into operation or prior to putting the machine back into operation; this check was formerly referred to as “initial test”. (see chapter 2). __ Fig.: Hydraulic hose assemblies 1 __ Required tests For reasons of warranty and safe function, work equipment (machinery and plants) which includes hydraulic hose assemblies within hydraulic plants shall be tested. The legal guidelines for the tests are specified in the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung BetrSichV [1], which puts the provisions of the Industrial Safety Act ArbSchG [2] in concrete terms for users of equipment. New machinery shall comply with European directives which are certified by the declaration of conformity and the CE-mark. However, this does not mean that new machinery bearing this mark has no safety deficiencies. In addition, work equipment may be damaged by transportation, after relocation or due to improper mounting. Therefore, machines and their hydraulic hose assemblies shall be checked after proper mounting. In addition, machines and their hydraulic hose assemblies are exposed to „damage causing influences“ or wear. Nevertheless, work equipment shall be safe at the beginning of each work cycle. Therefore, the user has to identify potential hazards, assess the relevant risks, specify safety measures for safe provision and use and ensure that they are met. Those safety measures include the testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies. Work equipment has to be checked at regular intervals for „safe provision and use“; formerly called “recurrent test” (see chapter 3). These tests have to be arranged by the user as well. The kind of test (see above) as well as the test scope and the test periods according to § 3 BetrSichV have to be specified by the user and form part of the documentation of his hazard analysis according to § 6 ArbSchG, (Employment Protection Act), as do the results of the performed tests. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies 2 Test for proper assembly and safe function (formerly called: initial test) The test for „proper assembly and safe function“ is intended to evaluate criteria related to the assembly and which can only be evaluated on the completely assembled machine. Besides the testing of safeguards, e.g. emergency stop, the installed hydraulic hose assemblies have to be checked as well. Some test criteria can be evaluated by „visual inspection“ in the Off-state condition. Other criteria require a “functional test” with power on. Attention has to be drawn to the machinery movements and the related risks. A survey of the recommended test scope for a „visual inspection“ (for the hydraulic hoses) is given in Table 1 (see annex). A survey concerning the recommended test scope for “functional testing” (concerning the hydraulic hose assemblies) is given in Table 2. 3 Test for safe provision and use (formerly called: recurrent test) Since hydraulic hose assemblies are exposed to influences causing damage, they have to be checked at regular intervals for „safe provision and use“. However, testing shall also be carried out as “extraordinary testing” after accidents, modifications (rebuilding) at the machine, remounting at a different location without modification of the old machine, after longer periods of non-use and after maintenance measures as a result of damages (collision, natural phenomena). All tests are intended, to detect and eliminate damages at hydraulic hose assemblies as soon as possible. 3.1 Recommended test scope Table 3 provides a detailed survey with regard to the recommended extent of test scope for the „safe provision and use“. (concerning hydraulic hose assemblies, see Table 3). 3.2 Test criteria for hydraulic hose assemblies The recommended test criteria for the testing of individual hydraulic hose assemblies with regard to their safety condition, can be found in Table 4. page 2 / 10 3.3 Recommended test periods The employer has to specify the periods for required tests, according to § 3 BetrSichV within the scope of their risk assessment and the determination of measures for the safe provision and use of work equipment. The time intervals between recurrent tests have to be chosen in such a way that deviations from the proper state of work equipment can be identified in time to prevent incidents. The provisions stated in the rules and regulations of accident insurers with regard to tests and test periods have to be regarded as definite description of the requirements of the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung and should be taken as a basic source of information for specifying test periods. The test periods of machinery or their safety relevant components, such as hydraulic hose assemblies, can be influenced by the criteria listed in Table 5. Those criteria should also be considered for checking or verifying the test periods, given in the BG-rules which have been proven up to now (to prolong or reduce the periods as far as this is necessary). With reservation of company-specific or machinery related determinations of test periods by the user of the work equipment and with the reservation