Chapter 19 Solutions 19.2. Set Up: Solve: *19.3. Set Up: The number of ions that enter gives the charge that enters the axon in the specified time. Solve: 19.7. Set Up: From Table 19.1, copper has Solve: *19.13. Set Up: The volume of the wire remains the same when it is stretched. so Solve: Reflect: When the length increases the resistance increases, and when the area decreases the resistance increases. *19.15. Set Up: First use Ohm’s law to find the resistance at 20.0°C; then calculate the resistivity from the resistance. Finally use the dependence of resistance on temperature to calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance. Ohm’s law is R = V/I, R = ρL/A, R = R0[1 + α (T – T0)], and the radius is one-half the diameter. Solve: (a) At 20.0°C, R = V/I = (15.0 V)/(18.5 A) = 0.811 Ω. Using R = ρL/A and solving for ρ gives ρ = RA/L = Rπ(D/2)2/L = (0.811 Ω)π[(0.00500 m)/2]2/(1.50 m) = 1.06 × Ω m. (b) At 92.0°C, R = V/I = (15.0 V)/(17.2 A) = 0.872 Ω. Using R = R0[1 + α (T – T0)] with T0 taken as 20.0°C, we have 0.872 Ω = (0.811 Ω)[1 + α (92.0°C – 20.0°C)]. This gives α = 0.00105 Reflect: The results are typical of ordinary metals. *19.27. Set Up: When the switch is open there is no current and the terminal voltage of the battery equals its emf, When the switch is closed, current I flows and the terminal voltage V of the battery is current I is the same at all points of the circuit. Solve: with and The so and Reflect: When current flows through the battery, the terminal voltage is less than the emf because of the voltage across the internal resistance. 19.36. Set Up: Power is energy per unit time. The power delivered by a voltage source is Solve: (a) (b) 19.37. Set Up: Solve: (a) (b) P increases when R decreases, so the 100 W bulb has less resistance. Reflect: The bulb with smaller R draws more current and this more than compensates for smaller R in *19.39. Set Up: and energy is the product of power and time. Solve: Reflect: The energy delivered depends not only on the voltage and current but also on the length of the pulse. *19.49. Set Up: For a parallel connection the full line voltage appears across each resistor. The equivalent resistance is and Solve: (a) (b) (c) For the resistor, For the resistor, *19.55. Set Up: We need to reduce the given resistance without removing it from the circuit. We can do this by soldering a second resistor in parallel with the incorrect one. The equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel is Solve: We wish for the equivalent resistance to equal Thus, the unknown resistance is given by This simplifies to Reflect: There would probably be no easy way to solve this problem if we had soldered a resistor that was smaller than the desired value into the circuit. 19.60. Set Up: The circuit diagram is given in the figure below. The junction rule has been used to find the magnitude and direction of the current in the upper branch of the circuit. There are no remaining unknown currents. Solve: (a) The junction rule gives that the current in R is 2.00 A to the left. (b) The loop rule applied to loop (1) gives: (c) The loop rule applied to loop (2) gives: *19.61. Set Up: We can use the power consumption in the resistor to find the current through it. The circuit, unknown currents, and a circuit loop are all shown in the figure below. Solve: so The loop rule for loop (1) gives The ammeter reads 0.714 A. 19.67. Set Up: The capacitor discharges exponentially through the voltmeter. Since the potential difference across the capacitor is directly proportional to the charge on the plates, the voltage across the plates decreases exponentially with the same time constant as the charge. The reading of the voltmeter obeys the equation where RC is the time constant. Solve: (a) Solving for C and evaluating the result when t = 4.00 s gives (b) Reflect: In most laboratory circuits, time constants are much shorter than this one. 19.68. Set Up: The time constant is Solve: (a) gives required. (b) so so and Three time constants are *19.69. Set Up: After a long time the current has dropped to zero, there is no potential drop across the resistor and the full battery voltage is applied to the capacitor network. Just after the switch is closed the charge and voltage across each capacitor is zero and the battery voltage equals the voltage drop across the resistor. The time constant is where C is the equivalent capacitance of the network. Solve: (a) The 20.0 pF, 30.0 pF, and 40.0 pF capacitors are in series and their equivalent capacitance is given by After a long time the voltage across the 10.0 pF capacitor is 50.0 V. The charge on this capacitor is The voltage across is 50.0 V and This is the charge on each of the capacitors in series, so (b) Note that (c) as it should. (d) The 10.0 pF capacitor and are in parallel so their equivalent is Reflect: The charges on the capacitors start at zero and increase to their final values. The current starts at its maximum value and then decays to zero. 19.74. Set Up: We know that the power used by the refrigerator is given by and the corresponding energy used by the refrigerator when operated for a time t is Solve: When the refrigerator is operating the power used is which is In a 30-day month there are Since the refrigerator operates 50% of the time, the refrigerator will be in use for over the 30-day period. Thus, the amount of energy used during the month is The total cost to run the refrigerator for the month is Reflect: Since most household appliances operate at 120 V, the cost of operation of a given appliance is roughly proportional to its current draw and the percent of time it is in use. For example, an appliance that uses of current and operates 5% of the time during the month would cost roughly per month to operate. 19.86. Set Up: For resistors in series, the currents are the same and the voltages add. resistors in parallel, the currents add and the voltages are the same. For Solve: (a) Replacing series and parallel combinations of resistors by their equivalents gives the equivalent networks as shown in the figure below. The equivalent resistance of the network is (b) The voltage across the resistor in Figure (a) above is This is the voltage across the resistor in Figure (b) above. The current through the resistor is 4.8 A. This is also the current through the resistor and the voltage across that resistor is 96.0 V. Therefore, the voltage between points x and y is This voltage is divided equally between the resistors in Figure (b), so the voltage between points x and y is The voltmeter will read 57.6 V. 19.90. Set Up: The charge is reduced to of its maximum value when Solve: (a) At (b)