SEBS Surface Energy Balance System for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes and evapotranspiration Z. (Bob) Su International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands B_SU@ITC.NL, Monday 3 September 2007, Lecture D1La6 Earth Observation of Water Cycle Water Storage in Ice and Snow Infilt So i l Surface Runoff ratio n Mois Radiation Vapour Transport (35%) Precipitation (100%) Water Resources Management Condensation (65%) Evaporation/ Transpiration (65%) Evaporation (100%) ture River Discharge (35%) Groundwater Storage & Flow Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 2 Learning Objectives 1. To understand basic ideas of the Surface Energy Balance System 2. To familiarize with the steps used in SEBS for the derivation of different flux terms 3. To understand the most critical processes in surface energy balance 4. To familiarize with the applications of SEBS Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 3 Land-Atmosphere Interactions Lecture D1La6 Advection Water & vapour Gases Precipitation (Phase change) (Conduction) Latent Heat (diffusion/convection) Wind Soil Heat Biochemical Processes Monday 3 Sept 2007 Sensible Heat ion diat r Ra Sola Thermal radiation - Terrestrial Water, Energy and Carbon Cycles SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 4 Structure of the atmospheric boundary layer considered in SEBS Free Atmosphere ~ 10 2-3 m Planetary (Convective) Boundary Layer (PBL) Blending height m Atmospheric Surface Layer (ASL) ~ 10 -1~1 m Roughness sublayer ~ 10 -3 m Inertial sublayer Transition layer Viscous sublayer ~ 10 Monday 3 Sept 2007 PBL height 1~2 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Wind profile Interfacial sublayer Z. (Bob) Su 5 Barrax Test Site, Spain - Situated in the area of La Mancha, in the west of the province of Albacete, 28 km from Albacete - Geographic coordinates: 39º 3’ N; 2º 6’ W - Altitude (above sea level): 700 m Corn Bare Soil Water Body Garlic Green Grass Vineyard Reforestation Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 6 Surface Radiation Balance Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Surface thermal radiation Atmospheric thermal radiation Reflected solar radiation Solar Radiation R n = (1 − α ) ⋅ R swd + ε ⋅ R lwd − ε ⋅ σ ⋅ T 04 α : albedo ε : emissivity T0 : Surface Temperature Z. (Bob) Su 7 Data from EAGLE/SPARC Campaign 2004, Barrax, Spain Barrax 2004 Radiation @ Vineyard 1200 1000 SW_inc SW_out LW_inc LW_out 800 600 400 200 0 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 -200 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 8 Surface Energy Balance Terms Rn = G0 + H + LE G0 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 LE H Rn G0 = Rn ⋅ [ f c ⋅ Γc + (1 − f c ) ⋅ Γs ] Wind [α , ε , T0 , f c ] SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 9 Scintillometer Data from EAGLE/SPARC Campaign 2004, Barrax, Spain Barrax 2004 Fluxes @ Vineyard 800 600 400 200 0 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 -200 Rnet G_avg H-LAS LE_Rest. -400 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 10 Remote sensing of heat fluxes and evaporation - a brief history of the developments in the Netherlands Analytical vs (semi-)empirical approach Menenti, 1980, Menenti, 1984, (two-layer combination eq. for a drying soil) Nieuwenhuis et al., 1989 e.g. E=a+b*T0 Bastiaassen, 1995 Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) (require simultaneous presence of absolute dry and absolute wet pixels -> applications in irrigation management Menenti, 1993 (personal note doubting the success of pure analytical approach) Menenti & Choudhury, 1993 extended Jackson et al., 1981, 1988’s Crop Water Stress Index (surface scaling) to Surface Energy Balance Index (PBL scaling with kB_1=2.3, Bw=2.9) (->applications Aral sea, Menenti et al. 2001) Su, Pelgrum, Menenti, 1999 correction in SEBAL for a theoretical problem and extension to include NWP fields with a up-scaling, down-scaling scheme Su, 2001, 2002 extended SEBI concept with the kB_1 model of Su, Schmugge, Kustas & Massman, 2001 and BAS of Brutsaert, 1999 (Surface and PBL scaling) Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) Roerink, Su, Menenti, 2000 Simplified Surface Energy Balance Index (fitting dry and wet limiting cases in data) (S-SEBI) (->coupling to NWP fields: Jia et al. 2001, ATSR data ->extension to parallel-source: Su & Rauwerda 2001, ATSR data ->estimation of daily, monthly, annual evaporation: Li et al. 2001 ->drought monitoring: