Quantity symbols, values and numerical values Quantities characterize objects, substances, different phenomena and processes in our surroundings. For that reason, the quantity can be defined as a property of a phenomena, body or substance that can be expressed with a number and a reference. [1] Reference can be a measurement unit, a measurement procedure, a reference substance or a combination of those. Depending on the type of reference, the quantitative expression of a quantity, i.e. the value can be product of • The measurement unit and the number (the measurement unit 1 is not shown when the dimension of the quantity is one), or • The number and the reference to the applied measurement procedure, for example Rockwell C hardness (load 150 kg) 41,5 HRC (150 kg) of the surface of the sample, or • The number and reference to used reference substance, for example concentration of lutropin in a given sample of human blood plasma (WHO International Standard 80/552 used as a calibrator) 5,5 IU/l, where IU stands for “WHO International Unit”, l stands for liter. Quantity Q value is determined with following relation Q = {Q}∩[Q], where {Q} is a numerical value that is chosen regarding to reference, ∩ sign of common share of elements {Q} and [Q] and [Q] is chosen reference. Changing the reference [Q] automatically leads to the change in the numerical value {Q} according to relation above. If reference should be a measurement unit then in previous relation the common share stands for multiplication and ∩ will be replaced with multiplication sign „·“ Therefore quantity value Q can be expressed with relation, Q = {Q}·[Q]. For example when quantity values are presented as 2,5 kg, 1,2 m 1 090 hPa, 15000$, 3,2 %, 98 °C etc. then the numbers presented in the values are numerical values, that are quotient of quantity values and used units of reference. Therefore, it is recommended that in headers of the tables that contain numerical values (numbers), a quantity symbol should be divided with unit as shown in Table 1. In table headers, it is incorrect to present quantity unit after symbol separated by comma or in the square brackets. Table 1 Sample Square bar Round bar Material Steel Aluminum Length l/m 0,51 1,28 Mass m/kg 2,32 1,98 Material density ρ/(kg/m3) 7 800 2 699 Quantity, whose value cannot be presented as a multiplication of number and unit, can be characterized with a reference scale, a description of measurement procedure or both. Therefore, the numerical value is a number in the relation to quantity value, which does not have a reference. For example, in case of relative part 4 mmol/mol the numerical value is 4 and reference unit is mmol/mol. The unit mmol/mol is numerically 0,001, but this number is not a part of the numerical value of quantity value that is constantly 4. Another simple example is given as 2,4 kg: in this quantity value numerical, the value is {m} = (2,4 kg)/kg = 2,4. On the other hand, in case of quantity value 2 400 g, the numerical value is {m} = (2 400 g)/g = 2 400. The numerical values should be presented at graphs analogously. For example, in figure 1 where measurement results of temperature and pressure change of two different objects are presented graphically. The dotted lines on figure 1 represent the range of the relations, which are limited with expanded uncertainty (probability level 95 %). In this range, the line acquired by experiment can have arbitrary positions, which are all correct at probability level 95 %. However, the relation acquired for first object (left on figure 1) shows that suggested (and computed) pressure and temperature relation is probably not linear, because five measurement results are outside of range limited with expanded uncertainty. 1 Figure 1 International standard [3] recommends that in case of numerical values with many digits the numerical values (numbers) should be grouped by three based on the decimal comma. Groups are separated by space. This is used when before or after comma there are more than four digits. However, this suggestion cannot be used for describing monetary values because of the possibility to fill spaces with extra numbers. Even though USA and England have adopted mentioned international standard, some of technical and science journals editors in those two countries still use traditionally a dot as a decimal separator and comma instead of space. This writing style of numerical values should be given up. Symbols of the quantity should be written in the Latin and Greek alphabet using capital or small letters. The symbols usually contain indexes for distinguishing purpose. Indexes can refer to objects, which are not quantities. The symbols are always consisted of one letter and are written in italic regardless of the text type or font. There is no dot used at the end of symbol of quantity except at the end of the sentence. The indexes are used in the symbols of the quantity to distinguish between different values of the same quantity and to define for what purpose the quantity is used. The indexes of the symbols of the quantities, which refer to physical, chemical and biological quantities, mathematical variables or running number, are written and presented always in italic. Other indexes of the symbols that refer to some word or fixed sequence number are written and presented by normal characters. Examples about writing some symbol’s indexes are presented in table 2 and in the brackets are shown the reasoning of the writing style. Table 2 Italic Cp (p − pressure) xi (i − symbol of running number) Σnanωn (n − symbol of running number) Fx (x – force’s component along the x-axis) yij (i,j – symbols for running numbers) Iλ (λ − wavelength) Normal characters Cg (g − gas) x2 (2 − second) gn (n − normal, standard) µr (r – relative) Sm (m – molar) T1/2 (1/2 – half) Literature: [1] Rein Laaneots, Olev Mathiesen, Jürgen Riim. Metroloogia. Textbook for universities // Tallinn: TTÜ kirjastus, 2012. [2] ISO 80000-1:2009. Quantities and units − Part 1: General. Geneva: ISO, 2009. Correction ISO 80000-1:2009/Cor 1:2011 // Geneva: ISO, 2011. 2