Cervical Spine Treatment Record (v. 2) Complete for All Procedures Patient’s study number ______________ Today’s date ___________________ Patient’s initials _______________________ Patient’s DOB: _________________ A. Date of surgery _____ /_____ /_____ B. Surgical time (skin to skin) _____________________minutes C. Estimated blood loss _________________________________cc. D. Transfused unit E. F. Spinal Cord Monitoring Type of immobilization 0 1 2 3 4 5 autologous blood 0 1 2 3 4 5 cell saver 0 1 2 3 4 5 banked blood 0 1 2 3 4 5 FP/platelets etc. None o1 Other o None o1 SSEP o2 MEP specify type Soft collar o2 o3 EMG o4 Wake up o5 _______________________________ Rigid collar o3 Halo o4 CTO o5 Recommended duration of immobilization: ______________ weeks G. Immediate complications (prior to hospital discharge) _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ H. Hospital length of stay _____________days Complete for Anterior Procedures A. Decompression a. Discectomy C 2-3 o C 3-4 o C 4-5 o C 5-6 o C 6-7 o C 7-T 1 o b. Osteophyte removal C 2-3 o C 3-4 o C 4-5 o C 5-6 o C 6-7 o C 7-T 1 o c. Corpectomy d. PLL removal B. C. 2 o 4 o 1-2 o 3-4 o o None o None o N/A o N/A o o Removed with burr o Strut o Autograft o Iliac o o1 Atlantis o5 None o None o1 Other o4 o2 Equinox o6 Unicortical o Harms’ Cage o2 C C 3 o 2-3 o C o C C C C 5 o C 4-5 o C C 4-5 o C C 6 o 5-6 o C 6-7 o o Perforated o Interbody o Allograft o Fibula o C 6-7 o C C 7 o T 1 o o C 7-T Reconstruction a. Fusion b. Endplate preparation c. Graft d. Type of graft used e. Source of graft used C 1-2 C 2-3 3-4 5-6 1 o Local Cancellous o C 7-T Instrumentation a. Plates b. Screws c. Interbody device None Orion ACLP/Synthes Other o7 o3 PEAK o4 specify type: ___________________ o NOVUS CT cage o3 Bicortical Odontoid o specify type: ________________________ Cervical Spine Research Society Plate Study JHU Spine Outcomes Research Center Copyright (1998 , 2000) The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved. Limited permission to copy and use: You may copy and use this document to assess outcomes in a research setting (not to be used for the generation of profits). You may not make modifications to this document or distribute this document to others. The Johns Hopkins University reserves the right to withdraw this permission at any time