of specific provisions by the machine manufacturer or the manufacturer of the hoses or hose assemblies, the test periods summarized in Table 6 are recommended for the testing of hydraulic hose assemblies. Notes: It is possible that the user may specify the same test periods according to the „Betriebssicherheitsverordnung“ as he did before the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung came into effect, e.g, to have the hydraulic hose assembly tested prior to the initial setting into operation and afterwards at least once a year or according to the defined provisions given by the manufacturer in the operating instructions of the machine (e.g. 1x/ 2x/ 4x per year) with regard to their safe operational state. Depending on the location of use or the existence and types of secondary safeguards of the hydraulic hose assemblies and the relevant risk assessment, different test intervals (as well as for replacement) can possibly be specified for different hydraulic hose assemblies for one and the same machine. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies page 3 / 10 3.4 Defective hydraulic hose assemblies replacement companies. Defective hydraulic hose assemblies shall be replaced. Defects of the safe operational state which have been detected at the testing of the hydraulic hose assemblies have to be eliminated immediately or suitable measures have to be taken so that the machine cannot be used until the hydraulic hose assembly has been replaced. A maximum period of use for hydraulic hose assemblies of 6 years including a storage period of max 2 years is generally recommended as a reference value. (BGR 237 [3]). At the production of the hydraulic hose assembly (of the machine respectively), the hose should not be older than 4 years. Hydraulic hose assemblies shall neither be repaired nor reassembled by old parts. Deviations from the recommended maximum period of use are possible if relevant test values and empirical values are available which permit a safe prolonged use beyond the maximum period of use. An extended period of use of the hydraulic hose assembly is even possible if there is no risk from hydraulic fluids, the hose itself or a hazardous motion of the machine or the load, caused by damage or a hose fracture. If several hydraulic hose assemblies are replaced at the same time, ensure that only those hydraulic hose assemblies are used which are sufficiently dimensioned for the load to be expected in the relevant connection (pressure-, tank-, leakage pipe, etc.) and that mixing of the connections is prevented. intervals in the individual For further information concerning the selection of the new hydraulic hose assembly to be installed, see chapter 3.7. For hoses consisting of thermoplastic or metallic hydraulic hose assemblies, other reference values besides those mentioned above may apply. NB: Defective hydraulic have to be replaced! Deviations from the recommended reference values for the period of use have to be included in the operating instructions of the machine or plant. hose assemblies 3.5 Replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Even if no safety relevant defects can be detected of the outside of the hydraulic hose assembly during the visual inspection, the compound of the inner and outer rubber layer and one pressure support consisting of a singleor multi layer steel mesh or fabric ply can be damaged inside. In general, hoses and hose assemblies are subject to natural aging which reduces the performance of the hydraulic hose assemblies even if they are properly stored and used within the admissible loads. Consequently, the period of use of a hydraulic hose assembly is limited. The user has to take care that hydraulic hose assemblies are replaced at appropriate intervals. This constitutes a protective measure according to § 6 ArbSchG. The period of use of hydraulic hose assemblies highly depends on the conditions of use and environment. Due to the broad range of application of hydraulic hose assemblies, it is not possible for technical reasons to indicate a maximum permissible period of use which applies to all different applications. Specific statements or instructions by the manufacturer of the hose assembly shall be kept, and the recommendations of the machinery manufacturer concerning the period of use should be considered when specifying the Notes: When specifying the company-specific replacement intervals or the duration of use for the individual hydraulic hose assemblies being used on a machine, the user has to refer primarily to the above mentioned replacement intervals recommended by the manufacturer, but also to experience gained from the individual application conditions. This applies especially if the recommended duration of six years is exceeded. A prolongation of the recommended duration of use of six years is possible if: - relevant test results or empirical values are available from the machinery manufacturer and / or the machinery user or from the manufacturer of the hose / hose assembly, and - a risk assessment has been carried out and protective measures have been specified by the user that consider