A NEW ZVT PWM CONVERTER FAMILY: ANALYSIS, SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Ricardo Nederson do Prado, Member ZEEE Department of Electronic and Computation Federal University Santa Maria 97119-900 - Santa Maria - RS Fax: 55.2262013 BRAZIL Abstmct - This paper proposes a new ZVT PWM Converter Family, where the voltage across MOSFET is clamped to the input voltage V,. The MOSFET turns on under zero voltage and the auxiliary switch turns off under zero current. It is possible to use MOSFET with a smaller Rnh,,, because the voltage acrossit is clamped to the V,. The ZVS is nearly independent from the load range. Principles of operation, analysis and simulation results are presented. Experimental results with a ZOOkHz, 310W ZVT-PWM Buck converter are provided and current stresses, increasing the conduction losses. When conventional PWM converters are operated at hgher frequencies, the circuit parasitics are shown to have detrimental effects on the converters' performances. This paper presents a new ZVT PWM Converter Family. By using a resonant network in parallel with the switches and two input voltage sources, the proposed converter acheves zero-voltage switching for the main switch and the freewheeling dlode, and zero-current switchng for auxiliary switch. The ZVS is obtained without increasing voltage and current stress. A soft reverse recovery is acheved to the freewheeling &ode. 1. INTRODUCTION High-frequency high-efficiency operation of DC-DC converters requires a substantial reduction of switching losses in traditional pulse-width-modulated (PWM) converters. Several converter's topologies have been studled and proposed to achieve thls goal [5-111. The switchmg losses in these new circuits can only be reduced at the expense of much increased voltage and current stresses of the switches, whch lead to a significant increase in conduction loss [8]. In a ZVS-QRCs, the active switch is subjected to relatively low current stress [1,5,6]. However, the power switch in a single-ended ZVS-QRC suffers from an excessive voltage stress that is proportional to the load range [1,2,6]. The operation of ZVS-QRCs is adversely affected by the junction capacitance of the rectifier. Thls capacitance interacts with the large resonant inductor causing severe switching noise and resulting in a possible instability in a closed loop system [4]. The ZVS-h4RC techmque uses major parasitics [2,3]. The reduction of the switchmg losses and switchng noise is obtained because all semiconductor devices operate with zerovoltage switchng. The switches are subjected to h g h voltage 0-7803-1456-5194 $4.00 0 1994 IEEE 2. THE BUCK ZVT PWM CONVERTER a) Circuit Description. The Buck ZVT PWM Converter will be considered to analysis in thls paper, and it is shown in Fig. 1. It dlffers from a conventional Buck P W M by the addltion of a resonant network consisting of a resonant inductor L,, a resonant capacitor C,, an auxiliary switch S,, an auxiliary &ode D, and two input voltage sources V,, V,. Fig. 1 - The Buck ZVT PWM Converter. 978 ~ ~~ b) Operating Principle Simplifying the analysis, the following assumptions are made: - The circuit operation is in steady-state. - All power semiconductors are ideal. - The output filter inductance is sufficiently large to be approximated by a current source with a value equal to the load current 4. - The two input voltage sources have the same value that is equal to VJ2. The six topological stages are shown in Fig. 2 and the main waveforms are represented in Fig. 3. The operation is described as follows: a ) First stage During thls stage, the load current I, keeps freewheeling through &ode D,. b) Second stage Thls stage begins when S , is turned on. The current on the inductor L, increases linearly with V,/L,. When it reaches I,, D, turn off and thls stage ends. c ) Third stage Thls is a resonant stage, during whch V,, and I,, change in a resonant fashon until V,, become equal to V,. d) Fourth stage Thls stage begins when Q, is turned on at practically zero voltage. The inductor current decreases linearly with -VI&. Thls stage ends when it reaches zero. e ) Fifth stage T h ~ sstage begins when Q1 assumes the load current I, completely. f) Sixth stage Thls stage begins when Q, is tumed off. Capacitor voltage V,, decreases linearly with -I& to zero and D, is directly polarized and starts conducting. 5 VI + F J ? p a ) First stage b) Second stage dl c ) Third stage d ) Fourth stage e ) Fifrh stage f) Sixth stage Fig. 2 - Topological stages 3. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Output Characteristics. According to the waveforms shown in Fig. 3 and considering V1=V2,the average output voltage V, is given by: Fig. 3 - The main waveforms of the Buck ZVT PWM Converter Where: D = duty-cycle f = switchng frequency f, = resonant frequency 979 v,f - 4. SIMULATION RESULTS = resonant stage 4f0 K2.Crf = linear dlscharging of the voltage capacitor 2 4 b) Commutation Analysis The zero-voltage switching is acheved to Q, only if V, 5 V,. The ZVS is independent from the load current for thls circuit. In order to verify the operating principle of the Buck ZVTPWM Converter, a simulation has been performed. In this simulation L, = 6.5m, C, = lOnF, 4 = 5A and f = 200kHz were considered. The waveforms obtained by simulation are shown in Fig. 4a for V, = V, = Vi/2 = 75 and in Fig. 4b for V, = 70 and V, = 80. When V, <Vz,a new topological stage beg" where the anti-parallel &ode of Q, conducts the difference 4 - iLr,as can be seen in Fig. 4b. The simulation confirms the techmque proposed and shows that it is desirable. c) Current Stress in the Auxiliary Switch The current stress in SI, is given by: -57 , -1ooj , 6- This current