ASSIGNMENT 5 SOLUTION JAMES MCIVOR 1. Stewart 14.2.16 [5 pts] Find the limit or say why it does not exist: x2 sin2 y (x,y)→(0,0) x2 + 2y 2 lim Solution: The limit is equal to zero. To see this, use the Squeeze Theorem. Since x2 ≤ x2 + 2y 2 , x2 we have x2 +2y 2 ≤ 1, therefore 2 2 x sin y 2 ≤ sin y 0 ≤ 2 x + 2y 2 Since sin2 y goes to zero as x, y go to zero, the middle term does also. 2. Stewart 14.2.38 [5 pts] Determine the set of points at which the function ( xy if (x, y) 6= (0, 0) 2 2 f (x, y) = x +xy+y 1 if (x, y) = (0, 0) is discontinuous. xy Solution: The function x2 +xy+y 2 is continuous on its domain. The domain consists of the points where the denominator is nonzero. We can find these points by solving x2 +xy +y 2 = 0. Completing the square for x gives (x + 12 y)2 + 43 y 2 = 0, and this happens only when (x, y) = (0, 0). So f is indeed continuous away from the origin, i.e., the only possibile discontinuity is at the origin. [Note: It was not necessary to explicitly determine the domain to get full points - you could just take Stewart’s word for it] To see whether f is continuous there, we find lim f (x, y) (x,y)→(0,0) As we approach the origin along the line x = 0, the limit is zero, but as we approach the origin along the line y = x, the limit is 1/3. Thus the above limit does not exist, so f is not continuous at the origin. 3. Stewart 14.2.44 [5 pts - NOTE - You can assume that a is a rational number.] Let ( 0 if y ≤ 0 or y ≥ x4 f (x, y) = 1 if 0 < y < x4 (a) Show that f (x, y) → 0 as (x, y) → (0, 0) along any path of the form y = mxa , where a < 4. (b) Despite part (a), show that f is discontinuous at the origin. (c) Show that f is discontinuous on two entire curves. Solution: (a) First consider the limit along the curve y = mxa as x goes to zero from above (i.e., x > 0). If m is negative, then y < 0 along this curve, so f (x, y) is always 0 along the curve, so the limit is 0. If m is positive, then as soon as x < m1/(4−a) , we have mxa > x4 , so f (x, y) = 0 along this curve, once we get sufficiently close to the origin (i.e., once x < m1/(4−a) ). Thus the limit along this curve is 0. Now let’s consider approaching the origin along these same curves, but from the left, when x < 0. First assume m ≥ 0. Under the assumption that a is rational, write a = p/q, where p 1 2 JAMES MCIVOR and q are not both even (if they are, we can just cancel some twos). Then mxa = m(x1/q )p . We consider various cases: (1) q is even. Then the expression mxa is undefined, so there is no curve for x < 0. (2) q and p are both odd. Then x1/q < 0, so mxa < 0, and f (x, y) is always zero along this curve, so the limit along the curve is zero. (3) q is odd but p is even. Here x1/q < 0 but mxa is positive. The same argument as in the previous paragraph shows that once x is close to zero, f (x, y) = 0 along the curve, so this limit is zero. Finally, suppose instead that m were negative. Then the two cases (2) and (3) above are reversed, but the same arguments go through. (b) f is discontinuous at (0, 0) since along the curve y = x5 , for instance, f (x, y) = 1, so as we approach the origin along this curve, the limit is one. Hence lim f (x, y) (x,y)→(0,0) does not exist, since it depends on the curve of approach. (c) f is discontinuous at every point along each of the curves y = 0 and y = x4 . This is because the values of f are zero on one side of the curve, and 1 on the other. To be more precise, let (a, a4 ) be a point along the curve y = x4 , with a > 0. Then as x → a from the right along the horizontal line y = a4 , f (a, a4 ) = 1, but as we approach the point (a, a4 ) along that sam line as x → a from the left, we have f (x, y) = 0. Thus this limit does not exist. Similarly when a < 0. A similar argument can be made for points along the x-axis.