also secondary protective measures against risks due to failure of hydraulic hose assemblies (e.g. hose break protection) and an increased risk does not occur. and - the testing of the safe operational state is carried out in adequately specified time intervals – if necessary shortened – by a competent person. A prolongation of the replacement intervals is not permissible without written documentation of the Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies risk assessment and the specified protective measures. NB: A prolongation of the replacement intervals shall not result in a hazardous situation which can lead to injuries to employees or other persons! If it is intended to extend the duration of use of the hydraulic hose assemblies beyond the recommended six years, shortened testing intervals are recommended for safety reasons. Some machinery manufacturers have specified shorter test and replacement intervals in their operating instructions resulting from the hazard analysis and the protection concept of particular hydraulic hose assemblies with increased requirements (such as e.g. particular gravityloaded axes) (e.g. testing every six months and replacement after two years). The user has to take these aspects into account when specifying their replacement intervals. Table 7 shows a summary of the most important factors influencing the replacement intervals. For further information concerning the selection of the new hydraulic hose assembly to be installed, see chapter 3.7. Reference: Further explanations to the relevant standards and regulations, to examples of applications and the procedure for the risk evaluation concerning the hydraulic hose assemblies are also included in the publication [4]. 3.6 Recommended replacement intervals With reservation of company specific and machinery related specifications of test and replacement periods by the user of the work equipment and with the reservation of specific provisions by the machine manufacturer or the manufacturer of the hoses or hose assemblies, and under the assumption that the necessary test periods are kept (see chapter 3.3), the intervals summarized in Table 8 are recommended as reference values for the replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies. 3.7 Selection and storage of hydraulic hose assemblies Basically, the replacement of hoses shall be carried out according to the specifications of the manufacturer. If, however, operating instructions are not available and support by the manufacturer is no longer possible, the procedure should be as follows: page 4 / 10 The hose, fitting and hose assembly have to be selected in such a way, that - the requirements with respect to the hose assembly marking are fulfilled, - the admissible stress of the components will not be exceeded with the operating pressures to be expected. - operating pressures are considered, the control or the hydraulic pump have been designed for, and which are indicated on the type plates of such hydraulic plant components, - the cross sections or nominal diameters respectively are sufficiently dimensioned so that there will be no inadmissible accumulation pressures which, for example, obstruct the free backflow to the tank, - the compatibility of hose materials and sealing materials with the hydraulic fluid being used is ensured, - types of hose fittings consisting of a (turned) connecting pipe socket with cutting ring are not used since they represent a serious risk of accident (due to slipping). In summary, the replaced hose assembly has to be suitable for the intended use with regard to pressure, volume flow, possible pressure impacts and resistance towards the hydraulic fluid being used. NB: It has to be checked whether the selected hydraulic hose assembly is suitable for the intended use. Basically, hydraulic hose assemblies should be purchased in a ready-made condition only. Preference should be given – if not already stated by the manufacturer – to standardized hoses/hose assemblies, e.g. according to DIN EN 853 [5]. If a hydraulic hose assembly is selfassembled, care should be taken that the components selected (hose and fittings) are mutually adjusted with regard to dimensions, shape and pressure level. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the specifications of the hose and fitting manufacturers. The installed hydraulic hose assemblies shall not consist of hoses which have already been used as part of a hose assembly before! A self-assembly shall only be carried out by a competent person (TRBS 1203 [6]), and only appliances and equipment shall be used which are approved by the fitting manufacturer. A safe implementation of hydraulic hoses also requires specified knowledge about the relevant procedure, the appliances and the components. The storage period should not exceed four years for hoses and two years for hydraulic hose Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies assemblies. Storage should be at a cool, dry and dust-free place; direct solar or ultraviolet radiation has to be avoided; nearby heat sources have to be shielded. Storage temperatures below -10°C have to be