stress can be minimized by design of L, and I , , I , I , I ' I ' IQ 1 2oo- 0 I , I I I I I ' I ' , I VQl \ 7 5 5 0 i I I' i 0 0 1 ~ r i , IQ! 2 5 -100; 0 10 , I 20 -2 980 r 4- c. It can be seen that the voltage and current waveforms of Q, and D, are square-wave-like except during the interval where the zero-voltage transition takes place. The ZVT time can be very short concerning the switchmg cycle, so the operation of the new converter resembles that of the Buck PWM Converter during most portions of the cycle. Thus, both Q, and D, are zero-voltage switched and are subjected to low voltage and current stresses associated with those in the Buck PWM Converter. The auxiliary switch SI, operates with zero-current switching. Consequently, the switchmg losses are significantly reduced at a minimal increase of conduction loss. In a ZVS-QRC or ZVS-PWM converter, the zero-voltage switchmg is strongly related to the load current and input voltage. At light load the ZVS property is dfficult to maintain since the energy stored in the resonant inductor at light load is not sufficient to discharge the resonant capacitor before the active switch is turned on [1,6,7]. In this Buck ZVT-PWM Converter the situation is contrary. In the Buck ZVT-PWM converter, the zero-voltage switchmg to Q, is independent from the load current. It depends on the relation V,/V,. The ZVS is acheved only if V, < V,. Consequently, the zero-voltage switching property is easier to maintain at light load. I I 0 12 , JI I I I 0 16 0 14 7 I L I 0 18 I , 0 20 XIO-~ Fig. 4 - The main waveforms obtained by simulation of the Buck ZVT-PWMConverter. ~ i 5. A NEW FAMILY OF ZVT-PWM CONVERTERS The concept of ZVT presented in this paper can be extend to any PWM topology. Simply by adding a resonant network (as shown in Fig. l), several ZVT-PWM converter topologies are derived, as shown in Fig. 5. The switches in a ZVT-PWM converter are subjected to low voltage stresses, same as those in their PWM counterparts. Fig. 6 shows several isolated topologies of the ZVT-PWM converters. The limitation of the isolated ZVT-PWM converter is that they do not utilize the leakage of the power transformer. The Transformer should be designed with a minimum leakage. Fig. 7 shows the full-bridge (FB) and half-bridge (HB) ZVT-PWM converter. In these circuits the arrangement of the auxiliary switches is different. The operations of two halfbridges of the FB-ZVT-PWM are completely symmetrical. The Fl3 ZVT-PWMhas several advantages: (a) much less circulating energy since no resonant inductor is used in the main powewr path, (b) no severe secondary parasitic ringing, (c) soft-switching of the rectifier diode and (d) soft-switching operation maintained for the entire line range and load range. - Fig. 6 Isolated topologies of the ZVT-PWM converters: (a) Forward, (b) Fiybadr I i r I T I I - Fig. 7 Fuii-Bridge and Half-Bridge ZVT-PWM Converter 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (C) A Buck ZVT-PWMConverter has been implemented to demonstrate the operation. The power stage in Fig. 1 consists on the following components: - Fig. S Basic topologies of the ZVT-PWM converters: (a) Buck, (b) Buck-boost, (c) Zeta 981 Q, = IRF640 s, = IRF640 D,,D, = MUR1520 L, = 1 . 5 m c, = lonF v, = 75v V, = 90V f =2001rHz In practical applications, due to the conduction losses in the circuit and to ensure ZVS commutation, V,<V, has been selected. Fig. 8 shows the oscillograms of the experimental circuit. It can be seen that the experimental waveforms agree with the Theoretical analysis. Both MOSFET and rectifier &ode operate with zero-voltage switchng. The auxiliary switch operates with zero-current switchmg. -50 0.000 0 025 0 050 0 075 x10-4 0 125 0.100 0.150 (8) 7. CONCLUSIONS Thls paper presents a new ZVT-PWM Converter. It combines the advantages of the conventional PWM and resonant techques. The advantages of the proposed Buck ZVT-PWM Converter are summarized as follows: - The zero-voltage switching is independent from the load current; - Both the active and passive switches operate with zerovoltage switchmg; - The voltage across the main switch is clamped to the input voltage (V,+V,) whch makes it possible to employ a MOSFET with a smaller RDson.The situation is opposite in a ZVS-QRC, where the voltage across the main switch is strongly related to the load current; - The auxiliary switch is zero-current switched and the voltage across it is clamped only to V2; - The design optimization of the circuit is easily attainable since the new converter operates with constant frequency; - A soft reverse recovery is obtained to the rectifier diode avoiding parasitic oscillations and switching noise; The operation of the proposed converters was analyzed by using the buck ZVT-PWM converter as an example. A 200kHz, 310W ZVT-PWM buck dc-dc converter was breadboarded to show the operation of the proposed converters. 0 000 0 025 0 050 0 1 7 1 ‘ 0 x 1 r 4 “ d l 5 0 (b) 2001 Fig. 8 - Oscillograms of the Buck ZVT-PWM Converter for Po = 310W, f = 2OOkHz and q = 96,3%. (a) Q , drain-to-source voltage Vql (5OVidiv) (b) resonant inductor current i,, (1,75Ndiv) (c) resonant capacitor voltage V, (dOv/div) 982 REFERENCES K.H. Liu. F.C. Lee. "Zero-Voltage Switching Technique in DC-DC converters." IEEE PESC'86 Record, pp. 58-70. W.A. Tabisz, P. Gradzki, F.C. he. "Zero-voltage Switching MultiResonant Technique. A Novel Approach to improve Mormanoe of High-Frequency Quasi-Resonant Converters." IEEE PESC'88 Record, pp. 9-17. M.M.Jovanovic, W.A. Tabisz. F.C. he. "Zero-Volw Switching Technique in High-Frequency off-Line Converters." IEEE APEC'88 P r d i n g ~ pp. , 23-32. M.M.Jovanovic, F.C. Lee. 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