Su et al. 2001, 2003) Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 11 Schematic representation of SEBS (Radiometric observables) (r0, T0), (RS observables or estimates) (fc, LAI, hc), (Surface observation, radiosonds, NWP fields) (TPBL, VPBL, PPBL, qPBL, Rs, Rld) Preprocessing to derive radiation balance terms Submodel to derive roughness length for heat transfer (Su, Schmugge, Kustas, Massman, 2001) Submodel to derive stability parameters (ASL scaling or PBL scaling, Brutsaert, 1999) Energy balance at limiting cases (Menenti, Choudhury,1993) Energy balance terms (Rn, G0, H, λE, Λ) Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 12 Remote sensing of heat fluxes and evaporation - SEBS Single source, SEBS Parallel-source fc T0 Hv Hs Rahv Rahs Tv Ts Wind Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 13 Rn = G0 + H + λE λEdry = Rn − G0 − H dry ≡ 0, or H dry = Rn − G0 SEBS Basic Equations Su, 2002, HESS, 6(1),85-99 λEwet = Rn − G0 − H wet , or H wet = Rn − G0 − λEwet ρC p es − e ⎞ ⎛ ⎟⎟ H wet = ⎜⎜ (Rn − G0 ) − ⋅ γ ⎠ rew ⎝ λEwet − λE λE Λr = = 1− λEwet λEwet H − H wet Λr = 1− H dry − H wet H = (1 − Λ ) ⋅ (R n − G ) Λ r ⋅ λ E wet Λ= = Rn − G Rn − G λE λ E = Λ ⋅ (R n − G ) Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 ⎛ Δ⎞ ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ ⎝ γ⎠ SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 14 Energy Balance Residual Method - Turbulent Heat Fluxes u* u= k ⎡ ⎛ z − d0 ⎞ ⎛ z0 m ⎞⎤ ⎛ z − d0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ − Ψm ⎜ ⎟ + Ψm ⎜ ⎟⎥ ⎢ln⎜⎜ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎝ z0 m ⎠ L = − ρ C p u *3θ v kgH G0 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 LE ⎞ ⎛ z − d0 ⎞ ⎛ z0h ⎟⎟ − Ψh ⎜ ⎟ + Ψh ⎜ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ H Rn ⎡ ⎛ z − d0 H = ku * ρ C p (θ 0 − θ a )⎢ ln ⎜⎜ ⎣ ⎝ z0h ⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ ⎠⎦ −1 Wind, air temperature, humidity (aerodynamic roughness, thermal dynamic roughness) [z 0 m , d 0 , z 0 h ] ? [Ta , u , q ] ? SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 15 The scalar roughness height for heat transfer ( z 0 h = z 0 m / exp kB −1 ) The within-canopy wind speed profile extinction coefficient, nec = kB −1 = kB −1 s C d ⋅ LAI 2u*2 u (h ) 2 kC d ( u* 4Ct 1 − e − nec u (h ) ( ) = 2.46 Re * Monday 3 Sept 2007 14 2 ) z0 m u* ⋅ ⋅ k u h h ( ) 2 −1 2 + kB fc + 2 fc fs s fs * Ct − ln[7.4] Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 16 SEBS - The Surface Energy Balance System Input SEBS Core Modules Output Meteorological Data Boundary Layer Variables Boundary Layer Similarity Theory Turbulence Heat Fluxes Remote Sensing Data Roughness for Heat Transfer Evaporative Fraction Surface Energy Balance Index Actual Evaporation VIS NIR Monday 3 Sept 2007 TIR Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 17 General Methodology • Cloud cover Atmospheric models RS RS DEM Regional parameters Ta, τ, L↓ DEM Preprocessing Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SYNOPS, Climatology Evaporative Fraction, soil moisture SEBS (Surface Energy Balance System) SEBS Postprocessing Z. (Bob) Su 18 NOAA/AVHRR, LANDSAT, ASTER, METEOSAT, AATSR, MODIS, Atmospheric sounding, In-situ meteorological Observation RS DEM RS Numerical Weather Prediction models Regional Atmospheric State Preprocessing DEM DN ⇒ Radiance/Reflectance at sensor ⇓ Radiance/Reflectance at surface ⇓ Albedo, temperature, vegetation cover, emissivity, incoming radiation, roughness Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 19 SEBS plug-in in BEAM Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 20 SEBS plug-in in BEAM Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 21 SEBS plug-in in BEAM - Roughness height for momentum transfer These are default values and need to be adjusted according to actual phenological stage. Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 22 Results from SEBS Sensible Heat AHS 15 July 2004 (A. Gieske) Sensible Heat ASTER 18 July 2004 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 WM^-2 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 23 Some applications Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 24 Application to the Urumqi River Basin, NW China Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 25 6.0 4.0 Changji, measured 2.0 M engjin, calculated Sep. 2nd Aug.16th Jul. 17th Jun. 18th May 1st Apr. 7th 0.0 Oct. 2nd Comparison to measurements (water surfaces) Daily evaporation (mm) 8.0 Monthly evaporation (mm) 200 160 120 80 Wulapo Station, measured 40 Wulapo Reservoir, calculated Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su Nov Oct Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 0 26 250 Chaiwopu Lake 200 Eas t mountain Salt Lake 150 Mengjin Res er voir 100 Des er t 50 Wulapo Res er voir 0 Monday 3 Sept 2007 O ct Ju l A pr River plain Ja n Monthly evaporation (mm) Monthly evaporation from different surfaces in the Urumqi River Basin Chaiwopu Bas in Gobi P lain Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 27 Spatial Distribution of Annual Evaporation over the Urumqi River Basin •Nort h Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 28 1200 9 1000 1. Desert 2. Gobi Plain 3. Mid-mountain 4. Salt Lake 5. Chaiwopu Basin 6. Forest zone 7. Bayi Reservoir 8. Mengjin eservoir 9. Chaiwopu Lake 8 Ea (mm/a) SEBS-HANTS 7 800 4 600 3 6 400 5 2 200 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Ea (mm/a) Field measurements Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 29 Applications to the Netherlands (Methods to determine z0m) Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 30 Monthly evaporation during 1995 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 31 Annual evaporation in 1995 Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 32 Validation of Atmospheric Models at Regional Scales Scintillometer measurements, retrievals by SEBS using ATSR data and RACMO PBL fields, and simulation by RACMO (Jia, Su, vd Hurk, Moene, Menenti, de Briun, 2002), 350 Tomelloso, RMSD=16.1 W m-2 Lleida, RMSD=40.4 W m-2 300 H Estimated Badajoz, RMSD=18.3 W m-2 250 RMSD = 25.6 W m-2 200 150 100 50 50 150 250 350 H m easured Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 33 Conclusions – The Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) is briefly introduced. – SEBS is scale invariant, so that it can be applied easily to different scales. Data of high or low spatial resolution from all sensors in the visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared frequency ranges can be used in the system. – Based on a set of case studies, SEBS has proven to be capable to estimate turbulent heat fluxes and evaporation from point to continental scale with acceptable accuracy for low vegetation. – The results demonstrate that SEBS algorithm can be used for spatialtemporal estimation of actual evaporation with an acceptable accuracy. Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 34 References/Further Readings – Z. Su, 2002, The Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 6(1), 85-99. – Z. Su, A. Yacob, Y. He, H. Boogaard, J. Wen, B. Gao, G. Roerink, and K. van Diepen, 2003, Assessing Relative soil moisture with remote sensing data: theory and experimental validation, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28(13), 89-101. – L. Jia, Z. Su, B. van den Hurk, M. Menenti, A. Moene, H.A.R. De Bruin, J.J.B.Yrisarry, M. Ibanez, A. Cuesta, 2003, Estimation of sensible heat flux using the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) and ATSR measurements, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28(1-3), 75-88. – Z. Su, 2005, Estimation of the surface energy balance. In: Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences : 5 Volumes. / ed. by M.G. Anderson and J.J. McDonnell. Chichester etc., Wiley & Sons, 2005. 3145 p. ISBN: 0-471-49103-9. Vol. 2 pp. 731-752. • H. Su, E.F. Wood, M.F. McCabe, Z. Su, 2007, Evaluation of remotely sensed evapotranspiration over the CEOP EOP-1 reference sites, Journal of Meteorological society of Japan, 85A, 439-459. • Y. Oku, H. Ishikawa, Z. Su, 2007, Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau Using GMS Data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 46(2): 183-195. Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 35 EAGLE2006 (8 June – 2 July 2006) EAGLE Netherlands Multi-purpose, Multi-Angle and Multi-sensor, In-situ, Airborne and Space Borne Campaigns over Grassland and Forest ESA, Italy ITC, The Netherlands University of Valencia, Spain INTA, Spain ITRES, Canada DLR, Germany WUR / ALTERRA, The Netherlands LSIIT, France NLR, The Netherlands KNMI, The Netherlands WUR / Meteorology Group, The Netherlands RIVM, The Netherlands WH Stichtse Rijnlanden, The Netherlands MIRAMAP, The Netherlands University of Washington, USA University of South Carolina, USA ISAFoM, ISAFoM, Italy Utrecht University, The Netherlands Staatsbosbeheer, Staatsbosbeheer, The Netherlands Fugro, Fugro, The Netherlands Monday 3 Sept 2007 Lecture D1La6 SEBS Z. (Bob) Su 36