avoided; for thermoplastic material, other reference values may apply. For further information, see BGR 237. Remark: Further information concerning pipeworks and the connections is given in DIN 20066 [7]. page 5 / 10 4.1 Competent person A competent person, as defined by the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, is a person possessing the required expert knowledge for the testing of hydraulic hose assemblies acquired by professional training, professional experience and contemporary professional activities. For the testing, this person shall act fully independent and shall not be committed to any other instructions (BetrSichV § 2 clause 7 and TRBS 1203). NB: Hydraulic hose assemblies should be purchased from a hose assembly manufacturer in a ready-made condition only. A specific job profile for „competent persons“ in view of the particular testing tasks in connection with hydraulic hose assemblies does not exist, however, the general requirements according to TRBS 1203 shall be fulfilled by the competent persons: 4 - Professional training The competent person shall have completed a professional training regimen which enables demonstration of their professional skills. The proof should be based on professional certificates or comparable evidence. - Professional experience Professional experience assumes that the competent person has been working with equipment (i.e. hydraulic hose assemblies) for a sufficient time, and including opportunities to initiate the tests, e.g. as a result of the hazard evaluation or from daily observation. - Contemporary professional activities A contemporary professional activity in the field of the particular test to be done (i.e. the hydraulic hose assembly) and an up to date knowledge of the State of the Art are indispensable. The competent person shall demonstrate experience in the execution of the pending test or similar ones, and shall have knowledge as to the State-of-the Art concerning the work equipment to be tested and the risks which have to be taken into account. Legal basis for the tests The legal regulations for the testing of work equipment (machinery, plants and consequently hydraulic hose assemblies) are specified in the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung which put the provisions of the Employment Protection Act into concrete terms. The user of the work equipment shall specify the method, the scope and the periods of testing for their individual conditions of use within the scope of a hazard evaluation (Betr SichV § 3) and carry out the tests accordingly (BetrSichV § 10) by taking the provisions and recommendations of the manufacturer into account. The BG rule BGR 237 represents the practical instruction of the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung with regard to hydraulic hose assemblies. The BGR 237 currently includes the contents of the safety rule ZH 1/74 [8] which has been in force until now and which is presently under revision. The test periods as well as the replacement intervals for replacement have to be documented in writing together with other protective measures according to § 6 ArbSchG. The test results have to be added to this documentation as well. The test results have to recorded (e.g. with the test protocol of the appliance) and kept (at least until the next test) in situ. The tests shall only be carried out by competent personnel who has been instructed accordingly by the employer (see chapter 4.1). Competent persons who have carried out the tests of hydraulic hose assemblies so far, who fulfil the three requirements mentioned above and who are familiar with the contents of the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung and the modifications related to them may still be charged with the tests. The competent person is in no way bound by directives while performing testing, and therefore, shall not be put at a disadvantage. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies 5 Summary and limits of application The committee of experts “Mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, steel construction” Fachausschuss Maschinenbau, Fertigungssysteme, Stahlbau (FA MFS) is composed of representatives of the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (Berufsgenossenschaften), federal authorities, social partners, manufacturers and users. This leaflet is based on experience gathered by the FA MFS in the field of hydraulic equipment of machinery and plants. It is particularly intended to assist the user in specifying the: - kinds of tests; - test periods; - test scope; and - test criteria. It should help to specify the replacement intervals of hydraulic hose assemblies which are used in machinery and plants, and which are included in the scope of the European Machinery Directive [9]. This leaflet refers to hydraulic hose assemblies that have been excluded from the scope of the Pressure Equipment Directive [10]. For hydraulic hose assemblies which have not been excluded from the scope of that directive, further requirements according to the Pressure Equipment Directive and the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung shall be considered additionally. The particular provisions for different applications (e.g. in the mining industry or similar) have to be considered. The provisions according to individual national laws and decrees remain unaffected by this German information leaflet. The requirements of the legal rules apply without reservation. In order to get detailed information it is necessary to read the relevant wording of the rules. page 6 / 10 German Bibliography [1] Verordnung über Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz bei der Bereitstellung von Arbeitsmitteln und deren Benutzung bei der Arbeit, über die Sicherheit beim Betrieb überwachungsbedürftiger Anlagen und über die Organisation des Betrieblichen Arbeitschutzes (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung – BetrSichV). BGBl. I S. 3777 - 27. September 2002. [2] Gesetz über die Durchführung von Maßnahmen des Arbeitsschutzes zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und des Gesundheitsschutzes der Beschäftigten bei der Arbeit (Arbeitsschutzgesetz - ArbSchG) vom 07.08.1996, zuletzt geändert am 19.12.1998, BGBl I S. 2843 [3] BGR 237, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Regel 237, „Hydraulik-Schlauchleitungen“, Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen Industrie, April 2005 (in Bearbeitung) [4] Hydraulik-Schlauchleitungen – Sicherheit der Umgebung bei Versagen und Verwendungsdauer, Sonderdruck aus o + p „Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik“ 41 (1997), Nr. 11 – 12. [5] DIN EN 853, Gummischläuche und –schlauchleitungen - Hydraulikschläuche mit Drahtgeflechteinlage - Spezifikation, 1996, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin [6] Technische Regel für Betriebssicherheit TRBS 1203 „Befähigte Personen“ - Allgemeine Anforderungen vom 18.11.2004, (BAnz. S. 23 797). [7] DIN 20066 „Fluidtechnik; Schlauchleitungen; Maße, Anforderungen“, Oktober 2002, Beuth-Verlag GmbH, Berlin [8] ZH 1/74 „Sicherheitsregeln für Hydraulik-Schlauchleitungen“, Ausgabe April 1988, (ersetzt durch BGR 237) [9] Richtlinie 98/37/EG (Maschinenrichtlinie, MRL). Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Nr. L 207. [10] Richtlinie 97/23/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. Mai 1997 zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Druckgeräte (Druckgeräte-Richtlinie, DG-RL). Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Nr. L 181 vom 09.07.1997, S. 0001 – 0055.. [11] Fachausschuss MFS, FA-Informationsblätter siehe http://www.bgmetallsued.de/fachausschuss [12] DIN EN 982, Sicherheit von Maschinen, – Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an fluidtechnische Anlagen und deren Bauteile – Hydraulik; 1996, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin The present document is the English translation of the German information leaflet 015, edition 05/2006. Further information leaflets published by the committee of experts FA MFS may be downloaded from the Internet [11]. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Annex: Tables 1 - 8 page 7 / 10 Annex Table 1: Recommended test scope „Visual inspection“ (prior to initial setting into operation or putting back into operation) - Is all information for use available which is required for the safe operation of the hydraulic plant (e.g. hydraulic plan, parts list, description of the plant, drawings, operating / maintenance instructions, hydrostore documents, safety data sheets for the hydraulic fluid being used etc.)? - Do the hydraulic hose assemblies correspond to the hydraulic plan and to the parts list and the description of the plant (including the hydraulic fluid being used)? - Have safety measures been taken for the case of exceptionally high pressure impacts or pressure increases, such as for example, pressure control valves? - Are the individual hoses of the hydraulic hose assembly marked with the name or a short designation of manufacturer, EN-number and type (pressure level), nominal diameter, quarter/year of manufacture? (s. DIN EN 982, [12]) - Are hydraulic hose assemblies individually marked on the fittings with the name or a short designation of the manufacturer, the max. admissible operating pressure, month and year of manufacture? - Are hydraulic hose assemblies installed in such a way, that according to DIN 20066 [7]: The natural position does not obstruct the movement; A torsion of the hose, a tensile load due to a line which is too short, or a bending radius which is too low are all avoided; The hose is led by buckling protection (if applicable at the connection element); External mechanical influences or abrasion at the edges are avoided by sufficient distance; Damage by running over is avoided by means of hose bridges; Loosely installed hose assemblies are protected by hose guiding devices (such as hose brackets and fixtures; A thermal protection (shielding) protects from high temperatures? - With regard to their installation location, are the hydraulic hose assemblies designed and arranged in such a way, that they: Cannot be mixed-up and are unambiguously and durably marked; Are protected against any foreseeable damage, e.g. mechanical or due to environmental influences such as cooling lubricants; and Do not impair maintenance of the work equipment? - Are hydraulic hose assemblies which are used in areas of high-level requirements, (e.g. holding up a load) protected against hose break? - Are hydraulic hose assemblies which in case of failure may generate hazards due to whiplash or escape of hydraulic fluid provided with suitable protective measures, such as fastening, capturing device or shielding? - Are the hydraulic hose assemblies installed in such a way that they cannot be used as a ladder or means for access? - Do the hydraulic hose assemblies of the initially operated or reoperated machines already show damages (s. Table 4)? If damages have been detected, proceed according to chapter 3.4. - Have the installed hydraulic hose assemblies or hoses exceeded the period of storage or use, recommended by the individual manufacturer (s. chap. 3.6)? - Are the hydraulic hose assemblies over-lacquered (over painted)? - Does the operating manual state testing intervals? If so, what? Note: The hydraulic hose assemblies being installed shall not consist of hoses which have already been used as part of a hose assembly before! (s. DIN EN 982, no. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Annex: Tables 1 - 8 page 8 / 10 Table 2: Recommended test scope „functional testing“ (prior to initial setting into operation or putting back into operation) - Does the hydraulic control system fulfil the intended function and comply with the plant description? - Is there an indication by acoustic signals or similar indicating extremely high pressure impact or pressure increase for the hydraulic hose assembly for all required machine functions during the intended machine operation? - All parts of the hydraulic plant shall be tested with the intended maximum operating pressure which can be reached in all intended applications: Have measurable leakages been detected at the hydraulic hose assembly and connection elements? Did all hydraulic hose assemblies withstand the pressure? Are there spots of abrasion due to hydraulic hose assemblies moving under operation conditions? Table 3: Recommend test scope „for safe provision and use“ (recurrent or extraordinary test) - Is the information for use (operating instructions, hydraulic plan, parts list etc.) from the manufacturer still complete and available? - Do the conditions of use and environmental conditions of the machine still comply with the initial intended use of the machine? (This requires consideration of for example: kind of product, cycle times, number of pieces produced, hydraulic pressures and volume / flows temperatures, hydraulic fluid(s) used, speeds/ stopping times of hazardous movements, moved/ upheld masses, loading and unloading method of workpieces, place of installation, external influences (e.g. vibration, humidity, pollution by oil, UVradiation, mechanical influences, ambient temperature etc.), position of transport ways and kind of transport means being used (hazards of damage), location and access for operation and maintenance, arrangement and assembly of additional equipment, interaction/ link with other machinery). - Have the above mentioned preconditions changed, which previously formed the basis for specifying a defined duration of use of the hydraulic hose assembly? If so, have the testing periods and replacement intervals been considered accordingly and if necessary, been changed? - Are the markings at the hydraulic hose assemblies still existent and legible? - Do the hydraulic hose assemblies show any deficiencies indicated in table 4? If deficiencies are detected, proceed according to chapter 3.4. - Are the safety measures against whiplash hazard and/or escape of hydraulic fluid at the relevant hydraulic hose assemblies still existent respectively installed? - Have the periods for recurrent tests at the hydraulic hose assemblies been specified and kept? If required, the periods have to be specified by the user and the required tests have to be carried out or arranged for. - Have the intervals for replacement recommended by the manufacturer respectively the maximum duration of use specified by the user for hydraulic hose assemblies been taken into account (s. chapter 3.5)? - Have shortened test intervals been established, e.g. to biannually or quarterly (instead of yearly or biannually) in case of intended prolonged duration of use of hydraulic hose assemblies? - In case of modifications at the machine and in the hydraulic plant (control and equipment) as well as after extensive maintenance work, in particular if this involves the new installation of hydraulic hose assemblies, a relevant test for „proper assembly and safe function“, s. chapter 2 table 1 and 2 has to be carried out. - Have those modifications been recorded and have they been considered in the machine documentation? Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Annex: Tables 1 - 8 page 9 / 10 Table 4: Recommended test criteria for hydraulic hose assemblies - Damage at the outer layer to the reinforcement? (abrasion spots, cuts, cracks); - Embrittlement of outer layer (crack formation of the hose material); - Deformations, which do not correspond to the original shape of the hydraulic hose assembly, in the non-pressure state or in the pressurized state or in case of bending e.g. separation of layers, formation of bubbles, squeeze points, buckling points; - Leakages at the hose, hose assembly or fittings; - Disentanglement of the hose out of the fittings; - Damaging or deformation of fittings which reduces the function and strength of the fittings or the connection of hose-fittings; - Corrosion of fittings, reducing the function and strength; - Do hydraulic hose assemblies have freedom of movement, or has there been formation of squeeze, shearing or abrasion points due to the assembly of new plant parts or aggregates? - Do hydraulic hose assemblies protrude into traffic routes, even if the aggregates being coupled with the hydraulic hose assemblies are operated to the final position? - Have hydraulic hose assemblies been over-lacquered (over painted (explanation: no detection of marks and cracks)? - Have storage periods and durations of use been exceeded (s. chapter. 3.5)? - Have all coverings been re-installed and are they active (after testing, relocation, rearrangement)? - Are there additional tear-off protections existent or required? Table 5: Factors influencing the test periods - Hazards which may occur when using the work equipment for all relevant operation procedures (basis: hazard evaluation); - Increased requirements for safety (such as holding of loads in particular gravity-loaded axes) e.g. due to the protection concept of the machinery manufacturer and provisions for shortened periods in the operation manual; - Conditions of use of work equipment and hydraulic plant (e.g. particular loads, conditions with defined overload, operating times, operation parameters, influence of the hydraulic fluid being used); - Environmental conditions (damaging external influences such as vibration, humidity, pollution, mechanical influences, ozone generation by electric motors or welding transformers) and more, s. table 3); - Comparison, whether the actual operating conditions / conditions of use comply with those conditions stated by the manufacturer at acquisition; - General manufacturer’s information (of machinery manufacturer or the manufacturer of the hydraulic hose assemblies) with regard to test intervals; - Age respectively rate of wear of the work equipment or of the hydraulic hose assembly; - Prolongation of replacement intervals; - Kind and system by means of which the intended maintenance is carried out, in particular for safety relevant components and wear parts; - Experience made by the users / set-up/ maintenance personnel with the work equipment and the hydraulic plant (with regard to failure behaviour, occurrence of defects, interruptions, increase of such events); - Evaluation of results from the visual and function inspection prior to the daily use of the machine; - Any known accidents at comparable machines or hydraulic plants; - Evaluation of test results of recurrent tests at those hydraulic hose assemblies or those being operated under comparable conditions; - Test results prior to commissioning. Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001 Fachausschuss- Information leaflet no. 015 edition 10/2006 Testing and replacement of hydraulic hose assemblies Annex: Tables 1 - 8 page 10 / 10 Table 6: Recommended test periods Requirements for hydraulic hose assembly Recommended period Normal requirements 12 months Increased requirements for safety, e.g. due to: - increased operating times (e.g. multiple-shift operation) - strong external influences - intended prolonged duration of use (replacement intervals, see. chapter 3.5) or - provisions stated by the machine manufacturer for particular gravityloaded axes 6 months test Table 7: Influencing factors with regard to the replacement intervals - Statements or instructions given by the manufacturer of the hydraulic hose assemblies or the machinery manufacturer, particularly provisions given by the manufacturer for gravity-loaded axes; - Conditions of use and environment; - Hazards due to hydraulic fluid, the pipe itself or a hazardous machine or load movement in case of damage or break of the hose assembly; - Test and empirical values of the machinery manufacturer or the user; - Secondary protective measures against hazards in case of failure of the hose assembly, e. g. covering, line break protection; - Proper execution of tests with regard to the safe operational state in adequately determined time intervals, (if necessary shortened) by a competent person. Table 8: Recommended replacement intervals Requirements for the hydraulic hose assembly Recommended replacement intervals Normal requirements 6 years Increased requirements for safety, e.g. by: - increased operating times (e. g. multiple-shift operation) - strong external influences - provisions stated by the machine manufacturer for particular gravityloaded axes 2 years Information: As to the intention of the Fachausschuss-Information leaflets, see Fachausschuss Information leaflet No.: 001